
Since processor stepping is akin to "version" (new steppings are created to
fix bugs in previous steppings), I'm not quite sure it's all that sensible
to decry their use or the clear identification of said processor specifics
on one's machine.

FWIW, identification of a particular processor can quickly explain why
application "A" experiences problem "x-1221984", which in the end turns out
to be associated with a particualr short-coming in the local processor, due
to its stepping...

If you're overwhelmed by the technical language, then by all means, call
your IT department or learn on your own via the web. You seem smart enough.
If it's a time issue , then call someone who DOES know how to interpret it
ande handle the problem that has you looking for the processor type. Dumbing
down the world is definitely NOT the answer...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Velander [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Andrew,
>       what does the software listing of the processor type 
> have to do with the functional compatibilities? I just want Windows to
list the Intel
> designation by it's common name and capabilities 

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