[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Sep 29, 2007, at 1:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
> >> And, seeing as how you are all for holding everyone's feet
> >> to the fire to say *exactly* what they mean, I took it at
> >> face value.
> >
> > No, that's bullshit, Sal. I never dump on people
> > for using hyperbole as long as it's clear it's
> > hyperbole, and I use it myself from time to time.
> >
> > This was *obviously* hyperbole, humorous hyperbole
> > at that.
> Yep, Judy, your posts are always just a barrel of laughs :)--how on 
> earth anyone could ever think otherwise is beyond me.
> Sal
> (chortle, snicker)

Your sensa yooma could use a tuneup, Sal.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 29, 2007, at 1:09 PM, authfriend wrote:

And, seeing as how you are all for holding everyone's feet
to the fire to say *exactly* what they mean, I took it at
face value.

No, that's bullshit, Sal. I never dump on people
for using hyperbole as long as it's clear it's
hyperbole, and I use it myself from time to time.

This was *obviously* hyperbole, humorous hyperbole
at that.

Yep, Judy, your posts are always just a barrel of laughs :)--how on 
earth anyone could ever think otherwise is beyond me.

(chortle, snicker)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Sep 25, 2007, at 9:20 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > 
> >> Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
> >> beautifully, but for somebody to say "they were almost converted
> >> to Islam on the spot", based  on a cute child, sweet voice and
> >> luring melody was pretty emotional and lacked  reason.
> >
> > What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took my
> > obviously wildly hyperbolic comment literally.
> >
> > Unbelievable.
> A perfect example, Judy, of becoming a victim of your 
> own-hyper-vigilance:  I took it exactly the same way MD
> did as well. It didn't sound to me at all like hyperbole,
> the way you phrased it.

But MD claims he knew it *was* hyperbole.

> And, seeing as how you are all for holding everyone's feet
> to the fire to say *exactly* what they mean, I took it at
> face value.

No, that's bullshit, Sal. I never dump on people
for using hyperbole as long as it's clear it's
hyperbole, and I use it myself from time to time.

This was *obviously* hyperbole, humorous hyperbole
at that.

  Of course I 
> found it odd, but without emoticons, it sounded like it might be a 
> possibility, however remote.

 That's why you took it "at face value,"
because you thought it was a remote possibility?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/26/07 7:32:04 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Since 9-11,  100,000 Americans have been murdered -- as many as we lost in 
Vietnam, Korea  and Iraq combined. Yet, not one of these murders was the work 
an Islamic  terrorist, and all of them, terrible as they are, did not imperil 
the survival  of our republic. 
Terrorists can  blow up our buildings, assassinate our leaders, and bomb our 
malls and  stadiums. They cannot destroy us. Assume the worst. Terrorists 
smuggle an atom  bomb into New York harbor or into Washington, D.C., and 

And in general wreak havoc on our economy through these  actions.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/26/07 6:34:51 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

hile I  agree with you completely on what's been
going on here on Fairfield Life, I  think that even
you will have to admit that there *is* a great deal
of  Israeli propaganda, and has been for decades

Of course Israeli's use propaganda as do Palestinians and propaganda  doesn't 
necessarily have to be a falsehood. Israel is in a fight for it's very  
existence and they have to stick up for themselves. One thing Israelis have  
learned , the hard way, is you don't lay down for someone trying to kill you.  
web sites I provided have been corroborated by other sources  including major 
American media sources(other than Fox) as well as   Palestinians who used to 
fall for that stuff. 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread Vaj

On Sep 26, 2007, at 10:37 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if what some are saying comes true, and if 50-100 years France
> and Germany become majority Muslim states, do you feel these states
> will be better or worse off for non-Muslims and women? What about
> people who are not "of the book", like , Atheists, Hindus and
> Buddhists? What about human rights in general?

I have no idea. As far as I can tell, both France
and Germany are pretty strongly in the "If you move
to our country, you tacitly agree to play by our
rules" camp. And they've gotten very little negative
feedback on that from anyone but insane fanatical
Muslims. Unfortunately, as in the US, the insane
fanatics tend to get the airplay on the News, so
people think there are more of them than there are.
In my experience, most of the Muslim community
thinks these people are insane, too. They're not
going to let a few fanatics spoil it for the rest
of them in the long run.

Hopefully that is the case. Some polls have shown that in some  
countries there is a minority of radicals, but a close majority that  
supports some of their actions.

It is certainly a universal structure in mythic religious believers  
across religion or country -- more specifically those who adhere to  
an egocentric or ethnocentric god, a people of a "my god" or a  
certain god, the god of a chosen people as opposed to world-centric  
god. In fact this is a given in almost all religious terrorists  
whether it be protestant fundamentalists who blow up abortion clinics  
or Buddhists who put sarin gas into subways: a fundamentalist,  
ethnocentric, mythic belief driven by a egocentric, rather primitive,  

The psychological profile of almost ALL terrorists is identical: 'I  
see no room in the MODERN world for MY god or MY PEOPLE'S god:  
therefore it's my destiny/duty/dharma to kill "the other".

When immigrants from societies whose collective consciousness are  
still at the Red (mythic gods) and Blue (mythic order) meme move into  
orange meme or higher societies, it hard for them to remain at the  
lower levels--they will naturally gravitate towards the orange meme  
themes (scientific understanding). The main way this can be  
forestalled is to isolate one's group from the whole and refuse to  
assimilate. Since the majority of the planet is at orange meme or  
higher (our collective center of gravity), it takes societal or  
collective effort to NOT assimilate, at least to orange meme. This is  
also why the collective will tend to focus, sometimes as a demonic  
projection, on these lower levels that are still resisting more  
globlacentric integration and acceptance. The US and western Europe  
are some of the first emerging green meme center of gravity societies  
and we are beginning to get some second tier segments of society  
(yellow, turquoise and coral meme), but they are still in the  
minority overall.

The fastest way to urge collective societal consciousness higher is  
to encourage assimilation of groups which still actively resist the  
reality of a modern world with different people, all in the same  
boat--not competing "tribes"-- and encourage the more universal,  
global-centric aspect of spirit (in my estimation).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if what some are saying comes true, and if 50-100 years France 
> and Germany become majority Muslim states, do you feel these states 
> will be better or worse off for non-Muslims and women? What about 
> people who are not "of the book", like , Atheists, Hindus and 
> Buddhists?  What about human rights in general?

I have no idea. As far as I can tell, both France
and Germany are pretty strongly in the "If you move
to our country, you tacitly agree to play by our
rules" camp. And they've gotten very little negative
feedback on that from anyone but insane fanatical
Muslims. Unfortunately, as in the US, the insane
fanatics tend to get the airplay on the News, so
people think there are more of them than there are.
In my experience, most of the Muslim community 
thinks these people are insane, too. They're not
going to let a few fanatics spoil it for the rest
of them in the long run.

> On Sep 26, 2007, at 7:34 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Actually I found Judy's original post about the little Koran
> > > singer amusing in that she had considered converting to Judaism
> > > once before and was gushing over a little boy singing from the
> > > Koran without knowing what he was singing. For all anybody knew,
> > > he could have been singing about killing Jews and other infidels.
> > > Just my observation which I found ironic. Meanwhile, I'm attacked
> > > and called a bigot because I dare associate Islam with anything
> > > negative like bigotry towards Jews and infidels and accused of
> > > promoting Israeli propaganda, code word for *Jewish lies*. Such
> > > is a day in Fairfield Life:)
> >
> > While I agree with you completely on what's been
> > going on here on Fairfield Life, I think that even
> > you will have to admit that there *is* a great deal
> > of Israeli propaganda, and has been for decades.
> > It coincides with a lot of the Neocon/Bush propa-
> > ganda, in that both sets of People With Agendas
> > would like nothing better than for people all over
> > the world to hear the words 'Arab' or 'Muslim' and
> > then, in their next thought, automatically associate
> > those words with 'terrorist' and 'killer.'
> >
> > And, sadly, they have accomplished this to some
> > extent in the United States. You really don't see
> > it as much here in Europe, where they're more used
> > to dealing with people from different countries
> > and different traditions as individuals, not as
> > symbols for something.
> >
> > When you live alongside a lot of Muslims, and deal
> > with them on a day-to-day basis, it's easier to
> > understand that the propaganda about them is just
> > that, and that they're human beings just like you
> > and me who, for the most part, want the same things
> > that you and I want. But for Americans who have been
> > frightened into being *afraid* of anyone who looks
> > even remotely Middle Eastern, and regarding them as
> > a potential terrorist ready to kill them the moment
> > their back is turned, it's quite a different story.
> >
> > I've met a number of Americans over here lately,
> > and I have to tell you how *shocking* it is to hear
> > the things they think, and the things they worry
> > about. After living in Europe for four years, I have
> > grown used to an environment in which there is *zero*
> > fear of terrorism in the general population. There
> > is an *awareness* of it, and there are measures in
> > place to prevent anything from happening, but it
> > really doesn't impinge on the private lives of most
> > of the people. I would go so far as to say that the
> > fear of terrorism never even enters their minds;
> > they're too busy living their lives and enjoying
> > those lives, for the most part.
> >
> > And then I meet the Americans. *Smart* Americans,
> > *intelligent* Americans, not like Bush and his cronies.
> > And they can't go an hour without mentioning terrorism
> > at least once.
> >
> > It's very, very sad from my point of view. It's an
> > indication that the terrorists WON with regard to
> > America and Americans. When the bombs went off in
> > Madrid, half the population of the city marched to
> > show their protest, and their conviction that such
> > things were impermissible, and that they wouldn't
> > tolerate them. But then they went back to their lives.
> > Same in London, with the subway bombings. The next
> > day people were back at work and back in their lives.
> > They didn't allow the mind virus of "terrorism" to
> > take over their lives and make them worried much of
> > the time and make them give away their liberties. I'm
> > sorry, dude, but Americans did. They allowed the
> > terrorists to WIN, by allowing these mind viruses
> > free rein in their minds.
> >
> > In a way it's similar to some of the games we see
> > played here on FFL. There are people whose goal in
> > life seems to be to suck atten

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if what some are saying comes true, and if 50-100 years France and  
> Germany become majority Muslim states, do you feel these states will  
> be better or worse off for non-Muslims and women? What about people  
> who are not "of the book", like , Atheists, Hindus and Buddhists?  
> What about human rights in general?

The Islamification of Europe 
Simon Kuper 
Financial Times, August 19 2007 


...Bernard Lewis, a scholar of Islam, cited the immigration from
Muslim countries and relatively high birth-rates of immigrants as
trends that mean "Europe will have Muslim majorities in the population
by the end of the twenty-first century at the latest." 

Most academics who have analysed the demographics dismiss such

Jytte Klausen, a professor of politics at Brandeis University who
studies European Muslims, says: "It's being advocated by people who
don't consult the numbers. All these claims are really emotional
claims." Sometimes they are made by Muslim or far-right groups, who
share an interest in exaggerating the numbers. 

Nominal Muslims – whether religious or not – account for 3-4 per cent
of the European Union's total population of 493m. Their percentage
should rise, but far more modestly than the extreme predictions. That
is chiefly because Muslims, both in Europe and the main "emigrating
countries" of Turkey and north Africa, are having fewer babies. […] 

The US National Intelligence Council predicts there will be between
23m and 38m Muslims in the EU in 2025 – 5-8 per cent of the
population. But after 2025 the Muslim population should stop growing
so quickly, given its falling birth-rate. In short, Islamicisation –
let alone sharia law – is not a demographic prospect for Europe. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/25/07 7:55:39 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> I can't  seriously believe that anyone, particularly anyone who knows
> Judy, could  seriously conclude by what she said that she really *did*
> mean convert to  Islam simply because of hearing a song - no matter how
> beautiful. I don't  know what your history is with Judy, Sal, but I
> suspect that you, like  Dixon and Barry, have been a recipient of her
> criticism and don't mind  finding any excuse to attack her.
> Actually I found Judy's original post about the little Koran singer
> in that she had considered converting to Judaism once before and was
> over a little boy singing from the Koran without knowing what he was
> For all anybody knew, he could have been singing about killing Jews
and other 
>  infidels. Just my observation which I found ironic. Meanwhile, I'm
> and  called a bigot because I dare associate Islam with anything
negative like 
>  bigotry towards Jews and infidels and accused of promoting Israeli 
> propaganda,  code word for *Jewish lies*. Such is a day in Fairfield

What's most disturbing is that you wear your bigotry so
self-assuredly. It's classic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread Vaj
Does this echo your sentiment on terrorism and America B.? Just  
curious how close it was.

Is Terrorism a Mortal Threat?

It may have been politically incorrect to publish the thoughts on the  
sixth anniversary of 9-11, but what Colin Powell had to say to GQ  
magazine needs to be heard.

Terrorism, said Powell, is not a mortal threat to America.

"What is the greatest threat facing us now?" Powell asked. "People  
will say it's terrorism. But are there any terrorists in the world  
who can change the American way of life or our political system? No.  
Can they knock down a building? Yes. Can they kill somebody? Yes. But  
can they change us? No. Only we can change ourselves. So what is the  
great threat we are facing?"

History and common sense teach that Powell speaks truth.

Since 9-11, 100,000 Americans have been murdered -- as many as we  
lost in Vietnam, Korea and Iraq combined. Yet, not one of these  
murders was the work of an Islamic terrorist, and all of them,  
terrible as they are, did not imperil the survival of our republic.
Terrorists can blow up our buildings, assassinate our leaders, and  
bomb our malls and stadiums. They cannot destroy us. Assume the  
worst. Terrorists smuggle an atom bomb into New York harbor or into  
Washington, D.C., and detonate it.

Horrible and horrifying as that would be -- perhaps 100,000 dead and  
wounded -- it would not mean the end of the United States. It would  
more likely mean the end of Iran, or whatever nation at which the  
United States chose to direct its rage and retribution.

Consider. Between 1942 and 1945, Germany and Japan, nations not one- 
tenth the size of the United States, saw their cities firebombed, and  
their soldiers and civilians slaughtered in the millions. Japan lost  
an empire. Germany lost a third of its territory. Both were put under  
military occupation. Yet, 15 years later, Germany and Japan were the  
second and third most prosperous nations on Earth, the dynamos of  
their respective continents, Europe and Asia.

Powell's point is not that terrorism is not a threat. It is that the  
terror threat must be seen in perspective, that we ought not frighten  
ourselves to death with our own propaganda, that we cannot allow fear  
of terror to monopolize our every waking hour or cause us to give up  
our freedom.

For all the blather of a restored caliphate, the "Islamofascists," as  
the neocons call them, cannot create or run a modern state, or pose a  
mortal threat to America. The GNP of the entire Arab world is not  
equal to Spain's. Oil aside, its exports are equal to Finland's.

Afghanistan and Sudan, under Islamist regimes, were basket cases.  
Despite the comparisons with Nazi Germany, Iran is unable to build  
modern fighters or warships and has an economy one-twentieth that of  
the United States, at best. While we lack the troops to invade Iran,  
three times the size of Iraq, the U.S. Air Force and Navy could, in  
weeks, smash Iran's capacity to make war, blockade it and reduce its  
population to destitution.
Should Iran develop a nuclear weapon and use it on us or on Israel,  
it would invite annihilation.

As a threat, Iran is not remotely in the same league with the Soviet  
Union of Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, or Mao's China, or Nazi  
Germany, or Imperial Japan, or even Mussolini's Italy.

And why would Tehran, which has not launched a war since the  
revolution in 1979, start a war with an America with 10,000 nuclear  
weapons? If the Iranians are so suicidal, why have they not committed  
suicide in 30 years by attacking us or Israel?

What makes war with Iran folly is that an all-out war could lead to a  
break-up of that country, with Persians, Azeris, Kurds, Arabs and  
Baluchis going their separate ways, creating fertile enclaves for al- 
Qaida recruitment and training.

Yet, while talking common sense, Gen. Powell himself reverted to  
cliche. "America could not survive without immigration."

But this is nonsense. From 1789 to 1845, we had almost no  
immigration, before the Irish came. Did we not survive? From 1925 to  
1965, we had almost no immigration. Yet, we conquered the Great  
Depression, won World World II, became the greatest power on earth  
and ended those four decades with an Era of Good Feeling under Ike  
and JFK unlike any we had known before.

Was the America of the 1940s and 1950s in which Colin Powell grew up  
in danger of not surviving for lack of immigration?

In our time, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia have split apart.  
The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have broken up into two dozen  
nations. Terrorism had nothing to do with it. Tribalism had  
everything to do with it.

Race, ethnicity and religion are the fault lines along which nations  
like Iraq are coming apart. If America ends, it will not be the work  
of an Osama bin Laden. As Abraham Lincoln said, it will be by our own  
hand, it will be by suicide.

by Patrick J. Buchanan (more 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread Vaj
So if what some are saying comes true, and if 50-100 years France and  
Germany become majority Muslim states, do you feel these states will  
be better or worse off for non-Muslims and women? What about people  
who are not "of the book", like , Atheists, Hindus and Buddhists?  
What about human rights in general?

On Sep 26, 2007, at 7:34 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually I found Judy's original post about the little Koran
> singer amusing in that she had considered converting to Judaism
> once before and was gushing over a little boy singing from the
> Koran without knowing what he was singing. For all anybody knew,
> he could have been singing about killing Jews and other infidels.
> Just my observation which I found ironic. Meanwhile, I'm attacked
> and called a bigot because I dare associate Islam with anything
> negative like bigotry towards Jews and infidels and accused of
> promoting Israeli propaganda, code word for *Jewish lies*. Such
> is a day in Fairfield Life:)

While I agree with you completely on what's been
going on here on Fairfield Life, I think that even
you will have to admit that there *is* a great deal
of Israeli propaganda, and has been for decades.
It coincides with a lot of the Neocon/Bush propa-
ganda, in that both sets of People With Agendas
would like nothing better than for people all over
the world to hear the words 'Arab' or 'Muslim' and
then, in their next thought, automatically associate
those words with 'terrorist' and 'killer.'

And, sadly, they have accomplished this to some
extent in the United States. You really don't see
it as much here in Europe, where they're more used
to dealing with people from different countries
and different traditions as individuals, not as
symbols for something.

When you live alongside a lot of Muslims, and deal
with them on a day-to-day basis, it's easier to
understand that the propaganda about them is just
that, and that they're human beings just like you
and me who, for the most part, want the same things
that you and I want. But for Americans who have been
frightened into being *afraid* of anyone who looks
even remotely Middle Eastern, and regarding them as
a potential terrorist ready to kill them the moment
their back is turned, it's quite a different story.

I've met a number of Americans over here lately,
and I have to tell you how *shocking* it is to hear
the things they think, and the things they worry
about. After living in Europe for four years, I have
grown used to an environment in which there is *zero*
fear of terrorism in the general population. There
is an *awareness* of it, and there are measures in
place to prevent anything from happening, but it
really doesn't impinge on the private lives of most
of the people. I would go so far as to say that the
fear of terrorism never even enters their minds;
they're too busy living their lives and enjoying
those lives, for the most part.

And then I meet the Americans. *Smart* Americans,
*intelligent* Americans, not like Bush and his cronies.
And they can't go an hour without mentioning terrorism
at least once.

It's very, very sad from my point of view. It's an
indication that the terrorists WON with regard to
America and Americans. When the bombs went off in
Madrid, half the population of the city marched to
show their protest, and their conviction that such
things were impermissible, and that they wouldn't
tolerate them. But then they went back to their lives.
Same in London, with the subway bombings. The next
day people were back at work and back in their lives.
They didn't allow the mind virus of "terrorism" to
take over their lives and make them worried much of
the time and make them give away their liberties. I'm
sorry, dude, but Americans did. They allowed the
terrorists to WIN, by allowing these mind viruses
free rein in their minds.

In a way it's similar to some of the games we see
played here on FFL. There are people whose goal in
life seems to be to suck attention. They want you to
*focus on them*. They want to believe that you're
thinking about them all the time, even if what they
believe you're thinking is how to do them or their
reputations harm. They're like "attention terrorists,"
always trying to push themselves into somebody else's

Me, I don't stand for it any more. Like the Spanish
and like the British, I've got more important things
to do than think about insecure pissants who want to
force their way into your attention field. Like living.
Like working. Like playing and having fun.

I have realized that the pissants are going to be
stalking me and other people here that they don't
like pretty much forever. I can't do anything about
it; it just seems to be how their minds work, their
"operating system." But I don't have to allow them
into *my* mind.

As with terrorism, living well is the best revenge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually I found Judy's original post about the little Koran 
> singer amusing in that she had considered converting to Judaism 
> once before and was gushing over a little boy singing from the 
> Koran without knowing what he was singing. For all anybody knew, 
> he could have been singing about killing Jews and other infidels. 
> Just my observation which I found ironic. Meanwhile, I'm attacked 
> and called a bigot because I dare associate Islam with anything 
> negative like bigotry towards Jews and infidels and accused of 
> promoting Israeli propaganda, code word for *Jewish lies*. Such 
> is a day in Fairfield  Life:)

While I agree with you completely on what's been
going on here on Fairfield Life, I think that even
you will have to admit that there *is* a great deal
of Israeli propaganda, and has been for decades.
It coincides with a lot of the Neocon/Bush propa-
ganda, in that both sets of People With Agendas 
would like nothing better than for people all over
the world to hear the words 'Arab' or 'Muslim' and
then, in their next thought, automatically associate 
those words with 'terrorist' and 'killer.'

And, sadly, they have accomplished this to some
extent in the United States. You really don't see 
it as much here in Europe, where they're more used 
to dealing with people from different countries
and different traditions as individuals, not as 
symbols for something.

When you live alongside a lot of Muslims, and deal
with them on a day-to-day basis, it's easier to 
understand that the propaganda about them is just
that, and that they're human beings just like you
and me who, for the most part, want the same things
that you and I want. But for Americans who have been
frightened into being *afraid* of anyone who looks
even remotely Middle Eastern, and regarding them as
a potential terrorist ready to kill them the moment
their back is turned, it's quite a different story.

I've met a number of Americans over here lately,
and I have to tell you how *shocking* it is to hear
the things they think, and the things they worry 
about. After living in Europe for four years, I have
grown used to an environment in which there is *zero*
fear of terrorism in the general population. There
is an *awareness* of it, and there are measures in
place to prevent anything from happening, but it 
really doesn't impinge on the private lives of most
of the people. I would go so far as to say that the
fear of terrorism never even enters their minds;
they're too busy living their lives and enjoying
those lives, for the most part.

And then I meet the Americans. *Smart* Americans,
*intelligent* Americans, not like Bush and his cronies.
And they can't go an hour without mentioning terrorism
at least once.

It's very, very sad from my point of view. It's an
indication that the terrorists WON with regard to 
America and Americans. When the bombs went off in 
Madrid, half the population of the city marched to 
show their protest, and their conviction that such 
things were impermissible, and that they wouldn't 
tolerate them. But then they went back to their lives.
Same in London, with the subway bombings. The next
day people were back at work and back in their lives.
They didn't allow the mind virus of "terrorism" to
take over their lives and make them worried much of
the time and make them give away their liberties. I'm 
sorry, dude, but Americans did. They allowed the 
terrorists to WIN, by allowing these mind viruses 
free rein in their minds.

In a way it's similar to some of the games we see
played here on FFL. There are people whose goal in
life seems to be to suck attention. They want you to
*focus on them*. They want to believe that you're
thinking about them all the time, even if what they
believe you're thinking is how to do them or their 
reputations harm. They're like "attention terrorists," 
always trying to push themselves into somebody else's 

Me, I don't stand for it any more. Like the Spanish
and like the British, I've got more important things
to do than think about insecure pissants who want to
force their way into your attention field. Like living.
Like working. Like playing and having fun. 

I have realized that the pissants are going to be 
stalking me and other people here that they don't 
like pretty much forever. I can't do anything about 
it; it just seems to be how their minds work, their
"operating system." But I don't have to allow them 
into *my* mind. 

As with terrorism, living well is the best revenge. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-26 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/25/07 7:55:39 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I can't  seriously believe that anyone, particularly anyone who knows
Judy, could  seriously conclude by what she said that she really *did*
mean convert to  Islam simply because of hearing a song - no matter how
beautiful. I don't  know what your history is with Judy, Sal, but I
suspect that you, like  Dixon and Barry, have been a recipient of her
criticism and don't mind  finding any excuse to attack her.

Actually I found Judy's original post about the little Koran singer amusing  
in that she had considered converting to Judaism once before and was gushing  
over a little boy singing from the Koran without knowing what he was singing.  
For all anybody knew, he could have been singing about killing Jews and other 
 infidels. Just my observation which I found ironic. Meanwhile, I'm attacked 
and  called a bigot because I dare associate Islam with anything negative like 
 bigotry towards Jews and infidels and accused of promoting Israeli 
propaganda,  code word for *Jewish lies*. Such is a day in Fairfield  Life:)

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > It should be pointed out that the following post,
> > which I didn't bother to read, marks the 40th post
> > this week to Fairfield Life by Judith Stern. She
> > *knows* that she's way over the agreed-upon limit,
> > and she *doesn't care*. What she feels compelled
> > to say is far more important that what the limits
> > that the community here has agreed upon.>>

Sadly, I heard that Rick has passed on to bigger and better things, 
so there is nothing he can do about the breaking of the rules on FFL 

We miss ya Rick !



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 25, 2007, at 7:54 PM, do.rflex wrote:

I can't seriously believe that anyone, particularly anyone who knows
Judy, could seriously conclude by what she said that she really *did*
mean convert to Islam simply because of hearing a song - no matter how
beautiful. I don't know what your history is with Judy, Sal, but I
suspect that you, like Dixon and Barry, have been a recipient of her
criticism and don't mind finding any excuse to attack her.

Well, your suspicions are wrong.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sep 25, 2007, at 9:20 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > 
> >> Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
> >> beautifully, but for somebody to say "they were almost converted
> >> to Islam on the spot", based  on a cute child, sweet voice and
> >> luring melody was pretty emotional and lacked  reason.
> >
> > What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took my
> > obviously wildly hyperbolic comment literally.
> >
> > Unbelievable.
> A perfect example, Judy, of becoming a victim of your 
> own-hyper-vigilance:  I took it exactly the same way MD did as well.  
> It didn't sound to me at all like hyperbole, the way you phrased it.  
> And, seeing as how you are all for holding everyone's feet to the fire 
> to say *exactly* what they mean, I took it at face value.  Of course I 
> found it odd, but without emoticons, it sounded like it might be a 
> possibility, however remote.

I can't seriously believe that anyone, particularly anyone who knows
Judy, could seriously conclude by what she said that she really *did*
mean convert to Islam simply because of hearing a song - no matter how
beautiful. I don't know what your history is with Judy, Sal, but I
suspect that you, like Dixon and Barry, have been a recipient of her
criticism and don't mind finding any excuse to attack her.

> BTW, speaking of hyper-vigilance, you're up to 39.  Sayonara until 
> Saturday.
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It should be pointed out that the following post,
> which I didn't bother to read, marks the 40th post
> this week to Fairfield Life by Judith Stern. She
> *knows* that she's way over the agreed-upon limit,
> and she *doesn't care*. What she feels compelled
> to say is far more important that what the limits
> that the community here has agreed upon.
> That's all I wanted to point out. Do with it what
> you will...

And while you're figuring out what to do about
my terrible crime of going five (now six) posts
over the limit, you might also consider what to
do about the fact that Barry is completely
ignoring the rule that the same community agreed
on about refraining from personal attacks--not
just in this post, but in the one I was responding
to quoted below and the one in the same thread
before that, not to mention several others this
week that have passed without mention.

He *knows* he's doing it, but he just *doesn't
care*. The attacks he feels compelled to make
are far more important than the rules that the
community here has agreed upon.

He made that clear awhile back when he insulted

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread TurquoiseB
It should be pointed out that the following post,
which I didn't bother to read, marks the 40th post
this week to Fairfield Life by Judith Stern. She
*knows* that she's way over the agreed-upon limit,
and she *doesn't care*. What she feels compelled
to say is far more important that what the limits
that the community here has agreed upon.

That's all I wanted to point out. Do with it what
you will...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > >
> > > In a message dated 9/25/07 9:46:19 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > > jstein@ writes:
> > > 
> > (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> > > MDixon6569@,  MDi
> > >  
> > > > Actually Lurk I thought  the little boy was quite cute and
> > > > sang beautifully, but for somebody  to say "they were almost
> > > > converted to Islam on the spot", based on a  cute child, sweet
> > > > voice and luring melody was pretty emotional and  lacked
> > > > reason.
> > > 
> > > What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took  my
> > > obviously wildly hyperbolic comment literally.
> > > 
> > > Unbelievable.
> > > 
> > > Judy, didn't you tell me once that you almost converted to
> > > Judaism? For me to say your comment was based on emotion and
> > > lacked reason would make your statement obviously hyperbolic
> > > in nature to me and that is why I called him a *cute little
> > > devil*. I was mimicking your hyperbole.
> > 
> > Exactly. Even I got that. And you *know* how I
> > loathe some of your political ideas, right? :-)
> > So if I could get it, and get the point you were
> > making, why couldn't...uh...others?
> No, sorry, this is all crapola.
> MDixon, I didn't think seriously about converting
> to Judaism on the basis of listening to a little
> kid chanting during his bar mitzvah on a two-and-
> a-half-minute video. Apples and oranges. I don't
> even know why you'd bring it up unless it was to
> suggest that my remark about converting to Islam
> was serious.
> My comment about the kid Koran singer *was supposed
> to be humorous*. Humor frequently "lacks reason."
> Silliness--including in the form of obvious 
> hyperbole--is one good way to tell a remark is 
> meant, you know, humorously.
> Humor also, however, frequently reflects something
> real. In making this obviously humorous comment, I
> was acknowledging that I had been moved by the beauty
> of the kid's singing--by the *music*. Even if the 
> words were the most hateful imaginable, the music
> and the kid's voice would still be beautiful. So
> there's zero basis for you to mock me for
> appreciating the music on the grounds that I didn't
> know what the words meant.
> Barry characterized my remark as a "knee-jerk
> reaction." If he considers responding to beauty
> as nothing but a knee jerk, I feel very sorry for
> him.
> And if he doesn't think emotion can be reflected
> in humor, he deserves everyone's pity.
> > Could it possibly be...uh...taking themselves a
> > bit too *seriously*?
> Yes, Barry and MDixon were both taking *me* more
> than a bit too seriously, MDixon because of his
> bigoted view of Muslims, Barry because he saw a
> chance to demonize me. They were the guys afflicted
> with jerky knees, and as a result, they both now
> have their mouths crammed with feet and are having
> great difficulty saying anything even remotely
> sensible.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 25, 2007, at 9:20 AM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
beautifully, but for somebody to say "they were almost converted
to Islam on the spot", based  on a cute child, sweet voice and
luring melody was pretty emotional and lacked  reason.

What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took my
obviously wildly hyperbolic comment literally.


A perfect example, Judy, of becoming a victim of your 
own-hyper-vigilance:  I took it exactly the same way MD did as well.  
It didn't sound to me at all like hyperbole, the way you phrased it.  
And, seeing as how you are all for holding everyone's feet to the fire 
to say *exactly* what they mean, I took it at face value.  Of course I 
found it odd, but without emoticons, it sounded like it might be a 
possibility, however remote.

BTW, speaking of hyper-vigilance, you're up to 39.  Sayonara until 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 9/25/07 9:46:19 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > jstein@ writes:
> > 
> (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> > MDixon6569@,  MDi
> >  
> > > Actually Lurk I thought  the little boy was quite cute and
> > > sang beautifully, but for somebody  to say "they were almost
> > > converted to Islam on the spot", based on a  cute child, sweet
> > > voice and luring melody was pretty emotional and  lacked
> > > reason.
> > 
> > What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took  my
> > obviously wildly hyperbolic comment literally.
> > 
> > Unbelievable.
> > 
> > Judy, didn't you tell me once that you almost converted to
> > Judaism? For me to say your comment was based on emotion and
> > lacked reason would make your statement obviously hyperbolic
> > in nature to me and that is why I called him a *cute little
> > devil*. I was mimicking your hyperbole.
> Exactly. Even I got that. And you *know* how I
> loathe some of your political ideas, right? :-)
> So if I could get it, and get the point you were
> making, why couldn't...uh...others?

No, sorry, this is all crapola.

MDixon, I didn't think seriously about converting
to Judaism on the basis of listening to a little
kid chanting during his bar mitzvah on a two-and-
a-half-minute video. Apples and oranges. I don't
even know why you'd bring it up unless it was to
suggest that my remark about converting to Islam
was serious.

My comment about the kid Koran singer *was supposed
to be humorous*. Humor frequently "lacks reason."
Silliness--including in the form of obvious 
hyperbole--is one good way to tell a remark is 
meant, you know, humorously.

Humor also, however, frequently reflects something
real. In making this obviously humorous comment, I
was acknowledging that I had been moved by the beauty
of the kid's singing--by the *music*. Even if the 
words were the most hateful imaginable, the music
and the kid's voice would still be beautiful. So
there's zero basis for you to mock me for
appreciating the music on the grounds that I didn't
know what the words meant.

Barry characterized my remark as a "knee-jerk
reaction." If he considers responding to beauty
as nothing but a knee jerk, I feel very sorry for

And if he doesn't think emotion can be reflected
in humor, he deserves everyone's pity.

> Could it possibly be...uh...taking themselves a
> bit too *seriously*?

Yes, Barry and MDixon were both taking *me* more
than a bit too seriously, MDixon because of his
bigoted view of Muslims, Barry because he saw a
chance to demonize me. They were the guys afflicted
with jerky knees, and as a result, they both now
have their mouths crammed with feet and are having
great difficulty saying anything even remotely

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread Marek Reavis
Off_World, it's beautiful; I remember watching this when my children 
were little.  We loved the picture book and this video was one of our 
favorites.  I hadn't seen it for a long time and it was fine to be 
reminded of it again.  Thanks.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> > >
> > > Incredible little kid "reading" from the Koran:
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjamfcjoLFA>>
> > 
> > 
> > Ok, not bad.
> > 
> > Now here is a Keltic voice that will make you drop to your knees:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KRDCD_O4Cs
> > OffWorld>
> By the way make sure you get past the fact that it is a cartoon and 
> wait for the song to begin.
> What happens to you all? Nothing? Are you dead or alive?
> OffWorld
> .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > Incredible little kid "reading" from the Koran:
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjamfcjoLFA>>
> Ok, not bad.
> Now here is a Keltic voice that will make you drop to your knees:


> OffWorld>

By the way make sure you get past the fact that it is a cartoon and 
wait for the song to begin.

What happens to you all? Nothing? Are you dead or alive?



[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/25/07 9:46:19 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
(mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> MDixon6569@,  MDi
> > Actually Lurk I thought  the little boy was quite cute and sang 
> > beautifully, but for somebody  to say "they were almost converted
> > to Islam on the spot", based on a  cute child, sweet voice and
> > luring melody was pretty emotional and  lacked reason.
> What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took  my
> obviously wildly hyperbolic comment literally.
> Unbelievable.
> Judy, didn't you tell me once that you almost converted to Judaism? 
> For me to say your comment was based on emotion and lacked reason 
> would make your statement obviously hyperbolic in nature to me and 
> that is why I called him a *cute little devil*. I was mimicking 
> your hyperbole.

Exactly. Even I got that. And you *know* how I
loathe some of your political ideas, right? :-)
So if I could get it, and get the point you were
making, why couldn't...uh...others?

Could it possibly be...uh...taking themselves a
bit too *seriously*?

It's actually taken me quite a while to get your
sense of humor, dude, but I'm quite appreciating
it now that I have. Party on, Garth.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/25/07 9:46:19 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> Actually Lurk I thought  the little boy was quite cute and sang 
> beautifully, but for somebody  to say "they were almost converted
> to Islam on the spot", based on a  cute child, sweet voice and
> luring melody was pretty emotional and  lacked reason.

What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took  my
obviously wildly hyperbolic comment  literally.


Judy, didn't you tell me once that you almost converted to Judaism? For me  
to say your comment was based on emotion and lacked reason would make your  
statement obviously hyperbolic in nature to me and that is why I called him a  
*cute little devil*. I was mimicking your hyperbole.. My comment about what  
verse he was singing, was simply to remind you how Muslim scripture, whether it 
is Koran or not, views Jews and for that matter any non believer and that was  
only ONE example!. You can call that bigoted all you want but that is the  
reality that about 7 million Jews in Israel face on a daily basis. I provided  
web sites backing up this view that Palestinians indoctrinate their children  
with and of course John buries his head in the sand and calls it  Israeli  
propaganda not to be believed. You never commented on that. Do you believe 
web sites were Israeli propaganda and lies? Now,I don't believe that every  
Muslim in the world wants to kill every Jew, but I seriously doubt that many  
would be overly concerned if there was another Holocaust and Israel driven into 
the Mediterranean,unless of course,Israel took a bunch of Muslims with them. 
Ah  yes, another bigoted statement,right? That is based upon my understanding 
of the  Islamic view of *End Times* and the Madhi.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang 
> beautifully, but for somebody to say "they were almost converted
> to Islam on the spot", based  on a cute child, sweet voice and
> luring melody was pretty emotional and lacked  reason.

What lacks reason, MDixon, is that you took my
obviously wildly hyperbolic comment literally.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and
> > > sang beautifully, but for somebody to say "they were almost
> > > converted to Islam on the spot", based  on a cute child,
> > > sweet voice and alluring melody was pretty emotional and 
> > > lacked  reason. Words have meaning. What was he actually 
> > > saying? That is why I commented, was this the verse about
> > > the rocks crying out "there is a Jew behind  me , come and
> > > kill him!" 
> > 
> > Predisposed bigotry, plain and simple.
> Actually, MDixon is making a very valid point, and
> I hear *you* demonstrating predisposed bigotry, plain
> and simple, not him.
> His point is a good one. What did the verse *say*. For
> Judy to make such a remark as "I was almost converted 
> to Islam on the spot" about hearing a voice *and not
> having any idea what it was saying* was stupid to the
> max. He could have been singing the Koran's counterpart
> to the Biblical verse you cited for all she knew. And
> believing every word of it. He could have been singing
> the verse from the Koran that MDixon cites above.
> The thing is, *you don't know*. And neither does Judy.
> And yet she was willing to allow emotion to color her
> thinking enough to say something silly like she said.
> And you've been even worse, trying to paint MDixon as
> a bigot when, from my point of view, he hasn't said
> anything the least bit bigoted. He was just pointing
> out yours and Judy's knee-jerk reactions to certain
> things that you tend to become knee jerks about.

> The bigot in this scenario is *you*, John. You're
> actively trying to characterize MDixon's position as
> being very different than it is. I don't agree with
> many of his political leanings, either, but unlike you
> I don't feel the need to demonize him for holding them.
> You do.

Right, instead Barry demonizes John for calling MDixon
on his bigotry, and me for purportedly being so caught
up in emotion that I'd consider converting to Islam on
the basis of two and a half minutes' worth of a kid's
recitation in a language I have no knowledge of.

I mean, what amazing hypocrisy.

That Barry and MDixon both assumed my comment was
anything but obvious *hyperbole* (look it up) is
the real stupid knee-jerk reaction.

I said to start with: "Put aside any Islamophobia you
may have and just listen to the extraordinary beauty
of his voice."

MDixon couldn't manage to do that.

People who refuse to demonize bigotry, IMHO, are
unwitting enablers of it. As my father used to say,
"Don't let your mind be so open your brains fall 

John's quite right, MDixon's reaction was bigoted
to the max. Like most bigots, he's appallingly
ignorant of what he's bigoted *about*. The words he
quoted weren't even from the Koran, nor does he have
any idea whether they were an accurate translation.

And Barry thought MDixon was quoting from the *Bible*,
for pete's sake, speaking not only of ignorance but
of being so eager to demonize two of his "enemies" that
he couldn't even be bothered to read the exchange.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/25/07 6:57:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> >  Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
> beautifully,  
> > but for somebody to say "they were almost converted to Islam on  the
> spot", 
> > based on a cute child, sweet voice and luring melody  was pretty
> emotional and 
> > lacked reason. Words have meaning. What  was he actually saying?
> That is why I 
> > commented, was this the  verse about the rocks crying out "there is a
> Jew 
> > behind me , come  and kill him!" 
> Predisposed bigotry, plain and  simple.
> Actually, I was questioning somebody's wisdom. However you referred
to all  
> those web sites, complete with video, showing how Palestinian
> teaches their children to hate and kill  Jews in the name of God as
mere  Israeli 
> propaganda and unbelievable or should I say a bunch of *Zionist
 lies*, now 
> that is real bigotry.

For you to expect me or anyone else to accept blatant biased
propaganda as truth is laughable, and in the end self-defeating for
you. You can lie to yourself all you want, but don't expect everyone
else to buy into your bullshit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
> > > beautifully, but for somebody to say "they were almost converted 
> > > to Islam on the spot", based  on a cute child, sweet voice and 
> > > luring melody was pretty emotional and lacked  reason. Words have 
> > > meaning. What was he actually saying? That is why I commented, 
> > > was this the verse about the rocks crying out "there is a Jew 
> > > behind  me , come and kill him!" 
> > 
> > Predisposed bigotry, plain and simple.
> Actually, MDixon is making a very valid point,

No. He isn't. He's predisposed to assume that because the boy is
singing from the Koran that he's singing something against Jews.
That's predisposed bigotry.

> I hear *you* demonstrating predisposed bigotry, plain
> and simple, not him.

Where, specifically?

> His point is a good one. What did the verse *say*. For
> Judy to make such a remark as "I was almost converted 
> to Islam on the spot" about hearing a voice *and not
> having any idea what it was saying* was stupid to the
> max. He could have been singing the Koran's counterpart
> to the Biblical verse you cited for all she knew. And
> believing every word of it. He could have been singing
> the verse from the Koran that MDixon cites above.

I've said absolutely nothing about Judy's comment. But according to
Judy, Dixon's verse is a hadith, not a verse from the Koran. A hadith
is a passed on saying. I'd make it akin to the 'Christian' saying "God
helps those who help themselves" which also is not found in any
Biblical scripture.

> The thing is, *you don't know*. And neither does Judy.

And neither does Dixon.

> And yet she was willing to allow emotion to color her
> thinking enough to say something silly like she said.

I've said absolutely nothing about Judy's comment. If you have a
problem with what Judy said then take it up with her.

> And you've been even worse, trying to paint MDixon as
> a bigot 

Nope. He's painted *himself* as a bigot. I've merely pointed it out.

> when, from my point of view, he hasn't said
> anything the least bit bigoted. He was just pointing
> out yours and Judy's knee-jerk reactions to certain
> things that you tend to become knee jerks about.


> The bigot in this scenario is *you*, John. You're
> actively trying to characterize MDixon's position as
> being very different than it is. 

No. I'm pointing out that his position is predisposed bigotry, which
it is.

> I don't agree with
> many of his political leanings, either, but unlike you
> I don't feel the need to demonize him for holding them.
> You do.

A bigot is a bigot. Quit trying to play people against each other for
your ego facade, Barry. It's humiliatingly [for you] transparent.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/25/07 6:57:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>  Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
> but for somebody to say "they were almost converted to Islam on  the
> based on a cute child, sweet voice and luring melody  was pretty
emotional and 
> lacked reason. Words have meaning. What  was he actually saying?
That is why I 
> commented, was this the  verse about the rocks crying out "there is a
> behind me , come  and kill him!" 

Predisposed bigotry, plain and  simple.

Actually, I was questioning somebody's wisdom. However you referred to all  
those web sites, complete with video, showing how Palestinian Television  
teaches their children to hate and kill  Jews in the name of God as mere  
propaganda and unbelievable or should I say a bunch of *Zionist  lies*, now 
that is real bigotry.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> > Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
> > beautifully, but for somebody to say "they were almost converted 
> > to Islam on the spot", based  on a cute child, sweet voice and 
> > luring melody was pretty emotional and lacked  reason. Words have 
> > meaning. What was he actually saying? That is why I commented, 
> > was this the verse about the rocks crying out "there is a Jew 
> > behind  me , come and kill him!" 
> Predisposed bigotry, plain and simple.

Actually, MDixon is making a very valid point, and
I hear *you* demonstrating predisposed bigotry, plain
and simple, not him.

His point is a good one. What did the verse *say*. For
Judy to make such a remark as "I was almost converted 
to Islam on the spot" about hearing a voice *and not
having any idea what it was saying* was stupid to the
max. He could have been singing the Koran's counterpart
to the Biblical verse you cited for all she knew. And
believing every word of it. He could have been singing
the verse from the Koran that MDixon cites above.

The thing is, *you don't know*. And neither does Judy.
And yet she was willing to allow emotion to color her
thinking enough to say something silly like she said.
And you've been even worse, trying to paint MDixon as
a bigot when, from my point of view, he hasn't said
anything the least bit bigoted. He was just pointing
out yours and Judy's knee-jerk reactions to certain
things that you tend to become knee jerks about.

The bigot in this scenario is *you*, John. You're
actively trying to characterize MDixon's position as
being very different than it is. I don't agree with
many of his political leanings, either, but unlike you
I don't feel the need to demonize him for holding them.
You do. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 10:53:41 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Dix, I  gotta say, I also was not so enamored with this video. Maybe 
> because I had  a younger cousin Judy, who would sing the four 
> questions during Passover  in the most sweet and wonderful voice. 
> Nothing could top that in my mind.  So what's the big deal about a 
> kid with a sweet voice singing verses from  the Koran. I think most 
> kids have sweet voices, and are innocent, and all  that.
> lurk 
> Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang
> but for somebody to say "they were almost converted to Islam on the
> based  on a cute child, sweet voice and luring melody was pretty
emotional and 
> lacked  reason. Words have meaning. What was he actually saying?
That is why I  
> commented, was this the verse about the rocks crying out "there is a
> behind  me , come and kill him!" 

Predisposed bigotry, plain and simple.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 9:18:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> (Koran  of Medina ) 8:12 : â€Å"I will be with you. Give strength
to the 
> >  believers. I will send terror into the unbelievers’
hearts, cut
> off their  heads and 
> > even the tips of their fingers!” 
> Bible: Numbers  31:1-54 - Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats
> the Midianites. They  kill all the adult males, but take the women and
> children captive. When  Moses learns that they left some live, he
> angrily says: "Have you saved all  the women alive? Kill every male
> among the little ones, and kill every  woman that hath known man by
> lying with him. But all the women children,  that have not known a man
> by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." So  they went back and
> did as Moses (and presumably God) instructed, killing  everyone except
> for the virgins. In this way they got 32,000 virgins --  Wow! 
> And what modern day terrorists continue to kill their enemies based
> these two scriptures?

Very few. Thank God.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 10:53:41 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Dix, I  gotta say, I also was not so enamored with this video. Maybe 
because I had  a younger cousin Judy, who would sing the four 
questions during Passover  in the most sweet and wonderful voice. 
Nothing could top that in my mind.  So what's the big deal about a 
kid with a sweet voice singing verses from  the Koran. I think most 
kids have sweet voices, and are innocent, and all  that.


Actually Lurk I thought the little boy was quite cute and sang beautifully,  
but for somebody to say "they were almost converted to Islam on the spot", 
based  on a cute child, sweet voice and luring melody was pretty emotional and 
lacked  reason. Words have meaning. What was he actually saying? That is why I  
commented, was this the verse about the rocks crying out "there is a Jew 
behind  me , come and kill him!" 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-25 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 9:18:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

(Koran  of Medina ) 8:12 : “I will be with you. Give strength to the 
>  believers. I will send terror into the unbelievers’ hearts, cut
off their  heads and 
> even the tips of their fingers!” 

Bible: Numbers  31:1-54 - Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats
the Midianites. They  kill all the adult males, but take the women and
children captive. When  Moses learns that they left some live, he
angrily says: "Have you saved all  the women alive? Kill every male
among the little ones, and kill every  woman that hath known man by
lying with him. But all the women children,  that have not known a man
by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." So  they went back and
did as Moses (and presumably God) instructed, killing  everyone except
for the virgins. In this way they got 32,000 virgins --  Wow! 

And what modern day terrorists continue to kill their enemies based upon  
these two scriptures?

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incredible little kid "reading" from the Koran:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjamfcjoLFA>>

Ok, not bad.

Now here is a Keltic voice that will make you drop to your knees:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> No, nothing like that. When was the last time you saw a children's 
program  in the US calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim 
or call them apes?  What specifically have I said that was bigoted? 

Dix, I gotta say, I also was not so enamored with this video. Maybe 
because I had a younger cousin Judy, who would sing the four 
questions during Passover in the most sweet and wonderful voice.  
Nothing could top that in my mind. So what's the big deal about a 
kid with a sweet voice singing verses from the Koran.  I think most 
kids have sweet voices, and are innocent, and all that.

> ** See what's new at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 7:07:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> >  Calling for an explanation of a religious 
> > belief that evokes high  emotion and political activism, that often
> ends in death 
> > for a  group of people, is hardly anti- Islamic, unless of course it
> happens  
> > to be an embarrassing belief. 
> Yes. That's sounds just like  some of the 'beliefs' of those in the
> Christian Right and the right wing  media who demonize Muslims. Kinda
> like Michael Savage who wanted to "stick  dynamite up their asses,
> light the fuse and drop them out of airplanes". Or  Anne Coulter who
> recommended we invade their countries, kill their leaders  and convert
> them to Christianity. 
> Or Glenn Beck During a November  14, 2006, interview with Rep. Keith
> Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim  elected to Congress, Beck said to the
> congressman: "What I feel like saying  is, 'Sir, prove to me that you
> are not working with our enemies." (Beck  later apologized for what he
> said was a "poorly worded  question.")
> On his shows, Beck repeatedly belittles the Muslim faith by  mocking
> Muslim names and through actions such as "mark[ing] the death" of  Al
> Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with a "Zarqawi bacon  cake."
> Jerry Falwell, "I think Mohammed was a  terrorist."
> So which one of these people is quoting a religious text calling for  
> anybody's death? Michael Savage isn't a Christian, he's a Jew. Ann
> comment, as I recall, was tongue in cheek. Glenn Beck mocked a dead
terrorist  not a 
> religion and Jerry Falwell just  may have been right about Mohammed
 being a 
> terrorist due to all the killings he was responsible for on
scriptural  grounds 
> (Koran of Medina ) 8:12 :  “I  will be with you. Give strength to the 
> believers. I will send terror into the  unbelievers’ hearts, cut
off their heads and 
> even the tips of their fingers!” 

Bible: Numbers 31:1-54 - Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats
the Midianites. They kill all the adult males, but take the women and
children captive. When Moses learns that they left some live, he
angrily says: "Have you saved all the women alive? Kill every male
among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by
lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man
by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." So they went back and
did as Moses (and presumably God) instructed, killing everyone except
for the virgins. In this way they got 32,000 virgins -- Wow! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 7:07:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>  Calling for an explanation of a religious 
> belief that evokes high  emotion and political activism, that often
ends in death 
> for a  group of people, is hardly anti- Islamic, unless of course it
> to be an embarrassing belief. 

Yes. That's sounds just like  some of the 'beliefs' of those in the
Christian Right and the right wing  media who demonize Muslims. Kinda
like Michael Savage who wanted to "stick  dynamite up their asses,
light the fuse and drop them out of airplanes". Or  Anne Coulter who
recommended we invade their countries, kill their leaders  and convert
them to Christianity. 

Or Glenn Beck During a November  14, 2006, interview with Rep. Keith
Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim  elected to Congress, Beck said to the
congressman: "What I feel like saying  is, 'Sir, prove to me that you
are not working with our enemies." (Beck  later apologized for what he
said was a "poorly worded  question.")

On his shows, Beck repeatedly belittles the Muslim faith by  mocking
Muslim names and through actions such as "mark[ing] the death" of  Al
Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with a "Zarqawi bacon  cake."

Jerry Falwell, "I think Mohammed was a  terrorist."

So which one of these people is quoting a religious text calling for  
anybody's death? Michael Savage isn't a Christian, he's a Jew. Ann Coulter's  
comment, as I recall, was tongue in cheek. Glenn Beck mocked a dead terrorist  
not a 
religion and Jerry Falwell just  may have been right about Mohammed  being a 
terrorist due to all the killings he was responsible for on scriptural  grounds 
(Koran of Medina ) 8:12 :  “I  will be with you. Give strength to the 
believers. I will send terror into the  unbelievers’ hearts, cut off their 
heads and 
even the tips of their fingers!” 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 6:32:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> That's  Israeli government propaganda, plain and simple. That's my
> view, unless you  can provide verifiable unbiased corroboration.  
> _YouTube - Palestinian  TV: Inciting Children To "Commit a Massacre"_ 
> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEcaI7zQG3E)  Seeing is
believing...in some  cases. 
> Of course those *lying Jews* probably mistranslated the subtitles. 

pmw.org is clearly an Israeli propaganda website. Who do you think
you're kidding?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 6:32:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> That's  Israeli government propaganda, plain and simple. That's my
> view, unless you  can provide verifiable unbiased corroboration. 
> Those lying Jews! Right?

The right wing government in Jerusalem is no stranger to propaganda
and their AIPAC lobby is more than formidable. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 6:32:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

That's  Israeli government propaganda, plain and simple. That's my
view, unless you  can provide verifiable unbiased corroboration.  

_YouTube - Palestinian  TV: Inciting Children To "Commit a Massacre"_ 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEcaI7zQG3E)  Seeing is believing...in some  
Of course those *lying Jews* probably mistranslated the subtitles.  Right?

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 6:32:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

That's  Israeli government propaganda, plain and simple. That's my
view, unless you  can provide verifiable unbiased corroboration. 

Those lying Jews! Right?

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > What specifically have I said that was bigoted?  
> Your whole context is bigoted and it smacks of the  contemporary
> Christian Right and the right wing media [particularly talk  radio]
> attitude of anti-Muslim ideology.


> Calling for an explanation of a religious  
> belief that evokes high emotion and political activism, that often
ends in  death  
> for a group of people, is hardly anti- Islamic, unless of course it
> to be an embarrassing  belief. 

Yes. That's sounds just like some of the 'beliefs' of those in the
Christian Right and the right wing media who demonize Muslims. Kinda
like Michael Savage who wanted to "stick dynamite up their asses,
light the fuse and drop them out of airplanes". Or Anne Coulter who
recommended we invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert
them to Christianity. 

Or Glenn Beck During a November 14, 2006, interview with Rep. Keith
Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to Congress, Beck said to the
congressman: "What I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you
are not working with our enemies." (Beck later apologized for what he
said was a "poorly worded question.")

On his shows, Beck repeatedly belittles the Muslim faith by mocking
Muslim names and through actions such as "mark[ing] the death" of Al
Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with a "Zarqawi bacon cake."

Jerry Falwell, "I think Mohammed was a terrorist."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > No,  nothing like that. When was the last time you saw a children's
> program  
> > in the US calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or  call
> them apes?
> Call for references that Palestinian TV has  children's programs
> "calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or  call them apes."
> > What specifically have I said that was bigoted?  
> Your whole context is bigoted and it smacks of the  contemporary
> Christian Right and the right wing media [particularly talk  radio]
> attitude of anti-Muslim ideology.
> Gladly!_‘Palestinian’  Education from Hell « Arab racism Islamo
> m-hell/)  _Teach Kids Peace â€" 'Sesame  Street' Show Teaches Kids
to Hate and 
> Kill_ (http://www.teachkidspeace.org/doc112.php)   Here are two for
you   to 
> mull over. There are many more. 

That's Israeli government propaganda, plain and simple. That's my
view, unless you can provide verifiable unbiased corroboration. 

Calling for an explanation of a religious  
> belief that evokes high emotion and political activism, that often
ends in  death  
> for a group of people, is hardly anti- Islamic, unless of course it
> to be an embarrassing  belief. The light of truth can make one 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 12:22:26 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>  Would *violent acts against Muslims* include Zionists
> establishing a  Zionist state?

For moderate Muslims? I kind of doubt it, don't  you?

I guess that would depend on how you define *moderate*  Muslims.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

> No,  nothing like that. When was the last time you saw a children's
> in the US calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or  call
them apes?

Call for references that Palestinian TV has  children's programs
"calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or  call them apes."

> What specifically have I said that was bigoted?  

Your whole context is bigoted and it smacks of the  contemporary
Christian Right and the right wing media [particularly talk  radio]
attitude of anti-Muslim ideology.

Gladly!_‘Palestinian’  Education from Hell « Arab racism Islamo fascism_ 
m-hell/)  _Teach Kids Peace – 'Sesame  Street' Show Teaches Kids to Hate and 
Kill_ (http://www.teachkidspeace.org/doc112.php)   Here are two for you   to 
mull over. There are many more. Calling for an explanation of a religious  
belief that evokes high emotion and political activism, that often ends in  
for a group of people, is hardly anti- Islamic, unless of course it  happens 
to be an embarrassing  belief. The light of truth can make one  uncomfortable.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> >  
> > In a message dated 9/24/07 11:40:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > do.rflex@ writes:
> > 
> > > He  sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the verse
> > >  says" 
> > > > the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew behind me , come  and kill
> > him"?
> > > 
> > > Bigotry is alive and well.
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > Yeah, and it's doubly a shame when it is taught from  childhood
as a 
> > > religious duty, not necessarily this particular child  , but what is
> > broadcast to 
> > > Palestinian children on Palestinian  TV.
> > 
> > You mean like the US right wing demonization of Muslims and Islam  and
> > like you're doing by your bigotted  comments?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > No, nothing like that. When was the last time you saw a children's
> program  
> > in the US calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or call
> them apes?


> Call for references that Palestinian TV has children's programs
> "calling for everyone to go out and kill a [Jew] or call them apes."
> > What specifically have I said that was bigoted? 
> Your whole context is bigoted and it smacks of the contemporary
> Christian Right and the right wing media [particularly talk radio]
> attitude of anti-Muslim ideology.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 11:40:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > He  sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the verse that
> >  says" 
> > > the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew behind me , come  and kill
> him"?
> > 
> > Bigotry is alive and well.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Yeah, and it's doubly a shame when it is taught from  childhood as a 
> > religious duty, not necessarily this particular child  , but what is
> broadcast to 
> > Palestinian children on Palestinian  TV.
> You mean like the US right wing demonization of Muslims and Islam  and
> like you're doing by your bigotted  comments?
> No, nothing like that. When was the last time you saw a children's
> in the US calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or call
them apes?

Call for references that Palestinian TV has children's programs
"calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or call them apes."

> What specifically have I said that was bigoted? 

Your whole context is bigoted and it smacks of the contemporary
Christian Right and the right wing media [particularly talk radio]
attitude of anti-Muslim ideology.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 9:44:12 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > He  sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the
> > verse that says  "the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew
> > behind me, come and kill  him"?
> Was *which* the verse??
> The Koran is in Arabic, actually,  which I don't
> speak, so I was just appreciating the music of
> the  recitation. Any religion that can come up
> with something that  extaordinarily beautiful has
> to have something going for  it.
> However, what you quote is a hadith; it's not
> from the  Koran.
> And while much has been made on right-wing Web
> sites of this  hadith, moderate Muslims interpret
> it to refer not to Jews generally but  rather to
> specific Jews who have committed violent acts
> against  Muslims.
> Would *violent acts against Muslims* include Zionists
> establishing a Zionist state?

For moderate Muslims? I kind of doubt it, don't you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 11:40:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

> He  sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the verse that
>  says" 
> > the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew behind me , come  and kill
> Bigotry is alive and well.
> Yeah, and it's doubly a shame when it is taught from  childhood as a 
> religious duty, not necessarily this particular child  , but what is
broadcast to 
> Palestinian children on Palestinian  TV.

You mean like the US right wing demonization of Muslims and Islam  and
like you're doing by your bigotted  comments?

No, nothing like that. When was the last time you saw a children's program  
in the US calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or call them apes?  
What specifically have I said that was bigoted? 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 8:58:35 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> >  > Judy, big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.
> > 
> >  Almost converted me to Islam on the spot.
> > 
> > You'd think it  would take decades to learn
> > to do that wonderful ornamentation  so
> > cleanly and gorgeously, but the kid just
> > *owns* it.
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > He sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was  this the verse that
> says" 
> > the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew  behind me , come and kill
> Bigotry is alive and  well.
> Yeah, and it's doubly a shame when it is taught from childhood as a  
> religious duty, not necessarily this particular child , but what is
broadcast to  
> Palestinian children on Palestinian TV.

You mean like the US right wing demonization of Muslims and Islam and
like you're doing by your bigotted comments?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 8:58:35 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>  > Judy, big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.
>  Almost converted me to Islam on the spot.
> You'd think it  would take decades to learn
> to do that wonderful ornamentation  so
> cleanly and gorgeously, but the kid just
> *owns* it.
> He sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was  this the verse that
> the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew  behind me , come and kill him"?

Bigotry is alive and  well.

Yeah, and it's doubly a shame when it is taught from childhood as a  
religious duty, not necessarily this particular child , but what is broadcast 
Palestinian children on Palestinian TV.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/24/07 9:44:12 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

> He  sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the
> verse that says  "the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew
> behind me, come and kill  him"?

Was *which* the verse??

The Koran is in Arabic, actually,  which I don't
speak, so I was just appreciating the music of
the  recitation. Any religion that can come up
with something that  extaordinarily beautiful has
to have something going for  it.

However, what you quote is a hadith; it's not
from the  Koran.

And while much has been made on right-wing Web
sites of this  hadith, moderate Muslims interpret
it to refer not to Jews generally but  rather to
specific Jews who have committed violent acts
against  Muslims.

Would *violent acts against Muslims* include Zionists establishing a  Zionist 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/22/07 1:32:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
(mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> "Marek Reavis" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Judy,  big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.
> Almost converted me to  Islam on the spot.
> You'd think it would take decades to learn
> to do  that wonderful ornamentation so
> cleanly and gorgeously, but the kid  just
> *owns* it.
> He sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the
> verse that says "the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew
> behind me, come and kill  him"?

Was *which* the verse??

The Koran is in Arabic, actually, which I don't
speak, so I was just appreciating the music of
the recitation. Any religion that can come up
with something that extaordinarily beautiful has
to have something going for it.

However, what you quote is a hadith; it's not
from the Koran.

And while much has been made on right-wing Web
sites of this hadith, moderate Muslims interpret
it to refer not to Jews generally but rather to
specific Jews who have committed violent acts
against Muslims.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/22/07 1:32:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
(mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> "Marek Reavis" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Judy,  big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.
> Almost converted me to  Islam on the spot.
> You'd think it would take decades to learn
> to do  that wonderful ornamentation so
> cleanly and gorgeously, but the kid  just
> *owns* it.
> He sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the verse that
> the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew behind me , come and kill  him"?

Bigotry is alive and well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-24 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/22/07 1:32:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
"Marek Reavis" 
> Judy,  big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.

Almost converted me to  Islam on the spot.

You'd think it would take decades to learn
to do  that wonderful ornamentation so
cleanly and gorgeously, but the kid  just
*owns* it.

He sure was a cute *little devil* wasn't he? Was this the verse that says"  
the rocks shall cry out, there's a Jew behind me , come and kill  him"?

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-22 Thread Marek Reavis
For me Islam is a great and exquisite take on life when seen through
the eyes of Rumi (or at least, the Coleman Barks versions, and also
Robert Bly's quasi-translations, too).  This young boy's voice and
expression dovetails with the feeling I get when I'm reading Rumi.

Thanks again.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Judy, big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.
> Almost converted me to Islam on the spot.
> You'd think it would take decades to learn
> to do that wonderful ornamentation so
> cleanly and gorgeously, but the kid just
> *owns* it.
> > It was funny that right after the clip finished and the next two
> > "suggested" or "related" clips rolled up on the screen, one of them
> > was Edg's latest Beatles Trikke clip.  Not a big deal but a nice
> > semi-synchronicity.
> No kidding!
> And when I watched it again just now, not only
> Edg's Trikke clip came up, but also an old clip
> of Eddie Harris and Les McCann doing "Compared
> to What?"
> Great lyrics. Couple verses (written in the late
> '60s):
> The president, he's got his war.
> Folks don't know just what it's for
> Nobody gives us rhyme or reason
> Have one doubt, they call it treason
> We're chicken-feathers, all without one gut
> (God damn it!)
> Tryin' to make it real--compared to what??
> Church on Sunday, sleep and nod
> Tryin' to duck the wrath of God
> Preacher's fillin' us with fright
> Tryin' to teach us what he thinks is right
> He really got to be some kind of nut
> (I can't use it!)
> Tryin' to make it real--compared to what??
> Part 1:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OawoYrv9OUY&NR=1
> Part 2:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkDmSGU37l8
> YouTube gettin' spiritual on us, it seems, to
> associate these clips.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-22 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
> Judy, big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.

Almost converted me to Islam on the spot.

You'd think it would take decades to learn
to do that wonderful ornamentation so
cleanly and gorgeously, but the kid just
*owns* it.

> It was funny that right after the clip finished and the next two
> "suggested" or "related" clips rolled up on the screen, one of them
> was Edg's latest Beatles Trikke clip.  Not a big deal but a nice
> semi-synchronicity.

No kidding!

And when I watched it again just now, not only
Edg's Trikke clip came up, but also an old clip
of Eddie Harris and Les McCann doing "Compared
to What?"

Great lyrics. Couple verses (written in the late

The president, he's got his war.
Folks don't know just what it's for
Nobody gives us rhyme or reason
Have one doubt, they call it treason
We're chicken-feathers, all without one gut
(God damn it!)
Tryin' to make it real--compared to what??

Church on Sunday, sleep and nod
Tryin' to duck the wrath of God
Preacher's fillin' us with fright
Tryin' to teach us what he thinks is right
He really got to be some kind of nut
(I can't use it!)
Tryin' to make it real--compared to what??

Part 1:

Part 2:

YouTube gettin' spiritual on us, it seems, to
associate these clips.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-22 Thread Marek Reavis
Judy, big thanks for the little Koran kid; pure stuff.  

It was funny that right after the clip finished and the next two
"suggested" or "related" clips rolled up on the screen, one of them
was Edg's latest Beatles Trikke clip.  Not a big deal but a nice


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incredible little kid "reading" from the Koran:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjamfcjoLFA
> Put aside any Islamophobia you may have and
> just listen to the extraordinary beauty of
> his voice.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amazing young Koran-singer

2007-09-22 Thread Duveyoung
Thanks for this.  The sweetness matches anything Charlotte Church put
out.  Like flowers in the wilderness -- kids -- so much innocence
everywhere sprouting in boulder strewn fields of dogma.

Anyone see Kid Nation the other night?

For all the flaws, and despite Satan being introduced at the end, I
cried many times seeing their romantic attachment to so many core
values.  It's touching to see and poignant to know how the world will
forge them into "otherwise."

It remains to be seen if "love of gold" will begin that forging.

I have a couple toddlers chewing my ankles, and they can take my
breath away without breaking a sweat.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incredible little kid "reading" from the Koran:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjamfcjoLFA
> Put aside any Islamophobia you may have and
> just listen to the extraordinary beauty of
> his voice.