At 02:41 PM 12/29/2001 -0600, curtis mcbride wrote:
>I need a protel licsence. Anyone in the user group have one for sale.

There is a mailing list/archive for the support of license transfers, it is


you can join by sending a piece of mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and then responding to the 
confirmation mail. You will then be able to post to the resale list.

Right now, with the Protel 20% off sale, resale activity has been slow to 
nonexistent. You are not going to do much better than 25% off buying a 
resold license, if the seller knows what it is worth.

The last day to order from Protel at the sale price is Monday, December 31. 
If you want to buy Protel now, I'd suggest faxing an order to them Monday, 
relatively early in the day.

After January 1, resold licenses may again be a substantial bargain, though 
uncertainty remains as to what the upgrade cost will be from 99SE to the 
next version (due first quarter 2002); a current purchase will include 
upgrade to the next version.

Abdulrahman Lomax
Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

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