Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-27 Thread chill

I've extended one of the USB3 ports to the back panel, as well as the
ethernet and HDMI ports.  Currently I have an SSD connected to that rear
panel USB3 extension, but I'm not fixed on keeping it that way.  I do
also have a 3B+ that runs Jivelite on my TV, as well as handling nightly
backups, and I may move the SSD to that machine and share it via Samba. 
I've also considered running LMS on another device, and swapping out the
4B for a Zero to run just Squeezelite, but I do like the idea of having
everything in one box.  My target for the amp was always for it to be a
fully integrated device.  But it's good to have options!

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-27 Thread d6jg

chill wrote: 
> Yes, it's a hifi amp - a power amp and my primary music source in one. 
> In a silent room I can hear the fan from about a foot away - no further.
> If there's music playing at any volume, the fan is inaudible.  It's a
> 5V fan, which I'm running on 3.3V.  On 5V it is more audible (and more
> effective).  I think with it set at 68 degrees it's there for
> emergencies only - a little peace of mind.  To be fair, my scenario is
> quite a harsh test, and even here the fan isn't really needed.  I think
> the main thing it shows is that the 4B is perfectly fine running LMS and
> Squeezelite with nothing more than a little passive cooling, i.e. a
> heatsink and some free air.

Does it have a connected SSD or have you mounted a NAS drive?

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-27 Thread chill

Yes, it's a hifi amp - a power amp and my primary music source in one. 
In a silent room I can hear the fan from about a foot away - no further.
If there's music playing at any volume, the fan is inaudible.  It's a
5V fan, which I'm running on 3.3V.  On 5V it is more audible (and more
effective).  I think with it set at 68 degrees it's there for
emergencies only - a little peace of mind.  To be fair, my scenario is
quite a harsh test, and even here the fan isn't really needed.  I think
the main thing it shows is that the 4B is perfectly fine running LMS and
Squeezelite with nothing more than a little passive cooling, i.e. a
heatsink and some free air.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-27 Thread d6jg

chill wrote: 
> I updated my fan control script to keep a log of the amount of time that
> the fan is 'on', and then went a bit nerdy (nerdier?), and worked out
> the duty cycle for several different set temperatures.  So on a hot
> summer's day, inside a hot amplifier, my RPi4 4GB running LMS and
> Squeezelite sits naturally at about 67 to 68 degrees.  My little fan
> running off 3.3V can pull it down to about 52 degrees
> [image:
> So on the basis that 68 degrees is still some way short of the 80
> degrees that causes throttling, and is therefore considered safe (?) by
> the manufacturers, that's where I've set my fan control.  This means
> that it's not being triggered under normal conditions, but if the load
> on the Pi increases then it kicks in.

Is the fan audible when it kicks in? You said it was inside an amp - I
take that to mean a hifi amp and therefore probably in plain view /

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-27 Thread chill

I updated my fan control script to keep a log of the amount of time that
the fan is 'on', and then went a bit nerdy (nerdier?), and worked out
the duty cycle for several different set temperatures.  So on a hot
summer's day, inside a hot amplifier, my RPi4 4GB running LMS and
Squeezelite sits naturally at about 67 to 68 degrees.  My little fan
running off 3.3V can pull it down to about 52 degrees


So on the basis that 68 degrees is still some way short of the 80
degrees that causes throttling, and is therefore considered safe (?) by
the manufacturers, that's where I've set my fan control.  This means
that it's not being triggered under normal conditions, but if the load
on the Pi increases then it kicks in.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-24 Thread Jeff07971

Had exactly the same experience with some small (Pi2/3) heatsinks that
had "Genuine 3M heat tranfer tape" 
Does not sound like the stuff you had though as it was very thin (Like
sellotape almost) but was BAD at heat transfer

Got some HY910 thermal adhesive from ebay for a couple of quid, works
much better


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.6 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U3
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1.5K albums with 25K songs by 5K artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-24 Thread chill

A quick observation about heatsinks and their connection to the CPU. 
When I first fitted my 40mm x 40mm heatsink I used some ''thermally
conductive tape' ('.  It
seemed to work, but I was suspicious because it seems to be about 1mm
thick, and internally it seems to have a foam construction.  I can't see
how that can be good for thermal transmission.

So I reaffixed the heatsink using a small blob of 'silicone heatsink
compound' (  I wasn't
sure it would work in my application, as my RPi is mounted on edge and
the heatsink is fairly heavy, and I don't think the compound 'sets'. 
But it seems to be holding perfectly, and the better thermal contact has
had a noticeable effect.

With my fan turned on at 12:47, the temperature dropped by about 10
degrees in 4 minutes - that's about twice the drop I recorded when the
heatsink was fixed with thermal tape.  The non-fan temperature of 61
degrees is also about 3-4 degrees lower than the same test with thermal

This is the earlier test with the heatsink held on with thermal tape. 
Identical test conditions - if anything, the ambient temperature is
warmer today.

Perhaps the thermal conductive tape should be renamed 'thermal
insulating tape'.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-23 Thread Jeff07971

chill wrote: 
> I was interested to see how to control a simple fan in software.  To
> date my RPi4 seems to run comfortably cooler than the throttling
> temperature, but having developed a way to mount a fan in my 'stack'
> inside my amplifier, I was keen to see if I could leave it permanently
> connected but only have it running when needed.
> My simple 2-wire fan draws about 45mA on 3.3V, which is too much to
> drive directly from a GPIO pin.  So I wired up a little transistor to
> switch the GND side of the fan according to the state of a GPIO pin.  I
> made it so that it simply plugs into the existing fan wiring.
> [image:
> [image:
> Then I made a script to turn the fan on and off according to
> temperature.  I set the 'off' temperature one degree below the 'on'
> temperature to reduce the frequency that it turns on and off.
> Here's the result from an idling pCP (no LMS, no Squeezelite) in the
> open air.  When running at 3.3V the fan takes about 5 minutes to pull
> the temperature down from a resting 56 degrees to the 40 degrees that I
> set, then it sits at that temperature, with the fan coming on and going
> off as necessary.  It struggles to get much below that.  Running on 5V
> it cools faster and lower, but it becomes audible.
> [image:

Nice Job !

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.6 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U3
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1.5K albums with 25K songs by 5K artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-23 Thread chill

I was interested to see how to control a simple fan in software.  To
date my RPi4 seems to run comfortably cooler than the throttling
temperature, but having developed a way to mount a fan in my 'stack'
inside my amplifier, I was keen to see if I could leave it permanently
connected but only have it running when needed.

My simple 2-wire fan draws about 45mA on 3.3V, which is too much to
drive directly from a GPIO pin.  So I wired up a little transistor to
switch the GND side of the fan according to the state of a GPIO pin.  I
made it so that it simply plugs into the existing fan wiring.



Then I made a script to turn the fan on and off according to
temperature.  I set the 'off' temperature one degree below the 'on'
temperature to reduce the frequency that it turns on and off.

Here's the result from an idling pCP (no LMS, no Squeezelite) in the
open air.  When running at 3.3V the fan takes about 5 minutes to pull
the temperature down from a resting 56 degrees to the 40 degrees that I
set.  It struggles to get much below that.  Running on 5V it cools
faster and lower, but it becomes audible.


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-14 Thread kidstypike

Just noticed 'this'


|Filename: tempdrop.jpg |

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi4B 4GB/pCP 6.0.0 18K library, playlists & LMS
cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread chill

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> I wonder, as the CPU is practically doing nothing, it is probably
> throttled back to 600MHz most of the time. The periods of increased
> speed are so short it is not captured by temperature sampling period.

Sorry Greg - I missed this.

I'm not so sure about that.  You can apparently show the current CPU
frequency with:


sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq

On my RPi4, running pCP (LMS & Squeezelite) I've never seen it show
anything but the currently set maximum.  So apparently there's a
difference, certainly in terms of heat generation, between an idling CPU
@1500MHz and one under load at the same frequency.  Or maybe that
command isn't doing what I think it is - that might explain why I never
saw it report a different frequency when I briefly played with the
governor settings in the tweaks menu.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread chill

The amp got up to operating temperature, and I connected the fan at
14:16.  It seems to drop the temperature by ~5 degrees.  I'm guessing
it's no greater because it's mostly just moving warm air around inside
the amplifier, as kidstypike suggested.  The fan's not really big
enough, nor suitably ducted, to draw in fresh air.  I don't think it's
worth the effort.



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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread chill

kidstypike wrote: 
> But you'll need good ventilation into and out of your amp, no good just
> blowing hot air onto the Pi4 CPU?

That's true, and it has.  The baseplate has a grid of mounting holes:

And the top plate has ventilation slots right above where I've mounted
the RPi:

And the front and back plates don't seal against the baseplate.  So
plenty of ventilation.

I've now added the fan to the RPi4 in the amp, and I'm waiting for the
amp to warm up to see what effect the fan has.  This is more out of
curiosity than need, and I've left the fan's power connection accessible
so that I can disconnect it easily.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread kidstypike

chill wrote: 
> I made a mount for the fan, to hopefully slot in between my RPi and my
> button board.
> [image:
> [image:
> Here it's slotted into a mockup, over a 3B+
> [image:
> I may have to adjust the standoff heights to make sure nothing clashes.

But you'll need good ventilation into and out of your amp, no good just
blowing hot air onto the Pi4 CPU?

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi4B 4GB/pCP 6.0.0 18K library, playlists & LMS
cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread chill

I made a mount for the fan, to hopefully slot in between my RPi and my
button board.



Here it's slotted into a mockup, over a 3B+

I may have to adjust the standoff heights to make sure nothing clashes.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread chill

kidstypike wrote: 
> But seriously, 'these'
> (
> are good.

Agreed.  I needed a case for my spare 4B 1GB, so I ordered one of these
on the strength of your earlier post.  It arrived this morning.  I paid
£1 more and got the version with an SD card reader and a 3A power supply

I ran the same oggenc job that took my amplifier-mounted 4B 4GB up to 57


Wired for 5V the fan is impressively quiet, but I wired it for 3.3V, and
it's effectively inaudible - I can only hear it if I put it close to my
ear.  Not that I need it, but I'm now toying with the idea of mounting
such a fan over my amplifier's 4B, since it's so completely quiet.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread kidstypike

But seriously, 'these'
are good.



|Filename: good02.jpg   |

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi4B 4GB/pCP 6.0.0 18K library, playlists & LMS
cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread kidstypike

Man in a van wrote: 
> Just made another investment
> You're a nut! :D

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi4B 4GB/pCP 6.0.0 18K library, playlists & LMS
cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-11 Thread Man in a van

Just made another investment



|Filename: acooler1.jpg |

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-10 Thread Greg Erskine

Thanks for documenting this.

I wonder, as the CPU is practically doing nothing, it is probably
throttled back to 600MHz most of the time. The periods of increased
speed are so short it is not captured by temperature sampling period.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-10 Thread chill

I tried to find an underclocking speed that would make my 4B 4GB perform
similarly to my 3B+.  It's very difficult to find a test that eliminates
all the variables.  I settled on a single oggenc job on a 90-minute flac
file, as I figured that involved a bit of disk read and write, and a lot
of CPU activity.  I used the same hard disk on both machines, and I used
a USB2 socket on the 4B so as to match the 3B+.

On the 3B+ the task took 11m 07s.
On the 4B at the standard 1500MHz it took 4m 13s - quite an
I had to underclock the 4B to 600MHz to get that time up to 10m 12s -
still 9% faster than the 3B+.  

The temperature conditions were far from equal, so the only thing I can
tell is that underclocking the 4B does lower the temperature, but only
by a couple of degrees.
The 3B+, sealed inside the official case without a heatsink or fan, got
up to 63 degrees during this task.
The 4B, mounted inside my amplifier enclosure (powered down, so at room
temperature) with a 40mm heatsink and no fan, got up to 57 degrees at
1500MHz, and 55 degrees at 600MHz.

So the surprising things for me were:
1) the 4B is very much faster than the 3B+ at this task with their
default clock speeds
2) the temperature savings by underclocking the 4B are minimal

So I shall be running my 4B at the default 1500MHz, and based on these
and earlier tests I'm happy that the conditions inside my amplifier are
fairly kind to the 4B.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-09 Thread chill

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Have you had a play with the CPU Governors on the [Tweaks] page?
> By default, pCP uses ondemand.

I haven't - didn't even think to look there!

Plenty more there to investigate, thank you.  I think the 'Powersave'
option will do the same as I did when I set 600MHz, but it allows the
setting to be made without a reboot.  And there's also a separate
underclocking option, which evidently slows down a few other settings.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-09 Thread Greg Erskine

Have you had a play with the CPU Governors on the [Tweaks] page?

By default, pCP uses ondemand.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-09 Thread chill

chill wrote: 
> Underclocking seems to make remarkably little difference in my setup -
> perhaps 3 degrees under load.

Actually, LMS isn't really much of a load.  So I ran some consecutive
oggenc jobs while LMS was rescanning.  Whereas this would have taken the
temperature into the low 70s, it now peaks at about 67 degrees.  So
maybe 5ish degrees improvement.  

Playback to 5 synced players still seems perfect at 600MHz.

In my case there's no real benefit in underclocking - the temperature
savings are minimal and I wasn't struggling with heat at the default
clock speed.  But maybe there'd be bigger gains for Pis in a tighter
space, or with a smaller heatsink.  Worth a try if you're up for some
testing.  To underclock, edit the config.txt file on the boot partition,
and uncomment the #arm_freq= line, e.g:



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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-09 Thread chill

Underclocking seems to make remarkably little difference in my setup -
perhaps 3 degrees under load.  I don't think my setup is completely
representative though, because my Pi lives inside my amplifier, where
the ambient temperature is higher than normal.  So I set it the task of
a clear and rescan on my library - when it's doing that I think the
temperature caused by the load on the CPU is less affected by the
ambient temperature.  But I do suspect the results will be slightly
different in other people's setups.

At the default 1500MHz

Underclocked to 1000MHz

Underclocked to 600MHZ

The scan times did take longer:
1500MHz: 6:04
1000MHz: 7:10
600MHz : 9:50

The interface still seems very responsive even at 600MHz.  My memory
isn't good enough to compare properly with how it was with my 3B+
though.  And I haven't tried it with music playback yet.  I think I'll
leave it at 600MHz for a while to see how well it performs.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-09 Thread Jeff07971

chill wrote: 
> There seems to be a fair amount of resistance to using the Pi4 for LMS,
> based on heat issues, and reports seem to suggest that in an enclosed
> case with no airflow it can run very hot.  I should stress that in my
> application, with a 40mm heatsink and a bit of convection airflow,
> running LMS and Sqeezelite and serving various players doesn't cause any
> heat problems at all.
> So I was wondering whether anyone has tried underclocking the Pi4 to the
> point where the temperature is similar to a 3B+.  Would the performance
> running LMS then end up similar to a 3B+ (which of course is more than
> adequate), or would the new processor, extra ram, USB3 and gigabit
> ethernet all contribute to an improvement over the 3B+?

I think that there should not really be so much resistance to using the
Pi4, cooling in enclosed spaces is somewhat of an issue but the benefit
of running a 4 may outweigh this. Its really just another thing to think
about, like do I have enough disk space.

Regarding the underclocking I think this is a good idea though finding
the balance may be time consuming but ultimatey usefull

Untill then a fan if probably the way to go as you and Paul- have found


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.6 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U3
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1.5K albums with 25K songs by 5K artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-08-09 Thread chill

There seems to be a fair amount of resistance to using the Pi4 for LMS,
based on heat issues, and reports seem to suggest that in an enclosed
case with no airflow it can run very hot.  I should stress that in my
application, with a 40mm heatsink and a bit of convection airflow,
running LMS and Sqeezelite and serving various players doesn't cause any
heat problems at all.

So I was wondering whether anyone has tried underclocking the Pi4 to the
point where the temperature is similar to a 3B+.  Would the performance
running LMS then end up similar to a 3B+ (which of course is more than
adequate), or would the new processor, extra ram, USB3 and gigabit
ethernet all contribute to an improvement over the 3B+?

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-23 Thread toby10

What?  Every time I see a James Bond movie he is *zipping* around
British streets in his Aston without issue!  You must be on the wrong

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-23 Thread cliveb

w3wilkes wrote: 
> The Ferrari does make the journey a lot more fun and if I had the
> Ferrari I'd probably take the long way both to and from the store!
I'd guess that any journey in the wide open spaces of Utah is more fun
in a Ferrari.
I can assure you that it isn't in Watford!
Driving in the UK is no fun any more - it's now just a necessary chore
to get from A to B.
I gave up on sports cars a long time ago.

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-22 Thread Jeff07971

edwin2006 wrote: 
> Stel depend on the weather. When it's raining ING and roads are wet I
> would prefer something else beside a Ferrari [emoji6]

The wet makes it even more fun, believe me

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-22 Thread edwin2006

Stel depend on the weather. When it's raining ING and roads are wet I
would prefer something else beside a Ferrari [emoji6]

*SqueezeBoxes:* 1x Transporter (Living room) 1x SB2 (shed), 1x Radio
(Kitchen), 1x Boom (Dining room), 1x piCorePlayer (jacuzzi), 1x
piCorePlayer (Garden) 1x OSMC + Squeezelite (Movie room), 1x Touch
(Study 2), few spare unit's
*Server:* LMS on Pi3 7.9.1. on PcP 3.21
*Network:* AVM Fritzbox, Netgear Smart Switch 24p, 3x Ubiquity

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-22 Thread w3wilkes

cliveb wrote: 
> It's a bit like choosing to go to Tesco (Walmart for our US cousins) in
> a Ferrari instead of a Ford - no advantage, and you end up burning more
> fuel.

The Ferrari does make the journey a lot more fun and if I had the
Ferrari I'd probably take the long way both to and from the store!

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 7.9.1 Official on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets
and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 7.9.1 Official on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3
Model B/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-22 Thread d6jg

cliveb wrote: 
> All of the good things you mention about why the Pi4 is better than the
> Pi3 are perfectly valid when considered in an appropriate context. I
> applaud the fact they've decoupled the LAN from USB, and that it now has
> USB3. (FWIW, I still think an onboard SATA controller would be the icing
> on the cake, but we're still waiting for that).
> But none of the Pi3's limitations you mention are significant in the
> context of an LMS server. My LMS running on a Pi3 with library on an SSD
> attached via USB2 has never, not once, ever, given me any trouble. It
> supports 5 players no problem. You don't need gigabit ethernet and/or
> USB3 speeds to stream the mickey-mouse data rates consumed by audio.
> Using a more capable device when it's not justified, and suffering other
> issues as a result, would be considered pretty daft in most walks of
> life.
> It's a bit like choosing to go to Tesco (Walmart for our US cousins) in
> a Ferrari instead of a Ford - no advantage, and you end up burning more
> fuel.

All true but I submit it might depend on why you went to Tesco. You
might have gone in your Ferrari - which model have you got by the way -
in order to impress someone and not just for shopping. Mind you I
suppose you’d go to Waitrose in a Ferrari so the point is academic.

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-22 Thread cliveb

d6jg wrote: 
> You say that Clive but all Pi variants before 4 feature a shared bus for
> the USB and LAN interfaces which is known to be problematic. The Pi4
> splits them and provides a full gigabit LAN and also includes USB3 ports
> enabling users to attach a full USB3 drive which is much faster than
> USB2. Apart from the overheating issue or non issue depending on how you
> look at it a Pi4 + USB3 drive should be much quicker than a Pi3 + USB3
> drive attached to a USB2 port.
All of the good things you mention about why the Pi4 is better than the
Pi3 are perfectly valid when considered in an appropriate context. I
applaud the fact they've decoupled the LAN from USB, and that it now has
USB3. (FWIW, I still think an onboard SATA controller would be the icing
on the cake, but we're still waiting for that).

But none of the Pi3's limitations you mention are significant in the
context of an LMS server. My LMS running on a Pi3 with library on an SSD
attached via USB2 has never, not once, ever, given me any trouble. It
supports 5 players no problem. You don't need gigabit ethernet and/or
USB3 speeds to stream the mickey-mouse data rates consumed by audio.

Using a more capable device when it's not justified, and suffering other
issues as a result, would be considered pretty daft in most walks of
It's a bit like choosing to go to Tesco (Walmart for our US cousins) in
a Ferrari instead of a Ford - no advantage, and you end up burning more

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-22 Thread Man in a van

cliveb wrote: 
> Been on holiday for a couple of weeks, 

I'm still waiting for your card, did you lick the stamp properly? :p

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-22 Thread d6jg

cliveb wrote: 
> Been on holiday for a couple of weeks, and am perplexed by the direction
> this thread has taken while I was away.
> It would seem that various people are trying out solutions to potential
> overheating problems when running LMS on a Pi4.
> I guess using a Pi4 then looking to fix any issues that arise is a case
> of trying something for the fun of it,
> but from a practical perspective, the solution is patently obvious:
> don't use a Pi4.
> A Pi3 is more than man enough for the task (even a Pi2 will do the job),
> and it doesn't get hot.

You say that Clive but all Pi variants before 4 feature a shared bus for
the USB and LAN interfaces which is known to be problematic. The Pi4
splits them and provides a full gigabit LAN and also includes USB3 ports
enabling users to attach a full USB3 drive which is much faster than
USB2. Apart from the overheating issue or non issue depending on how you
look at it a Pi4 + USB3 drive should be much quicker than a Pi3 + USB3
drive attached to a USB2 port.

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-21 Thread cliveb

Been on holiday for a couple of weeks, and am perplexed by the direction
this thread has taken while I was away.
It would seem that various people are trying out solutions to potential
overheating problems when running LMS on a Pi4.
I guess using a Pi4 then looking to fix any issues that arise is a case
of trying something for the fun of it,
but from a practical perspective, the solution is patently obvious:
don't use a Pi4.
A Pi3 is more than man enough for the task (even a Pi2 will do the job),
and it doesn't get hot.

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-19 Thread chill

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Chill,
> Actually looks like quite a good fit.
> I think its becoming clear that without "active" cooling a Pi4 working
> hard (and not throttling) in a closed case is going to be difficult !

The fit was much more convenient that I expected - it slid in between
the two ribbon cable sockets, touching both but without forcing them in
any way.

I think you're right - any serious continuous load will require active
cooling if the aim is to avoid throttling.  Fortunately for this
discussion, LMS+Squeezelite don't seem to represent a serious continuous
load. And I suspect that even if throttling does kick in, Squeezelite
would be unaffected and LMS only marginally, if at all.

For a bit of fun I logged the CPU temperature on the 4B in my amplifier
for a 24 hour period:


I can see:
- the gradual cooling of the amplifier after it was shut down at the end
of the previous day.
- a brief spike at 2am where the cron script runs to take a backup of
the SD card.
- a slight rise in temperature just after 10am.  I think this could be
when the sun hits the amplifier for a short period, and then as the sun
moves on the amplifier cools down again.
- a very clear warm up just before 6pm, when the amplifier was powered
up.  During the evening the amplifier variously played Squeezebox music
and TV sound, and there's no clear difference in temperature - it just
sits at around 65 degrees, which must be dominated by the ambient
temperature inside the amplifier.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-17 Thread Jeff07971


Actually looks like quite a good fit.

I think its becoming clear that without "active" cooling a Pi4 working
hard (and not throttling) in a closed case is going to be difficult !

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-17 Thread chill

My 40mm x 40mm x 11mm heatsink arrived today.  It just about fits
without having to be trimmed around the camera connector.  I used a
thermal pad to fix it to the CPU.



It seems to do the job.  I ran approx 20 minutes of oggenc jobs, and
simultaneously did a library 'clear and rescan'.  The temperature got up
to the low 70s, and then cooled back down to ~63 degrees.  The
'background' temperature inside my amplifier seems to be the dominant
factor.  I think this is simpler than trying to connect the CPU to my
amplifier chassis.


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-16 Thread Man in a van

Hi Jeff

No major change in the ambient, it may have increased a couple of
degrees since I started this morning.

I got the command from here

Just checked again


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_temp
  pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_temp | egrep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*'
  pi@raspberrypi:~ $

I 'found a little tutorial'
and now have a bash script :)


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ./
  Tue 16 Jul 16:49:24 BST 2019 @ raspberrypi
  GPU => temp=54.0'C
  CPU => 55'C

The area where the pi is can get fairly warm in the morning if the sun
is up, I'll just monitor the readings for a a day or so.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-16 Thread Jeff07971

Man in a van wrote: 
> Still showing 55C
> > 

  >   > pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_temp
  > temp=55.0'C
  > pi@raspberrypi:~ $

> > 

Has the ambient temperature changed while the measurement is being made

Do not forget that heatsink "effeciency" is above ambient IE if ambient
goes down 10 C so will the chip temp all things being equal.

THe chip temperature will be an absolute temperature

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-16 Thread chill

Man in a van wrote: 
> then I ordered the header (sigh) just in case and a case,


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-16 Thread Man in a van

chill wrote: 
> That seems quite effective.  Will be interesting to see if it can hold
> 55 degrees under load.  Remind me - is your 4B in any sort of case? 

Man in a van wrote: 
>  and a case,

Still showing 55C


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_temp
  pi@raspberrypi:~ $

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-16 Thread chill

Man in a van wrote: 
> Well yesterday I ordered one of these,

That seems quite effective.  Will be interesting to see if it can hold
55 degrees under load.  Remind me - is your 4B in any sort of case? 

I've ordered a larger heatsink (40mm x 40mm x 11mm), just to see if the
extra side length is enough to make any difference.  It'll need a small
adjustment to fit around the camera connector, but if it works to
dissipate more heat energy (rather than just storing more) it'll be
simpler to use than my Heath-Robinson thermal link to the amplifier

In the meantime I wrote my first ever Python script (yay!), to plot a
longer term CPU temperature log.


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-16 Thread Man in a van

I just ran the Pimoroni install instructions for automatic control of
the fan and set it at the second "example" given.


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_temp
  pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status pimoroni-fanshim.service
  ● pimoroni-fanshim.service - Fan Shim Service
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pimoroni-fanshim.service; enabled; vendor 
preset: enabled)
  Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-07-16 13:17:16 BST; 7min ago
  Main PID: 591 (python3)
  Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
  Memory: 9.9M
  CGroup: /system.slice/pimoroni-fanshim.service
  └─591 python3 /home/pi/fanshim-python/examples/ 
--threshold 55 --hysteresis 2.5 --delay 2
  Jul 16 13:17:16 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Fan Shim Service.
  pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_temp
  pi@raspberrypi:~ $

I have installed LMS and I'll pop Squeezelite on later today.


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-16 Thread Man in a van

Well yesterday ordered one of these,¤cy=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google+shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-uy276m54wIVx7HtCh1IxwM7EAQYASABEgKOWvD_BwE

then I ordered the header (sigh) just in case and a case,

they were pushed through the letterbox this morning.

I have a Raspnian Desktop image

> Raspbian Buster with desktop Image with desktop
> based on Debian Buster
> Version: *July 2019*
> Release date: *2019-07-10*
> Kernel version: *4.19
> *

with a librespot Spotify-Connect client.

I assembled fan, header and case and powered up.

The fan began to spin and was just audible at about half a metre in a
quite room (faint noise, I would call it).

Started to play Music and ran a temerature check, got 42C. Played a ry
Cooder You Tube via the Chromium browser, same temp.

Swapped the sd card for a pCP install and started fip radio, temp given
as 44C, njust checked again and it's 43C.

Seems to work.

Pimoroni offer a script for raspbian which allows the fan to run
automatically to a preset temerature.


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-15 Thread kidstypike

chill wrote: 
> I think 80 degrees is the temperature at which throttling kicks in to
> control the temperature.  Did you notice any effect on LMS - was it any
> less snappy?

No, I wasn't actually doing anything, just listening to music and
watching the temp graph (like you do :)).

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi4B/pCP 6.0.0 18K library, playlists & LMS cache
on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-15 Thread chill

I think 80 degrees is the temperature at which throttling kicks in to
control the temperature.  Did you notice any effect on LMS - was it any
less snappy?

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-15 Thread kidstypike

kidstypike wrote: 
> I emailed Lincoln Binns asking if they intended manufacturing a PI-BOX
> Pro for the Pi4, MD's reply was:
> We sure do, The new Pi is arriving today (Tuesday) and we just need to
> check measurements and make a prototype before its full launch.

Hmm . . . I hope they come up with something workable, the Pi4 gets
*hot* in a case. :(

First picture below shows the temp graph after 64 minutes, for a *Pi3B+*
in a complete PI-BOX Pro case, serving 2 synced players with a playlist
of mixed mp3 and flac files.

Second picture shows the temp graph after 64 minutes for a *Pi4 (4GB)*
serving just one player, (same SSD, same library, same playlist), in a
PI-BOX Pro case *without the back plate fitted* (it needs some work to
allow for the different USB and ethernet port positions). The internal
carrier plate is easily filed to fit around the ethernet port. The
converter board wasn't used (doesn't fit), without the back plate fitted
the power USB (C) can be plugged directly into the Pi.



|Filename: P4001.jpg|

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi4B/pCP 6.0.0 18K library, playlists & LMS cache
on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-14 Thread chill

With the foil wedged so that it's making good contact with the enclosure
the performance is a couple of degrees worse than the 'free air'
example, but I think a few more folds of foil, some thermal compound,
and the 10mm aluminium front panel should all help to claw a bit back. 
I'm quite happy that it'll stay comfortably cool in normal operation.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-14 Thread chill

My improvised thermal bridge - a few folds of aluminium foil wedged
between the fins of the small heatsink.  The foil doesn't grip very
well, so it's held in place with clear tape, but if I go ahead with this
then a bit of thermal paste should do the job:

Not yet bridged to the chassis heatsink, just flapping around in free

Surprisingly it's knocked another 4-5 degrees off.  Here's a plot of
temperature from a 4 minute 'oggenc'.  Previously this took the
temperature into the low 70s.  Here it seems to have levelled off at 63
degrees before the oggenc process finished and it started to cool down
again immediately.


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-14 Thread Man in a van

chill wrote: 
> Presumably it was throttling at that stage, or was it just a quick
> temperature spike?

Throttling I guess, or just a warning, it was present for the whole of
the build.

Apparently it also appeared in Jessie.

It was the first time I had seen it as normally I do the build from my
Windows Desktop with no monior on the pi.

Apparently switching of the 4k setting and some other tweaks help to
reduce the heat (also running properly headless, to which I may
return...we'll see..sigh).

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-14 Thread chill

Man in a van wrote: 
> and got 82.0 C :rolleyes:

Presumably it was throttling at that stage, or was it just a quick
temperature spike?

I keep reading that a heatsink or fan is not needed for the safety of
the RPi, because the throttling is the failsafe.  My impression is that
pCP running just LMS and Squeezelite isn't going to load the 4B enough
to cause throttling.  But if something else causes the temperature to
spike and cause throttling, my guess is that that wouldn't have very
much effect on LMS, given that it isn't a heavy load.

I implemented the longer brass stand-offs to create a bit of space
around the CPU.  I went for three 11mm lengths rather than 4 as in my
earlier photo.


This has dropped the temperature by 2-3 degrees.  The key seems to be
the extra airflow.  My small heatsink is arranged so that the fins are
vertical, so that air flows between the fins.  The ribbon cable still
blocks the airflow a bit, but it's improved with the longer stand-offs. 
And hopefully when those stand-offs connect to a big 10mm aluminium
front panel that will help a bit too.

The extra space would allow me to fit a fan or a bigger heatsink.  A
bigger heatsink provides extra thermal mass, so can absorb more heat
energy and smooth out short spikes in temperature.  But unless it also
benefits from extra airflow then it won't necessarily do much to control
temperature in the longer term - once it heats up the benefit is lost
unless it can also be cooled.  So my aim is to search for a heatsink
that has a greater area than the CPU area, i.e. so that it presents a
wider profile to the rising airflow and benefits from more of that
airflow.  The extra space also allows me to consider some kind of direct
thermal connection to the amplifier chassis.  I'm going to experiment
with some folded-over aluminium foil to act as a thermal bridge.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-14 Thread Man in a van

The build completed in just over 26 minutes.

The warning thermometer disappeared and the temp dropped to 71.0 C.

phew! what a scorcher :p

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-14 Thread Man in a van

Yesterday I imaged a new Raspbian Buster on my rpi4B (4gb). There is an
updated image on the raspberry site.

I ran the updates and install a sceensaver and PiShrink, but kept the
install as standard.

Right now I'm building a librespot Spotify-Connect client.

There is a neat little thermometer on the rpi desktop.

I ran 


sudo vcgencmd measure_temp

and got 82.0 C :rolleyes:


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread Jeff07971

chill wrote: 
> Yes, it would have been good to have the CPU on the underside (for my
> installation certainly), but I suspect they were conscious that this
> could affect compatibility with a lot of earlier
> installations/cases/fans etc.

They seem to have broken compatability with all other Pi's anyway I
don't think one connector is in the same place.

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread chill

Man in a van wrote: 
> There are quite a few reasonably priced solutions appearing already and
> more, no doubt, to come.:)

I suspect you're right - there'll be more of that type of solution in no
time.  I think I'll work on making space for such a solution.  I'm sure
those fans are quiet, but it would be nice to keep it passive, given
that it's an amplifier.  I suspect that just making a bit of space to
breathe will be enough in my situation, and if not then a bigger
heatsink or a thermal connection to my enclosure will be plenty.

Here's a quick mock-up:


The sharp-eyed among you will spot that that's not a 4B - that's because
I haven't yet drilled out the mounting holes to 3mm in my spare 'BNIB'
1GB 4B. And the ribbon connectors aren't clamped down (no point wasting
them), but as a proof of concept it'll do.  Unfortunately, when there's
a ribbon connector on the pins there isn't room for stand-offs on the
two adjacent mounting holes, but the two on the opposite edge of the
board seem to be rigid enough.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread Man in a van

'I saw this mentioned ' (

over on

There are lots of threads about the "thermal" problem (and some
solutions offered or suggested).

There are quite a few reasonably priced solutions appearing already and
more, no doubt, to come.:)

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread chill

That's interesting if the board is part of the thermal design.  If the
heat is intended to reach the mounting holes, then brass stand-offs
should help to pull that heat away.  Another option is to use longer
stand-offs and make the 'hat' connection via a short ribbon cable. 
That'll create a bit more space around the CPU.  Yes, it would have been
good to have the CPU on the underside (for my installation certainly),
but I suspect they were conscious that this could affect compatibility
with a lot of earlier installations/cases/fans etc.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread Jeff07971

chill wrote: 
> Indeed it might!
> I have the Pi mounted to the front panel via my button PCB: the button
> PCB mounts to the chassis front panel, and the Pi mounts behind this PCB
> via the GPIO pins, hat-style.  I currently use nylon stand-offs/spacers,
> but I'm thinking I might swap to brass to provide some degree of thermal
> conductivity.  The front panel will be 10mm aluminium, so if I can get
> at least some of the heat into that it should dissipate quite nicely. 
> It would be nice to have some sort of direct thermal connection between
> the CPU and the chassis - I might just use a strip of aluminium, say 3mm
> thick, formed into a dog-leg shape and a bit of thermal paste to hold it
> in place.

Its a pity that Raspberry did not flip the processor to the "underside"
of the board, then you could have good cooling AND a HAT !
>From reports I've read the board itself is a significant part of the
thermal design, maybe they'll change to an aluminium substrate though
this is an expensive option
Hopefully someone will come up with somthing, maybe a CNC ali plate
might work well IE Between the Pi and Hat to allow a heatsink of
resonable size to be fitted

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread chill

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Connect the CPU of the Pi4 to the heatsinks, That'll warm them up :D :D
> :D

Indeed it might!

I have the Pi mounted to the front panel via my button PCB: the button
PCB mounts to the chassis front panel, and the Pi mounts behind this PCB
via the GPIO pins, hat-style.  I currently use nylon stand-offs/spacers,
but I'm thinking I might swap to brass to provide some degree of thermal
conductivity.  The front panel will be 10mm aluminium, so if I can get
at least some of the heat into that it should dissipate quite nicely. 
It would be nice to have some sort of direct thermal connection between
the CPU and the chassis - I might just use a strip of aluminium, say 3mm
thick, formed into a dog-leg shape and a bit of thermal paste to hold it
in place.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread Jeff07971

Connect the CPU of the Pi4 to the heatsinks, That'll warm them up :D :D

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-07-13 Thread chill

I've been running the pCP6 beta on a 4GB 4B inside my amplifier
enclosure.  Some first impressions on the heat issues:

Running LMS and Squeezelite seem to provide only a very light load to
the 4B.  CPU temperature seems to be dominated by the ambient
temperature and limited airflow inside my amplifier enclosure.  So with
the amplifier powered up and playing music from Squeezelite, the CPU
sits in the mid- to high-60s.  I can easily get it into the low 70s by
doing something more demanding, like transcoding a FLAC album with
oggenc, but for the majority of the time when it's just being a server
and a player the temperature seems under control.

I realise this is not an ideal environment for a device that may be
marginal on heat, and I may end up swapping the 3B+ back in, but the
extra responsiveness of the server, quicker library scans, and even the
faster reboots are all nice to have.  I suppose I don't really need the
server to be running on this device, so I could even put an older Pi in
there and just run Squeezelite on it, and run LMS on the 4B externally,
but my target was always to have an all-in-one integrated amp.

As an aside, the amplifier enclosure is incredibly efficient at cooling.
I'm using a 'Dissipante' enclosure, which has sides that are giant
aluminium 'wave' profile heatsinks.  I have my UcD400OEM modules mounted
directly to these heatsinks, and even when pumping out the volume the
heatsinks are never more than vaguely warm to the touch.  


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-29 Thread Roland0

Daverz wrote: 
> So it seems like USB 2 is not that big a bottleneck for scanning.

Access time is much more relevant for scanning performance than
throughput, and USB3 won't help with that.
However, the Pi4 supports 'UASP'
(, which may explain the
small improvement.

SW: 'Web UI for LMS'
| 'Playlist Editor / Generator'
| 'Music Classification'
| 'Similar Music'
| 'LMSlib2go' (
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
| 'Ogg Opus'
| 'Bluetooth/ALSA'

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-29 Thread Roland0

NeverSimple wrote: 
> I have a Rock64 in an aluminium housing that uses the case as a
> heatsink, a little extruded part of the case makes contact with the cpu
> and memory (through heat conducting foil). It really helps to keep the
> temps down. Would the PI4 need anything like that (or benefit from it)? 

Pi4 Data Sheet wrote: 
> To reduce thermal output when idling or under light load, the Pi4B
> reduces the CPU clock speed and voltage. During heavier load the speed
> and voltage (and hence thermal output) are increased. The internal
> governor will throttle back both the CPU speed and voltage to make sure
> the CPU temperature never exceeds 85 degrees C.
> The Pi4B will operate perfectly well without any extra cooling and is
> designed for sprint performance – expecting a light use case on average
> and ramping up the CPU speed when needed (e.g. when loading a webpage).
> If a user wishes to load the system continually or operate it at a high
> temperature at full performance, further cooling may be needed.

Won't be relevant just for running LMS, but will be for other scenarios.

SW: 'Web UI for LMS'
| 'Playlist Editor / Generator'
| 'Music Classification'
| 'Similar Music'
| 'LMSlib2go' (
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
| 'Ogg Opus'
| 'Bluetooth/ALSA'

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-28 Thread Daverz

chill wrote: 
> Some more numbers for comparison.
> My RPi 4 4GB arrived yesterday, so I've had a play with it this evening.
> I've done a direct comparison against a 3B+.  I installed stretch-lite
> on the 3B+ and buster-lite on the 4.  I did a bare minimum install of
> LMS 7.9.2, with only the default plugins.  I used a Sandisk SSD with a
> USB3 interface adapter. 
> With the 3B+, a 'clear and rescan' took 6 minutes 30 seconds:
> On the 4, with the SSD connected to one of the USB2 sockets, this came
> down to 4:09*:
> And with the SSD connected to one of the USB3 sockets, this came down to
> 3:52:
> *I'm a bit puzzled by the 'Find updated coverart files' step in the RPi4
> USB2 case - I though that was the MAI plugin, but that's definitely not
> loaded.

So it seems like USB 2 is not that big a bottleneck for scanning.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-28 Thread NeverSimple

kidstypike wrote: 
> I emailed Lincoln Binns asking if they intended manufacturing a PI-BOX
> Pro for the Pi4, MD's reply was:
> We sure do, The new Pi is arriving today (Tuesday) and we just need to
> check measurements and make a prototype before its full launch.

Interesting case, didn't know about that one. I have a Rock64 in an
aluminium housing that uses the case as a heatsink, a little extruded
part of the case makes contact with the cpu and memory (through heat
conducting foil). It really helps to keep the temps down. Would the PI4
need anything like that (or benefit from it)? The Lincoln Binn casing
looks like it could do something like that, with the internal plate.
Performance and heat production still go togeteher, even on a 'simple'

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-28 Thread d6jg

kidstypike wrote: 
> I also mentioned the problem with the end plate screws, reply was:
> We have sourced a “New” Thread forma which should cut better into the
> extrusion.


[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-28 Thread kidstypike

d6jg wrote: 
> Excellent news. That is still the best case I have found by some way.

I also mentioned the problem with the end plate screws, reply was:

We have sourced a “New” Thread forma which should cut better into the

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0 25K library, playlists & LMS cache
on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-28 Thread d6jg

kidstypike wrote: 
> I emailed Lincoln Binns asking if they intended manufacturing a PI-BOX
> Pro for the Pi4, MD's reply was:
> We sure do, The new Pi is arriving today (Tuesday) and we just need to
> check measurements and make a prototype before its full launch.

Excellent news. That is still the best case I have found by some way.

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-28 Thread kidstypike

d6jg wrote: 
> 4GB back in stock at The Pi Hut - just ordered one

I emailed Lincoln Binns asking if they intended manufacturing a PI-BOX
Pro for the Pi4, MD's reply was:

We sure do, The new Pi is arriving today (Tuesday) and we just need to
check measurements and make a prototype before its full launch.

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0 25K library, playlists & LMS cache
on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-28 Thread d6jg

4GB back in stock at The Pi Hut - just ordered one

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread chill

Some more numbers for comparison.

My RPi 4 4GB arrived yesterday, so I've had a play with it this evening.
I've done a direct comparison against a 3B+.  I installed stretch-lite
on the 3B+ and buster-lite on the 4.  I did a bare minimum install of
LMS 7.9.2, with only the default plugins.  I used a Sandisk SSD with a
USB3 interface adapter. 

With the 3B+, a 'clear and rescan' took 6 minutes 30 seconds:

On the 4, with the SSD connected to one of the USB2 sockets, this came
down to 4:09*:

And with the SSD connected to one of the USB3 sockets, this came down to

*I'm a bit puzzled by the 'Find updated coverart files' step in the RPi4
USB2 case - I though that was the MAI plugin, but that's definitely not

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread cliveb

Daverz wrote: 
> If you have time to check, it would be interesting to know how big your
> library is (tracks and playing time) and and how long it takes to do a
> full clear and rescan.
I very rarely do a full clear & rescan - usually I just scan for changes
when I add new music to the server.

But FYI, I just fired one off:

Tracks: 14190
Albums: 1306
Playing Time: 1112:24:19
Clear+rescan time: 05:57

This is on a stock RPi 3 model B+ running piCorePlayer with the library
on a WD Blue SSD attached via USB.

(Now waiting in trepidation for my wife to complain that the "New Music"
list has been trashed :-)

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread mrw

Man in a van wrote: 
> OKdo (a sub branch of RS)

Thanks for bringing OKdo to my attention. I never saw an announcement
from Radiospares (as I still think of them) concerning the launch.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread bpa

Man in a van wrote: 
> Showing in stock

What the Irish branch of RS Components (who get deliveries overnight
from UK) says 
> There is always hype and expectation when it comes to any Raspberry Pi
> launch, therefore we'd like to make our customers aware that RS
> Components will have no stock at the time of launch and are not
> expecting to have stock until September 2019. If you are purchasing for
> personal use, contact and a sales contact will be in
> touch.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread kidstypike

Man in a van wrote: 
> Showing in stock



|Filename: Order.jpg|

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0 25K library playlists & LMS cache
on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread slartibartfast

Man in a van wrote: 
> Showing in stock
> strange that the bundle 
> with the power supply is in stock but the
board only is out of stock.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Man in a van

Showing in stock

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Man in a van


Actually running more Plugins on the pi.

I ran the scan on the pi before installing any Plugins

I have just a "clear and rescan" on the fully loaded pi
> The server has finished scanning your media library.
> Total Time: 00:01:45 (Thursday, June 27, 2019 / 3:03 PM

Much more representative, I think, but still good :)


is the chocolate running down the mountains?

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Man in a van

kidstypike wrote: 
> Where did you get your 4GB Pi from? :p

OKdo (a sub branch of RS)

RS say they will have stock later in July, I think. 

CPC, RS (and OKdo) seem to have better prices :p

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Michael Herger

CPC have 1,2 and 4 GB Pi 4's

Not on stock, do they?


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Jeff07971

kidstypike wrote: 
> Where did you get your 4GB Pi from? :p

CPC have 1,2 and 4 GB Pi 4's

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread kidstypike

Man in a van wrote: 
> Mine arrived this morning, 4 GB.

Where did you get your 4GB Pi from? :p

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0 25K library playlists & LMS cache
on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Michael Herger

on my old Shuttle with its Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2700   @ 2.13GHz

The server has finished scanning your media library.
Total Time: 00:02:22 (Wed, 12 Jun 2019 / 8.53)

on the new pi 4B

The server has finished scanning your media library.
Total Time: 00:00:36 (Thursday, June 27, 2019 / 12:06 PM)

Is this using the same set of plugins?


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Man in a van

Mine arrived this morning, 4 GB.

I only have a small library; 

on my old Shuttle with its Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2700   @ 2.13GHz
> The server has finished scanning your media library.
> Total Time: 00:02:22 (Wed, 12 Jun 2019 / 8.53)

on the new pi 4B

> The server has finished scanning your media library.
> Total Time: 00:00:36 (Thursday, June 27, 2019 / 12:06 PM)

I'm running LMS on the Raspbian Desktop OS, remote access via VNC (a
little hacking at first, to get it working) I don't have the required
HDMI cable :eek:


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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Daverz

cliveb wrote: 
> My Pi3 works perfectly as an LMS server. And I've got an old Pi1 running
> as a player.
> The extra capability of the Pi4 is welcome for lots of applications, but
> not really relevant to us.

If you have time to check, it would be interesting to know how big your
library is (tracks and playing time) and and how long it takes to do a
full clear and rescan.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-27 Thread Mollymorgen

Valuable information.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-25 Thread slartibartfast

cliveb wrote: 
> My Pi3 works perfectly as an LMS server. And I've got an old Pi1 running
> as a player.
> The extra capability of the Pi4 is welcome for lots of applications, but
> not really relevant to us.I use MusicIP which can use a lot of RAM so an 
> increase would be very
welcome if swap space can be avoided.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-25 Thread bpa

d6jg wrote: 
> I slightly disagree. The weak point of the Pi to date has been the
> shared bus for the LAN & USB. In normal use it doesn't show itself but
> if you run 24/7 and have a bunch of synced players connected to it then
> you will notice some "drift" that you don't get with more traditional
> hardware. If I read correctly the Pi4 has 1. a true Gigabit LAN and 2.
> USB3 which I don't think share the same bus (yet to see it stated
> conclusively though). If this is the case a Pi4 with 2GB RAM and some
> USB3 attached storage will make a great LMS server. Overkill as a player
> without doubt and anything more than 2GB RAM would be a waste of money
> for a server. I'll be interested to see how the guys who develop
> piCorePlayer decide to deal with the increased RAM available.

I agree USB / LAN has been a weak point and the following blog post (
) seems to indicate that this has been fixed old shared LAN /USB via
LAN7515 chip has been replaced by a PCiE bus separating LAN chip from
USB bus.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-25 Thread d6jg

cliveb wrote: 
> My Pi3 works perfectly as an LMS server. And I've got an old Pi1 running
> as a player.
> The extra capability of the Pi4 is welcome for lots of applications, but
> not really relevant to us.

I slightly disagree. The weak point of the Pi to date has been the
shared bus for the LAN & USB. In normal use it doesn't show itself but
if you run 24/7 and have a bunch of synced players connected to it then
you will notice some "drift" that you don't get with more traditional
hardware. If I read correctly the Pi4 has 1. a true Gigabit LAN and 2.
USB3 which I don't think share the same bus (yet to see it stated
conclusively though). If this is the case a Pi4 with 2GB RAM and some
USB3 attached storage will make a great LMS server. Overkill as a player
without doubt and anything more than 2GB RAM would be a waste of money
for a server. I'll be interested to see how the guys who develop
piCorePlayer decide to deal with the increased RAM available.

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-25 Thread cliveb

d6jg wrote: 
> I saw the announcement the other day. The increased RAM versions should
> be ideal for an LMS server with storage via USB3
My Pi3 works perfectly as an LMS server. And I've got an old Pi1 running
as a player.
The extra capability of the Pi4 is welcome for lots of applications, but
not really relevant to us.

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-24 Thread Apesbrain

d6jg wrote: 
> I use one of these for that job
Sure, just as I use a HiFiBerry HAT, but how much more elegant it would
be to just put S/PDIF on the board!

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-24 Thread d6jg

Apesbrain wrote: 
> I wish they'd add a S/PDIF output.  That 1/8" jack could easily be a
> combo mini-optical/analog.

I use one of these for that job

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-24 Thread Apesbrain

I wish they'd add a S/PDIF output.  That 1/8" jack could easily be a
combo mini-optical/analog.

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Re: [slim] Pitastic

2019-06-24 Thread d6jg

Man in a van wrote: 
> Haven't yet read the puff:eek:

I saw the announcement the other day. The increased RAM versions should
be ideal for an LMS server with storage via USB3

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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[slim] Pitastic

2019-06-24 Thread Man in a van

Haven't yet read the puff:eek:

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