Dear Jürgen, there is no need for irony on your comments. Everybody is
doing an honest effort to work with the "new" Beamer environment.

You have quoted the behavior of other environments as the reference for the
"Frame" environment. If I am in a, for example, "Problem" environment and I
want to get out of it into the standard environment, all I have to do is
issue a couple of returns. This behavior is nowhere to be found in the
"Frame" environment, as I can issue as many returns as I wish and the UI
will accept them. This is, at least IMHO, a first in Lyx.

As for the behavior after getting out of the frame title, what Neal was
explaining is related to the previous paragraph. After issuing return
outside of the frame title, another return should get you to the standard
environment. Then issuing a tab would indent this standard environment into
the "Frame" environment and you can keep working. This is the behavior I
was expecting from my experience with Lyx and all sorts of environments. In
this moment, you can issue as many returns as you wish and Lyx would keep
adding empty white lines of a "Frame" environment. This behavior is not
only annoying and useless, to say the least, but also is nowhere to be
found in other environments.

I hope that you understand our concerns.


Julio Rojas

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller <> wrote:

> 2014-05-07 17:41 GMT+02:00 Neal Becker <>:
> Which brings up another question.  Alt-A return?  How could I have
>> discovered this?
> Reading the beamer manual perhaps? Also, the shortcut is displayed in the
> respective menu (Edit). And it is also documented generally in the LyX
> manuals.
> Jürgen

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