JR, this is something that would be fascinating, but it would take a huge
amount of time, and frankly I have far more pressing things on my plate just
now, plus 2,000 or so auctions a week to prepare.


On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 1:41 PM, James Richard

>  Bruce,
> Your off the cuff estimation of the number of emovieposter buyers who are
> willing to spend x-amount on any single poster is fascinating. I hope one of
> these days you'll be able to use your database to formalize this analysis a
> bit. You sense that maybe only 10% of all buyers would ever consider
> spending more than $500 on a single poster is particularly interesting.
> -- JR
> Bruce Hershenson wrote:
> The entire hobby is a pyramid. I have sold to 31,000 movie paper fans, and
> maybe 20,000 of those would never spend even $100 on a single item. Probably
> another 8,000 would never spend $500, and probably another 2,000 would never
> spend $1,000. That last 1,000 or so *HAVE *spent $1,000 or more on a
> single poster.
> How many have spent $40,000 or more? A couple of dozen or so. And it is
> what *THEY *think of the Metropolis insert that matters, not what anyone
> else thinks.

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