As you say, it's not a secure claim. The format of the argument may be logical 
but its conclusion may be irrelevant; i.e., it may be logical but its content 
may be false. 

Since abduction operates [as Jerry pointed out] in the format of the Fallacy of 
Affirming the Consequent, then, no matter how logical the format, the content 
of the conclusion might be due to other factors than the major premise. 

Every time it rains, my lawn is wet.
My lawn is wet
Therefore, it rained. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jon Alan Schmidt 
  To: Peirce-L 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 3:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Theory of Thinking


  Based on what Peirce wrote in R 842 ...

    CSP:  Taking the general description of it as a minor premiss, and a 
certain theory of logic as a major premiss, it will follow by a simple 
syllogism that the humble argument is logical and that consequently whoever 
acknowledges its premisses need have no scruple in accepting its conclusion.

  ... I am now inclined to think that the syllogism that he had in mind was 
something like this.

  Major premiss:  Every retroductive conjecture endorsed by instinctive reason 
is logical.
  Minor premiss:  The humble argument for the Reality of God is a retroductive 
conjecture endorsed by instinctive reason.
  Conclusion:  The humble argument for the Reality of God is logical.

  Again, this is a relatively modest claim, especially since Peirce clearly 
recognized that retroduction is the least secure form of inference.


  Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
  Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -


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