Hello Oliver,

but I think the difference between our two systems is the osg version. I will 
try to get the current osg trunk to work. In the mean time, could you test out 
your altered pbuffertest.cpp with the offical 2.8.3 libs (VS2005) to verify if 
this is the problem? You can find them here: 

The fix has been checked in to SVN so if you can try with the SVN trunk it would help eliminate another possibility.

But the viewer.stopThreading(), gc->releaseContext(), viewer.startThreading() workaround I posted yesterday worked for me on OSG 2.8.3 (our own applications use that version so I was able to test pbuffertest with it easily). That's why I say there must be something else going on with your hardware.

Getting OSG built is not too hard, and you'll be able to build release and debug, so once you have SVN trunk built and verified if the fix works for you, you'll also be able to debug into the OSG source (put breakpoints and trace through the execution) as I described in my previous post.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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