On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, brad lafountain wrote:

>  I'm bother by the fact that you guys keep on saying Php isn't Java so don't
> use lets not use private methods or interfaces. Java is Object Oriented. Java
> didn't invent private methods, private members and all the other goodies that
> go along with OO development. Now good OO design is the best way to get good
> code re-use out of your time developing. Adding stuff that will help you design
> better objects like private methods will only make php stronger and more
> accecptable as a OO soultion.

PHP isn't an OO solution, PHP is a just a tool for a problem. If you think 
that solving webscripting problems with OO 'solutions' is the 'only' way 
to do it then you should use Java as a tool. And you can use a procedural 
aproach for webscripting too, or an OO aproach implemented in a procedural 



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