Virgil, I have shortened and reformatted slightly for ease of reference.
On 2021-10-05 15:24 , Virgil Arrington wrote: [...]
Unlike our good Dr. E.L., I can't leave my slide designs alone.
[...] Actually constant misunderimprovements are one of the mistakes one often makes in presentations.
I tried to do the same thing in LyX.
After much searching online, I learned about the LaTeX \xcolorpackage, which provides access to many, many more colors.
The query returns 1260000 results, the very FIRST of which explains this quite nicely. [...]
I then hit Ctrl-R to compile my slides and was met with a LaTeX error of "Option clash for package xcolor." Say, what!?
As xcolor is loaded by LyX I just add something like \definecolor{MyBlue}{HTML}{000040} \definecolor{Firebrick4}{HTML}{8b1a1a} to my preamble [...]
So, yes LyX/Beamer worked, but only after I spent many hours learning about an xcolor package to get the shade I wanted and troubleshooting errors. As you can imagine, I could tell many other stories with similar processes and outcomes. shows 51 hits (on *, and after 30 years with LaTeX (and 15 with lyx) looking for stuff has become second nature. It seems you have an aversion towards RTFM :-)-O, even though one only needs to do this once. I must say, even in (not so deep) Africa we have Internet speed which allows me to look stuff up on the web as fast as in the online help. [...]
The difference -- for me at least -- is that, with LO, I can usually track down errors and solve problems from within the program itself without having to resort to extensive other documentation or online StackExchange threads.
[...] And, in case someone is interested I attach the template I use if I have to write something for our weekly Continuing Professional Development/ Continuing Medical Education sessions. In the preamble I include the multimedia package because sometimes I like to play videos from within the PDF :-)-O, scrdate because I like the \ISOToday (YYYY-MM-DD), as I wrote earlier I like a modified metropolis theme, the NOTO fonts (need to be added late in the preamble, never bothered to figure out why :-)-O), mess a bit around with the formatting and font family, put a Draft/Date into the background and make provision for handouts which are commented out. I add 17pt, xcolor=svgnames,aspectratio=1610 to Document --> Document Class --> Custom: because I like it big, am used to svgnames rather than dvipsnames and I in particular like the aspect ration change to that I get more real estate on the screen. greetings, el
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