Hi Jimmy,

I also use VPB and osgTerrain with 500GB+ databases. Genereally you are right, 
NTFS isn't the best database for handling folders with lots of  files. 

But I think you mix up two different aspects: In my opinion the handling 
capability of large file numbers is another topic than loading performance.

My experience is:
- NTFS can handle large numbers of files
- Windows explorer has problems to move/copy so many files, the file management 
ist poor. Once the files are finally written to disk it's fine.

To your original problem: I think you optimize your system too hard along that 
one parameter: the reduction of files to load. The small tiles are not default 
settings for fun: with large tiles you thwart the LOD algorithm an finally have 
much more vertices to render than with small tiles and good LOD'ing.

As Robert said, 2000 x 2000 heighfield tiles is way to large, it makes 4000000 
vertices per tile! 

The loading of you tiles shouldnt affect your rendering frame rate. As Robert 
said, OSG uses several seperate threads only for loading files from disk and 
preparing them to be rendered. If you "order" a tile and this tile is loaded to 
late (by whatever reason), it will be loaded simple in the next frame, but the 
rendering thread would not wait for it to be loaded.

After the pager has loaded the tile and passes it to the rendering thread to 
render it, it has to deal with several potential performance bottle necks:
- The first time the tile should be rendered, the geometryTechnique has to 
create a renderable geometry (triangle mesh) of the heightfield. This 
seperation of data storage in the tiles and data interpretation during 
rendering introduces a great flexibility but also some calculation needs which 
can not be preponed into the VPB processing stage.
- Another bootleneck could be the grafic hardware. As robert said on some point 
in the rendering stage the data has to be transfered into the grafics hardware 
to be rendered, because the data is loaded but still in CPU and not GPU space. 
Unlikely, but that may be a booteneck too.

If you fly and you have to load a lot of new tiles, one of the the bottlenecks 
may cause your lag. Remember, every calculation regarding a single tile is way 
more performance comsumptive if your tiles are so large.
I think OSG provides a mechanism to control how many data is compiled in each 
frame. Also here using smaller tiles allows OSG a much finer grained control.

If I'm wrong in some thoughts, please correct me :)

Thank you!


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