On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 09:54, Tony Marston<t...@marston-home.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> I called him "intolerant" because he jumps on issues which other people just
> don't care about.

    Point #1: You're obviously wrong, as this thread has already
received more replies than most on-topic, PHP-centric threads.

> I called him "small minded" because he concentrates on small issues which
> simply don't matter in the great scheme of things. That sounds like fair
> comment to me It's just like those people who have endless arguments about
> when to use uppercase and when to use lower case. It simply doesn't matter,
> so stop wasting your time in arguing about it.

     Point #2: When attempting to prove your case, do your best to
keep your facts and players straight --- you did not call me either of
these things; you placed your unnecessary opinion of such on Stuart.
And while that really doesn't sit well with me, it's just becoming
more and more evident that you, like many others in the past, will
simply wind up being ignored by the majority of the list, save for
folks who don't know or don't care about your lack of respect for

> Irrelevant. It does not matter how much good work anybody does if they go
> and ruin it by trying to enforce some inconsequential petty rule.

    Had I been a hippie as well, I might just be inclined to agree
with you.  So if we're throwing opinions around, let mine ring loud
and clear: thank God I'm not.  Besides, I couldn't have pulled off the
bellbottom look, and in all my years, I still can't grow a half-decent
beard (which means that joining al-Qaeda may be out of my future as
well.... darn).

> The conventions in other newsgroups are different, and I can't be bothered
> to change my habits for different newsgroups just becase some internet Nazi
> says so.

    You change the topic for each newsgroup, don't you?  And you do it
out of respect for the context of that particular group.  You wouldn't
(well, maybe *you* would) ask a question about a carburetor on a
mailing list for expectant mothers, which makes sense.  Following a
simple rule by not top-posting makes sense as well, which has been
outlined already.  Your greatest failure in this argument, Tony, is
not being able to articulate your proof as to *why* it's a stupid
rule.  All I've been able to ascertain to date is that you (ALWAYS)
have an opinion as to why the Establishment is a Bad Thing[tm], and
how The Man will never be able to keep you down.  Fight the power,
Marston.  Spread the word of the Revolution.  Manifest Destiny!  (What
was the argument again?)

> No, I don't like stupid rules, which is why I choose not to obey them.

    This is like a five-year-old saying, "I don't like your stupid
face, so I'm not gonna' look at it."  Reading your sentence, I
envisage the voice of a spoiled toddler.

> So not only are you dictating how I post, you are also dictating which
> newsreader I should use? How arrogant!

   Your arrogance toward the community and ignorance of fundamental,
purposeful guidelines is proof of how sanctimonious you truly are.
Besides, since you are still using PHP 4.4.9 on your server, it's
obvious that you don't like - and/or are afraid of - change, so no one
is trying to tell you what software to use.

    Anyway, since we're on the subject, while I have no interest in
ever using RADICORE, I may be able to convince someone else to use it
for free.  Wait, I would have to pay for a commercial?  That's a
stupid rule, I'm just going to take it for free anyway, and damn what
you say about it.

</Daniel P. Brown>
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