[FairfieldLife] Re: Quiz for Willy -- or anyone else -- but, today, especially for Willy

2007-11-08 Thread Jason Spock
 Hey Shempster, You still haven't given me your opinion on the two 'Natural 
Law' articles.
 Are you angry with me or something.??!!

shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 21:25:35 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quiz for Willy -- or anyone else -- but, today, 
especially for Willy

  ...but I was acceding to YOUR request, not Judy's. You asked me to 
do something, I did it, and you don't give me the courtesy of a 

Okay. I just won't bother in the future.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

2007-11-06 Thread Jason Spock
 Is Toilet Paper vedic.?  Or would Maharishi insist only on water to clean 
up so that it keeps the consiousness pure.
 Shemp thinks Butterflies come out of MMY.!!

Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 06:09:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quotes from the Dhammapada

  This whole "turd in the toilet" problem (TTP) is just
another example of the confounding of states of mind
with pure consciousness. I have no problem believing
that the darshan of human waste would diminish ones
mental state due to its tamasic nature, but would it
impact pure consciousness, no. Another comment: how
weak does one's mind have to be to be impacted by TTP?
Pretty weak in my book.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The inability to tell opinion from preaching

2007-10-30 Thread Jason Spock
  Do you think Maharishi himself is responsible for the rigidity ot the 
True Blue Believer.??
  Hardcore TB's simply cannot comprehend the complex nature of this 
Universe.  They lap up one version of the Universe taught by the TM-org and get 
struck in it.  Soon it becomes a dogma.
  In MMYyahoogroup, they accused me of being a CIA agent.  I guess being 
stalked by a CIA agent makes them feel important.??
  It's important to listen to a wide range of opinions.  It gives you a 
much broader view of the Universe.
  My humble opinion, ' TM runs on a black budget'
  John Hagelin worked in Area 51.

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:43:14 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The inability to tell opinion from preaching

In all honesty I think that subsequent followups
to this exchange answered some of the questions
you pose above.

You stated an opinion. I stated one in reply. One
person saw that exchange of two opinions as 
"preaching" to her about how she should live 
her life.

If there is one thing that characterizes the TMer
in my experience (as opposed to seekers in other
spiritual traditions), it is the tendency to view
any opinion other than their own as an attempt to
"preach" to them or "convert" them in some way.

I honestly think that a lot of this comes from the
approach taught to TM teachers ("Every question is
a perfect opportunity for the answer we have already
prepared.") and drummed into the heads of TMers 
in every lecture. TM teachers, like Maharishi, tend
to be *incapable* of saying, "I don't know." They
also (like Maharishi) tend to be dogmatic in their
statements, implying that the answers they give to
every question are the "definitive" answers, the
"correct" answers, the "Truth."

Therefore, when someone who has been exposed to this
for years or decades encounters an opinion that is
different from their own, they tend to think that 
the other person is doing what *they* do when they 
express *their* opinions -- attempting to state that 
their opinions are "definitive, " and "correct" and 
the "Truth," and any other opinion is wrong. 

Some of us aren't. I don't think you do that when
you post your opinions to FFL. I don't think that
Alex does that, or Marek, or Hugo, or many others.
They're just expressing an opinion, one among many.
There is not an *ounce* of trying to "sell" these 
opinions in what they write, or of trying to "con-
vert" others to consider them "Truth." They're just 

These are the people I resonate with most on FFL.
Conversations with them are easy and wonderful, 
because nobody is trying to sell anyone anything.
They're just expressing opinions.

And yet many of the diehard TM believers see these
very conversations as provocative, or challenging,
or even as attacks on their beliefs. Go figure.

As a real followup to the questions you posed in
your original post, I think that part of the reason
that FFL degenerates into argumentation and noise
is that so many people were systematically *taught*
to react to any opinion that is different than 
their opinion *as if* it is some kind of attack.
That's the whole rationale behind being "Off The
Program," that these people who have chosen to
believe something "improper" or "wrong" are doing
HARM to the faithful True Believers by holding
these erroneous opinions. They must be *stopped*
from holding them, and if they *can't* be stopped,
they must be Sent Away, where they cannot infect
the True Believers with their heresies.

Why is there so much argumentation on TM forums?
Because TMers have been *taught* to argue for the
supremacy and "correctness" of the TM dogma, and to
actively *suppress* any opinion that deviates from
the TM dogma.

This is my OPINION, and I'm sticking to it. At 
least until my next post, in which I might have a 
different opinion. :-) This OPINION is not intended 
as "preaching" to anyone, or as a suggestion as to
how they should lead their lives. If they get off
on getting offended by opinions that differ from
their own, *by all means* they should continue to
do so. I'll continue to laugh at them, and that
laughter is an opinion in itself. The laughter is 
not a form of preaching; it's just an expression 
of being amused.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: hate America?

2007-10-30 Thread Jason Spock
 May I know why you left those lucrative jobs in Europe and China.??  You 
have not explained why you settled down in America.??  
  What kind of research were you doing in China.??

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:43:43 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: hate America?
  http://www.projectc ensored.org/ censored_ 2008/

Here's the censored stories that BigEvil doesn't want the masses
knowing much about.

Feste27, the minds that keep this knowledge from the headlines are
LIKE YOURS -- except, you know, you're a pissant they'd never deign to
have as part of their cabal since you don't have two IQ points to rub
together. Wait, I'll take that back. The intellectually challenged
deserve our love, but you are a mindful supporter of evil and you're
so bad at it that evil too cannot stand you. 

Yours is the face of the banality of Kali Yuga -- when every manner of
oblivious self-serving hideous rationalization is commonplace.


--- "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Bag lady, huh? Well, you certainly seem to have a lot of baggage. You
> almost got through this post without mentioning Hitler, until you
> stumbled at the last. This reminds me a little of Rudy G., who can't
> seem to open his mouth without mentioning 9/11. Oh well, I guess we
> all have our obsessions. 
> --- , Angela Mailander  wrote:
> >
> > If you have no interest in me, why make assumptions about who I am
> and what I love or hate? I told you the truth. Circumstances are
> always complex, and I assure you there is no conspiracy against me.
> When I arrived at the L.A. airport from China, I had a return ticket
> in my pocket. Homeland Security said, "You can go back to China if
> you want, but if you do, you're never coming back here." When I got to
> Ff, I asked Congressman Leach if this was legal, and he said that it
> was, that they could have denied me entry. I checked with an attorney
> specializing in such matters, and was told that people had been denied
> entry for no reason. So, I was here with two suitcases, no money, no
> place to stay, no job, and no job prospects, and a decision to make:
> Rich woman in China, or bag lady in the U.S. I I had two weeks to
> make that decision, and went for bag lady. Smart does not necessarily
> mean money, as Americans seem to be convinced it does. 
> > 
> > I've never taught at any University, here, in Germany, or in China
> when my colleagues didn't respect me. I agreed at some point with an
> article that said American education had hit rock bottom. I said we
> were all, including me, embedded in it, and I said my Ph.D. wasn't
> worth what earlier Ph.D. had been worth in terms of academic
> standards. People got their egos bent over this. When people hear
> that American education is terrible, even if they agree with that,
> they always want to talk about it as if it doesn't include them. 
> > 
> > The comparison between Nazi Germany and the U.S. is not absurd, but
> I'm done talking about it. The extant information allowing that
> comparison is becoming more and more available in English, but you are
> not really interested nor willing to listen with an open mind. Not
> everyone you disagree with is delusional, but wanting to hospitalize
> those whom you deem so (in your professional opinion), is something
> Hitler would have agreed with. a
> > 
> > feste37  wrote: 
  I have no interest in fathoming who you are. But this story, if true,
> > is a nice reversal of the usual one—being able to make money in China
> > but choosing poverty in America. But dear Angela, if you are so smart,
> > and you are continually telling us that you are, how come you cannot
> > make money in this great land of opportunity? If you are so smart, why are 
> > you poor? Some terrible conspiracy against you, perhaps? A refusal  by 
> > others to recognize your great genius?
> > 
> > ---  Angela Mailander   wrote:
> > >
> > > I find your accusation that I hate America nothing short of
> > astounding-- just because I see clearly doesn't mean I hate. I already
> > told you that when I was eighteen I had a choice between wealth and
> > ruling class status in Europe and poverty in America. I chose poverty
> > in America. I had that same choice when I lived with my sister in
> > Europe. And again I chose poverty in America rather than wealth and
> > ruling class status in Europe. When I came back from China, Homeland
> > Security put me through a five-hour interrogation in the presence of
> > armed guards and then gave me a choice: China or America. In China I
> > had a successful research project close to my heart with enormous
> > income potential. In just two years I had become known for it in
> > three big Chinese cities and in the biggest kindergarten chain in
> > China that was based in Taiwan. I had friends I loved. I had status
> > as a respected professional among my colleagues-- other Chinese
> > universities were competing with each oth

[FairfieldLife] Cure for Bevan

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
 Cure for Bevan

bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:26:10 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bad news for Bevan
http://tinyurl. com/2qxgab

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick FLAMING 2

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  I don't know if Shankara had that attitude.  He went into the body of an 
householder and witness martial life for a month and then returned back to his 
  Probably the purusha had that attitude.  You are correct.  Viewing women 
as enemies is very immature.  Such people have a long way to go in evolution.
  If MMY did use his dick, the cost must be heavy.  Two women are to write 
a book.??
curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:22:14 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick FLAMING 2

  People who are insulted by Rick offering certain women's experiences
with their gurus, but are not insulted by the guru's reported behavior
strike me as value challenged.. .

Reporting what someone said to them about their experiences is far
from gossip, and the jury is still out on whether it is fabrication
isn't it? Trying to label it as gossip or fabrication when you don't
have any direct knowledge is very TM movement, and wont work on people
who have been around the block a bit.

"gossipy, roumormonging female tendency" that was a loaded phrase
wasn't it? It reveals the writers mistrust of women at the same time
trying to use the old "you are a girly man" shaming argument as if
this has worked on a dude since 1959. The biggest group of gossipers
and rumormongers I ever met was when I lived with Purusha. Their
inability to get along with women had as many causes as members. But
there were plenty who took Shankara's lead and viewed women as a
devious enemy, revealing their own social retardation. (not to be
confused with calling them "retards")

These posts are vain attempts to shoot the messenger for information
that some of us find interesting and credible. It is a feeble attempt
to attack the person because you have nothing to refute the statements
of women who felt a betrayal of trust from an authority figure, and
you feel no sympathy for the human dilemma they found themselves in. 
Just the ol' protect the king and kill anyone who speaks against him. 
Even if you have to slander all women to do it.

Gotta prove that MMY never used his dick at ANY cost! Good luck with
that mission guys. 

Slamming Rick for offering their experiences to interested people is a
nice mirror for your attitudes. And when and if there are revelations
that Ravi or Amma turn out to be just folks like you and me I doubt
Rick will be any more surprised than I would be. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  In pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer societies life was so tough and 
every member of the tribe was valuable.  You cannot afford to suppress or 
Oppress anybody in those circumstances.  You are busy most of the time trying 
to find food.  Food was scarce.

curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 20:02:52 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman
  Let me guess, this was discussed on the pre-agricultural "The View" TV
show, which, if I remember correctly, was still hosted by Barbara
Walters back then.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Would an Enlightened Person Experience Sexual Lust

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  You are correct Shri. Gimbel.  Lust comes from the Second Chakra ie 
Orange Chakra.
  Love comes from the higher chakras.
  Unconditional Love ie Compassion comes only after Enlightenment.

Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 19:39:34 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why Would an Enlightened Person Experience Sexual 
  No, no, no, a thousand times no!
Lust is an energy devoid of love, heart and soul.
It is an outward sensory experience.
Greed is also like that.
And the rest of the lower impulses, of the lower chakras.

An enlightened person, doesn't experience lust.
By definition: lust is devoid of love.
When a person is enlightened, he is awakened to his/her true nature, 
of the soul, which is love, truth, and all the higher qualities of 
So, sexual intimacy in enlightenment, is a high form of Tantra, and is 
an intimate expression of love.
Many creative artist, were and are very passionate in love.
Lust is an entirely different matter.
We are here to learn many things:
And one of the most important is to notice the difference;
Between lust and love.
We are so confused as a race, when it comes to sex.
Priests molest children.
All kinds of perversions.
All this has nothing to do with love.
Lust is another vibration, like greed, and in a way, like killing.
It's a perversion of love.

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[FairfieldLife] Good fences make good neighbours

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  Good fences make good neighbors, scientists find
  Sept. 13, 2007
World Science staff
  Can the cold rea­son­a­ble­ness of math head off the 
flam­ing irra­t­ional­ity of vi­o­lent con­flict? 
May­be, say re­search­ers who this week re­ported that a 
math­e­mat­i­cal mod­el can pre­dict where eth­nic 
bat­tle will erupt. 

Such stud­ies could help pol­i­cy­makers de­vise 
so­lu­tions be­fore prob­lems get out of hand, the 
sci­en­tists said. More than 100 mil­lion peo­ple have died in 
vi­o­lent con­flict in the past cen­tu­ry, they added, 
of­ten be­cause of clashes be­tween eth­nic­ally or 
cul­tur­ally dis­tinct groups. 

The in­ves­ti­ga­tors found that eth­nic­ally mixed 
ar­eas with poorly de­fined bound­aries were prone to 
con­flict. The stu­dy, by sci­en­tists at the New Eng­land 
Com­plex Sys­tems In­sti­tute in Cam­bridge, Mass., and 
Bran­deis Un­ivers­ity in Wal­tham, Mass., ap­pears in the 
Sept. 14 is­sue of the re­search jour­nal Sci­ence.

The au­thors de­vised a mod­el based on the as­sump­tion 
that vi­o­lence does­n’t arise in highly mixed re­gions, since 
no groups con­sid­er the space en­tirely their own. 
Vi­o­lence is al­so un­likely in re­gions where groups are 
sep­a­rate, be­cause they don’t im­pose on each oth­er and 
the bound­aries are clear. In­stead, par­tial separa­t­ion 
with un­clear bound­aries fos­ters con­flict, the 
re­search­ers said.

The mod­el ac­cu­rately pre­dicted the loca­t­ions of 
re­ported con­flict in the form­er Yu­go­sla­via and in 
In­dia, the sci­en­tists re­ported. In es­sence, they said, 
the situa­t­ion is much as de­scribed by the po­et Rob­ert 
Frost in a well-known po­em, “good fences make good neigh­bors.”

“Vi­o­lence takes place when an eth­nic group is large enough to 
im­pose cul­tur­al norms on pub­lic spaces, but not large 
enough to pre­vent those norms from be­ing bro­ken,” said 
Bran­deis re­searcher May Lim. “Usually this oc­curs in places 
where bound­aries be­tween groups are un­clear.”

Re­flect­ing an emerg­ing di­rec­tion in sci­ence 
ap­plied to so­cial pol­i­cy, the study ap­plied 
sci­en­tif­ic prin­ci­ples of pat­tern 
forma­t­ion—of­ten used to de­scribe, for ex­am­ple, 
how chem­i­cals sep­a­rate by type or by state—to a thorny 
so­cial prob­lem. The re­search­ers found that eth­nic 
vi­o­lence oc­curs in pre­dictable pat­terns, just as do 
oth­er col­lec­tive be­hav­iors in oth­er 
phys­i­cal and bi­o­log­i­cal sys­tems. 

“The con­cept of pat­tern forma­t­ion, while it may have been 
orig­i­nally de­vel­oped to un­der­stand 
chem­i­cal sys­tems, is really a sci­en­tif­ic 
mod­el of col­lec­tive be­hav­iors, in which you look at 
those as­pects that con­trol over­all be­hav­ior,” said 
co-author and Com­plex Sys­tems In­sti­tute pres­ident 
Ya­neer Bar-Yam.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  You made a very important point maam Judy.
  During the Zero wave ie before the coming of Agriculture, Women had lot 
of power including the right to choose her own mate.
  The coming of the First wave ie Agriculture eroded her rights and 
relgated her place in society to a secondary status.
  You said she is being redeemed.  Yes, that is the coming of the Third 
wave.  The equality of the Yin-Yang balance of  Nature in human society will be 
  Colour prejudice and Gender prejudice still exist in many parts of the 
world and they should be removed from the Human culture no matter where they 
  In the past 100 years Memes are driving the human evolution and they are 
shifting into overdrive.  Conversely the influence of genes are becoming less 
and less.  Some scientists even go to the extent of saying that we will 
eventually reach a point where the influence of genes will be Zero..!!
  Our relationships with each other is basicaly defined by whether we share 
the same Memes or Values.
  Take for example our forum FFL.  It nothing but Memes slugging out with 
each other.!!
  Coming back to the point, Quality Wholistic education is necessary to 
bring further refinements to the human civilisation.  

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 16:26:45 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marauding Men and the Myth of an Independent Woman
  Y'all need to read up on the Crone. Hers is a much
more powerful, much more profound energy than most
men can deal with. It's no wonder your friend finds
her terrifying. That's why the patriarchal culture
repressed and demeaned her; but lately she's being

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[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Gem's from Bhagavan: Fate and Freewill - 2

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock

Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:49:58 +0100
Subject: Gem's from Bhagavan: Fate and Freewill - 2

  Everything is predetermined.  But a man is always free not to identify 
himself with the body, and not to be affected by the pleasures or pains 
consequent on the body's activities.

(from "Gems from Bhagavan", selected by A. Devaraja Mudaliar)

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[FairfieldLife] ALEX, is this Real.??

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
 Hey, sir Alex, could you tell me if this is REAL..??

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, BARRY relax

2007-10-03 Thread Jason Spock
  In the past 100,000 years millions of women have died during child-birth. 
 The casualty rate was high both for the child and the mother.
  Only 20th century medical technology has brought the casualty rate down.

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:08:36 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, BARRY relax
  Not only that, Nature performs an "abortion" on a
large percentage of *fertilized* eggs as well.

Not to mention all the perfectly viable frozen
*embryos* created by in vitro fertilization that
are discarded as so much garbage.

  And statistically speaking, Nature performs an
"abortion" on up to 50 percent of fertilized eggs/
embryos/fetuses. That's called a "miscarriage, " and
the vast majority of them occur before the woman
even knows she's pregnant.

God Himself allows all those wonderful human babies
to be flushed right down the toilet.


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[FairfieldLife] Hey, BARRY relax

2007-10-01 Thread Jason Spock

  Don't get so upset sir Barry.
  Remember, every 28 days the unfertilised egg is eliminated and a New egg 
is formed.
  Technicaly speaking Nature performs an "abortion" every 28 days.
  Atleast those eggs could be used for stem cell research.

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 06:05:31 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] DS responds to mainstream20016 Re: Abortion
  Oh, goodie. :-)

It's not every morning that I get a chance to
start my day off with a good rant, but here I
have two idiots offering me an opportunity to
do so, on a silver platter. 

I simply cannot resist.

[ the rest of mainstream's post, so carefully 
snipped by Judy, hereby reinserted ]

[ my response to mainstream ] 

Ok, you guys started this. Now sit back and
take what's comin' to ya.

There is NOT ONE WORD in my original post in
which I suggested that mainstream should not
express his opinion on this subject. I did NOT
tell him that he had "nothing to say" ON THE
SUBJECT. I told him he had nothing to say about
the *decision* any woman makes on this subject.

And he doesn't.

Mainstream, whether he believes it or not, really
IS (at heart) one of those guys who *would* stand
in the doorway of a doctor's office (which he
would demonize by calling it an "abortion clinic")
and try to stop some woman from having an abortion.

But he doesn't have the balls to do that.

So instead he tries to make the woman feel GUILTY
about her decision. That's the form of punishment
he metes out for her type of "sin."

And when I stood up for the women and pointed out
that he was trying to characterize them unfairly, 
he decided to try to mete out some of the same 
punishment to me.

He made up a story in his head (which says a great
deal more about him than about me) that I was the
father of these poor, aborted fetuses, and that I
was there at the women's side, urging them to kill
these poor human beings without a care.


I can see how mainstream might have a problem with
this concept. For him it must be difficult to imagine
a man just being friends with a woman and trying to
help her through a tough time. He'd much rather try
to make her feel bad -- and GUILTY -- about having
come to a decision about what to do with an unplanned
and unwanted pregnancy. In his mind, that makes him
some kind of moral giant, a man protecting the poor,
helpless fetuses of the world against those callous
women who would murder them.

To me it just makes him JUST ANOTHER GUY, trying
to impose his will on women whose will and whose
rights he doesn't understand and doesn't respect.

And when another guy comes along and busts him for
being such a male chauvinist pig, he lashes out and
calls me a liar, and makes up a whole story that some-
how implicates me in the "murder," and allows him to
try to make ME feel guilty, too.

Didn't work.

All it did was inspire in me an enormous sense of pity
for someone this insane, whose fanaticism has blinded
him to the fact that what he's trying to do by expres-
sing his opinion on a subject that doesn't concern him
personally is make the women whom it *does* concern
feel GUILTY about their decisions.

I'm sorry, but pity is *all* I can feel for him. I did
NOT say that he should speak about this subject -- he
imagined that, and so did Judy (in his case because he's
blinded by hatred for those he considers murderers, and
he wanted to consider me an "accomplice" ; in her case 
because she's just blinded by hatred, period), and they
made up stuff in my post THAT WASN'T THERE, and then
turned it into an excuse to dump on me.

Mainstream has nothing to say about whether a woman has
an abortion. Even if he succeeded in getting laws passed
to make it illegal he'd have nothing to say about it. 
He just hated being reminded of his powerlessness, and
wanted to consider himself a big, powerful, moral MAN
whose word had some authority over these women he con-
siders murderers. Me, I was even worse -- a guy calling
him on being an oppressive guy -- and so he had to invent
some way that he could call me a murderer and try to make
me feel GUILTY, too. That was his INTENT.

It failed. I don't feel a gram of guilt. All I feel --
for him -- is pity.

He is free to rail all he wants on this subject; I never
suggested otherwise. All I did was tell him WHY he was
really doing it -- to try to impose his will on women -- 
and that I thought it was pretty small of him. His 
response renders him even smaller in my opinion. 

As for Judy, well, I think everyone here knows that the
only reason SHE chimed in was that it was just one more
excuse to DUMP ON BARRY. She's a bitter old woman who
has nothing going on in her life *except* trying to make
other people feel bad about themselves. So in a very real
sense she and mainstream are "intent brothers."

But Judy is an EDITOR. She should *know* that what she
made up about my post is a lie. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Here's a parable

2007-10-01 Thread Jason Spock
 Ha Ha, Captain America smokes cigarettes.??
 Real bad for health man.  Give it up if you do.
 Do you have any statistics on how much tobacco you guys export.??
 Don't blame the Taliban if they export Heroin in return.  Practice What 
You Preach.

  Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 07:45:43 EDT
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Here's a parable
  You left out the part at then end where he relaxed and lit up a cigarette.

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[FairfieldLife] RE: Ricks enlightened friends

2007-09-29 Thread Jason Spock
 Heh Heh, MMY does that to Bevan and Hagelin.
 MMY's stamp of approval gives Bevan and the other Caped Clowns a huge ego 
 Maharishi even implies that Rajaram Nader is enlightened.

Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 10:22:43 -0500
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Ricks enlightened friends
  I agree with you about “premature claims to enlightenment.” I think they are 
common. If the people I’m referring to were saying “I have reached the pinnacle 
of human evolution” or if they displayed egotism or even if they were setting 
themselves up as gurus, I’d doubt them. All of them have achieved significant 
degrees of awakening, all acknowledge that there’s plenty more growth to 
undergo, not only for themselves but for MMY, Amma, your guru, and any living 
being, no matter how enlightened, and all are living private lives and are not 
inclined to become gurus. If they were, that wouldn’t rule out their 
enlightenment in my estimation, but it would make them suspect of 
ambition-based motives for claiming enlightenment. All of the folks I’m 
referring to have TM backgrounds. A few have branched out into other things. If 
the guru’s stamp of approval were an absolute necessity for realization, no one 
in the TM movement could become realized, because MMY doesn’t do that. You
 can think you are realized yet not be. But if you are realized, you’ll know 
it. Your experience will be sufficient confirmation. And you’ll be the only one 
at your graduation.

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: What's the difference between FFL and Columbia University

2007-09-28 Thread Jason Spock
  Amigo how are you.?  Ahmedinejad shoots himself in his foot by denying 
the holocaust.
  But his views on Israel are accurate.  Israel is an illegal and 
artificial state based on a mythical judaism.  Creation of Israel is an illegal 
and unethical act by the UN.
  He again shoots himself in the foot by denying Gays.  But then Iran is 
such a fucked up society that a survey taken in Iran on which is the most 
attractive part of a woman,,  Almost all the men voted that the ankle is the 
most attractive part of a women.!!

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 18:14:02 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] What's the difference between FFL and Columbia 
  Not much. They have very similar views of free speech.


September 26, 2007
Ann Coulter

Democrats should run Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for president. He's more 
coherent than Dennis Kucinich, he dresses like their base, he's more 
macho than John Edwards, and he's willing to show up at a forum where 
he might get one hostile question -- unlike the current Democratic 
candidates for president who won't debate on Fox News Channel. He's 
not married to an impeached president, and the name "Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad" is surely no more frightening than "B. Hussein Obama." 

And liberals agree with Ahmadinejad on the issues! We know that 
because he was invited by an American university to speak on campus. 

Contrary to all the blather about "free speech" surrounding 
Ahmadinejad' s appearance at Columbia, universities in America do not 
invite speakers who do not perfectly mirror the political views of 
their America-hating faculties. Rather, they aggressively censor 
differing viewpoints and permit only a narrow category of speech on 
their campuses. Ask Larry Summers. 

If a university invites someone to speak, you know the faculty agrees 
with the speaker. Maybe not the entire faculty. Some Columbia 
professors probably consider Ahmadinejad too moderate on Israel. 

Columbia president Lee Bollinger claimed the Ahmadinejad invitation 
is in keeping with "Columbia's long-standing tradition of serving as 
a major forum for robust debate." 

Except Columbia doesn't have that tradition. This is worse than 
saying "the dog ate my homework." It's like saying "the dog ate my 
homework" when you're Michael Vick and everyone knows you've killed 
your dog. 

Columbia's "tradition" is to shut down any speakers who fall outside 
the teeny, tiny seditious perspective of its professors. 

When Minutemen leader Jim Gilchrist and his black colleague Marvin 
Stewart were invited by the College Republicans to speak at Columbia 
last year, the tolerant, free-speech- loving Columbia students 
violently attacked them, shutting down the speech. 

Imbued with Bollinger's commitment to free speech, Columbia junior 
Ryan Fukumori said of the Minutemen: "They have no right to be able 
to speak here." 

Needless to say -- unlike Ahmadinejad -- the university had not 
invited the Minutemen. Most colleges and universities wouldn't buy a 
cup of coffee for a conservative speaker. 

Fees for speakers who do not hate America are raised from College 
Republican fundraisers and contributions from patriotic alumni and 
locals who think students ought to hear at least one alternative 
viewpoint in four years of college. 

And then college administrators turn a blind eye when liberal apple-
polishers and suck-ups shut down the speech or physically attack the 

Bollinger refused to punish the students who stormed the stage and 
violently ended the Minutemen's speech. 

So the one thing we know absolutely is that Bollinger did not allow 
Ahmadinejad to speak out of respect for "free speech" because 
Bollinger does not respect free speech. 

Only because normal, patriotic Americans were appalled by Columbia's 
invitation of Ahmadinejad to speak was Bollinger forced into the 
ridiculous position of denouncing Ahmadinejad when introducing him. 

Then why did you invite him? 

And by the way, I'll take a denunciation if college presidents would 
show up at my speeches and drone on for 10 minutes about "free 
speech" before I begin. 

At Syracuse University last year, when liberal hecklers tried to shut 
down a speech by a popular conservative author of (almost!) six 
books, College Republicans began to remove the hecklers. But Dean of 
Students Roy Baker blocked them from removing students disrupting the 
speech on the grounds that removing students screaming during a 
speech would violate the hecklers' "free speech." They had a "free 
speech" right to prevent anyone from hearing a conservative' s free 

That's what colleges mean by "free speech." (And by the way, my 
fingers are getting exhausted from making air quotes every time I use 
the expression "free speech" in relation to a college campus.) 

"Tolerance of opposing views" means we have to listen to their anti-

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Homophobic Trauma" - by William Edelen

2007-09-14 Thread Jason Spock
  Technicaly speaking the controversy is about which hole you ejaculate 
your semen into.!!
  To some people it's a big issue,  to some it's not.
  If you don't ejaculate into a hole, It's called a hand-job.
  Semitic religions, ie Judaism, Christianity and Islam are a pile of Shit. 
 Their scriptures should be put in the shit list.

oneradiantbeing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 22:18:22 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] "Homophobic Trauma" - by William Edelen
William Edelen
January 28, 2007

I have always believed in the evolution of consciousness. Especially 
from those who blabber every Sunday morning from pulpits about 
something called "love". Ugly and vicious internal battles are going 
on today in Episcopalian churches, as well as Methodist, Presbyterian 
and others. And of course all fundamentalist churches are in 
homophobic trauma. I am having doubts about the evolution of 

A roll call of the brilliant gays and lesbians of history who have 
made giant contributions to our evolution as a species and to our 
cultural heritage, would include the following. 

King James (yes, of King James bible fame)Plato. .Alexander the 
Great...Leonardo Da Vinci...Gore Vidal...Michelangel o...Walt 
Whitman...Emily Dickinson... Gertrude Stein...Rock Hudson...Greta 
Garbo..W.H. Auden...Amy Lowell...Tennessee Williams...Thornton 
Wilder...Willa Cather...Jane Austen...Henry James...George 
Santayana... Babe Zaharias...Christop her Isherwood... Peter 
Tchaikovsky. ..Oscar Wilde...Clifton Webb...Ethel Waters...Frederick 
the Great...Liberace. ..Rudolph Valentino... James Dean...James 
Hormel...Ramon Navarro...Malcolm Forbes...Christophe r 
Marlowe...Phillip Johnson...Van Cliburn...Edward Everett 
Horton...John GielgudGeorge 
Gershwin...Adrian. ..Aristotle. ..Hadrian. ..Chastity Bono...Noel 
Coward...Agnes Moorehead... Montgomery Clift...Anthony 
Perkins...Virginia Woolf...Edward Albee...Andre Gide...Sumner 
Welles...Cole Porter...George Cukor...Marcel Proust...Rudolph 
Nureyev...Genet. ..Dag Hammarskjold. ..Martina Navratilova. ..John 
Chever...Aaron Copland...A. E. Housman...William Tilden...Greg 
Louganis...Ian McKellen...Richard Halliburton. ..Lawrence of 
Arabia...William Haines...Horatio Alger...Jean Genet...Ethel 
WatersLeonard Bernstein... and space limitations preclude my 
listing thousands more of many of the most creative and brilliant 
representatives of our species. 

I have two nephews. brothers, who often visited me on Marine Corps 
and Naval Air Stations. They always wanted to be a fighter pilot like 
their "uncle Bill". They both became that. Both of them top Naval 
Fighter pilots. One became the Number one Top Gun of that elite 
group. His brother is gay and has been as far back as he can 
remember. Today he is a captain with one of Americas largest airlines 
and is one of the finest pilots in America. Gay. 

Robert Bernstein, former Senior Trial Lawyer for the U.S. Dept. of 
Justice, wrote an excellent book "Straight Parents, Gay Children." He 
and his wife were told by their daughter that she had always been a 
lesbian. They embraced her with love, and marched with her in gay 
parades. Bob went on to become the National President of PFLAG 
(Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.) one of the finest and 
most loving organizations in America. He had a full house when he 
spoke to my Sunday Symposium in Palm Springs. 

When is the good Christian love going to extend to the over 600,000 
lesbian and gay youth under 18 years of age in California alone. The 
suicide rate is the highest in gay and lesbian children because of 
their families inability to accept who they are and give them the 
Christian 'love' they prattle about every Sunday in church. 

The Christian church has a 2000 year old history of opposing 
scientific truth and blocking moral issues: the brutal persecution of 
Copernicus.. .Galileo. ..Bruno.. .Vesalius and others; supporting 
slavery with biblical references.. .fighting against the rights of 
women, including voting...still an issue today where wives are told 
to stay in their place as biblically defined. 

How many future generations of morally sensitive people are going to 
be amazed, and laughing, at the homophobic ignorance and 
superstitions of todays churches? 

In the name of Christian love, the thin-lipped witch hunting 
moralists are at work. Poor things. They can hardly get out of bed in 
the morning without knees shaking,..hands shaking and lips quivering. 
The sexual world they have to face each day is full of fantasized 
goblins...devils. .evil spirits and bogeymen and their church fights 
over bedroom witch hunts. 

A closing question that any intelligent grade school child could ask: 
When are Christians going to start living the "love" they drivel 
about every Sunday.? 

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[FairfieldLife] Food for BARRY

2007-09-14 Thread Jason Spock
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[FairfieldLife] More food for Shemp

2007-09-14 Thread Jason Spock

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[FairfieldLife] Homeopathy - Medicine or Snake-oil or Bug-oil..????

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Beetle in my pill 
Thursday August 30 2007 19:30 IST 

Maneka Gandhi
  I use homeopathy a lot. But when surfing the internet, when I came across 
this line: “The Secretary, Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani 
Siddha and Homoeopathy, is fascinated by the use of cockroaches in homoeopathic 
dilutions”, my heart sank. Even more when I found it really happens. In India, 
cockroaches (blatta orientalis) and American cockroaches (blatta Americana) are 
used to treat chronic bronchitis, a form of asthma characterised by suffocation 
with an accumulation of mucus and acute cough and this medicine is standardised 
in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India. 
And that is not the only insect. Cantharis prescribed for burns and urinary 
tract infections is made from Spanish Fly, a beetle. Coccus cacti — prescribed 
for whooping cough — uses another beetle. European spiders are sourced for 
preparing tarantula hispanic for nervous disorders. The honey bee is used for 
insect bites and allergies. Lachesis is derived from cobra poison and is 
prescribed for all blood infections, blood poisoning and blood decay. The 
ladybug, Coccinella septempunctata, is used in neuralgic pains of the teeth, 
gums and mouth; the honeybee (Apis mellifica) relieves sore throats and insect 
bites. The Red fire ant (Formica rufa) is used for arthritic conditions, 
itching and crawling sensations upon the skin. The Black Widow (Latrodectus 
mactans) is a remedy for ailments of the heart including angina. 
Homoeopathic drugs are are not just made from vegetables and minerals. 
Unfortunately they also use animals — 300 different substances have animal 
extract. According to the main manufacturers in this country they breed the 
animals and insects they use — which I am not sure they have made legal by 
asking for permission from the government, which means there are laboratories 
in this country growing lice, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bedbugs, wasps, red 
ants, and scorpions. There are 300 substances of animal origin in the pills, 
granules or liquid granules, gels, syrups, pills or collyriums. 
Some of the whole animals crushed and used live include jelly fish, lice, 
American cockroach, the Indian cockroach, mosquito, honey bee, bed-bug, red 
ant, wasp, spiders, scorpions, snails, locusts, caterpillars, scabies mites, 
kissing bugs. red starfish, roasted sponge, yellow viper, copperhead snake, red 
coral, rattlesnakes, coral snake, purple fish, cobras, leeches, and skunks. 
The whole animals that are used dried include Spanish fly, beetle, and green 
Some of the secretions from animals used are Orchitinum (from the testicular 
extracts of man), Ophorinum (from ovarian extract of cow), Hippomanes (from the 
amniotic fluid taken from an unborn or newborn horse), Moschus (from dried 
secretions of the male musk deer), and Oleum morrhuae (from cod liver oil). 
There are products of animal glands/hormones too. Examples are pancreatinum 
(from pancreas of beef), pepsinum (from the stomach of pig), pituitary (from 
the posterior portion of the pituitary gland of sheep), thyroidinum (from whole 
endocrine glands of sheep or calf), oophorinum (from the ovary of cow, sheep), 
thyroid gland of sheep, and lecithin from animal brains. 
The brief list I have given is only a small sampling of completely bizarre 
ingredients. The rest you can find at any Homeopathic Meteria Medica or ask 
your homeopathic doctor and watch him squirm around as he tries to answer. 
The origins 
The word Homeopathy is taken from the Greek, ‘homoios’ meaning like and 
‘pathos’ meaning disease. It was established in 1796 by the German doctor 
Samuel Hahnemann who posed that injecting a substance with similar effects to 
those of an illness and which would be toxic at a high dose could cure that 
same illness with the use of an infinitesimally small dose. Thus coffea (based 
on coffee) can be used to treat palpitations and insomnia. 
Hahnemann used the same chemical drugs, animal parts, herbs, reptiles, insects, 
metals, minerals, acids, and radioactive material which are still employed by 
modern homeopathic and allopathic doctors. He believed that the remedies took 
on the spirit, especially in the case of the animals, reptiles, and insects. A 
common practice of his was to suffocate live birds into the alcohol to capture 
the spirit of the animal into the remedy. This is still practiced today in such 
homeopathic remedies as Formica Rufa or Myrmexine, used in the treatment of 
arthritis made from crushed live ants.

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[FairfieldLife] Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Dr. Pete, I've been suffering from Trigeminal Neuropathy since 1999.  The 
attacks were very severe in 1999, 2000, 2001.  The symptoms have subsided for 
the past few years.
  My allopathic Doctor has put me on Gabapentin and Clonazepham.  He said 
Alchohol chould not be taken under any circumstances while on these drugs as it 
would damage the liver permanantly.
  He said that Neuropathy occurs if there is 'kidney problem' or 'Vascular 
disorders' or 'Auto-Immune disorders'
  I have vascular disorder. I ruptured a vein in my left testes twice.  
First while playing tennis ruptured it inside the testes and second while 
getting down from a bike ruptured the same vein above the left testes in the 
left groin.  I tore a ligament in my tibia while running and continued running 
not realising the seriousness of the injury and a major vein in my leg became 
varicated.  Even doctors dont understand how this happened.
  Both Gabapentin and Clonazepham completely depresses the Sexual function 
and errection.  You can call me an artificial bramachari.
  Are there any other medicines to treat Trigeminal Neuropathy and 
Peripheral Neuropathy.??
  I would like your opinion on this.

Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda
  Axis II disorders are refered to as the
characterological or personality disorders. These are
chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle and more
difficult to diagnose that the Axis I disorders. Vaj
is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II TM/TMSP
Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:

a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic

b. A vocal tic characterized by the phrase, "Jai Guru 

c. A partial facial paralysis resulting in a permanent
"blissful" smile with soft focused eyes.

d. A delusional/hysteric al condition of believing one
no longer has genitals and if genitals are admitted

to, then no understanding of their sexual function.

e. A delusional obsession that one's narrative.
explanation of existence ("supreme knowledge") is 

superior to all others regardless of the practical 
consequences of these obsessions (i.e., poverty,
poor health, failed relationships, etc.)


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[FairfieldLife] ShempMcGurk's Order , Maharishi's Order , Natural Order , Cosmic Order - 222

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Columns by Sauvik Chakraverti

A natural social order 22
  Go to any Indian bazaar, in the cities or the mofussils, and you will see 
innumerable hordes exchanging goods without the presence of any policemen or 
recourse to either civil or criminal law. This ‘natural social order’ that 
already exists is the true subject matter of any science of society. There is a 
need for a science of society precisely because there is an order without 
design. If the order was the product of a central planner or a central 
legislature, then there would be no need for a science of society, because the 
particular arrangements of the planner or the legislature would explain and 
account for the order. 
The reason why this natural social order exists is because the elements, 
individuals like you and me, obey unwritten and even unknown rules when we go 
about our lives surviving through the processes of market exchange. The true 
social science, therefore, proceeds with the rule-following individual and 
thereafter attempts to derive theorems applicable to the whole. A true science 
of society must be based on individualism as well as subjectivism: that is, the 
mind of the thinking, acting human being. Once the individual is understood, 
then only can we begin to understand the big picture: society. 
An example of such an approach is history. To arrive at the big picture of, 
say, the industrial revolution, the good historian will study the elements 
first: the politics of the age; the literature and arts; the individual 
entrepreneurs and their daring ventures; the squalid conditions of the new 
industrial towns etc. Thereafter, he will ‘compose’ a picture of that age. 
The false social science applies ‘polylogic’ and conjures up conflicts between 
groups, which are then used to foment strife: fascism, racism, socialism, 
communism, trade unionism and Keynesianism are all examples of polylogic, false 
ideas of society based on group-think and aggregation. In reality, the very 
factual existence of the natural order is proof that the elements co-exist in 
harmony; and that just as God has made the movements of the celestial spheres 
harmonious, so also He has made the social world one in which individuals 
interact harmoniously through market exchanges. 
If we apply the individualistic method to our understanding of Indian society, 
we are left with a sobering conclusion: that there is a great deal of hope for 
us because almost all of us are rule-following animals plying their individual 
boats in the great waters. We are a civilised people with a deeply ingrained 
commercial culture – which we do not understand, nor appreciate. This shows 
that the science of society is very much in its infancy. This is precisely 
because, neither in Economics, nor Political Science, nor Law, is this rule 
following individual the central focus of attention. There is, instead, 
something peculiarly socialistic in its conception: Sociology! 
Let us now sit back and imagine ourselves all as boatman-peddlers on the Dal 
Lake. For those who haven’t seen Srinagar, let me explain: as you idly sip 
kahwa on your house-boat deck, boatman after boatman pulls along selling goods 
as diverse as flowers and perfumes, leatherware and cookies. (I bought some 
charas, but that’s another story!) This natural social order is present as much 
on the Dal Lake as anywhere else in the country, where the people follow 
unwritten rules of just conduct during their market exchanges. If all of 
society was composed of such people, if such a way of life was the universal 
ethic and the highest moral code, then humankind would have reached its zenith 
and perfection, and government would be unnecessary. Some impartial judges, 
some learned lawyers – and that would be all. If this is an impossible ideal, 
so be it: but the true social scientist must visualise it, and direct all moral 
and intellectual faculties towards its attainment. 
Let us now turn our attention to the government. All the false social 
scientists who apply polylogic call upon this government to solve all the ills 
they believe society is possessed of. If people are poor, the government is to 
act. If people are unemployed, or sick, or whatever, call in the government. 
They all see the very same society – all of us in our individual boats on the 
Dal Lake – as full of imperfections, and they see the government as composed of 
But who are the individuals in the government? They are ministers, bureaucrats, 
policemen, generals, diplomats etc. How do they survive? They all survive 
because government tax collectors extort money from us. There are, thus, on our 
idyllic Dal Lake, many armed pirates who are snatching away at our honest 
gains. That is the government. The true Political Science, the highest 
principles of Jurisprudence, and the noblest ideals of Democracy concern 
themselves principally with the limits to this 

[FairfieldLife] SHEMP'S ORDER , Maharishi's Order , Natural Order , Cosmic Order - 111

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Columns by Sauvik Chakraverti

A natural order exists

There is a ‘natural order’ around us. This order is easily visible when we 
visit crowded commercial areas in densely populated cities. In Delhi’s Chandni 
Chowk, Bangalore’s Brigade Road, Tokyo’s Ginza, London’s Oxford Circus or 
Singapore’s Orchard Street the visitor does not find posses of armed policemen 
‘maintaining order’. The order exists on its own. Homo Economicus is a 
‘rule-following animal’. He obtains desired objects by following unwritten 
rules that have been learnt over generations. The study of these rules is the 
task of both the subject of Law as well as that of Economics. It is a tragedy 
that super-specialisation means there are very few who study both subjects 
today – as Adam Smith and scholars of his generation had done. 

The fact that a natural order exists independent of any single human will is 
important for all governments to note, for it is evidence of a deeply ingrained 
commercial ‘culture’. Since culture is something that has evolved slowly over 
many generations without any government controlling it, as have language, money 
and morals, it is a towering achievement for any civilisation to be possessed 
of a deeply ingrained commercial culture. For this is the means by which 
savages have tamed their instinctual urges and submitted themselves to the 
rigorous discipline of obeying the ‘rules of the game’. 

The natural order in a city is evidence of civilisation: trading with strangers 
and living among them is human action that lies ‘between instinct and reason’, 
as Hayek put it. It is evidence of a change in human nature, with the instinct 
to snatch being replaced by the ‘natural propensity to truck, barter and 
exchange’. Simultaneously, life in a small tribe of known faces, all following 
a common purpose, has made way for rugged individualism, following one’s own 
ends and purposes, serving strangers and being served by strangers in turn, 
while also being in ceaseless competition with them. No single will commands 
the order. 

This natural order makes the task of government relatively simple. If, on the 
other hand, the natural affairs of men resulted in a war of each against all, 
as was Thomas Hobbes’ paranoia, the task of government would be impossible. The 
proper understanding and comprehension of this natural order, then, is the 
first task of government. A government that understands this order and supports 
it gets an ally. 

Note that this natural order does not exist in Srinagar, Kashmir, where there 
are armed soldiers posted every five yards. What the ‘government’ is doing 
there is a question that needs to be asked. Ditto Baghdad. How do the citizens 
of Srinagar and Baghdad get their daily needs met? What about Kabul? Should we 
first set up a vibrant market-place in these cities or should we try and 
install a government first – and a ‘democratic’ one at that? There is an 
interesting account of a British colonial civil servant in Baluchistan who, 
when faced with two warring tribes in his district, got them to assemble in 
neutral territory and trade peaceably with each other. Such civil servants (who 
invoked the market) were infinitely wiser than the diplomats who conduct 
international affairs today with brute military might. 

Good government is therefore based on the realisation that the society it seeks 
to serve is already a self-ordering one, possessed of ethics and rules that 
make a complex, competitive and impersonal market order possible. Through the 
market, every possible societal want is satisfied, almost entirely without 
recourse to either civil or criminal law. The market is the process by which 
humanity survives. A good government is one that preserves and protects the 
market order. A bad government operates as a predator on the market: it has the 
‘evil eye’. 

At this point, let us recall the title of John Locke’s famous work of 1690: Two 
Treatises on Civil Government. The term ‘civil government’ has many deep 
implications. The word ‘civil’ has its root in ‘civilisation’ and ‘civitas’ 
(which means ‘city’), and is related to ‘civility’, ‘civil service’, and ‘civil 
society’. In this path-breaking book, which laid the foundations of many free 
societies, including the USA, Locke says that: 

‘‘Men being by nature all free, equal, and independent, no one can be put out 
of this estate, and subjected to the political power of another, without his 
own consent. The only way, whereby any one divests himself of his natural 
liberty, and puts on the bonds of civil society, is by agreeing with other men 
to join and unite into a community, for their comfortable, safe, and peaceable 
living one amongst another, in a secure enjoyment of their properties, and a 
greater security against any, that are not of it. When any number of men have 
so consented to make one community or government, they are thereby presently 
incorporated, and make one body polit

[FairfieldLife] Re: Female is Original , Male is addition

2007-07-23 Thread Jason Spock
  For the past 300 years Science has been uncovering the Laws of Nature 
  I feel pretty Good about it.  I don't have total knowledge to understand 
how they interact in every circumstance, but I have a fairly good idea of how 
things work on the wholistic level.
  Thanks to Maharishi and other masters as well

  Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 12:00:18 EDT
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Female is Original , Male is addition
  And how does that make you feel? Do you know and understand all of those laws 
of nature and how they interact with one another under every circumstance?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sicko

2007-07-16 Thread Jason Spock
  This is interesting, Amigo.
  Fidel 'bugbear' Castro often trumpets the superiority of the Cuban 
health-care system over other countries including US..!!
   Maybe Fidel knows that his country is rotting and just playing a 
political game to stay in power.??

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 03:45:03 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sicko

boxofficemojo. com
U.S. Release Date: June 22, 2007 
Distributor: Lionsgate
Director: Michael Moore
Running Time: 2 hours and 3 minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (brief strong language)

Medical Profession Distorted in Emotionalist Diatribe
by Scott Holleran 

The Bill O'Reilly of pseudo-documentarie s, self-promotional blowhard 
Michael Moore, presents Sicko, a distortion of reality from start to 
finish that purports to address a crucial issue: health care. 

Having declined to review Moore's smash, Fahrenheit 9/11, and having 
missed his anti-business Roger and Me and anti-gun Bowling for 
Columbine, this writer was prepared to laugh, or at least chuckle, at 
the mess that constitutes today's mongrel health care system in 
America (and I've covered health policy for newspapers and non-
profits). But this hooey, billed as a comedy, is as funny as a heart 

Moore covers health care like Fox News covers religion and the war in 
Iraq—without providing essential facts. He starts with the claim that 
18,000 people die each year from a lack of health insurance, an 
idiotic assertion. People die. They die of cancer, heart disease and 
other causes. Individuals have a right to choose not to buy insurance 
(an idea governors Mitt Romney, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ed Rendell 
reject)—and that means they choose to live without securing a means 
of paying for catastrophic illness. 

Taking personal responsibility is not among Moore's values. Neither 
is disclosing whether he met with communist dictator Fidel Castro or 
Cuba's Communist Party officials to obtain special treatment for 
those Americans he illegally brought to the island dictatorship for 
medical treatment, a low act of depravity, even for Moore, who tacks 
on a singularly offensive display of communist propaganda. How many 
enslaved Cubans died so that his pre-selected participants could get 
cheaper drugs and a new set of teeth? This is a country where kids 
are stripped of their milk ration at the age of six.

That the dishonest Cuba portion—morally repugnant to anyone who 
recognizes man's rights—provides Sicko's climax ought to tip the 
movie's theme that a society ruled by force is acceptable; the ends 
justify the means. That there is no right to speech, travel or 
association in Cuba, let alone the right to make—or see—a movie, is 
lost on Moore and his sick bunch. 

Tracked by overbearing music, emotionalist pitches—a diseased couple 
with six kids is shocked they can't afford health care in their elder 
years yet we never learn about how they chose to spend their money 
and what treatment decisions they've made—and a moral premise that 
health care is a right, Sicko grates on and on, neither making an 
argument or an especially interesting or amusing point. 

Key assertions are false. For example, when Moore blasts Health 
Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)—a term created by a leftist college 
professor, which Moore does not disclose—using the Nixon 
administration' s HMO Act, he conceals that the bill's primary sponsor 
was a liberal Democrat: Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. That's 
right: the leftist intellectuals railing against HMOs are the 
bastards who created them—by force, requiring that American 
businesses include HMOs in employee health coverage.

You'd never know that from Sicko, which also fails to mention that 
every world leader from King Hussein to Boris Yeltsin sought medical 
treatment in the world's most productive nation with the best quality 
health care: the United States of America. 

Moore is on firmer ground when he points out that socialized medicine 
was expanded by America's current president, a devout Christian who 
agrees that health care is a right, though Moore doesn't describe it 
that way.

The fact—despite manipulative flashes of socialized medicine in 
Britain, Canada and France—is that, for all intents and purposes, 
America already has socialized medicine (that is the proper term for 
government intervention in the medical profession), and it's 
typically instituted by conservatives. Medicare—subsidized care for 
every American over age 65—is not capitalism. Moore ignores this self-
evident truth and the possibility that government-controll ed health 
care is impractical because it is immoral. 

Moore is no more interested in exploring morality than are the 
conservatives who shoved Medicare drug subsidies down our throats 
(emptying our wallets), leaving Sicko holding up one of L.A.'s worst 
hospitals—the dreaded government-run King/Drew medical center—as a 
model, harming his subjects with invasive

[FairfieldLife] Joost the Internet TV

2007-07-15 Thread Jason Spock
 Sci Tech 
  Tomorrow's television today? 
TV, as we know it, is being challenged by multiple technologies
  NIKLAS ZENNSTROM is a Swede. Janus Friis is Danish. The two 
inventor-entrepreneurs first came together in 2000 to create the compelling 
Internet peer-to-peer file sharing technology known as Kazaa. 
It was controversial. The music companies came down like a ton of bricks on the 
company that offered Kazaa, accusing it of encouraging piracy. 
Cool tool 
By then Zennstrom and Friis had sold Kazaa to an Australian outfit called 
Sharman — but over 4 million 'satisfied' users had downloaded the cool music 
exchange tool. 
In 2003, the Scandinavian duo came up with their second inspired idea: an easy 
way of making cheap telephone calls from PC to PC via the Internet, which they 
called Skype. The free software was downloaded by over 170 million users, many 
of whom went on to use a paid version which allowed one to call any telephone 
including land lines or mobiles. In 2005, the auction site e-Bay bought Skype 
from its creators for $ 2.6 billion. 
Compelling idea 
What do you do with that sort of money? If you are Niklas and Janus, you plough 
most of it into your next invention. 
They have just done it. It is called Joost (pronounced `juiced') and it may 
transform forever, the way we receive and watch television. 
The idea is so compelling that within days of announcing their offering, they 
received a further infusion of $ 45 million from 5 investors last week, 
including major US-based TV andmovie players like CBS and Viacom. 
This is how it works: If you go to the Joost web page (www.joost.com ) you will 
see an invitation to download the Joost beta (Friends edition) by simply giving 
your name and email address. 
Attractive menu 
The software reaches your mailbox within seconds. It works on all PCs running 
Windows XP, with a processor 500 MHz or faster, 512 MB of RAM memory, 48 MB of 
video memory and the version 9.0 or later of DirectX. 
Once installed, Joost opens an attractive menu, which offers over 100 TV 
channels to view. These include select programming from MTV, CNN, Sony 
Pictures, library of feature films, a number of children's channels... the list 
keeps growing as more and more mainstream terrestrial and satellite TV content 
providers join the queue of those who want to be seen on Joost. 
Already there are a number of interactive features — you can rate a programme 
or chat with friends about it while watching — which go beyond what most of us 
can do with our TV sets. 
What is the commercial model? All these TV content players who are offering 
their programmes to Joost will share the on-site advertising: the ads will not 
intrude too much at less than 3 minutes to every programme hour. What makes all 
this viable? 
It is the increasing availability of broadband speeds for the Internet. Thanks 
to BSNL's bold initiative, and the domino effect it is having on the private 
providers, many Indian viewers already enjoy the Net access speeds which will 
allow them to sign up for the free Joost service and enjoy reasonably smooth 
streaming TV quality — right now. Joost may be compelling but it is not the 
only bright idea knocking around in the television space today. All the new 
technology directions, have one thing in common: They exploit the Internet — 
what is known as IP TV or Internet Protocol TV. 
Only weeks ago, Apple, makers of the iconic iPod music player, unveiled Apple 
TV, a small box which in essence, was a 40 GB hard disk with a wireless 
connection and a stripped down version of the Mac OS X operating system. 
Streaming content 
Hooked to your TV on one hand and an Internet connection on the other, it 
allowed you to stream content from an ITunes library on the Net to the TV or 
play movies or music you may have saved on the hard disk. 
A similar approach has been used by WalMart and Amazon in the U.S., which allow 
paid users to download movie content to be played on their PCs or TV. 
Two other approaches 
There are two other current approaches to harnessing the ubiquity of Internet 
to extend the reach of TV. SlingBox, a small tuner-Net device, when attached to 
a TV set, allows one to `shift' the place where you can watch its content 
(including Cable TV channels), to up to four other devices — PC or mobile — 
that could well be on another continent... thanks to the Internet Protocol. 
Another device launched late last year is Pinnacle PC TV To Go... which helps 
place-and-time-shift the content on one's TV, by wirelessly linking its box. 
Interestingly the $ 250 Pinnacle device that was launched in the U.S. this year 
(it has just come to India) is based on technology created by Indian brains at 
Monsoon Multimedia and known here under the name `Hava.' 
SlingBox too was crafted by Indian engineers at the Bangalore end of 
SlingMedia, the parent company. 

[FairfieldLife] Yoomba the instant Cross-mail Chat

2007-07-15 Thread Jason Spock
 Page 11
  All-chatting-calling e-mail is here 
  Special Correspondent 
  Bangalore: A year-old U.S.-based Internet application developer has just 
released a tool that significantly pushes the envelope of seamless, global 
communication. Yoomba’s offering of the same name, allows any one with an 
e-mail address to contact any other e-mail addressee ... and with a click of 
the mouse, convert the off-line contact into an instant chat based on text 
messages — or even a live voice call. 
  The beauty of Yoomba lies in its simplicity: Well-known e-mail services such 
as GMail, YahooMail or MSN offer instant communication modes like live chat — 
but they work only within the mail group. That means GMail can chat with GMail 
only. And Net telephone applications such as Skype also work within closed 
  Now, we are offered a tool that bypasses the administration of individual 
e-mail services and allows one to chat instantly or talk, as one would on the 
telephone, with any other e-mail address owner, using what is known as 
peer-to-peer networking. 
  The tool is a free service from www.yoomba.com and by just entering your 
e-mail ID at the site, you initiate action to receive a key for the download 
which takes less than five minutes at typical connection speeds in India. Once 
installed, you can activate all e-mail accounts and make them Yoomba-enabled. 
  Of course, you must invest in a head-phone-microphone combo (which costs a 
couple of hundred rupees) and connect it to your PC if you want to use Yoomba 
to make telephone calls. 
The first time that you try to call or instant-chat with another e-mail 
address, Yoomba will send an e-mail invitation inviting the recipient to 
install the software. Once your friend does that — you are all set. Just 
clicking on the phone icon besides the e-mail ID in your address book, sets off 
a very realistic ring tone at both ends... and the two parties are talking to 
each other! When this correspondent tried it out with a few friends the quality 
was excellent. You can also switch to the loudspeakers of your PC or use a 
built-in mike. Yoomba is so simple, anyone from age 7 to 70 can be up and 
running with the tool in minutes. It allows you to invite all the people on 
your regular mailing list to join in. But you need to use this feature with 
some care, otherwise you will be sending out spam to a lot of angry e-mailers! 
  At the global launch of the product on Friday (Indian time) Yoomba 
founder-Chief Executive Elad Hemar is reported to have said that he planned to 
keep the service free for now — and make money through advertisements. Yoomba 
is a compelling application that one hopes no one will throttle it at birth. 
The Hindu


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[FairfieldLife] Shemp is a Wooly Mammoth

2007-07-15 Thread Jason Spock
  Sir Shemp, i've been reading your posts for along time.
  I have come to the conclusion that you were a Wooly Mammoth in your 
previous incarnation.

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jesus Camp

2007-07-15 Thread Jason Spock
  Should we take the delusions of these deranged men as divine religion.??
  Semitic religions ie Christianity & islam are Virus memes that have gone 
out of control.  It's a form of collective madness that is very much similar to 
Slavery, Foot-binding, Female Circumcision, Sati burning and Female 
infanticide etc  etc.

boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2007 15:00:25 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jesus Camp

  Every single fundamentalist christian I've spoken to the past 30 years
is absolutely convinced they are going to heaven and every non
christian is going to hell. who cares how they justify it, conduct or
grace or donations to the church, the point is that's their arrogant
and closeminded belief. actually that fundamentalist christians don't
give a rats ass about conduct is one of their big problems. have you
read the immensely popular "left behind" books - floating up to heaven
and not being left behind to get zapped with the non believers by
jesus is the major motivator for them. for fundies grace is just a
pretty word for superiority.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Things I can laugh at now...

2007-07-06 Thread Jason Spock
  Almost everyone in FFL at some point in his life thought that Maharishi 
was the 'real deal'.  That's the real reason people got attracted to Maharishi 
in the first place.
  If you guys later on changed your opinions due to various reasons, that's 
fine.  That's your karma.
  What interests me the most is how Rick Archer changed his opinion after 
being a "Bug eyed Cult zombie".
  CurtisDelta was too enlightened to listen to the advice of his 
Chiropactor and continued to hop on his butt till his back got permanently 
  If any 'flirty fishy' female was there in TM-mov't that was a bonus.

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 14:54:52 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Things I can laugh at now...

  Robert Crumb used to complain how he never ever got any of that "free 
love" that was supposed to be so prevalent in the '60s. I empathize 
because I never got any of that free love in the '70s.

When I read stuff like that above, I imagine that I would have 
eagerly joined the "Children of God" cult had just one good-
looking "Flirty Fishy" female allowed me to partake of her honeypot. 
I would have been so grateful that I would have willingly signed away 
both my life and my then meager $800 net worth.

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

[FairfieldLife] The Little old Lady

2007-07-05 Thread Jason Spock
  A little old lady is walking down the street, dragging two plasticgarbage 
bags with her, one in each hand.
There's a hole in one of the bags, and every once in a while a $20 bill is 
flying out of it onto the pavement. Noticing this, a policeman stops 
her"Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag..."
"Darn!" says the little old lady.."I'd better go back and see if I can 
still find some. "Thanks for the warning!"
"Well, now, not so fast," says the cop. "How did you get all that money?" Did 
you steal it?"
"Oh, no", says the little old lady. "You see, my back yard backs up to the 
parking lot of the football stadium. Each time there's a game, a lot of fans 
come and pee in the bushes, right into my flower beds!
So, I go and stand behind the bushes with a big hedge clipper, and each time 
someone sticks his little thingy through the bushes, I say: $20 or off it 
"Hey, not a bad idea!" laughs the cop. "OK, good luck! By the way, what's in 
the other bag?"
"Well", says the little old lady, "not all of them pay."

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[FairfieldLife] The Ant and the GrassHopper

2007-07-05 Thread Jason Spock
 Here are two stories for my Amigo Shemp.
OLD VERSION: The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building 
his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the 
summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house 
and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the 
summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to 
know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are 
cold and starving.
CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering 
grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table 
filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is 
allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when 
they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green.'
Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news 
stations film the group singing, 'We shall overcome.' Jesse then has the group 
kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.
Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant 
has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate 
tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity and Anti-Grasshopper Act 
retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to 
hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his 
retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit 
against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that 
Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.
The ant loses the case. Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and Dick Durbin say justice has 
been served.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the 
ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the 
ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow. The grasshopper is found dead in a drug 
related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of 
spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fateful Voice of a Generation Still Drowns Out Real Science

2007-06-10 Thread Jason Spock
  You got to be Joking.
  It's been well established that most Pesticides have a molecular 
resemblence to female hormones.  They contaminate the eco-system and cause 
effemination of males.

shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 15:18:51 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fateful Voice of a Generation Still Drowns Out 
Real Science

  Rachel Carson was probably responsible for more human deaths than Pol Pot, 
Fidel Castro, and Che Guevara combined.

Her science -- the Science of Scare -- is being replayed today as the 
Science of Global Warming. In other words, not a science but a fear-
mongering religion in which Al Gore is the Pope and David Suzuki one 
of his Cardinals.

Got a little couch potato? 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Al Gore: ban Shiva

2007-06-10 Thread Jason Spock
   I'm sorry Shempji, but things don't work that way.
   Our ability to control Weather systems and Climate is slowly becoming a 
   Cloud seeding is already done in 35 countries over the world.  It's just 
a matter of decades before we aquire the ability to neutralise Tornados, 
Hurricanes, heat in the deserts, sand-storms, even EarthQuakes.!
   The frightening part is what we are going to do with it, once we acquire 
that kind of capability.

shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 23:01:37 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Al Gore: ban Shiva

  Associated Press -- June 7, 2007

In an apparent extension of his proposal that CO2 in the atmosphere 
be reduced, Al Gore today called for the elimination of Shiva, the 

"Anything that destroys is negative," said Gore. "It simply isn't 
right that a destructive force such as Shiva be allowed to continue 
to exist and wreak havoc on the environment. "

Gore was asked whether he wanted to eliminate the other two basic 
forces in the universe as well.

"We have no problem with either Vishnu or Brahma as the former is 
responsible for maintenance in the universe and the latter for 
creation. These are good, positive forces. We only want negative, 
destructive forces eliminated. We're only for positive things."

Vaclav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic was swift to 
respond. "The nature of life is change. It is constantly changing. 
In order for change to occur, destruction of what exists must occur. 
Destruction as a force is as equally important as creation.

"Mr. Gore seems to view the world and the environment as an 
unchanging static organism. But it can and does 
change...continuall y. Be it polar ice caps or the weather, change 
has always occurred and will continue to take place. However, some 
people can't come to terms with the ever-changing nature of life. 
Psychologically, it takes them out of their comfort zone because they 
seek permanence in the relative field, something that is impossible. 
Therefore, when they observe change occuring in life they seek an 
answer to explain a phenomenon that, on the face of it, is unpleasant 
and icky to them.

"It is akin to those who seek answers to irrational acts, such as the 
assassination of John F. Kennedy. To accept that just one single, 
insane gunman could bring down the president of the United States is 
so inconceivable to many that they construct conspiracy theories in 
order to bring rationality to where it doesn't exist.

"In the same way, Gore assumes unpleasant change that he observes 
occuring in nature -- such as an unusually strong hurricane season or 
a hot summer -- must therefore be due to some manmade unnatural 
cause. He then seeks to find a cause that will explain the 
unpleasantness. He has done that by assigning the cause of global 
warming to manmade CO2 and he now wants to do that with an entire 
force of nature, Shiva, because "destruction" seems to him such a 
nasty thing.

Asked if he still felt whether Mr. Gore's sanity should be 
questioned, Mr. Klaus replied: "yes."

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[FairfieldLife] Mad Money UnLimited

2007-06-07 Thread Jason Spock
Exc. Bevan Morris and Exc. John Hagelin announced in their press 
conference today that the Raam Currency will be available in UNLIMITED 
quantities from Today afternoon onwards.
He also said that the first two or three years of Vedic agriculture 
might result in loss, but will be compensated in future profits.

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

[FairfieldLife] China's fast growing industry

2007-06-06 Thread Jason Spock
  A Close Look at China's "Sex Industry"  [related link:   Red Light District a 
book on prostitution in China] 
  by Zhong Wei  (Lianhe Zaobao -- Singapore October 2, 2000)   Summary:  
There isn't very much reliable data about China's sex trade. For lack of good 
data, let's take a look at data released on anti vice campaigns since 1999. 
Take Beijing, for example. Two anti vice campaigns in Beijing during 1999 
involved enforcement actions at 6000 hair salons, baths, and other 
establishments were vice is easily concealed. This July Beijing police arrested 
4101 gamblers, and 1866 establishments in violation of vice laws. Each large 
sex establishment can house 100 prostitutes while a hair salon might have ten 
prostitutes. One can estimate from this that Beijing has at least 200,000 - 
300,000 prostitutes.  Another example is Fuzhou. During a five days in 
July, 13,000 sexual companions were arrested and 5604 establishments were found 
in violation. Fuzhou seems to be in a worse situation than Beijing, so perhaps 
there are 100,000 prostitutes in Fuzhou.   Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as
 China's first windows to open to the Western world got an early start so the 
proliferation of prostitution there is even more astonishing.  There, 
prostitution is closely tied to organized crime, corrupt local officials, and 
underground vice marketing organizations that use hotels, places of 
entertainment and other semi-public locaux to provide sexual services.   
Jiangsu Province: in Hangzhou City, at just one establishment, the Xunmeng 
Gewuting [Searching for Dreams Dance Hall] three or four hundred prostitutes 
and their clients congregate. In that region there is a big demand for 
prostitutes so that in Wuning City a "prostitute wholesaling center" appeared.  
  In Yining City alone, there are 25 of these establishments and 40 
underground exchanges.  There prostitutes wait for a boss from a sexual 
services center to come and take them away. Business is good.   In Wuhan, 
the call girl service has even developed to the point of needing a work permit. 
In Guangzhou to
 the city of Dongwan, there are many apartments where merchants from Hong Kong 
and Taiwan live -- the apartments rent girls to them. In Taiyuan, Shanxi 
Province, there are nearly 5000 registered dance halls and after investigation 
another 3000 turned up. Taiyuan may well be the world's prostitution capital -- 
just counting the "girls" working at the over twenty large "dance hall cities" 
and 60 sauna establishments, there are nearly 100,000 prostitutes. During the 
1997 floods, many top officials were paying attention to the famous courtesan 
Chen Li...  In Jiangsu Province, Danyang district, prostitutes are known 
for stopping diners and trucks on the roads to offer their services. In Kunming 
and other places, prostitution "services" have developed to the point of 
vehicles with beds.  Prostitutes are people living on the edge, struggling 
for existence. If we estimate that 20 million prostitutes earn 25,000 RMB 
annually, that comes to 500 billion RMB or is 6 percent of
 the PRC GDP.  More over,  China's "new left" economist Yang Fan estimates that 
half of the prostitutes income goes to consumption, so that represents 
consumption of 250 Billion RMB. Prostitutes need quite a lot of equipment: 
beepers, cell phones, cabs, apartments or rooms in homes, expensive clothes and 
fine cosmetics and even bodyguards, pharmaceuticals.. so the sex industry may 
well move the economy along with an annual level of consumption of 1 trillion 
RMB.  The "sex industry" is certainly a significant part of the Chinese 
economy. When we consider that the Chinese GDP in 1998 and 1999 was 7.8 
trillion RMB and 8.3 trillion RMB, the contribution of the "sex industry" to 
the GDP comes in at about 12.1 - 12.8 percent. Thus it is not moonshine to talk 
about the economic importance of the "sex industry". The economist Yang Fan 
even estimates that with the implementation of the "Regulations on the 
Management of Places of Entertainment" issued by the State Council during
 the latter half of 1999, the Chinese GDP dropped by one percent. 
   How did China's sex industry get to be so big? Over the past two 
decades, economic changes have been too big and have come to fast. Morals have 
been changing and the population pressure is more and more apparent. When 
everybody was poor, being rich was seen as evil.  The words "let a few get rich 
first" was a clever formula, but it didn't say just how this was to be done. Or 
which people in which areas in which classes could get rich first. As the old 
house collapses, some time is needed for the construction of new values and the 
rule of law. The combination of the traditional worship of power with the new 
worship of money created a disaster. Little could be done about it. Some relied 
on power to get money. Some relied on

[FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Rick to burn my months posts for Ron Paul

2007-06-06 Thread Jason Spock
  I think Nixon scrapped the 'Gold Standard' in 1971.   
  There was also an outward flight of Dollars as it was adopted as the 
Global Reserve Currency in the early 70's.  Billions of ' float dollars' 
circulated in the world economy never reaching the American shores...!!
   The value of the US dollar is also artificialy high.  Churchill made the 
same mistake which almost killed off the Brit manufacturing.
   The world has to revert back to the ' Gold standard' for a more stable 
economy.  Silver, Platinum and Niobium can be used along with Gold.
   I wonder what ' standard' TM-org uses to print Raam..!!

off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:30:30 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Rick to burn my months posts for Ron 

  Your chances of finding on interenet are as good as mine, but it is 
a wide platform from the things I have seen, so maybe if you ask 
specifics, I could answer them.

Regarding your federal reserve question.

I don't understand Ron Paul's exact thinking on this, so if anyone 
else does let me know, but I know he is going in the right direction.

But do you know what the Federal Reserve actually is? 
Answer: Nothing. 

It does not exist, except on paper, so abolishing it will make no 
difference whatsoever, except cut out the middle man. The 
governement borrows money, through the Federal Reserve from the 
banks (based on the LAW that the banks are allowed to lend every 
dollar they own, one hundred times ! ! ! )

That means if I was a bank, and had 100,000,000 dollars, I could 
lend 10,000,000,000. 

The Government gets its debt from Federal Reserve which just funnels 
ficticious money from the banks.

There is no "federal reserves". 

The banks are able to get away with this because the biggest feuler 
of the US economy is the Military Industrial Complex (Haliburton et 
al). Without this input the US economy would flounder. Haliburton, a 
US company, has its head offices in the TAX HAVEN Cayman Islands. 
Its head office is a tiny office with a phone and answering machine 
which does nothing. No people. Nothing. 

Do you still want to keep the ficticious Federal Reserve which has 
no money? Not since your founding fathers started printing British 
pounds sterling money illegally has there been such a scam.



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-06 Thread Jason Spock
This is what three TM-tutors in the indian TM-org told me.
TM was formulated about Two thousand years before the Advent of Adi 
Sankara..!!  TM is more than four thousand years old..!!
GuruDev Bramananda Sarasvati taught TM to Maharishi,,, almost literaly 
giving it to him on a Silver plate..!!
 Maharishi did NOT travel by foot.  People sponsored his trips which he 
went by trains and buses.

CurtisDeltaBlues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 16:48:53 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

  Thanks for posting this Bob. There is a contradictions in his account
from MMY's own account. Since he was so close to MMY it is
interesting that he would tell a different story. I am beginning to
wonder if it is MMY who told different versions to different people. 
But for his official version that is played repeatedly on his courses,
we are all familiar with that one so my pointing out the difference
certainly wont bring a flurry of resistance, it will just be an
obvious fact that we can work out together...

C: A few years before he became Shankaracharya, the old sage made one
of his rare ventures out of the wilderness. It was at this time that
Maharishi saw him in a procession and the experience was something
like spiritual love at first sight. Maharishi, a twenty-year- old
student, felt an overwhelming desire to be near and serve the great

Me: In his taped account he came to see Guru Dev in a house at night
for the first time and caught a "flashy glimpse" when a car headlight
illuminated his face. There was no procession.

C: He sought out the Guru Dev who told him to first finish his
education and then come. Two years later, having earned his degree,
Maharishi headed for the monastery of Jyotir Math in the Himalayan
religious center of Badrinath, there to devote his life to the Guru
Dev, "to serve at the feet of my master." And this he did for thirteen
years until the swami passed on.

Over the years, Maharishi would be asked hundreds of times to talk
about his past. Reporters were especially curious. But his answer was
always the same: "Once you take the vows of the monk, past life is

He told me long ago that when you become a bramachari, or monk, you no
longer relate to your family or to any of your background.

Me: So is his obvious connection with his family in the indian
movement a departure from his vows? He set them up with sweet jobs,
that is definitely relating to them, in fact showing them favoritism.
If in fact they are actually getting big bank accounts from the
movement's finances, this would also seem to contradict this vow
business. So either Charlie is misquoting him or he is not following
his own standards.

C: From time to time, over the ages, this special technique is brought
back into focus. The Guru Dev chose Maharishi to do it now. Where the
Guru Dev acquired the knowledge isn't known; whether it was given to
him by his own guru many, many years ago, or whether it came to him
from his attunement with the Infinite. The Guru Dev was a master of
masters, a master of all paths. His comprehension was universal.

What Maharishi had inherited was the quintessence of Transcendental
Meditation. It was like a magnificent raw diamond requiring the skill
of an expert cutter and polisher. Maharishi now had to structure the
knowledge and make it workable. What was the best way to teach it?
What were the modes of practicing it? How could it be made appealing
to the masses?

None of the other monks or holy men could help him. He alone had
received the knowledge from the Guru Dev. (snip)

Me: Here Charlie seems to be trying to share credit for TM between MMY
and Guru Dev. Since the simple japa style meditation is so common in
India I don't really get this claim. (I know the magic effortless
nature of the practice story) The mantras are not meaningless sounds
to Indians so for them this aspect of how it is presented in the West
is absent. So it seems a bit dubious that TM is so unique. Having
spent a short amount of time after getting out of TM practicing some
other versions I am not so sure this claim of uniqueness is valid. I
know many others here have much more experience with different forms
of meditation so I will leave this topic to the experts.

C: He had traveled more than 1,500 miles, most of that distance on foot.

Me: Puleeze! Monks get free rides on Indian trains. MMY super
hiker! Guru Dev super camper! How did such outdoor types end up with
the pasty faced crew that are their most devoted followers?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Spirituality Paradox Contradictions Spirituality All True

2007-06-06 Thread Jason Spock

 Turquoise is a writer in France.
 Turquoise is a mutant Ninja Turtle.
 Turquoise is a three toed Sloth bear in South America.
 Turquoise is a Klingon on the Federation hit list.
 Turquoise is a plant eating Bug in a Rain Forest in Congo..!
 Turquoise is a drink in a Mexican restaurant.
 Turquoise is a mighty Roman Warrior in 200 BC.
 Turquoise is a pea brained Snail in Galapagos islands.
 Turquoise is an abandoned rusting Tank used in the Second World War.
 Turquoise is an ET living 230 million light years away.
 Which one is correct..??

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 07:50:26 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spirituality Paradox Contradictions Spirituality 
All True

  Interesting, but I also found it interesting that
she didn't offer much justification for *why* she's
saying what she's saying about becoming comfortable
with contradiction. She did mention the "mental body"
vs. the "heart," but to me that's NewAgeSpeak.

One additional point of information that can actually
give some justification for her stance is in MMY's
olde saying, "Knowledge is different in different
states of consciousness. " Even *within* his system
there are paradoxes, depending upon which state of
consciousness he is speaking about, or from. The 
description of "reality" is different from the POV 
of waking state, or CC, or GC, or UC. Total contra-
dictions. But very possibly all true. 

It seems to me that the attempt to claim that some-
thing is "true," and to actively get someone else
to "buy into" that "truth," is an attempt to get
them to *share your state of consciousness* . 

Any appeal to others to believe something that is
true only from the unenlightened waking state is,
almost by definition, an appeal to these others
to look at the situation *from* the POV of unenlight-
ened waking state. If these others are looking at 
the situation from another state of consciousness,
from the POV of, say, UC, then the situation as
described by someone in the state of ignorance is 
*not* true, for them. 

But the folks who feel the need to *convince* these 
others that they "know" the "truth" often keep ham-
mering away at the UC POV, telling it that it's 
"wrong," and that they should look at things from 
the "right" POV. Which in this case, of course, is 

If you need an example of this, look at Rory's 
recent post #140834. I thought that was a marvelous
example of "stepping back" and expressing the same
situation from a completely different POV and SOC,
from which it looks entirely different. What *seems*
true when looking at the situation from one POV is
no longer true when looking at the same situation
from another POV. 

Something to bear in mind when trying to claim that
your POV is "true." When you make that claim, aren't 
you *really* saying, "*Mine* is the POV or SOC from 
which 'truth' is determined?"

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Stories

2007-05-31 Thread Jason Spock
   The ability to appreciate several points of Views simultaneously is a 
very powerful Taoist technique that will enable you to see the larger picture 
and see how it all fits in.
   I'm curious to know TomTraynor's opinion on this.??
TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 08:49:41 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Stories

  Maharishi is one of the greatest spiritual teachers
the world has ever known. He is a living saint, fully
enlightened, and thus incapable of doing anything that
is not fully in accord with the laws of nature. There-
fore anything that anyone says against him is false,
and indicates that the person saying it is either
deluded or has some malevolent intent towards this
great saint. He's one of the world's 'good guys,' and
anyone who speaks ill of him is a 'bad guy.'"

"Maharishi is a con man who has systematically ripped
off the gullible seekers who have followed him for
decades. He promises them everything -- including
enlightenment -- and delivers on almost nothing. And
to protect himself he has created an autocracy that
punishes any questioning of his authority or his 
essential 'right' to dictate to his followers what
they should do and think with excommunication or
worse (legal action should they violate the copy-
rights he has taken out on common domain techniques
and knowledge). He's a 'bad guy,' and anyone who
tells the 'truth' about him (as defined above) is a 
'good guy.'"

"Global warming is a serious problem that threatens
the future of humanity and the Earth, and those who
attempt to diminish its importance are enemies of

"Global warming is a scam perpetrated by 'scientists'
who are in it for the money, and who are putting over
one of the biggest frauds in history on their fellow
human beings."

"Polticians of the Republican/Democrat ic Party (pick one)
are 'good guys' who have the welfare of the population 
as a whole in their hearts. Anyone who says something 
negative about them is doing so because they *oppose*
the welfare of the population as a whole. Such people
are liars and are not to be trusted."

"Polticians of the Republican/Democrat ic Party (pick one)
are 'bad guys' who have sold out to the interests of 
those who control them from behind the scenes. The only
thing they care about is themselves, and putting more 
money and more power in their pockets. Anyone who says 
something negative about them is doing so because they 
*oppose* these self-interested actions, and are acting
from a sense of heroism, 'protecting' the welfare of the 
population as a whole. Such people are heroes and are 
to be trusted implicitly because they *are* heroes."

"I am 'right' because because the sources I have quoted 
to support my position are 'better' than yours."

"You are 'wrong' because because the sources you have 
quoted to support your position are 'lesser' than mine."

"My view of who I am and what I do and why I do it is
'correct' and yours is 'incorrect,' because I say so.
No one could *possibly* believe the things you're saying
about me, so the fact that you're saying them means that
you are intentionally 'lying' about me."

"Your view of who you am and what you do and why you do 
it is 'incorrect' and mine is 'correct,' because I say so.
I *do* believe the things I'm saying about you, and you
just can't handle the possibility that they're true."

What do all these stories have in common? First, obviously,
they're all Just Stories. NONE of them are 'true' or 
'truth' -- they're just stories that we tell ourselves
and others.

The other thing that all of these stories have in common
is that they are all OPINION. No matter how many 'facts'
or 'sources' one trots out to support them, opinions they
are and opinions they remain. There is NOTHING you can
do to make them more than opinion.

Can't we all just get along? Can't we have opinions of
our own without believing that the opinions of others
are "lesser" or "wrong" and that the others who hold
these opinions are "lesser" than we are or less "right"
than we are?

What if we lived in a universe in which ALL of the stories 
we tell to ourselves and to others are "true," and just 
*seem* to be contradictory? What if the universe supported 
ALL of these seeming contradictions, without missing a 
step, and found a way to reconcile ALL of them? 

It seems to me that we DO live in such a universe. If
it can reconcile all these seemingly contradictory 
stories, why can't we?

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[FairfieldLife] The UnRestricted War - Chinese Plans

2007-05-30 Thread Jason Spock
  Unrestricted War: the leveller
Compensating for the PLA's slow rate of military modernisation, Chinese 
military strategists have published a new theory of warfare that focuses on the 
weaknesses of potential adversaries. Dr Ehsan Ahrari investigates. 
ALTHOUGH economic development is Beijing's foremost priority, since 1991 China 
has been steadily modernising its armed forces. Aside from initiating various 
modernisation programmes for the People's Liberation Army (PLA), Chinese 
strategic thinkers have also started to concentrate on making the best of their 
relative military weakness. A number have concluded that China should look for 
the 'Achilles' heels' of its potential adversaries and enemies. 
Since the implosion of the Soviet Union, the only powerful potential enemy 
facing China is the USA - a superpower that has successfully used its economic 
power to build its military muscle. China has always been wary of both US 
intentions in the Asia-Pacific region and US aspirations to be a dominant force 
in the international arena. It has never ruled out the potential for future 
military conflict with the USA. The future status of Taiwan might be a key 
source of friction, but it is by no means the only one. 
China is also fully aware of its economic underdevelopment and the attendant 
military weakness vis-à-vis the USA. So how should it handle the reality of US 
military power? The answer is to study the weak points of the US war machine 
and warfighting style and try to master the US mindset regarding war. Only 
then, say Chinese strategists, will China be able to level the playing field in 
a future military conflict. 
So what major lessons has China drawn about the overall US approach to war? 
First and foremost, Americans greatly value human life. The human losses 
absorbed by US forces in two World Wars were heavy, but in view of what was at 
stake, the US perspective was that the sacrifice was worth taking. However, the 
Second World War might have been the 'last good war' the USA fought. The Korean 
War, although fought under the banner of the UN, became an unpopular domestic 
issue in the 1950s; the Vietnam War almost tore the social fabric of the 
country apart. The USA's political will to get involved in military conflict 
has dramatically diminished, unless it is possible to fight from a distance and 
with minimum human loss. 
Secondly, the USA's near obsession with minimising casualties in military 
conflict means it will rely heavily on technological systems to keep its troops 
as far from harm as possible. Since the USA has always preferred quality to 
quantity in its military research and development and the production of 
military wherewithal, its weapon systems have generally been rated as far 
superior to those of the former Soviet Union or other European countries. 
Conflict in the 1991 Gulf War was decisive: proof of the qualitative 
superiority of US war-making technology. Nevertheless, no country, no matter 
how superior a force it might create at a given time, is entirely invulnerable. 
If its adversaries try hard enough, they are likely to find weak points. 
Since US forces are heavy consumers of high-technology equipment, an adversary 
should examine in detail the major technological systems used by US forces to 
determine which ones are vulnerable and at what point in the evolution of a 
military conflict those systems could be attacked or even destroyed. 
Thirdly, US forces have been victimised twice by acts of terrorism in Saudi 
Arabia. The potential for transnational terrorism remains a source of concern 
for US strategic planners. This substantial pre-occupation with potential acts 
of terrorism against US troops deployed on foreign soil has made the issue of 
'force protection' a crucial one for US commanders. 
The essence of the doctrine 
Unrestricted War, the book by two senior colonels of China's People's 
Liberation Army/Air Force (PLAAF), Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, mentions the 
use of terrorism as a strategy of war. Colonel Qiao has pointed out in an 
interview about the book: "You will find . . . not a single word about how 
China should use the 'terror war'". He added: "Unrestricted war . . . is a 
double-edged sword and is not aimed at the war plans of a specific country." 
However, the USA is the chief focus of analysis for Qiao and Wang. Their 
interpretation of US foreign policy behaviour is highly unconventional, and at 
times their phraseology is similar to that used by anti-US groups in different 
parts of the world. What seems to have brought this book to the attention of 
the Western media is that it was written by two senior PLA officials and that 
it was reportedly read not only by the Chinese defence and foreign policy 
establishment but also by President Jiang Zemin himself. 
Unrestricted War has been described by some in China as "an original theory in 
two decades", and the "emergence of a n

[FairfieldLife] The Great Oil Game..!!

2007-05-30 Thread Jason Spock
   Opinion - News Analysis 

Faith in oil growth could bring economy crashing 
  George Monbiot   Our future prosperity has been hardwired to rising 
use of transport fuels, without a thought for the supply drying up.
MOTORISED TRANSPORT is a form of time travel. We mine the compressed time of 
other eras — the infinitesimal rain of plankton on the ocean floor, the 
settlement of trees in anoxic swamps — and use it to accelerate through our 
own. Every tank of fuel contains thousands of years of accretions. Our future 
depends on the expectation that the past will never be exhausted.  The 
energy white (policy) paper the U.K. Government published last week talks of 
new taxes, new markets, new research, new incentives. Anyone reading the 
chapter on transport would be forgiven for believing that the Government has 
the problem under control: as a result of its measures, we are likely to see a 
great reduction in our use of geological time.  Buried in another chapter, 
however, there is a remarkable admission: "The majority (66 per
 cent) of U.K. oil demand is derived from demand for transport fuels which is 
expected to increase modestly over the medium term." To increase? If the 
government is implementing all the exciting measures the transport chapter 
contains, how on earth could our use of fuel increase?  You won't find the 
answer in the white paper. It mysteriously forgets to mention that the 
Government intends to build another 2,500 miles of trunk roads and to double 
the capacity of our airports by 2030. Partly to permit this growth in 
transport, another white paper, also published last week, proposes a massive 
deregulation of planning law. There is no discussion in either paper of the 
implications of these programmes for energy use or climate change. There are 
plainly two governments of the U.K., one determined to reduce our consumption 
of fossil fuel, the other determined to raise it.  What happens beyond the 
medium term is anyone's guess. But it should be pretty obvious that more roads
 and more airports will mean that our rising use of transport fuel becomes 
hardwired — the future health of the economy will depend on it. So the 
government must have examined this question. If our economic lives depend on 
continued growth in the consumption of transport fuels, it must first have 
determined that such growth is possible. Mustn't it?  Last week I phoned 
four of the government departments concerned in the hope of finding this 
assessment. But it does not exist. The white paper and the civil servants I 
spoke to referred me to a book published by the International Energy Agency, 
set up by the Organisation fro Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 
after the 1974 oil crisis. This in itself is odd. On every other issue that 
might affect the U.K.'s security or economic growth, the Government conducts 
its own assessments. But in this case it relies exclusively on one external 
source. This reliance seems even odder when you read the IEA's book and discover
 that it's as polemical as my columns.  Before it presents any evidence, 
the book dismisses people who have questioned future oil supplies as 
"doomsayers." It announces that it has "long maintained that none of this [the 
possibility that oil supplies might be reaching a peak] is a cause for 
concern." Though it expects the global demand for oil to rise by 70 per cent 
between now and 2030, and though it anticipates that output from the world's 
existing oilfields will decline by about 5 per cent a year, it is confident 
that new supplies will make up the difference.  It bases this assessment on 
the finding that "the level of remaining reserves of oil has been remarkably 
constant historically, in spite of the volumes extracted each successive year." 
As the IEA must know as well as anyone else, this is partly because the level 
has been forged by members of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting 
Countries (OPEC), the oil producers' cartel. The quota assigned to a
 member of OPEC reflects the size of its reserves. All members have a powerful 
interest in exaggerating their reserves in order to boost their quotas. The IEA 
admits in another report that Saudi Arabia has posted a constant level of 
reserves (260 billion barrels) over the past 15 years, despite the fact that it 
has produced over 100 billion barrels in the same period. Where has the magic 
oil come from?  But it is the OPEC on which the IEA's optimism relies. The 
growth in global demand will be met, it says, by a 150 per cent increase in oil 
production from the Middle East by 2030. What if this oil doesn't materialise? 
It is a question the IEA raises then rapidly drops. "Because of the 
uncertainties over the respective amounts of resources and reserves, it is 
difficult to predict the moment of peak oil, when production might be expected 
to start to decline. Estimates range from today to 2

[FairfieldLife] How accurate is the 'Swindle'...???

2007-05-29 Thread Jason Spock
   A mondo block of ice at the 'ass end' of the planet is melting..!!
   Shemp thinks it's not a problem at all..!!
   Does Rick and Turquoise have anything to say about it.??

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, 

[FairfieldLife] Shemp's food. Fear of eating..!!

2007-05-28 Thread Jason Spock
  Paul Krugman: Fear of Eating  With all the problems with the food supply 
lately, are you anxious about the food you are eating? If so, Paul Krugman says 
Milton Friedman is to blame: 
Fear of Eating, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: 
  Yesterday I did something risky: I ate a salad. 
  These are anxious days at the lunch table. For all you know, there may be E. 
coli on your spinach, salmonella in your peanut butter and melamine in your 
pet’s food and, because it was in the feed, in your chicken sandwich. 
  Who’s responsible...? Some blame globalization; some blame food-producing 
corporations; some blame the Bush administration. But I blame Milton Friedman. 
  Now, those who blame globalization do have a point. ...[S]ince the Food and 
Drug Administration has limited funds..., it can inspect only a small 
percentage of imports. This leaves American consumers effectively dependent on 
the quality of foreign food-safety enforcement. And that’s not a healthy place 
to be... [L]ast month the [FDA] detained shipments from China that included 
dried apples treated with carcinogenic chemicals and seafood “coated with 
putrefying bacteria.” You can be sure that a lot of similarly unsafe and 
disgusting food ends up in American stomachs. 
  Those who blame corporations also have a point. In 2005, the F.D.A. suspected 
that peanut butter produced by ConAgra ... might be contaminated with 
salmonella. According to The New York Times, “when agency inspectors went to 
the plant..., the company acknowledged it had destroyed some product but...”... 
refused to let the inspectors examine its records without a written 
  According to the company, the agency never followed through. This brings us 
to our third villain, the Bush administration. 
  Without question, America’s food safety system has degenerated... [S]ince 
2001 the F.D.A. has introduced no significant new food safety regulations... 
  This isn’t simply a matter of caving in to industry pressure... The ... 
United Fresh Produce Association says that ... without strong mandatory federal 
regulations..., scrupulous growers and processors risk being undercut by 
competitors more willing to cut corners on food safety. ...
  Why would the administration refuse to regulate an industry that actually 
wants to be regulated? Officials ... are also influenced by an ideology that 
says business should never be regulated, no matter what. 
  The economic case for having the government enforce rules on food safety 
seems overwhelming. Consumers have no way of knowing whether the food they eat 
is contaminated, and in this case what you don’t know can hurt or even kill 
you. But there are some people who refuse to accept that case, because it’s 
ideologically inconvenient. 
  That’s why I blame ... Milton Friedman, who called for the abolition of both 
the food and the drug sides of the F.D.A. What would protect the public from 
dangerous or ineffective drugs? “It’s in the self-interest of pharmaceutical 
companies not to have these bad things,” he insisted... He would presumably 
have applied the same logic to food safety (as he did to airline safety): 
regardless of circumstances, you can always trust the private sector to police 
  O.K., I’m not saying that Mr. Friedman directly caused tainted spinach and 
poisonous peanut butter. But he did help to make our food less safe, by 
legitimizing what the historian Rick Perlstein calls “E. coli conservatives”: 
ideologues who won’t accept even the most compelling case for government 
  Earlier this month the administration named, you guessed it, a “food safety 
czar.” But the food safety crisis isn’t caused by the arrangement of the boxes 
on the organization chart. It’s caused by the dominance within our government 
of a literally sickening ideology.

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[FairfieldLife] Mugabe does Chavez one step better..!!

2007-05-28 Thread Jason Spock

Mugabe ready to seize foreign firms 
  Andrew Meldrum and Simon Bowers   Law could force firms to hand over 
51% of shares  President Robert Mugabe's government is preparing to 
seize majority shares in all of Zimbabwe's foreign-owned businesses and mines, 
a move that economists warn would be as damaging as the widespread land 
seizures in the country.  Top of the list of companies expected to be 
targeted are London-listed mining groups such as Rio Tinto and Anglo American, 
though recent remarks by Zimbabwean Ministers suggested banks such as Standard 
Chartered and Barclays could also be hit.  One Minister said ``imperialist 
companies'' would be targeted as they had been operating with what the 
President described as a ``sinister, regime-change agenda'', according to 
reports.  A senior source at one British company with a presence in 
Zimbabwe said any such move would ``confirm Mugabe as operating what is, to all 
intents and purposes, a terrorist regime''.  Mr. Mugabe's Cabinet has
 approved proposed legislation to force all foreign-owned companies to cede 51 
per cent of their shares to black Zimbabweans.  The empowerment bill is 
going through a final drafting process before it is presented to Parliament, 
said top government officials.  The Mugabe government has already drafted 
an amendment to the Mining Act, which requires all foreign-owned mines to have 
51 per cent of their shares owned by ``indigenous'' Zimbabweans.  In both 
proposed bills it is widely understood that the new black Zimbabwean 
shareholders would have to be closely tied to Mr. Mugabe's ruling party, 
Zanu-PF. Officials have said if companies cannot find acceptable indigenous 
Zimbabweans then the Government can make suggestions.  Economists warn the 
actions would severely hurt Zimbabwe's already battered economy, which is 
suffering 3,700% percent inflation, the world's highest. Zimbabwe's economy has 
shrunk by 50% percent since 1999, an unprecedented contraction in a
 country not at war, according to the World Bank.  The seizure of majority 
stakes in businesses and mines would increase inefficiency, mismanagement and 
corruption, according to many business executives, who point to the disastrous 
land seizures. Once a food exporter, Zimbabwe has been reliant on international 
food aid for six consecutive years.  Independent analysts say the new moves 
are simply the latest example of Mr. Mugabe's plundering of the economy.  
``Mugabe operates on a patronage system and he is running out of farms to give 
away to his supporters,'' said independent Harare economist John Robertson. 
``Now he is looking for new areas of the economy to hand over. If this 
legislation becomes law, it will be like legalising theft. It will be a death 
knell to many companies.''  Cabinet approval of corporate seizure 
legislation has been widely anticipated by many multinational groups. British 
American Tobacco once counted Zimbabwe among its lead growers
 but has dramatically scaled down operations in the country. Rio Tinto sold off 
its gold and nickel mining operations to locally owned Rio Zim in 2003.  - 
Guardian Newspapers Limited 2007

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[FairfieldLife] Shemp's Oceans are becoming Acidic..!!!

2007-05-28 Thread Jason Spock
  Acid Buildup in Oceans Threatens Food Chain
  By Robert Roy Britt, Senior Writer
  posted: 30 June 2005 11:55 am ET

  Industrial and auto pollution could turn Earth's oceans so acidic by the 
end of this century that the entire marine world will be threatened, a new 
report warns.
  The study, issued today by the Royal Society in the U.K., documents the rise 
of carbon dioxide, or C02, which occurs naturally and is also emitted in the 
burning of fossil fuels like coal and gasoline.
  "If CO2 from human activities continues to rise, the oceans will become so 
acidic by 2100 it could threaten marine life in ways we can't anticipate," said 
Ken Caldeira, co-author of the report.
  "This report should sound the alarm bells around the world," said Chris 
Field, director of the Carnegie Department of Global Ecology. "It provides 
compelling evidence for the need for a thorough understanding of the 
implications of ocean acidification. It also strengthens the case for rapid 
progress on reducing CO2 emissions."
  Caldeira is a staff scientist at the Carnegie Institution's Department of 
Global Ecology in Stanford, Calif. He did the research while at the federal 
government's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
  Marine plants soak up carbon dioxide and convert it to food during 
photosynthesis. The CO2 is also used to make skeletons and shells, which 
ultimately become sediment on the sea floor. In that way, the oceans act as a 
giant carbon sink.
  Some scientists estimate that more than a third of all human-produced C02 has 
been absorbed by the oceans.
  What could happen 
  Caldeira and his colleagues conclude that too much C02 in the sea could have 
adverse effects. When CO2 gas dissolves into the ocean it produces carbonic 
acid, which corrodes shells of marine organisms and can interfere with their 
ability to take in oxygen. If current pollution trends continue, increasingly 
acidic water could hamper shell and coral formation and negatively impact the 
lives of crucial organisms such as phytoplankton and zooplankton that form the 
bottom of the food chain, the scientists say. 
  Any significant die-off of small creatures would have a deadly ripple effect 
throughout the watery ecosystem.
  But Caldeira is careful to point out that nobody knows how all this might 
play out. 
  "We can predict the magnitude of the acidification based on the evidence that 
has been collected from the ocean's surface, the geological and historical 
record, ocean circulation models, and what's known about ocean chemistry," 
Caldeira said. "What we can't predict is just what acidic oceans mean to ocean 
ecology and to Earth's climate. International and governmental bodies must 
focus on this area before it's too late."
  Anyone with a swimming pool or hot tub is familiar with the terms involved. 
  Acidity is measured on a scale of pH (potential of Hydrogen). It runs from 1 
to 14, with 7 being neutral. Anything that lowers pH makes the solution more 
acidic. Over the past 200 years, the pH of the surface seawater has declined by 
0.1 units, which is a 30 percent increase in hydrogen ions, Caldeira's team 
  Creating Ice Age effects 
  The decline is about what occurred as the last Ice Age ended. 
  "Humans have already had as big a chemical impact on the oceans as going from 
the ice ages to today," Caldeira told LiveScience. "That change from the ice 
ages occurred over thousands of years, whereas most of the changes we have 
produced have come over the last century."
  This buildup of hydrogen ions comes with a reduction in carbonate ions, which 
are the building blocks of calcium carbonate that corals and other organisms 
use to grow skeletons, according to a separate report last year issued by the 
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change.
  The Pew report, led by Joan Kleypas of the National Center for Atmospheric 
Research (NCAR), reached a similar conclusion. Kleypas also said that corals 
are being damaged by increases in water temperature at the surface, a side 
effect of the controversial global warming that most scientists say is being 
exacerbated by industrial emissions.
  "Coral reef ecosystems are going to be significantly impacted by climate 
change," Kleypas says. "They're already being degraded by both climate change 
and by direct impacts such as overfishing and habitat loss, and the combination 
of these stresses can be devastating."
  Another study in December found that as up to 20 percent world's coral reefs 
have been destroyed, largely by warmer water and increases carbon dioxide. 
Reefs serve as homes for other marine life and protect shorelines against 
  Kick 'em when they're down 
  Further, a report yesterday said the sea is becoming less salty due to extra 
fresh water flowing in as a result of a warmer climate

[FairfieldLife] Turquoise's Cat , Rick's Cat , Schr�dinger's Cat

2007-05-24 Thread Jason Spock
   You feel like a Schrödinger's cat..??
Rick says that reconciling the Positives and Negatives of TM-org, MMY 
is an interesting challenge.  Rick obviously admits that are positives in TM 
and MMY..!!
Maharishi is a Quantum entity and so, perhaps you can't pass a 'Black 
and White' judgement on him..??
Paradox of the blazing Brahman..??
  shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 13:42:45 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My response to a friend's suggestion that we 
engage in a discussion about the movement

  Their mistake, obviously, was not putting gold paint on the edges of 
the books they published.

  Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 08:02:37 -0500
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: My response to a friend's suggestion that we 
engage in a discussion about the movement

  What’s with this journal obsession? I have no problem with the research. It 
shows TM is effective and many ways. I don’t dispute that. What I do is take 
ALL available information, throw it in the pot, and try to make a palatable 
stew of it. The more controversial things I have come to believe, based on 
evidence I find credible, do not negate the many positive things about TM, MMY, 
etc. For me, reconciling them just presents an interesting challenge.

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 10:58:49 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My response to a friend's suggestion that we 
engage in a discussion about the movement

  well said, Rick. As it turns out, I had a similar
conversation with a former Rama student recently. 
Like your friend, this gal was trying to "save" me
from my backsliding ways and "help me" return to a
"proper and correct" understanding of who and what
Rama (Frederick Lenz) was.

I tolerated it for a few moments, making jokes the
whole time, trying to get her to lighten up. But
lightening up just wasn't in the picture, because
she had decided that I really needed to be "saved,"
and that she was just the one to do the "saving."

So finally I said to her, "Look...here is where I'm
at with regard to any of this. Anything I think or
believe about Rama is just a theory, and one that I
am not particularly attached to. I am willing to 
state at any time that I could be completely WRONG
in my ideas about who and what he was. Can you say
that about YOUR beliefs about him?"

She hemmed and hawed and dodged the question for 
some minutes, but I kept repeating it, saying that
if we were to have any kind of meaningful discussion,
we should start off on the same footing, both of us
with ideas about the man we were discussing, but both
of us willing to admit that these ideas might be 
WRONG. She kept dodging. I kept repeating the ques-
tion. Finally she flew into a purple-faced rage,
yelled at me for a few minutes, and stormed off, 
hopefully never to darken my door again.

The thing is, she was UNABLE to say the words, "I might
be wrong." She couldn't get them out of her mouth. To 
do so would have opened a Pandora's Box for her that
she wanted no part of. Her faith was based on the abso-
lute *certainty* that she was right, and she could not,
even for a moment, admit even the *possibility* that she
might be wrong.

I kinda suspect that the friend who wanted to "help you"
would have reacted the same way...

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Swindle" out on DVD in 2-3 weeks

2007-05-22 Thread Jason Spock
  DuveYoung, I know Global-Warming is real because I have seen it's effects 
myself with my own eyes.
  What i have seen, happening to the climate, rivers and glaciers over the 
past 25 years is clear proof that it's a threat.  Right now the Temperature in 
India is 107' F.
  I admire you, DuveYoung.  It's people like you who make me feel, life is 
worth living.

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 16:39:55 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Swindle" out on DVD in 2-3 weeks

  Shemp, Shemp, Shemp,

You continue to write as if the corporate world is not dumping toxins
anywhere they damned well please.

Could you just do me a favor and google "pollution" and see if you can
read even five minutes before you puke.

You seem -- SEEM -- to believe that the industrial revolution's
pollution has been insignificant -- socially, environmentally,
financially, psychologically, and spiritually. Am I right about that
or am I getting a completely wrong take on you?

Shemp, listen to me. Once, I drove in a car for over an hour in
Indonesia along a "canal." Next to that canal, for an hour's drive
remember, was every manner of cardboard-shack housing imaginable, and
that canal was where they got their water, washed and dumped their
filth. Toddlers playing in muck, old women over tiny fires with
rusted pots, and blight in all directions. The smell alone would
knock you to your knees, Shemp. I don't know how many people I passed
that hour, but it was in the tens or even hundreds of thousands. All
living in squalor of such hideousness that the entire Indonesian
government should be hung for crimes against humanity. Hung without
due process, without a trial -- this village of the damned was prima
facie evidence that would have any jury making up their minds and
voting for the death penalty while walking to the juryroom. 

That, Shemp, is the true face of the industrial revolution, and it's
been going on without end since it started. It's not just about
airborne soot from China, it's about the human misery we're all
turning a blind eye towards. 

Shemp, Shemp, Shemp, what don't you understand about black lung
disease, sweat shops, migrant labor, apartheid, Darfur cleansings,
World War II Japanese internment camps in California, fixed elections,
gerrymandering, elitism, fascism, Big Brother, and the Dresden

The fact that global warming may or may not be connected to this
pollution is not the issue -- it is merely a cause célèbre, a calling
to arms, a rallying flag for the Greens who see pollution and
globalism and human rights as the core issues -- not saving water
front properties in Florida from the ocean rising 20 feet due to, you
know, all of Antarctica melting. 

Shemp, you seem to be on the side of the bad guys. Say it ain't so.


 Get your own web address.
 Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Muslims should memorise such facts and be strong against psychological warfare!!!......read and remember.......DONT BE FOOLED BY PROPAGANDA

2007-05-20 Thread Jason Spock
   Semitic religions, ie islam and Christianity,  are intolerant, closed 
systems and are also anti-women.
   If a deranged man's delusions can become a World religion,  People in 
FFL can write a better religion than the prophet..!!
   They are just a World-View of a particular era.  
   "Within a hundred years of Mohammed dictating the Koran the muslims had 
conquered an empire larger than any before it. This religion did not spread due 
to it's appeal or righteousness. It was spread by bloody massacre and brutal 
subjugation. Letters were sent out to the leaders of all nations. The Muslims 
are coming. Resistance is futile. We can not be defeated for we love death more 
than life. Submit or die. Mohammed himself preached the value of terror. 
Massacre beyond what is necessary. Be infamously brutal. So those in the next 
city will tremble with fear. And submit, or die. 
Islam is a faith born out of terrorism.
 Extract from report by Polly Toynbee in Guardian newspaper 
...When it comes to something as basic as women hidden from view behind 
religious veils, is it really so hard to say this is a bad practice? The veil 
turns women into things. It was shocking to find on the streets of Kabul that 
invisible women behind burkas are not treated with special respect. On the 
contrary, they are pushed and shoved off pavements by men, pinched in the butt, 
jostled aside as if almost sub-human without the face-to-face contact that 
recognises common humanity. The veil is profoundly divisive - and deliberately 
designed to be. 
No one need be a Muslim to understand the ideology of the veil, because 
covering and controlling women has been a near-universal practice in Christian 
societies and in most cultures and religions the world over. Western women have 
struggled hard to escape, but not long ago women here were treated as chattels 
and temptresses, to be owned by men and kept out of men's way, to be 
chaperoned, hidden, powerless, under compulsory rules of "modesty". Women's 
bodies have been the battle flag of religions, whether it's churching their 
uncleanness, the Pope forcing them to have babies, the Qur'an allowing 
wife-beating, Hindu suttee, Chinese foot-binding and all the rest... 
 In Pakistan there was an incident incident 
reported on the net and on other media 
sources(I have forgotten the names, as I read that close to a year ago. 
However you can search the CNN archives to verify the story.)
A poor laborer's/farmer's (?) elder brother had died, and this fellow married 
his sister-in-law.
There was a female child from this earlier 
marriage who was in her late teens. Upon marriage,this laborer/farmer had also 
had two more daughters. Now his step-daughter was "suspected" of having an 
affair which was not approved in a tribal societal setting. 
The step-father, one night came home and entered the room in which his 
daughters and mother were sleeping with a butcher's knife and placed hand over 
the mouth of his step-daughter, and hacked her head off in two/three blows. The 
mother was weeping (in a whimper) and he threatened her too. Then he approached 
his two child daughters and placed his hand over their mouth and had their 
heads chopped off. He later surrendered to the police upon absconding for a few 
When questioned, he stated that he killed his 
step-daughter just because she was *suspected* of being a wanton. Then, he 
stated that his child daughters were also killed because he suspected that when 
they would reach puberty they would be also commiting adultery and he did not 
want to do anything with tat in the future. So, he decided to get rid of an 
anticipated trouble.
He also admitted that he would do such acts again, as honor killing is 
permitted in the Islamic percepts. His qazi and mullah had advised him that 
such was permissible under Islamic law.
B. Further, who doesn't know about the Mukhtar Mai incident ? Mukhtar Mai was 
raped at the behest of the tribal elders somewhere near Multan, Pakistan. The 
case created a lot of furor. She traveled abroad and was exalted. But, look 
what Pakistan's President Musharraf stated in the WASHINGTON POST: 
- When questioned about rape of women and their most inferior status in the 
orthodox Muslim society, such as in Pakistan, Musharraf dismissed the whole 
notion saying that women in Pakistan get raped intentionally; the reason is 
that they would then state their pathetic condition to the Human Rights 
agencies in the West, and typically get their immigration status to Canada/USA 
expedited. Of course, Musharraf later recanted.(Little to Musharraf's knowing, 
WP had that interview as an audio file.)
C. Let us see what the Quran says about women:
It says "men have a degree (of advantage) over them"
 2:228 ; 
that the witness of woman is worth half of that of man. 
2:282; that women inherit half of their male siblings, 
that a man can marry two o

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Swindle" out on DVD in 2-3 weeks

2007-05-19 Thread Jason Spock
  Shempji simply cannot live in Bombay.  The Humidity, Dust and Chaos will 
drive him crazy..!!
  Shemp just cannot understand how dangerous Global-Warming is to India.
  Indian eco-system is a Microcosm of the World eco-system..!!  India 
represents 8% percent of the World's flora and fauna.  India also has the 
World's most diverse habitat, from the Snow capped Himalayas to the Mangrove 
swamps in Bengal to the deserts in Rajastan, etc etc.
  Global Cooling will drive up India's Agricultural output..!!
  For India, Global-warming is a big, fat, NO NO..!!

Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 16:54:20 -0700
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] "Swindle" out on DVD in 2-3 weeks
  Go live in Bombay for awhile and then tell us what you think.

  shempmcgurk wrote:
> I must thank whomever it was on this forum that posted about "The Great 
> Global Warming Swindle" several months ago.
> This is probably the single most important documentary made in the past 
> 25 years and will undoubtedly have a huge impact upon public policy in 
> not only the United States but the world.
> I have shown the show, which I was able to obtain on DVD, to about 4 
> different showings already; that is, to people who saw the Al Gore 
> propaganda shit called "An Inconvenient Truth", and "Swindle" leaves 
> them with their jaw hanging.
> The DVD version will be updated (presumably to edit out the one 
> interviewee, who appears for only 4 minutes of the 75 minutes who said 
> he was misrepresented) as well as lots of extras.
> Intolerants and elites, such as new.morning, would be well advised to 
> run, not walk, and get a copy.

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

[FairfieldLife] Promote Global Cooling - Seeding the StratoSphere with Reflective Particles

2007-05-19 Thread Jason Spock
  Can We Engineer Our Way Out?  April 5, 2007 | Posted by Bill Chameides in 
Science, Technology
Yesterday I talked about the phenomenon of "global dimming", where 
pollution particles suspended in the atmosphere reflect sunlight back into 
space. Because they cause less sunlight to hit the Earth, these particles also 
cool the planet.
  So here's an idea for fighting global warming. Instead of trying to reduce 
greenhouse gas pollution - the root cause of the problem - why not use 
technology to counteract the effect of the pollution? For example, we could 
artificially add to the planet's reflectivity so that the warming is cancelled 
by the cooling.
  Using planetary-scale engineering to counteract climate change is called 
"geo-engineering". A number of geo-engineering ideas have been put forward 
recently. You can find many of them in this special issue of Climatic Change. 
One idea would place large, highly-reflective rafts on the ocean. Another would 
position mirrors in orbit around the Earth.
  Yet another idea is based on the phenomenon of global dimming - cool the 
earth by adding reflective particles to the atmosphere. Deliberately polluting 
the lower atmosphere, where we live and breathe, isn't such a good idea because 
of the nasty health consequences. But there is another way: add reflective 
particles to the upper atmosphere. 
  The idea is to fly airplanes into the stratosphere, 10 miles or more above 
the Earth’s surface, and release sulfur dioxide. The sulfur dioxide will be 
converted into tiny sulfate particles and, presto chango, you're cooling the 
  Doing this in the stratosphere has two advantages: (1) The particles would be 
in the upper atmosphere and not in the air we breathe, and (2) While particles 
in the lower atmosphere remain suspended only for a couple of weeks, particles 
in the stratosphere stay there for years, so much less sulfur dioxide is needed.
  This idea may seem far-fetched, but it has technical merit. One of its 
staunchest proponents is Paul Crutzen, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 
for his work on stratospheric ozone depletion (and also, incidentally, a 
colleague of mine). But although it has technical merit, and it's great that 
scientists like Paul are investigating every possibility, I think it's 
premature to contemplate such drastic measures. The technologies needed to 
reduce greenhouse gas pollution are already in hand (see my post on Green 
Technologies), and geo-engineering is a risky proposition.
  For one thing, adding particles to the stratosphere may exacerbate 
stratospheric ozone depletion. Plus we just don’t know what may happen when we 
start tinkering with the planet. Ed Tenner has a great book on this subject 
titled Why Things Bite Back. One of the many examples he gives is refrigeration 
technology. We wanted to use something other than toxic ammonia for cooling so 
we turned to chlorofluorocarbons, but these turned out to have a dangerous 
effect on the ozone layer.
  The most important reason, however, is this. Even if we could completely 
cancel the warming effects of greenhouse gas pollution, we would still have 
another profoundly dangerous consequence to contend with: ocean acidification. 
And that is the topic of my next post, so be sure to tune in.

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[FairfieldLife] Promote Global Cooling - Iron seeding the Oceans..!!!

2007-05-19 Thread Jason Spock
'Scientists' and the much of world are waking up to global warming. The main 
cause is industrial emissions of greenhouse gases, with carbon dioxide the 
principle culprit. 
Since the discovery that some marine areas are barren due to an iron 
deficiency, one suggestion for amelioration of global warming is to enrich 
those seas with iron. The proposal relies on: 
iron-fertilisation of the oceans, to
increase phytoplanktonic activity, to
increase carbon dioxide draw-down from the atmosphere, to promote (possible)
long-term storage of carbon on the ocean-floor 
The Science
The Biological Pump
While oceanic phytoplankton constitute <1% of the global photosynthetic 
biomass, it accounts for almost half of all photosynthesis on Earth - a process 
which removes carbon from the atmosphere. In the seas, phytoplankton use carbon 
dioxide dissolved in sunlit surface waters, while a gas-equilibrium is 
maintained across the ocean-air interface. 
Most of the phytoplankton-biomass is eaten and enters the ocean food web. Some 
decomposes, and some forms aggregates with waste products and sinks to the 
ocean floor as 'marine snow'. There, a small proportion gets buried, while the 
rest decomposes or remains suspended in water. Ultimately, all the constituent 
organic carbon (except that buried) returns to the surface, through upwelling 
or the marine food chain. 
High nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) areas
Many seas are unproductive, even those with high levels of the common limiting 
nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate. Already in the 1930's, it was 
suggested that this low productivity was due to an iron-deficit.[1] 
This was particularly noticed around the Galapagos Islands, where the areas 
down-wind (or down-current) of land supported life, whereas those up-wind were 
clear blue, and 'dead'. The aim of iron-fertilisation is to mimic the 
productive, nutrient-rich coastal zones in the open ocean.
  Both geological records and recent experimentation support this theory. 
  Palaeo-environmental Records
Analysis of ocean sediment cores from the past 180,000 years suggest that ice 
ages were preceded by unusually-high levels of iron, usually attributed to 
wind-blown dust from dry continents. This terrigenous iron rectified the 
natural oceanic iron-deficit, causing phytoplankton blooms. These used carbon 
dioxide from the surface waters, so equilibration of the ocean-atmosphere 
interface reduced atmospheric carbon dioxide. This led to global cooling and 
ice ages. 
The Motivation
As iron is cheap and plentiful, the addition of controlled amounts to the 
oceans to promote global cooling is an attractive proposition. 
Carbon Trading
However; the most enthusiastic protagonists are not those concerned with 
climate change per se, but with profit. The Kyoto Protocol's carbon-trading 
allows owners of carbon sinks to sell their 'carbon credits' to the polluters. 
These are the fossil-fuel-burning industries and nations, who are facing 
emission-restriction legislation.
Carbon-trading applies only to terrestrial sinks (e.g. reforestation); but 
ocean venturers want it extended to the marine arena. Then, plankton blooms 
resulting from artificial iron fertilisation might earn carbon-credits, a 
valuable commodity in the global market. 
Estimates suggest iron-fertilisation might cost as little as US$1-2 per tonne 
of carbon fixed, against US$50-200 for other proposed sinks[2,3]. This relative 
low cost offers a high profit motivation in a global market. Industrial nations 
could then buy 'rights to pollute' cheaply, while continuing to burn fossil 
fuels within emissions-treaty agreements. Commercial and political interest is 
thus high. 

Is the proposal appealing - or appalling? 
Of greatest concern are the marine ecology and ocean dynamics. Intentionally 
geo-engineering the ocean presents problems both known and unknown. 
While ecological changes have been detected in the experiment sites, no proof 
of long-term carbon-sequestration has been found.

[1] Harvey, 1938. Often cited, e.g. in "The iron hypothesis: Basic research 
meets environmental policy" in 'Reviews of Geophysics' vol. 33. 1995. Sallie W. 
Chisolm http://www.sasayama.or.jp/diary/iron.htm
[2] Climate Engineering: A critical review of proposals, their scientific and 
political context, and possible impacts (section 2.3.5). November 1996. Ben 
Matthews http://www.chooseclimate.org/cleng/part1b.html
[3] "Climate change: Will Ocean Fertilization Work?" Science. April 4th 2003. 
Buesseler, citing Markels at the 220th ACS Annual Meeting, Symposium on CO2 
Capture, Washington, DC, 20-24 August 2000 

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Swindle" out on DVD in 2-3 weeks

2007-05-19 Thread Jason Spock
  This is what an eco-scientist said on Discovery channel recently.
  "If we successfully make the transition to Clean, Green energy sources 
and stop pollution and preserve the eco-systems, We will go down in history as 
the Greatest generation ever.
   but if we let the planet fall apart, we will go down in history as the 
most vilified generation ever."

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 19:01:26 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Swindle" out on DVD in 2-3 weeks

Okay, I gotta stomp on your concept. Hang onto your hat, I'm not
saying you're a bad person.

First, let me admit that it could just be that our sun is a bit warmer
lately, and that's all there is to global warming. Could be.

BUT . . .

If Gore is completely wrong, so what?

If "The Great Global Warming Swindle" makes a fool of anyone who
thinks that global warming is humanly caused, so what?

Do you mean to say that dumping BILLIONS OF TONS of industrial
chemicals into rivers, oceans, land fills and atmosphere is okay by
you? It's one thing to have the polar bears die off and not have a
smoking gun from industry to blame, but the ocean is dying off right
now too, and it ain't the sun doing it. There's a million gage
shotgun still smoking in the hands of GM, Ford, Haliburton, Dow,
General Mills, etc.

All the laws that Gore would have enacted would mostly, methinks, be
about forcing upstream pissers to keep it in their pants.

What does it matter if the whole of human kind cleans up the planet
for the wrong reason -- how can there be a wrong reason for that?

25% of L.A. smog is now Chinese soot. How dark does the sky have to
get for you? Do you think there's a lot of time left before the
tipping point -- you know, when it rains and the water is so acidic
that your lawn dies in about ten seconds?

You've got to bite a bullet here, dude. The ends justifies the means.
Gore found a way to get all of America talking about pollution, and
that GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS was something that would cost (and I know
about these things) perhaps a billion dollars in advertising to get
America to this point "from scratch." 

And you want to toss that? Just cuz, well, then you'd be vindicated
as a better thinker than the stupid greenie babies? 

You want all of America to stop doing anything about pollution, and,
you know, wait for the arrival of a Pollution Messiah who REALLY KNOWS
the cause of global warming etc.? 

Don't you see that that is exactly what Bushco uses as one of its most
powerful tools of manipulation? Study something until the complaining
person goes away, then do nothing -- that's what happens when Bushco
wants to stymie something but still seem to be "working on it
fervently." Today's Democrats are stalling too.cuz they're hoggies
at the same lobby troughs.

If they change the name from "Global Warming" to "Global Harming"
would you be satisfied then? Could Gore convince you then that the
earth needed our help?

Hey, I'm a polluter. I've got Gaia blood on my hands. I don't know
if industry is causing warming, but I sure know all anyone needs to
know when it comes to having MTBE in my glass of water. 

Please don't tell me it's important that the masses have clarity
before it's politically correct for someone to motivate them to do
something good. 

We're out of time, dude. 

When a woman is being raped, the experts suggest that she yells, "FIRE
FIRE FIRE! HELP FIRE!" Do I have to explain why?


---  "shempmcgurk"  wrote:
> I must thank whomever it was on this forum that posted about "The Great 
> Global Warming Swindle" several months ago.
> This is probably the single most important documentary made in the past 
> 25 years and will undoubtedly have a huge impact upon public policy in 
> not only the United States but the world.
> I have shown the show, which I was able to obtain on DVD, to about 4 
> different showings already; that is, to people who saw the Al Gore 
> propaganda shit called "An Inconvenient Truth", and "Swindle" leaves 
> them with their jaw hanging.
> The DVD version will be updated (presumably to edit out the one 
> interviewee, who appears for only 4 minutes of the 75 minutes who said 
> he was misrepresented) as well as lots of extras.
> Intolerants and elites, such as new.morning, would be well advised to 
> run, not walk, and get a copy.

   Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user 
panel and lay it on 
 hot CTA = Join Yahoo!'s user panel

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-18 Thread Jason Spock
  I thought you had a more abstract World-View..??

qntmpkt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 01:22:36 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

  --Right, very eloquent; but I see no evidence that Krishna is the 
Lord of the Universe, in a relative sense. My candidate: The 
Scientology God, Xenu. 

-  "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:
> > > Isn't the Absolute Being synonymous with Natural Law, 
> > > the Creator of an Intelligent Design?
> > >
> > MMY wrote a book called "The Science of Being and
> > the Art of Living" that should be helpful to you in
> > understanding the basics of what he teaches.
> >
> So, there is a Science of Being and Intelligent Design 
> which MMY wants to teach in public schools. Now I'm no 
> longer confused.
> Excerpt from Maharishi's commentary on Bhagavad Gita 4.6:
> "Although manifest creation, which includes men and other 
> creatures, springs from the unmanfest, its manifestation 
> is by virtue of prakriti. But the divine manifestation of 
> the unminanifest Being, which comes to re-establish the 
> forgotten wisdom of life, is by virtue of 'Lila-shakti' , 
> which is the very power of the Absolute, an integral part 
> of Its transcendent divine nature.
> Surgery is the inseparable power of the surgeon. Sometimes 
> it is active, as when the surgeon works at the operating 
> table, but at other times it is latent, as when he is 
> resting at home. Lila- shakti (the play-power of Brahman) 
> functions in an analogous way, and by virtue of this the 
> unmanifest, ever remaining in its absolute state, manifests 
> into creation.
> The almighty nature of the eternal Being thus maintains 
> Reality in both Its aspects, absolute and relative. The 
> Lord says: 'remaining in My own nature I take birth' just 
> as the sap in a tree appears as a leaf and a flower without 
> losing its quality as sap, so the unmanifest Being, remaining
> unmanifest, imperishable and eternal, takes birth. Nothing 
> happens to the Absolute, and yet the Incarnation of the 
> Absolute springs up, by virtue of Its own nature.
> Here the Lord is saying - While remaining in My own nature 
> I take birth through My power of creation, and through that 
> I function; that is how I remain unbound and at the same 
> time am able to restore law and order in creation."
> CBG p. 189
> "Though I am unborn and of imperishable
> nature, though Lord of all beings, yet
> remaining in My own nature I take birth
> through My own power of Creation." - BG 4.6


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Totals

2007-05-18 Thread Jason Spock
  Authfriend, this guy,  'your friend Doug fra FF'  thinks that all my 
postings are spam.!!

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 04:14:07 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Totals

  You, my friend, are an idiot who hasn't a clue
what he is talking about.

You're wrong on all counts in this absurd rant.

"Most of this stuff" has *not* been "personal
OT bickering."

None of the four people listed has gone over 
the limit. You didn't even bother to read what
Rick said or look at the numbers.

And finally, only two of the four are from 

Get a clue.

---  "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> Rick, I've been in this with you fra the beginning and I like you 
and you're just too nice.
> Most of this stuff is still just personal OT bickering betweenst 
> themselves. Personal stuff that ought to be off to the side. As 
per the guidelines. 
> They are just running you. Cut 'em down to 3 per day and would 
help them keep to FFL. It is just thin soup if you don't. Stand firm 
man against these Alt-meds people from elsewhere.
> Your friend, 
> -Doug fra FF

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Inhofe: Scientists are reversing their stand

2007-05-17 Thread Jason Spock
  Are they related to Jerry Falwell.??

"new.morning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 02:02:53 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Inhofe: Scientists are reversing their stand

  The Journal of Fringe and Insane Scientists has strict copyright laws.

  ---  "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> (Shemp, it sure would be nice if you'd go to the
> trouble to post links to your articles so we know
> where they're from.)

Get the Yahoo! toolbar and be alerted to new email wherever you're surfing. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More on Falwell by Hitchens

2007-05-17 Thread Jason Spock
  How many people in America are devotees of this Rogue.??
  Does he have as much followers as Pat Robertson and Hal Lindsey.??

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:47:11 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] More on Falwell by Hitchens

  Faith-Based Fraud

Jerry Falwell's foul rantings prove you can get away with anything if 
you have "Reverend" in front of your name.

By Christopher Hitchens

(and for Judy:) slate.com

Posted Wednesday, May 16, 2007, at 12:46 PM ET 

The Rev. Jerry Falwell

The discovery of the carcass of Jerry Falwell on the floor of an 
obscure office in Virginia has almost zero significance, except 
perhaps for two categories of the species labeled "credulous idiot." 
The first such category consists of those who expected Falwell (and 
themselves) to be bodily raptured out of the biosphere and assumed 
into the heavens, leaving pilotless planes and driverless trucks and 
taxis to crash with their innocent victims as collateral damage. This 
group is so stupid and uncultured that it may perhaps be forgiven. It 
is so far "left behind" that almost its only pleasure is to gloat at 
the idea of others being abandoned in the same condition.

The second such category is of slightly more importance, because it 
consists of the editors, producers, publicists, and a host of other 
media riffraff who allowed Falwell to prove, almost every week, that 
there is no vileness that cannot be freely uttered by a man whose 
name is prefaced with the word Reverend. Try this: Call a TV station 
and tell them that you know the Antichrist is already on earth and is 
an adult Jewish male. See how far you get. Then try the same thing 
and add that you are the Rev. Jim-Bob Vermin. "Why, Reverend, come 
right on the show!" What a fool Don Imus was. If he had paid the 
paltry few bucks to make himself a certified clergyman, he could be 
jeering and sneering to the present hour.

Falwell went much further than his mad 1999 assertion about the 
Jewish Antichrist. In the time immediately following the assault by 
religious fascism on American civil society in September 2001, he 
used his regular indulgence on the airwaves to commit treason. 
Entirely exculpating the suicide-murderers, he asserted that their 
acts were a divine punishment of the United States. Again, I ask you 
to imagine how such a person would be treated if he were not 
supposedly a man of faith. 

One of his associates, Bailey Smith, once opined that "God does not 
hear the prayers of a Jew." This is one of the few anti-Semitic 
remarks ever made that has a basis in fact, since God does not exist 
and does not attend to any prayers, but Smith was not quite making 
that point. Along with his friend Pat Robertson, who believes in 
secret Jewish control of the world of finance, and Billy Graham, who 
boasted to Richard Nixon that the Jews had never guessed what he 
truly thought of them, Falwell kept alive the dirty innuendo about 
Jews that so many believing Christians seem to need. This would be 
bad enough in itself, and an additional reason to deplore the free 
ride he was given on television, if his trade-off had not been even 

Seeking to deflect the charge of anti-Jewish prejudice, Falwell 
adopted the cause of the most thuggish and demented Israeli settlers, 
proclaiming that their occupation of the West Bank and Gaza was a 
holy matter and hoping that they might help to bring on Armageddon 
and the return of the Messiah. A detail in this ghastly narrative, as 
adepts of the "Left Behind" series will know, is that the return of 
the risen Christ will require the mass slaughter or mass conversion 
of all Jews. This consideration did not prevent Menachem Begin from 
awarding Falwell the Jabotinsky Centennial Medal in 1980 and has not 
inhibited other Israeli extremists from embracing him and his co-
thinkers ever since. All bigots and frauds are brothers under the 
skin. Trying to interrupt the fiesta of piety on national television 
on the night of Falwell's death, I found myself waiting while Ralph 
Reed went all moist about the role of the departed in 
empowering "people of faith." Here was the hypocritical casino-based 
Christian who sought and received the kosher stamp from Jack 
Abramoff. Perfect. 

Like many fanatical preachers, Falwell was especially disgusting in 
exuding an almost sexless personality while railing from dawn to dusk 
about the sex lives of others. His obsession with homosexuality was 
on a par with his lip-smacking evocations of hellfire. From his 
wobbly base of opportunist fund raising and degree-mill money-
spinning in Lynchburg, Va., he set out to puddle his sausage-sized 
fingers into the intimate arrangements of people who had done no 
harm. Men of this type, if they cannot persuade enough foolish people 
to part with their savings, usually end up raving on the street and 
waving placards about the coming day of judgment. But Falwell, 
improving on the other

[FairfieldLife] Shemp and 72 virgins

2007-05-16 Thread Jason Spock
 Lets assume Shemp is to get 72 virgins in paradise.
 Here sir Shemp some incentives for you.
 If you purchase carbon credits, you get 142 virgins.
 If you prevent Global-Warming, you get 252 virgins.
 If you promote Global-Cooling, you get 372 virgins.
 If you protect the Amazon rain-forest, you get 462 virgins.
 If you give Mexican workers a fair deal, you get 582 virgins.
 If you prevent Pollution, you get 622 virgins.
 If you protect endangered species, you get 742 virgins.
 If you bring in Massive Solar - electricity, you 832 virgins.
 If you usher in the Ram-Raj, the Golden age, you get a White Robe and a 
Golden Harp.!!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The sane voice of Vaclav Klaus on global-warming

2007-05-16 Thread Jason Spock
  Countries that stands to lose heavily due to Global-Warming are India, 
bangladesh, Mexico and most African countries.
  Countries that stand to gain from Global-Warming are Canada, Russia, 
North-european countries and ofcourse Alaska.
   An arid and desicated India cannot create Maharishi's  Ram-Raj.

shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 15:29:40 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The sane voice of Vaclav Klaus on global-warming

  Czech president calls for rational debate on global warming, 
rejects "current hysteria" 

The Associated Press 
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 
PRAGUE, Czech Republic: Czech President Vaclav Klaus on Wednesday 
called for a rational debate on global warming, rejecting what he 
called "hysteria" driven by enviromentalists.

"Let's bring the debate to whether the 0.6 (degree Celsius warming 
over the last century) is much or little, how much Man has 
contributed to the warming and ... if there is anything at all Man 
can do about it," Klaus said when presenting his book "Blue, Not a 
Green Planet."

He charged that groups other than scientists have now seized on the 
topic and ambitious environmentalists are fueling a global warming 
hysteria that has no solid ground in fact and allows manipulation of 

"It is about a key topic of our time, and that is the topic of human 
freedom and its curtailment, " Klaus said.

"The approach of environmentalists toward nature is similar to the 
Marxist approach to economic rules, because they also try to replace 
free spontaneity of the evolution of the world (and of mankind) 
with ... global planning of the world's development, " Klaus writes in 
his book.

"That approach ... is a utopia leading to completely other than 
wanted results," he says.

Klaus, an economist by profession, has repeatedly warned that policy 
makers are pushed by the widespread fear of global warming to adopt 
enormously costly programs that eventually may have no positive 

Klaus served as Czechoslovak finance minister after the 1989 fall of 
communism and as Czech prime minister after Czechoslovakia split into 
the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. As president, he now has 
mainly ceremonial powers.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- Tyrant Money

2007-05-15 Thread Jason Spock
  The Third World is as much to blame as the West for this Screwed up GINI 
- index.
  The World has become too Complex and too Complicated a place for any one 
country to solve all it's problems.
   You need Powerfull Global institutions that can function independently 
to solve Global Problems.
   For example, Printing of Currencies should be taken out of the hands of 
National Governments and handed over to a Global body who can print Universal 
World Currency. etc etc.

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:54:34 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] TM -- Tyrant Money
  Why Michael Moore hasn't been killed by Tyrant Money (TM) long ago is
a surprise to my paranoia patterns, and frankly, maybe the world isn't
quite as bad as it seems if he's still "allowed to" make such a pest
of himself. I mean, shouldn't he have died "of natural causes" by
now? With today's "pharmaceuticals that cannot be traced" why let
such a popular gadfly go around riling the masses? 

Maybe, TM sees that he's not THAT much of a pest, and he's allowed to
roam about as a symbol of the largess and basic decency of our TM
OVERLORDS -- as a crass marketing-balancing for the BILLIONS OF LIVES
IN POVERTY that they're responsible for -- nay, that YOU AND I are
responsible for whenever we buy jeans, gas, or McDonald's burgers at a
price that only slave labor, whole nations under a boot, and the
denuding of South America can make possible. We should be paying
maybe several hundred bucks for a pair of jeans at $11.00 per hour
labor costs -- but 16 girls with Simon Legree for a shift supervisor
must work from dawn to dusk in a one-light-bulb dungeon for a single
dollar to make one pair -- something like that. Goggle it
"sweatshops" and in seconds you'll be writhing in shame.

I've had things manufactured on the Pacific Rim, and I've been in the
actual shops where wandering chickens and workers in rags and flip
flops were seen in the same glance. Once, I had to directly hire a
small work crew of independent inspectors I needed for quality control
of a production line, and at $4.00 per hour, you could see how lucky
they felt. But it was a low point for me no matter their relative

I was a slave owner. It was only a matter of degree, not kind, in my

I still am a slave owner.

So is anyone who buys almost anything for almost nothing at Walmart.
If I'm not buying baby seal fur products, so why do I feel "okay"
(stunned numb?) when I buy shirts that were "death-clubbed out of Asia?"

Psychological addiction for such products despite their "vibe" are the
fuel for of this evil system -- but, if the common person on the
street had to stand there and actually watch for merely a mere few
minutes as their clothing was being made, who'd wear the clothes? 

We're all in cahoots by pretending that this is not the truth. 
Today's chains and shackles are financial and political, today's
slaves are independent workers, today's slaves are as controlled as
the Ronald's cattle being lined up at the arbiter -- only, you know,
the cattle luck out and get a quick death.

How about, starting now, we only buy used clothes, we reduce gas
consumption to zero for most days, and we picket McDucks with placards
the animals and all the plants have been SLASHED AND BURNED OFF THE
EARTH so that a heart-attacks- on-a-bun can cost almost nothing while
we munch a bunch at lunch. 

I'd say the Nazi's with their human skin lampshades would be quite at
home with us. Have us over for schnapps, nicht wahr?

If the world "goes sane," they'll come for us with nooses. They'll
ask us what we were thinking to enslave and rape the world. We'll all
be like the townspeople living in smell-range of Auschwitz say, "Ve
didn't know vat vuz der schmoken fromen zie chimmenzies. Ve tot dey
vuzzin happy TM blissenheimers ven dey maken der shirts."

Now that I'm pretending here to be temporarily sane, FUCK! -- Michael
Moore should be ashamed of himself for saying so little so quietly so
ineffectively. He's got a mass audience, word skills, and a ton of
money too -- that jolly scoundrel should be screaming in our faces
about the blood on our hands, but instead, he's making parlor jokes
so's to not be tossed from the elitists' soirée donchaknow.

It's not just blood on our hands, not the girls being raped by their
factory monsters. If only that was our sin.

It's the death of whole species, death of hope, death of morality,
death of civilization.

If I saw a toddler walking a yellow line on the street without
supervision, I'd stop my car in the middle of the road and run to that
kid's aid. You would too, right? But 10,000 children DIE EACH DAY
because I and other LORDS OF CAPITALISM want cheap shirts, cheap oil,
cheap meat. Poverty could have completely erased here in America if
we'd spent the Iraq War Fund on health, education and infrastructure.
But, no,

[FairfieldLife] Re: recent photos of rishikesh & Chair order cancelled

2007-05-12 Thread Jason Spock
  I just don't understand Lurk,  Why should a Guru keep testing his 
  What does MMY gain from all this.??
  If the disciple faithfully follows the teachings he benefits.  Otherwise, 
he dosen't.

lurkernomore20002000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 04:49:27 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: recent photos of rishikesh & Chair order cancelled

why did you leave Purusha?

I did not pass the test of patience. 

The tests consisted of going on endless projects establishing 
different institutions all over the world. In the end I just ran out 
of enthusiasm.

I understand that. You have not run out of enthusiasm for Maharishi 
obviously. And personally, I find many of Mr. Creme's comments to 
be very prescient (big word), although there are many aspects of 
share.int I don't relate to very well. But again, there is obviously 
no crack in your devotion to MMY. Is it fair to say you have 
elevated him to pretty much "incapable of error" status. (and 
really, I am not trying to bait you, although I admit I do snicker a 
little inside at your seeming absolute faith in him, but I don't 
judge you for it)(isn't that big of me)(here I sound like edg, being 
sure I keep the ego in check)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Agriculture Will Utilize the "Chemistry of Sound"

2007-05-09 Thread Jason Spock

 There are lot of Complications here which Vedic Goof-balls just don't 
   There are two major aplications in Agriculture.
   1,  Chemical Pesticides,
   2,  Chemical Fertilizers.
   Chemical Pesticides are toxic and dangerous to the Eco-system.  They 
resemble the molecular structure of the Female hormones.  They have to banned.  
No arguments here.
   Chemical Fertilizers are a far more tricky issue.  It's not practical to 
enforce a full ban on Chemical Fertilizers because not all Organic fertilizers 
can compensate them.   Soil in many parts of the world lack critical minerals 
and nutrients and they can be augumented only by application of Chemical 

George_deforest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 22:27:25 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Agriculture Will Utilize the "Chemistry of Sound"

 70 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004 • 212-809-7000 (T) • 212-809-7001 (F) 

PRESS RELEASE  Report on the Global Conference on Organic Agriculture
  New "Unified Field-Based" Approach to Organic Agriculture
Will Bring Wealth to Poor Nations and Health to Wealthy Nations
  Will Utilize the "Chemistry of Sound" to Enliven Total Natural Law
in Plants to Produce Maximally Nutritious Food
(NEW YORK) The world's poor nations will become wealthier and the wealthy 
nations will become healthier as a new "Unified Field"-based approach to 
organic agriculture is adopted throughout the world.
  Such a revolutionary new approach will utilize the "chemistry of sound" to 
enliven the Unified Field—Total Natural Law—in every plant to yield organic 
food that is maximally nutritious and life-supporting for the whole population. 
  This was the extraordinary message delivered by Dr. John Hagelin, 
world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International 
Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, and Dr. John Konhaus, professor 
of Vedic Organic Agriculture at the University of World Peace in Meru, Holland, 
during the "Global Conference on Organic Agriculture. " The conference was held 
recently at the Global Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street, and was 
broadcast internationally via satellite and Internet webcast. (See 
www.GlobalFinancial CapitalNY. org for a replay of the conference and a 
schedule of upcoming conferences. )
  Profound difference between conventional organic and
Unified Field-based organic agriculture
  Dr. Hagelin explained the profound difference between conventional organic 
agriculture, which raises plants without toxic chemicals, pesticides, and 
fertilizers, and Unified Field-based organic agriculture. "Unified Field-based 
agriculture raises current organic standards to an entirely new level of purity 
and nutritional potency to produce maximum health-supporting benefits for the 
consumer—such as balanced physiological functioning, total brain functioning, 
and higher states of consciousness. "
  The physics of Unified Field-based organic agriculture
  Dr. Hagelin said that to understand Unified Field-based organic 
agriculture—and its power to transform the nutritional potency of a 
plant—requires an understanding of the Unified Field, which is the unified 
source of the diversified universe as brought to light by modern physics.
  "According to Superstring theories, all the elementary particles, such as the 
electron, and all the forces, such as the photon of electromagnetism, are just 
the stable vibrational modes (energy eigenstates) of the Superstring. This also 
is true of atoms, molecules, and indeed of any stable object, whether 
microscopic or macroscopic, " Dr. Hagelin said.
  "The mechanics of transformation of one particle into another, or one 
chemical compound into another, is always through the application of sound. For 
example, to transform sugar into water, you add oxygen. To transform a diseased 
state of the physiology into a healthy state, you add herbs or pharmaceuticals. 
But ultimately, all such particles and compounds are just sounds—vibrational 
modes of the Unified Field. This is the `chemistry of sound,' through which you 
can transform anything into anything," he said. 
  Unified Field-based organic agriculture is the modern 
scientific reformulation of the ancient Vedic science of agriculture 
  Dr. Hagelin said that Unified Field-based organic agriculture is the modern 
scientific reformulation of the ancient Vedic science of organic agriculture—as 
brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
  "Vedic science is the complete science of the Unified Field, including all of 
its vibrational modes—or Vedic sounds. These Vedic sounds can be applied to 
transform anything into anything—including, in agriculture, transforming 
growing plants into exceptionally healthy, nutritious crops," Dr. Hagelin said.
  "During key developmental stages of a maturing plant, the plant is highly 
sensitive to environmental influences.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Agriculture Will Utilize the "Chemistry of Sound"

2007-05-09 Thread Jason Spock
   There are lot of Complications here which Vedic Goof-balls just don't 
   There are two major aplications in Agriculture.
   1,  Chemical Pesticides,
   2,  Chemical Fertilizers.
   Chemical Pesticides are toxic and dangerous to the Eco-system.  They 
resemble the molecular structure of the Female hormones.  They have to banned.  
No arguments here.
   Chemical Fertilizers are a far more tricky issue.  It's not practical to 
enforce a full ban on Chemical Fertilizers because not all Organic fertilizers 
can compensate them.   Soil in many parts of the world lack critical minerals 
and nutrients and they can be augumented only by application of Chemical 

George_deforest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 22:27:25 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Agriculture Will Utilize the "Chemistry of Sound"

 70 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004 • 212-809-7000 (T) • 212-809-7001 (F) 

PRESS RELEASE  Report on the Global Conference on Organic Agriculture
  New "Unified Field-Based" Approach to Organic Agriculture
Will Bring Wealth to Poor Nations and Health to Wealthy Nations
  Will Utilize the "Chemistry of Sound" to Enliven Total Natural Law
in Plants to Produce Maximally Nutritious Food
(NEW YORK) The world's poor nations will become wealthier and the wealthy 
nations will become healthier as a new "Unified Field"-based approach to 
organic agriculture is adopted throughout the world.
  Such a revolutionary new approach will utilize the "chemistry of sound" to 
enliven the Unified Field—Total Natural Law—in every plant to yield organic 
food that is maximally nutritious and life-supporting for the whole population. 
  This was the extraordinary message delivered by Dr. John Hagelin, 
world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International 
Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, and Dr. John Konhaus, professor 
of Vedic Organic Agriculture at the University of World Peace in Meru, Holland, 
during the "Global Conference on Organic Agriculture. " The conference was held 
recently at the Global Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street, and was 
broadcast internationally via satellite and Internet webcast. (See 
www.GlobalFinancial CapitalNY. org for a replay of the conference and a 
schedule of upcoming conferences. )
  Profound difference between conventional organic and
Unified Field-based organic agriculture
  Dr. Hagelin explained the profound difference between conventional organic 
agriculture, which raises plants without toxic chemicals, pesticides, and 
fertilizers, and Unified Field-based organic agriculture. "Unified Field-based 
agriculture raises current organic standards to an entirely new level of purity 
and nutritional potency to produce maximum health-supporting benefits for the 
consumer—such as balanced physiological functioning, total brain functioning, 
and higher states of consciousness. "
  The physics of Unified Field-based organic agriculture
  Dr. Hagelin said that to understand Unified Field-based organic 
agriculture—and its power to transform the nutritional potency of a 
plant—requires an understanding of the Unified Field, which is the unified 
source of the diversified universe as brought to light by modern physics.
  "According to Superstring theories, all the elementary particles, such as the 
electron, and all the forces, such as the photon of electromagnetism, are just 
the stable vibrational modes (energy eigenstates) of the Superstring. This also 
is true of atoms, molecules, and indeed of any stable object, whether 
microscopic or macroscopic, " Dr. Hagelin said.
  "The mechanics of transformation of one particle into another, or one 
chemical compound into another, is always through the application of sound. For 
example, to transform sugar into water, you add oxygen. To transform a diseased 
state of the physiology into a healthy state, you add herbs or pharmaceuticals. 
But ultimately, all such particles and compounds are just sounds—vibrational 
modes of the Unified Field. This is the `chemistry of sound,' through which you 
can transform anything into anything," he said. 
  Unified Field-based organic agriculture is the modern 
scientific reformulation of the ancient Vedic science of agriculture 
  Dr. Hagelin said that Unified Field-based organic agriculture is the modern 
scientific reformulation of the ancient Vedic science of organic agriculture—as 
brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
  "Vedic science is the complete science of the Unified Field, including all of 
its vibrational modes—or Vedic sounds. These Vedic sounds can be applied to 
transform anything into anything—including, in agriculture, transforming 
growing plants into exceptionally healthy, nutritious crops," Dr. Hagelin said.
  "During key developmental stages of a maturing plant, the plant is highly 
sensitive to environmental influence

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cho, I mean Che

2007-05-09 Thread Jason Spock
   The Original Chinese Fake 
  A rivetting, first league biography of Mao, that tells the man from the 
self-manufactured myth, says Ashok Malik  
  Posted online: Sunday, July 31, 2005 
  IT is a measure of just how thoroughly Jung Chang and Jon Halliday 
researched their subject that their footnotes and index stretch to 153 pages. 
The 659 pages that make up the main story are packed with facts, information, 
revelations about, really, not just Mao but the tempestuous history of China 
from the end of the Manchu empire — in a decade when imperial orders from 
Turkey to Germany to Austria collapsed — to years of civil war, to the surreal 
violence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, to 1975 and 1976, when, 
within 17 months of each other, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Tse-tung died and ended 
one of history’s great rivalries. 
  Yet the strength of this book is not just in what it says but how it says 
it. Jung Chang and Halliday have produced a first-class biography, a rivetting 
read that, in some sections, resembles a thriller. In particular, chapter 52 — 
‘‘Falling out with Lin Biao’’ — is racy cloak and dagger stuff. It ends with 
Lin Biao and his wife and son fleeing China, only to die in a ‘‘mysterious’’ 
air crash. 
  This chapter, more than most others perhaps, brings out the mad dystopia 
that China had become in Mao’s last days. In seems an almost unreal world 
today; yet it is so remarkably evocative of the shadowy and conspiratorial 
inner chambers of Cold War-era dictators. 
  One manifestation of this was in the use of language. When Lin sought to 
ridicule a Mao protege — ‘‘the party no. 7, Zhang Chunqiao’’ — he called him 
‘‘the Cobra... partly because he wore glasses, and partly because of his 
snake-like qualities’’. Lin’s coterie demanded ‘‘the Cobra be ‘put to the death 
of the thousand cuts’.’’ 
Lin’s son Li-guo, nicknamed the ‘‘Tiger’’, is the book’s doomed tragic 
hero —‘‘His parents worshipped him, and his mother had sent agents all over 
China to look for the most beautiful young woman to be his wife. Tiger chose a 
sexy fiancee who was intelligent... With her he listened to Western rock music, 
which he adored, and told her: ‘There will be a day when I will let the Chinese 
know there is such wonderful music in the world’.’’ 
In 1971, Lin’s son produced ‘‘Outline of Project 571’’: ‘‘Tiger chose 
the name because ‘571’ — wu-qi-yi — has the same pronunciation in Chinese as 
‘armed uprising’.’’ The paper was an indictment of Mao — called ‘‘B-52’’ by 
Tiger, because he ‘‘had a big stomach full of evil thoughts, each one like a 
heavy bomb that would kill masses of people’’ — who deserved assassination. One 
plan was to ‘‘fly helicopters on a suicide mission against Mao on Tiananmen 
Tiger, say the authors, ‘‘saw right through Mao ... as evil’’. Indeed, 
establishing this assessment is the principal theme of the book. Jung Chang and 
Halliday take pains to tell the Mao the man from his self-glorifying myths. 
They point out he happily invented the ‘‘heroic’’ crossing of the Dadu river 
during the Long March, with — as Edgar P Snow wrote, being fed the version by 
Mao — ‘‘Reds... moving forward on their hands and knees, tossing grenade after 
grenade into the enemy machine-gun nest’’. 
  The book debunks the story: ‘‘There was no battle at the Dadu Bridge... 
There were no Nationalist troops... no battle casualties.’’ The 22-man vanguard 
‘‘who, according to the myth, stormed the bridge in a suicide attack’’ were all 
alive and well at a celebration the following week. In truth, Mao simply 
‘‘walked across the Dadu Bridge on 31 May 1935’’. 
The Dadu Bridge (non)-episode was characteristic of a man 
‘‘ideologically rather vague’’ with no ‘‘heartfelt commitment’’ to anything 
other than himself. 
Indeed Mao joined the Party only when it asked him to manage a 
bookshop: ‘‘Mao had become a Communist — not after an idealistic journey, or 
driven by passionate belief, but by being at the right place at the right time, 
and being given a job that was highly congenial to him. He had been effectively 
incorporated into an expanding organisation.’’ 
  So in the end, the greatest Communist was only a careerist. There’s hope yet 
for the UPA government.
by Ashok Malik

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Cho, I mean Che

2007-05-09 Thread Jason Spock
  I meant oppression and suppression figuratively.  Don't take it Literaly

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 16:46:57 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cho, I mean Che

In what order?

I mean, if I'm supposed to work up a good hate
for this guy, it would really help to know 
whether he wanted to fuck them first and then
kill them, or...uh...the other way around.

Different order of psycho magnitude, dude.
  --- Jason Spock  wrote:
> And, Karl Marx was a Racist.
> He wanted to fuck and kill blacks.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Cho, I mean Che

2007-05-09 Thread Jason Spock
  And,  Karl Marx was a Racist.
  He wanted to fuck and kill blacks.

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Mon, 07 May 2007 14:13:33 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cho, I mean Che

  Che and Cho 
By Humberto Fontova
FrontPageMagazine. com | May 7, 2007

His writings revealed a severely troubled young man. "My nostrils 
dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. Crazy 
with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that 
falls in my hands! With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being 
for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a 
bestial howl!"

The term "hatred" was a constant in his writings: "Hatred as an 
element of struggle"; "hatred that is intransigent; " "hatred so 
violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, 
making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine."

His deranged fantasies included a continental reign of Stalinism. To 
achieve this ideal the troubled youth craved, "millions of atomic 

The troubled young Argentine was aloof and contemptuous towards 
everyone around him: "I have no home, no woman, no father, no mother, 
no brothers. My friends are friends only when they think as I do 
ideologically. "

Fortunately for the troubled young Argentine, while a vagabond in 
Mexico city, he had the good fortune to meet an exceedingly shrewd 
judge of the human psyche who quickly became his mentor. This shrewd 
judge, a Cuban exile, properly diagnosed the Argentine's psychosis 
and made an "intervention" in the nick of time, channeling the 
troubled youth's talents and yearnings toward ends considered 
constructive by the worldwide intelligentsia: establishing Stalinism.

Shortly, the Argentine found himself gainfully employed in Cuba. His 
raging bloodlust was amply indulged in the extermination of anti-
Communist Cubans, a species of mammal that enlightened opinion 
worldwide considers an insufferable pest.

At first the troubled young Argentine took an active role in the mass 
murder of defenseless Cubans, shattering the skulls of the convulsed 
victims with a blast from his own pistol. But given the volume of 
these murders the task proved fatiguing and the Argentine soon 
appointed Cuban henchmen to better facilitate the serial bloodbath. 
Not that he distanced himself from the slaughter. In fact, he took 
such a keen delight in the murder process that a special window was 
constructed in his office allowing him to watch and gloat at the orgy 
of bloodletting in the field below his office.

In this process the Argentine was helping his Cuban mentor establish 
a personal fiefdom that would prove quite enduring, to put it mildly. 
Alas, the (live) Argentine's usefulness to his mentor would prove 
nowhere near as enduring and soon his "martyrdom" was skillfully 

No sane person would wear a Cho t-shirt. No decent person would 
tolerate one in his surroundings. But Che's Guevara's image is 
considered the most reproduced image of the century, gracing 
everything from t-shirts to posters, from thong undies to 
skateboards, from cellphones to infant "Onezies." Hollywood hails him 
in blockbuster movies and Time magazine celebrates him among 
the "heroes and icons" of the century, alongside Mother Theresa.

Any serious analyst of Che's "guerrilla" campaigns cannot escape the 
conclusion that Ernesto Guevara was actually incapable of applying a 
compass reading to a map. Yet seemingly sane historians place him 
alongside Mao Tse Tung of (the 8,000-mile) "long march" fame.

In scope, range and duration the Che Guevara farce far surpasses any 
other in modern history. In comparison, The South Sea Bubble was a 
chump operation. Only the modern era's master huckster and media 
manipulator -- with the eager aid of his ever-faithful accomplices in 
the Western media, academia, publishing and filmmaking -- could have 
created a masterful guerrilla warrior and secular saint out of this 
sadist, coward, and epic idiot.

Fidel Castro's influence over the Western "intelligentsia" can only 
be described as magical, and renders any public evaluation of his 
regime among the smart set completely devoid of logic. To wit:

He brought the world closest of anyone to Nuclear Armageddon. Yet he 
was nominated for a Nobel Peace Price by Norwegian parliamentarians. 
He jailed and tortured at a rate higher than Stalin. Yet Cuba sat on 
the UN's Human Rights Committee. 
His legal code mandates 18 months in prison for anyone overheard 
cracking a joke about him. Yet Jack Nicholson and Chevy Chase sing 
his praises. 
He abolished habeas corpus while his chief hangman (Che Guevara 
himself) declared that judicial evidence is an archaic bourgeois 
detail." Yet Harvard Law School invited him as their guest of honor, 
then erupted in cheers and tumultuous ovations after his every third 
He drove out a higher percentage of Jews from Cuba than Czar Nicholas 
drove from Russia. Yet Shoah

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cows, Con't

2007-05-06 Thread Jason Spock
  I think it should read Queen of the Vedic Cows.
  The King is a Vedic Bull.  What comes out of the bull's backside.??

"new.morning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 16:31:34 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cows, Con't

  TMO Cows

A farm near Fairfield used to sell cows for $35. Over time the price
went up with inflation. After a swim in the Unified Field, someone
said "if we called these Vedic cows, we could buy them cheap and sell
them for thousands of dollars." Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, we could
milk the vedic cows and sell vedic milk for $500/pint. And put gold on
the pint bottle to make it even more special." Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, we could
take the smelly cow dung and sell it as Vedic Nectar worthy of Vedic
rites, and good to burn at home to purify the air." Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, We could
sell Vedic air purifiers so increase the vedic prana in the air and
rid homes off toxins, including foul smells from "unknown" sources
(which smelled ironically like cow dung). Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, "if we
make some cows King of all vedic Cows" we could charge $5000, for a
cup." Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, "the milk
from my neighbors cow tastes as good as the King of Vedic Cow's milk
and costs $3/gallon. And is fresher because it comes from next door
each morning, and doesn't need to be shipped from India or the
Netherlands where a lot of the Vedic and King cows were kept in large
east facing barns." Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, "You will
sink through all the many hells of the netherworld if you stop
drinking the milk from the ONLY real cows, the King of vedic cows".
Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, and the one who heard
this started to laugh, and laugh, and the laughter cuaght on and soon
half the town was rolling on the floor laughing. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, "maybe we
could sell laughter as a great vedic healing vibration, but show
research that it only works if you start laughing at the "right
thing". Then we could sell "the Vedic right thing"". Which they did. 

Then, after another swim in the Unified Field, someone said, I
laughed using the right Vedic thing, and laughed on my own and well, I
laughed just as hard. And THAT made me laugh even deeper and now I see
the whole universe laughing with me." 

Then, after trying to take another swim in the Unified Field, he saw
that it was a Unified Field of Laughter. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, ,Dr. PETE and ALEX

2007-05-06 Thread Jason Spock
  Thanks a lot, Authfriend.
  Isn't Celiac disease an Auto-immune dis-order.??
  I'm glad the concerns about Sucralose are anecdotal and not on 
experiment.  Funny, it was discovered way back in the 1970's

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 18:03:13 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, ,Dr. PETE and ALEX

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Oligosaccharide

These aren't artificial; they're substances
found in plants. They're not only safe but
can be beneficial by nurturing friendly
bacteria in the intestinal tract.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Sucralose

This is definitely artificial. There's a
detailed discussion about its safety on
this page. Concerns are theoretical and
anecdotal, not based on experiment.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Maltodextrin

This is made from starch, so it isn't really
artificial either. No known safety concerns,
but it can aggravate celiac disease if it's
made from starch from wheat or barley. It's
used primarily as a thickening agent, not a
sweetener, although it's mildly sweet.

Almost certainly he wouldn't approve of sucralose,
nor is it "Vedic," since it was developed only
recently. Ayurveda generally prefers fresh,
unprocessed food, so maltodextrin would probably
not be on the approved list.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: This guy Girish is creepy

2007-05-05 Thread Jason Spock
 My TM-tutor says that all documents even the ones that are audited are 
'Cooked up'.
 'Cooking the book', is practiced in an Art form in india because of 
decades of Socialism and high rate of Taxes.
  He says that Money is brought into india in the form of Gold and It 
directly goes to the two Nephews.

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 17:15:43 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: This guy Girish is creepy

  Attempts to amass money is not "bad".

Taking money from well-meaning donators under the auspices of a non-
profit organisation and then using it for your own personal gains 
IS "bad". And it's not holy either.

If many of the posters on this forum are to be believed, that is 
precisely what is happening with both Girish and his family.

Is it true? I don't know. I've never seen formally audited 
financial statements of the Movement's goings-on in India in order to 
confirm whether it's true. 

Hey, I hope these nay-sayers are wrong...and it would be great to be 
proven wrong. But I ask: Do such audited documents exist? If so, 
what do they say? Do they contradict the charges against Girish et. 
al. that have been made here?

One thing that is NOT acceptable to me: leaders and figureheads of 
non-profit organisations that solicit and accept donor money who 
appoint blood relatives to positions of administration and control 
over such monies.

Appointed relatives in position of power and control over money plus 
absense of audited financial statements does not a pretty picture 
make. It doesn't necessarily mean that fraud and misuse of funds is 
occuring in this instance. But the fact that relatives are running 
the show makes the need for independent oversight all the much more 

Do you not agree?

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[FairfieldLife] Hey, ,Dr. PETE and ALEX

2007-05-05 Thread Jason Spock
 Would you tell us if these Artificial Sweeteners are safe.
 Are these Vedic foods.??  Would Maharishi approve of these Sweeteners.?
 I am not able to get much insights on Google on these Oligo-Saccharide.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

2007-05-05 Thread Jason Spock
 Tell us something about Tien Tai.
 Yes, the body-mind is a bunch of 'components'.  But the mind does NOT 
trans-migrate or reincarnate.
 It's your astral body which is a bundle of Vibrations and Latent 
tendencies which re-incarnate and which is what you call your soul.
  The Notion of 'Past lives' is something that is based upon the various 
bodies you choose to manifest yourself.  Past lives is from the material, 
biological angle.
   From the Astral, Vibratory Plane, past-lives are aggregates of the 
relative self continually changing.  Both are correct.
   So, I don't see much of a difference between the Hindu and Buddhist 
World-View regarding this aspect.

qntmpkt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 19:23:41 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?
  ---Comment below: ...that Hinduism is the only religion that reflects 
Nature to it's fullest possible extent. Actually, Buddhism is more 
consistent with the most up-to-date hypotheses concerning Cosmology - 
i.e. the origins of the universe itself; along with speculations on 
the major unanswered questions.
Briefly, the universe appears to be holographic; and Buddhism had 
the rudiments of holography in the works of Tien Tai. Thus, Buddhist 
cosmology was about 1500 years ahead of modern hypotheses.
In regard to the nature of the relative self; I regard Buddhism as 
being superior to Hinduism on the basis of my observations on the 
body/mind; namely, the body/mind is a bunch "components" rather than 
a reincarnating "Soul". Thus, from one incarnation to the next, the 
relative self is continually changing and it would not be correct to 
say that "one" had past lives. (the past lives were simply aggregates 
of components, some of which carry over into the present.) The part 
of the mind/brain which records the latent memories is (in itself) 
just another component.

In regard to ethics, Buddhism attempts to explain this by intially, 
fusing the concept with the Laws of Karma and Dharma. 

Co  Jason Spock  wrote:

> Sorry for the delayed response. I agree with you. MMY's 
version certainly has more depth.
> True religion should reflect Nature. Hinduism is the only 
religion that reflects Nature to it's fullest possible extent.
> The concept of Ethics is Universal. It does not change with 
time. Unfortunately the Indian Gov't does NOT give any importance or 
seriousness to the teaching of Ethics in Indian schools. Also no 
importance is given to Hygiene and sanitation. Both subjects should 
be taught in all schools all over the World.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale of Two Cows

2007-05-05 Thread Jason Spock
  Friend, Have you forgotten, The West Looted, Ravaged and Milked the 
Eastern World for over 300 years.??

gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sat, 5 May 2007 06:15:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale of Two Cows
   You milk westerners.

--- ShempMcGurk  wrote:

> You have two cows.
> Indian bureaucracy makes it impossible to open a
> business and sell 
> milk.
> You emigrate.
> You become enormously successful like all Indians do
> once they leave 
> India.
> You buy as many cows as you want.
> ---  Jason Spock  
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > A Midwesterner' s political Primer
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > Your neighbor has none.
> > You feel guilty for being successful.
> > Barbra Streisand sings for you.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > Your neighbor has none.
> > So?
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > The government takes one and gives it to your
> neighbor.
> > You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage
> his cow.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > The government seizes both and provides you with
> milk.
> > You wait in line for hours to get it.
> > It is expensive and sour.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of
> cows.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > Under the new farm program the government pays you
> to shoot one, 
> milk the other, and then pours the milk down the
> drain.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an
> IPO on the 2nd 
> one.
> > You force the two cows to produce the milk of four
> cows. You are 
> surprised when one cow drops dead. You spin an
> announcement to the 
> analysts stating you have downsized and are reducing
> expenses.
> > Your stock goes up.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > You go on strike because you want three cows.
> > You go to lunch and drink wine.
> > Life is good.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size
> of an ordinary cow 
> and produce twenty times the milk.
> > They learn to travel on unbelievably crowded
> trains.
> > Most are at the top of their class at cow school.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > You engineer them so they are all blond, drink
> lots of beer, give 
> excellent quality milk, and run a hundred miles an
> hour.
> > Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of
> vacation per year.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows but you don't know where they
> are.
> > While ambling around, you see a beautiful woman.
> > You break for lunch.
> > Life is good.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > You have some vodka.
> > You count them and learn you have five cows.
> > You have some more vodka.
> > You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.
> > The Mafia shows up and takes over however many
> cows you really have.
> > 
> > 
> > You have all the cows in Afghanistan, which are
> two.
> > You don't milk them because you cannot touch any
> creature's private 
> parts.
> > You get a $40 million grant from the US government
> to find 
> alternatives to milk production but use the money to
> buy weapons.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two cows.
> > They go into hiding.
> > They send audio tapes of their mooing.
> > 
> > 
> > You have two bulls.
> > Employees are regularly maimed and killed
> attempting to milk them.
> > 
> > 
> > You have one cow.
> > The cow is schizophrenic.
> > Sometimes the cow thinks he's French, other times
> he's Flemish.
> > The Flemish cow won't share with the French cow.
> > The French cow wants control of the Flemish cow's
> milk.
> > The cow asks permission to be cut in half.
> > The cow dies happy.
> > 
> > 
> > You have a black cow and a brown cow.
> > Everyone votes for the best looking one.
> > Some of the people who actually like the brown one
> best 
> accidentally vote for the black one.
> > Some people vote for both.
> > Some people vote for neither.
> > Some people can't figure out how to vote at all.
> > Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell
> you which one you 
> think is the best-looking cow.
> > 
> > 
> > You have millions of cows.
> > They make real California cheese.
> > Only five speak English.
> > Most are illegal.
> > Arnold likes the ones with the big udders.
> > 


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
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[FairfieldLife] Spiderman - 3 , Review

2007-05-04 Thread Jason Spock
 Review of Spiderman - 3

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[FairfieldLife] The 4 Varna System, Duty and not birth

2007-05-04 Thread Jason Spock
  The 4 Varnas or class's existed in all Ancient cultures.  It's a natural 
system based on Duty and not birth.
  The 4 Varna caste system is a product of the First-wave agricultural 
civilisation which had only a rudimentary economy.  The system gave the world, 
social stability for centuries.
  The coming of the Semitic religions, ie Christianity and Islam disrupted 
the natural pattern of these ancient First-wave socities.
  The system became rigid and dogmatic over the course or centuries as 
Vested intrests began to tweak or rig the system for their selfish purposes.
  The 4 Varna system became tenuous and blurred once the industrial 
revolution began and education began to spread across the industrial 

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 14:25:38 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?


Thanks for allowing us to disagree. It'd be silly for me to invest in
wanting that you think what I think, cuz, hey, how could I possibly
know what you really think such that I could have a certainty about
that? Where's my diagnostic tools for that kind of work?

Heck, inside my mind, only me being involved, if I had the same
thought twice in a row, how could I even prove those two thoughts were
identical except that, yep, yet a third thought must come in and
confirm that that is the case, and now we've got this "outsider
thought who arrives after the fact" claiming to know about the
previous two thoughts, indeed, even to the extent of being an expert.

Sigh.. Mantra, mantra, mantra, mantra -- all identical, right? 
Or, if you prefer, let's say that they're all slightly different, right? 


That's the area in which I love to play. What functionality of my
mind can produce that certainty despite my ego being completely out of
that decision loop, because the decision that "identical thoughts
occurred" is done by the extraordinarily subtle intellect churning out
core memes for which the cortex then fashions a "verbal gift
wrapping," and voila! a thought occurs to the ego. Something like
that -- ask Patanjali, cuz, you know, that I don't know, not really,
jack or even jack's excrement about this. Or, wait, how could you
know that I don't know when I've just made the point that tools for
such diagnosis are non-existent in the lives of most of us? Never mind!

But I digress. The subject was caste system.

Oh, it's being used for every manner of evil. Wives must burn
themselves to death. Wives are returned-to- sender or killed when
their dowries run out. Any group of men in a village can call a woman
an adulterer and kill her on the spot, and no one will report anything
to the authorities -- be as mum about what really happened as, well
the MUM course office folks can be mummish. "We don't know what
happened, the sun was in our eyes."

Yeah, evil. No doubt. And, gawd, these are the folks who namaste you
every other nee-nee-na-na- no-nosecond. Go figure, no, wait, that'll
make my head hurt.

But Turq, Turq, Turq, can you really say that it's the caste system
that CAUSES THIS? I mean, you and causality are not bosom buddies as
far as I can tell -- where's traction for Maya? It's all the
Absolute's fizz, right? Just synchrony not causality, right? Am I
misinterpreting you on that issue?

And Turq, do you really think that the small potentates of the various
Soviet territories were LESS evil in their doings? Do you think that
the Popes of the past haven't lifted the robes of nuns, that Sufi
whirlers didn't swing some slave girl off into the bushes, that the
witches drowned in New England were guilty? 

I cannot stratify these evils, cannot order them into a hierarchy. 
They're all on the same level. 50,000,000 million folks died in WWII
-- Hitler's evil use of Germanic tribalism's DNA deep addiction to
racial purity. Pol Pot used communism. Stalin killed 20 million of
his own people. Red-blooded Americans killed the Native Americans for
what? -- democracy -- "we voted to kill the Indians, so it's okay." 
Every killer on this list thought he was doing a good thing!!

And men kill polar bears who kill these lovable seals who kill
loveable penguins who kill loveable, delicate, ever so silent fishys
or gobble amazingly intelligent krill who slobber down miraculous
microorganisms who absorb the loveliest of carbon based molecules who
have commandeered the uses of devic quark forces that consume the
Absolute's black hole mystic effervescences.

The caste system is just another way to organize the mayhem. In
theory, it's works pretty good during Sat Yugahee hee.

Now, don't get me wrong here. The Vedic delineations of castes make
the Nazis look childish with their notions of purity -- step aside
Hitler, let a Brahmin class mind tell you about categorizing the milch
kind. I mean, would Hitler ever had come up with "

[FairfieldLife] A Tale of Two Cows

2007-05-04 Thread Jason Spock
 A Midwesterner's political Primer


You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.
You feel guilty for being successful.
Barbra Streisand sings for you.


You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.


You have two cows.
The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.
You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow.


You have two cows.
The government seizes both and provides you with milk.
You wait in line for hours to get it.
It is expensive and sour.


You have two cows.
You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.


You have two cows.
Under the new farm program the government pays you to shoot one, milk the 
other, and then pours the milk down the drain.


You have two cows.
You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one.
You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when 
one cow drops dead. You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have 
downsized and are reducing expenses.
Your stock goes up.


You have two cows.
You go on strike because you want three cows.
You go to lunch and drink wine.
Life is good.


You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce 
twenty times the milk.
They learn to travel on unbelievably crowded trains.
Most are at the top of their class at cow school.


You have two cows.
You engineer them so they are all blond, drink lots of beer, give excellent 
quality milk, and run a hundred miles an hour.
Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year.


You have two cows but you don't know where they are.
While ambling around, you see a beautiful woman.
You break for lunch.
Life is good.


You have two cows.
You have some vodka.
You count them and learn you have five cows.
You have some more vodka.
You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.
The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have.


You have all the cows in Afghanistan, which are two.
You don't milk them because you cannot touch any creature's private parts.
You get a $40 million grant from the US government to find alternatives to milk 
production but use the money to buy weapons.


You have two cows.
They go into hiding.
They send audio tapes of their mooing.


You have two bulls.
Employees are regularly maimed and killed attempting to milk them.


You have one cow.
The cow is schizophrenic.
Sometimes the cow thinks he's French, other times he's Flemish.
The Flemish cow won't share with the French cow.
The French cow wants control of the Flemish cow's milk.
The cow asks permission to be cut in half.
The cow dies happy.


You have a black cow and a brown cow.
Everyone votes for the best looking one.
Some of the people who actually like the brown one best accidentally vote for 
the black one.
Some people vote for both.
Some people vote for neither.
Some people can't figure out how to vote at all.
Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell you which one you think is the 
best-looking cow.


You have millions of cows.
They make real California cheese.
Only five speak English.
Most are illegal.
Arnold likes the ones with the big udders.

Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

2007-05-04 Thread Jason Spock
  Sorry for the delayed response.  I agree with you.  MMY's version 
certainly has more depth.
  True religion should reflect Nature.  Hinduism is the only religion that 
reflects Nature to it's fullest possible extent.
  The concept of Ethics is Universal.  It does not change with time.  
Unfortunately the Indian Gov't does NOT give any importance or seriousness to 
the teaching of Ethics in Indian schools.  Also no importance is given to 
Hygiene and sanitation.  Both subjects should be taught in all schools all over 
the World.

Jonathan Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 16:11:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came 

  I've taught one version or another of a three-credit, college-level ethics 
course nineteen times during the past two decades, and at this point I am 
convinced I do not know what either 'ethics' or Ethics really is.  One 
interesting "comprehensive" philosophical- ethical view that is making a 
comeback these days (mostly in Catholic circles, but not exclusively so) is 
"natural law theory."  Believe it or not, M.'s version is both deeper and 
better (or at least less intellectualistic) than all of that.  In any event, we 
certainly do not teach ethics in K-12 here.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Media Moguls got it Wrong

2007-05-04 Thread Jason Spock
  Sorry for the late response.  Nothing at all.  People have gotten wise to 
the games these bloody politicians play.
  Shall I send you the GunFight Ballad by Marty Robbins as an attachment.?? 
 Or should I upload the file to FFL.??

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 15:04:30 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media Moguls got it Wrong

  Forget this media mogul crap.

Jason, what's happening in India with all that Richard Gere stuff?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

2007-04-27 Thread Jason Spock
  Racism and Casteism in india is Socio-economic.  The problem is both 
individual and collective.  Personal Jealousy combined with Collective dogma 
becomes a potent Poison.
  Unfortunately, the educational system in India has not devoted enough 
time for the subject of 'ethics'.  I believe the subject of Ethics should be 
taught right from Nursery School.

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 14:55:09 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

  Ok, because I have some free time this afternoon, 
I'm going to take advantage of that fact and riff, 
Curtis-style or Edg-style, on my feelings about 
those of the Indian persuasion and why I feel that
there is a *great deal* of racism in their culture.

First, a necessary definition. When I use the word 
'racism' in past posts or this one, I am *including*
in that definition *any* support of or justification 
of the Hindu caste system. I *define* the caste sys-
tem as a form of racism, which I further define as
the systematic suppression of one social or racial
or religious class by those who consider themselves 
"better" or "more highly evolved" or "more privileged" 
or "more worthy" than they are. The caste system 
just manages this racism without the luxury of being 
able to recognize those they wish to suppress visually, 
by their physical or racial characteristics.

Second, unlike many of you here, I have never been
to India, or wanted to go. The place just doesn't 
appeal to me. So my experience with Indians is 
limited to daily interactions with *expatriate* 
Indians -- in the United States and in Europe.
That said, in those environments I have interacted
on a pretty much daily basis with *hundreds* of
Indian nationals of various religions and, if Hindu,
of various castes. About the only thing these folks
had in common was having come from India and being
computer programmers. So that's the subset of Indians
I am familiar with.

My longest experience working with Indian programmers
was on a nightmare three-year project for Pepsico. 
The company had been sold a bill of goods by a big,
famous consulting company, which had convinced Pepsi
that it had to move away from mainframe technology into
the modern world of client-server by converting all of
their existing systems at once. Really. So Pepsi hired
something like 500 consultants to do all this for them.

As it turned out, given the politics of contract pro-
gramming in the New York/Westchester County area, about
350 of these contractors were Indian. They had been
"imported from India" very much in the same way as the
pundits have been imported to Fairfield, by a few power-
ful Indian families, who hired their own cousins and
relatives of cousins from India, put them up at the 
local YMCA, and paid them $10.00 an hour for their work.
These families then billed Pepsico $100 an hour for the 
same rent-a-programmers. 

So I got to sit in "boiler rooms" full of primarily 
Indian programmers, primarily of either the Brahmin or
Kshatriya caste, and listen to the things they talked
about on a daily basis. For three years. And then the
experience repeated itself in other programming envir-
onments such as Citibank and Salomon Brothers and
Ciby-Geigy and ING. 

What they talked about shocked the shit out of me, and
forever disabused me of the notion that Indians were
*in any way* more "evolved" than anyone else on this
planet. The first thing that shocked me was the almost
*instantaneous* way that the Indians I worked with
"bagged" another Indian upon meeting him or her for 
the first time. All it took was hearing the name. From
that everyone *instantly* knew what religion the person
was, and if Hindu, what caste. And their attitude towards
the person shifted equally instantly, based on that
religion or caste. A "newbie" would join the group, and
everyone would be friendly and outgoing, and then they'd
hear his name.

At that point about half of the room would move away from
the newbie and go back to their seats, and never speak to
the newbie again except in the necessary course of business.

I got to sit in those rooms and hear how these guys, be 
they Muslim, Brahmin, Kshatriya or whatever talked about 
women, and the very *different* ways they talked about 
Western women (hos, the lot of them) and Indian women 
(either saints or hos, depending upon their religion 
or caste). Lemme tell you, *that* was a real education.

I got to sit there and listen to the Brahmins brag about
how a group of 10-15 of them had gotten together the night
before and kicked the shit out of a Kshatriya guy who had
dared to ask out the sister of one of the Brahmins. They
joked about how long he'd spend in the hospital. This
happened more than once.

I got to sit there and listen to some of these guys talk
about how they were being taken to the cleaners *by their
own relatives*, and their sense of powerlessness about
being able to do anything about 

[FairfieldLife] Media Moguls got it Wrong

2007-04-26 Thread Jason Spock
  Drop the sex objects 
Thursday April 19 2007 17:24 IST 

Toufiq Rashid


Women’s organisations have been saying it for years, now scientists agree: 
Sexualisation ‘harms’ young girls. American Psychological Association reported 
that the media’s portrayal of young women as sex objects harms girls’ mental 
and physical health. 

Sexualisation can lead to a lack of confidence with their bodies as well as 
depression and eating disorders. 

Sexualisation was defined as occurring when a person’s value comes only from 
her or his sexual appeal or behaviour, to the exclusion of other 
characteristics, and when a person is portrayed purely as a sex object. “I 
would just say it is a form of exploitation which commodifies the gender 
(female),” says Dr Jitendra Nagpal, Senior Psychologist VIMHANS. 

“Utilisation of the female form for advertising, glamorising the stereotypical 
role of females as home breakers, cunning, vampish or just forgiving and 
subservient on the other hand. The woman’s form these days sell everything that 
is desirable from a pen to a household appliance or even a vehicle, selling 
concepts and ideas which are shallow,” says Dr Nagpal. 

Young pop stars dressed as sex objects, thongs flashing models, even male 
accessories and cars having skinny models as their ambassadors. The content in 
movies, TV serials, music videos, even lyrics, advertising, games, comics, 
internet everything focuses on this image. 

Youngs girls look at themselves from the images the media wants them to believe 
in, say experts. It gives them a negative feeling about their bodies, faces and 
harms them both physically and mentally. 

“Young girls look at media as a career to be rich and famous in a short time,” 
according to Dr Nagpal. Eating disorders, mood swings, starving, losing their 
sleep, exessive exercising and gyming, and depression are some of the 

“We have seen cases where girls just stop eating. We have ample evidence to 
conclude that sexualisation has negative effects in a variety of domains, 
including cognitive functioning, physical and mental health,” says Dr Nagpal. 
“Girls force their parents to give them money for liposuction, plastic surgery, 
and nose jobs.” According to him, there is enough evidence to show that media 
is responsible for hampering healthy sexual development. 

Dr Nagpal says it is a multi-pronged approach: “It starts from self and than 
goes to schools, teachers, parents who are important in moulding our lives.” 
Parents, school officials, and health professionals need to be alert about the 
potential impact on girls and young women.   

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

2007-04-26 Thread Jason Spock
You think Indian Chicks would be jacking off to Richard Gere's Photo.??

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 17:51:40 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

  What I saw (couldn't hear any sound in this noisy
cafe if there was sound) was "the chick" dragging 
an obviously reluctant Gere up on stage and not 
letting him go, all to help her "career" (she won 
a silly TV talent contest, ferchrissakes) and him 
playing along, and then giving her "career" a bit
more of a boost than she expected. She'll ride this
tempest in a pisspot all the way to the Bank Of 

Face it -- this furor is because of Hindu racism,
pure and simple. They didn't like seeing a white
guy kissing one of their own, especially one that
they jack off to photos of every night before get-
ting up the next morning and pretending to be pure
little Brahmins. :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Indian Abuse, Vedic Abuse

2007-04-26 Thread Jason Spock
  Two out of three children in India are physically abused... 
Thursday April 19 2007 17:15 IST 

Vimala Ramachandran


The recent report brought out by Government of India, Ministry of Women and 
Child Development has for the first time documented the prevalence of child 
abuse — including the prevalence of violence in schools. The report has come 
out with startling findings: 

Two out of every three children were physically abused 

Out of 69% physically abused in 13 sample states, 54.68% were boys 

Over 50% of children in all the 13 sample states were subject to one or the 
other form of physical abuse 

88.6% were physically abused by parents 

65% of school-going children reported facing corporal punishment — two out of 
three children were victims of corporal punishment, most of them from 
government and municipal schools 

53.22% children reported having faced one or more forms of sexual abuse 

5.69% were sexually assaulted 

Every second child (both boys and girls) reported facing emotional abuse 

50.2% of children reported they worked seven days a week — this includes 
children formally enrolled in school 

Most children did not report the matter to anyone 

The report has highlighted the vulnerability of boys and girls to various forms 
of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Taking all the 13 states together more 
boys reported physical abuse than girls, though the ratio of girls physically 
abused was higher in Kerala (55.61%) and Gujarat (54.61%). 

Incidentally, the highest percentage of abuse among boys was reported from 
Delhi (62.2%) followed by Madhya Pradesh (59.75%) and Maharashtra (55.75%). The 
situation of children in institutions / shelters, observation homes and other 
places created for the protection of children is alarming. Yet, what most of us 
find difficult to accept is that over 53 per cent of children reported being 
abused at home and in their families. 

A very disturbing — yet timely — part of the report deals with emotional abuse, 
invisible and insidious. Unfortunately, in India we are still some distance 
from understanding and acknowledging emotional abuse. Dismissing a girl child 
as being “unwanted” at home to caste-based remarks in schools — we need to pay 
more attention to the impact of emotional violence. Humiliation was reported by 
44.13 per cent of children — and they talked about being humiliated at home, in 
schools, at work, on the streets and in the institutions created for their 

Comparison was also reported as another form of emotional abuse. Comparing 
children with their siblings, with other children in the extended family, with 
others in schools and in institutions seem to leave a deep impression on the 
minds of children. The younger age group — 5 to 12 years — felt that being 
subjected to such comparison was hurtful. This report reinforces the findings 
of a number of qualitative studies on barriers to learning and attendance. 

Discussion with children reveal that they get very upset if they are asked 
bring their own water / utensils for mid-day meal — especially if they belong 
to the Dalit community. Equally upsetting is getting them to sit in one corner 
of the classroom, calling them by their caste names and dismissing their 
performance in school by linking it to their family occupation or telling girls 
that they will only end up having babies and looking after the house. 

An overwhelming proportion of girls (70.57%) from different parts of the 
country reported neglect or deliberate favouring of male siblings. I remember 
one particular incident that still haunts me. During the course of my work on 
barriers to education, I asked girls in different states about what they eat at 

Most of the girls from poor rural and urban households said they did not have 
time to eat breakfast and that their first meal of the day was in school. On 
probing further they said that when non-vegetarian food is cooked at home they 
rarely got a piece of meat or fish and were usually asked to make do with the 

They resented having to do housework when their brothers were goaded to do 
their homework and study for examinations. What the girls disliked most was 
being told that they are being “trained to adjust in their marital home”, a 
constant reminder that they do not belong to the natal family and that they 
will go away one day. 

Child trafficking is another area that merits urgent attention. It is shocking 
that our law enforcement agencies do not take reports of missing children 
seriously. A set of non-negotiable protocols need to be put in place to make 
sure every report of a missing child, violence against children, corporal 
punishment in schools, abuse at the hands of policemen (especially of street 
children) and the silent screams of children working in sweatshops / factories 
/ dhabas and in homes — are followed-up. Joint police-civil 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

2007-04-26 Thread Jason Spock
  Heard of this old Joke in India.??
  "What's the difference between India and America.?
  In America, Kissing is allowed in public, but not Pissing,
  In India, Pissing is allowed in public, but not Kissing."

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 17:18:43 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ever wonder where the prudery in the TMO came from?

  > > India, that's where. Sometimes the sheer
> > backasswards idiocy of India just blows
> > my mind.\

Haven't seen any video. But what is he supposed
to do, pander to a hypocritical culture that
doesn't allow kissing in public but that has one
of the fastest-growing AIDS rates on the planet 
because of uncontrolled prostitution? 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

2007-04-26 Thread Jason Spock
  My TM-tutor told me that this happened two years before King Nader made 
his epoch- making discovery of the presence of the "Veda" in the Human 
Physiology in 1994.
  Would you or anyone else in this group tell me of Maharishi's itenary for 
the year 1992.?

nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 06:58:21 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

Maharishi was nowhere near India in 1992. If you want to be taken 
serious when you are spreading your poison, then better as a minimum 
stick to simple facts. 

  --- Jason Spock  wrote:
> Chopra's father stabilised Maharishi when he was sick in 1992, in 
india and sent him to London.
> Do you think Maharishi is grateful to Chopra for that.?? Why 
erase all traces of his association with the TM mov 't.??

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

2007-04-25 Thread Jason Spock
Chopra's father stabilised Maharishi when he was sick in 1992, in india and 
sent him to London.
Do you think Maharishi is grateful to Chopra for that.??  Why erase all 
traces of his association with the TM mov 't.??

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 19:24:12 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

  The TM fascists did this too.

> 1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

The CIA was said to have infiltrated the TM movement, Christians were
openly trying to stop the movement in schools and were considered as
evil, L.B. was publishing "a rag of unstressing. " Easy to make
enemies appear out of nowhere -- like aces in the hand of a card shark.

> 2. Create a gulag

One loses one's dome badge, and one is instantly an outsider. The
meditating kids sent to the public schools were, as if, sent to a
gulag. The shame of our community is that it sent half the tuition
money to International instead of using it to keep all our kids inside
our group hug. Many people were banned to such a degree that if one
was to associate with that person, one would get on the same
blacklist. I was personally told -- immediately after becoming an
initiator -- that I was never to have anything to do with Johnny Gray.
Why? Don't ask, they warned. The movement has never been shy about
telling us who was not to be listened to or otherwise one would be
sent to the psychological gulag of "outside status."

> 3. Develop a thug caste

The course office personnel. Then there were those nazi-types in
Germany who tried to completely surround Maharishi and cut him off
from the rest of the movement. Maharishi has treated many
international thugs-dictators with more respect than most meditators
EVER get from the movement. Try to get Bevan to listen to anything
negative about the movement and see if he doesn't immediately come off
as a dictator with all the rights and privileges thereof. I once went
to give the movement a donation, and I ended up having to give it to
this guy whose name escapes me (he drowned in rapids in Central America) 
  Well, I come in the door, and I say, "I'm here to give a
donation," and he snapped his fingers at me exactly like a Nazi
commandant and said, "Give to me," in a very brusque voice. He took
the check and never said or even hinted at a "thank you." I was
dismissed without another word from him. That was one of my BETTER
moments with movement types.

> 4. Set up an internal surveillance system

I was blacklisted during teacher training, and I got off by knowing
someone who had clout -- otherwise, I'd still be there -- wouldn't
have gotten my mantras. When I was interviewed by Maharishi during a
pre-technique interview, he wrote next to my photo, "clean now,"
meaning my beard in the photo had been shaved. Anyone in the movement
think they're not being watched? I have had perfect status since I
got off the blacklist, was a very strong initiator, ran a center for
eight years, taught 3% of Napa, CA to meditate, and lived on almost
zero income, moved to Fairfield, did dome twice daily, raised my kids
with the dogma, and yet, because I'm posting here, I'm willing to bet
that I cannot get a dome badge now. 

> 5. Harass citizens' groups

Ask L.B. about this. Ask how almost anyone in power in the movement
can arch an eyebrow and say, "Maharishi wouldn't like that," and
suddenly, one understands about the subtlety of harassment. 

> 6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

I was called on the carpet when I got on the blacklist. I had to
explain myself, then I was "released," and of course, I told my story
to others and the fear spread from that too. Sigh.

> 7. Target key individuals

So many cannot show their faces in Fairfield and have any hope of
comfort. Anyone with a dome badge just cannot "be free;" the party
line is spewed by everyone or they're banned; the targeting of
individuals is done in the back room, and no one hardly ever is told
why or how to rectify the situation.

> 8. Control the press

Ask L.B. how long his rag was allowed to be freely distributed on
campus. Ask anyone who has ever worked on any TM publication if their
ideas had any chance of being sincerely attended to if it involved,
you know, suggesting less gold ink, or perhaps marketing might be
improved by using less photos of groups of smarmy looking Hindus who
were seemingly on the verge of death but who were on the stage and
posing as great health practitioners -- whatever, there was no freedom
to be creative outside the TM box. 

> 9. Dissent equals treason

Ask John Lennon why he left India. Once you cross the movement in
some serious way, it just becomes clear immediately that a bridge has
been burned forever, that the movement NEVER was really interested in
dialog -- only brainwashing and groveling.

> 10. Suspend the rule of law

When I'd finally saved up enough "credits" by initiating to get on a
sidhi course, they said, "All that money's be

[FairfieldLife] Habitable earth-like Exo-planet found

2007-04-25 Thread Jason Spock
  Distant planet judged possibly habitable
  April 23, 2007
Courtesy ESO 
and World Science staff
  In a find­ing that if con­firmed could stand as a land­mark in 
history, as­tro­no­mers have re­ported 
dis­co­v­er­ing the most Earth-like plan­et out­side 
our So­lar Sys­tem to date: a world that may have liq­uid oceans 
and thus life.

Swiss, French and Por­tu­guese sci­en­tists found the body, 
es­ti­mated as 50 per­cent wid­er than our Earth, 
or­bit­ing a so-called red dwarf star rel­a­tively close to 
Earth. The star is thought to har­bor two oth­er plan­ets al­so.

 Artist's im­pres­sion of a sys­tem of 
three plan­ets sur­round­ing the red dwarf Gliese 581. 
(Cour­te­sy ESO)
  The new­found exo­pla­n­et—as as­tro­no­mers call 
plan­ets around stars oth­er than the Sun—would be the small­est 
such body ev­er re­ported. 

None­the­less, the object is es­ti­mat­ed to weigh as much 
as five Earths, part­ly thanks to its great­er width. For the same 
rea­son, it would have more than twice Earth’s sur­face ar­ea. 
His­tor­i­cally, only large exo­pla­n­ets lend 
them­selves to hu­man de­tect­ion, though that is chang­ing.

Oth­er cu­ri­ous fea­tures of the new­found plan­et are 
that grav­i­ty at its sur­face would be around twice as strong as 
on Earth; and its year is just 13 Earth days long, as it comp­letes one 
or­bit about its sun in that time.

It’s 14 times clos­er to its star than we are from our Sun, 
re­search­ers said. But since its host star, the red dwarf Gliese 581, 
is smaller and cool­er than the Sun, the plan­et nev­ertheless 
would lie in its hab­it­a­ble zone—the re­gion around a star 
with suit­a­ble tem­pe­r­a­tures for liq­uid 

Av­er­age tem­pe­r­a­tures on this “supe­r-Earth” 
lie be­tween 0 and 40 de­grees Cel­si­us (32 to 104 
de­grees Fahren­heit), “and wa­ter would thus be liq­uid,” said 
Sté­phane Udry of Switz­er­land’s Ge­ne­va 
Ob­serv­a­to­ry, lead au­thor of a pa­pe­r 
re­port­ing the re­sult. “Mod­els pre­dict that the 
plan­et should be ei­ther rock­y—like our Earth—or cov­ered 
with oceans,” he added.

“Liq­uid wa­ter is crit­i­cal to life as we know it,” 
not­ed Xa­vi­er Delfosse, a mem­ber of the team from 
Gre­no­ble Uni­ver­si­ty, France. “Be­cause of its 
tem­pe­r­a­ture and rel­a­tive 
prox­im­i­ty, this plan­et will most prob­a­bly be a 
very im­por­tant tar­get of the fu­ture space mis­sions 
ded­i­cat­ed to the search for extra-terrestrial life. On the 
treas­ure map of the Uni­verse, one would be tempted to mark this 
plan­et with an X.” 

The ar­row marks the ap­prox­i­mate 
lo­ca­tion of the red dwarf star Gliese 581 with re­spect to the 
con­stel­la­tion Li­bra vi­si­ble in the south­ern 
  The host star, Gliese 581, is among the 100 clos­est stars to us, 
ly­ing 20.5 light-years away in the con­stel­la­tion Li­bra 
(“the Scales.”) A light-year is the dis­tance light trav­els in a year. 

Gliese 581 has one third the mass of our Sun. Such small stars, called red 
dwarfs, are at least 50 times faint­er than the Sun and are be­lieved 
to be the most com­mon stars in our gal­axy. Among the 100 clos­est 
stars to the Sun, 80 be­long to this class.

“Red dwarfs are ide­al tar­gets for the search for such plan­ets 
be­cause they emit less light, and the hab­it­a­ble zone is 
thus much clos­er to them than it is around the Sun,” said Xa­vi­er 
Bon­fils, a co-re­searcher from Lis­bon Uni­ver­si­ty. 
Plan­ets near a star are eas­i­er to de­tect be­cause their 
grav­i­ta­tion­al pull af­fects the par­ent star 
no­tice­ably, in­duc­ing some­thing of a wig­gling 

Red dwarfs are al­so ex­pected to live 
ex­traor­di­nar­ily long be­cause they burn fu­el 
slow­ly. A red dwarf one-third the Sun’s mass, like Gliese 581, would 
typ­i­cal­ly shine for some 130 bil­lion years, 
out­liv­ing the Sun by thir­teen times. That might re­lieve at 
least one source of stress for any in­hab­i­tants of a red dwarf 
sys­tem. We on Earth are al­ready half­way through the Sun’s 
life­time, though much time re­mains.

Artist's con­cept of a red dwarf, a dim star that 
burns slow­ly and very long. (Cour­te­sy NASA) 
  Two years ago, Udry and his team found anoth­er plan­et around Gliese 
581, es­ti­mat­ed to weigh as much as 15 Earths—about as much as 
Nep­tune—and or­bit­ing the star in 5.4 days.

At the time, the as­tro­no­mers had al­ready not­ed hints 
of anoth­er plan­et, Udry and col­leagues said. They thus took new 
mea­sure­ments and found the new “supe­r-Earth,” as well as a 
like­ly third plan­et weigh­ing eight Earths and or­bit­ing 
in 84 days. The find­ings have been sub­mit­ted to the 
re­search jour­nal As­tron­o­my and 
As­t­ro­phys­ics, the sci­en­tists said.

The find was pos­si­ble thanks to an in­stru­ment known as a 
spec­tro­graph on the Eu­r

[FairfieldLife] Angry God, Angry People

2007-04-23 Thread Jason Spock
  Angry God, angry people
  Feb. 28, 2007
Courtesy Association for Psychological Science
and World Science staff
  New re­search may clar­i­fy the re­la­tion­ship 
be­tween re­li­gious in­doc­tri­na­tion and 
vi­o­lence, a top­ic that has gained new no­to­ri­ety 
since the Sept. 11 at­tacks. 

In the stu­dy, psy­chol­o­gist Brad Bush­man of the 
Uni­ver­si­ty of Mich­i­gan in Ann Ar­bor, Mich. and 
col­leagues sug­gest that vi­o­lence sanc­tioned by God in 
scrip­tures can in­crease ag­gres­sion, 
es­pe­cial­ly in be­liev­ers.

A detail from Michelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine 
  The find­ings ap­pear in the March is­sue of the re­search 
jour­nal Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sci­ence.

The au­thors worked with un­der­grad­u­ate stu­dents at 
two uni­ver­si­ties: Brig­ham Young in Pro­vo, Utah, where 
99 per­cent of stu­dents re­port be­liev­ing in God and the 
Bi­ble; and Vrije Uni­ver­si­teit in Am­ster­dam, where 
just half re­port be­liev­ing in God, and 27 per­cent in the 

The par­ti­ci­pants read a par­a­ble adapted from a 
rel­a­tively ob­scure pas­sage in the King James Bi­ble. It 
de­s­c­ribes the bru­tal tor­ture and mur­der of a 
wom­an, and her hus­band’s sub­se­quent re­venge on her 

Half the par­ti­ci­pants were told that the pas­sage came from 
the Old Tes­ta­ment; the oth­er half, that it was an an­cient 
scroll un­earthed by ar­chae­o­lo­gists. In 
ad­di­tion, half the par­ti­ci­pants from both the 
Bi­ble and the an­cient scroll groups read an ad­justed 
ver­sion that in­clud­ed the verse: “The Lord com­manded 
Is­ra­el to take arms against their broth­ers and chas­ten them 
be­fore the LORD.”

Par­ti­ci­pants were then paired up and in­structed to 
com­pete in a sim­ple re­ac­tion game that meas­ures 
ag­gres­sion. The win­ner gets to “blast” his or her part­ner 
with a noise that can be about as loud as a fire alarm.

The Brig­ham Young stu­dents were more ag­gres­sive—that is 
loud­er—with their blasts if they had been told the pas­sage they had 
read was from the Bi­ble rath­er than a scroll, the 
re­search­ers found. Like­wise, they were more ag­gres­sive 
if they had read the ad­di­tional verse that de­picts God 
sanc­tion­ing vi­o­lence. 

At the more sec­u­lar Dutch school, the re­sults were 
sur­pris­ing­ly sim­i­lar, the sci­en­tists said. 
Al­though the stu­dents were less like­ly to be 
in­flu­enced by the source of the ma­te­ri­al, they 
blast­ed more ag­gres­sively when the pas­sage they read 
in­clud­ed God’s sanc­tion­ing of the vi­o­lence. This 
held true even for non­be­liev­ers, though to a less­er 

The find­ings shed light on the pos­si­ble ori­gins of 
vi­o­lent re­li­gious fun­da­men­tal­ism, the 
re­search­ers said, and fit with the­o­ries hold­ing that 
vi­o­lent scrip­tures help lead ex­trem­ists to 
ag­gres­sion. “To the ex­tent re­li­gious 
ex­trem­ists en­gage in pro­longed, se­lec­tive 
read­ing of the scrip­tures, fo­cus­ing on vi­o­lent 
ret­ri­bu­tion to­ward unbe­liev­ers in­stead of 
the over­all mes­sage of ac­cept­ance and 
un­der­stand­ing,” wrote Bush­man, “one might ex­pect to 
see in­creased bru­tality.”

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2007-04-21 Thread Jason Spock
 No one suggest that he screwed Mia Farrow.  Not even Mia Farrow.??
 Does Farrow make a big deal about the hugging incident.??
 Did Maharishi sent Brahmacharis to track her after she left.??

Geezerfreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 00:45:37 -

  What kind of man is he? A man who, in the 60s and 70s, bedded those he
could when the opportunity arose. A man who probably backed off, when
it was apparent that his advances were unwelcome.

That's pretty much it. No one suggests that he screwed Mia Farrow. She
reacted negatively to his putting his arms around her and he backed
off. But he was also busy with others at the time. He had his hands
more than full in those years.


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[FairfieldLife] The Fountain of Eternal Youth. - Will we find it.??

2007-04-21 Thread Jason Spock
  “Youth” pills, hawked online, win over top scientists
  Feb. 9, 2007
By Jack Lucentini
Updated Feb. 12
  For cen­turies, shady sales­men have pushed nos­trums claimed to 
con­quer that eter­nal scourge, ag­ing. Vir­tu­al­ly 
all have been gar­bage. Chi­na’s king Zhao Mei may have even died from 
his own “im­mor­tal­ity pills” 2,000 years ago, 
ar­chae­o­lo­g­ists say.

Pills on the mar­ket are la­beled as 
con­tain­ing from less than 5 mg to as much as 250 mg of 
res­ver­a­trol in its ac­tive form. Even that is around 
one-sixth what an aver­age-weight per­son would have to take dai­ly 
to get doses com­pa­ra­ble to those used in mouse life-extension 
stud­ies. But many users are sat­is­fied with tak­ing smaller 
amounts in or­der to play it safe and save mon­ey.
  But one brand of pills hawked on the In­ter­net as 
con­tain­ing “youth-pro­long­ing” mo­le­cules has a 
cu­ri­ous dis­tinc­tion. 

A Har­vard Med­i­cal School bi­ol­o­gist who is a 
lead­ing ex­pe­rt on ag­ing takes them dai­ly, 
per­suaded by his own re­search that they may work, ac­cord­ing 
to peo­ple fa­mil­iar with his ac­tiv­i­ties. He also 
once served as con­sul­tant to the pills’ maker, but said he did so at 
no charge.

A small but grow­ing band of peo­ple, hear­ing of his use of the 
pills, has fol­lowed his lead in hopes of liv­ing long­er and more 
vig­or­ous­ly—as have a di­verse ar­ray of 
an­i­mals on which the pills’ key in­gre­di­ent has been 
tested. A No­bel-prize win­ning phys­i­cist counts him­self 
among the con­verts.

The cap­sules in ques­tion are called Lon­ge­vi­nex 

The Har­vard re­search­er, Da­vid Sin­clair, has said in 
in­ter­views that he takes sup­ple­ments con­tain­ing 
the in­gre­di­ent, called res­ver­a­t­rol. But he 
wouldn’t spe­ci­fy which of the more than 20 avail­ab­le brands 
he takes, or ad­vise their use to oth­ers. The med­i­cal 
school’s rules for­bid do­ing that, an ar­ti­cle in the June 
22, 2004 Har­vard Ga­z­ette said.

None­the­less, three peo­ple fa­mil­iar with 
Sin­clair’s ac­tiv­i­ties said his brand of choice has been 

Grapes and red wine al­so con­tain res­ver­a­trol (see 
chart), but far too lit­tle for these prod­ucts to con­fer the 
dra­ma­tic life­span boost seen in an­i­mal stud­ies, 
re­search­ers say. None­the­less, even mod­er­ate 
al­co­hol drink­ing is tied to slight­ly high­er 
life­span in hu­mans, ac­cord­ing to a study in the Dec. 11-25 
is­sue of the jour­nal Ar­chives of In­ter­nal 

But pills may have much more res­ver­a­trol, so some peo­ple 
want them—though their ef­fects are lit­tle stud­ied, and how the 
sub­stance works is still de­bated.

Confusion has set in among po­ten­tial buy­ers of these 
sup­ple­ments, thanks to a slew of com­pet­ing and 
con­t­ra­dic­to­ry claims from the 
man­u­fac­tur­ers. The si­lence from Sin­clair, 
pe­r­haps the best-known re­search­er of 
res­ver­a­trol’s ef­fects, has­n’t helped. He de­clined 
to com­ment for this ar­ti­cle. 

Enigmatic tests

A few years ago, Sin­clair con­ducted tests that sug­gested 
Lon­ge­vi­nex worked far bet­ter than a doz­en 
com­pet­ing prod­ucts, ac­cord­ing to a news 
ar­ti­cle in the Feb. 27, 2004 is­sue of the re­search 
jour­nal Sci­ence. De­tails of the res­ults haven’t been 
pub­lished or op­ened to the wid­er sci­en­tif­ic 
com­mu­ni­ty’s scru­ti­ny.

Around then, Sin­clair has said he al­so served as a 
con­sult­ant to Lon­ge­vi­nex’s maker; all this took place 
dur­ing the pro­duct’s de­ve­lop­ment, ac­cord­ing 
to the com­pa­ny pre­si­dent. But Sin­clair an­nounced 
in a mail­ing at the end of 2003 that he had cut the tie be­cause the 
com­pa­ny had used his name in pub­li­city. He lat­er 
launched his own com­pa­ny, Sir­t­ris, to de­vel­op a 
re­lat­ed pre­scrip­tion prod­uct.

Nonetheless, he keeps tak­ing the pre­s­crip­tion-free 
Lon­ge­vi­nex, ac­cord­ing to an e­mail 
at­trib­ut­ed to him by Jus­tin Loew, treas­ur­er of 
the Im­mor­tal­i­ty In­sti­tute, a San 
Fran­cis­co-based non-pro­fit group that pro­motes 
anti-ag­ing re­search.

Last No­vem­ber, Loew said in an on­line fo­rum that 
Sin­clair had e­mailed him: “I take 4 pills of 
lon­ge­vi­nex with bfast and 4 at din­ner, but I don’t 
rec­om­mend an­y­one else take any res­ver­a­trol 
pills un­til we know more.” (Note: late last month, the 
man­u­fac­tur­er raised the amount of 
res­ver­a­trol per cap­sule, so Sin­clair’s re­ported 
eight pills would be equi­va­lent to 3.2 now. Ei­ther way, his 
re­port­ed re­gi­men amounts to about 320 mg dai­ly. Three 
pills daily would cost about $3.50 a day cur­rent­ly.)

Bill Sardi, pres­ident of Res­ver­a­trol Part­ners LLC, 
maker of Lon­ge­vi­nex, con­firmed Loew’s ac­count. 
Sin­clair told The New York Times in ear­ly No­vem­ber that he 
has used res­ver­a­trol for three years—about the same length of 
time Lon­ge­vi­nex has ex­isted. He added that his wife, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: RICK , ALEX , SHEMP , LUNDRUB , VAJ

2007-04-20 Thread Jason Spock
 How do you delete Verbal diarrhea.??  I judge by the subject header and 
the poster before taking a decision to read or not.

t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 15:00:11 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: RICK , ALEX , SHEMP , LUNDRUB , VAJ
  Yes, don't use automatic fireweapons to delete! Make a video of it and
put it up on youtube.

  > There are 15,000 FFL posts in my inbox. I am going to delete
all of them.
> Do you guys have anything to tell me.??

> Hope you all are in GOOD HEALTH. Peace and Enlightenment to you.

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2007-04-20 Thread Jason Spock
You say this is the Aquarian age.  Would you tell us something about the 
Precession of the Earth's axis, from the Astrological Stand-Point.??

  Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:47:56 EDT
  I have and still am convinced that the ME works. As I have stated in the past 
we would need at least 
  1,000 practitioners in each state of America to create this effect. MMY and 
John Haeglin are dreaming if they think that 1,800 Sidha's will solve the 
problems of America.
  Today we mourn for the victims of Virginia Tech. I will do a puja today for 
the families and friends of those who have been murdered. 
  Just in the month of April we have had a Tsunami that hit the Solomon 
islands, tornado's that hit the Midwest and southeast states showing high 
tornado activity, racial comments from Imus who got fired,
  the largest mass murder in American history by a college student, a noreaster 
that caused considerable flooding ( the last one to hit in April of this size 
was 25 years ago), 140 Iraqi's blown up around the same time the college 
students got killed and unseasonable weather patters throughout April with 
lower than normal temperatures. 
  Keep in mind that since the America Invincibility started a young man killed 
his parents and siblings in Iowa, 
  a man stops at an Amish school in PA and kills several children execution 
stile and the president decides to send more troops to Iraq to continue the 
  Many of you might say, well what about the positive. According to MMY and Dr 
John Hagelin we should be experiencing minimal violence and balanced weather 
patters. It is obviously not the case. My advise to both
  MMY and Dr. John Hagelin is to let the 326 Sidha's who have been not allowed 
access to the dome to fly with them. Also, asking the TM meditators to come and 
join in America Invincibility with as much fever as they use to promote the 
Sidha community. The quick fix attitude that MMY has by not emphasizing the 
meditators roll in the peace process has turned many people off. An 
organization cannot save the world it is the people within the organization who 
  My predictions regarding the planet Pluto are coming true. Go to Astrological 
Varieties and click predictions for 2007. Regardless of how people will judge 
my work on this forum I am on target. I am predicting the passing over of MMY 
in July or August of this year. July 7, 16 and Guru Purnama on the 28 or 29 
depending on what system of astrology you follow. I don't have any dates for 
August and feel July is the month. If not July it will be August. This passing 
over is very positive for it pushes everyone who has been lazy and insecure 
about thinking for themselves to come to some final conclusions about our 
family and families that have been effected by MMY and the TMO. It will do 
further damage to an organization that should have listened to some of the 
advise from others over the years. A holy war will begin between the leaders of 
MMY organization and further damage will be done within the organization and 
the positive side of this is other organizations who represent
 spiritual flexibility will grow and other new groups will form to carry on 
with the natural tendency of nature to expand. As spiritual communities 
continue to seek the Guru's permission to grow on the path to enlightenment 
remember this- YOU ARE THE TEACHERS OF THE WORLD. A few Guru's from India keep 
the planet alive but we must gather together on our own when the Guru is not in 
town and sit together in silence. Silence is the most powerful form of creating 
world peace at the present time.
  The Aquarian age is about groups coming together not isolating yourselves in 
your own private homes. Try
  to move beyond your own personal feelings of what you want (even from the 
Guru) and think about the family of humanity. Love and Light. Lou (Patanjali) 

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[FairfieldLife] RICK , ALEX , SHEMP , LUNDRUB , VAJ

2007-04-20 Thread Jason Spock
  There are 15,000 FFL posts in my inbox.  I am going to delete all of them.
  Do you guys have anything to tell me.??
  Hope you all are in GOOD HEALTH.  Peace and Enlightenment to you.

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
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[FairfieldLife] To Catch a Suicide Bomber

2007-04-20 Thread Jason Spock
   Catching suicide bombers
April 10, 2007
Courtesy Technology Review
and World Science staff
Su­i­cide bomb­ers are part of the arms race of the 21st 
cen­tu­ry. And they have an ad­van­tage over their 
vic­tims, wheth­er ci­vil­ian or mil­i­tar­y: even 
if caught, they can of­ten still blow up the check­point where they 
were de­tected.
One com­pa­ny claims to have de­vel­oped a way around this: the 
first tech­nol­o­gy that au­to­mat­i­cally 
disco­vers the bombs from a safe dis­tance. The sys­tem 
in­volves aim­ing a low-power ra­dar beam at peo­ple from as 
far as 100 me­ters (109 yards) away.
Soft­ware with­in the sys­tem re­veals con­cealed 
ob­jects with­out show­ing the body un­der­neath, which 
could vi­o­late sub­jects’ pri­va­cy, ac­cord­ing 
to the de­vel­op­ers. The tech­nol­o­gy was 
de­scribed last month in Tech­nol­o­gy Re­view, a 
mag­a­zine of the Mas­sa­chu­setts In­sti­tute of 
The sys­tem is de­vel­oped by SET Corp. of Ar­ling­ton, Va. 
The small, pri­vate­ly owned busi­ness was founded in 2002 by 
sci­en­tists from the De­fense Ad­vanced Re­search 
Pro­jects Agen­cy, the U.S. De­fense De­part­ment’s 
re­search and de­vel­op­ment arm.
The sys­tem uti­lizes vi­deo-anal­y­sis soft­ware 
de­signed by Ra­ma Chel­lappa, an elec­tri­cal and 
com­put­er en­gi­neer at the Uni­ver­si­ty of 
Mar­y­land, ac­cord­ing to Tech­nol­o­gy 
Re­view. The soft­ware is de­signed to track the 
sub­jec­t’s move­ments, so the ra­dar stays on tar­get.
Oth­er su­i­cide bomb­er de­tec­tion sen­sors are 
ex­pen­sive, work close-in, and of­ten cre­ate 
pri­va­cy con­cerns, ac­cord­ing to the com­pa­ny.
The soft­ware could one day im­prove the tech­nol­o­gy 
fur­ther by not­ing slight dif­fer­ences in the way peo­ple 
walk when hid­ing heavy ob­jects, Tech­nol­o­gy Re­view 
re­ported. Thom­as Burns, SET’s chief ex­ec­u­tive, told 
the pub­li­ca­tion that the sys­tem, called 
“Coun­ter­Bomber,” could be ready for sale by this fall.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: RICK , ALEX , SHEMP , LUNDRUB , VAJ

2007-04-20 Thread Jason Spock
 A little busy for the past 3 months Sir Rick.
 Good Rule.  Words have become precious, now on FFL.

Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:50:39 -0500
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] RICK , ALEX , SHEMP , LUNDRUB , VAJ

  The Space Lizards did it. No, seriously, what are you trying to tell us? That 
you never delete your emails? That you haven’t checked email for 6 months?
  Thanks. And here’s a bit of good news for you: we now have a 5-post limit per 
person per day on FFL. So six months from now, when you check your email again, 
there should only be about 6,800 FFL posts there.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Indian economy bigger than U.S. in 2050

2007-01-29 Thread Jason Spock
  India can do better than that.  But even india finds it difficult to 
compete with China's subsidised manufacturing.
  But in the Long term only two countries have the heft to challenge US.   
Russia and Brazil.   Russian economy is bouncing back.
  India and China have to manage a huge Population and Political reforms 
are still ahead.  Political structure in both countries are obsolete.
  If the borders in Europe dissolve away, and an European Super-state 
emerges, It will easily match the industrial might of America.

bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:13:39 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Indian economy bigger than U.S. in 2050

  today's Times of India

MUMBAI: Productivity growth will help India sustain over 8% growth 
until 2020 and become the second largest economy in the world, ahead 
of the US, by 2050, Goldman Sachs has said, scaling up estimates of 
the country's prospects in its October 2003 research paper widely 
known as the BRICs report. 

The original report had projected that India's GDP would outstrip 
Japan's by 2032 and that in 30 years, it would be the world's third 
largest economy after China and the US. The new report goes one step 
further by moving India up from No. 3 and No. 2 in the global 
sweepstakes of tomorrow. 

Goldman Sachs' research arm said in a global research paper released 
on Monday that India's growth acceleration since 2003 represented a 
structural increase rather than simply a cyclical upturn. It said 
productivity growth drove nearly half of overall growth and expected 
it to continue for some years. 

"We project India's potential or sustainable growth rate at about 8% 
until 2020. The implication is that India's contribution to world 
growth will be even greater (and faster) than implied in our previous 
BRICs research," Goldman Sachs Global Research said. 

The vote of increased confidence from the world's largest investment 
bank, whose previous chairman Henry Paulson is now treasury secretary 
in the Bush administration, comes when India is easing into its new 
seat in the global political arena as a nuclear power and 
consolidating its economic might as the world's services backbone. 

The paper said a turnaround in manufacturing productivity was central 
to the ratcheting up of productivity growth. The private sector was 
the principal driver of this turnaround, as it improved efficiency in 
the face of increased competition due to the cumulative effects of a 
decade of reforms. 

"The underlying reasons are: increased openness to trade, investment 
in information and communication technology, and greater financial 
deepening. These factors still have some distance to run," it said. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Cultural history of vegetarianism

2007-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
In the Pre-Civilisation days 10,000 years ago, Canibalism was rampant 
throughout the World.  Tribes living in isolation were more likely to kill and 
eat anyone not a part of their tribe.
Then as Settlements became more organised and defined, Human Sacrifices 
were rampant all over the World.  Sacrifical Human blood flowed like rivers in 
Central American and South American tribes.  Evidence for Human Sacrifices 
exists even in Ancient Europe.
Then as Settlements grew into Civilisations, Slavery and Slave-trading 
became rampant and other Superstitions began to take hold.
Witch hunting in Europe,  Female Circumscision in Middle-east and N-Africa, 
 Sati and Devadasi system in india,  Foot-binding in China,  etc etc.
Today, Pollution of the Eco-System,  Destruction of Forests,  Large scale 
Corruption,  Mis-information and False Probaganda in media,  etc etc
Therefore, We can see a gradual refinement and Purification in Human 
Consciousness and Human Evolution.  Maharishi says "Heaven on Earth" is 

bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 22:53:32 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cultural history of vegetarianism
  " If history teaches us anything, it's that today's habit may be 
tomorrow's abomination. What people saw as a matter of course in the 
streets of 17th-century London -- rich men beating their servants, 
crowds gathered in a festival mood to watch bloody executions -- 
would horrify the pedestrian of 2007. Morality, too, has a history, 
but the people of any given period usually don't see it that way. 
They think that they already have a pretty solid understanding of 
right and wrong (even if they find it difficult to be virtuous) and 
rarely imagine that future generations might view them as 
unenlightened at best and depraved at worst. 

Activists, on the other hand, know different. They count on the 
evolution of morality. Recently, Adam Hochschild's fascinating "Bury 
the Chains" chronicled the means by which a group of committed 18th-
century idealists convinced their fellow citizens in Britain and 
America that slavery was an intolerable wrong. It wasn't easy, and it 
didn't happen overnight. Some people of that era thought that slavery 
was lamentable but intractable; others found it easy to justify an 
institution that brought them profits and comfort. Still others -- 
the majority, perhaps -- didn't give it much thought at all, as they 
sweetened their tea with sugar produced at brutal slave plantations 
on islands far, far away. 

For this reason, even an omnivore should find an intellectual 
history of vegetarianism interesting. We, like the people of the 
early 1800s, could be living through a period of slow but profound 
ideological change. To the people of their own time, men like 
Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson -- early abolitionists and the 
founders of the first human rights movement -- seemed as impractical, 
as demanding, as self-righteous and as obsessed as many animal rights 
activists seem to us today. In the future, right-thinking people 
might look back at us meat eaters with the same disapproval we heap 
on those who considered slavery acceptable 200 years ago. 

http://www.salon. com/books/ review/2007/ 01/25/stuart/ index.html

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Iran Again Speaks of Madness'

2007-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
  You should walk into many of the Mosques in Europe, America and India and 
hear for yourself, the Sermons and Probaganda these Imams and Clerics preach.
  Most of these Clerics openly speak of smuggling Heroin and Cocaine into 
America to destroy the American economy and American general Health.!!
  According to the Muslim teachings, all ' Image worshippers' should be 
  The funny Carrot these morons hold out is that, 'each man will get 72 
pornstars in Heaven and a Palace with all Luxuries.
  But the Same Islam also states that 99% percent of women will go to 

  Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:38:29 EST
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Iran Again Speaks of Madness'

  Oh, I agree! I saw a documentary called Obsession a few months ago which 
showed what the average person in the middle east sees on TV and it looked as 
hate filled as any Ku Klux Klan rally you could ever imagine. You are 
absolutely right when you say "you wouldn't believe" unless you actually see it 
for your self. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Paradox of Brahman (was My first post: Please help me, I'm so confused)

2007-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
 Jim needs to perform his Vedic Horse Sacrifice.!
 Vaj is a Spiritual Giant.!
 Jim is an Intellectual Pygmy.!

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:52:07 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Paradox of Brahman (was My first post: Please help 
me, I'm so confused)

You misunderstand. Jim's outburst above, coming as 
it does from Jim the noted Buddhist authority who is 
convinced that Buddha once said, "God is love," is 
not really coming from Jim. It's a *cosmic* statement,
coming not from ego or self but from the Whole Tamale, 
God HimSelf, the veritable Big Brahman. As the BB
explained recently:

It only looks like there is a self certain of its 
beliefs from the outside, but the actual process, 
the subjective experience, is more like an instant-
aneous self-referral, then instantaneous release,
with the self-referral result being reported.
There is in reality no self experienced, and so 
no beliefs or convincing.


Just pokin' a little fun, Jim. If you think about it,
and reread your first quote above, you might begin to 
understand why not all of us are convinced that the
proclamations you consider Absolute Truth are 1) really 
coming from the place you think they are or 2) are
really true, much less Truth. I guess they *could* be,
but in that case I'd have to believe that Big Brahman 
really has it in for Vaj, and is working up a big loogie 
to expectorate at him even now, and that's just not my
idea of how Brahman (or Buddha) spends the day.


In other words, when you're not acting like an obsessed
fuck you talk the talk well. It's just that when you
*are* acting like an obsessed fuck, you don't exactly
walk the walk of that talk very well. If you're in the 
former state of attention today, can you explain this 
seeming contradiction to us? Is it just the paradox
of Brahman, or could you possibly be just another limited 
self working its hangups out in public, just like the 
rest of us?

 ---  "jim_flanegin"  wrote (about Vaj):
> >
> > What is this incoherent mess trying to say? More crap 
> > from the faux-Buddhist little Vajee? Buddha spits in 
> > his face.

  ---  kaladevi93 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:

> If you do half the heart felt humanitarian work this man 
> has done, then you can complain. Holy hell, last I talked 
> to him he'd spent his last three vacations (including all 
> of last Christmas) at children's orphanages. And I bet 
> you and wife no. 2 only have visitation rights for your 
> kids. If only you were half the man, then you might be a 
> real man.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Indian economy bigger than U.S. in 2050

2007-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
  India can do better than that.  But even india finds it difficult to 
compete with China's subsidised manufacturing.
  But in the Long term only two countries have the heft to challenge US.   
Russia and Brazil.   Russian economy is bouncing back.
  India and China have to manage a huge Population and Political reforms 
are still ahead.  Political structure in both countries are obsolete.
  If the borders in Europe dissolve away, and an European Super-state 
emerges, It will easily match the industrial might of America.

bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:13:39 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Indian economy bigger than U.S. in 2050

  today's Times of India

MUMBAI: Productivity growth will help India sustain over 8% growth 
until 2020 and become the second largest economy in the world, ahead 
of the US, by 2050, Goldman Sachs has said, scaling up estimates of 
the country's prospects in its October 2003 research paper widely 
known as the BRICs report. 

The original report had projected that India's GDP would outstrip 
Japan's by 2032 and that in 30 years, it would be the world's third 
largest economy after China and the US. The new report goes one step 
further by moving India up from No. 3 and No. 2 in the global 
sweepstakes of tomorrow. 

Goldman Sachs' research arm said in a global research paper released 
on Monday that India's growth acceleration since 2003 represented a 
structural increase rather than simply a cyclical upturn. It said 
productivity growth drove nearly half of overall growth and expected 
it to continue for some years. 

"We project India's potential or sustainable growth rate at about 8% 
until 2020. The implication is that India's contribution to world 
growth will be even greater (and faster) than implied in our previous 
BRICs research," Goldman Sachs Global Research said. 

The vote of increased confidence from the world's largest investment 
bank, whose previous chairman Henry Paulson is now treasury secretary 
in the Bush administration, comes when India is easing into its new 
seat in the global political arena as a nuclear power and 
consolidating its economic might as the world's services backbone. 

The paper said a turnaround in manufacturing productivity was central 
to the ratcheting up of productivity growth. The private sector was 
the principal driver of this turnaround, as it improved efficiency in 
the face of increased competition due to the cumulative effects of a 
decade of reforms. 

"The underlying reasons are: increased openness to trade, investment 
in information and communication technology, and greater financial 
deepening. These factors still have some distance to run," it said. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Cultural history of vegetarianism

2007-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
In the Pre-Civilisation days 10,000 years ago, Canibalism was rampant 
throughout the World.  Tribes living in isolation were more likely to kill and 
eat anyone not a part of their tribe.
Then as Settlements became more organised and defined, Human Sacrifices 
were rampant all over the World.  Sacrifical Human blood flowed like rivers in 
Central American and South American tribes.  Evidence for Human Sacrifices 
exists even in Ancient Europe.
Then as Settlements grew into Civilisations, Slavery and Slave-trading 
became rampant and other Superstitions began to take hold.
Witch hunting in Europe,  Female Circumscision in Middle-east and N-Africa, 
 Sati and Devadasi system in india,  Foot-binding in China,  etc etc.
Today, Pollution of the Eco-System,  Destruction of Forests,  Large scale 
Corruption,  Mis-information and False Probaganda in media,  etc etc
Therefore, We can see a gradual refinement and Purification in Human 
Consciousness and Human Evolution.  Maharishi says "Heaven on Earth" is 

bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 22:53:32 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cultural history of vegetarianism
  " If history teaches us anything, it's that today's habit may be 
tomorrow's abomination. What people saw as a matter of course in the 
streets of 17th-century London -- rich men beating their servants, 
crowds gathered in a festival mood to watch bloody executions -- 
would horrify the pedestrian of 2007. Morality, too, has a history, 
but the people of any given period usually don't see it that way. 
They think that they already have a pretty solid understanding of 
right and wrong (even if they find it difficult to be virtuous) and 
rarely imagine that future generations might view them as 
unenlightened at best and depraved at worst. 

Activists, on the other hand, know different. They count on the 
evolution of morality. Recently, Adam Hochschild's fascinating "Bury 
the Chains" chronicled the means by which a group of committed 18th-
century idealists convinced their fellow citizens in Britain and 
America that slavery was an intolerable wrong. It wasn't easy, and it 
didn't happen overnight. Some people of that era thought that slavery 
was lamentable but intractable; others found it easy to justify an 
institution that brought them profits and comfort. Still others -- 
the majority, perhaps -- didn't give it much thought at all, as they 
sweetened their tea with sugar produced at brutal slave plantations 
on islands far, far away. 

For this reason, even an omnivore should find an intellectual 
history of vegetarianism interesting. We, like the people of the 
early 1800s, could be living through a period of slow but profound 
ideological change. To the people of their own time, men like 
Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson -- early abolitionists and the 
founders of the first human rights movement -- seemed as impractical, 
as demanding, as self-righteous and as obsessed as many animal rights 
activists seem to us today. In the future, right-thinking people 
might look back at us meat eaters with the same disapproval we heap 
on those who considered slavery acceptable 200 years ago. 

http://www.salon. com/books/ review/2007/ 01/25/stuart/ index.html

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