On 11:28 AM 7/24/2001 +1000, Don Ingram wrote:

>Given the impact of file corruption I would have thought that this issue
>would have constituted a far more valuable use of developer time than a
>server to find the cheapest & nastiest board manufacturer.

To go a step further, Given the high likelihood for database corruption problems (as 
experienced by the end-user, not, of course, <wink-n-a-nudge> the programmer, 
marketing staff, or typical Protel stock-holder) I personally would think that 
repairing the slew of existing flaws in the product, or even adding new functionality 
to its installed suite (better SIM, superior track placement capabilities, correlated 
Schematic, PCB, and library editors, etc.) would have been a far more valuable use of 
developer time than re-vamping the filing system from P98 into the Access model 
presently used, nor some other hackneyed kludge "added-value" test platform for PCAD2K 
(or reject PCAD code, as the case may be). 

I still wonder who it was that was pushing for this Access shell model, and what 
portion of the user-base it actually constituted...Really... I just don't remember any 
substantive desire for such a system publicly proffered by the Protel user-community 
at-large, that is, prior to its inclusion in P99 and subsequently fierce defense by 
both resellers and add-on developers...

Personally, I have a feeling that it was added in order to isolated the older version, 
thereby forcing users to purchase "upgraded" code, much as will be the case after this 
last version comes out, and Protel tells us all that we have to purchase some new 
"improved" version of Tango...um...I mean PCAD, because Protel EDA is being obsoleted 
in favor of the "superior" product. Wouldn't be the first time...

  * *


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