On 3/10/14 14:58, J.F. Rick wrote:
Hi Esteban,

seconding your points, it is important to acknowledge why a solid Pharo core is important and worth striving towards even if it can be painful. First, read Bret Victor's reflection on Doug Englebart: http://worrydream.com/#!/Engelbart <http://worrydream.com/#%21/Engelbart>

He makes the case that the vision that drove Englebart was important to how he realized things, giving the specific example of how his video conferencing system was fundamentally different than today's screen sharing technology. Today's screen sharing is basically a nice hack onto an existing single user system. Simply doing what Englebart did would require a lot of restructuring at the foundation. With Pharo, we have the possibility to really build / refactor from the ground up, building a fundamentally better foundation, ultimately making cool things possible. For my own work, I'm excited about the possibility of building a new multi-touch implementation from the ground up. That said, the current Pharo foundations have a number of problems for me:

(1) Graphics are still based on BitBlt, which is slow and ugly. Moving over to Athens will address this. While I have successfully used Athens graphics, I still get VM crashes (which are probably due to Athens as I did not get the crashes beforehand).
When you get them can you report to see what we can do?
(2) Sound does not really work. On 64-bit linux, I can't simply play a recorded file as the sound plug-ins really only work for a 32-bit system.
yes yesterday olivier was trying on linux and "alsa" seems oldish now

(3) Event handling does not get touch events. I've hacked this so far but a sustainable solution would be great.
Did you check the new OSWindow because
We should now integrate and replace the old events system to use OSWindow
(4) Packages do not facilitate transfer of resources. For my purposes, I need to add images and sound to a package. This is not really possible right now.
I was synching with Max about the status of libgit and he continues to make progress so we will get there.

I am willing to help on these problems for the community but sometimes I need support, especially when C code is necessary, rather than Pharo code. For instance, if I could get a VM that gives me raw touch events into Pharo, I could take (3) from there. I'd also be willing to work on (4) but I could use some help. One intimidating part is that there are so many package managers for Pharo. It might be nice if we simplified down to one: the right one.

Anyway, you can count me in for some contribution back to Pharo core but I might need some support from Pharo central and it won't happen for at least another month as I'm just getting set up in the new location (e.g., no access to a multi-touch device).

Let us know and we will see how to help you.
I cannot open Pharo for now because I'm not allowed by Pomodoro :) if you see what I mean. No fun allowed. But after I want to see the new events and how to remove the old one. Igor told me that they plugged the new ones into morphic so I should check. (because in the process we never integrated the cleans I did and that we never finished - that is life).



On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 7:44 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com <mailto:esteba...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    I'm writing this because I'm sad about what is happening in this list.
    I'm seeing a lot of general negativity and non constructive ways
    to discuss things.
    I'm also seeing more and more people using Pharo for their
    particular interests (which is of course a good thing) but less
    and less people who contribute back to Pharo.
    Finally, I'm seeing more frequently an attitude of "customer",
    more than the conviction than this, Pharo, is also yours...

    Please people, we (the pharo "core" team) cannot do everything. We
    do not have the manpower or the resources to hire manpower. We
    would like, but we just do not have the resources (is already a
    blessing that we can work on this, for now: INRIA is paying, but
    what it pays is *research*, not "pharo the language", so this is a
    collateral advantage....)

    So, having an OPEN SOURCE project, with limited resources means
    that there is a lot of things that depend on the community.
    It depends on the community not just to fix, but to enlarge the
    ecosystem in general too.

    So, I refuse to believe that we cannot be a cool and helpful
    I refuse to believe that general negativity and bad humor can
    overcome the joy of participating in this collective effort.

    So, here some recommendations for enhance the way we participate:

    - Be positive. Just "this is a s**t" does not help. Even if it is.
    - Be propositional. Just "this is a s**t", and not telling what
    you want/prefer does not help.
    - Be proactive. Just "this is a s**t", and not report, discuss and
    (at least time to time) provide a fix/enhancement does not help.

    In conclusion: not helping does not help :)
    After all, this is the "pharo-dev" list. I mean, the list of
    people wanting to participate from this great, community effort.

    Esteban, still grateful of belonging to this community

Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
Skype ID: jochenrick

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