Hi Randall,

> In my experience, a Wiki is only truly successful if there are very
> clear rules, styles, and usually someone with a heavy hand to
> enforce that.

Would you have any suggestions what those rules and styles should be?

> A simple solution would be, just duplicate the documentation in the

I am not sure whether it is a good idea completely replacing the
documentation Alex created and maintains.  Alex will probably not give
that up anyway?  However, the existing documentation is a good start,
e.g. http://logand.com/picoWiki/classes then can be filled with
comments, examples, observations, ideas etc. like I started with

It would be good to address things that are not covered by his
documentation, are out of scope for the core picolisp package, link to
other people's blogs or software or elaborate where we feel more
information is necessary for people not enough familiar with picolisp
(like me;-).  Alex's documentation can be incorporated in the forms of
links like for example in the <lisp> markup and maybe integrated with
the search function.

> Wiki, make it better and better and make sure it is well supported.

This would be an ideal to aim for:-)



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