Andrew,That indeed worked. Thanks a lot!Pointing to the bin folder solves the 
deal!Thanks! ;)Good now we have an updated thread on how to solve these issues.

> Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 10:47:22 +1200
> From:
> Subject: Re: LyX + CAS
> To:
> On 5/09/2013 10:41 a.m., Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> > On 5/09/2013 8:33 a.m., David R. José wrote:
> >> Yildizoglu,
> >> Found it!
> >> Creating a copy of cmaple.exe with the name maple.exe and pointing the
> >> LyX path to \\ at the Maple dir does the deal.
> >> Guess there should be a Help Section were we could put this info :)
> >> Unfortunately the two CAS able to interact with LyX in Win7 are paid.
> >> Maybe there is also a workaround for Maxima, which would help the
> >> freeware and open source cause :)
> >> Cheeryo!
> >>
> >
> > David,
> >
> > On my Windows Vista laptop I've installed Maxima to E:\Program
> > files\Maxima-5.25.1-gcl. In LyX 2.0.6 I've added the following to the
> > end of the PATH prefix: setting (under Tools > Preferences > Paths)
> >
> > ;E:\Program files\Maxima-5.25.1-gcl\bin
> >
> > The bin contains maxima.exe (and various other .exe files as well as
> > maxima.bat). Whatever LyX is looking for, it finds it there. When I
> > write 1+1 in a maths inset and go through the labyrinth Edit > Math >
> > Use Computer Algebra System > Maxima, after a little pause the inset
> > changes to 1+1=2. (Incidentally, if I *select* 1+1 and then activate
> > Maxima, the inset changes to 1+1= without the 2. The selection confuses
> > things.)
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> A small correction: the bin folder contains xmaxima.exe (rather than 
> maxima.exe).
> Andrew

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