I can't count the number  of Christmas days I've spent in bed becauswe aids 
ditched and agencies couldn't get anyone here
I really don't like Christmas much. It's like a bad few weeks when I'm supposed 
to understand that the rest of the world is having fun and would I please not 
pester them. I get tired of hiding how I feel about them all. Why do I have to 
be understanding when those idiots send me get well cards for Christmas. I must 
have that spirit again. Maybe I can get over it by Christmas?

31 years post 

In a message dated 12/02/06 22:09:32 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I hope you get the nursing services you need, especially at this time of year.  
I have had , as I'm sure we have all experienced, nurses and attendants bail 
out on many times for which I had to cancel my appointments for care, changed 
times for meetings and so on but thankfully never during Christmas holiday.  I 
wish the best and hope you find someone dependable not only during the holiday 
season but throughout the year.

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hi Linda,

They do it that way because the State of Texas makes them do it, or the State 
will fine the Agency.  All states should put stronger controls in place for 
certain programs for the disabled..

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

David your nursing agency has the right idea, that's cool. Wish every agency 
did the same, then we wouldn't be left in bed on Holidays. When I was working, 
I always worked part of the holidays, it was part of Nursing!

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