At 11:06 AM 2/22/01 -0700, Eric Albach wrote:
>While working on it I accidentally found that I
>could copy/paste the ENTIRE current library to a PCB.


>   The only thing left to do is find an easy way to show all of the footprint
>names.  I am trying to figure out how to automatically copy the footprint text
>into the Designator field using macros where I could then globally unhide and
>autoposition the text.
>     Is there a .footprint Special String or another easy way to do this?

easy enough, I would think, to copy the footprint field into the comment or 
designator field using the spreadsheet. Intuitively, I would suggest the 
comment field. Designators get used for other things and sometimes unused 
areas of the program are better left unexplored....

one could also do the same thing with an off-line batch utility processing 
the ASCII database....

Abdulrahman Lomax
P.O. Box 690
El Verano, CA 95433

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