Hi, friends

Merv and his friend are trying to steal a DVD from the automatic machine 
recently installed at the library, but Dewey catches them:




Boy (poking into the machine): -I think I feel a DVD set.

Merv: -Better not be another audiobook.

Boy: -My hand is stuck!

Merv: -Relax. Jiggle it. But don't let go.

Dewey: -Having fun?

Merv: -We're trying, but your machine isn't cooperating.

Boy: -I think you need clearer warning stickers.




Chico (hurgando en la máquina): -Creo que toco un DVD.

Merv: -Mejor que no sea otro audiolibro.

Chico: -¡Mi mano se ha quedado atrapada!

Merv: -Relájate. Muévela. Pero no lo sueltes.

Dewey: -¿Os divertís?

Merv: -Lo estamos intentando, pero vuestra máquina no coopera.

Chico: -Creo que se necesitan pegatinas de advertencia más claras.




to poke = tocar, empujar, hurgar

Algunos hemos aprendido esta palabra recientemente al verla en Facebook: to 
poke somebody = dar un toque (con un dedo) a alguien 

Veamos diferentes usos:

     to poke along = andar perezosamente

     to poke the fire = hurgar la lumbre, atizar el fuego
     to poke fun at = burlarse, mofarse de alguno
     to poke a hole in something = hacer un agujero en algo
     to poke the nose everywhere = meter la nariz en todo
     to poke one's nose into other people's business = meter las narices en 
asuntos ajenos
     to poke at something (with one's finger/a stick) = dar un golpe a algo 
(con el dedo / con la punta de un palo)
     she gave him a poke with her umbrella = le dio un golpe con la punta del 
to stick [pret: stuck, pp: stuck] = pegar, clavar, atascar

to jiggle = sacudir, mover rápidamente (to jiggle is a smaller movement than to 

to jingle =  hacer sonar campanitas (bells) u objetos metálicos (como llaves, 


See you next Friday,


Elaine, Josep y Tomàs




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