On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 11:34:02AM +0100, Robert Shiels wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matthew Byng-Maddick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Personally I don't mind funding the beeb, as long as the quality of
> > content they produce is high. I do object to funding random corporations
> > whose interests are to their shareholders...
> >
> Sorry, I don't mind funding the BBC either, I think I get very good value
> for money at the moment, it's worth it for Radio4 alone. What I object to is
> paying twice, which is what would be happening if I paid a monthly
> subscription to see the digital BBC channels that nobody actually wants[1].

Hear, Hear! I don't mind funding the BBC either, but I won't pay for a 
TV license when I don't have a TV:

                **BRING BACK THE RADIO LICENSE**

> I am annoyed that I am now paying for this digital stuff indirectly, and I
> can't watch it. I'm going to go to the BBC website and gripe some more about
> this :-)

Of course when Demon Internet finally sort out my Premier Connect Plus
subscription I'll go to the BBC website and listen to Radio4 for free
and feel even more guilty.

Actually I'll probably listen to www.todayfm.ie: 17:00-19:00 "Last Word"
with Eamon Dunfy? giving politicans a hard time, then at 19:00 to 22:00
"Pet Sounds" with Neil Dunn and 22:00 onwards "Into the Night".  (or on
Sunday nights "Dad Rock" - sounds of the '70s :-)

Chris Benson -- waiting for the next round of letters accusing me of 
criminality because I don't have a TV license.   If anyone else is 
interested the directors of Envision Licensing Limited t/a TVLA are:
Nigel Howlett, Ms Kim Lambert, Jonathan Evans.  John Jack is the 
Chairman.  The registered address is Hardwick House, Prospect Place,
Swindon, SN1 3LJ.

I was planning to ask them all to prove that they were not paedophiles,
but the SO suggests this may be too outrageous and therefore ignored,
so I think I will instead offer them a buffet from:
/(paedophilia|(income |corporation )?tax fraud|software theft|patent infringement)/

This suggests to me that I should report the FAST to BSA for software 
license fraud and vice versa!  Wow, do you think I should patent that
idea??  Or maybe I should stop drinking.

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