you did press the "s" key several times to enable all these statistics,

I do not really know how to make your application compatible with the stats
handler. maybe you can hack up a full screen, non-transparent version, just
for testing.


2015-01-13 16:17 GMT+01:00 Chris Hidden <>:

> So I was just in the process of trying to attach the statshandler to my
> viewer and I can't seem to pull anything up on screen.
> I was looking at the osguserstats exmaple and it seems pretty
> straightforward. Just attach the pointer of a new statshandler to the
> viewer right?
> I took a look at the class reference as well and there are a few set key
> methods as well.  I tried to pass in one of the keys but still wasn't able
> to get anything up on screen.
> Our application is completely transparent, except the models of course,
> could this be why we are not getting anything displaying for the
> statshandler?  I was thinking that for any geometry I add to the scene I
> have to set depth test off and blend on.  Which I can't do for the
> Statshandler geometry.  Unless I wrote my own class extending from it.   Is
> this the best way to go?
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