This has all been very helpful guys!

Thanks Sebastian, I've tried running our bone matrice updates without adding 
the model and just running nothing in the update callback both with the same 
results.  Which even further reinforces the original suspicions that the hand 
model is being skinned on the CPU.  

I only use a traversal once in the setup phase to obtain references to the 
bones so the traversal class is not used in the update class.  

Now as you guys saw in the picture in release mode I was getting upwards of 12 
for the update traversal.  I managed to apply the shader program exactly as 
implemented in the osganimationhardware example on the hand model.  (was a 
problem with relative paths), and in DEBUG mode the update traversal now is 
only at around 4.  Which is great, i think.  

It totally screws up my hand model though. Distorts it very much.  In the 
output it mentions almost all of my bones being too low in Bone Weight and 
therefore not being updated.  I THINK (not a lot of experience with bone 
weight) this is the reason behind the distortion.  How do I handle the weight 
of my bones, in the hand model being so small?  Is there a way I can force low 
bone weights into the palette? Or would that be a bad idea? Or maybe that not 
the cause of the distortion? Im a bit confused aka noob-struck on this one. 

Also I noticed in the osganimationhardware example that in the init() method 
there is a property: int attribIndex = 11;   Where does 11 come from? Im not 
sure how this number is derived.  Is it chosen at random or does it relate to 
the Nathan model?

Trying to read through the code and understand it and learn so it doesn't 
distort the crap out of my hand model.   
Thank you!


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