I'll bet most picolisp users are sufficiently motived to compile it but
that means you're probably missing a lot of user's who'd appreciate it if
it was easy to try. As an example I had a right game and failed miserably
on Windows. BTW I'm still working on a response to your questions...In the

Re multiple entry points are we talking setjmp, longjmp and saving/restoring
ebx esi edi bp sp & pc? I'm looking at this along with stack control.

Re the carry flag...you can easily get at this but do you want change it

Re pb talking to c you have two choices. You can use cdecl and dlls...I
found it easy to with Delphi (stdcall). or because the assembler is masm
compliant...if you wanted to access C functionality from PB you could
reduce the c to asm and PB could include it as PB modules. I have this on
good authority from a leading masm proponent :)

Here are the calling conventions PB supports

Re register allocation...REGISTER *variable* [AS *type*] [, *variable* [AS
The REGISTER statement is used to define certain local variables which are
stored directly in specific CPU registers,

On 3 February 2017 at 17:54, Bruno Franco <brunofrancosala...@gmail.com>

> As for ubuntu, maybe you could make a Personal Package Archive (PPA). Its
> lets you make your own packages that can be downloaded by users using
> apt-get. Its as easy as downloading the normal packages, but the user must
> manually add the repository.
> Here's a useful link:
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/71510/how-do-i-create-a-ppa
> It would be more work than having the ubuntu team providing the package in
> the official repositories, and I think you would have to make a new package
> for every version of ubuntu you want to support. But its also the only way
> to make sure that users get the most recent version of the software. As
> Edgaras said, ubuntu is bad at keeping up with the newest releases.
> I'm personally ok with compiling picolisp myself. But I know I wouldn't
> have tried it if it had not been available as a package from ubuntu.
> As Dean said, if there's anything we can do, let us know.
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi Dean,
>> > Assuming that Wine packages are more numerous than Picolisps...you
>> could do
>> > a native Windows version in Powerbasic for Wine. Not only would this up
>> Well, but then we can go as well with ErsatzLisp, the Java version of
>> PicoLisp.
>> A full PicoLisp doesn't yet run on Windows, as PicoLisp needs a POSIX
>> runtime
>> environment. Might be possible in the future with Joe's midipix port.
>> > I smiled when I saw your reasons for moving from C to asm because
>> > Powerbasic does ALIGN etc in it's stride without needing to drop down to
>> > it's industrial strength built in assembler.
>> Aligning is not so much a problem. But can you control the stack layout,
>> condition codes (carry flag etc.) and multiple function entry points in
>> Powerbasic? Or do natice calls to external C functions in a completely
>> dynamic
>> way. All this is not even possible in C.
>> > I'd prefer to work in 64 bit asm but would be very happy to assist you
>> in
>> > any way I can to see Picolisp do well as I'm sure others would be.
>> Whatever
>> > you decide just let us know how we can help. I'm very new to Picolisp
>> but
>> > can already see that it's much too good not to do well.
>> Thanks for the feedback! Let's see what happens. For Ubuntu 17.04 it is
>> probably
>> too late by now.
>> ♪♫ Alex
>> --
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