Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> At 10:55 AM 1/30/2002 -0400, Tim Fifield wrote:
> >I get a "Warning: Unconnected net label on net ..." when I run ERC in the
> >Sch editor. I'm trying to label a bus line with a the following net label
> >AD[15..0]
> Others pointed out the problem with naming the individual nets as AD[0]
> etc., but I have not personally tested bus labels of the form BUS[n..m]
> where n>m. The examples in the manual and that I have used would have
> AD[0..15], not AD[15..0]. It might not make any difference if Protel has
> built a little more intelligence into the program than I might expect, but
> it also would not make any difference if the bus labels were not used with
> ports, since the bus label really only functions to link sheet entries and
> ports to nets, bus labels are otherwise cosmetic.
> In other words, this particular problem was with the net names. But there
> might also be a problem with the bus name. If anyone has seen decremented
> names work in a functioning bus label, let us know!
> Abdulrahman Lomax
> Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

I recalled having a problem with [0..15] vs [15..0] in the past, but
checked a recent job and found I had used both orders on it (for
different busses).

Peter Bennett
4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada      
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