Hi Alex

With stack control I mean that you can do unlimited 'push'es and 'pop's
the stack inside a function, and build arbitrary structures this way on the
stack. You can add, subtract, increment and decrement the stack pointer
arbitrarily, and switch between different stacks by assigning values to the
stack pointer.

I've read these and it looks like it i.e. you can save and restore EBP and
freeing you to do what you want with them until restoration
also you can push stuff of one size and pop it off in different sized
It all looks very freestyle to me as long as you balance the stack when
you've finished.
I'd be very happy to try an example if you want.

On 4 February 2017 at 19:32, Lindsay John Lawrence <
lawrence.lindsayj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I also run PicoLisp out of a TinyCore Linux 'VirtualBox' image...
> This turned out to be the best route for me to get the performance and
> features of picolisp I wanted on microsoft windows hosts.
> TinyCore64 + vboxsf (to access host drives) + picolisp is a great combo in
> < 50Mb
> Exporting that as an 'appliance'  < 15Mb.
> == full linux kernel with all the goodness that provides + picolisp
> awesomeness to easily utilize all that goodness.
> A slightly larger image with docs+w3m+vim (or the picollsp 'vi' Alexander
> published) may make a nicely focused little 'lisp machine'  to learn and
> tinker on.
> /Lindsay
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 8:40 AM, Erik Gustafson <erik.d.gustaf...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Sounds like it's time to update the 'apt-get yourself some PicoLisp'
>> section on the wiki, as this is no longer the best route for those new to
>> the language.
>> To confirm, the best options seem to be:
>> - pil64 for Android
>> - Ersatz for Windows
>> - Docker Image (Packaged PL + Tiny Core)
>> - Build from source
>> Please add if I'm missing anything.
>> Now as far as trying PicoLisp goes, could we make a little app like
>> http://www.tryclj.com? A sandboxed subset of PL where one could try out
>> the language and maybe work through a short accompanying tutorial to give a
>> taste of the language, before diving into the install process. I think this
>> has been discussed before...?
>> Also isn't there the Emulisp (PL in JS) REPL app? Could that be
>> leveraged? Maybe this is a solution without a problem; I agree with others
>> that most people discovering PL will likely be comfortable building from
>> source, spinning up a VM, etc
>> Finally, a side note: I recently came across https://antergos.com. It's
>> basically a graphical installer for Arch Linux. I gave it a try and found
>> it to be as easy as installing Ubuntu... Click through the install wizard
>> and ten minutes later you've got a full-blown Arch desktop environment (or
>> base-install if desired) with built-in access to the AUR The AUR has always
>> been up to date (many thanks!) with the latest PicoLisp. Might be worth a
>> mention?
>> Erik

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