Re: [Gimp-user] Changing house colour

2004-04-25 Thread David Burren

Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > By the way -- I use select by color a lot when I scan yellow
> > receipts. I use select by color to turn the yellow to white, then
> > save it as grayscale and save mucho megabytes.
> The classic method to make the paper on a scan to appear as white is
> to use the Levels tool. Use the white-point color picker and click on
> an empty spot of the scan. Or, even better, define the white-point
> before doing the actual scan. Most scan software (including XSane)
> supports this operation.

That has a quite different effect from what Steve mentioned.

Adjusting the white point will scale all the colours in the image.
For example if you had green writing on yellow paper, adjusting the
white point like this would change the green to cyan (and red to
magenta, but not affect any blue writing).
Mind you, for Steve's receipts and his use of them, the final result
in B&W might be OK.

Adjusting the white point is a very useful technique for colours
_within_ an image, but it's a bit flawed as a general method for
rendering the surrounding paper as white (unless the ink is pure

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Environment settings & big images

2004-04-22 Thread David Burren

Carol Spears wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 11:23:32AM +1000, David Burren wrote:
> > Using Photoshop 7 on my wife's XP machine which is a 1.8GHz version
> > of my System A seems OK, but I haven't done a lot of work with it
> > as she keeps wanting to use it...
> i am curious.  do you think that if the adobe geniuses could make their
> software compile on linux, if it would slow it down.

No.  In fact they've got it to compile on a Unix (ie. MacOS X) and
it runs great.  I don't believe it's inherent in the OS that the
application is running on.  I do think that Photoshop currently
does a better job at managing its memory resources, but that's at
the appliction level.

> i am not sure where gimp is losing this "race" of yours but the fact
> that i can run gimp on linux and can not run photoshop (any flavor or
> version) to compare gives photoshop some weird edge.

Interesting.  I'm sure you and I have different requirements so
we'll come to different conclusions.

As an opensource developer (primarily on BSD platforms - both in
the OS/kernel and at the application level) I would love it if the
Gimp was able to do all the tasks I need of it.

But as a photographer trying to earn a living (I currently supplement
this with short-term Perl and SQL development contracts) I can't
afford to be without the tools that Photoshop provides me (the most
high-profile of which are complete ICC support and 16-bit files).
Now that I'm happy that OSX has progressed to a point that I'm happy
to use it, the fact that Photoshop is available for it is reason
enough for me to move to OSX instead of BSD or Linux.

I look forward to the day when the Gimp or CinePaint come up to
speed on the features I need, but I can't afford to wait.

My observations about memory consumption behaviour between the Gimp
and Photoshop have been coincidental to that.  It's not the reason
I started using Photoshop, but it's a pleasant side-benefit.

> is the very fact that the linux community shared with YOU part of what
> slows gimp down?

Now this sounds like you getting all "snooty" for no good reason
(these snide comments have never been good for your image Carol).

In fact I wasn't aware that the LINUX community shared with me.
The GIMP community that I have been a part of for years (as a Unix
user, even if using NetBSD/FreeBSD instead of Linux) has shared the
Gimp with me, and I've been grateful for being part of that community.

But that's completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand...

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Environment settings & big images

2004-04-22 Thread David Burren

Kevin Myers wrote:
> As mentioned in my previous message, Photoshop's limit is 32K maximum pixels
> in either dimension.  Your image did not exceed this limit in either
> dimension.  We typically work with images that are up to several hundred
> thousand pixels in one dimension, by 2 or 3 thousand pixels in the other
> dimension.  Thus we almost always exceed the Photoshop limit.
> I presently run GIMP 1.2.4 on a 2.4 GHz P4 based system under Windows 2000,
> with 3GB of RAM installed (only 2GB of which can be used by the GIMP).  We
> usually work with 8 bit grayscale images, and as described above our typical
> image sizes are on the order of 200 megapixels.  As you mentioned, your
> image was only 98 megapixels.  On my system, I have no problems with menu
> delays at all (far less than one second response), and initial image loading
> speed is reasonable, typically on the order of 5 or ten seconds.

Strictly speaking PS 8 (CS) can go larger in pixel dimensions (if
you use the new .PSB file format) but there are other operational
issues that still make this awkward.

But for me it's not the pixel dimensions that define a large image.
As a photographer I work with full RGB images, not piddly little
greyscale files ;-).

I have two systems here.  Apples aren't quite apples, but it's a
vaguely interesting comparison anyway:

System A is a 1.6GHz P4 with 512MB RAM, running Gimp 1.2
on FreeBSD.  Working with large files (e.g. only 6400x9600
24-bit pixels) can be painful, especially if I decide to
add layers.  I've done an A0-sized poster on this machine
and it was ridiculous.  I got the job done eventually, but
it was VERY painful.

System B is a PowerMac G4/450 with 1GB RAM.  This machine
is old and slow by Apple standards.  It's running Photoshop
CS on MacOS X 1.3.  It's a pleasure to use in comparison
to System A.  The speed difference (and a few other advantages)
has made it worthwhile to get used to the different (Photoshop)
interface.  I regularly work with 48-bit image files, at
large print sizes, and with at least 5 or 6 layers.  The
filesize when saved as a layered uncompressed TIFF is often
larger than will fit on a CD.  As the files get bigger the
processing time increases, but it feels like a simple
geometric progression based on the CPU/megapixel relationship,
not an exponential/whatever progression based on RAM

Sure the Mac has more RAM, but I've tuned Photoshop's RAM allocation
back to 256MB as an experiment and it was still faster than the
Gimp.  I normally have 576MB allocated to PS.

In the Gimp there seems to be no upper bound to its RAM use.  No
matter what size you set the tile cache to (right nowe I have it
set at 320M) and the number of undo levels, its memory footprint
seems to keep increasing, and when it gets painful it's typically
paging (i.e. it's not managing its own scratch space like Photoshop
does - the OS is paging it in and out).  Shutting down other
applications does improve things for a short while, but very soon
that extra memory is chewed up and performance goes down the tube
again.  It seems that often the Gimp's active memory footprint is
very large, and information is being paged out that was only just
paged in.

When the Gimp's performance drops off it's saturating the disks
with VM paging, and the whole machine is painful to use.  When
Photoshop's performance drops off it's mainly just hogging CPU and
the rest of the machine is vaguely usable.

I would say that on machines with equivalent RAM sizes Photoshop
is a better performer (on the images I deal with at least) but I
should load Gimp 2 onto the Mac for a better comparison.

Using Photoshop 7 on my wife's XP machine which is a 1.8GHz version
of my System A seems OK, but I haven't done a lot of work with it
as she keeps wanting to use it...
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Re: Re: Monitor for Gimp

2004-03-31 Thread David Burren

Just in case this wasn't clear in my last message, I'll expand on
a few points.  You can implement either or both of calibration and

Having systems calibrated to a common standard means that you don't
_have_ to worry about ICC profiles etc IF ALL YOU'RE DEALING WITH
Thus with the Gimp in its current form, calibration is important
(it's the only thing available!).

But if you want _accurate_ colour you need to implement profile
support (e.g. building on top of lcms) including dynamic conversion
from an image's colour space to the display system's profile.  With
full profile support it doesn't matter what the user's system is
calibrated to (e.g. weirdarse 1.8 gamma).  If an image's data is
in sRGB the colours will get converted so that what is displayed
on the screen is accurate, even though sRGB has a gamma of 2.2.
My systems are calibrated to a gamma close to 2.2, and I can view
images in "ColorMatch RGB" (which has a gamma of 1.8) with no
problems as the profile conversion takes care of that for me..

Calibration benefits the non-colour-managed applications, but with
only limited usefulness.  Mac and Windows systems implement both
calibration and profiling in an attempt to serve both CM and non-CM
applications (and the calibration can help ensure the system is in
a reasonable state prior to profiling).

Full profile support is important because the colour response of
your inkjet printer, scanner, printing press, etc will probably not
match that of your calibrated system, and for accurate work you
need a profile describing the colour space of each and to convert
between them as required.

I'll shut up for now. ;)
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Re: Re: Monitor for Gimp

2004-03-31 Thread David Burren
up for
30 minutes or so.

Does that description clear up anything for you?

Lack of support for this stuff in the Gimp et. al. is the main
reason I moved to Macs (I have an IT background, but these days
work as a professional photographer).  I haven't given up the Gimp
entirely yet, but its getting less and less use over time.
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp and prepress functions

2004-03-23 Thread David Burren

Kelly Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My gf used to work for a large prepress company.  They spent a
> lot of money generating and validating matching profiles, and
> they're not going to just give them to anyone.  If you want them,
> you pay for them.

This is silly.  The profiles would be for their specific machines,
and would be useless with anyone else's (even with the same make
hardware, as the knobs and dials would probably not be in "standard"
positions).  The choice of ink and paper stock are also factors.
I'm not saying the prepress company wouldn't do it, just that I
think it would be a completely silly reason for not supplying the
target profile.

Even if they did not want to provide the final profiles, if they
want any chance of supporting a digital colour-managed workflow
they would have to accept files tagged with other profiles (e.g.
AdobeRGB, sRGB, ProPhotoRGB, various CMYK colour spaces, etc) and
do the conversion in-house.

One of the labs I deal with has its own intermediate colour space
that it gets us to convert to, so internally they can manage the
choice of printer/paper/etc for each job and update the target
profiles whenever they calibrate the machines (without having to
send them out to all the clients).

Those intermediate colour spaces should be available to the Gimp
(although there _are_ copyright considerations with the profiles).
The format of these ICC profiles is defined in a standard, and the
lcms library already knows how to deal with them.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp and prepress functions

2004-03-23 Thread David Burren

Kelly Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Someone would have to develop the profiles.  The way Photoshop
> does it is by buying printers and doing test prints and gathering
> colorimetric data.  The GIMP developers are short on people who
> have access to colorimetry labs, not to mention lots of printers.
> A lot of the processes that go into prepress are tied up in patent
> and trade secret law.  Getting those processes into the GIMP will
> be no easy task.

This is a furphy.  Generating the profiles is quite different from
using them.  There are existing libraries (e.g. lcms) to convert
between colour spaces (defined by profiles) and there's even a Gimp
plug-in to do this.  There is even software for generating profiles
for printers/scanners/etc (not part of the Gimp, but it doesn't have
to be).

For accurate colour work you typically need to profile your own
devices, as each has a slightly different colour response (e.g. for
a printer it depends on the driver settings, the ink, and the paper
choices).  Monitors in particular constantly change their behaviour
and need to be reprofiled regularly.  Good print labs profile their
devices and provide the profiles to their clients.
It's not up to the Gimp to generate profiles, it's up to the Gimp
to use them.

Unfortunately Gimp has a way to go before it has a concept of your
monitor colour space (and dynamically converting displayed images
into that colour space) and a colour space for each image.  This
is something that Photoshop (and most of the other Adobe software)
does very well.  The Gimp has a plain model where there is only one
colour space: your monitor's.  Everything is dealt with as just RGB
(disregarding the HSV/etc composition/decomposition feature) and
sent to your monitor as-is.  I think a more-sophisticated model is
required to support a colour-managed workflow (and things like
16-bit support, CMYK, L*a*b, etc are just part of that).

Other projects like CinePaint (nee FilmGimp) are making progress
on this.  Hopefully the Gimp will catch up.  But I don't think
"patent and trade secret law" has much to do with it.
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] filmgimp and gap

2003-09-14 Thread David Burren
sam ende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> cinepaint doesn't seem to have any of the functions gap has ? i fact i 
> haven't been able to discern what functions it does have that gimp 
> doesn't, so i'm not sure why one would want to merge ?

I say again: support for 16(48)-bit images!

Gimp will read them in but immediately throw away the lower 8 bits.
For those of us dealing with 16-bit (actually, often 12-bit but the
extra 4 bits are irrelevant in this) film scans and raw files from
digital cameras, this is very important.

BTW, what's gap?  The only GAP I'm aware of is the Gnu Administration
David B.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Rotoscoping

2003-09-10 Thread David Burren
Mark Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For me, the most important feature of filmgimp/cinepaint is the
> support for greater than 8 bits per color component (16 bit integer
> and 32 bit floating point).

Hear, hear!
This is the only reason I have filmgimp on my system - the ability to
edit 16-bit files from my cameras prior to doing final 8-bit work in
I would be very happy if I didn't have to use filmgimp for this, as (has
been indirectly pointed out) the interface is rather old-fashioned.  The
first problem is it doesn't have a drag-n-drop interface similar to that
used by gimp-remote (which I use for passing files to the Gimp from my
database) and goes on from there.
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Image resolution out of bounds Message

2002-12-22 Thread David Burren
> When I open files stored on a Photo CD scanned by a Fuji Frontier, the
> following GIMP Message appears:
> "Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution
> instead."
> I'm new to Gimp, but don't find any reference to this message in my
> Grokking the Gimp text. I've just picked up 5x7" Frontier prints made
> from Gimp'd .jpg files and they look fine to my eyes -- in spite of the
> resolution message.
> Can anyone point me to what it's about?

Resolution is not the number of pixels, but rather the size of the
pixels.  The usual unit of measurement is dots per inch (dpi).

When the Gimp is opening a TIFF or JPEG file it reads the tag inside the
file that specifies the resolution.  If the value doesn't make enough
sense, the "Image resolution is out of bounds" message is output.
In v1.2.3 the following definitions are used:

#define GIMP_MAX_RESOLUTION  65536.0

It would be interesting to know what the value was that it didn't like,
but in the end it doesn't matter.  You're probably going to change the
dpi before you print it anyway...

The image data is not affected by this condition - if your pictures
look ok then they probably are.
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Two Questions...

2002-12-13 Thread David Burren
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 22:11:26 CDT, Pat Suwalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2) Has anyone ever considered making GIMP into a single-window interface 
> with MDI and children windows? An annoyance of GIMP is how it takes so 
> many windows and shows up in the task list when alt-tabbing.

This is where you'd get into religious bunfights if you took away the
current interface.  If a single-window interface was available, it
should be selectable.  The multi-window interface is one of the things I
love about the Gimp.  I already have a window manager running which can
take care of them, so why not use it?

I'm one of those people who use virtual workspaces (10 of them in fact).
I often have Gimp windows clustered in one workspace, but it's useful to
have Gimp windows pop up in other workspaces and in fact sometimes I
have Gimp windows appearing in multiple workspaces.

When you talk about each window "show[ing] up in the task list when
alt-tabbing", that would be a function of your window manager (or are
you running under "Windows"?).  You may be able to configure your WM
to be more helpful (e.g. by dropping some window names from the list).

BTW, my comments are based on experience with 1.2.x - can't comment on 1.3.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp single-instance startup option?

2002-12-09 Thread David Burren
> hi, is there any way to start gimp so that if there is already another 
> instance of the gimp running (by current user, or on same display, 
> etc.), gimp just uses the earlier-running (1st) instance, instead of 
> starting up a whole new instance?

I would have thought mention of "gimp-remote" would be in a FAQ.
"gimp-remote --new" is probably what you want.
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] sepia

2002-11-25 Thread David Burren
On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:16:17 +0100, Andrew Langdon-Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Anybody know how to imitate a sepia print?

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:19:05 MDT, Judy Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Have you tried (right click on image) Script-Fu/Decor/Old Photo?

As with many simple tasks, there are many ways to do this.  I must admit
I hadn't used that Script-Fu.  If you prefer, try this:

To tone an image with sepia (or selenium, or whatever colour you want),
put a new layer above the image filled with this colour.  Set the layer
mode to "Color" and play with the opacity.
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list

2002-10-29 Thread David Burren
On Tue, 29 Oct 2002 15:13:55 CDT, Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hopefully a solution to the CMYK seperation problem will be forthcoming 
> in a later version of Gimp, because that seems to be it's only weak 
> point at the moment for most professional users.

Speak for yourself.  For me, Gimp's major shortcomings are lack of
proper colourspace management and inability to work on "16-bit" (per
R,G,B) images (sure you can read 16-bit TIFFs, but the extra data is
thrown away).

As a working photographer, these things give me the most pain.  I'm sure
there are other features (or lack thereof) which give other people pain
apart from the lack of good CMYK support.

Not to say that CMYK doesn't deserve attention, just to note that it's
not the Gimp's only weak point.
David Burren
Gimp-user mailing list