On 3/9/2018 1:24 AM, Rainer Gerhards wrote:
2018-03-09 8:21 GMT+01:00 deoren
On 3/9/2018 1:17 AM, Rainer Gerhards wrote:

2018-03-09 4:06 GMT+01:00 David Lang <da...@lang.hm>:

I would like to replace the existing forum with something that ties in to
the mailing lists (and/or retire the forum entirely if setting something
that can integrate is too much work)

But I'm not the PR guy here.

Let's try to get pragmatic to move this forward: what if we do this:

1) switch forum to read-only
2) mention github as issue tracker (email integration is great)
3) try this e.g. for 3 month

If it works out - great. If not, move on to something else. New users
will probably not even notice that we are trying out different ways.

As I said a while ago, I have some pros and cons with github for
questions, but it may work out.

What do you think?

+1 for giving it a try. Since the incoming volume on the forums is moderate,
this change shouldn't greatly change the support burden either way.

@deoren: just wanted to say "thanks" again for you driving this
forward. This is one of the things that often got lost in the past
because noone drove it :-)

You're welcome. We all need prodding now and then. ;)

Just one more idea (in spite of your mail yesterday): we could also
say that we *experimentally* "support" StackExchange. Maybe it would
be an interesting experience. But then someone would need to at least
losely monitor it.

That is where the rss2email suggestion came into play. One option is to send the notifications here to this list (at the risk of annoying those who regularly keep up with this list), another to create a separate list for volunteers to subscribe to and yet another option is to utilize some option within StackExchange to subscribe to updates. The last I checked (it has been a while), there wasn't an option to subscribe to general email updates. I recall reading a FAQ about it at some point where they explained that the lack of this support was intentional, that providing a "subscribe by email" notification system discouraged users from browsing the site and answering other user's questions.

I'm not sure I agree with that stance, but it is how I remember it being at the time. Perhaps by this point the option to subscribe to specific tags is natively available.

If not, well, there is rss2email or a similar tool to generate email notifications ...
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