Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-02 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

/By my count, based on his online posted biography, Barry has spent 
thousands of dollars and decades of time working to promote or debunk 
various spiritual groups and individuals. At one point he was 
apparently a group leader of some repute and well known in cult 
circles around Portland, Oregon and Sante Fe, NM. His photo was once 
featured on the front page of a TMO publication about "Governors of 
the Age of Enlightenment" //and he has written a book about witnessing 
the Zen Master Rama levitate. Go figure.

//At some point he became a True Believer but then later, he got 
turned and did a 180 and went over to being anti-cult, probably 
working as a reporter for CAN.//
//We are not sure exactly how time he spent or how much money he was 
able to skim, or what happened to all the money. He doesn't seem to 
want to talk about it, probably due to the extreme cognitive 
dissonance. //Whatever, //it may make a good article for a science or 
psychology magazine article on trance-induction states and mind-control. /

/On 10/1/2014 9:43 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

Does my wild-ass guess that Judy is penning such article hold water?

You all know her better than I, but I got the sense that her logical 
approach was meant to help Turq contain his wildness.

/Yes - I think she did try to help him - she did her part trying to keep 
the discussion going. /


Am I right about this?

/Anyone can pose here as anything they want to pretend to be - by their 
words we shall know them. Sometimes though, when people pose as 
"athiests" they leave out the most interesting aspects of the spiritual 
quest - it's more like a thought-stopper than a discussion statement. 
The problem in a discussion is *elitism* - projecting an image based on 
class and privilage. And, some people want to take over your mind and 
make you doubt yourself.

Everyone believes in something. Sam Harris studied and practiced Tantric 
Buddhism under a Tibetan lama. Go figure.

Just think - the words you post to the internet are as close to immortal 
as most people will ever get, not counting their gravestone. ///Or, at 
least until the Yahoo server goes down. Y/ou get much more fame here 
than with Warhol's fifteen minutes. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/1/2014 9:06 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
 And even his Imaginary Friend can't keep track. THERE IS NO CHANNELING IN THIS 
with the exception of you channeling someone who was in a position to know that 
Jerry Jarvis... 
   Another explanation is that Barry's imaginary friend is himself. 
 This might explain how the FFL lurking reporter is the informant leading a 
double life as an agent and an informant. In which case, the informant might be 
paying himself for the reporting and then selling the report to his own science 
magazine, thus double-dipping. Or, maybe he is a counter-informant just 
planting imaginary scenarios for the other informants to report to the TM-Free 
blog. It could be a conspiracy, what with all the folder making and filtering. 
Go figure.
You got the idea. 

There are a myriad of personalities and relationships between them. The 
permutations are mind-boggling (literally). 

We are privy to just those who have vied for domination, and have won.

I will always pity Barry, whether or not keeps him on The Permanent Pitiable 
List. Ann?

 No matter, we need to conratulate all the participating FFL informants for 
doing their part in keeping the TM Movement alive - we each do what we can, 
even if we suck as spiritual teachers and often sound confused.
 Use your head, Barry - why would Jerry Jarvis drive all the way to Houston to 
see ZZ Top at a recording session when all he as to do is walk next door in 
Santa Barbara to see see the Beach Boys rehearsing at Mike Love's home 
recording studio. Go figure. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/1/2014 9:06 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
And even his Imaginary Friend can't keep track. THERE IS NO CHANNELING 
IN THIS with the exception of you channeling someone who was in a 
position to know that Jerry Jarvis...
Another explanation is that Barry's imaginary friend is himself. 
Complicated /


This might explain how the FFL lurking reporter is the informant leading 
a double life as an agent and an informant. In which case, the informant 
might be paying himself for the reporting and then selling the report to 
his own science magazine, thus double-dipping. Or, maybe he is a 
counter-informant just planting imaginary scenarios for the other 
informants to report to the TM-Free blog. It could be a conspiracy, what 
with all the folder making and filtering. Go figure.

No matter, we need to conratulate all the participating FFL informants 
for doing their part in keeping the TM Movement alive - we each do what 
we can, even if we suck as spiritual teachers and often sound confused.

/Use your head, Barry - why would Jerry Jarvis drive all the way to 
Houston to see ZZ Top at a recording session when all he as to do is 
walk next door in Santa Barbara to see see the Beach Boys rehearsing 
at Mike Love's home recording studio.//Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/1/2014 2:52 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 I know from someone who was in a position to know that Jerry Jarvis was seen 
several months ago at a recording session for ZZ Top. Perhaps he was asking 
Billy Gibbons for tips for his upcoming band "Jerry and the Channelers."  :-) 
>Barry's only friend is IMAGINARY?

And even his Imaginary Friend can't keep track. THERE IS NO CHANNELING IN THIS 
Exactly. Rumour monger and knowingly perpetuating false information. Story of 
his life.  with the exception of you channeling someone who was in a position 
to know that Jerry Jarvis... 
  Another explanation is that Barry's imaginary friend is himself. Complicated 

Use your head, Barry - why would Jerry Jarvis drive all the way to Houston to 
see ZZ Top at a recording session when all he as to do is walk next door in 
Santa Barbara to see see the Beach Boys rehearsing at Mike Love's home 
recording studio. Go figure.
 I know from someone who was in a position to know that Jerry Jarvis was seen 
several months ago at a recording session for ZZ Top. Perhaps he was asking 
Billy Gibbons for tips for his upcoming band "Jerry and the Channelers."  :-) 
>Barry's only friend is IMAGINARY?

And evn his Imaginary Friend can't keep track. THERE IS NO CHANNELING IN THIS 
with the exception of you channeling
 Use your head, Barry - why would Jerry Jarvis drive all the way to Houston to 
see ZZ Top at a recording session when all he as to do is walk next door in 
Santa Barbara to see see the Beach Boys rehearsing at Mike Love's home 
recording studio. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

"And I will be curious as to whether Maharishi will be demanding from beyond 
the grave that these religions he played such a role in founding be hereafter 
known as Maharishi™ Judaism,  Maharishi™ Christianity, and Maharishi™ Islam."

 Turq, sometimes you are brilliant! I got a good laugh out of that one!   

So that's where Michael gets his inspiration for Brilliance. This explains 

 Yes, it's a low bar indeed.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/1/2014 7:08 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife] 

 How many hours over the past twenty years in this endeavor, I wonder. >
 By my count, based on his online posted biography, Barry has spent thousands 
of dollars and decades of time working to promote or debunk various spiritual 
groups and individuals. At one point he was apparently a group leader of some 
repute and well known in cult circles around Portland, Oregon and Sante Fe, NM. 
His photo was once featured on the front page of a TMO publication about 
"Governors of the Age of Enlightenment" and he has written a book about 
witnessing the Zen Master Rama levitate. Go figure.
 At some point he became a True Believer but then later, he got turned and did 
a 180 and went over to being anti-cult, probably working as a reporter for CAN.
 We are not sure exactly how time he spent or how much money he was able to 
skim, or what happened to all the money. He doesn't seem to want to talk about 
it, probably due to the extreme cognitive dissonance. Whatever, it may make a 
good article for a science or psychology magazine article on trance-induction 
states and mind-control. 

Does my wild-ass guess that Judy is penning such article hold water? 

You all know her better than I, but I got the sense that her logical approach 
was meant to help Turq contain his wildness.

Am I right about this?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/1/2014 7:08 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

How many hours over the past twenty years in this endeavor, I wonder.

/By my count, based on his online posted biography, Barry has spent 
thousands of dollars and decades of time working to promote or debunk 
various spiritual groups and individuals. At one point he was apparently 
a group leader of some repute and well known in cult circles around 
Portland, Oregon and Sante Fe, NM. His photo was once featured on the 
front page of a TMO publication about "Governors of the Age of 
Enlightenment" //and he has written a book about witnessing the Zen 
Master Rama levitate. Go figure.

//At some point he became a True Believer but then later, he got turned 
and did a 180 and went over to being anti-cult, probably working as a 
reporter for CAN.//
//We are not sure exactly how time he spent or how much money he was 
able to skim, or what happened to all the money. He doesn't seem to want 
to talk about it, probably due to the extreme cognitive dissonance. 
//Whatever, //it may make a good article for a science or psychology 
magazine article on trance-induction states and mind-control. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

Hearing these clear explanations should disintegrate many deeply embedded but
 totally unnecessary fears

Primary among which is the fear of dying. Because if you buy all of this, after 
the presentation of the "message" you'll believe that there is no such thing as 
death, and if it happens to you, all you have to do is get in touch with George 
and it'll be like you never died. 

I can't help myself, and have to riff on this some more. My bad. 

I do not agree with those who have intimated that George is into this for 
money. That is not the vibe I get from any of his materials. 

But if he WAS into it for the money, here's my suggestion for how he could make 
himself some major bucks. 

Forget trying to influence the TM movement in any way. Avoid them and go 
directly to TMers. In your marketing materials, remind them that they're going 
to die, and when that happens they'll probably find themselves in the Bardo 
realizing that they left a few things back on Earth unsaid. 

No problem. George then points out that after the November 30 event he has a 
bit of a rep for communicating with people from beyond the grave. He then hands 
you (or sends you in email) a brochure titled "Your Voice On Earth." In it, he 
offers to be just that, conveying *your* messages from beyond the grave back to 
your loved ones here on Earth. 

Naturally, prices vary. You can send a 1000-word message for a million dollars, 
a 100-word message for $100,000, and a 10-word message for $10,000. And there 
may be additional charges, depending on how many people you want to receive 
this message back on Earth, and whether you want George to deliver it in 
person, on the phone or over Skype, or via email. 

Equally naturally, all fees must be prepaid in full before you die. 

But then *when* you die, think of the peace of mind you'll have as you circle 
the drain. You'll know that when you actually *do* kick the bucket, you'll 
probably spend a little time wandering around saying "WTF," trying to accept 
the fact that you're really dead, but then you'll remember George's "Your Voice 
On Earth" contract. Having prepaid for him to receive and deliver your message, 
you now compose it, beam it to George, and he relays it on to the list of 
recipients you've given him. You can then relax and get on with the process of 
rebirth, confident that you got in the Last Word. Literally. 

A worthy service, and worth every penny if George (or anyone else) could really 
pull it off. And successful? Heck, you'd probably get a few customers just from 
FFL, who would hire George to send back one last vitriolic 10-word message to 
us. :-)


Please understand that in this rap I really am not trying to make fun of you. 
As Curtis and Edg have pointed out so eloquently on this forum, your experience 
is your own and so far I think you're doing a good job of acting on it. 

So it's not really you I'm trying to poke fun at in this rap, but The Whole 
Fuckin' Scenario. That there could be a mechanism to send a message back to 
Earth after you die. THAT is just so out there that I couldn't resist the 
opportunity to riff on it. 

Good luck with the event...I'll definitely be watching from Europe if your live 
stream reaches that far... 

I expect it will reach everyone, 

except you.

Life happens that way

for you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/1/2014 2:52 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 I know from someone who was in a position to know that Jerry Jarvis was seen 
several months ago at a recording session for ZZ Top. Perhaps he was asking 
Billy Gibbons for tips for his upcoming band "Jerry and the Channelers."  :-) 
>Barry's only friend is IMAGINARY?

And even his Imaginary Friend can't keep track. THERE IS NO CHANNELING IN THIS 
with the exception of you channeling someone who was in a position to know that 
Jerry Jarvis... 
  Another explanation is that Barry's imaginary friend is himself. Complicated 

Use your head, Barry - why would Jerry Jarvis drive all the way to Houston to 
see ZZ Top at a recording session when all he as to do is walk next door in 
Santa Barbara to see see the Beach Boys rehearsing at Mike Love's home 
recording studio. Go figure.
 I know from someone who was in a position to know that Jerry Jarvis was seen 
several months ago at a recording session for ZZ Top. Perhaps he was asking 
Billy Gibbons for tips for his upcoming band "Jerry and the Channelers."  :-) 
>Barry's only friend is IMAGINARY?

And evn his Imaginary Friend can't keep track. THERE IS NO CHANNELING IN THIS 
with the exception of you channeling
 Use your head, Barry - why would Jerry Jarvis drive all the way to Houston to 
see ZZ Top at a recording session when all he as to do is walk next door in 
Santa Barbara to see see the Beach Boys rehearsing at Mike Love's home 
recording studio. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

"And I will be curious as to whether Maharishi will be demanding from beyond 
the grave that these religions he played such a role in founding be hereafter 
known as Maharishi™ Judaism,  Maharishi™ Christianity, and Maharishi™ Islam."

 Turq, sometimes you are brilliant! I got a good laugh out of that one!   

So that's where Michael gets his inspiration for Brilliance. This explains 

 Now, Hammond has claimed that his presentation has noting to do with 
restructuring the Movement but..."The surprising conclusions he and his friends 
have reached to effect the spiritual regeneration of the Movement created long 
ago for the benefit of the human race"   ???

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 5:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th
   From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

My memory (because I brought up the same WTF argument on FFL then that I did 
more recently) is that Bevan went on and on about Maharishi being "in heaven 
with all the angels" and/or said that he "was now the greatest saint among all 
the saints in Brahmaloka." I brought it up at the time because during his 
lifetime Maharishi had been quite clear that in his view there was *no 
possibility* of personality or individuality existing after an enlightened 
person dies. It struck me strange that here is one of his prime devotees 
*ignoring* that teaching completely, and claiming that he was how "in heaven," 
individuality completely intact. 

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

My bet is that Jerry has been fooled by George's sincerity (he obviously 
believes that he received such a "message") and by his (as you say) language 
form when describing it. There is probably stuff in George's proposed "content" 
of the "message" that appeals to him, too. But that's where I think the whole 
schtick falls apart. Let's analyze George's "outline" for the "message" and 
weigh it against what we know about Maharishi:

Maharishi’s Explanations of:
1) How two major spiritual traditions, the Vedic and the 
Judeo-Christian-Islamic, developed over the last 5,000 years

OK, this is the first big "tell" that this is stuff that George *wanted* to 
hear and so made up in his mind. It's the kind of stuff *he's* hung up on and 
writes books about. But Maharishi has *never* been known to know much of 
*anything* about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, and has only 
embarrassed himself in the past when he tried to pretend such knowledge. As for 
his "knowledge" of the Vedic tradition, I

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

Hearing these clear explanations should disintegrate many deeply embedded but

totally unnecessary fears

Primary among which is the fear of dying. Because if you buy all of this, after 
the presentation of the "message" you'll believe that there is no such thing as 
death, and if it happens to you, all you have to do is get in touch with George 
and it'll be like you never died. 

I can't help myself, and have to riff on this some more. My bad. 

I do not agree with those who have intimated that George is into this for 
money. That is not the vibe I get from any of his materials. 

But if he WAS into it for the money, here's my suggestion for how he could make 
himself some major bucks. 

Forget trying to influence the TM movement in any way. Avoid them and go 
directly to TMers. In your marketing materials, remind them that they're going 
to die, and when that happens they'll probably find themselves in the Bardo 
realizing that they left a few things back on Earth unsaid. 

No problem. George then points out that after the November 30 event he has a 
bit of a rep for communicating with people from beyond the grave. Hethen hands 
you (or sends you in email) a brochure titled "Your Voice On Earth." In it, he 
offers to be just that, conveying *your* messages from beyond the grave back to 
your loved ones here on Earth. 

Naturally, prices vary. You can send a 1000-word message for a million dollars, 
a 100-word message for $100,000, and a 10-word message for $10,000. And there 
may be additional charges, depending on how many people you want to receive 
this message back on Earth, and whether you want George to deliver it in 
person, on the phone or over Skype, or via email. 

Equally naturally, all fees must be prepaid in full before you die. 

But then *when* you die, think of the peace of mind you'll have as you circle 
the drain. You'll know that when you actually *do* kick the bucket, you'll 
probably spend a little time wandering around saying "WTF," trying to accept 
the fact that you're really dead, but then you'll remember George's "Your Voice 
On Earth" contract. Having prepaid for him to receive and deliver your message, 
you now compose it, beam it to George, and he relays it on to the list of 
recipients you've given him. You can then relax and get on with the process of 
rebirth, confident that you got in the Last Word. Literally. 

A worthy service, and worth every penny if George (or anyone else) could really 
pull it off. And successful? Heck, you'd probably get a few customers just from 
FFL, who would hire George to send back one last vitriolic 10-word message to 
us. :-)


Please understand that in this rap I really am not trying to make fun of you. 
As Curtis and Edg have pointed out so eloquently on this forum, your experience 
is your own and so far I think you're doing a good job of acting on it. 

So it's not really you I'm trying to poke fun at in this rap, but The Whole 
Fuckin' Scenario. That there could be a mechanism to send a message back to 
Earth after you die. THAT is just so out there that I couldn't resist the 
opportunity to riff on it. 

Good luck with the event...I'll definitely be watching from Europe if your live 
stream reaches that far... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I didn't read your novella here Barry.

 This is funny. Either did I, not past the first half a paragraph, I just don't 
have it in me. I think I'd rather run a mile in flip flops that are a size 10.

 You do realize that you are a major, dyed in wool, incorrigible, TM Obsessive.

 It's not kinda funny.  It's actually hilarious, that this is how you choose to 
spend hours a day.

 How many hours over the past twenty years in this endeavor, I wonder.

---In,  wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

My memory (because I brought up the same WTF argument on FFL then that I did 
more recently) is that Bevan went on and on about Maharishi being "in heaven 
with all the angels" and/or said that he "was now the greatest saint among all 
the saints in Brahmaloka." I brought it up at the time because during his 
lifetime Maharishi had been quite clear that in his view there was *no 
possibility* of personality or individuality existing after an enlightened 
person dies. It struck me strange that here is one of his prime devotees 
*ignoring* that teaching completely, and claiming that he was how "in heaven," 
individuality completely intact. 

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

My bet is that Jerry has been fooled by George's sincerity (he obviously 
believes that he received such a "message") and by his (as you say) language 
form when describing it. There is probably stuff in George's proposed "content" 
of the "message" that appeals to him, too. But that's where I think the whole 
schtick falls apart. Let's analyze George's "outline" for the "message" and 
weigh it against what we know about Maharishi:

Maharishi’s Explanations of:
1) How two major spiritual traditions, the Vedic and the 
Judeo-Christian-Islamic, developed over the last 5,000 years

OK, this is the first big "tell" that this is stuff that George *wanted* to 
hear and so made up in his mind. It's the kind of stuff *he's* hung up on and 
writes books about. But Maharishi has *never* been known to know much of 
*anything* about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, and has only 
embarrassed himself in the past when he tried to pretend such knowledge. As for 
his "knowledge" of the Vedic tradition, I think it's fair to point out that 
almost everything he's said about it being such a perfect age contradicts 
pretty much everything ever said by scholars who have investigated the actual 
Vedic era. It was a period in which wars were prevalent everywhere (and 
constitute most of the content of "Vedic" literature), and in which the average 
lifespan was about 33 years old. Hardly the "heaven on earth" MMY portrayed it 
as. So I'm bettin' that the "message" will be completely, 100% made-up bullshit 
from George's imagination, and have nothing whatsoever to do with anything MMY 
ever taught. That said, many TM TBs will never noti

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/1/2014 2:52 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I know from someone who was in a position to know that Jerry Jarvis 
was seen several months ago at a recording session for ZZ Top. Perhaps 
he was asking Billy Gibbons for tips for his upcoming band "Jerry and 
the Channelers."  :-)

/Use your head, Barry - why would Jerry Jarvis drive all the way to 
Houston to see ZZ Top at a recording session when all he as to do is 
walk next door in Santa Barbara to see see the Beach Boys rehearsing at 
Mike Love's home recording studio.//Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, he seems locked in a one way conflict, with his imagination - 
 Everyone else here has a lot of outside interests, except him. 
 He could probably find the peace that eludes him, 
 with one twenty minute session of TM, 
 coming out refreshed, and with a still mind. 

 Yet, something about TM terrifies him. 
 He likes the surface of the water. 
 A superficial and material life. 
 No diving allowed.
 Lifeguard on duty.
 What's on TV?


 ---In,  wrote :

 I didn't read your novella here Barry. 

 You do realize that you are a major, dyed in wool, incorrigible, TM Obsessive.

 It's not kinda funny.  It's actually hilarious, that this is how you choose to 
spend hours a day.

 How many hours over the past twenty years in this endeavor, I wonder.

---In,  wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

My memory (because I brought up the same WTF argument on FFL then that I did 
more recently) is that Bevan went on and on about Maharishi being "in heaven 
with all the angels" and/or said that he "was now the greatest saint among all 
the saints in Brahmaloka." I brought it up at the time because during his 
lifetime Maharishi had been quite clear that in his view there was *no 
possibility* of personality or individuality existing after an enlightened 
person dies. It struck me strange that here is one of his prime devotees 
*ignoring* that teaching completely, and claiming that he was how "in heaven," 
individuality completely intact. 

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

My bet is that Jerry has been fooled by George's sincerity (he obviously 
believes that he received such a "message") and by his (as you say) language 
form when describing it. There is probably stuff in George's proposed "content" 
of the "message" that appeals to him, too. But that's where I think the whole 
schtick falls apart. Let's analyze George's "outline" for the "message" and 
weigh it against what we know about Maharishi:

Maharishi’s Explanations of:
1) How two major spiritual traditions, the Vedic and the 
Judeo-Christian-Islamic, developed over the last 5,000 years

OK, this is the first big "tell" that this is stuff that George *wanted* to 
hear and so made up in his mind. It's the kind of stuff *he's* hung up on and 
writes books about. But Maharishi has *never* been known to know much of 
*anything* about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, and has only 
embarrassed himself in the past when he tried to pretend such knowledge. As for 
his "knowledge" of the Vedic tradition, I think it's fair to point out that 
almost everything he's said about it being such a perfect age contradicts 
pretty much everything ever said by scholars who have investigated the actual 
Vedic era. It was a period in which wars were prevalent everywhere (and 
constitute most of the content of "Vedic" literature), and in whic

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I didn't read your novella here Barry. 

 You do realize that you are a major, dyed in wool, incorrigible, TM Obsessive.

 It's not kinda funny.  It's actually hilarious, that this is how you choose to 
spend hours a day.

 How many hours over the past twenty years in this endeavor, I wonder.

---In,  wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

My memory (because I brought up the same WTF argument on FFL then that I did 
more recently) is that Bevan went on and on about Maharishi being "in heaven 
with all the angels" and/or said that he "was now the greatest saint among all 
the saints in Brahmaloka." I brought it up at the time because during his 
lifetime Maharishi had been quite clear that in his view there was *no 
possibility* of personality or individuality existing after an enlightened 
person dies. It struck me strange that here is one of his prime devotees 
*ignoring* that teaching completely, and claiming that he was how "in heaven," 
individuality completely intact. 

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

My bet is that Jerry has been fooled by George's sincerity (he obviously 
believes that he received such a "message") and by his (as you say) language 
form when describing it. There is probably stuff in George's proposed "content" 
of the "message" that appeals to him, too. But that's where I think the whole 
schtick falls apart. Let's analyze George's "outline" for the "message" and 
weigh it against what we know about Maharishi:

Maharishi’s Explanations of:
1) How two major spiritual traditions, the Vedic and the 
Judeo-Christian-Islamic, developed over the last 5,000 years

OK, this is the first big "tell" that this is stuff that George *wanted* to 
hear and so made up in his mind. It's the kind of stuff *he's* hung up on and 
writes books about. But Maharishi has *never* been known to know much of 
*anything* about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, and has only 
embarrassed himself in the past when he tried to pretend such knowledge. As for 
his "knowledge" of the Vedic tradition, I think it's fair to point out that 
almost everything he's said about it being such a perfect age contradicts 
pretty much everything ever said by scholars who have investigated the actual 
Vedic era. It was a period in which wars were prevalent everywhere (and 
constitute most of the content of "Vedic" literature), and in which the average 
lifespan was about 33 years old. Hardly the "heaven on earth" MMY portrayed it 
as. So I'm bettin' that the "message" will be completely, 100% made-up bullshit 
from George's imagination, and have nothing whatsoever to do with anything MMY 
ever taught. That said, many TM TBs will never notice, and will believe it 

2) The many roles Maharishi played in those developments

Pure ego-pandering. Tell the rubes even more made-up stories about how 
important Maharishi was in *past* history, because 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

"And I will be curious as to whether Maharishi will be demanding from beyond 
the grave that these religions he played such a role in founding be 
hereafter known as Maharishi™ Judaism,  Maharishi™
Christianity, and Maharishi™ Islam."

Turq, sometimes you are brilliant! I got a good laugh out of that one!  

Now, Hammond has claimed that his presentation has noting to do with 
restructuring the Movement but..."The surprising conclusions he and his friends 
have reached to effect the 
spiritual regeneration of the Movement created long ago for the benefit 
of the human race"   ???

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

To: ""  
Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

---In,  wrote :

Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest - 
his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive dudes
 than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry 
as a crank too, what does this say about his faith in Maharishi's 
masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a state beyond 
being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in the 
dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle 
late on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the 

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

My memory (because I brought up the same WTF argument on FFL then that I did 
more recently) is that Bevan went on and on about Maharishi being "in heaven 
with all the angels" and/or said that he "was now the greatest saint among all 
the saints in Brahmaloka." I brought it up at the time because during his 
lifetime Maharishi had been quite clear that in his view there was *no 
possibility* of personality or individuality existing after an enlightened 
person dies. It struck me strange that here is one of his prime devotees 
*ignoring* that teaching completely, and claiming that he was how "in heaven," 
individuality completely intact. 

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

My bet is that Jerry has been fooled by George's sincerity (he obviously 
believes that he received such a "message") and by his (as you say) language 
form when describing it. There is probably stuff in George's proposed "content" 
of the "message" that appeals to him, too. But that's where I think the whole 
schtick falls apart. Let's analyze George's "outline" for the "message" and 
weigh it against what we know about Maharishi:

Maharishi’s Explanations of:
1) How two major spiritual
 traditions, the Vedic and the Judeo-Christian-Islamic, developed over the last 
5,000 years

OK, this is the first big "tell" that this is stuff that George *wanted* to 
hear and so made up in his mind. It's the kind of stuff *he's* hung up on and 
writes books about. But Maharishi has *never* been known to know much of 
*anything* about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, and has only 
embarrassed himself in the past when he tried to pretend such knowledge. As for 
his "knowledge" of the Vedic tradition, I think it's fair to point out that 
almost everything he's said about it being such a perfect age contradi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

---In,  wrote :

Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest - 
his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry 
as a crank too, what does this say about his faith in Maharishi's 
masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a state beyond 
being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in the 
dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle 
late on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the 

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

My memory (because I brought up the same WTF argument on FFL then that I did 
more recently) is that Bevan went on and on about Maharishi being "in heaven 
with all the angels" and/or said that he "was now the greatest saint among all 
the saints in Brahmaloka." I brought it up at the time because during his 
lifetime Maharishi had been quite clear that in his view there was *no 
possibility* of personality or individuality existing after an enlightened 
person dies. It struck me strange that here is one of his prime devotees 
*ignoring* that teaching completely, and claiming that he was how "in heaven," 
individuality completely intact. 

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

My bet is that Jerry has been fooled by George's sincerity (he obviously 
believes that he received such a "message") and by his (as you say) language 
form when describing it. There is probably stuff in George's proposed "content" 
of the "message" that appeals to him, too. But that's where I think the whole 
schtick falls apart. Let's analyze George's "outline" for the "message" and 
weigh it against what we know about Maharishi:

Maharishi’s Explanations of:
1) How two major spiritual traditions, the Vedic and the 
Judeo-Christian-Islamic, developed over the last 5,000 years

OK, this is the first big "tell" that this is stuff that George *wanted* to 
hear and so made up in his mind. It's the kind of stuff *he's* hung up on and 
writes books about. But Maharishi has *never* been known to know much of 
*anything* about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, and has only 
embarrassed himself in the past when he tried to pretend such knowledge. As for 
his "knowledge" of the Vedic tradition, I think it's fair to point out that 
almost everything he's said about it being such a perfect age contradicts 
pretty much everything ever said by scholars who have investigated the actual 
Vedic era. It was a period in which wars were prevalent everywhere (and 
constitute most of the content of "Vedic" literature), and in which the average 
lifespan was about 33 years old. Hardly the "heaven on earth" MMY portrayed it 
as. So I'm bettin' that the "message" will be completely, 100% made-up bullshit 
from George's imagination, and have nothing
 whatsoever to do with anything MMY ever taught. That said, many TM TBs will 
never notice, and will believe it anyway. 

2) The many roles Maharishi played in those developments

Pure ego-pandering. Tell the rubes even more made-up stories about how 
important Maharishi was in *past* history, because they already believe a ton 
of bullshit about how important he was in recent history. That said, I can't 
wait to hear George's tales of how Maharishi claims to have been the original 
Burning Bush and to have walked on water beside Jesus. And I will be curious as 
to whether Maharishi will be demanding from beyond the grave that these 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-10-01 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

I know from someone who was in a position to know that Jerry Jarvis was seen 
several months ago at a recording session for ZZ Top. Perhaps he was asking 
Billy Gibbons for tips for his upcoming band "Jerry and the Channelers."  :-)

 From: Duveyoung 
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

Ya nailed it, Curtis.  

Hey, wouldn't it just be a total gas if Jerry was making a power play here, by 
validating this channeler guy, and hoo boy, there goes another hunk of the 
faithful -- hunk of what's left, that is, on the corpse, after every vulture 
that could wing into town has picked clean all the wavering believers from off 
the movement's carrion. 

But there must be many TBers who still yet count themselves better knowers of 
reality than the rajas, and "Jerry and the Channelers" might just be a road-act 
with a bullet that can knock "The Vedic Goons" off the Pop 40 charts.

What has NOT happened in the crazy saga so far, right?  

Jerry waltzing off with a thousand FFers like the Pied Piper is what.  

>From Maharishi through a channeler who sits on Jerry's ventriloquistic lap -- 
>WHAT IS NOT TO FUCKING LOVE ABOUT THAT?   ! ! !  I'd pay a hundred bucks for 
>balcony seats.

It's Jerry's retirement plan!  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Oh, I have - A huge fan of circus art - used to make little paper circuses as 
a kid, and at least one animal crackers train! Circus art is amazing!  PS My 
wife reminded me that Gunther was *astride a tiger*, on the back of the 
elephant, and wearing a leopard - she saw it, too - He always had the deepest 
respect for his animals. He rocked it - Deep bow.

 Of course you are a fan, I shoulda known. The whimsical nature of it, the 
strange anthropomorphism rampant in the work as well as the color is just so 
super weird and surreal in the best of ways. Now I'm really glad I used the 
word "circus" the other day because it led to this!
---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since.

 And the art that circuses seemed to indirectly generate is amazing. While 
googling vintage circus posters so many incredible works of art popped up. Some 
might call them graphics but some are astounding nevertheless. Check it out 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since.

 And the art that circuses seemed to indirectly generate is amazing. While 
googling vintage circus posters so many incredible works of art popped up. Some 
might call them graphics but some are astounding nevertheless. Check it out 



 Those posters beat our Posters.

But for balance, I'd put my money on Richard every time.

Thanks for the artwork.



 Glad you liked it. Here is another that seems apropos of FFL a lot of the time.








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh, I have - A huge fan of circus art - used to make little paper circuses as a 
kid, and at least one animal crackers train! Circus art is amazing!  PS My wife 
reminded me that Gunther was *astride a tiger*, on the back of the elephant, 
and wearing a leopard - she saw it, too - He always had the deepest respect for 
his animals. He rocked it - Deep bow.  
---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since.

 And the art that circuses seemed to indirectly generate is amazing. While 
googling vintage circus posters so many incredible works of art popped up. Some 
might call them graphics but some are astounding nevertheless. Check it out 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 I am not using a gold color, it is black on my screen. It must be your browser 
or email reader.

No need to continue, we have both shown up here as we choose and I have said 
what I wanted.
Well since you have said what you wanted, I guess that's the key to a profound 

Sorry you can't read or write anymore.

Just when we were getting somewhere.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 (snip Edg's charitable post, thank brother.)
 I expect that either you, nor Curtis have ANY TICKETS TO THE BALCONY SEATING 
OR THE ORCHESTRA SEATING, or the wherewithal to get tickets, or even get to the 

M: I can almost see the venue from my balcony. The process for free access to 
the event is to sign up at the Website so the wherewithal subject is moot.

D: So you can ALMOST see it. See the difference here? Or do you almost see it?

M: In the context of your claim that I can't get to the venue there is no 
difference. This is your first correct answer. Now we're getting somewhere 

D: The tickets are gone and I got 'em to do with what I please (again).

C: OK got it, just some forum trolling going on here. Please explain. I have to 
admit that I don't understand your drift, but would like to.

 D:You both continue to write about an even that is beyond you.

M: You mean right next to me? 

D: That is ALMOST right next to you. You almost got the second question right, 
keep trying. Three's a charm!

D: Curtis, if I remember correctly, was hoping he could make a few bucks that 

M: I said I would not attend if I was hired for a show that day. Otherwise I 
probably will if just to shake Jerry's hand after all these years.

D: No Tickey, no washey! Three wrong, but almost right.

 D: I suggest that you (1) get yourself together and (2) try to rejoin society 
as productive members. Until then, I will need to continue to treat your words 
as just imaginings. Thank you.

M: Kinda dickish, what's up with that? I am quite a productive member of my 
community and well recognized as such here.  The only imagination at play are 
the imaginary basis for your non sequitur insults. You have not offered a 
thoughtful critique of anything I have said. You are going the boring ad 
hominem route. Can't you do better?
 Wrong again. And the 'dickish', what's up with that Mr Productive and Well 

M: It sums up your obnoxious trollish tone pretty well I think. I still don't 
get it, so please explain so we can continue our discussion.

 D: Partial credit, I WOULD recognize you anywhere.

C: You have descended into incoherence. I can't imagine how you find this style 
of communicating satisfying.  Are you trying to be funny by misrepresenting 
what I write? Do you think that there is some kind of 3rd grade recess style 
payoff in a conversation to be incoherently combative? You seem to be a hammer 
walking around seeing everything as a nail. It certainly doesn't help you 
represent whatever POV you have here very well. What? You don't 
understand me? Is that your response because I wrote that I can't understand 
you. But, I mean, I was sincere; wanting to improve the discussion.

P.S. I guess I shall now move on to Curtis' Post. You know, the one that made 
you hot.
It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Curtis, I did investigate, at your suggestion My Adhominism. This is what I got:

 You, Mr C never tried to disprove what I said. Ad Hominem attacks are an 
admission of intellectual defeat.

 Please stop using the Gold Text Color. I have needed to resort to enlarging 
the typeface, but am up to "X-Large", and if we are to continue our discussion, 
we must separate ourselves.


It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Curtis, I did investigate, at your suggestion My Adhominism. This is what I got:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am not using a gold color, it is black on my screen. It must be your browser 
or email reader.

No need to continue, we have both shown up here as we choose and I have said 
what I wanted.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 (snip Edg's charitable post, thank brother.)
 I expect that either you, nor Curtis have ANY TICKETS TO THE BALCONY SEATING 
OR THE ORCHESTRA SEATING, or the wherewithal to get tickets, or even get to the 

M: I can almost see the venue from my balcony. The process for free access to 
the event is to sign up at the Website so the wherewithal subject is moot.

D: So you can ALMOST see it. See the difference here? Or do you almost see it?

M: In the context of your claim that I can't get to the venue there is no 
difference. This is your first correct answer. Now we're getting somewhere 

D: The tickets are gone and I got 'em to do with what I please (again).

C: OK got it, just some forum trolling going on here. Please explain. I have to 
admit that I don't understand your drift, but would like to.

 D:You both continue to write about an even that is beyond you.

M: You mean right next to me? 

D: That is ALMOST right next to you. You almost got the second question right, 
keep trying. Three's a charm!

D: Curtis, if I remember correctly, was hoping he could make a few bucks that 

M: I said I would not attend if I was hired for a show that day. Otherwise I 
probably will if just to shake Jerry's hand after all these years.

D: No Tickey, no washey! Three wrong, but almost right.

 D: I suggest that you (1) get yourself together and (2) try to rejoin society 
as productive members. Until then, I will need to continue to treat your words 
as just imaginings. Thank you.

M: Kinda dickish, what's up with that? I am quite a productive member of my 
community and well recognized as such here.  The only imagination at play are 
the imaginary basis for your non sequitur insults. You have not offered a 
thoughtful critique of anything I have said. You are going the boring ad 
hominem route. Can't you do better?
 Wrong again. And the 'dickish', what's up with that Mr Productive and Well 

M: It sums up your obnoxious trollish tone pretty well I think. I still don't 
get it, so please explain so we can continue our discussion.

 D: Partial credit, I WOULD recognize you anywhere.

C: You have descended into incoherence. I can't imagine how you find this style 
of communicating satisfying.  Are you trying to be funny by misrepresenting 
what I write? Do you think that there is some kind of 3rd grade recess style 
payoff in a conversation to be incoherently combative? You seem to be a hammer 
walking around seeing everything as a nail. It certainly doesn't help you 
represent whatever POV you have here very well. What? You don't 
understand me? Is that your response because I wrote that I can't understand 
you. But, I mean, I was sincere; wanting to improve the discussion.

P.S. I guess I shall now move on to Curtis' Post. You know, the one that made 
you hot.
It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Curtis, I did investigate, at your suggestion My Adhominism. This is what I got:

 You, Mr C never tried to disprove what I said. Ad Hominem attacks are an 
admission of intellectual defeat.

 Please stop using the Gold Text Color. I have needed to resort to enlarging 
the typeface, but am up to "X-Large", and if we are to continue our discussion, 
we must separate ourselves.


It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Curtis, I did investigate, at your suggestion My Adhominism. This is what I got:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 (snip Edg's charitable post, thank brother.)
 I expect that either you, nor Curtis have ANY TICKETS TO THE BALCONY SEATING 
OR THE ORCHESTRA SEATING, or the wherewithal to get tickets, or even get to the 

M: I can almost see the venue from my balcony. The process for free access to 
the event is to sign up at the Website so the wherewithal subject is moot.

D: So you can ALMOST see it. See the difference here? Or do you almost see it?

M: In the context of your claim that I can't get to the venue there is no 
difference. This is your first correct answer. Now we're getting somewhere 

D: The tickets are gone and I got 'em to do with what I please (again).

C: OK got it, just some forum trolling going on here. Please explain. I have to 
admit that I don't understand your drift, but would like to.

 D:You both continue to write about an even that is beyond you.

M: You mean right next to me? 

D: That is ALMOST right next to you. You almost got the second question right, 
keep trying. Three's a charm!

D: Curtis, if I remember correctly, was hoping he could make a few bucks that 

M: I said I would not attend if I was hired for a show that day. Otherwise I 
probably will if just to shake Jerry's hand after all these years.

D: No Tickey, no washey! Three wrong, but almost right.

 D: I suggest that you (1) get yourself together and (2) try to rejoin society 
as productive members. Until then, I will need to continue to treat your words 
as just imaginings. Thank you.

M: Kinda dickish, what's up with that? I am quite a productive member of my 
community and well recognized as such here.  The only imagination at play are 
the imaginary basis for your non sequitur insults. You have not offered a 
thoughtful critique of anything I have said. You are going the boring ad 
hominem route. Can't you do better?
 Wrong again. And the 'dickish', what's up with that Mr Productive and Well 

M: It sums up your obnoxious trollish tone pretty well I think. I still don't 
get it, so please explain so we can continue our discussion.

 D: Partial credit, I WOULD recognize you anywhere.

C: You have descended into incoherence. I can't imagine how you find this style 
of communicating satisfying.  Are you trying to be funny by misrepresenting 
what I write? Do you think that there is some kind of 3rd grade recess style 
payoff in a conversation to be incoherently combative? You seem to be a hammer 
walking around seeing everything as a nail. It certainly doesn't help you 
represent whatever POV you have here very well. What? You don't 
understand me? Is that your response because I wrote that I can't understand 
you. But, I mean, I was sincere; wanting to improve the discussion.

P.S. I guess I shall now move on to Curtis' Post. You know, the one that made 
you hot.
It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Curtis, I did investigate, at your suggestion My Adhominism. This is what I got:

 You, Mr C never tried to disprove what I said. Ad Hominem attacks are an 
admission of intellectual defeat.

 Please stop using the Gold Text Color. I have needed to resort to enlarging 
the typeface, but am up to "X-Large", and if we are to continue our discussion, 
we must separate ourselves.



It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Curtis, I did investigate, at your suggestion My Adhominism. This is what I got:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 (snip Edg's charitable post, thank brother.)
 I expect that either you, nor Curtis have ANY TICKETS TO THE BALCONY SEATING 
OR THE ORCHESTRA SEATING, or the wherewithal to get tickets, or even get to the 

M: I can almost see the venue from my balcony. The process for free access to 
the event is to sign up at the Website so the wherewithal subject is moot.

D: So you can ALMOST see it. See the difference here? Or do you almost see it?

M: In the context of your claim that I can't get to the venue there is no 

D: The tickets are gone and I got 'em to do with what I please (again).

C: OK got it, just some forum trolling going on here.

 D:You both continue to write about an even that is beyond you.

M: You mean right next to me? 

D: That is ALMOST right next to you. You almost got the second question right, 
keep trying. Three's a charm!

D: Curtis, if I remember correctly, was hoping he could make a few bucks that 

M: I said I would not attend if I was hired for a show that day. Otherwise I 
probably will if just to shake Jerry's hand after all these years.

D: No Tickey, no washey! Three wrong, but almost right.

 D: I suggest that you (1) get yourself together and (2) try to rejoin society 
as productive members. Until then, I will need to continue to treat your words 
as just imaginings. Thank you.

M: Kinda dickish, what's up with that? I am quite a productive member of my 
community and well recognized as such here.  The only imagination at play are 
the imaginary basis for your non sequitur insults. You have not offered a 
thoughtful critique of anything I have said. You are going the boring ad 
hominem route. Can't you do better?
 Wrong again. And the 'dickish', what's up with that Mr Productive and Well 

M: It sums up your obnoxious trollish tone pretty well I think.

 D: Partial credit, I WOULD recognize you anywhere.

C: You have descended into incoherence. I can't imagine how you find this style 
of communicating satisfying.  Are you trying to be funny by misrepresenting 
what I write? Do you think that there is some kind of 3rd grade recess style 
payoff in a conversation to be incoherently combative? You seem to be a hammer 
walking around seeing everything as a nail. It certainly doesn't help you 
represent whatever POV you have here very well.

P.S. I guess I shall now move on to Curtis' Post. You know, the one that made 
you hot.
It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 Yep. I almost went this year, but too busy. How's the beach? Can you 
boogey-board there?  Yes, one can boogey-board there. I went to a nearby bay 
beach instead, the water's warmer for swimming. If you come to NYC, there's The 
Big Apple Circus and, of course, Cirque du Soleil, which probably comes around 
you somewhere.

Also, while we're on this Important Topic:
 Soleil French-The sun 
also A very velupsious girl and pretty. Can be jealous but not overly jealous. 
Is a tease, if you are trying to "get some" from a So...
 View on www.urbandictionar... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since. 
I too have fond childhood memories of the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey 
circus. I am glad that I never attended after childhood. I think the freak show 
would have freaked me out.

And about those fleas...they're really not there? Sure? Wow, freak me out again.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


The Circus is right here. ffl Circus.

The ringmaster has whipped up the audience into "A Frenzy"

The Master Ringleader has created buzz by posting mysterious letters. Circuses 
wish they had the kind of posters (get it) that Rick provides.

And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 (snip Edg's charitable post, thank brother.)
 I expect that either you, nor Curtis have ANY TICKETS TO THE BALCONY SEATING 
OR THE ORCHESTRA SEATING, or the wherewithal to get tickets, or even get to the 

M: I can almost see the venue from my balcony. The process for free access to 
the event is to sign up at the Website so the wherewithal subject is moot. So 
you can ALMOST see it. See the difference here? Or do you almost see it?
The tickets are gone and I got 'em to do with what I please (again).

 D:You both continue to write about an even that is beyond you.

M: You mean right next to me? That is ALMOST right next to you. You almost got 
the second question right, keep trying. Three's a charm!

D: Curtis, if I remember correctly, was hoping he could make a few bucks that 

M: I said I would not attend if I was hired for a show that day. Otherwise I 
probably will if just to shake Jerry's hand after all these years. No Tickey, 
no washey! Three wrong, but almost right.

 D: I suggest that you (1) get yourself together and (2) try to rejoin society 
as productive members. Until then, I will need to continue to treat your words 
as just imaginings. Thank you.

M: Kinda dickish, what's up with that? I am quite a productive member of my 
community and well recognized as such here.  The only imagination at play are 
the imaginary basis for your non sequitur insults. You have not offered a 
thoughtful critique of anything I have said. You are going the boring ad 
hominem route. Can't you do better? Wrong again. And the 'dickish', what's up 
with that Mr Productive and Well Recognized? Partial credit, I WOULD recognize 
you anywhere.

P.S. I guess I shall now move on to Curtis' Post. You know, the one that made 
you hot.
It's Jerry's retirement plan!  
Who's the retirement genius here? Gotta plan that'll work for yourself?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep. I almost went this year, but too busy. How's the beach? Can you 
boogey-board there?  
---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since. 
I too have fond childhood memories of the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey 
circus. I am glad that I never attended after childhood. I think the freak show 
would have freaked me out.

And about those fleas...they're really not there? Sure? Wow, freak me out again.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


The Circus is right here. ffl Circus.

The ringmaster has whipped up the audience into "A Frenzy"

The Master Ringleader has created buzz by posting mysterious letters. Circuses 
wish they had the kind of posters (get it) that Rick provides.

And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 (snip Edg's charitable post, thank brother.)
 I expect that either you, nor Curtis have ANY TICKETS TO THE BALCONY SEATING 
OR THE ORCHESTRA SEATING, or the wherewithal to get tickets, or even get to the 

M: I can almost see the venue from my balcony. The process for free access to 
the event is to sign up at the Website so the wherewithal subject is moot.

 D:You both continue to write about an even that is beyond you.

M: You mean right next to me?

D: Curtis, if I remember correctly, was hoping he could make a few bucks that 

M: I said I would not attend if I was hired for a show that day. Otherwise I 
probably will if just to shake Jerry's hand after all these years.

 D: I suggest that you (1) get yourself together and (2) try to rejoin society 
as productive members. Until then, I will need to continue to treat your words 
as just imaginings. Thank you.

M: Kinda dickish, what's up with that? I am quite a productive member of my 
community and well recognized as such here.  The only imagination at play are 
the imaginary basis for your non sequitur insults. You have not offered a 
thoughtful critique of anything I have said. You are going the boring ad 
hominem route. Can't you do better?

P.S. I guess I shall now move on to Curtis' Post. You know, the one that made 
you hot.
It's Jerry's retirement plan!  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!

M: WTF? I don't understand any part of this or why my name is here.

Do you mean the free meeting minutes from my place in Alexandria VA perhaps?

Dearest Ann,

You do do the finest graphics (my wife and son are both artists; my daughter 
and i went for the dough).

Are we to sort out out differences?



 Differences are not a bad thing. Differences indicate diversity and complexity 
and therefore often result in that which is interesting and capable of 
disseminating knowledge. Rejoice in the differences! You got the entire essence 
of Bhagavad-Gita!
To quote me:

"If you want friendships, you must have arguments."

--quoted from my Commentary on BG (in progress)
battlefield scene

To quote me (or me plagiarizing): "We are all One, just different."

--quoted from my Commentary on BG (in progress)
Krisha to Arjuna

 Artists keep the world alive with beauty and depth and we could not live 
without such things - and to think you have two artists in your family. You are 
a rich man indeed.
Rich and Really Rich


 I now have a picture of you in my mind. Rowing.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 Has anyone commented on this  George Hammond? Anyone know him?   I'm from 
Madison WI and I think he hails from the vaulted Hammond family in these parts.

I was in Madison earlier this year, on my way to visit friends in Dodgeville.

"Vaulted" is an interesting choice of words.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Has anyone commented on this  George Hammond? Anyone know him?   I'm from 
Madison WI and I think he hails from the vaulted Hammond family in these parts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since.

 And the art that circuses seemed to indirectly generate is amazing. While 
googling vintage circus posters so many incredible works of art popped up. Some 
might call them graphics but some are astounding nevertheless. Check it out 



 Those posters beat our Posters.

But for balance, I'd put my money on Richard every time.

Thanks for the artwork.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!

Dearest Ann,

You do do the finest graphics (my wife and son are both artists; my daughter 
and i went for the dough).

Are we to sort out out differences?



 Differences are not a bad thing. Differences indicate diversity and complexity 
and therefore often result in that which is interesting and capable of 
disseminating knowledge. Rejoice in the differences! You got the entire essence 
of Bhagavad-Gita!
To quote me:

"If you want friendships, you must have arguments."

--quoted from my Commentary on BG (in progress)
battlefield scene

To quote me (or me plagiarizing): "We are all One, just different."

--quoted from my Commentary on BG (in progress)
Krisha to Arjuna

 Artists keep the world alive with beauty and depth and we could not live 
without such things - and to think you have two artists in your family. You are 
a rich man indeed.
Rich and Really Rich


 I now have a picture of you in my mind. Rowing.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since.

 And the art that circuses seemed to indirectly generate is amazing. While 
googling vintage circus posters so many incredible works of art popped up. Some 
might call them graphics but some are astounding nevertheless. Check it out 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since. 
I too have fond childhood memories of the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey 
circus. I am glad that I never attended after childhood. I think the freak show 
would have freaked me out.

And about those fleas...they're really not there? Sure? Wow, freak me out again.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


The Circus is right here. ffl Circus.

The ringmaster has whipped up the audience into "A Frenzy"

The Master Ringleader has created buzz by posting mysterious letters. Circuses 
wish they had the kind of posters (get it) that Rick provides.

And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!

Dearest Ann,

You do do the finest graphics (my wife and son are both artists; my daughter 
and i went for the dough).

Are we to sort out out differences?



 Differences are not a bad thing. Differences indicate diversity and complexity 
and therefore often result in that which is interesting and capable of 
disseminating knowledge. Rejoice in the differences!

 Artists keep the world alive with beauty and depth and we could not live 
without such things - and to think you have two artists in your family. You are 
a rich man indeed.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Speaking of flea circuses, I was really intrigued by them as a child; a number 
of circus implements in the ring, like a trapeze, bicycle, and ladder, 
mechanically driven to move on their own, with the imagined fleas doing the 
tricks. Pretty much love the Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey circus, too, 
and have been many, many times. I remember seeing the great Gunther Gebel 
Williams, in Portland, in the early 70's, standing on the back of an elephant, 
wearing a leopard across his shoulders. They haven't had an animal tamer like 
him, since. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


The Circus is right here. ffl Circus.

The ringmaster has whipped up the audience into "A Frenzy"

The Master Ringleader has created buzz by posting mysterious letters. Circuses 
wish they had the kind of posters (get it) that Rick provides.

And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


The Circus is right here. ffl Circus.

The ringmaster has whipped up the audience into "A Frenzy"

The Master Ringleader has created buzz by posting mysterious letters. Circuses 
wish they had the kind of posters (get it) that Rick provides.

And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!

Dearest Ann,

You do do the finest graphics (my wife and son are both artists; my daughter 
and i went for the dough).

Are we to sort out out differences?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


The Circus is right here. ffl Circus.

The ringmaster has whipped up the audience into "A Frenzy"

The Master Ringleader has created buzz by posting mysterious letters. Circuses 
wish they had the kind of posters (get it) that Rick provides.

And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


The Circus is right here. ffl Circus.

The ringmaster has whipped up the audience into "A Frenzy"

The Master Ringleader has created buzz by posting mysterious letters. Circuses 
wish they had the kind of posters (get it) that Rick provides.

And in the main ring, out announcer, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to 
you...The Great Curtis.
The only announcer EVER who can  broadcast live from a meeting in Boston, THAT 

Let The ffl Circus Show begin!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 Ya nailed it, Curtis.  

Hey, wouldn't it just be a total gas if Jerry was making a power play here, by 
validating this channeler guy, and hoo boy, there goes another hunk of the 
faithful -- hunk of what's left, that is, on the corpse, after every vulture 
that could wing into town has picked clean all the wavering believers from off 
the movement's carrion.  

 But there must be many TBers who still yet count themselves better knowers of 
reality than the rajas, and "Jerry and the Channelers" might just be a road-act 
with a bullet that can knock "The Vedic Goons" off the Pop 40 charts.

What has NOT happened in the crazy saga so far, right?  

Jerry waltzing off with a thousand FFers like the Pied Piper is what.  

From Maharishi through a channeler who sits on Jerry's ventriloquistic lap -- 
WHAT IS NOT TO FUCKING LOVE ABOUT THAT?   ! ! !  I'd pay a hundred bucks for 
balcony seats.

I expect that either you, nor Curtis have ANY TICKETS TO THE BALCONY SEATING OR 
THE ORCHESTRA SEATING, or the wherewithal to get tickets, or even get to the 
venue. You both continue to write about an even that is beyond you. Curtis, if 
I remember correctly, was hoping he could make a few bucks that night. I 
suggest that you (1) get yourself together and (2) try to rejoin society as 
productive members. Until then, I will need to continue to treat your words as 
just imaginings. Thank you.

P.S. I guess I shall now move on to Curtis' Post. You know, the one that made 
you hot.
It's Jerry's retirement plan!  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

"If he is now dismissing Jerry
as a crank too, what does this say about his faith in Maharishi's
masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a state beyond
being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in the
dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle
late on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the

I have always noticed that the Movement's leaders mind set on the efficacy of 
TM,m the Marsy Effect of being a fabulous teacher where his teachers behavior 
is concerned is very much a compartmentalization mind set. When and as long as 
said teachers toe whatever the TM party line happens to be at the moment then 
they are shining examples of what fabulousness TM can create in a person and an 
example of how spending time with Marshy proves he was a great master. 

The minute said teachers whoever they may be from Larry Domash, Jerry Jarvis or 
various and sundry rank and file governors step away from the party line and do 
or say things that do not reflect whatever the Movement wants you to believe 
then they generally just dismiss the teachers and try not to even mention them. 

They don't want any loyal meditators to even think about them, and so attempt 
to redirect their attention back to "TM is good! TM is superlative! TM is 
better than breathing! TM is superior to all other spiritual endeavors! TM is 
perfect! TM has no ill effects, ever! Unstressing is YOUR fault! Everyone needs 
to do TM! We need lots of money to promote TM! Give us your money so we can get 
the whole world meditating!"

Have you noticed that all the great stuff TM is supposed to do in a person's 
life has never manifest in the Movement leaders? What I mean is, none of them 
do a damn thing except promote TM, which is a self serving agenda. That's all 
TM does in their lives, leads them to tout TM so they can have a good living 
and live off the hard work of others. 

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest - 
his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry
as a crank too, what does this say about his faith in Maharishi's
masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a state beyond
being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in the
dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle
late on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to go 
to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread Duveyoung
Ya nailed it, Curtis.  

Hey, wouldn't it just be a total gas if Jerry was making a power play here, by 
validating this channeler guy, and hoo boy, there goes another hunk of the 
faithful -- hunk of what's left, that is, on the corpse, after every vulture 
that could wing into town has picked clean all the wavering believers from off 
the movement's carrion.  

 But there must be many TBers who still yet count themselves better knowers of 
reality than the rajas, and "Jerry and the Channelers" might just be a road-act 
with a bullet that can knock "The Vedic Goons" off the Pop 40 charts.

What has NOT happened in the crazy saga so far, right?  

Jerry waltzing off with a thousand FFers like the Pied Piper is what.  

From Maharishi through a channeler who sits on Jerry's ventriloquistic lap -- 
WHAT IS NOT TO FUCKING LOVE ABOUT THAT?   ! ! !  I'd pay a hundred bucks for 
balcony seats.

It's Jerry's retirement plan!  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 

 See, everyone likes a mystery. And just think: there are two months still to 
go to anticipate all sorts of fun at the circu, er, I mean group gathering with 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest 
- his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry as a crank too, what does this say about his 
faith in Maharishi's masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a 
state beyond being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in 
the dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle late 
on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the thing.

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

But without knowing what it is that has turned Jerry's head around on what 
seems implausible, I have to admit that I can't know yet what is up with this. 
It is just one of those delightfully disruptive events to many people's world 
view that has to unfold in its time. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 2:42 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th
   My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount 
of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ann, I think you were referring to Hagelin's letter when you referred to 
unnecessary hierarchies. Later you wrote:

I am probably the least interested in this George/Hagelin/MMY thing that anyone 
here at FFL.

On Monday, September 29, 2014 10:20 AM, " 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:


---In,  wrote :

Ann, you say you're the "least interested" person on FFL about all this, yet 
you wrote a post about unnecessary hierarchies. That to me indicates a pretty 
good amount of interest. 

Does it? I said I was the least interested in the result of the George meeting 
and revelations. My dislike of unnecessary hierarchies is a different matter 
all together.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :



 That is a pretty slippery, kinda weasely way you slipped, slided and weaeled 
from we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the whole circus to 
It is becoming something like a circus right here on FFL  I am pretty sure that 
you understood me, before twisting and turning. I'm pretty sure you'd know that 
I would not object to calling ANYTHING AT ALL about ffl a "circus".
  You got so caught up in the frenzy of the crowds, that you are in the frenzy. 
It does hurt me to see it, but hey, I do love circuses, right?

 P.S. Fairfieldlife is is still a slice of life, about as much as a Fellini 

 Go see a movie.

 Dear Dan, 

 We seem to be fighting. Why is that? Ann, you and I have a great deal in 
common. That said we do have differences, which mush be cleared up if we are to 
have even more commonality. I always feel the need to tell others what I think, 
especially if not doing so would get in the way of us. Do not feel that I am 
doing something solely to you, or that I do it out of anger. For me I'd rather 
reveal the hidden then let it remain secret.

 P.S. Our lives are like movies, indeed, may be movies. I find that I have not 
been watching as many movies lately, I have been tending more toward the 
written word as of late. Nothing, not even a good movie can surpass a good 
book. Perhaps, if things go swimmingly, you'll take a look at a Commentary i'm 
working on (for 40+ years).

 Most Sincerely, I appreciate your Sincerity and encourage more.
 Book Worm in Canada Reading at The Beach, d

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Ann, you say you're the "least interested" person on FFL about all this, yet 
you wrote a post about unnecessary hierarchies. That to me indicates a pretty 
good amount of interest. 


 Does it? I said I was the least interested in the result of the George meeting 
and revelations. My dislike of unnecessary hierarchies is a different matter 
all together.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

 We deal in loonies and twonies up here. The only other thing I know is that on 
day 1 of the 60 yet to come I have offended some with my poo-pooing of the need 
to keep Hagelin's letter a "secret" and my prediction that the meeting with 
George could be a "circus". Add to this the fact that bawee thinks he might 
start reading my posts if I continue to post things that he approves of, it's 
been a very productive few hours. God, or the lack of one, only knows what day 
60 will bring.


 You have joined The Frenzy. By Day 60 your blood will feel like it's boiling.
 But for real emotions, try being passionate about real things.

 Hope this helps.
 marko danno

 Thank you for your input, Dan, it is always appreciated. Just in case you 
don't know me well enough (and from your recent comments apparently you don't) 
I am passionate about everything, real or imagined. Day 60 of whatever it is we 
are waiting for will unlikely result in boiling blood. I am probably the least 
interested in this George/Hagelin/MMY thing that anyone here at FFL.

 Ann, my input was that you are dealing in rumor, gossip, and inuendo. I 
pointed out that you have joined a Frenzy that is inciting 'the boys' to 
blood-boiling Posts.

 Your response is you don't know me well enough (and from your recent comments 
apparently you don't)
 I am posting to the words you have written here. Either stand behind them, 
revise them or recant. You are not being honest or direct by intentionally 
misinterpreting what I have said. You can fool yourself but never me.

 Is this "Selective" replying part of your effort for me to get to know you 

 Because it's workng.

 As far as YOUR NO INTEREST: It sure takes you a lot of critical and defamatory 
Posts to establish that.

 Now you are popular with 'the boys'. Hope you enjoy!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 On 9/29/2014 2:49 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 If I were to choose a "theme song" to play for those who have their panties in 
a twist over this event, it would be this classic from The Eagles:
 If Curtis isn't invited to perform, I would suggest inviting Rick Stanley:
 Rick Stanley - The Holy Tradition - MUM Guru Purnima 2008
 Celtic Harper/Singer Rick Stanley live at Sondheim
 Celtic Harper/Singer Rick Stanley live at Sondheim 
 Celtic Harper/Singer Rick Stanley live at Sondheim "Beauty Is" is performed by Rick Stanley, The song 
was written by Rick and Brendan Stanley and can be found on the "Bonny ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 I guess 'the boys' are so accustomed to playing large venues, that they have 
become major critics-on-the-aisle.

 Just add that to All the Great Accomplishments of the boys.

 each other.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ann, you say you're the "least interested" person on FFL about all this, yet 
you wrote a post about unnecessary hierarchies. That to me indicates a pretty 
good amount of interest. 

On Monday, September 29, 2014 9:06 AM, " 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

We deal in loonies and twonies up here. The only other thing I know is that on 
day 1 of the 60 yet to come I have offended some with my poo-pooing of the need 
to keep Hagelin's letter a "secret" and my prediction that the meeting with 
George could be a "circus". Add to this the fact that bawee thinks he might 
start reading my posts if I continue to post things that he approves of, it's 
been a very productive few hours. God, or the lack of one, only knows what day 
60 will bring.


You have joined The Frenzy. By Day 60 your blood will feel like it's boiling.
But for real emotions, try being passionate about real things.

Hope this helps.
marko danno

Thank you for your input, Dan, it is always appreciated. Just in case you don't 
know me well enough (and from your recent comments apparently you don't) I am 
passionate about everything, real or imagined. Day 60 of whatever it is we are 
waiting for will unlikely result in boiling blood. I am probably the least 
interested in this George/Hagelin/MMY thing that anyone here at FFL.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 9/29/2014 2:49 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
If I were to choose a "theme song" to play for those who have their 
panties in a twist over this event, it would be this classic from The 

/If Curtis isn't invited to perform, I would suggest inviting Rick Stanley:/

/Rick Stanley - The Holy Tradition - MUM Guru Purnima 2008/

/Celtic Harper/Singer Rick Stanley live at Sondheim/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

 We deal in loonies and twonies up here. The only other thing I know is that on 
day 1 of the 60 yet to come I have offended some with my poo-pooing of the need 
to keep Hagelin's letter a "secret" and my prediction that the meeting with 
George could be a "circus". Add to this the fact that bawee thinks he might 
start reading my posts if I continue to post things that he approves of, it's 
been a very productive few hours. God, or the lack of one, only knows what day 
60 will bring.


 You have joined The Frenzy. By Day 60 your blood will feel like it's boiling.
 But for real emotions, try being passionate about real things.

 Hope this helps.
 marko danno

 Thank you for your input, Dan, it is always appreciated. Just in case you 
don't know me well enough (and from your recent comments apparently you don't) 
I am passionate about everything, real or imagined. Day 60 of whatever it is we 
are waiting for will unlikely result in boiling blood. I am probably the least 
interested in this George/Hagelin/MMY thing that anyone here at FFL.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 9/29/2014 2:44 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I don't want to wish that you miss a paying gig, but if you have a 
chance to attend this circus, I would sure love to hear your take on 
it. I know I'd be there in an instant if it were closer to where I live.

/You would probably have to stand out on the sidewalk - I doubt you'd be 
permitted inside, at least without a disguise and some forged passport 
papers. You need to come to grips with reality, Barry:Your name as a 
spiritual teacher is mud all over the planet - you are not an insider 
anymore, you are a reporter on the outside working for a science 
magazine posting to social media on the internet.//



*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:42 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any 
amount of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to 
shake Jerry's hand...

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking 
him about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own 
credibility on the line over this. He is the one with something to 
lose here. The movement who after Maharishi's death extended a 
welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that hospitality over this. So 
there must be something very compelling for him. Whatever he shares 
with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue may just 
breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it 
to the dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit 
Maharishi has requested that each of us turn to the person next to us 
and swap mantras. And we are also asked to never eat any food that is 
the color red. Thank you and Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!"

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive 
Influence of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation 
being given at the request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

View on <>

Preview by Yahoo

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It 
is a fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and 
Charley D will be there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because 
I think it is unfair with search engines and all, but just think 
Cambridge and old highly intellectual school residence course leaders 
and you will know who I am talking about.

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the 
spot" with a full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]



 That is a pretty slippery, kinda weasely way you slipped, slided and weaeled 
from we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the whole circus to 
It is becoming something like a circus right here on FFL  I am pretty sure that 
you understood me, before twisting and turning. I'm pretty sure you'd know that 
I would not object to calling ANYTHING AT ALL about ffl a "circus".
  You got so caught up in the frenzy of the crowds, that you are in the frenzy. 
It does hurt me to see it, but hey, I do love circuses, right?

 P.S. Fairfieldlife is is still a slice of life, about as much as a Fellini 

 Go see a movie.

 Dear Dan, 

 We seem to be fighting. Why is that?

 P.S. Our lives are like movies, indeed, may be movies. I find that I have not 
been watching as many movies lately, I have been tending more toward the 
written word as of late. Nothing, not even a good movie can surpass a good book.

 Most Sincerely,
 Book Worm in Canada

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

 We deal in loonies and twonies up here. The only other thing I know is that on 
day 1 of the 60 yet to come I have offended some with my poo-pooing of the need 
to keep Hagelin's letter a "secret" and my prediction that the meeting with 
George could be a "circus". Add to this the fact that bawee thinks he might 
start reading my posts if I continue to post things that he approves of, it's 
been a very productive few hours. God, or the lack of one, only knows what day 
60 will bring.


 You have joined The Frenzy. By Day 60 your blood will feel like it's boiling.
 But for real emotions, try being passionate about real things.

 Hope this helps.
 marko danno

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. Dear Ann,

 Why do you determine a meeting that has not yet taken place a "circus"? Is 
that your usual  way that you look at things?

 It is becoming something like a circus right here on FFL (which, as silly as 
it sometimes seems, is still a slice of life). What the future meeting and 
revelation of MMY's supposed message from the grave ends up manifesting as is 
anyone's guess and my best guess, at the moment, is a circus. Don't you like 
circuses, Dan?

 That is a pretty slippery, kinda weasely way you slipped, slided and weaeled 
from we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the whole circus to 
It is becoming something like a circus right here on FFL  I am pretty sure that 
you understood me, before twisting and turning. I'm pretty sure you'd know that 
I would not object to calling ANYTHING AT ALL about ffl a "circus".
  You got so caught up in the frenzy of the crowds, that you are in the frenzy. 
It does hurt me to see it, but hey, I do love circuses, right?

 P.S. Fairfieldlife is is still a slice of life, about as much as a Fellini 

 Go see a movie.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 3:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

It will be live streamed on the Website.

Oh, what fun. Someone please "beep" us a little beforehand here on FFL so we 
can remember to tune in. Be there or be square. (more below)

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

james brown - please please please (the cape act)
 james brown - please please please (the cape act) 
james brown - please please please (the cape act)  
View on Preview by Yahoo  
 james brown - please please please (the cape act)  
This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.   
View on by Yahoo

I doubt I could ever come up with anything as inspired as imagining Maharishi 
doing James Brown's stage exit, but I'll think about it. Like you, I'm amused 
at how many people seem to be willing to accept that the Rish is in a position 
to be sending us messages, since they watched his body being burned in India. 
Maybe this last message is a kind of karmic popcorn event still playing itself 
out in the aftermath of the cremation. Then again, maybe Maharishi didn't 
really die...he just stepped out for a bit:


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of the 
interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
If I were to choose a "theme song" to play for those who have their panties in 
a twist over this event, it would be this classic from The Eagles:

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

---In,  wrote :

On 9/28/2014 1:42 PM, curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>>My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me
almost any amount of money to perform...but is IS very
close and I would like to shake Jerry's hand...
>Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.
>M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I was playing 
>at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son House's Preachin' Blues
>Son House "Preachin' Blues"
>   Son House "Preachin' Blues"  
>Son House  
>View on by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I don't want to wish that you miss a paying gig, but if you have a chance to 
attend this circus, I would sure love to hear your take on it. I know I'd be 
there in an instant if it were closer to where I live.  

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater
   30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  
View on 30thnovember.comPreview by Yahoo   
 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

 I'm just hoping there's ectoplasm. Or a bit of table turning maybe or a 
message from my aunt Mabel about where she hid the money.

 But I'll settle for an instruction to the Raja's about wearing their crowns in 
public again, they've been a bit slack about that recently. Anyone would think 
they're embarrassed

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

 We deal in loonies and twonies up here. The only other thing I know is that on 
day 1 of the 60 yet to come I have offended some with my poo-pooing of the need 
to keep Hagelin's letter a "secret" and my prediction that the meeting with 
George could be a "circus". Add to this the fact that bawee thinks he might 
start reading my posts if I continue to post things that he approves of, it's 
been a very productive few hours. God, or the lack of one, only knows what day 
60 will bring.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. Dear Ann,

 Why do you determine a meeting that has not yet taken place a "circus"? Is 
that your usual  way that you look at things?

 It is becoming something like a circus right here on FFL (which, as silly as 
it sometimes seems, is still a slice of life). What the future meeting and 
revelation of MMY's supposed message from the grave ends up manifesting as is 
anyone's guess and my best guess, at the moment, is a circus. Don't you like 
circuses, Dan?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 mailto:punditster@... wrote : 

 If you performed Son House at the meeting that might be really interesting. If 
you did perform and got called for an encore, I would suggest "Crossroads" by 
Robert Johnson.

Clapton kind of beat that one to death, how about his "Me and the Devil", I do 
that one in my shows with lyrics adjusted a bit for the modern audience.
Me And The Devil Blues [Remastered] ROBERT JOHNSON (1937) Delta Blues Guitar 
 Me And The Devil Blues [Remastered] ROBERT J... " Me And The Devil Blues " (1937, 
Dallas) ROBERT JOHNSON EARLY COUNTRY BLUES Alger "Texas" Alexander Pink 
Anderson Barbecue Bob Hicks Scrapp...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Son House "Preachin' Blues" 
 Son House "Preachin' Blues" Son House

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of  Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 
 Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

 Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.
 M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I was playing 
at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son House's Preaching Blues
 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of  Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi

 View on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

james brown - please please please (the cape act) 
 james brown - please please please (the cape act) This feature is not available right 
now. Please try again later. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. Dear Ann,

 Why do you determine a meeting that has not yet taken place a "circus"? Is 
that your usual  way that you look at things?
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 5:45 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

On 9/28/2014 1:42 PM, curtisdeltablues@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost
any amount of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would
like to shake Jerry's hand...

Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I
was playing at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son
House's Preachin' Blues

If you performed Son House at the meeting that might be really 
interesting. If you did perform and got called for an encore, I would 
suggest "Crossroads" by Robert Johnson.


Son House "Preachin' Blues"


Son House "Preachin' Blues"

Son House

View on 

Preview by Yahoo


I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people
asking him about iit and I would love to know why he is putting
his own credibility on the line over this. He is the one with
something to lose here. The movement who after Maharishi's death
extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that hospitality
over this. So there must be something very compelling for him.
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it
here. This issue may just breath some life into old FFL since
there is no clearing house for such information I can think of
but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit
Maharishi has requested that each of us turn to the person next
to us and swap mantras. And we are also asked to never eat any
food that is the color red. Thank you and Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy

  wrote :

 wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater

November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The
Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas on Human History”
a presentation being given at the request of  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place.
It is a fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry
and Charley D will be there. ( I am not spelling out his last
name because I think it is unfair with search engines and all,
but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual school
residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about.

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the
spot" with a full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I
was playing at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son
House's Preaching Blues


I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people
asking him about iit and I would love to know why he is putting
his own credibility on the line over this. He is the one with
something to lose here. The movement who after Maharishi's death
extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that hospitality
over this. So there must be something very compelling for him.
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it
here. This issue may just breath some life into old FFL since
there is no clearing house for such information I can think of
but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit
Maharishi has requested that each of us turn to the person next
to us and swap mantras. And we are also asked to never eat any
food that is the color red. Thank you and Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy

  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 On 9/28/2014 1:42 PM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount 
of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

 Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I was playing 
at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son House's Preachin' Blues

Son House "Preachin' Blues" 
 Son House "Preachin' Blues" Son 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of Maharishi Mahesh 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 
 Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

 Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I was playing 
at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son House's Preaching Blues

 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of Maharishi Mahesh 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 1:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any 
amount of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to 
shake Jerry's hand...

Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking 
him about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own 
credibility on the line over this. He is the one with something to 
lose here. The movement who after Maharishi's death extended a 
welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that hospitality over this. So 
there must be something very compelling for him. Whatever he shares 
with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue may just 
breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it 
to the dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit 
Maharishi has requested that each of us turn to the person next to us 
and swap mantras. And we are also asked to never eat any food that is 
the color red. Thank you and Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!"

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 

November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive 
Influence of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation 
being given at the request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It 
is a fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and 
Charley D will be there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because 
I think it is unfair with search engines and all, but just think 
Cambridge and old highly intellectual school residence course leaders 
and you will know who I am talking about.

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the 
spot" with a full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!) Try the New York Times. I'm sure you have credibilty.

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" Another delusional conversation that you hear? 
Time to act!

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 
mistake.Wrong again. Keep trying. You do know the story of the moneys with 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest - 
his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 2:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater
   30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  
View on 30thnovember.comPreview by Yahoo   
 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!