> Not using display list our data is too dynamic 

Be advised that both glBegin/glEnd _and_ display lists are deprecated in
OpenGL 3.0, and I can tell you from my exposure to the ARB that they will be
removed in the OpenGL 3.1 spec.(*). Moving forward, the preferred method for
dynamic data will be buffer objects with glMapBuffer or the new map
sub-region functionality.

The ARB defines "deprecated" as:
 * Not the optimal performing path -- use something else
 * Might not work properly with new functionality
 * (Obviously) could be removed in a future OpenGL release

For all of these reasons, I'd prefer to see any new OSG development avoid
the use of any deprecated OpenGL functionality.

(*) Even after they are removed, you'll still be able to access the
glBegin/glEnd and display lists features by restricting yourself to creating
a 2.1-compatible context, or using extensions with a 3.1 (and beyond)
context, but it's uncertain how long vendors will continue to provide this
functionality. Presumably, not forever.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

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