Steve said:
If we ARE our values, It simply could not make sense to say we CHOOSE our 
values anymore than it makes sense to say we are DETERMINED BY our values. 
...If we ARE our values, it just doesn't make any sense to ask if we CHOOSE our 
values or are DETERMINED BY our values. These are just non-questions from the 
MOQ perspective.

Ron replied:
Oh, if we use preference, rather than choice then you can chill. We can have a 
discussion all day about PREFFERING our values but as soon as we use the term 
choice it becomes meaningless. When we choose/follow the dynamic in our lives, 
it's not the same as preferring it.. When we choose/follow the determined 
static in our lives, its not the same as preffering it... ...Seems like you are 
the only one hung up and haunted by the terms and their former implications so 
much so, you can't even submit to the idea that when we speak about the 
distinction of freewill and determinism we are talking about the distinction 
between dynamic and static Quality sans the either/or "Dilemma". Taking away 
the either/or Dilemma takes away certainy, absolute truth,, ect..all those 
conepts you insist are still invoked with the usage of the terms, those terms 
do not change the context, context changes the usage.

dmb says:
Yep. Steve is operating as if any word that has ever been associated with SOM 
is permanently and irreversibly infected with some metaphysical disease - and 
he does so regardless of how the terms are actually being used or qualified or 
put into an entirely different metaphysical context. That's what the MOQ's 
switch from causality to values and preferences does; it puts the issue of free 
will and determinism into a completely different metaphysical context so that 
they are no longer mutually exclusive choices. That's what "dilemma" means and 
that's why we speak of dilemmas as having two horns. In a dilemma, you're faced 
with getting gored by one or the other. In the MOQ it is not just one or the 
other and so it's not a dilemma. 
Anyway, Steve's hang up with these terms has actual negative consequences. 
Because of his insistence that terms like "choice" and "will" are inherently 
and irrevocably married to the assumptions of SOM, he has saddled me with all 
sorts of claims that I never made or even explicitly denied. At various points, 
he has construed my statements as advocating pre-destination, the divine soul, 
a metaphysical entity called "Free Will" and as advocating SOM, just to name a 
few off the top of my head. I really don't see how an honest person could 
attribute such views to anything I've said. And so I denied it, of course, and 
accused Steve of making stuff up. And when I complain about these wild 
distortions, he calls me a "dick". That's called adding insult to injury. Plus 
it's just confusing and it total frustrates any effort to gain clarity on these 
issues. That's the real problem. A few insults and over-heated reactions are 
just normal and they're no big deal. But to insist that ordina
 ry words necessarily carry all the metaphysical baggage that's ever been 
loaded upon them is to insist that we can't ever use them in any other way and 
that just ain't so. Nobody has to assert the existence of an immortal soul in 
order to assert human freedom. You don't have to subscribe to the metaphysics 
of substance to believe that restraints are real. And since NOBODY around here 
is saying any such thing, Steve's objections are meaningless. They're aimed at 
claims that nobody made.

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