Re: [H] Network Solutions

2020-02-01 Thread Joe User
I didn't either until a few years ago. Love it. Free domain info privacy
kicks ass. I think you'll like. As for hosting, Dreamhost seems good, so
far. Better than GoGreedy. Good luck!

On 2/1/2020 11:36 AM, Winterlight wrote:
> I didn't realize that Google did domain register and hosting? Can you
> explain this to me and point me in the right direction. Thanks

Re: [H] Network Solutions

2020-02-01 Thread Joe User
Google for domains & Dreamhost... Seems to be good so far. Been using
since I left GoDaddy about 4 years now? Google offers free privacy that
GoDaddy wants 10 USD for, Google not so greedy. Dreamhost is good.

Re: [H] shut off internet Windows 7

2020-01-19 Thread Joe User
You need Windows 10 like you need another hole in your head...

Re: [H] eM Client

2019-10-10 Thread Joe User
+1 Thunderbird

On 10/9/2019 4:07 PM, Tim Lider wrote:
> There is for online emails, although I have found it rather
> limited (can not use ports that are not standard ports in email.)
> Outlook 2019 (365). I use this for all my email needs. Only issue I have it
> does not work well when I'm on the road.
> Thunderbird looks like a good one. I am using it on my Windows 10 Pro Beta
> VM to check specific email addresses. Still have a problem that you can not
> read it on the road.
> What I do is:
> Outlook 2019 on my home computer. Ready email on my mobile phone (GMAIL and
> email). If there is an extended stay, I Remote access my computer and read
> the email that way.
> I'm old school and prefer to download and archive my emails.

Re: [H] Odd Windows 7 issue

2019-09-24 Thread Joe User
You checked the drive for damage?

On 9/24/2019 3:09 PM, Thane K. Sherrington wrote:
> I've run into this a few times before - the computer boots to Windows
> but there are no icons (but the text heading for the icons appear).  The
> start menu doesn't.
> I've always fixed this with a repair install/inplace upgrade but this
> time this hangs at "collecting files".
> I believe it's related to damage in the Default User folder.
> Any ideas how to fix it?

Re: [H] Router >>Switch

2019-09-01 Thread Joe User
I'm curious also
My LG ThinQ v40 Droid 9. has not been auto-updating my apps & I have 2
force reboots 2 get it 2 update- sometimes that doesn't even do it...

On 9/1/2019 6:00 PM, Al A wrote:
> How did you do on the phone restore?

Re: [H] New sign on win10 install

2019-07-16 Thread Joe User
Stop when it starts to ask questions?

On 7/16/2019 10:58 AM, Winterlight wrote:
> A friend of mine asked me to check over and wipe a old HP laptop so he
> can give it to a student in need. He also asked me to install Win10. I
> have a Win10 key. I want to do an install in such a way that when the
> computer is turned on it starts up like a new computer asking the user
> for a user name, configuration questions etc. How do I do that?

[H] Twitter logins

2019-06-23 Thread Joe User
Has anyone experienced issues regarding twitter logins working fine on
your Droid but not on your PC using Chrome?

Re: [H] Godaddy

2019-05-30 Thread Joe User
Left GoDaddy also - I went with Dreamhost, so far so good. 3+ years.

On 5/30/2019 2:46 PM, Winterlight wrote:
> Ever since Godaddy went public they have gone down terribly.Their
> support is awful and it is off shore now. Support is so bad that they
> don't even ask for "how did we do" surveys anymore. Support incompetence
> has actually cost me quite a bit of money and now I am looking to move
> my domains and hosting somewhere else. I am asking the collective for
> recomendations? Thanks

Re: [H] Ransomware, File Recovery, Bitcoin, Oh My!

2018-07-19 Thread Joe User
This is a great time to reinforce the need to do backups. Since it's a 
sensitive thing - you need to judge how to deliver the news but it's 
critical. Now more than ever before.

Couple of things. I'd save the data - LATER you might be able to get the 
drive unlocked. Don't allow them to waste the money on the unlock. The 
way I understand it, it's infrequent that they actually unlock it. In 
fact, by now the point at which they could be contacted might have been 
already shut down or compromised (more likely) by other 'hackers'. Just 
do not give in to paying. Better to wait. JMHO.

I got lucky with a client that got hit with this, about a year earlier I 
really was adamant that they get into some sort of automated backup. 
They took an online (sorry, CLOUD) backup that I was able to resell. It 
paid for itself FOUR times over (so far)! Anyway, sorry for you & client

On 7/18/2018 3:00 PM, Thane K. Sherrington wrote:
I know someone with no backups who recently had his entire computer 
encrypted with the .arrow variant of Dharma (.cezar Family).  (BTW, this 
isn't me.)

There is apparently no way to decrypt without paying the ransom or 
recovering deleted files.

So two questions:

1)Does anyone know if the ransomware encryption encrypts the file to a 
new file, then deletes the old one (giving me the possibility of deleted 
file recovery)?  If so, what software is recommend for an Windows NTFS 
system (so far, Recuva and R-Studio have found squat).

2)If he decides to pay the ransom and take his chances, what are legit 
sites to purchase bitcoin (never done that before)?


Re: [H] Recommendation for New Printer

2018-05-24 Thread Joe User
I think I read the cost per page is highest with HP, not sure if it's 
still the case but I agree. Xerox & Oki also make very good printers - 
the Oki dot matrix's are tanks - still have a client that uses them all 
the time they just work - sure you have to replace a print head here & 
there but nothing like the maintenance required by other brands. I 
should mention that Epson makes a 'decent' printer also. They are cheap 
& they don't last long but for some end users it's good enough. Xerox 
toners are pricey just FYI not sure on Oki. Brother is best bang 4 ur $.

On 5/23/2018 9:45 AM, Steve Tomporowski wrote:

The specs on Brother and the reviews look better than anyone else.  Why I
don't like HP:  Horrendously expensive ink (about 2x everybody else),
wireless you can't rely on (which seems to still happen in the 8720
model).  Plus firmware updates that will stop you from printing with 3rd
party cartridges.  Personally I don't want to give money to a company that
tries all the tricks in the book to make you pay large amounts of money for
their ink.

Re: [H] Recommendation for New Printer

2018-05-23 Thread Joe User
Why will you never buy HP printers again? (& to answer your question: 
I've never gone wrong with Brother - well over a decade of various 
models with various clients - reliable & low cost per page)

On 5/23/2018 8:09 AM, Steve Tomporowski wrote:

I've had this HP 8600 for years.  The nice part is that I bought the 2nd
paper tray so that I can print either normal paper or shipping labels by
selecting an option and not have to switch paper.  It's giving me problems
now (I may be able to get it working again), but it brought to mind the
fact that I'll never buy an HP printer again so I'd need some
recommendations on a new printer if I should happen to need a new one.  I'd
like to get one with either two paper trays integral or paper trays that
can be swapped.  And reasonably priced printer carts (Ha-Ha).

What do you guys use?


Re: [H] Win 8.1 to Win10

2018-02-19 Thread Joe User
That's what I'm wondering. Hate to get stuck with 8.1 but this PC is @ a 
nice price.

On 2/19/2018 4:22 PM, James Boswell wrote:

Entering the Win8.1 serial in the Win10 installer still works I believe?

[H] Win 8.1 to Win10

2018-02-19 Thread Joe User
Can anyone tell me, if I were to buy a new PC that had 8.1 on it - would 
I be able to upgrade it to 10 free (still)? TIA!

Re: [H] Radio stations coming out of my home theater speakers

2018-01-07 Thread Joe User

Try some Magnetic Ferrite Core on the cables...

I do it prophylactic(ly)? to keep clean signals & sound on various things.

On 1/6/2018 9:45 AM, Brian Weeden wrote:

Clearly there's some sort of interference going on, but I can't seem to
identify the source. It comes through all the speakers at about equal
level, suggesting it's being broadcast and amplified from the receiver and
not just randomly being picked up by the wires. The wires are not
extraordinarily long - about 20 ft for the rear surrounds. I actually had
the same receiver in a previous house that was much closer to the radio
station, but didn't have any problems. All the inputs to the receiver are
HDMI (Fios TV box, HTPC, WiiU), so it's hard to see how they could be
picking up interference.

Thoughts? Suggestions?


[H] MSI AfterBurner

2017-10-15 Thread Joe User
I have a MSI GeForce 6800 (NX6800 TD128) I'd like to adjust the fan 
speed on it. I tried RivaTuner & ExperTool w/o success (it seems) & the 
newest version of MSI AfterBurner... seems to new for it. I'd like to 
find an old MSI AfterBurner 2.3.1 & all the stuff I googled is dead. 
Anyone have this version or something in the 2.x range or anything that 
might allow me to control the fan?

Re: [H] Network problem

2017-09-01 Thread Joe User
I'd reseat the cable. I'd swap out or if its an on-board NIC, put a real 
NIC in. Also you can cut the end and re-tip the cable, I've run into 
that more & more.

Re: [H] My first week with Android

2017-07-24 Thread Joe User
Good read & thanx - sounds like a bad deal that turned out good. Love 
those. Never knew Netflix was so picky, good to know.

On 7/22/2017 12:36 PM, Al E. Gator wrote:

The Nexus I picked up on fleaBay has screen issues:

So I got a refund and ordered a Certified Refurbished unit through Amazon. 
Seller said to keep the bad unit, so I’ll have one to hack the sh!t out of.

The only downside so far is the Netflix app won’t run on a rooted/unlocked 
Android setup. Found and tried several builds of the Netflix app claimed to 
work but no joy. Found this this morning:
Since the Amazon unit will come with 4.XX, I may just try it before doing 
anything else. Or I may upgrade it to 5.XX (last stock image) and try to get 
the bad unit to run Netflix. Next week I’ll want to do something totally 

Anyway, I see many hours ahead, lost to the new (to me) world of Android. 
Thanks for reading

Al E. Gator

Re: [H] Android Tablet Recommendation

2017-07-14 Thread Joe User

Would you let us know what you think after you have used it awhile?
I'm curious...

On 7/14/2017 7:39 AM, Al E. Gator wrote:

I settled on the Nexus 10 for $100 on fleaBay. Rooted and flashed:
Lineage OS 13 (lineage-13.0-20170617-nightly-manta-signed);
Open GApps Micro (open_gapps-arm-6.0-micro-20170621);
and TWRP Recovery (TWRP 3.0.2-0.)
I found builds of Nougat for it but there are still some issues, like the 
camera doesn’t work.

Now waiting for this to arrive:

Re: [H] Help! Bino MSI Win10 Pro laptop random lockup issues

2017-07-08 Thread Joe User

Can't be heat, he said...

On 7/6/2017 3:24 PM, lopaka polena wrote:

I've had a couple older laptops with heat issues (the P4 HP comes to mind)
and the monitoring software (I use speedfan and cpu-z too) didn't always
show much issue. Normally I have 2 ways I'd check if it was heat related. I
have a couple mini fans made for laptops that have adjustable clamps to
hold them over the small fan exhaust ports and a thin retractable usb plug
to power them. On my old P4, if I ran that extra blower fan all the issues
I normally had went away. The other would be to use one of those thin metal
laptop stands that have a couple movable fans so you can adjust them for
where the intake grates are on the laptop.

Re: [H] Help! Bino MSI Win10 Pro laptop random lockup issues

2017-07-06 Thread Joe User

Heat or Power?

On 7/5/2017 7:39 PM, Bino Gopal wrote:

Hey guys, really hoping someone has the trick to solve this here…

Got a new latest and greatest MSI gaming laptop (GS73VR 7RF) with Win10 Pro a 
couple months ago from XoticPC who did a couple customizations for me-received 
3/15/17.  I thought last month that it started locking up on me-no response 
except if I hold the power button down and shut it off and then power it up.

It started happening more frequently a couple weeks ago when it did this 4x in 
the same week!  I contacted XoticPC, who said to just restore the OS-but I 
haven’t really installed that much and would rather figure out the problem (if 
I can) before I reinstall and run into it again.

Interestingly after the second lockup on 6/22 which happened only 3 mins after 
the first one that day, the second one on 6/26 happened only 6 seconds after 
boot if I’m reading these timestamps right…though I didn’t notice until the 
next day, which is when I rebooted.

Anyway, any ideas?  Anyone seen this before?  Any help or suggestions much 


Re: [H] Accounting for space

2017-05-21 Thread Joe User

I do have Windows explorer showing me all files, inc system files...

On 5/21/2017 1:01 PM, Joe User wrote:
80  GB's of .logs but I can't find them. Windows search shows 118 logs 
but only total to 289 MB's... WTF...

On 5/21/2017 12:09 PM, Joshua MacCraw wrote:
Good tip, gotta try that one! Been using Jdiskreport for years but I 

think he's developing anymore.

On May 21, 2017 08:18, "lopaka polena"  wrote:

I usually use windirstat


Re: [H] Accounting for space

2017-05-21 Thread Joe User
80  GB's of .logs but I can't find them. Windows search shows 118 logs 
but only total to 289 MB's... WTF...

On 5/21/2017 12:09 PM, Joshua MacCraw wrote:

Good tip, gotta try that one! Been using Jdiskreport for years but I don't
think he's developing anymore.

On May 21, 2017 08:18, "lopaka polena"  wrote:

I usually use windirstat


Re: [H] Accounting for space

2017-05-21 Thread Joe User

will check that out also, thank you.

On 5/21/2017 10:18 AM, lopaka polena wrote:

I usually use windirstat


On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 5:43 AM, Christopher Fisk <> wrote:

Check out TreeSize Free edition:

It quickly shows where space is being used up.  My thoughts:

C:\Windows\Temp  Needs to be cleaned
Run Disk Cleanup on the drive,
The click the Cleanup System files and see if you can clean up space there

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 12:13 AM, Julian Zottl 


You run a disk check on it? Sounds simple, but maybe you just have a


of errors.

How are you accounting for the space? Going to root, selecting all and
hitting properties?

Sent from my iProduct, cause I'm iSpecial But not in that iShort Bus
kind of way...

On May 20, 2017, at 10:53 PM, Joe User  wrote:

I have a 250GB drive that is nearly full but I can only account for


of the space. I totaled up each folder by getting the properties of the
folders & adding up the used space. Any ideas how I can see what is going
on? I'm stuck! Win7 Pro & not a SSD...

Re: [H] Accounting for space

2017-05-21 Thread Joe User

thanks. did all the cleaning also. along with check disk.

On 5/21/2017 7:43 AM, Christopher Fisk wrote:

Check out TreeSize Free edition:

It quickly shows where space is being used up.  My thoughts:

C:\Windows\Temp  Needs to be cleaned
Run Disk Cleanup on the drive,
The click the Cleanup System files and see if you can clean up space there

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 12:13 AM, Julian Zottl 

You run a disk check on it? Sounds simple, but maybe you just have a bunch
of errors.

How are you accounting for the space? Going to root, selecting all and
hitting properties?

Sent from my iProduct, cause I'm iSpecial But not in that iShort Bus
kind of way...

On May 20, 2017, at 10:53 PM, Joe User  wrote:

I have a 250GB drive that is nearly full but I can only account for half

of the space. I totaled up each folder by getting the properties of the
folders & adding up the used space. Any ideas how I can see what is going
on? I'm stuck! Win7 Pro & not a SSD...

Re: [H] Accounting for space

2017-05-21 Thread Joe User

Yeah check disk came back clean.

I'm comparing the totals of all the folders & files - folders 
individually  (properties of same) vs. the properties of the disk itself.

On 5/20/2017 11:13 PM, Julian Zottl wrote:

You run a disk check on it? Sounds simple, but maybe you just have a bunch of 

How are you accounting for the space? Going to root, selecting all and hitting 

Sent from my iProduct, cause I'm iSpecial But not in that iShort Bus kind 
of way...

On May 20, 2017, at 10:53 PM, Joe User  wrote:

I have a 250GB drive that is nearly full but I can only account for half of the space. 
I totaled up each folder by getting the properties of the folders & adding up the 
used space. Any ideas how I can see what is going on? I'm stuck! Win7 Pro & not a 

[H] Accounting for space

2017-05-20 Thread Joe User
I have a 250GB drive that is nearly full but I can only account for half 
of the space. I totaled up each folder by getting the properties of the 
folders & adding up the used space. Any ideas how I can see what is 
going on? I'm stuck! Win7 Pro & not a SSD...

Re: [H] New Android Phone

2016-12-12 Thread Joe User
I too, was on the WP platform. Lumia 920 VZW. Loved it but just never 
had the apps I needed or wanted for other devices - Cameras, gadgets, 
etc. It's to bad because I really liked everything else.

So I went with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. this doesn't blow up or melt 
down. The Non-edge model is nice as well but the deal they offered me 
made sense to take the edge. I like it a lot. Nice to have app freedom. 
As for the edge, the main thing I like about it is the 'Apps Edge' it's 
a little tab that you can swing out & holds a bunch of different things 
from frequently used tasks, contacts, & apps (which I use the most). 
There are also things like a compass, news & sports things, etc. I 
hadn't been a fan of Samsung for years (their monitor class action 
really soured me - I was compensated but nothing like we should have 
been) but I couldn't deny the researching I had done on phones. I would 
have went for a more pure Google phone but with VZW or now, AT&T - it 
wasn't an option. This phone is water proof/resistant & durable. Has 64 
on board and u can expand it with a 128GB card (last I knew, could be 
more now). Updates always go well. No slow downs on videos, games, etc. 
I have no regrets with this phone. However, I am very cautious with 
apps. If it's not well reviewed by 1K+ reviewers & been out awhile - I 
look for something else. I bet there are a thousand apps that do the 
same thing one way or another. Coming from the WP it's like fresh air.

On 12/11/2016 12:22 PM, Winterlight wrote:

I have been a Windows Phone user for many years. I really liked the
interface, but unfortunately the lack of apps that I need compel me to
move on. 18 months ago my business needs forced me to use an Android
phone. So for the last year and a half I have been using  a Lumia 1520
for personal use, and a Motorolla G 2nd generation for business. Once my
Lumia was upgraded to Win10 a lot of things I needed stopped working

It is time to start using a single phone, and the apps I need are on
Android. I am looking to buy a new Android phone...something better then
the Motto G...something better designed, more modern, and will work well
with Win 10. I am not goint to get a contract and I don't need the
latest greatest.  I don't use any social media. I am never going to hack
the bios or do anything esoteric with my phone. My primary goal is
simplicity or use, and  productivity without frustration. I don't know
if there is any big differences outside of physical appearance between
Android manufacturers but I want one that is easy to use, and doesn't
catch on fire. Any suggestions or advice appreciated.

Re: [H] EFI-UEFI drive access

2016-10-31 Thread Joe User

Never mind - found it when I checked the forums!

On 10/31/2016 8:16 AM, Joe User wrote:

T - In option 2 you suggest using an 8 or 10 install disk.

This is a home brew thing right? Build the disc yourself?

On 10/29/2016 9:39 AM, Thane Sherrington wrote:

UEFI is a freaking mess.  Most recovery software won't work with UEFI.
Here are few things to try.  1)A WinPESE disk (or Win8PESE) from   2)Boot using a Windows 8 or 10 install
disk and do repairs from the recovery environment. 3)Easy RE


Re: [H] EFI-UEFI drive access

2016-10-31 Thread Joe User

T - In option 2 you suggest using an 8 or 10 install disk.

This is a home brew thing right? Build the disc yourself?

On 10/29/2016 9:39 AM, Thane Sherrington wrote:

UEFI is a freaking mess.  Most recovery software won't work with UEFI.
Here are few things to try.  1)A WinPESE disk (or Win8PESE) from   2)Boot using a Windows 8 or 10 install
disk and do repairs from the recovery environment. 3)Easy RE


Re: [H] EFI-UEFI drive access

2016-10-29 Thread Joe User

That's no lie Thane! Thank you, I appreciate this very much!

On 10/29/2016 9:39 AM, Thane Sherrington wrote:

UEFI is a freaking mess.  Most recovery software won't work with UEFI.
Here are few things to try.  1)A WinPESE disk (or Win8PESE) from   2)Boot using a Windows 8 or 10 install
disk and do repairs from the recovery environment. 3)Easy RE


Re: [H] EFI-UEFI drive access

2016-10-29 Thread Joe User

Thanks, is there a particular one you use?

On 10/28/2016 5:04 PM, Robert Martin Jr. wrote:

I just did one using a win8PE boot disc where I had to reset the admin password 
on a win8 system using uefi. None of my usual utilities (hiren's, etc) could 
access the drive. Booted the PE disc and was able to use recovery utilities on 
the drive  from there

Re: [H] EFI-UEFI drive access

2016-10-29 Thread Joe User
Yeah. I used to use a BartPE disc or just remove the drive & place it on 
another system... LOL - miss those days!

On 10/28/2016 2:59 PM, Tim Lider wrote:


Do you mean copying the data off or using the OS in another Computer?

As for copying data, I'm able to do it.  As for running it in another computer, 
I have done it in another UEFI system by turning off secure boot.


Tim Lider
Brown Belt Arnis de Mano

[H] EFI-UEFI drive access

2016-10-28 Thread Joe User
How is everyone managing to access Win 8 & 10 EFI/UEFI drives from 
outside the system? I have a All in One HP that is just stuck in a 
rebooting loop & the only recovery option that might actually work is a 
complete factory nuke & pave... I don't want to think about how to get 
inside this damn thing & yank the drive out!

Re: [H] Generalizing a Win10 installation

2016-10-09 Thread Joe User

I'd look around Settings - Updates & Security

On 10/9/2016 4:08 PM, Steve Tomporowski wrote:

I'm going to sell an HP DC7800 (compact) on Ebay.  I could always wipe
the drive, but I'd like to see it with the operating system intact.  Is
there some way to generalize/sysprep an existing Win10 installation?
I'd prefer to not have to wipe and reinstall.  For what I'll be able to
get for the box, it's not worth a lot of my time.


Re: [H] backup image

2016-08-26 Thread Joe User
Cloud services are not always a bad thing. Backing up on a server over 
the Net gives you another level of protection. If you keep a backup 
locally that's all well & good but in the case of a catastrophic event 
(like Tornado) that locally backup might be toast also. That's when 
online backup really shines. I sell & use online backups.

On 8/26/2016 1:45 PM, Winterlight wrote:

and market their Cloud subscriptions which I see as a hopeless endeavor.
They will only be able to sell the Cloud subscription for a while to
those who don't know better.

Re: [H] backup image

2016-08-26 Thread Joe User

I feel you - Felt like you read my mind...

If it ain't broke, ya know?

On 8/26/2016 12:17 PM, Winterlight wrote:

What is the collective using for backup imaging software these days? I
started out with Disk Image but when Norton/Symantec bought them and
screwed them up with their usual Nortification procedure (how many great
apps has Norton ruined) I switched to Acronis. I liked Acronis back in
version 4 through 8 and then of course it went down the yearly update
road to where now I don't like it very much at all. Why can't developers
see the advantage of keeping things clean and simple and stop trying to
be all things to all people.

So I am looking for something new, clean, and simple. Any recommendations?

[H] FFL?

2013-08-21 Thread Joe User
Any FFL this year? I'm interested & have more experience at it now. So I 
promise not to hog all the NY Jets on you guys, lol!

Sent from my Windows Phone

[H] WoW Cataclysm & my new game pc

2010-10-11 Thread Joe User

Does anyone know if there are going to be any major CPU changes in the
next 30 days or so? Just trying to figure the best time to buy...

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] WoW Cataclysm & my new game pc

2010-10-08 Thread Joe User
Hello Gary,

Indeed, I will probably go single gpu as I won't see much benefit in
WoW, as I would in getting the almost very best CPU, memory, and SSD.

Friday, October 8, 2010, 8:39:15 AM, you wrote:

> If you are considering dual GPUs for WOW, I would check the tech 
> support forums on Blizz first.  I have seen some people have problems with
> that setup, but since I am not using that I never really looked very 
> hard.  As I understand it, WoW is more CPU intensive then GPU.

> RegardsGray

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] WoW Cataclysm & my new game pc

2010-10-08 Thread Joe User
Hello Gary,

Great thanks, yeah.. no raid not enough of a performance boost to
warrant the cost (for gaming, IMO).

Friday, October 8, 2010, 8:35:30 AM, you wrote:

> Good Morning,

> At this point, I would say about 6 weeks ago.  I used an Asus Rampage II
> Extreme MB that a friend bought and decided not to use.  So he gave me a
> very good deal on it.  I initially planned to OC the system, and my 
> understanding was that it was a good MB for that.  I decided against the OC
> at the last minute as at 3.06 Ghz, I felt the cpu was fast enough for my
> needs and I always seem to have heat issues with my builds.  So far that
> hasn't been the case with this one...thankfully.
> I had asked about the SSDs as I thought possibly you were going for a
> RAID 1 with them, which as I understand it isn't a good idea, even with
> TRIM.  But I have no experience as of yet with them so I am not 100% 
> positive either.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] WoW Cataclysm & my new game pc

2010-10-08 Thread Joe User
Hello Scoobydo,

Thanks, this does help me, I will use a single monitor setup as my
Samsung 244T serves me and i have limited space at this time. I did
drool though as I read your email. My current card is a 4870 but I
plan to keep it in the system I will be upgrading. I have had some
issues with it but it served me well for the most part. I would like
to go back to nVidia tho.

Friday, October 8, 2010, 6:51:41 AM, you wrote:

> My take on the hardware reviews that I've read and the fact that I own a
> GTX 460 and an HD 5770 is that dual 5770's in a crossfire config are  
> currently the best bang for the buck if WOW has been given a profile by
> AMD's driver writers. You'd have to check that out and see. On the other
> hand, the GTX 460 is a superior architecture and the best bang for the
> buck in a single card config (not near as fast as 2 5770's though). The
> only problem you might run into with either setup is your resolution. If
> you want AMD's Eyefinity 3 monitor setup you're better off with a single
> HD 5870 and if you can afford such a game system you would probably be
> amazed by it. My 24" monitor recently took a crap on me just weeks out of
> warranty after 3 years and I bought an ASUS 21.5" 1080P that only uses 31
> watts when running. If I were to  get a 3 monitor setup I would like to
> burn as few trons as possible and such a monitor would be excellent for
> that purpose I believe. If you're running a single 30" monitor either card
> config discussed above would probably be adequate but not optimal. Hope
> that helps you..

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] WoW Cataclysm & my new game pc

2010-10-07 Thread Joe User
Hello Scoobydo,

It is. Not a fan of water cooling and not going to OC other
suggestions then? Would dual ATI be better for performance?

Thursday, October 7, 2010, 4:48:03 PM, you wrote:

> You never said what resolution your monitor is but I assume 1920X1200
> probably..

> AMD Phenom II X4 970 (3.5 GHz)
> Corsair H50 Water Cooler
> G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 1600 (4x4)
> Nvidia GTX460 1 Gig Video Card
> or AMD HD 5770 Crossfire setup
> OCZ Agility 2 SSD (Sandforce 1200 controller)
> Seasonic 500-600 Modular PSU

> Any questions?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] WoW Cataclysm & my new game pc

2010-10-07 Thread Joe User
Hello Gary,

Thanks for your reply, how long ago did you build this? What
motherboard did you use and why? I want to use 2 SSD's and use one for
the OS and the page/swap file and the other for the apps/games.

Thursday, October 7, 2010, 1:21:02 PM, you wrote:

> A couple of suggestions to look at...most of which I am using right now
> for what it is worth.

> I7 950 for the CPU, I decided not to overclock
> nVidia 460 I am using a single 480, but I have read good things on the 460s
> 6 gb DDr3
> I am currently using a HAF 932 for my case, good airflow, a bit noisier
> then I would like though.
> I am using a Noctua Dual 120mm Fans High Performance Cooler   it works
> well, but is HUGE.

> Out of curiosity, why 2 SSDs ?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] WoW Cataclysm & my new game pc

2010-10-07 Thread Joe User
Hello THG,

The time has come. On December 7, 2010 WoW Cataclysm will be
gloriously released to the masses. Now, I must construct a new game
system. The last few times I have built systems for myself, I have
found great advice here on the list and so I am here again.

While the requirements and suggestions have not been released to the
actual system specs, I already know what I need to do...

- One step down from the best CPU possible (AMD or Intel).
- Minimum 4GB RAM.
- One step down from best video card available (ATI or nVidia).
- SSD x 2 (Intel was best last I knew?).
- Motherboard to handle all this.
- Power supply that is appropriate.

I don't care about noise. I want the best bang for my buck.

I can handle the rest. Suggestions please?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Catalyst 10.8 has been released today..

2010-08-25 Thread Joe User
Hello Scoobydo,

Thank you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 2:18:06 PM, you wrote:

> Minor bug fixes and some small performance improvements. Yawn..

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] MS dot-NET

2010-08-08 Thread Joe User

You will be assimilated.

Sunday, August 8, 2010, 1:33:25 PM, Bobby wrote:

> The .Net libraries are kind of like the C libraries of old.  The libraries
> contain methods that the calling programs can use.

> Bobby

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Dell is awesome

2010-07-01 Thread Joe User
Hello THG,

I have said that for years.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Bad burner?

2010-06-27 Thread Joe User
Hello Winterlight,

and you have tried various discs? if so, then yeah.

Sunday, June 27, 2010, 5:39:31 PM, you wrote:

> I have a NEC RW ND 3540A that plays DVDs or anything else just fine 
> but when I try to burn something it won't recognize that there is a 
> blank DVD in the drive.
>   It does not matter what  burner program I am using, I have tried 3. 
> I have a dual boot machine 64 bit Win7/Vista and the same problem 
> exists in both OS's which rules out a setting or some other software problem.

> Anybody have any ideas... or is it time for a replacement?
> thanks

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Happy Father's Day

2010-06-20 Thread Joe User
Hello Fellow Dad's,

Enjoy the day.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Tracking computer usage

2010-06-17 Thread Joe User
Hello Thane,

Oh spectrosoft would probably do that. It's a spy-on-you program.
Whatever you get you will have to watch the security software!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 10:24:18 AM, you wrote:

> I'm looking for a program that will track what program was the active 
> window for how long during the day and generate a report with something like:

> Word - Document Name - 9:01AM - 9:45AM
> Firefox - Page Name - 9:45 - 10:18
> etc.

> Anyone know of anything that will do something like that?

> T

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Cleaning and purging clutter in XP

2010-05-27 Thread Joe User
Hello Thane,

Thursday, May 27, 2010, 9:31:55 AM, you wrote:

> For the heck of it, I did some testing with boot times on computers
> before and after MyDefrag (run 6 month script.)

> Older machine 1 (XP):
> Boot time (from pressing power button until My Computer opens)
> Before MyDefrag: 49 seconds
> After MyDefrag: 32 seconds - 34% improvement

> Older machine 2 (Vista):
> Before MyDefrag: 1:49
> After MyDefrag: 1:17 - 29% improvement

> Brand new machine (XP):
> Before MyDefrag: 1:10
> After MyDefrag: 1:09

> So I'm changing my original stance on defragging.  With MyDefrag (I'm 
> not supporting any other defragger, since I have never seen 
> improvements with those) on an older machine, it's well worth running 
> MyDefrag at least once every few months to improve overall speed.  On 
> a brand new machine, it's probably not worth the effort.  I can't say 
> how often one would need to do a defrag, but I have a hard time 
> imagining more than once every 3 months, and probably no more than 
> once every 6 months.

> T 

Different BIOS/CMOS will vary the time also. Regardless, your point is
made. I would add that I defrag about once a year. Defragging varies
on the computer use and the use of the computer. ;)

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] AV disabling question

2010-05-26 Thread Joe User
Hello Thane,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 9:01:39 AM, you wrote:

>>Might want to try to value add to that.  bump the price to $75 and 
>>you install a free antivirus and zonealarm free, Foxit, 7zip, vlc 
>>media player, etc.

I would advise against installing any security solutions. I try not to
even offer suggestions. At the end of the day, if you said to use it or
installed it, when it fails... it's YOU that failed. Let them deal
with that or if you must then make sure you qualify that no security
solution is perfect.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] AV disabling question

2010-05-26 Thread Joe User
Hello Thane,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 9:00:01 AM, you wrote:

> Yeah, I think I'm way under priced.  I actually had a machine in two
> weeks ago that had been to another small shop, then Staples (both of 
> whom had "cleaned" the computer of infections.)  IE still didn't 
> work.  I removed another 57 infections.  Fixed the IE issues 
> (hijacked DNS and fake proxy) and had them working.  Clearly I need 
> to charge more.

People get what they pay for, if they call me and say 'so and so' will
do it for less, I say to them, fine, I will do what 'so and so' does
for the same price and then do a 'so and so' level job and recover it.

So don't just raise your price - just offer more options to keep up
with the scrubs and yet offer that know-how that we have to the people that
understand how to spend money.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] AV disabling question

2010-05-26 Thread Joe User
Hello Thane,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 6:36:20 AM, you wrote:

> BTW, on a seperate topic, what do the guys on the list who charge for
> disinfecting computers charge these days to disinfect a machine, and 
> about how long is taking you?  I'm charging $47 and it takes about 24 hours.

I use a clean system to scan infected systems. "Yank drive" and go.

Takes me about 3 days to a week in real time. Actual time in front of
the system is around 3 hours. Depends on HDD speed, amount of data and
type of data (lots of archives suck). Charge no less then 100.

Check out others around you. Geek Squad charges around 200, IIRC.
My local ISP sends out tech support drones for 120. Not nearly as
thorough - sounds like they are 'recovery disk wizards' mainly.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Mouses or Mice

2010-05-19 Thread Joe User
Hello Christopher,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 10:48:24 AM, you wrote:

> I use gold plated fibre wireless monster tranceivers I splice onto my 
> mouse using a lead free solder with vacuum tube circuits. =)


> The only problem I've found with wireless mice and gaming is when the 
> power gets low you start to lose signal and sensitivity.  Change batteries
> and you're good to go.

Yeah, nothing sucks worse then a tank or a healer (or w/e game partner
you have guarding your ass) saying "oh shit I lost my mouse /
keyboard" just before you die / wipe.

> That said, I hate changing batteries, so I use a corded mouse.

Yeah, wired cheaper and you don't have to buy batteries. Now on the
iMac we use wireless for the 'cool' factor and then I use lithium to
get my money's worth.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Mouses or Mice

2010-05-18 Thread Joe User
Hello Steve,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 3:16:17 PM, you wrote:

> I've always used corded mice (mouses).  The times I've tried cordless 
> mice, I've found them heavy, slow, awkward and the rechargeable battery
> dies to quick.  Maybe it was cheap mice.  I need a new mouse, since 
> Logitech apparently is not going to develop drivers for the MX500 series
> (MX518 to be specific) for Win7.  Will cordless go for gaming?

> ThanksSteve

Depends on who you ask but I use corded for gaming.
Reason? Nothing is faster then copper.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Vipre Antivirus

2010-05-16 Thread Joe User
Hello Zulfiqar,

Sunday, May 16, 2010, 4:25:26 AM, you wrote:

> Anyone used this and how good is it?

> Need to get a new antivirus for my computer @ home.

I would use NOD32 or Vipre as a not free solution.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Open question?

2010-05-13 Thread Joe User
Hello DSinc,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 6:24:52 PM, you wrote:

> Is it fair for me to NOW believe that the majority of this LIST is now
> actively using WIFI for their internal home LANs?

Hell no, 10/100 here. Use wireless as needed. Turned on and off.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Win2K, MBAM, & HDD flag

2010-04-28 Thread Joe User

Does anyone know where Win2K Pro SP4 UR1 flags a drive for a scan? Not
sure that's what I need but it's a start. Did a MBAM scan and it
needed to reboot to remove the infection it found. Now it's BSOD'ing
on start up in regular or safe mode. I need to clear this so I can log
back on. Google isn't helping me, yet.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Video card suggestions please

2010-04-06 Thread Joe User
Hello Stan,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 7:31:54 PM, you wrote:

> Sounds like you have a more than adequate video card right now so why 
> upgrade? You want an Nvidia solution then go with the 480 which is 
> overkill in every way possible (heat, energy, noise etc.). AMD is a 
> different matter entirely and Nvidia can claim fastest video card on the
> planet but it will take another die shrink to become competitive with 
> Ati. Look for the 3rd or 4th quarter and Nvidia will have something 
> worth your hard earned money. Of course, AMD will be coming out with new
> hardware by then as well. Poor Nvidia just can't seem to catch a break
> by spreading themselves too thinly with all their other projects..

Hello James,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 11:47:45 AM, you wrote:

> Your 4870 is still pretty capable, to get something that
> meaningfully outperforms it you're looking at a radeon 5850/5870, or an 
> Nvidia GTX470/480

Thanks guys. I think I will sit tight another year or two. My reason
for upgrading was that STO lags a bit for me in ground missions and I
cannot run the game video at full - one step below is fine though. I
can deal with it. I'll check again at the end of the year. Appreciate
your time. 

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Video card suggestions please

2010-04-06 Thread Joe User
Hello THG,

A few years ago, with the help of some of you, I put together a game
system which has served me well. I don't want to lay out for a new
system this year, maybe in another year or so. I mainly play WoW and
STO. However, I do play some Steam games, FPS, RTS, etc. I thought, I
would purchase a new video card to boost performance - as the rest of
the system seems to be serving me well. Here's what I have:

WinXP Pro SP3 32 bit
Intel E6850 (3 GHz)
4GB memory (I know XP limit)
(3) WD 740 Raptors
Gigabyte Intel P35 Chipset (P35-DS3P)
Samsung 244T

MSI ATI 1GB 4870

What would be a good card to go with for upgrade - strongly prefer a
nVidia solution this time...

I understand WoW is CPU limited but I think STO (my current addiction)
could use a better card but the rest of my specs are good. (?)

All advice is welcomed.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] XP validation

2010-03-20 Thread Joe User
Hello Winterlight,

Saturday, March 20, 2010, 3:23:21 AM, you wrote:

> What I would like to do is wipe the drive and start over, but if I do
> that what will happen with the validation will I be able to 
> validate on line again? Thanks. 

Yup, and if not - call in and tellem ya had to wipe it again.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] WARNING! NVIDIA 196.75 drivers can kill your graphics card

2010-03-05 Thread Joe User
Hello Tim,

Friday, March 5, 2010, 3:53:06 PM, you wrote:

> Wow! I have not seen a bad driver like this come from nVidia in a long time.
> Looks like ATI is not the only one plagued with video driver issues.

I still will not buy ATI, at least for a very long time.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Power Issues

2010-02-14 Thread Joe User
Hello Gary,

Sunday, February 14, 2010, 10:07:48 AM, you wrote:

> Hi,

> I have a color laser printer (Brother HL-4040CDN) and an APC
> BACK_UPS ES 350 plugged into the same power outlet. A PC is hung off

This is the problem, RTFM.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] HP/Compaq drive tatoo?

2010-01-30 Thread Joe User
Hello maccrawj,

Friday, January 29, 2010, 3:32:48 PM, you wrote:

> Do you get the same error if you disconnect the HDD data cable?

no, it new the drive was disconnected. I have now sent the drive back
to the vendor. I had 1 day left on the 30 day return policy.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] HP/Compaq drive tatoo?

2010-01-29 Thread Joe User
Hello Harry,

Thursday, January 28, 2010, 9:22:00 PM, you wrote:

> Boot up something like dban and do a quick wipe of the drive, even the
> first little bit of the drive should be enough.

> The machine is really trying to boot the hard drive, and is having issues.

dban is not working either. finished with non fatal errors and it
doesn't appear to have done anything. somethings seriously wrong here.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] HP/Compaq drive tatoo?

2010-01-28 Thread Joe User
Hello HWG,

I have a compaq in with a Hitachi deathstar drive issue.  I ordered a
WD green series 500gb 32mb 7200 sata drive to replace the failed
drive. The customer ordered the vista recovery cd's since the recovery
partition was shot. When I first put the discs in it worked great and
was leading me thru the recovery process. However, the choice I made
was not what I wanted so I backed out and it dropped me out to reboot.

Since then I have not been able to get into the recovery discs, I am
booting from them but it gives me a "non-system disk or disk error".

The discs read fine from 2 other DVD drives and I have swapped out
their compaq DVD drive with a another yet the problem continues. So,
next step was to test the drive (new one) and sure enough it comes
back with SMART errors in the read test. So I goto WD web site and DL
their diagnostic iso and try to get the system to boot off of it. It
gives me an error that it can't find some file on the CD - that is
actually there. So I download a new copy and burn another - same
thing. I replaced the DVD drive again and the problem continues.

So... This is weird. One thing I tried was a XP disc, and I did a
fixmbr, diskpart, and format (which took awhile) but all that worked
fine. Yet, everything else...


 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] memtest86+: How long?

2010-01-18 Thread Joe User
Hello Anthony,

Friday, January 15, 2010, 10:40:13 PM, you wrote:

> further errors.  Now, after 8.5+ hours of memtest, I think this is ram
> should be blessed as ok.

> Right?

I let it run for a day minimum, but if there is a transient issue...

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Using USB cable extenders with microphones?

2010-01-18 Thread Joe User
Hello Brian,

Friday, January 15, 2010, 2:58:45 PM, you wrote:

> Just a quick question - does anyone have experience using a USB extension
> cable with a USB microphone?  We've got a nice Blue Snowball mic that we
> want to place in the middle of a room while the computer it is hooked to is
> about 15 feet away, and the mic's USB cable is only about 6 feet long.

No but I have used ext cables for other things without issue just
can't make them too long. If anything the longer the distance the more
likely for an issue to develop.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] New Video Card survey

2010-01-14 Thread Joe User
Hello Anthony,

Thursday, January 14, 2010, 5:09:07 PM, you wrote:

> It's called obsession, my friend!

That answers that!

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] New Video Card survey

2010-01-14 Thread Joe User
Hello Anthony,

Thursday, January 14, 2010, 2:15:22 PM, you wrote:

> I think I'm going to install a gameso I can say I'm not going for 
> bragging rights trying to get my WEI graphic scores above 7. :)

Ok seriously... what's up with WEI. I see all this talk about it, it
cannot be that good of a benchmark.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] New Video Card survey

2010-01-14 Thread Joe User
Hello Stan,

Thursday, January 14, 2010, 2:07:22 PM, you wrote:

> I'm really enjoying my 5770. Acording to my Kill A Watt the idle power
> went from 150 to 115 and loaded 235 to 205. Pretty good drop and a lot
> faster to boot.

Well done.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] New Video Card survey

2010-01-14 Thread Joe User
Hello Stan,

Thursday, January 14, 2010, 2:29:22 PM, you wrote:

> If I might
> make a suggestion, why not try out a first person online shooter called
> Left4Dead II. It's a lot of fun playing with people especially with a 
> mic so you can talk with each other.


 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Event log question

2010-01-14 Thread Joe User
Hello Thane,

Thursday, January 14, 2010, 2:00:51 PM, you wrote:

> I have a computer with a largely hosed install of XP on it.  I can 
> see the event log, but if I double click on an entry, the additional 
> information that normally comes up doesn't (nothing happens at 
> all.)  Is there a way to get additional information based on the event number?

Sure but if that's the case try exporting the logs out, they may be
fried though. Just google the eventid or use (hey)

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Free new years gift for HWG!

2010-01-13 Thread Joe User
Hello Zulfiqar,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 4:16:56 AM, you wrote:

> Windows native deragger is pretty bad.

How so? 'Cuz I've been doing fine for years here.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Free new years gift for HWG!

2010-01-12 Thread Joe User
Hello Thane,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 12:23:28 PM, you wrote:

> At 12:54 PM 1/12/2010, Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
>>You guys still run defraggers?

> That's what I was thinking. I've never been able to show an 
> improvement in speed with a defragger in years.  I did some tests 
> about five years ago and after repeatedly failing to get any better 
> than a 5% improvement, I stopped bothering.

I defrag with windows native once - maybe twice a year.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] SSD Tweaks

2010-01-08 Thread Joe User
Hello Anthony,

Friday, January 8, 2010, 4:19:01 AM, you wrote:

> This site recommends turning off indexing on an SSD. Anyone tried it?


> There is also a tweak there for Firefox.

I turn off indexing with any drives and any OS, XP and after.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Weird PC problem.

2010-01-06 Thread Joe User
Hello Bobby,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 9:06:41 PM, you wrote:

> Anyway, when booting up and it is showing the XP loading screen, the screen
> starts blinking on and off.  She says that it might stay off 2-3 seconds at
> a go.  Even after logging in, when moving the mouse, it causes the screen to
> blink off.  She says that it does not blink on and off when she goes into
> safe mode.

> So, could it be some sort of infection?  Maybe the PS or video card?  She
> replaced the monitor and it still does the same thing.  Or maybe a driver
> issue of some sort since it works in safe mode?

I doubt that's an infection nor a result of a password bypass unless
it wasn't obtained from a credible source.

I would think this is a driver issue esp where everything is fine in
safe mode. Have you tried having them reload the drivers for the video
card? See if there are any gamma tweaks going on also. Report

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Windows 7 Firewall

2010-01-05 Thread Joe User
Hello Scott,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 11:58:07 AM, you wrote:

> In recent years I've pretty much stopped using any 3rd party
> security software. Builtin firewall. No spyware software (I'll
> install programs temporarily to do a scan and make sure I'm clean --
> last time I used Malwarebytes I think). No antivirus -- but then
> I've never really run my personal computer with antivirus software.
> Just keep the system patched, etc.

> Work computers--yes to spyware/virus software, personal no.

> What's the consensus, am I playing with fire? :p

> Scott

I haven't used anti-virus, anti-spyware, or third party firewalls for
a number of years now. I don't even patch unless I am effected
directly with the issue. I do my service packs though. Been fine for
years. What's my secret? I will not use Microsoft for email or web and
I am behind a router.

I know people say 'omg you don't do what you are supposed to - run this
security suite and patch everyday or you will get viruses'. Guess
what. I'm clean and doing fine. Can everyone run like this? Maybe not
but I am sure the more savvy users here can. Have to use your heads.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Free new years gift for HWG!/Aspire Revo

2010-01-03 Thread Joe User
Hello Steve,

Saturday, January 2, 2010, 6:30:14 PM, you wrote:

> You must have missed this link:


> In short, you have a tiny noiseless PC that has HDMI out and can run at
> least 720p and most of the time 1080p because of the ION chip.

Ok , I want to make one of these... thats really, pretty kewl. Anyone
bought one? Where at? Any other info not found on the site to share?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] bios display tool?

2009-12-30 Thread Joe User
Hello Bryan,

Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 1:57:06 PM, you wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 02:33:14PM -0500, DSinc wrote:
>> Is there a current, easy, tool that I can use to display and print a 
>> machine's bios settings from the OS desktop?
>> I suspect that there are two images; the default, and the set that I 
>> have made changes to - my current settings.

This might make people laugh but I just use a camera.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Social networking sites proxy servers

2009-12-30 Thread Joe User

I posed this question a couple weeks ago on another list with out much
result. Just like Thane is looking for known infectious sites to go
to, which I don't know except to search for pr0n and free games /
wares / etc. I need a list of *known* proxy servers that get around
domain blocks for sites like facebook, myspace, and other productivity
killing places on the web. I know that's pretty broad but I mainly
want to block the popular social networking sites and anything else
that is not good for business is fine also. Anyone know of a place
that has this kind of info that I can stay up to date? Thanks.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Electricity scam?

2009-12-25 Thread Joe User
Fuel for the fire...

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Network Cat 6 cable recco

2009-12-21 Thread Joe User
Hello John,

Sunday, December 20, 2009, 11:28:38 PM, you wrote:

> Does this mean you are leaving us?  Please say it ain't so...  :)

Yeah, sorry - you ain't that lucky :P

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Network Cat 6 cable recco

2009-12-20 Thread Joe User
Ok, thanks everyone.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Network Cat 6 cable recco

2009-12-20 Thread Joe User

Anyone suggest a good brand of cable for in wall network runs of cat
6? They will be terminated and wall plates/jacks put in and then we
will use patch cable from there to the device. I understand solid core
is the way to go for the in wall runs, 24 AWG is the best?

Posting one final time.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Potentially dumb networking question

2009-12-20 Thread Joe User
Just a side mote: note all networking devices use an uplink port or
the last or first port with an activation button for that port
anymore, most of the new stuff just auto senses and automagically
configures for crossover.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Win2K/XP to Vista/Win7

2009-12-19 Thread Joe User
Hello Gary,

Saturday, December 19, 2009, 4:18:36 PM, you wrote:

> Pretty much

Super, so all these dirs I am trying to look at (usually faded out in
Explorer - which used to mean 'hidden' attrib was on [2K/XP]) are now
junctions to the real dir located elsewhere. In this particular case.

Ok, so being stuck in a 2K/XP world as I am... If I want to clean up
Vista/Win7 I do the users appdata temp dir, prefetch, windows temp,
and what else (aside from searching for *.tmp) ?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Win2K/XP to Vista/Win7

2009-12-19 Thread Joe User
Hello Gary,

Saturday, December 19, 2009, 3:29:39 PM, you wrote:

> Look under Users\username\AppData\Temp

So everything like that is stored under that dir now?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Win2K/XP to Vista/Win7

2009-12-19 Thread Joe User
Hello Winterlight,

Saturday, December 19, 2009, 2:55:20 PM, you wrote:

> yeah, just bring up a command window. It will tell you that it has
> completed successfully. then go into users and the administrator 
> account will be there... give it a password. when you reboot you will 
> have a choice of administrator or user.

Well that's good info to know but not exactly my issue. Let me explain
in more detail.
I take a vista/win7 drive out of another machine and put it into my
2K/XP system and use that 2K/XP system to backup the drive. I like to
clean out the rubbish first so while I have the Vista/Win7 drive in my
2K/XP system I like to access the Vista/Win7 disk and clean it up. I
can't seem to access some of the files like I could in any other OS
before Vista. Some examples are users\cookies or users\local settings.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Win2K/XP to Vista/Win7

2009-12-19 Thread Joe User
Hello Jamie,

Saturday, December 19, 2009, 2:10:46 PM, you wrote:

> A lot of these folders are NTFS junctions, which Explorer doesn't  
> support very well. If you look at the folder in a command prompt  
> you'll see the type is  instead of . The folders have  
> been moved under the AppData folder in Vista and the junctions support
> older apps that don't know they have moved.

Ok, so I used to go in and del all the temp files, cookies, inet
explorer caches, etc, etc before I would backup a drive (to decrease
the size). How do I go about removing all this stuff on a vista/win7
HDD I have placed into and booted up in my Win2K/XP machine?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Win2K/XP to Vista/Win7

2009-12-19 Thread Joe User
Hello Winterlight,

Saturday, December 19, 2009, 1:35:48 PM, you wrote:

> Log in as THE administrator... not a user with administrator 
> privileges. The first thing I do with Win 7 or Vista is to create the 
> administrator account

> from the Command line = et user administrator /active:yes

> and then use THE administrator account as my account so I do not run 
> into these problems.

That's while you are booted into Vista or Win7?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Win2K/XP to Vista/Win7

2009-12-19 Thread Joe User

I'm stumped on this; when I try to view the contents of the users dir
in Vista (assume win7 also) such as local settings or cookies from 2K
or XP I get blah blah is not accessible. The folder was moved or
removed. Well it's not - it is there. So I set myself up with
permissions using the administrator account and give myself full
control. Yet, I cannot view these dirs. So I take ownership - same
thing. Can't view the files.

How can I view these Vista files in the users dir from Win2K or XP?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] Network Cat 6 cable recco

2009-12-19 Thread Joe User

Anyone suggest a good brand of cable for in wall network runs of cat
6? They will be terminated and wall plates/jacks put in and then we
will use patch cable from there to the device. I understand solid core
is the way to go for the in wall runs, 24 AWG is the best?

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] Catalyst 9.12 released..

2009-12-17 Thread Joe User
Hello Stan,

Thursday, December 17, 2009, 7:46:40 PM, you wrote:

> Get em while they're hot for your ATI video cards you Zombie killing 
> mofo's. Happy Holidays!

So far so good with WoW on my 4870

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] BSOD puzzle...

2009-12-17 Thread Joe User
Hello Stan,

Thursday, December 17, 2009, 7:07:17 PM, you wrote:

> Clean installs are such a pain and the system is never the same but 
> backups never work for me and that's just the way it goes sometimes. If
> I get 6-8 months use I'm happy. Happy Holidays Joe!

To you also, I'll probably just move the system to WinXP now.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] BSOD puzzle...

2009-12-17 Thread Joe User
Hello Stan,

Thursday, December 17, 2009, 6:34:14 PM, you wrote:

> No expert here, but I'd do a chkdsk /r and a repair install if that 
> didn't work and a clean install as a last resort if the hardware has 
> been eliminated as the source of the problem.

Yeah I had done a chkdsk a week earlier and then a defrag. Well, I
appreciate your reply, I am glad I am as stumped as everyone else.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

Re: [H] BSOD puzzle...

2009-12-16 Thread Joe User
One more thing: It will continue to boot to the KMODE BSOD until I
boot into safe mode get the system_licence_violation bsod and then
boot to regular windows. So safe mode is somehow clearing this issue.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

[H] BSOD puzzle...

2009-12-16 Thread Joe User
Hello Hardware,

Ok, here's a good one. Win2K Pro SP4A&Hotfixes. This system basically
just used to access other drives via hdd swappable cart / rack or sata
drive dock via USB. Other then that does nothing. Used to recover
files from other drives, virus scan other dives, and hold data.

name to indicate what driver or w/e is the issue. I searches the
parameters and find nothing on google (my specific error parameters).

I boot into safe mode it BSOD's with a system_licence_violation
(really weird) and then boots up fine in regular mode. This has
happened twice. I changed out memory. Didn't seem to fix it. Mainboard
looks ok from visual examination. Don't think this is hardware
because once the system is up, it's stays up for days.

It's not an emergency cuz the work around is to boot to regular mode,
then safe mode and then it should boot in regular mode but it's weird.

Thought I'd run it by you guys...

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

" these points of data make a beautiful line..."

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