On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Bernardo Barros wrote:

Sometimes it's just one letter (with the new orography rules this is
not a problem anymore),

But do people actually use the new rules ?

The 1990 French reform is essentially ignored where I live... people don't seem to care much.

And for literary works, come on, one just can't rewrite Saramago to
Brazilian Portuguese or Guimarães Rosa to European Portuguese. :-)

But, on a different register, François Pérusse has been rerecorded in European French, Caméra Café has been completely reshot in Québécois French, and american animé such as Simpsons and Flintstones have completely different European French and Québécois French dubs.

So, which analogy is better ? :)

One has to remember that pd documentation has a certain style that makes it mostly protected from lots of regionalisms yet makes it sensitive to some other regionalisms, and it's in a way that is more like scientific and technical writing in general, than like poetry, prose, or comedy. So, it's important to justify some comparisons...

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