> And I
> only forwarded it to the list because he has insulted Iranian
> people in general,

[putting on my list admin hat]
An email being insultive is a good reason NOT to forward to the list,
not a good reason to send it to our more than 200 readers and the many
who will see it later on Google.
[removing it]

I agree with you. It has been insulting. Not abiding by the
international copyright law in Iran is not a good way to call Iranians
that way.

> Perhaps the most influental
> Iranian Free Software developer ever

Oh, la la!

> (not counting FarsiTeX
> developers, as I'm talking about global influence, not local to
> Iran).

Correcting that: "not local to Iranians".

> > be honest , i think that is not my problem.
> And that's exactly my problem with you!  I'm a Free Software
> developer, and you are putting us Free Software developers in
> problem by [...]

The problem here, is that Ali is a newbie Free Software developer (well,
in legal resepects of course) who doesn't know the legal side. Let's
help him understand 1) that it is important, 2) the exact details of the
problem that he should resolve.


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