> (1) Graphics are still based on BitBlt, which is slow and ugly. Moving
> over to Athens will address this. While I have successfully used Athens
> graphics, I still get VM crashes (which are probably due to Athens as I did
> not get the crashes beforehand).
> When you get them can you report to see what we can do?

At this point, that's all I can report. Now, it has been several months and
it could easily be that it was not Athens or that Igor fixed it already.
Once I get back to that development, I'll investigate and contribute what I

>  (3) Event handling does not get touch events. I've hacked this so far
> but a sustainable solution would be great.
> Did you check the new OSWindow because
> We should now integrate and replace the old events system to use OSWindow

I will check that out.

>  (4) Packages do not facilitate transfer of resources. For my purposes, I
> need to add images and sound to a package. This is not really possible
> right now.
> I was synching with Max about the status of libgit and he continues to
> make progress so we will get there.

Cool. Max, if you need some help (particularly in regard to resources or
documentation), let me know.

Anyway, I'm back to doing some Pharo / Smalltalk development (currently
server side). Eventually this will translate into contributions. I mainly
replied to let Esteban know that there is more goodwill out there than he



Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
Skype ID: jochenrick

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