Hi list,

Sounds like it's time to update the 'apt-get yourself some PicoLisp'
section on the wiki, as this is no longer the best route for those new to
the language.

To confirm, the best options seem to be:

- pil64 for Android
- Ersatz for Windows
- Docker Image (Packaged PL + Tiny Core)
- Build from source

Please add if I'm missing anything.

Now as far as trying PicoLisp goes, could we make a little app like
http://www.tryclj.com? A sandboxed subset of PL where one could try out the
language and maybe work through a short accompanying tutorial to give a
taste of the language, before diving into the install process. I think this
has been discussed before...?

Also isn't there the Emulisp (PL in JS) REPL app? Could that be leveraged?
Maybe this is a solution without a problem; I agree with others that most
people discovering PL will likely be comfortable building from source,
spinning up a VM, etc.

Finally, a side note: I recently came across https://antergos.com. It's
basically a graphical installer for Arch Linux. I gave it a try and found
it to be as easy as installing Ubuntu... Click through the install wizard
and ten minutes later you've got a full-blown Arch desktop environment (or
base-install if desired) with built-in access to the AUR. The AUR has
always been up to date (many thanks!) with the latest PicoLisp. Might be
worth a mention?


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