Hi guys thanks for the quick replies! 

I am indeed testing in Release always now. (I've learnt my lesson ;)).  

At the moment Im trying to get hardware skinning working by following the 
osganimationhardware example.  

As of now I haven't got it working as for some reason it won't load the 
shaders/skinning.vert file.  Not sure why I just get an error saying it didn't 
load.  The file path is ok as all of my other textures and models load no 
problems from that directory.  

Yes the update traversal is a bit ridiculous isn't it?  I am hoping the 
skinning might solve the issue but Im not sure.  

In the updatecallback attached to the hand model is a call to our api and then 
adjusting the bones position and rotation using some matrix calculations.  At 
first I thought it could be the way our calculations and api call were being 
done that was slowing things down.  However, I tested this by simply not adding 
the model to the scene but still allowing the callback to perform all of its 
functions and api call and the update traversal dropped down to around 2.5 per 
frame.  So i don't think its our api call or calculations that is sucking up so 
much time.

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