On 12 August 2011 19:19, Mathias Rösel <mathias.roe...@t-online.de> wrote:
>> Paris Ms. Fonds Conservatoire National Rés. 1106 has another marking on
> it's
>> front page: R 1575 (41035)
>> David - one down, one to go
> Thank you, David! I only have the xeroxes. The other one possibly is Paris
> BN Vm7-6265. 86 pages, many concordances with Saizenay, some of them
> deviating, two concordances with R 1575 (Rés. 1106). Two courantes for the
> baroque lute on the last two pages (La belle homicide by Gaultier, and one
> by Dubut par. Barbe p. 43). and the D-major section was wrongly inserted
> before the ms. was page-numbered, now dividing an allemande by LeMoine (p.
> 46-7 and p. 57). Perhaps these data will do to identify the manuscript?

Yes, that is a description of:
Paris Bibliothèque National Département de la Musique VM 7 - 6265,
which has as alternative number on the cover R_786

David - two down, time for sushi :-)

David van Ooijen

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