Hi Chris,

On 14 January 2015 at 11:58, Chris Hidden <ch...@erghis.com> wrote:

> At the moment Im trying to get hardware skinning working by following the
> osganimationhardware example.
> As of now I haven't got it working as for some reason it won't load the
> shaders/skinning.vert file.  Not sure why I just get an error saying it
> didn't load.  The file path is ok as all of my other textures and models
> load no problems from that directory.

I can't provide any guidance here as I don't have the set up to test
myself.  The best I can do is suggest enabling more verbose debug output to
the console via OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG.  This will print out the paths it's

> Yes the update traversal is a bit ridiculous isn't it?  I am hoping the
> skinning might solve the issue but Im not sure.

>From your description of what you've done/tested the most likely cause of
the bottleneck is the CPU update of skinning.  I'm surprised the cost is
quite so high.  One way to test it is to use a hand model with lower
resolution model and see if the update time varies.

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