Re: [Mailman-Users] All my lists quit working!

2015-01-14 Thread Larry Stone

On Jan 13, 2015, at 4:21 PM, Jan Steinman  wrote:

> Thanks for your suggestions and help!
>> From: Larry Stone 
>> Log entries please.
> It never gets as far as Mailman. No log info occurs in mailman/error or 
> mailman/qrunner.
> This is what shows up in mail.log:
> Jan 13 18:04:16 dns postfix/smtpd[49973]: connect from unknown[]
> Jan 13 18:04:16 dns postfix/smtpd[49973]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
> unknown[]: 550 5.1.1 : Recipient address 
> rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table; from= 
> to= proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>
> Jan 13 18:04:16 dns postfix/smtpd[49973]: disconnect from unknown[]
>>> /etc/postfix/ contains the following lines:
>>> virtual_alias_maps = 
>>> hash:/etc/postfix/virtual,hash:/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman,hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_users
>>> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/var/mailman/data/aliases

Now we’re getting somewhere. Postfix thinks is a virtual 
address and is trying to look it up in the virtual alias table but your Mailman 
aliases (per your original post) are in alias_maps which is only used for local 
(not virtual) addresses. I’ve never used virtual addresses in Postfix but I’d 
suggest looking at for 
information on using Mailman with Postfix virtual domains.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] All my lists quit working!

2015-01-08 Thread Larry Stone

On Jan 8, 2015, at 7:49 AM, Jan Steinman  wrote:

> First, the bad news: Mac OS X 10.6.8. Yea, I've read Mark's dire warning. 
> Please don't shoot me. I'm hoping this is a generic sort of problem.

OS X Server? or OS X (client)?

> When I send a message to ANY of the dozen or so lists I host, my MTA 
> immediately says it doesn't know the addressee.

Log entries please.

> /etc/postfix/ contains the following lines:
>   virtual_alias_maps = 
> hash:/etc/postfix/virtual,hash:/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman,hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_users
>   alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/var/mailman/data/aliases
Please provide your postconf -n . That will show how postfix is actually 
configured, not how you think it is configured by providing just a few lines 
out of 

> The file "/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman" is empty.
> The file "/var/mailman/data/aliases" has all my lists in it.
> The corresponding ".db" files for those two have the same timestamp as their 
> corresponding text files.
> Here is an example of what is in the "aliases" file:
>   # STANZA START: beaders
>   # CREATED: Wed Jan  7 13:06:39 2015
>   beaders: "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman post beaders"
>   beaders-admin:   "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman admin beaders"
>   beaders-bounces: "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman bounces beaders"
>   beaders-confirm: "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman confirm beaders"
>   beaders-join:"|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman join beaders"
>   beaders-leave:   "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman leave beaders"
>   beaders-owner:   "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman owner beaders"
>   beaders-request: "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman request beaders"
>   beaders-subscribe:   "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe 
> beaders"
>   beaders-unsubscribe: "|/usr/share/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe 
> beaders"
>   # STANZA END: beaders
> I run "dumpdb aliases.db" and get:
>   [- start marshal file -] Traceback (most recent call last): 
> File "/usr/share/mailman/bin/dumpdb", line 156, in  msg = main()
> File "/usr/share/mailman/bin/dumpdb", line 136, in main obj = load(fp) 
> ValueError: bad marshal data 

Mailman’s dumpdb is for Python databases. aliases.db is not a Python database.

> Does this mean that "dumpdb" is bad, or does it mean that "aliases.db" is 
> bad, or neither

It means dumpdb is the wrong tool for dumping aliases.db.

> Any help (despite my using an unsupported version) appreciated!

Show log entries and postconf -n as requested above as it looks correct at 
first glance. Also, check your to see if there are any overrides (-o) 
on your smtpd entry.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re-formatting messages

2014-07-17 Thread Larry Stone

On Thu, 17 Jul 2014, Peter Brooks wrote:

I'm using a mailing list for a very specific application. All the
e-mails arrive in a standard - but unfriendly format.

How do I reformat them? If I could filter the messages through a unix
script, that'd do the job perfectly. Is there a way to get mailman to
pass e-mails through a script before sending them?

I'd say you're thinking about this the wrong way. I'd make sure they're 
formatted correctly before Mailman ever sees them. Instead of having your 
MTA deliver them to Mailman, change the alias to deliver them to a script 
to reformat them, then have the script send them to Mailman.

To complicate matters a little bit, I'm using a hosted machine, so I
have to do everything through CPANEL.

As Mark replied as I was writing, this is a problem.

If this isn't possible, my next option would be to send the messages
to a machine I do have control over - so, if there's a way to do this
that needs root access then I'd like to know that too, because that's
plan C.

See above - I think plan C is the way to go.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Can Someone Explain This?

2014-05-09 Thread Larry Stone

On May 9, 2014, at 2:08 AM, sherwin  wrote:

> I am recently having trouble posting messages to Ibiblio from my
> AT&T mail account.  There have been issues lately with AOL and
> Yahoo changing their headers, but I was not affected by this.
> My email postings to Ibiblio are being rejected with the following error:


> : Command died with status 2:
>"/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post midfex". Command output: Group mismatch
>error.  Mailman expected the mail wrapper script to be executed as group
>"mailman", but the system's mail server executed the mail script as group
>"nobody".  Try tweaking the mail server to run the script as group
>"mailman", or re-run configure,  providing the command line option
> How can this be fixed?

I assume you are just a user of a list at If so, you can’t fix it. has Mailman installed incorrectly. They need to install it 
correctly. This problem affects all lists managed by this Mailman installation 
so I assume you have also not been receiving any postings from this list.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] 2.1.18 internal documentation suggestions

2014-04-30 Thread Larry Stone
On Apr 30, 2014, at 9:57 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull  wrote:

> May as well rewrite the doc ... here goes:
>from_alignment:  Try to ensure that From is not "misaligned" with
>the author's domain, to conform with protocols like DMARC.
>[FIXME: I don't see how to avoid the double negative.  Help?!]

Seems to me saying “Try to ensure that 'From:' is “aligned” with …” does it. 
I’d prefer to put the header field name in quotes or otherwise distinguish it. 
Otherwise, it can be difficult to parse - is “from” the header or a preposition.

But, I don’t like “author’s domain”. Who or what is the author? Why not just 
say “the Mailman server’s domain” since that’s what it’s going to be aligned 

>'no': Do nothing special.  This is appropriate for anonymous lists.
>It is appropriate for dedicated announcement lists, unless the
>"From" address is not within the Mailman host's domain.  [FIXME:
>Maybe None is a better value here.  Of course that's not backward
>compatible, but with the name change it would be possible to check
>the old from_is_list.]

None is better. No would only be appropriate if ‘yes’ was the other option. But 
backwards compatibility is important too (even if it’s not to most large 
computer companies :-( ).

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Emails from yahoo members, are getting rejected by yahoo, "Service Unavailable".

2014-04-14 Thread Larry Stone

On Apr 14, 2014, at 5:51 PM, Jim Popovitch  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Lindsay Haisley  wrote:
>> So what is being said here?
> When a yahoo poster sends an email to your list, that email is
> reflected to the rest of the other subscribers.  Those other
> subscribers may or may not check yahoo's dmarc policy before accepting
> your list email.  If they do reject your list message, then that
> equals 1 mailman bounce.  After a few posts from yahoo members, the
> bounce scores increase and the other subscribers are unsubscribed.

I think most of us are clear on that point. Where I’m confused (and I’m 
thinking that’s what Lindsay is asking about) is where you said

> Yes!  (maybe start reading threads from the bottom up?)   :-)

in response to

> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Joe Sniderman
>  wrote:
>> On 04/13/2014 06:03 PM, Jim Popovitch wrote:
>>> On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Joseph Brennan
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Jim Popovitch  wrote:
>>>>> DMARC works off of SPF as well.
>>>> Not really.
>>> DMARC checks alignment of *both* DKIM and SPF, if either is broken
>>> DMARC fails.
>> Nooo...If either one passes, DMARC passes.
>>>> SPF does not check the "From:" header line, and that's where the
>>>> troubles begin with DMARC.
>>> SPF checks sending IPs (of which your IPs won't match Yahoo's, thus
>>> breaking DMARC)
>>> Either an SPF failure or a DKIM failure will cause a DMARC rejection
>>> if p=reject.
>> Even if that were the case, which it is not, SPF should pass - since
>> typically the list is the envelope sender.

To what are you saying “Yes”? With what are you agreeing?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman on OS X, launchctl

2014-03-02 Thread Larry Stone

On Mar 2, 2014, at 6:07 PM, Jim Wright  wrote:

> I've been lurking on this list for a few years now, and have been running 
> Mailman 2.1.14 for a few years here.  I have no idea what install tips I may 
> have followed originally, but Mailman is generally working fine.  The issue 
> I'm running into is that Mailman needs to be restarted periodically, usually 
> where I notice this is that at the beginning of the month Mailman doesn't 
> send out it's usual monthly reminder.  I only have 1 very low volume mailing 
> list, so this is usually the first clue that it has stopped.
> I have several LaunchDaemons set up to perform various functions at various 
> intervals, but like I said I'm not sure what steps I originally followed when 
> setting this up, if I created these from scratch, etc.  So, basically, I'm 
> looking for help from any other OS X users that might have a working set of 
> launchctl files that I could leverage, I'm currently running OS X 10.7.5 
> (non-Server) on the mail server.

I think the real question you have to answer is why it needs to be restarted. I 
run Mailman on OS X (client) but am on the current Mavericks (10.9.2). My 
launchctl plist merely starts Mailman at boot (mailmanctl -s start) and exits 
(RunAtLoad true). It does not monitor and restart it and I do not have a 
problem with Mailman dying on me (but if it does, I have an hourly cron job 
that checks to make sure what should be running (more than just Mailman) is 
running. Rarely does it catch something). 

Unfortunately, as I understand it (I am not a launchd expert), launchd expects 
any program it starts to keep running. Programs that are started with a command 
that starts the daemon and then exit (such as Mailman’s mailmanctl command) do 
not fit the launchd model. In a normal launchd environment where it’s told to 
keep a program running with KeepAlive, it would see mailmanctl exit and restart 
it - obviously not what we want with Mailman. Since the command it is running 
is mailmanctl, it has not idea of what other processes start as a result so has 
no way to monitor them.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Newsletter Blast sending duplicates to subscribers

2014-01-08 Thread Larry Stone

On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:03 AM, Doug Hutson  wrote:

> We've been using mailman for quite a long time now, and suddenly the last 
> newsletter we sent out sent duplicates to random users as far as I can tell.
> All the people that have e-mailed us about this issue were specifically yahoo 
> addresses.  Reports of 4-50 duplicates per user were sent to them.  We only 
> have one list of users we send users to, and this is the first time this has 
> ever happened.
> So, my question specifically... does anybody have advice in what I should 
> look for as to why this happened?

I would start with looking at the logs of your mail server. You want to figure 
out where the duplication is occurring. Was it sent to Yahoo more than once? Or 
was it accepted by Yahoo just once? If the latter, the duplication is happening 
at Yahoo and it is not your problem to solve.

You didn’t say what mail server is being used but SMTP is designed not to lose 
mail. Therefore, a duplicate is preferable to losing mail. If the receiving 
SMTP server receives the mail but does not tell the sending server it has it 
(sending server sends “end of message” but receiving server does not 
acknowledge), then the sending server assumes something went wrong and tries to 
send it again.

My guess would be it’s either happening between your outgoing SMTP server and 
Yahoo (or the next server if you’re relaying through another server) or 
internally in Yahoo. It’s very unlikely, particularly since you say it only 
happens with Yahoo, that it’s a problem in Mailman. Rather, it’s happening 
after Mailman is done with the message so is not a Mailman problem per se.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] attachment size?

2013-12-10 Thread Larry Stone

On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Glen Page wrote:

Where do I control how large of an attachment a particular list will accept?

I have a list member that needs to send an 8.6MB file to the list.

I have message length set to 0 (max_message_size) but the message keeps 
getting rejected with a "552 5.3.4 Error: message file too big" message.

It's probably running afoul of a size limit set on the MTA and never 
making it to Mailman. But since you didn't say what MTA you're using, it's 
difficult to provide additional help in that area. If that's what it is, 
you'll probably get a faster response in an appropriate forum for that 

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mountain Lion server trouble

2013-03-29 Thread Larry Stone

On Mar 29, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Allan Herman  wrote:

> OK, here are steps taken for a (mostly) successful installation on Mountain 
> Lion server, including migration from the apple-supplied mailman previously 
> running under Lion.
> Primarily, subject to the following comments, I followed the steps in the 
> Snow Leopard instructions at this page: 

As the author of the original, thank you for the update. Note that what I wrote 
was for OS X "client", not Server. But I am stuck for now at Lion and after one 
attempt on a test system, not sure I want to try to move my server beyond Lion. 
Apple has changed way too much in Mountain Lion - compatibility with previous 
OS versions is just not in Apple's goals (and it's the mail server piece that 
has stopped me - never even got to Mailman). 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] again postfix+aliases+virtual_domains

2012-12-16 Thread Larry Stone

On Dec 16, 2012, at 1:17 PM, ДП  wrote:

>> First of all, when trying to communicate Postfix configurations,
>> unedited, full output from `postconf -n` with possible munging of domain
>> names (only if done consistently) is almost always preferable.
> Also in attachment.

Giving us is NOT the same as postconf -n output. shows us how 
you THINK the system is configured. Postconf -n shows us how the system is 
ACTUALLY configured.

Requiring postconf -n rather than is one of the rules of the Postfix 
support mailing list for reasons (as stated above) that are just as valid here.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman needs 20 seconds to complete per email

2012-12-03 Thread Larry Stone

On Dec 3, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Mark Sapiro  wrote:

>>>> Dec 3 09:53:02 mail01 postfix/smtpd[15221]: 0D45F172007D:
>>>> client=localhost[]
>> OK, now it's 23 seconds later but we're missing the "connect from" log
>> line from Postfix. At this point, Postfix already has the message as
>> evidenced by the queue-ID (0D45F172007D) in the message. So without
>> seeing when the connect occurred, we don't know if the delay is in
>> Mailman or Postfix.
> Exactly, but I clain the delay is in the SMTP interaction between
> OutgoingRunner and Postfix.

Karsten did send the additional log line showing the connect did not happen 
until 9:53:02. 

Maybe something is happening that is delaying Postfix in creating the SMTPD 
process. Maybe a slow DNS response (resolving to localhost)? I'm not 
sure when Postfix would log the connect message in that case but since it logs 
the resolved hostname, I'm thinking at the end.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman needs 20 seconds to complete per email

2012-12-03 Thread Larry Stone

A few comments below on selected lines:

On Mon, 3 Dec 2012, Karsten Becker wrote:

Dec 3 09:52:39 mail01 postfix/pipe[15199]: B0E971720080: 
to=, relay=mailman, delay=0.21, 
delays=0.05/0.01/0/0.16, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via mailman 

As I now see in your, you're using the 
script. This is a third-party product and is not supported by the Mailman 
developers. I know nothing about postfix-to-mailman so I have no idea if 
that's the source of the delay.

Dec 3 09:53:02 mail01 postfix/smtpd[15221]: 0D45F172007D: 

OK, now it's 23 seconds later but we're missing the "connect from" log 
line from Postfix. At this point, Postfix already has the message as 
evidenced by the queue-ID (0D45F172007D) in the message. So without seeing 
when the connect occurred, we don't know if the delay is in Mailman or 

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman needs 20 seconds to complete per email

2012-12-03 Thread Larry Stone
Missing the most important thing which is a Postfix log.

Larry Stone

On Dec 3, 2012, at 3:27 AM, Karsten Becker  wrote:

> On 12/03/2012 07:16 AM, Stefan Foerster wrote:
>> 1. postconf -n output, as well as excerpts of the smtpd
>>   services you access
>> 2. postfix logs from a posting that get's delayed, if possible,
>>   delivery "from outside" to mailman and from mailman back to
>>   postfix
>> 3. the corresponding mailman log
> Here we go, find the files attached.
> Just inform me if something is missing...
> If Ralf is wondering that he thinks he knows that kind of setup - the
> whole mailing stuff got set up using his book...  :-)
> Regards
> Karsten
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman needs 20 seconds to complete per email

2012-12-02 Thread Larry Stone
On Dec 2, 2012, at 2:27 PM, Mark Sapiro  wrote:

> Likewise, within the same 2 seconds, OutgoingRunner will pick up the
> message and begin processing it. When done, it will write the post and
> smtp log entries. In the smtp log entries, the 21+ second processing
> time is the time in OutgoingRunner. All OutgoingRunner is doing is
> SMTP to the outgoing MTA (host and port set by SMTPHOST, default =
> 'localhost', and SMTPPORT default = 0, SMTPPORT = 0 implies port 25).
> It is that SMTP transaction that is taking 21 seconds because of some
> configuration or other issue in the outgoing MTA.

A stab in the dark but it sounds like you might have postscreen (part of 
Postfix) or some other service on port 25 that is causing the delay.

In this day and age, port 25 really should be used only for mail coming from 
outside destined for your server. I'd suggest creating another incoming Postfix 
port (e.g. 20025) that is exclusively for mail from Mailman being injected to 
Postfix. Configure it appropriately so that only lcoalhost or whatever other 
local hosts need it can use it.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] timeout settings?

2012-09-26 Thread Larry Stone
I'd like to suggest that no one provide Mr. Cook any assistance. Since I helped 
answer a question of his some months ago, has been a 
persistent spam source on my server. The most recent piece of spam from his 
company was received 11 hours ago.

Larry Stone

On Sep 26, 2012, at 1:57 PM, Wayne Cook  wrote:

> I seem to be getting a lot of "connection timeout" messages and I'd like to 
> change my time out settingsand get some advice from the list on reducing 
> the number of time outs.
> I'm running Mailman 2.1.14 on OSX 10.6 client (NOT server) with MailServe for 
> snow leopard
> It seems like when I did this installation, there were tuning instructions I 
> found that had information about changing time out settings, the number of 
> threads and such, but I can't seem to find that information now and I use 
> terminal so little that I don't want to play around and screw something up 
> that's working fairly good.
> thanks
> W
> Wayne Cook
> ---
> I've flown faster than the speed of sound, stared down a shark while standing 
> on the ocean floor and launched men into space.
> Care to join me tomorrow?
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] AOL redacts user addresses even with VERP and full personalization enabled

2012-06-18 Thread Larry Stone

On Sun, 17 Jun 2012, Brad Knowles wrote:

In fact, when you sign up for the AOL Feedback Loop (as I did years ago 
for the lists hosted at, the instructions explicitly state 
that you may not use any information they give you to determine who the 
affected user is -- they're simply telling you that you have a problem 
that you need to fix on your end to keep spam from being generated in 
the first place, and it is not relevant which AOL user is complaining.

And the problem that I'm trying to fix is that their user has violated MY 
TOS regarding reporting list mail (that they subscribed to) as spam. That 
AOL sent their Feedback Loop message to me is therefore part of the 
violation of my terms. So whose terms ends up governing when they're in 

Personally, I'm not going to worry about it. I'll use them as best I can 
to unsubscribe and server ban the offending subscriber. As I said, that 
AOL user has violated my terms and I am entitled to deal with that 
violation. If AOL were to ever call me on it, I'll worry about that then.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] more questions about Yahoo feedback loop and abuse complaints

2012-06-16 Thread Larry Stone

On Jun 16, 2012, at 5:20 PM, David  wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Larry Stone  
> wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt  
> wrote:
> > * David :
> >
> >> Is there any method to identify the user from the AOL feedback loop?
> I trace from message ID and matching to my Postfix logs.
> Thanks, but I'm not sure how to do that. The message ID we get from AOL is 
> something like "snt0-p5-eas297e02bc8f051ef1aab0bfd3...@phx.gbl" and it is 
> related to the sender. This same ID will show up in the postfix log for every 
> outgoing copy of that message from that sender.
> Could you explain how you trace from the message ID to your Postfix logs? 
> (Maybe you use a different message ID?)-

It's been a while so I must be misremembering. If not the message ID, then the 
postfix queue ID which IIRC is in the Received headers sent back by AOL. But 
looking back at my saved AOL spam reports, it's been over three years since a 
list subscriber did that to me so things may well have changed.

> Larry Stone (and others)
   Sent from my iPad
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Re: [Mailman-Users] more questions about Yahoo feedback loop and abuse complaints

2012-06-16 Thread Larry Stone

On Jun 16, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt  

> * David :
>> Is there any method to identify the user from the AOL feedback loop? 
> Of course, just use verp :)
> -- 

The last I knew, AOL redacts the user name in their notice. In other words, a 
something sent to this list marked as spam will show it as sent from

I trace then from message ID and matching to my Postfix logs.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] more questions about Yahoo feedback loop and abuse complaints

2012-06-16 Thread Larry Stone

On Jun 16, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Richard Damon wrote:

> On 6/15/12 8:51 PM, David wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 1:04 AM, Ralf Hildebrandt <
>>> wrote:
>>> * Thomas Hochstein :
>>>> Ralf Hildebrandt schrieb:
>>>>> Yahoo! users are truly special.
>>>> AOL users are, too. (They also have a feedback loop.)
>>> Yeah, and it's even worse, since it tries to weed out all info one
>>> needs to identify the user :(
>> Is there any method to identify the user from the AOL feedback loop? If
>> not, how does AOL expect us to unsubscribe the user who complained?
> They DON'T expect you to unsubscribe the user who marked you as spam,
> but to stop the "spammer" who is sending out the email marked as spam.
> The whole system is based on the premise that the recipient (their
> customer) is totally innocent, and the send (your list) is the guilty
> party. They are telling you, as an ISP, to stop your customer (your
> list) from sending "SPAM". They are totally missing that their customer
> at a previous point ASKED for the email (at least I am presuming you
> haven't bypassed the safeguards built into Mailman to avoid abuse) and
> now has used the "Mark as spam" button as a attempt to unsubscribe
> because they can't (or won't) figure out the proper way to do it.

Sad to say, that does appear to be how AOL thinks. Their customers never make 
mistakes, etc. If a customer clicked "Mark as spam", then it's spam and that 
point is not open to discussion.

It's been a long while since I've received an AOL spam report but despite their 
redacting, I can usually figure out who did it my some sleuthing through the 
mail server logs. My policy for AOL users is straightforward and ruthless: do 
it once and you get banned from my lists and my server. I banned my cousin once 
(and in typical AOLuser fashion, denied clicking the button - and he used to 
work for AOL!).

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Re: [Mailman-Users] looking for correct doc for configure

2012-06-04 Thread Larry Stone

On Jun 3, 2012, at 2:16 PM, Larry Stone wrote:

> On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:09 AM, H wrote:
>> All, 
>> Pretty new to Mailman, trying to install it and looking for the correct
>> documentation to go with mailman-3.0.0b1
> MHO, if you're new to Mailman, you should not be looking at 3.0 yet. 3.0.0b1 
> is the first beta release of the largely re-architected Mailman 3. Stick to 
> the latest Mailman 2.1 production release (2.1.14) which is well documented, 
> debugged, and supported.

As you (the OP) found, 2.1.x installs and works very well. I think one thing 
worth adding is that in the Unix world, most of the public software such as 
Mailman tends to follow traditional versioning. Unlike the PC world where it 
seems somewhat common to call something a beta yet tell the users that it's 
ready to go (and then stay in "perpetual beta"), a beta here means that it's 
still being debugged. Until a "release candidate" version is put up, I would 
not use Mailman 3 unless I want to be a tester. For the 2.1.x tree, I believe 
recent release candidates have gone to the production version without change 
other than finishing the documentation.

In short, don't be fooled by the PC world and perpetual betas. Mark will let us 
know when Mailman 3 is ready to use in a production environment.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] looking for correct doc for configure

2012-06-03 Thread Larry Stone

On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:09 AM, H wrote:

> All, 
> Pretty new to Mailman, trying to install it and looking for the correct
> documentation to go with mailman-3.0.0b1

MHO, if you're new to Mailman, you should not be looking at 3.0 yet. 3.0.0b1 is 
the first beta release of the largely re-architected Mailman 3. Stick to the 
latest Mailman 2.1 production release (2.1.14) which is well documented, 
debugged, and supported.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Sevier Issue with mails, are these compromised?

2012-05-14 Thread Larry Stone

On Mon, 14 May 2012, Amit Bhatt wrote:

Today, I've got an E-Mail from them saying that as per the mail policy, 
our members can send 500 mails per hour but we are exceeding the number 
of mails a day!

While the fact is we have around 360 members and we send hardly 50 to 60 
messages in entire day of 24:00.

so, I am unable to understand what's wrong with us. Are some of our 
mails account got hacked and compromised?

I suspect you don't understand how emails are counted. Each list message 
to each recipinet probably counts as one email. If I'm understanding you 
correctly, your are sending 50 to 60 messages per day to 360 users. 50 
times 360 is 18,000 outgoing messages per day.

Hostgator team has send me the number of messages and Email addresses sent from:
-- 11,655

That fits with my assumption above.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] confirmation string is not working

2012-05-08 Thread Larry Stone
Then check and make sure PENDING_REQUEST_LIFE hasn't been set to 
something ridiculously short. While Mark stated that the default is 3 days, we 
have no idea what your installation's setting for it is.

Larry Stone

On May 8, 2012, at 7:37 PM, dhanushka ranasinghe wrote:

> i tested even with a new request but still have the same issue,
> Thank You
> On 9 May 2012 05:56, Mark Sapiro  wrote:
>> On 5/8/2012 9:31 AM, dhanushka ranasinghe wrote:
>>> As you correctly mention when i click the link in the mail, it ask to
>> click
>>> "unsubscribe" button unsubscripted  ..After clicking ,  it get pormt
>>> another page called   "*Enter confirmation cookie*"  Any idea why this is
>>> happening..
>> The string you are entering has expired. These confirmations expire some
>> time after they are sent. The time is set for the installation by
>> setting PENDING_REQUEST_LIFE in The default time is 3 days.
>> If the confirmation email/invitation/??? was sent more than 3 days or
>> whatever PENDING_REQUEST_LIFE is ago, the cookie has expired, and yoiu
>> have to submit a new request.
>> --
>> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
>> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman stop!

2012-04-22 Thread Larry Stone

On Apr 22, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

> Seun Ojedeji wrote:
>> I was using mailman with postfix, then reading nice things about
>> vpostmaster, i decided set it up to manage my user mail accounts. After
>> setup, my mailman stopped delivering mails. Its returns with the error
>> message below:
>>> ...

> So you replaced your Postfix MTA with some other MTA and you didn't
> teach the new MTA how to deliver to Mailman.
> Fixing this is a question for vPostMaster. It is not a Mailman issue
> per se, and various HowTo documents relating to configuring Mailman
> with Postfix are not going to help as long as you are using
> vPostMaster as your incoming MTA.
> Whatever MTA is listening on port 25 of your Mailman server has to be
> configured to deliver list mail to Mailman. I'd be surprised if anyone
> on this list is using vPostMaster as an MTA, thus it is unlikely you
> can get help here.

It looks like vPostMaster is actually a package with management front end for 
installing/configuring Postfix and other stuff like ClamAV and SpamAssassin. 
Since he apparently had a working Postfix configuration, I suspect vPostMaster 
clobbered the configuration with something that knows nothing about Postfix.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Setting Up Mailman

2012-04-18 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:

Your article is a LIFESAVER Larry, and I can GUARENTEE YOU that I'm in over
my head!
Hopefully with help I can muddle through this and learn something...the
links to the screen shots should work now:

Screenshots of OS X windows aren't all that useful. They're just showing 
us that a file of the given name exists somewhere. It doesn't show us if 
it's exactly the right place or the contents.

For the first window, two problems: 1) file name - as discussed in the 
previous note it should be and 2) more importantly, I'm 
pretty sure it's in the wrong directory. We want that in /var/root (at 
least we do if the that's where we told it would be mailman.plist)

Please do the following in Terminal and send me the output including 
everything you typed and everything returned in response:

cd /var/root
ls -l *mailman*
cat *mailman*.sh
cd /Library/LaunchDaemons
cat mailman.plist

The start obviously failed but any output from it should be logged in 
/var/log/system.log. Try:

grep -i mailman /var/log/system.log
and include any output returned.

-- Larry Stone

  On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:

I'm trying to move mailman from OSX server to OSX
client on a mac mini with OSX 10.6 installed on the

I'm not a terminal expert, but can usually follow
and figure things out, so I'm attempting to follow
these instructions as closely as possible:

  I'm the author of that.

Obviously I'm not doing something correctly because
stuff isn't giving me the correct response when I
check to see what python processes are running.

I have some screen shots here:

  Unfortunately, that page appears to be broken. Firefox just
  displays the alternate text and IE gives a red X.

PS I think there is a typo in step 8 of the
instructions, but I've tried it as written and the
two ways that I think it should be written.  It says
create "" and the next line is "vi", which may be correct if you know
what you're doing, but to a novice like me it looks
like one begins with start and the other begins with
mailman...should it be as written or modified?

  That is an error. It is

  But I am concerned that with three references in Step 8 to the
  file as and just the one as,
  you only THINK it's a typo. Even though it's Terminal and not a
  GUI, if you can't recognize that as an obvious typo, you might
  well be in over your head. Running server software requires an
  understanding of how things should be working to recognize when
  they're not working.

  And also, I assume familiarity with a Terminal text editor.
  While I've given you the format of the Terminal command to edit
  the file in vi (and vi is not the only way to edit a text file,
  it's just the one I know and use), I have not given you all the
  needed vi commands to create the file. If you merely typed the
  lines I said need to be be in the file without any vi commands,
  you did not end up with the file you need.

  -- Larry Stone
  Mailman-Users mailing list
  Mailman FAQ:
  Security Policy:
  Searchable Archives:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Setting Up Mailman

2012-04-18 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:

I'm trying to move mailman from OSX server to OSX client on a mac mini 
with OSX 10.6 installed on the machine.

I'm not a terminal expert, but can usually follow and figure things out, 
so I'm attempting to follow these instructions as closely as possible:

I'm the author of that.

Obviously I'm not doing something correctly because stuff isn't giving 
me the correct response when I check to see what python processes are 

I have some screen shots here:

Unfortunately, that page appears to be broken. Firefox just displays the 
alternate text and IE gives a red X.

PS I think there is a typo in step 8 of the instructions, but I've tried 
it as written and the two ways that I think it should be written.  It 
says create "" and the next line is "vi", which may be correct if you know what you're doing, 
but to a novice like me it looks like one begins with start and the 
other begins with mailman...should it be as written or modified?

That is an error. It is

But I am concerned that with three references in Step 8 to the file as and just the one as, you only THINK it's 
a typo. Even though it's Terminal and not a GUI, if you can't recognize 
that as an obvious typo, you might well be in over your head. Running 
server software requires an understanding of how things should be working 
to recognize when they're not working.

And also, I assume familiarity with a Terminal text editor. While I've 
given you the format of the Terminal command to edit the file in vi (and 
vi is not the only way to edit a text file, it's just the one I know and 
use), I have not given you all the needed vi commands to create the file. 
If you merely typed the lines I said need to be be in the file without any 
vi commands, you did not end up with the file you need.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem creating mailing lists via webinterface in2.1.11

2012-03-28 Thread Larry Stone

On Mar 28, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Steve Matzura wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 16:24:07 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:
>> How about the error message you get when you try to create a list via the 
>> web interface. The one that you assumed we would somehow all know without 
>> you telling us (having never had an error when creating a list or if I 
>> did, not in recent years, I haven't the slightest clue what sort of error 
>> message you might have recieved). It seems rather likely that the error 
>> you received dealt with alias creation which you seem to want to think of 
>> as a second unrelated problem.
> Error already reported in a previous message, but here's the Reader's
> Digest version. After going through the process of creating a new list
> via the Web interface, the error message "unknown virtual host" is
> given, and no mailing list is created.

Just to show you how confused this became, I thought "unknown virtual host" was 
the error being returned to someone trying to post. I do not recall you ever 
saying that was the error the web interface was returning.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem creating mailing lists via webinterface in2.1.11

2012-03-28 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 28 Mar 2012, Steve Matzura wrote:

It would *never* be in my best interest not to give you all the info.
The problem is, I don't know exactly what info you need or want, and
what would be superfluous. Let's see if I can provide more below.
Anything I've omitted, just ask and it shall be yours for the knowing.

How about the error message you get when you try to create a list via the 
web interface. The one that you assumed we would somehow all know without 
you telling us (having never had an error when creating a list or if I 
did, not in recent years, I haven't the slightest clue what sort of error 
message you might have recieved). It seems rather likely that the error 
you received dealt with alias creation which you seem to want to think of 
as a second unrelated problem.

I'd strongly suggest you start over and provide all relevant information 
in one post so we don't have to go through several messages to find the 
information you've dribbled out to us in multiple messages.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Newer postfix: unused parameter: mailman_destination_recipient_limit=1

2012-03-10 Thread Larry Stone

On Mar 9, 2012, at 3:17 PM, ml wrote:

> this depend  version the postfix
> ks3 ~]# postconf -n | grep mailman
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases , 
> hash:/etc/postfix/aliases,hash:/etc/mailman/aliases
> mailman_destination_recipient_limit = 1
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual,hash:/etc/mailman/aliases
> ok on my machine

While whether or not you get unused parameter warnings (and they are just 
warnings) depends on the Postfix version (the check was added in Postfix 
2.9.0), whether or not mailman_destination_recipient_limit is used depends on 
whether or not you have defined a "mailman" transport in 

If no mailman transport, then mailman_destination_recipient_limit is unused. If 
there is a mailman transport, then mailman_destination_recipient_limit is used. 

Postfix transports can be called anything you want to call them. There is 
nothing magic about a Postfix transport named "mailman" that ties it to GNU 
Mailman. So this is really a Postfix issue, not a Mailman issue.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Newer postfix: unused parameter: mailman_destination_recipient_limit=1

2012-03-09 Thread Larry Stone

On Fri, 9 Mar 2012, Tanstaafl wrote:

Hi all,

I've had this parameter defined in my postfix ever since it was first set up 
(not by me), and most everything I read online says it should be there.

But, the newer versions of postfix now provide warnings for unused 
parameters, and that is what I'm getting for this one parameter:

myhost : Fri Mar 09, 13:16:12 : ~
# postconf -n | grep mailman
alias_maps = hash:/etc/mail/aliases, hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases
virtual_alias_maps = ${mysql}/, 
postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/ unused parameter: 

myhost : Fri Mar 09, 13:16:26 : ~

Anyone have any idea why? Am I indeed not using it? I'd rather not just 
comment it out and test without some confirmation first, since this is a 
production box.

transport_destination_recipient_limit is a Postfix parameter that is 
specific to the named transport. If you don't have a transport named 
mailman, then mailman_transport_destination_recipient is indeed unused.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] can I use a mailman list address as a (qmail)sender address?

2012-02-07 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

Larry Stone writes:

> Why do you want to reply to email addressed to the list as the list rather
> than as you. That is not the way lists are normally used (e.g. I am
> replying to mail sent to this list as myself, not as the list).

Yup.  But he explained this.  The list is the public face of a
committee, and at least some outgoing mail should appear to be from
the committee.

I must have missed where he mentioned that.

I started to wonder about about setting it as an anonymous list but that 
would affect all posts - both from user to the committee as well as 
responses from the committee. But maybe something could be done with two 
lists - one for the users to send to that is normal and a second that the 
committee replies via that is anonymous and has the main list as its only 
member (I think this is an umbrella list but having never used umbrella 
lists, I'm unsure).

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] can I use a mailman list address as a (qmail)sender address?

2012-02-07 Thread Larry Stone

On Tue, 7 Feb 2012, Stefan P. Wolf ( wrote:

Mark Sapiro wrote:

I do not understand why this would be true? How does your MUA know that
the list address is or is not a 'mail user' on your system?

My MUA does not know about the server, my MUA knows about its
own mail profiles. If mails are addressed to the list and come
in on my PC and I hit "reply" then the MUA looks if it has a
mail profile with the very same email address.

I think there are a couple of issues that are leaving many of us confused. 
Why do you want to reply to email addressed to the list as the list rather 
than as you. That is not the way lists are normally used (e.g. I am 
replying to mail sent to this list as myself, not as the list).

But if I can not
use this email address for *sending* because I can not create
this user on my server then this profile is useless and I have
to create a different sending address which is not selected by the
MUA automatically (instead the default mail profile is selected).

Why does the list email address have to exist as a local user for you to 
send as it? Is your mail server doing a check to prevent mail being sent 
as from a non-existant user? While such checks (misguided in many cases, 
IMHO) can be set in many mail servers, it's not the default from my 
experience. If you have such checks, are they really needed? I don't 
recall if you described your environment but if it's one where you know 
all the users (as opposed to a public ISP), you probably don't need such 

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Thoughts about migrating to Mailman instead of Sympa (from Majordomo)

2012-01-20 Thread Larry Stone

On Thu, 19 Jan 2012, Geoff Mayes wrote:

If Mailman 
provided a way around the passwords in the clear issue, I'm pretty sure 
we'd go with Mailman ...

My personal opionion is Mailman passwords are so insignificant that it 
really shouldn't be an issue. On the other hand, I recognize that you may 
have direction from above that because it's called a "password", it needs 
to be ulta-secure (there are, unfortunately, too many bosses who don't 
understand security and don't understand that different types of systems 
have different security needs). How much damage could be done if a Mailman 
user password was compromised? How much damage could be done if my on-line 
banking password was compromised? The answers are very different yet there 
are many who want them secured in the same way.

I so rarely use a Mailman password that I don't even try to remember it. 
If I need to use it on a Mailman system, I have it send it to me, use it, 
then forget it.

If someone wants to mess up my subscription on a Mailman system, well, go 
ahead. I have far more important things in life to worry about.

Also, consider how many other times passwords are sent in the clear, just 
not in email. A snail mail with a password is also a "password sent in the 
clear" yet few seem to have a problem with that. Maybe because I practice 
good password managment, I am less concerned about an email being snooped 
than I am about snail mail theft or privileged access abuses.

I would not worry about Mailman passwords being sent in the clear and 
instead, urge users to use good password practices. For Mailman, encourage 
them to let Mailman assign a password (and thereby, not reuse a PW). 
Because no matter what you do, people will reuse passwords, use the same 
password for low and high security needs, use easy-to-guess passwords, 
write them down, and other things that just make Mailman's password 
concerns the least of your organization's security concerns.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] How to turn off plain text passwords?

2011-11-02 Thread Larry Stone
Jeffrey Walton writes:

> The best I can tell, Mailman 2 did the wrong thing.

The best I can tell, your expectations for Mailman's security and the software 
authors' expectations are completely different. As has already been explained, 
it is a low level of security designed to prevent (maybe I should just say 
discourage) mischief. It is not intended to be as secure as what secures your 
bank accounts. If your Mailman password is compromised, what is the most damage 
that can be done? Very little.

Mailman works with Mail. SMTP mail is very insecure with headers, etc. easily 
spoofed (by design - just as I can easily spoof the sender on a piece of paper 
mail I drop in a mailbox). What good does high security on Mailman do if it's 
trivial to step around the gate?

A good comparison would be the lock on most home bathrooms. It is designed to 
prevent someone from accidently walking in on you. It is not designed to 
prevent someone who is determined to get in that bathroom even though it is 
locked. You normally do not use the same types of locks on a bathroom as you 
use on your front door.

Heck, a bank does not secure their lobby as tightly as they secure their vault. 
Are they wrong for doing that?

> Confer: list managers did not fix Mailman 2 (nor did they use other
> software which was secure). Why would you expect them to research
> and securely configure Mailman 3?

List managers have nothing to do with this. Us "list managers" did not write 
the software. We're just higher level users of Mailman than the reader of a 
mailing list that uses Mailman. But we're still just users.

If Mailman does not meet your needs due to it failing to meet the security 
requirements you personally have, don't use it. If you're just a reader of a 
list run through Mailman, then use a password you don't care about (by default, 
Mailman generates random passwords. I don't even bother to save them as I know 
I can recover it easily in the unlikely event I actually ever need it).

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] problem with Mailman on Mac OS X Snow Leopard client

2011-10-11 Thread Larry Stone

On Mon, 10 Oct 2011, Graham Young wrote:

Mail generated by Mailman hangs in my dedicated, on-board MTA's queue 
unless I remove a certain bit of custom Postfix configuration that I 
entered following instructions kindly posted here by one Larry Stone.

I guess I'm best to answer this.

The bit of custom Postfix configuration that I've experimented with 
removing is exactly as follows: "hash:/etc/postfix/aliases"

The context in which this bit is supposed to appear is as follows:
"alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases, hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases".

I just remove the bit, leaving: "alias_maps = 
hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases". Again, with just this as remnant 
of my custom Postscript configuration, Mailman-generated mail gets sent.

alias_maps is this list of aliases, local addresses which do not get 
delivered locally but rather get sent elsewhere. That could be another 
address (for instance, on my system, postmaster is an alias for me so I 
get all postmaster mail) or for Mailman, a pipe to the Mailman mail input 

The error message that Postfix repeatedly issues when I don't have the 
suspect portion of this bit of custom Postscript configuration removed 
is as follows:
"Oct 10 21:10:05 email postfix/local[75578]: fatal: open database 
/etc/postfix/aliases.db: No such file or directory

It means exactly what it says. /etc/postfix/aliases.db does not exist.

Finally, inasmuch as it may be relevant, I next post feedback that I get 
from a certain "postconf" command, specifically "postconf alias_maps": 
"alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases"

That should be the outpust of "postconf -d alias_maps". -d means the 
default value. On my system (and I have never touched this part), 
/etc/aliases is a softlink to /etc/postfix/aliases (in other words, just a 
pointer to that file).

So the real is why does /etc/postfix/aliases.db not exist. It's not really 
required and it isn't part of Mailman. I had assumed it was past of the 
standard Postfix installation on OS X client but perhaps not (or maybe it 
was and no longer is but I didn't realize that because I've been upgrading 
or moving all the way from 10.3.

(a digression as to how aliases.db is created. aliases is a text file in a 
prescribed format. To turn it into the hash table Postfix wants to use, 
it's run through postmap. postmap hash:aliases created aliases.db)

The purpose of that customization is to append Mailman's alias file to the 
existing alias file.

If you don't have /etc/postfix/aliases.db, then don't include it in 
alias_maps. It's that simple. If you have a different aliases file, use 
that in place of /etc/postfix/aliases in alias_maps.

The best way to do this is to look in your Postfix for an earlier 
definition of alias_maps. So if you find

alias_maps = hash:foo, then replace my instructions with
alias_maps = hash:foo,

If there is no prior definition of alias_maps in, then do
postconf -d alias_maps and then:
alias_maps = (whatever postconf -d alias_maps returned),

However, please note that my instructions assume and expect familiarity 
with Postfix. If you don't understand Postfix, you will almost certainly 
have other problems in the future.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Blocked By Earthlink

2011-06-20 Thread Larry Stone
On 6/20/11 1:01 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull at wrote:

>> We migrated the server to a VPS from speakeasy and added DKIM a
>> couple of
> Uh, did you know this?
> steve@uwakimon ~ $ host
> has address
> mail is handled by 5
> mail is handled by 5

Speakeasy the ISP is is an unrelated software
vendor. While I assume the OP is talking about, I do not see
VPS mentioned as one of the services they offer (note that I am a very
satisfied DSL customer).

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman list sends but doesn't receive mail.

2011-04-18 Thread Larry Stone
On 4/18/11 1:53 AM, JRC Groups at wrote:

> I have read the page and also contacted Larry Stone. His instructions are
> for installation on OS X client and not OS X Server. I haven't found
> instructions on how to remove the Mailman version bundled by Apple with OS X
> Server. One of my concerns is that Apple's version and the downloaded
> version would both have several (if not all) files installed as default in
> the same location and this could lead to potential conflicts.

With some more thought than my quick private reply to you last night, I
don't think this is an issue. IIRC, you choose where to install Mailman and
I believe it is self-contained in that directory. My latest instructions
(for Snow Leopard) suggest /usr/local/mailman but previous versions
suggested /Applications/mailman (and if you wanted to, you could call it
something like 
which is inelegant but would work and I'm pretty sure really does not
conflict :-) ). So long as the directory you pick does not exist, then you
will not be at risk of a conflict. You would, of course, have to change that
name throughout my instructions but that is trivial.

The instructions do call for modifying some configuration files of other
software (Postfix and Apache) but those files are intended to be
user-modifiable and Apple provided updates should not be overriding your

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Question about Mailman domain and OS X serverset-up.

2011-04-03 Thread Larry Stone
On 4/3/11 1:42 AM, JRC Groups at wrote:

> I also can't imagine that it would be too difficult to install a new version
> of Mailman and manage it using its browser-based interface while ignoring
> Apple's System Administrator tool for this specific task.

It should not be difficult. I'll repeat what I posted Wednesday:

"I'll add that there are a number of here who run Mailman on OS X "Client".
Searching the archives, you will find full step-by-step directions for
installing it. Blowing away the Apple provided Mailman (or just ignoring it)
and installing a clean unmodified version from source will give you, on OS X
Server, the same as those of on "Client" have."

Going through the process yourself will teach you far more than having
someone do it for you.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Question about Mailman domain and OS X serverset-up.

2011-03-30 Thread Larry Stone
On 3/30/11 7:36 PM, Brad Knowles at wrote:

> I don't mean to sound pessimistic or to rain on your parade, but in both
> cases, the solution was to blow away the stuff that Apple ships, and to
> install the "real deal" code as downloaded from

I'll add that there are a number of here who run Mailman on OS X "Client".
Searching the archives, you will find full step-by-step directions for
installing it. Blowing away the Apple provided Mailman (or just ignoring it)
and installing a clean unmodified version from source will give you, on OS X
Server, the same as those of on "Client" have.

Larry Stone

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Explicit destination causes implicitdestination bounce

2011-03-11 Thread Larry Stone

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Mark Sapiro wrote:

Larry's response is correct except for this one detail. Actually, this
message has a Subject: header and a non-conformant "This" header and
no body. The body must be separated from the headers by an empty line.

Oops. I looked at the original way too quickly. Thanks, Mark, for 
correcting my post. The lesson in this is that SMTP, like almost all 
computer command sets, is very intolerant of even the slightest mistake. 
It does exactly what you tell it to do and has no idea what you meant when 
you get it wrong. Using Telnet to test SMTP has its uses (I do it to make 
sure the anti-spam controls on the commands works since that's hard to do 
by other means) but unless you are prepared to type everything in painful 
detail, expect weird results. Mailman is best tested with real messages 
sent by a proper MUA.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Explicit destination causes implicit destination bounce

2011-03-11 Thread Larry Stone

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Ian Gibbs wrote:

Dear all,

I have read FAQ 1.9 
about implicit destination. I am sending directly To: the list with no other 
recipients. The host_name setting is The conversation I had with 
the SMTP server is shown below. It still results in an implicit destination 
error. Can anyone suggest why, please?

You have no To: header (or any other headers for that matter). The 
recipient listed on a RCPT TO: command to the SMTP server (known in the 
SMTP world as the "envelope recipient") is not the same as a To: header. 
Since the Mailman list address was not found in the message's non-existent 
To: or Cc: headers, it is an implicit destination.

To SMTP, headers are part of the message's data. They are completely 
separate from the SMTP commands that tell an SMTP server what to do with 
the message (otherwise, BCC could not work. A BCC recipient never appears 
in the headers (or wouldn't be blind) but the BCC recipient must be in the 
RCPT TO: SMTP command as how else would the destination server know to 
deliver it to the BCC recipient).

user@workstation:~$ telnet server 25
Trying IP...
Connected to server.
Escape character is '^]'. 
220 server ESMTP Exim 4.71 Fri, 11 Mar 2011 14:43:29 +

HELO workstation
250 server Hello workstation []
MAIL FROM:external@email.address 
250 OK

250 Accepted
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
Subject:Testing from guinevere 3
This is a message 3
250 OK id=1Py3ZU-0003YI-Rz
221 server closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] does mailman ever automatically delete an expired email address?

2011-03-10 Thread Larry Stone

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Jane Frizzell wrote:

Does mailman ever delete members from lists automatically for any reason? One 
of the owners of one of our lists (only 1 list seems to have been affected) 
recently reported that he had lost 100 users from his list. They were 
removed, not just marked as nomail. A primary look at some of the names lost. 
show that the addresses were no longer valid email addresses.

Yes, Mailman's bounce processing will do so. The specifics as to how 
many bounces and how long to wait before removing the user can be set by 
the list administrator. I believe bounce processing is on by default.

This is, in general, a good thing as excessive sending to dead addresses 
is a good way to get yourself on some of the anti-spam blacklists.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Missing password reminders

2011-01-12 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, Allan Hansen wrote:

Hi all,

I run Mailman 2.1.13 under Mac OS X Server 10.5.8. The mail delivery works
fine (so far), but some of my subscribers insist that they are not getting
the password reminders. One uses Google Mail, another Earthlink, so it's
not provider specific. They assure me that the password reminder is not in
their spam folder. The lists have password reminders turned on and the
users have password reminders turned on. For the users that complain, I
don't have bounces resulting from the reminders. Other users of the same
lists get password reminders just fine.

First, determine if it's actually your problem and if so, is it a Mailman 
problem or someplace else on your system. look at your mail server logs 
and see if the message went out. If the password reminder message is being 
accepted by their provider, then it is not your problem.

If you don't see it being accepted, then determine where things are 
failing on your system. Is Mailman giving it to the mail server (Postfix 
on a Macintosh)? Once Postfix has it, Mailman has done its job.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman list sends but doesn't receive mail.

2010-12-08 Thread Larry Stone
On 12/8/10 2:01 PM, JRC Groups at wrote:

> Is there a simpler way than Terminal (command line) to edit these files and
> then resave them ? Something along the lines of a text editor. Or do I need
> to use Terminal to do it ?
> In this case, if Terminal is necessary, can you guide on how to take a step
> by step approach to getting it done ? I have never edited a file (specially
> a system file) in Terminal before and don't know how to go about it.

This is somewhat off-topic for the Mailman list but if you want to do any
sort of advanced system administration on a Macintosh, you need, IMHO, to be
familiar with Unix shell commands and related utility. The Mac OS X Terminal
program just creates a shell process and window where you then execute shell

At a minimum, you need to be familiar with certain basic commands like ls
(directory) and commands for creating (touch among others), renaming/MoVing
(mv), and deleting/ReMoving (rm) files and directories (mkdir, mv, and rmdir
respectively). You also need to be familiar with one of the standard text
editors (vi or emacs) as well as commands for dealing with file ownership
(chown) and permissions (chmod).

Larry Stone

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Cannot set digest mode via URL

2010-08-28 Thread Larry Stone
On 8/28/10 10:47 AM, Steve Burling at wrote:

> --On August 28, 2010 10:32:15 AM -0500 Brad Knowles
>  wrote:
>> After that, we might think about whether or not we can, or should, go
>> after Apple.  Both companies are shipping our code with extensive
>> modifications, and so far as I know neither of them has released their
>> changes, as required by the GNU license.
> To which I reply:
> For what it's worth, I dif'd Apple's Mailman code against the stock code at
> one point, and I wouldn't describe the changes as extensive.  The primary
> change was the addition of a version of 'mailmanctl start' that wouldn't
> daemonize, in order to work properly with Apple's launchd.

I know I've mentioned this before but worth repeating. I run Mailman built
from source on Mac OS X Client. Startup was a problem because of daemonizing
but more or less solved by having launchd run a script that ran 'mailmanctl
start' and then waited a second before exiting. Trying to run 'mailmanctl
start' directly from the launchd plist tended to fail due to the launchd
process exiting before mailman could daemonize. Since it daemonizes, launchd
can't monitor it (it's 'Run at Load' and then launchd is out of the picture)
so I deal with Mailman dying on me by having an hourly cron job that checks
for the proper number of qrunners and sends me mail if it's wrong (Mailman
is far, far from mission critical in my environment).

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Is Mailman right for us?

2010-07-21 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 21 Jul 2010, Alison Epstein wrote:

We're considering using Mailman for our organization's listservs. But I'm

I'll save Mark the trouble of dealing with this part. Listserv (capital L) 
is the trademarked name of a "competing" mailing list managment product. 
It is not a generic term for a mailing list or mailing list management 
software. The word should generally not be used on this list.

having trouble finding a demo to try or some screen snapshots so that I can 
even determine if this is the right software for us.

I need something for our discussion lists. (We also have announce-only 

The discussion lists ideally would have an archive that is accessible.

Also, some of our lists need to have the ability to have multiple "moderators 
/ posters" who may or may not be list subscribers. For instance, we have 
staff in Jerusalem & Chicago. We have mailing lists for each office, but all 
staff members can post to either list. For example: A Jerusalem staff member 
can send a message that only the Chicago staff will receive.

Can you point me to a demo to try or a good place to find these answers?

Mailman can do all that. There is no demo version because Mailman is a 
free product. Install it and see if it does what you need it to do.

The FAQ (a link to it is at the bottom of every message on this list) can 
answer a lot of your questions including some HOW-TOs and installation 

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Subscription Confirmation to Welcome Delay

2010-05-25 Thread Larry Stone

On Mon, 24 May 2010, Greg Sims wrote:

We are using mailman to support a 5,000 person distribution list.  The
majority of our interactions with users is by email between the users and
the mailman software - humans do not get involved.  The way our software is
configured, the users see the following sequence to subscribe to our email

1.   Web form is filled out to subscribe by user
2.   Sever generates an email to the user to confirm the subscription
3.   User replies to the subscription confirmation to the server -
typically hitting "Reply" and then "Send"
4.   The user receives a "Welcome" to the mailing list email

Our users are seeing a delay of 15 minutes between step 3 and step 4 above.
Many times this delay is too much for our users to handle or confusing.
This is especially the case when the time between step 1 and step 2 above is
generally less than one minute.  This delay between steps 3 and 4 many times
results in the user sending an email to our webmaster - instead of waiting
out the 15 minute delay.

That does not sound like a Mailman issue but rather a mail delivery issue 
to your mail server. Is the mail server doing greylisting? That would 
cause the confirmation email to initially be deferred by the receiving 
mail server, then accepted the next time the sending server attempts to 
send it. How long until the next attempt to send is controlled by the 
sending server so I doubt they're all exactly 15 minutes.

If it's not that, you will need to look at your logs (both mailman and the 
mail server) to figure out where the delay is being introduced.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Snow Leoparrd (MacOS X 10.6) CLIENT installation steps for Mailman (CORRECTED)

2010-05-01 Thread Larry Stone
 so rather than have launchd
start Mailman directly, we will have it run a script we put in root's home
directory that does it a way I've found more reliable (by waiting one second
after issuing the command to start mailman before it exits):
a) In Terminal, change directory to /var/root/:
 cd /var/root

b) Using your favorite text editor (vi, emacs, or whatever), create the file For instance, with vi, type:
And enter the lines:
/usr/local/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start
sleep 1
Save and exit.

c) Change permissions to make it executable:
chmod 755

d) Create the Mailman startup preference file:
 cd /Library/LaunchDaemons
 touch mailman.plist

c) Using your favorite method of text editing, add the following content to







d) Verify the file ownership and permissions:
 ls -l
   You should see one of the lines saying something like:
 -rw-r--r--  5 root   wheel   170 12 May 11:21 mailman.plist

e) If the permissions (rw-r--r--) are not correct, type:
 chmod 644 mailman.plist

f) If the owner (root) or group (wheel) is not correct, type:
 chown root:wheel mailman.plist

g) Go into launchctl and enable Mailman. This should also cause it to start
load -w mailman.plist
(the -w is very important. The Disabled attribute in the .plist is no longer
used. Instead, Disabled status for all launchd plists is stored in
/var/db/laubchd.db/ and is set/unset by the
-w on the launchctl load/unload commands. Yes, it does seems needlessly

Mailman should have started. To verify, open Terminal and type:
ps -efw | grep python
You should see a bunch of lines like this:
   78  1099 1   0   0:00.01 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start
   78  1101  1099   0   0:08.38 ?? 0:18.67 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1102  1099   0   0:07.29 ?? 0:17.57 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=BounceRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1103  1099   0   0:08.46 ?? 0:18.83 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=CommandRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1104  1099   0   0:08.14 ?? 0:18.16 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1105  1099   0   0:07.92 ?? 0:17.73 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1107  1099   0   0:07.72 ?? 0:18.54 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=OutgoingRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1108  1099   0   0:07.80 ?? 0:17.66 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=VirginRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1109  1099   0   0:00.07 ?? 0:00.19 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=RetryRunner:0:1 -s
0 15583 15537   0   0:00.00 ttys0000:00.00 grep pyth

(The numbers will vary. The important thing is that you see the qrunner

Step 9) Enjoy!

At this point, mailman should be ready to use. Read the documentation in
your source directory for instructions on setting up your mailing lists.

Larry Stone

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Security Policy:
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Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Snow Leoparrd (MacOS X 10.6) CLIENT installation steps for Mailman

2010-04-28 Thread Larry Stone
b) Using your favorite text editor (vi, emacs, or whatever), create the file For instance, with vi, type:
And enter the lines:
/usr/local/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start
sleep 1
Save and exit.

c) Change permissions to make it executable:
chmod 755

d) Create the Mailman startup preference file:
 cd /Library/LaunchDaemons
 touch mailman.plist

c) Using your favorite method of text editing, add the following content to







d) Verify the file ownership and permissions:
 ls -l
   You should see one of the lines saying something like:
 -rw-r--r--  5 root   wheel   170 12 May 11:21 mailman.plist

e) If the permissions (rw-r--r--) are not correct, type:
 chmod 644 mailman.plist

f) If the owner (root) or group (wheel) is not correct, type:
 chown root:wheel mailman.plist

g) Go into launchctl and enable Mailman. This should also cause it to start
load -w mailman.plist
(the -w is very important. The Disabled attribute in the .plist is no longer
used. Instead, Disabled status for all launchd plists is stored in
/var/db/laubchd.db/ and is set/unset by the
-w on the launchctl load/unload commands. Yes, it does seems needlessly

Mailman should have started. To verify, open Terminal and type:
ps -efw | grep python
You should see a bunch of lines like this:
   78  1099 1   0   0:00.01 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start
   78  1101  1099   0   0:08.38 ?? 0:18.67 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1102  1099   0   0:07.29 ?? 0:17.57 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=BounceRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1103  1099   0   0:08.46 ?? 0:18.83 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=CommandRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1104  1099   0   0:08.14 ?? 0:18.16 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1105  1099   0   0:07.92 ?? 0:17.73 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1107  1099   0   0:07.72 ?? 0:18.54 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=OutgoingRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1108  1099   0   0:07.80 ?? 0:17.66 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=VirginRunner:0:1 -s
   78  1109  1099   0   0:00.07 ?? 0:00.19 /usr/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=RetryRunner:0:1 -s
0 15583 15537   0   0:00.00 ttys0000:00.00 grep pyth

(The numbers will vary. The important thing is that you see the qrunner

Step 9) Enjoy!

At this point, mailman should be ready to use. Read the documentation in
your source directory for instructions on setting up your mailing lists.

Larry Stone

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman vs OSX vs launchd

2010-04-28 Thread Larry Stone
I know, I'm reopening a ten month old thread. But I think I have a good 

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

--On 26. Juni 2009 20:22:13 +0900 Matthias Schmidt  wrote:

Am/On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:22:02 -0500 schrieb/wrote Larry Stone:

On 6/18/09 7:11 PM, Bryan Harrison at wrote:

I've built and installed Mailman 2.12 from current source code and
have it running just fine under OS X Server 10.5.7, with on exception,
which is not properly speaking a Mailman problem at all.

If I start Mailman from the CLI, using /usr/share/mailman/bin/
mailmanctl -s start, all is well.

If I allow launchd to start it
SI get an endless succession ofS

Jun 18 16:50:26 org.list.mailmanctl[1697]: Starting Mailman's master
Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl[1697]):
Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 1698 PPID 1 Python
Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl): Throttling
respawn: Will start in 9 seconds

The reason this happens is that launchd expects the processes it launches to 
stick around. They must not daemonize. But mailmanctl terminates after it has 
started the runners. I assume that Apple modified their own distribution of 
Mailman so that mailmanctl behaves differently. I'd suggest comparing the 

I've been playing around with Mailman on a 10.6 (Snow Leopard) machine. 
It's for testing right now (at the next refresh of Mac Minis or iMacs, I 
plan to buy one to replace my PPC iMac that is currently my everything 
server - for now I'm testing on my laptop, the only Intel Mac I currently 

So I found that unlike on the PPC iMac, where Mailman starts OK after 
about 75% of the boots, on the laptop, it consistently died. No "stray 
process" system.log message but perhaps that's a 10.5/10.6 difference. But 
I did see that the lock files were being created in $mailman_prefix/locks. 
So what's different? Well, the laptop is a lot faster. Factor? I think so.

I know almost nothing about the internals of forking processes and 
daemonizing but if I have it right, when 'mailmanctl start' is run, it 
forks a second copy which daemonizes. Meanwhile, the first copy of 
mailmanctl exits. My guess is that the first copy was exiting and the 
process terminating before the second copy had performed whatever magic it 
does to deamonize and run on its own. My workaround, which appears to work 
so far, is to have launchd, rather than run mailmanctl directly (via a 
.plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons), instead run a script in root's home 
directory that runs mailmanctl, then sleeps for one second before exiting:

/usr/local/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start
sleep 1

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Site password not functioning

2010-04-01 Thread Larry Stone

On Thu, 1 Apr 2010, Rob wrote:

Good morning,

While dealing with a flood of returned mails generated by the monthly 
password reminders sent out today, I noticed that my site admin password 
no longer functions correctly. Mailman accepts the password, and I can 
make changes to records, but if I attempt, for instance, to view a user 
record and choose the 'List my other subscriptions' button, I get the 
"The list administrator may not view the other subscriptions for this 
user." error.

I know this worked previously, but I don't know what changed.


This is Mailman 2.1.13 running on Mac OS X server 10.5.8

Did you install from sources or are you running the version Apple provides 
with OS X Server? If the latter, what probably changed is Apple updating 
you to 2.1.13 in the Security Update that came out last week (I'm assuming 
you must have installed that already). The Release Notes for the update 
say it upgraded Mailman.

Apple's idea of security vulnerabilities can sometimes be considered as 
being the way you want to use a product is not the way they think you 
should be using it. Like every Security Update on OS X Client 
reconfiguring Postfix so that it does not listen to the outside world. 
Their idea is you don't run a full-blown mail server on Client so 
listening to the outside world is a vulnerability while for those of who 
do want the full-blown server, it's a feature. :-( (make note to self, 
make backup copies of the Postfix config files before installing the 
update this weekend).

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] List Limitations

2010-03-04 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 3 Mar 2010, Richard Berta wrote:

We're looking to start a new listserv

Listserv is not a synonym for mailing list. Rather, it is the trademarked 
name for a competing brand of mailing list management software. Please do 
not use "listserv" in connection with GNU Mailman.

with 3,000+ names, can the current 
system handle something of that size?

Mailman can easily handle a list of that size. If you are to have an 
issue, it will be with your computer's resources (memory, disk space, 
etc.) and/or Internet bandwidth.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Macs & Mailman software

2010-02-23 Thread Larry Stone

On Mon, 22 Feb 2010, PJ Mills User wrote:

Does Mailman software work with Macs?

Yes. Macintoshes have Unix as their underlying operating system so it is 
very possible. If you check the FAQ or search the archives, you will find 
much on the topic.

Apple includes a modified version of Mailman with Mac OS X Server. Due to 
the changes Apple has made, it is unsupported by this group.

Mailman can be installed and built from source on Mac OS X client. In the 
archives, you will find much on doing so including instructions I wrote on 
installing it on Tiger and notes on the upgrade to Leopard.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Spam filtering

2010-02-17 Thread Larry Stone
On 2/17/10 7:56 AM, Geoff Shang at wrote:

> 1.  It's possible to use an IP address to block(at least temporarily)
> these messages.  If I put this IP address into a Mailman spam filter, will
> this be checked *before* checking whether or not the person is a member of
> the list?  I want to know if list admins can block these without bugging
> their site admins to do it upstream.

Probably better to do this in the MTA, not Mailman.

> 2.  One idea I came up with for rejecting spoofed mail is for the
> receiving SMTP server to somehow check if the sending one is an MX for the
> domain given in the From header.  Are there any obvious problems with this
> approach?  Is anyone actually doing this?  It seems so simple that there
> surely must be some reason why it's not done.

A bad idea. MX records identify servers that RECEIVE mail for the domain.
They say nothing about which servers can SEND mail for the domain. While in
many cases, they are the same servers, there is no requirement that they be
so and many large ISPs split the functions.

Larry Stone

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Questions

2010-02-09 Thread Larry Stone
On 2/9/10 7:39 AM, Boston-McCracken, Meghan at wrote:

> I am the administrator of the Maternal Newborn and Child Health Promotion
> (MNCHP) listserv.

Listserv is the trademarked name for L-Soft's mailing list management
product. It is not the same as GNU Mailman . Please do not refer to a GNU
Mailman list as a "listserv" or use "listserv" as a generic term for mailing
lists or mailing list management software.

Larry Stone

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] closing account

2010-02-01 Thread Larry Stone

On Mon, 1 Feb 2010, Per-Erik Ottosson wrote:

I have for quite a long time ago, closing an account. Account name was I still get mail about how to renew your password, the list
is not maintained. Can you remove it completely.

You need to contact the administrators of the system that is sending you 
these messages. This list is for discussion by Mailman administrators of 
how to use Mailman. It is not a support list specific to the server that 
is sending you the messages nor do we have any access to that site.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailing list

2010-01-26 Thread Larry Stone

On Mon, 25 Jan 2010, King, Leslie wrote:

Can your program work on a Mac?

You've already had a couple of answers. I have written (and it should be 
found in the archives) installation instructions for various recent 
versions of Mac OS X.

That said, and with no idea of what your expectations and capabilities 
are, it is not a piece of consumer software that you just copy on to your 
Macintosh and double-click. You will be turning your Macintosh into a 
server (no, you don't need to have Mac OS X Server), you will need a mail 
server running, you will be downloading the Mailman source and building it 
(requires Mac OS X Developer Tools), you will be modifying the 
internal web server on your computer, and you will need to modify system 
startup files (Mailman runs in the background). In short, you need to be a 
reasonably skilled system administrator.

-- Larry Stone
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Is There a list member limitation?

2010-01-15 Thread Larry Stone

On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Goodman, William wrote:

I see things like below to users I know didn't receive the email. So you
first assessment is correct
"they did receive it but they just can't find it.

Uh no, the message below is a deferral. Postfix keeps retrying until it 
times out at which point is bounced. How long until it times out is a site 
configurable length of time (default five days, I think).

delay=8.3, delays=0.02/4.4/0.67/3.3, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host[] said: 451 ...
Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable (in reply to RCPT
TO command)) Jan 13 15:25:00 my-mailserver postfix/smtp[28262]:

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Is There a list member limitation?

2010-01-15 Thread Larry Stone

On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Goodman, William wrote:


I also manage the mail servers, we use postfix with Amavid, ClamAV and
Spamassassian. I know
this is a mailman list but, is that (SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 500) a postfix
mail server configuration?

Since you're also managing the mail servers, you should be able to look in 
the postfix logs to see what's happening.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Dunivan Realtors List

2010-01-14 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 13 Jan 2010, David Dunivan wrote:

  Please help.  I just sent out my 1st email marketing flyer through 
LIstserv and I am getting a lot of complaints that their is no 
Unsubscribe Button.  Please advise me on how I can get this done 
immediately to my account.  I did not see this option under the Admin. 
Page.  This is very important.

My account is under

First, if you sent out a mass email marketing flyer and are getting lots 
of complaints, it sounds like you are probably a spammer. A well-managed 
mailing list, in general, had only subscribers who have opted-in and 
confirmed the opt-in. If people are immediately wanting to unsubscribe, it 
does not sound like it was confirmed opt-in.

But if you're not a spammer, you are apparently at the wrong place. This 
mailing list is about Mailman. You asked about Listserv(tm) which is a 
"competing" mailing list manager.

Now on the chance that you really are asking about Mailman and said 
Listserv because you think like way too many people that listserv is just 
a generic term for a mailing list manager rather than someone's 
trademarked brand name, Mailman just sends on what it is sent. If you want 
an unsunscribe button, you need to send your message as HTML and design it 
into the HTML. Mailman does send mailing list management headers in each 
message (always? or does that need to be turned on? I'm not sure) but that 
requires the reader to have an e-mail client that recognizes the headers 
and not all do.

Also, this list is about the Mailman software itself. We have no access to 
the site running your list. You need to contact your site administrator 
about making chnages to your site.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Error running bin/mailmanctl restart

2009-12-17 Thread Larry Stone

On Thu, 17 Dec 2009, Steve Burling wrote:

At one point, I compared the stock mailmanctl with that from the one Apple 
distributes with Mac OS X Server.  The only difference was that the 'start' 
stanza in main() had been cloned as a 'startf' stanza, with a couple of 
relatively minor changes, primarily (if I remember correctly) to make it not 
daemonize, since things run from launchd aren't allowed to daemonize. I 
*think* that that's what's leading to the problem you see -- mailmanctl 
daemonizes, launchd cleans it up and it respawns, eventually triggering the 

I forgot about the deamonizing issue. But, it can sort of be worked 
around. In the note Paul quoted from, we have (and I am the "Me" in the 
quote; I forget who Bryan is):

I just caught that Bryan notes that he receives an "endless succession" 
of those messages where as I see one and that's it.

Comparing our launchd .plist files, I see a few differences:



With OnDemand set to false, launchctl thinks you want mailmanctl always 
running. But mailmanctl daemonizes and exits so launchctl tries to 
restart it. With my OnDemand set to true and RunAtLoad set to true, 
launchctl tries to run mailmanctl once at boot and is done with it. That 
mailmanctl exits is find. But it comes at the cost of launchctl not 
knowing anything about Mailman after mailmanctl exits. It won't restart it 
if it subsequently dies (has not been a problem for me. I have a cron job 
that runs hourly and e-mails me if a qrunner is missing not that one ever 
is once it's up and running).

But Paul mentioned that he tried OnDemand = true and RunAtLoad = true and 
no qrunners (Paul, did you reboot or force a reload of the launchd plist 
for mailman?). So we'd need to see log files as to what's happening. If 
there's nothing in any logfile (including system.log), then I'd guess the 
plist was never reloaded.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Error running bin/mailmanctl restart

2009-12-17 Thread Larry Stone
I recognize some of my words in what Paul has quoted below so let me 
comment. The discussion Paul is quoting from dealt with running Mailman on 
Mac OS X CLIENT whereas Paul is dealing with Mac OS X SERVER. OS X Server 
comes with a bastardized version of Mailman where as OS X Client has 
nothing except a Mailman account (Why is the account already there? Who 
knows!). The undocumented changes Apple has made have been talked about 
much before and I thought with the conclusion that the Apple provided 
version in Server is unsupported here due to the kind issues Paul is 

My suggestion would be to remove the Apple provided version of Mailman, 
the install the official version from source. Once the Apple version is 
gone, I see no reason that instructions for installing from scratch that 
I've previously posted would not work. Heck, they might even work fine in 
parallel with the Apple version (which obviously then should not be 
allowed to run). I'm pretty sure, if I remember my own instructions 
correctly, that I have Mailman self-contained within /Applications/mailman 
except for the startup file in /Library/LaunchDaemons (which might need to 
be given a slightly different name to avoid a conflict), the modifications 
to the Apache configuration file, and the modifications to the Postfix 
configuration file for the aliases (all of which should be preserved by 
any Apple upgrades).

-- Larry Stone

On Thu, 17 Dec 2009, Paul Kleeberg wrote:

I am ready to tear my hair out.

Thanks to Mark, I got mailman up and running except for one minor hitch.  In my 
log file I see an endless stream of:

12/17/09 11:56:49 AM[1] (org.list.mailmanctl) 
Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
12/17/09 11:57:00 AM[1] (org.list.mailmanctl) 
Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

Searching the archives, I found this (The thread starts at

The only difference between my org.list.mailmanctl.plist and Apple's is my verb 
*start*, as opposed to Apple's *startf*. I'm baffled by *startf*, which is not 
supported by mailman and does nothing, either in the CLI or in 

Further on down in the messages I read:

I just caught that Bryan notes that he receives an "endless succession" of 
those messages where as I see one and that's it.
Comparing our launchd .plist files, I see a few differences:



So I made that change to 

Everything appeared to work fine, web interface works, creating a list works 
but qrunner does not to appear to start on bootup.  it appears that I now have 
to manually run:

 sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/mailmanctl start

to get mailman to start.  That concerns me.  I need to know how to get it to 
start on boot and how to restart itself if it dies.

When this is all done, I would be happy to summarize what I learned for

Paul Kleeberg

On Dec 17, 2009, at 9:35 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

Paul Kleeberg wrote:

and get the following error:

* Installation directory /var/mailman is not configured properly!
* Directory must be owned by group _mailman: /var/mailman

/var/mailman is has the settings root:wheel while the files inside are 

Do I need to change the group of the /var/mailman directory for the install?  I 
know that change is probably not significant, but I an not sure enough of my 
knowledge to know.

It is only significant to configure in your case, but configure whant
the prefix and var_prefix directories to be SETGID and Mailman's group
so that subordinates created by make install will be the same.

When you originally asked about this off line, I thought what you had
would be OK because it was a working installation, but apparently it
only works for Apple :(

You need to

chgrp _mailman /var/mailman
chmod g+s /var/mailman

to make configure happy. The prefix directory (/usr/share/mailman in
your case) needs to be the same.

Once I get this right, I plan on upgrading a 10.6.2 production server running 
2.1.12rc1 to 2.1.12.

FYI, 2.1.13rc1 is released and 2.1.13 final will be released next week
barring the unexpected. It fixes several minor bugs in 2.1.12.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Getting ready to try my first install of mailman on OS-X

2009-12-07 Thread Larry Stone

On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, John Lieber wrote:

Beyond my control is that we are not using OS-X Server.

That is a "good thing". Installing on OS X Client means you do it the 
right way rather than having the Apple dain-bramaged version they include 
with Server.

Awaiting a call that will get me access to the machine (remote location) 
to find out the specifics (Which OS version/etc).  All I know is that it 
is a Mac Mini.  Very possible it is Tiger (PowerPC)...

Well, which version would be good to know. Tiger is actually better than 
Leopard as there is an unresolved issue with Leopard's system startup that 
occasionally causes the Mailman startup to fail.

So for right now if anyone has any links that I can read up on or 

I currently have Mailman running on OS X Client and have posted 
installation instructions for both Panther and Tiger as well as notes on 
my upgrade to Leopard.

The Tiger instructions can be found in the archives at:
<>. A 
search will let you find the Panther instructions and Leopard notes if you 
need those.

Larry Stone

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-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Taking a stab at Mailman on Mac OS X

2009-11-26 Thread Larry Stone
On 11/26/09 12:12 AM, Larry Stone at wrote:

> Also, search the archives as I have posted detailed instructions on
> installing Mailman on Mac OS X. There is a version for Tiger (10.4) I posted
> on 7/17/05.

Now that I had time to do the search myself, the URL is

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Taking a stab at Mailman on Mac OS X

2009-11-25 Thread Larry Stone
On 11/25/09 9:32 PM, Bill Catambay at wrote:

> Is there anyone on this list who has successfully got Mailman running
> on Mac OS?

As Mark posted, you need to install the developer tools.

Also, search the archives as I have posted detailed instructions on
installing Mailman on Mac OS X. There is a version for Tiger (10.4) I posted
on 7/17/05.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Feature request: Emergency Broadcast

2009-11-22 Thread Larry Stone
On 11/22/09 2:53 PM, Bill Catambay at wrote:

> When I used Autoshare listserver software, it ran on my home server
> (a Mac), and I never had to rely on anyone for support (handled
> everything myself).  Unfortunately, that software has not been
> updated in over 10 years and is no longer supported (there isn't even
> a version that runs on Mac OS X, only a classic version).  I noticed
> my ISP offered mailing lists (using Mailman), and I made the move
> this year to migrate all my lists.

Assuming you can still run servers at home with your ISP, you can run
Mailman on Max OS X. While Apple provides a modified version with OS X
Server, it is easy to install from source on OS X client and instructions to
do so can be found in the Archived.

I am currently running Mailman 2.1.12 on Leopard (on a PPC iMac not that
that will make any difference).
Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman current version?

2009-11-18 Thread Larry Stone

On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Christopher Adams wrote:

I have been using Mailman 2.1.12 for awhile now and am migrating to a
different server. When I looked on the website, I found two sources for the
Mailman package, Launchpad and Gnu. It says that Gnu tends to lag behind in
versions available. In Launchpad, it says the current version is 3.0.0a3 and
Gnu has 2.1.12. I am pretty sure that the latter is the most current stable
version and I have not seen any posts about a new version, so?

I'm surprised none of the developers here have answered (unless I somehow 
missed it) but I assume the "a" in that 3.0.0a3 means "alpha". In other 
words, a very preliminary first look version and not at all suitable for 
any sort of production work. I do recall a mention of a first alpha 
version of Mailman 3 but unless you're into heavy testing on a separate 
system, stay away from it for now.

IMHO, the mailman team is very good about version numbering and officially 
calling something a production version when it's ready. Contrast that to 
the far too many projects that don't understand versioning and will put 
out a beta and then if it works, just say "use the beta, it's the current 
latest working version". With Mailman, wait for an official production 
release as it will come when everything is ready.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman vs OSX vs launchd

2009-06-26 Thread Larry Stone

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

On 6/18/09 7:11 PM, Bryan Harrison at wrote:

If I allow launchd to start it
SI get an endless succession ofS

Jun 18 16:50:26 org.list.mailmanctl[1697]: Starting Mailman's master
Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl[1697]):
Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 1698 PPID 1 Python
Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl): Throttling
respawn: Will start in 9 seconds

I just caught that Bryan notes that he receives an "endless succession" of 
those messages where as I see one and that's it.

Comparing our launchd .plist files, I see a few differences:



Bryan does not have RunAtLoad but the default is false. I think this is 
why he sees the "endless succession" and I don't. Wiht RunAtLoad but 
OnDemand set true, my system tries once at startup and that's it. Bryan, 
due to OnDemand being false (meaning keep it running continuously), keeps 

Another difference (but I think making no difference is:




I don't have a Program key. I don't think this is relevant as I specify 
the full path in ProgramArguments which Bryan does not need to do since he 
specified the path in Program.

The reason this happens is that launchd expects the processes it 
launches to stick around. They must not daemonize. But mailmanctl 
terminates after it has started the runners. I assume that Apple 
modified their own distribution of Mailman so that mailmanctl behaves 
differently. I'd suggest comparing the two.

I'm not so sure. It worked fine for me under Tiger (client). Drew reports 
the same thing with OS X Server - worked fine under Tiger (10.4.x) and 
then the same problems as the rest of us with Leopard.

Also, I can't say I agree that launchd expects the program to stick 
around. With it the way I have it set (RunAtLoad true and OnDemand true), 
it makes one attempt at startup and does not care after that whether it 
started or not. I'll note that I also have Clam-AV's daemon (clamd) 
starting the same way and it seems to work OK but some of the technical 
issues of launching daemon with launchd are beyond me. However, the 
launchd.plist(5) man page says:

Daemons or agents managed by launchd are expected to behave certain ways.

A daemon or agent launched by launchd MUST NOT do the following in the 
process directly launched by launchd:

   o   fork(2) and have the parent process exit(3) or _exit(2).
   o   Call daemon(3)

A daemon or agent launched by launchd SHOULD NOT do the following as a 
part of their startup initialization:

Setup the user ID or group ID.
   o   Setup the working directory.
   o   chroot(2)
   o   setsid(2)
   o   Close "stray" file descriptors.
   o   Change stdio(3) to /dev/null.
   o   Setup resource limits with setrusage(2).
   o   Setup priority with setpriority(2).
   o   Ignore the SIGTERM signal.

A daemon or agent launched by launchd SHOULD:

   o   Launch on demand given criteria specified in the XML property
   list.  More information can be found in launch(3).
   o   Catch the SIGTERM signal.

I'll leave it to those better into the technical end of things to 
interpret that relative to what mailmanctl does.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman vs OSX vs launchd

2009-06-26 Thread Larry Stone
On 6/26/09 6:22 AM, Matthias Schmidt at wrote:

> Am/On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:22:02 -0500 schrieb/wrote Larry Stone:
>> On 6/18/09 7:11 PM, Bryan Harrison at wrote:
>>> I've built and installed Mailman 2.12 from current source code and
>>> have it running just fine under OS X Server 10.5.7, with on exception,
>>> which is not properly speaking a Mailman problem at all.
>>> If I start Mailman from the CLI, using /usr/share/mailman/bin/
>>> mailmanctl -s start, all is well.
>>> If I allow launchd to start it
>>> SI get an endless succession ofS
>>> Jun 18 16:50:26 org.list.mailmanctl[1697]: Starting Mailman's master
>>> qrunner.
>>> Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl[1697]):
>>> Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 1698 PPID 1 Python
>>> Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl): Throttling
>>> respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
>> Known issue, no idea why. I've been running Mailman on Client OS X since the
>> Tiger days. As soon as I upgraded to Leopard, I started seeing this happen
>> intermittently. I have a launchd plist almost identical to yours.
>> It is intermittent for me. Probably happens about 1 in 3 boots. I try to
>> remember to check that it's running after reboots. If not, I have a cron job
>> that runs hourly to check for the proper number of qrunners and send me
>> e-mail if any or all are missing.
> I have the same issue as Bryan (and my plist looks simular) and find
> this in my logs, when I start mailman via launchd, if I start it by CLI,
> I don't see this issue:
> Jun 26 20:16:29 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40673]: The master qrunner
> lock could not be acquired because it appears as if another
> Jun 26 20:16:29 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40673]: master qrunner is
> already running.
> Jun 26 20:16:29 myMac[1] (org.list.mailmanctl):
> Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
> Jun 26 20:16:41 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40675]: The master qrunner
> lock could not be acquired because it appears as if another
> Jun 26 20:16:41 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40675]: master qrunner is
> already running.
> Jun 26 20:16:41 myMac[1] (org.list.mailmanctl):
> Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
> Jun 26 20:16:52 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40680]: The master qrunner
> lock could not be acquired because it appears as if another
> Jun 26 20:16:52 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40680]: master qrunner is
> already running.
> Jun 26 20:16:52 myMac[1] (org.list.mailmanctl):
> Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
> Jun 26 20:17:02 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40757]: The master qrunner
> lock could not be acquired because it appears as if another
> Jun 26 20:17:02 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40757]: master qrunner is
> already running.
> Jun 26 20:17:03 myMac[1] (org.list.mailmanctl):
> Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
> Jun 26 20:17:13 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40760]: The master qrunner
> lock could not be acquired because it appears as if another
> Jun 26 20:17:13 myMac org.list.mailmanctl[40760]: master qrunner is
> already running.
> Jun 26 20:17:13 myMac[1] (org.list.mailmanctl):
> Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds

This is not the same issue as Bryan and I have. The log entries you have
posted indicate that you are trying to start Mailman twice (the issue Bryan
and I have is Mailman dying with the "stray process" message). Perhaps you
have two different launchd scripts that try to to start Mailman. Launchd
looks in both /System/Library/LaunchDaemons and /Library/LaunchDaemons. The
former is supposed to be for Apple provided scripts with the latter for
user/3rd party application scripts. My "mailman.plist" is in
/Library/LaunchDaemons but you should check both and grep for mailmanctl.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman vs OSX vs launchd

2009-06-18 Thread Larry Stone
On 6/18/09 7:11 PM, Bryan Harrison at wrote:

> I've built and installed Mailman 2.12 from current source code and
> have it running just fine under OS X Server 10.5.7, with on exception,
> which is not properly speaking a Mailman problem at all.
> If I start Mailman from the CLI, using /usr/share/mailman/bin/
> mailmanctl -s start, all is well.
> If I allow launchd to start it
> ŠI get an endless succession ofŠ
> Jun 18 16:50:26 org.list.mailmanctl[1697]: Starting Mailman's master
> qrunner.
> Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl[1697]):
> Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 1698 PPID 1 Python
> Jun 18 16:50:26[1] (org.list.mailmanctl): Throttling
> respawn: Will start in 9 seconds

Known issue, no idea why. I've been running Mailman on Client OS X since the
Tiger days. As soon as I upgraded to Leopard, I started seeing this happen
intermittently. I have a launchd plist almost identical to yours.

It is intermittent for me. Probably happens about 1 in 3 boots. I try to
remember to check that it's running after reboots. If not, I have a cron job
that runs hourly to check for the proper number of qrunners and send me
e-mail if any or all are missing.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] mail to non-existing list - Part two

2009-04-24 Thread Larry Stone

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Jeff Bernier wrote:

I have tested this by just making up names on-the-fly like nolist, or 
xyzlist, and get this result every time.

Sounds like you have a catchall address pointing to the Mailman list 

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] MMDSR Question

2009-02-15 Thread Larry Stone
On 2/15/09 1:43 AM, Brad Knowles at wrote:

> I never tried to run the script on a MacOS X machine.  On the Linux and
> FreeBSD machines where I run it (including the server for,
> where this list is hosted), I don't see these kinds of problems.

I have MMDSR running on Mac OS X but as I recall, I made a lot of changes to
it to both make it work and have it do what I wanted it to do. There were
definitely some syntax changes and, I think, some binary file location
differences to be to be accommodated.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Bounce handling is not user-friendly.

2008-09-11 Thread Larry Stone
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, David Ingamells wrote:

> Please act on the following 2 points below as enhancements to MailMan.
> These arise from my membership of the bazaar mailing list.
> I am getting "Your membership in the mailing list bazaar has been
> disabled due to excessive bounces" messages regularly (every week) now.
> Curiously, up to the time of the excessive bounce message I don't miss
> any emails that failed to arrive from the mailing list. I have spoken to
> our sysadmin and he knows nothing about any bounces from our mail
> server. It is very annoying as I don't know what I can do about it with
> the information available to me. Furthermore I miss messages to the
> mailing list between the time that the membership is disabled until the
> time I can act upon the message. It also happened while I was on holiday
> and my membership almost got deleted.
> 1) Can you adapt mailman to support first sending a warning and allow
> the member a little time (e.g. a day) to react before the heavy-handed
> action of disabling the membership?

Mailman is customizable in that area (per list). By default, mailman will
need to see bounces on a certain number of days within a certain longer
period before it disables the account. For instance, if mailman is
configured to disable on five bounces (counting a maximum of one per day)
within 14 days, it will continue to send until the fifth day with a
bounce. After 14 days go by without a bounce, the data is considered stale
and you start over with zero bounces.

It's possible the list admin set it to disable you after just one bounce.
There are situations where this might be the desired behavior but those
are generally pretty few and far between.

Once the membership is disabled, the disabled reminders are sent out
weekly for a user-configurable number of weeks after which the recipient
is unsubscribed.

Sending a warning makes no sense since if mail is bouncing, usually all
mail to that user is bouncing and it the warning will bounce too.

> 2) Can you you adapt mailman to send an example of (at least the header
> of) a bounced email with the message? Without this information I don't
> know how I can stop them as I don't know what, who or where the bounce
> is happening.

That information is sent to the list owner. For my lists, almost always
it's because the user abandoned the address and it went away.

Your situation sounds like there is some issue between the list server and
you that is causing an occassional message to be rejected with a permanent
error. You said you're not missing any messages right up until the "you
are disabled" message but how do you know for sure. The best thing would
be to write to the list owner and ask him to forward the disabled message
he receives (by default) the next time it happens.

What could be causing the bounces is really not a Mailman issue but off
the top of my head, possibilities are:
1) a misconfigured mail server that is rejecting mail with a permanent
error for what is a transient error
2) mail being bounced by a spam filter
3) Auto-replies from your mail program back to the sender
I'm sure there are others. How well they'll be recognized by the mailman
bounce processor partially depends on certain list configuration options.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] changes at aol

2008-08-13 Thread Larry Stone
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Aug 2008, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> > I'm confused. How do you use the Message-ID for this? Even when
> > messages are fully personalized, every recipient's message has the
> > Message-ID of the original, incoming message.
> It may depend on how your MTA is set up. On my lists, there is an internal
> Received: line where the mailman machine hands off the message to itself.
> That message ID allows me to lookup the recipient despite AOL's obfuscation.
> Here's an example from a test list, luckly someone just tested it:
> (Mycroft is the border mail machine, Friday is the web/mailman server)
> If I had a complaint I would look up message ID m7DF2jJX008532 on
> host Friday.
> Received: from (localhost [])
> by (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id m7DF2jJX008532
> for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:02:45 -0400 (EDT)

That's not a "Message ID", that's a queue ID. And yes, I do the same

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] changes at aol

2008-08-13 Thread Larry Stone
On 8/13/08 1:07 AM, Brad Knowles at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So, either way, we're screwed.  AOL is determined to delete any and
> all data that would actually be useful to us in our jobs, and they
> are determined to file all these reports automatically.
> So do what I do -- file them automatically, in a folder that you
> never go look in.

Why even receive them at that point? They're little more than spam
themselves so maybe it's time to ban all mail from AOL as AOL will then be a
known spammer. :-(

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Upgrade questions - Best method suggestions requested

2008-07-16 Thread Larry Stone
On 7/16/08 12:57 AM, Brad Knowles at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 7/15/08, Drew Tenenholz wrote:
>>  1) Are there any significant changes to the FAQ for Apple upgrade I
>>  should know about?
> The Apple-related portion of the documentation has been contributed
> by other members of the community, so if you haven't seen any updates
> there, it is *NOT* safe to assume that the instructions are still
> valid.  You could always try them and report back your experiences,
> and maybe hope that someone will be able to update the documentation
> to reflect that.

As the author of the document referenced in the FAQ on installing Mailman on
client Mac OS X, there are some significant changes for Leopard. I posted an
update on 10/29/07 titled "Mac OS X Leopard upgrade experience" which should
be findable in the archives.

I do have one ongoing problem which is the Mailman startup, when started as
part of system boot, fails about 2/3 of the time with the "stray process"
message mentioned in the note referenced above. My "solution" to it is a
cron job that runs hourly to alert me to missing qrunners (which obviously
is useful for other mailman problems as well) and manually starting it when

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Feature Request: Selective Mass Subscription

2008-07-10 Thread Larry Stone
On Thu, 10 Jul 2008, Brad Knowles wrote:

> Michael Welch wrote:
> > That said, my own need calls for the ability to do just that.
> And I've used it myself on numerous occasions.  This is why I haven't made
> too much noise about stripping this function, or even turning it off by
> default.  I trust myself to use it, and I'm willing to trust most of my
> users on certain systems, but I don't trust anyone else.
> Since I want to keep the feature for myself, I can't argue too loudly to
> remove it for everyone else.

Brad, I'm glad you added that. But it raises an interesting topic of
discussion which is why is e-mail held to a different standard than
other means of communication.

I know I've mentioned this before but as a side job, I assign soccer
referees to soccer games. I need to periodically make announcements to
them about upcoming games, etc. These officials are independent
contractors - they are not employees. I use Mailman to handle mailings
because I can e-mail to them 1) with it addressed to them personally
(using Full Personaliztion) and 2) without revealing the addresses of
other referees, all without having to BCC: them.

Now have any of them given permission to be added to a mailing list? Nope,
not one of them. Actually, most people don't even know it goes through a
mailing list processor. But they have voluntarily provided their e-mail
addresses to me when requesting games. When someone applies for games, I
use mass subscribe to add them.  I think it's reasonable to conclude that
by applying, they have an expectation that I'll use the address they've
provided to send them e-mail related to the games they've requested. Just
as I'll use the phone numbers they've provided to call them and the snail
mail address potentially to send them snail mail. Nobody asks for
confirmed opt-in for snail mail mailings or phone calls. So why is e-mail
held to a different standard?

Note that this is my own server on its own address so I have no worries
about customers abusing it. But note also that the way I use Mailman for
these lists to my referees is very much outside the traditional mailing
list model. And by the way, I also do run a few "traditional" lists and
they are very much confirmed opt-in.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] slightly OT: on not becoming a spam source

2008-05-30 Thread Larry Stone
On Fri, 30 May 2008, David Newman wrote:

> > When you then get the AOL TOS e-mail, you can figure out who the list
> > recipient was as while AOL redacts the AOL recipient, they don't touch the
> > Return-Path.
> I wish this were true, but it appears AOL gets to the Return-Path too:
> Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hmmm. I had one as recently as 5/15 and Return-Path was not touched nor
some of the other places the address appears. It is frustrating that AOL
wants to stop the unwanted e-mail but tries to make it difficult to figure
out who is complaining.

Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 20:02:11 EDT
Subject: Client TOS Notification

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from (
[]) by (v121.4) with ESMTP id
MAILINYC44-1c4478a76c82e5; Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:38:43 -0500
Received: from (
[]) by (v121.4) with ESMTP id
MAILRELAYINYC32-1c4478a76c82e5; Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:38:33 -0500
Received: from (localhost [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 34DAC2A5C24F
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sun, 13 Jan 2008 14:38:32 -0600 (CST)
Received: from [] (unknown [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5E2312A5C1F1
Sun, 13 Jan 2008 14:38:27 -0600 (CST)
X-AOL-SCOLL-AUTHENTICATION: listenair ; SPF_helo : n
X-AOL-SCOLL-AUTHENTICATION: listenair ; SPF_822_from : +
X-Mailer: Unknown (No Version)

> So neither Return-ID nor Message-ID identifies who's complaining.
> But...this might be something. The next message header contains an ESMTP
> ID that corresponds with exactly one AOL user in maillog:
> Received: from (
> []) by (v121.4) with ESMTP id
> MAILINMH024-be4483f8d3acf; Fri, 30 May 2008 01:14:45 -0400
> Received: from (
> [666.666.666.666]) by (v121.5) with ESMTP id
> MAILRELAYINMH074-be4483f8d3acf; Fri, 30 May 2008 01:14:35 -0400
> Received: from localhost (localhost [])
>   by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B55685B31C0
>   for ; Thu, 29 May 2008 22:14:34 - (UTC)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:log# grep -i B55685B31C0 /var/log/maillog
> May 29 22:14:34 mail postfix/smtpd[25785]: B55685B31C0:
> client=localhost[]
> May 29 22:14:34 mail postfix/cleanup[21262]: B55685B31C0:
> message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> May 29 22:14:34 mail postfix/qmgr[23040]: B55685B31C0:
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=13344,
> nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Given the above, is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" the subscriber that's complaining?
> Or is it just a coincidence that that AOL user got listed first?

I think so. With personalization on, Mailman is generating a separate
e-mail for each user which passes through Postfix as separate messages
with a unique ID in Postfix. Without personalization, Mailman could pass
as few as one message to the MTA and let the MTA split it into all the
destinations. With personalization, the message for each user comes to the
MTA as a separate message. One of the tradeoffs of personalization is the
increased workload for Mailman and the MTA.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] slightly OT: on not becoming a spam source

2008-05-30 Thread Larry Stone
On 5/29/08 11:37 PM, Jim Popovitch at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 12:18 AM, David Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hmmm. I must be missing something, as the system is still associating each
>> Message-ID with all 250 list subscribers.
> VERP has nothing to do with Message-ID, and everything to do with
> Return-Path and Sender:   ;-)

With VERP and personalization, the Return-Path, instead of being

I think you said you're using Postfix in which case you need
"recipient_delimiter = +" in your so it knows about the plus signs
in the return paths.

When you then get the AOL TOS e-mail, you can figure out who the list
recipient was as while AOL redacts the AOL recipient, they don't touch the

As you have observed, the original message-ID is still preserved.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] slightly OT: on not becoming a spam source

2008-05-29 Thread Larry Stone
On Thu, 29 May 2008, David Newman wrote:

> Possibly this is some VERP config error on my part. I added the
> following to and rebooted:

You also need

Once you do that, the personalization option will appear on the
appropriate admin page. You will probably need to restart httpd for it to
appear. I doubt restarting the qrunners will be needed.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] sharing administrator passwords

2008-05-29 Thread Larry Stone
On 5/29/08 6:23 AM, Charles Marcus at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 5/28/2008, Brad Knowles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> From /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/
>> # Normally when a site administrator authenticates to a web page with the
>> site
>> # password, they get a cookie which authorizes them as the list admin.  It
>> # makes me nervous to hand out site auth cookies because if this cookie is
>> # cracked or intercepted, the intruder will have access to every list on the
>> # site.  OTOH, it's dang handy to not have to re-authenticate to every list
>> on
>> # the site.  Set this value to Yes to allow site admin cookies.
> Sorry, guess I should have looked a little closer... but thanks...
> I made the change and restarted mailman, and still have to log into each
> list, so I'm guessing this only applies to new lists? I'll have to run a
> command to make it apply to existing lists?

Is your site password the same as the list admin passwords? My playing
around with the feature says the site admin password must be different from
the list admin password. Otherwise, it will be authenticated as the list
password, not the site password, and you'll need to log into the other

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] slightly OT: on not becoming a spam source

2008-05-28 Thread Larry Stone
On 5/28/08 9:26 PM, David Newman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Another is to enable VERP for your outgoing messages, this allows
>> you to track the message ID to the individual user.
> That sounds very promising, thanks. Trying it now...

I have all my lists VERPed for just that reason. Once I figure out who it
is, they get unsubscribed with extreme prejudice (meaning they also get
banned from the mail server). But you should be aware that will increase
your outgoing mail load. Nothing I do is high enough frequency for that to
be an issue but it can be for some people.

Most of my lists are announcement lists. In fact, for some of them, the
recipients aren't even aware it's a mailing list. I (as a side job) assign
soccer referees for local leagues. Rather than sending out announcements to
my referees with a long BCC: list, I add them to a private mailman list with
VERP so they receive them with them as the To: recipient. That also lets me
know who to remove when they decide that the easiest way to let me know that
they're no longer interested in being notified of available games is to do a
"report as spam". :-(

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] sharing administrator passwords

2008-05-28 Thread Larry Stone
On 5/28/08 5:22 AM, Charles Marcus at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 5/27/2008, Brad Knowles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> The site admin password can be used to administer any list on the
>> system.  If you turn on the appropriate option in the file,
>> you can even set it up so that you log into one list with the site
>> admin password and you don't even have to provide a password to log
>> into any of the other lists -- the cookie set by the first password
>> login will be recognized by all the other lists.
> Wow, that would come in useful for me... what option is that?


>From my empirical testing, the site admin password must be different than
the list admin password (as a sole administrator for my system, I had them
the same). If they're the same, it appears Mailman determines it to be the
list password and never gets to the site password test and there never sets
the site admin cookie.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Bounces and disk quota exceeded

2008-04-09 Thread Larry Stone
On 4/9/08 3:20 AM, Jo�ao Sá Marta at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Regarding to 
> the bounce feature:
 where can I get more detailed information, sepecifically
> /"Your
Membership Is Disabled/ warnings "

If a member as disk quota
> exceeded, how can he receive those warnings ?

1) The warning messages are sent periodically (weekly) for some period
before the member is completely removed. It is likely that at some period
that time, the member will delete some stuff and be back under quota.

2) The warning might be small enough to be received (keep the user under
quota) even though the list message(s) were big enough to put him over quota
(e.g. member has 10,000 bytes available; 100,000 byte list message is
rejected but 1,000 byte "you are disabled" message is accepted).

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Changing for existing lists

2008-04-08 Thread Larry Stone
On 4/8/08 5:20 AM, Jussi Hirvi at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> This problem is now solved, I think...
> Mark Sapiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) kirjoitteli (7.4.2008 17:55):
>> SMTP_MAX_RCPTS is a setting that affects all SMTP delivery. It is not a
>> list setting. Setting it in and restarting Mailman is all
>> that is required.
> Ok, that's good to know for sure!
>> Why do you think it isn't effective?
> After restarting Mailman I still got "Too many recipients" errors in the
> Sendmail log (maillog).
> Now I checked again, and there are still "Too many recipients" errors, but
> when I check later entries, I find out that the Hotmail emails have finally
> been sent. 

The way you phrased that makes it sound like outgoing messages were merely
being deferred for the "too many recipients" error and not bounced. If
that's true, I hope you realize that changing the setting in Mailman only
affects messages given to sendmail after you made the change. Anything
already in sendmail's outgoing queue from before you made the change is not
affected by the change as Mailman is no further involvement with the message
at that point.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Ongoing delivery issues - First Yahoo, now AOL

2008-03-09 Thread Larry Stone
On 3/9/08 10:34 AM, Paul at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Have you considered hosting yourself?  Some ISP's actually do let
> customers run servers and have fixed IP address. is one of
> them.  I've been using them for 7 years now, and consider them the best of
> the best.

I'm with Speakeasy as well and completely agree with both the idea of doing
it yourself (as I do on a Macintosh) and using Speakeasy.

Besides just the fact that they have a servers permitted policy, they also
have clueful technical support who will actually believe you when you say
you've toubleshot your end and you're sure it's their problem (which is a
rare in any event). On the rare occasions I need to call, the person who
answers is almost always able to discuss the issue in real technical terms
and deal with problem without having to refer it to "level 2" or "level 3"

I also had no problem having them change the reverse DNS on my address to my
domain name, something that makes spam detection software happier.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman postings deferred by Yahoo

2008-02-20 Thread Larry Stone
On 2/20/08 6:06 AM, Rick Harris at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thank you for the response.
> I have spent time testing individual mail to the same addresses from the
> same source and I am successful.
> What I failed to note in my posting is that this occurs when the mail is
> going to multiple addresses as in a normal post.  If I go into my list and
> turn everyone off except for my Yahoo address, it will work EVERY time.
> Then I go back in and turn all of the addresses back on and the Yahoo
> addresses get "deferred" including mine.
> I'm not blaming Mailman...I'm just asking if there is something about
> Mailman that I can change that will overcome this.  Changing anything about
> Yahoo would be like changing heaven and earth.  Surely, someone else is
> experiencing this issue.

Turn on VERP or full personalization. That will force mailman to generate a
separate message for each recipient and Yahoo will see several messages each
addresses to one recipient rather than one message addressed to multiple

Unfortunately, when a recipient chooses to use a free e-mail service, they
get what they're paying for.
Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] bots subscribing to lists via web forms to avoidmember-only restrictions

2008-01-06 Thread Larry Stone
On 1/6/08 7:01 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> (3) On the other hand, hard to read captchas are exactly that: hard to
> read.  For humans, too.  So introducing captchas the score is Spammers
> 2, Humans 0.

Yes indeed. One that takes me two to three tries to match is annoying. I
even found one I couldn't get right after half a dozen tries. I gave up.
Their loss.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Subscriptions being disabled

2007-12-26 Thread Larry Stone
On Wed, 26 Dec 2007, Robert Boyd Skipper wrote:

> Ok.  Here is another problem.
> Today, I found that the subscriptions of twenty or so members have been 
> disabled for
> excessive bounces.  The message accompanying each disabled subscription is:
> ":fail: Domain has exceeded the max emails per hour. Message 
> discarded.
> Now, this is odd, because there seems to have been only one message sent out 
> for the
> whole day.

The message seems pretty self-explanatory to me. It sounds like your
provider limits you to a certain number of outgoing messages per hour and
you've exceeded it.

Depending on how you have mailman configured and how your your provider
counts e-mails (by message or by recipient), one e-mail to the list will
generate one or more outgoing messages. If you have VERP or full
personalization turned on, then each message to the list will generate one
outgoing message for each recipient.

For example, with VERP on, if you have 120 members, then you generate 120
outgoing messages. If the limit is 100 per hour, then at least 20 of them
will bounce (the exact number will depend on how many other outgoing
messages you've sent that hour for other reasons, e.g., you message to
this list).

> I did not receive any previous bounce notifications from these
> addresses, so if they are bouncing something with my listname on it, it
> isn't coming back to me in any way that I can find it.
> I have bounce processing turned on.  The bounce_score_threshold is set
> for 5.0.

With bounce processing turned on, you don't get notified until the bounce
threshold is exceeded. Until then, the bounces get logged in the Mailman
bounce log but that's it. So all of them have bounced five times before
you were notified.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Making sure MailMan is running...

2007-12-13 Thread Larry Stone
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, Jason Pruim wrote:

> I have looked around on the web and haven't found any info that I
> understand about making sure that mailman is receiving and sending e-
> mail that is sent into it. I just had a situation where on my site
> (With real low volume lists) that it was not sending mail since the 11
> of december...
> Would it be best to watch for the qrunner process and make sure that's
> running? Or is there a better way? I'm planning on writing this into a
> Widget (For all you Macintosh people out there) if I can find a good
> way to make sure this is up and running.

Is this for Mac OS X? It's not clear although you made the reference to
Macintoshes above.

I don't know anything about writing OS X widgets but as I've had an issue
with Mailman not starting reliably under Leopard, I set up a cron job to
run hourly and let me know if all the qrunners aren't there. It's pretty

QRUNNERS=`ps -efw | grep -v grep | grep -c Python | awk '{ print $1 }'`

if [ $QRUNNERS != 9 ] ; then
echo "Mailman qrunner problem" | /usr/sbin/sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note that despite the "sendmail" command used there, that's really Postfix
as Postfix used the command "sendmail" (for Sendmail compatibility) as a
means of injecting mail. Note also that as written, the mail message will
be missing all RFC required headers but as it's going to myself, I don't
care. You could, of course, do something else there to provide

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Shameless plug

2007-11-19 Thread Larry Stone
On 11/19/07 3:26 PM, Barry Warsaw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Yes, you need to register with the site in order to vote.

Sorry Barry, but I tried to register three times but never could match their
"visual identification" part of the registration. It's harder to read than
Ticketmaster's which I actually didn't think was possible. :-(

In their attempt to make it unreadable by machines, they've succeeded in
making it unreadable by humans.
Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Python 2.5.1

2007-11-12 Thread Larry Stone
On 11/12/07 6:12 PM, Matt Zimmerman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is Mailman 2.1.9 compatible with Python 2.5.1? The reason I ask is
> because I am having trouble configuring Mailman on a Solaris 10 sparc
> server.

MM 2.1.9 with Python 2.5.1 is working fine for me on Mac OS X 10.5

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Leopard Server Mailman Config Question

2007-11-12 Thread Larry Stone
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, Jerry Britton wrote:

> Have Leopard Server up and running. Have web access to Mailman up and
> running. Have created a test list.
> Should the Mailman software create the accounts required for the list
> (list, list-join, list-leave, etc.)?
> If so, mine didn't. I posted to the list and got a user unknown error.

They're not accounts, they're aliases that pipe the mail to the mailman

With that simple comment, let me go into more detail. But first, while I'm
one of the Mac OS X "experts" here, my experience is all with OS X
"client" and none with OS X Server (yes, it's quite easy to run server
stuff on what is officially just the client version). Running it on
regular OS X involved installing and building from source as what Apple
provides for Mailman is only with OS X Server.

I wrote (and you should be able to find in the archives) a post on
installing Mailman on Tiger client (and earlier Panther client; a Leopard
client version may be coming). It may be useful to you in understanding a
little of what is going on behind the scenes but then, since we know
little about Apple's customizations for OS X Server, it might not.

Apple provides Postfix as the included MTA (with both Server and client).
Mailman "knows" Postfix and when properly configured in, creates
the needed aliases automatically. The only other thing is to make sure
Postfix knows about Mailman's alias file. On my system (set up using my
instructions reference above), the Mailman alias file is
$prefix/data/aliases (where $prefix is your Mailman home directory) and
Postfix is told about the existence of this file by an appropriate line in
its file (in my case, that's /etc/postfix/ Unfortunately,
since this is OS X Server, that may not be correct for you (but
/etc/postfix is where the postfix stuff is by default on OS X client so
I'd guess it's there for OS X Server as well).

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mac OS X Leopard upgrade experience

2007-10-30 Thread Larry Stone
On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, Larry Stone wrote:

> 5) Startup is intermittently(?) failing due to what seems to be a Leopard,
> not mailman, issue. I'm not at all sure what that "Stray process" message
> means and have not turned up anything useful in a web search.
> Oct 29 07:36:46 Leoptest mailman[56]: Starting Mailman's master qrunner.
> Oct 29 07:36:46 Leoptest[1] (mailman[56]): Stray process
> with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 83 PPID 1 Python
> Nothing appears in the mailman logs but unless I'm mistaken, the "Starting
> Mailman's ..." message comes from mailmanctl so mailmanctl is launching
> but then dying with that "Stray process" error.
> The Leopard provided version of Python 2.5.1 and I have mailman 2.1.9.

Update: this was perhaps a result of a mistake I made it creating the
clone. I failed to notice that the clone volume had OS X's "Ignore
ownership on this volume" attribute set meaning I ended up as the owner of
every file on it. I re-cloned last night and went through the entire
process again and once finished, have rebooted twice without encountering
this "stray process" message.

-- Larry Stone
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[Mailman-Users] Mac OS X Leopard upgrade experience

2007-10-29 Thread Larry Stone
Wasting no time, I experiemented over the weekend with upgrading a clone
of my test server (Power PC) from Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.x) to Leopard
(10.5). It was not as smooth as could be and a number of configuration
changes were needed and I still have a startup problem. However, once I
work around the startup issue (#5 below), it all seems to be working.

1) Apple has changed all the application specific user IDs from ZZZ to
_ZZZ (e.g. mailman becomes _mailman). This requires changes to Postfix
(not a Mailman topic per se) and requires Mailman to be reconfigured and

2) Xinetd is gone. If mailman or anything else was still being started via
xinetd, it needs to be changed to start with launchd (launchd was
introduced with Tiger).

3) Apache is now Apache2. The configuration file is
/etc/apache2/httpd.conf rather than /etc/httpd/httpd.conf. Customizations
in /etc/httpd/httpd/conf are not migrated. In addition, tighter directory
security in Apache2 requires additional customizations to allow access to
the Mailman directories (sorry, I don't have them handy to include in this

4) System shutdown does not seem to shutdown mailman cleanly anymore
requiring a 'mailmanctl -s start' to get mailman going. I've changed my
launchd startup file to add the -s. That obviously adds some risk but at
least for my environment, it's minimal.

5) Startup is intermittently(?) failing due to what seems to be a Leopard,
not mailman, issue. I'm not at all sure what that "Stray process" message
means and have not turned up anything useful in a web search.

Oct 29 07:36:46 Leoptest mailman[56]: Starting Mailman's master qrunner.
Oct 29 07:36:46 Leoptest[1] (mailman[56]): Stray process
with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 83 PPID 1 Python

Nothing appears in the mailman logs but unless I'm mistaken, the "Starting
Mailman's ..." message comes from mailmanctl so mailmanctl is launching
but then dying with that "Stray process" error.

The Leopard provided version of Python 2.5.1 and I have mailman 2.1.9.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Limit to the Number of Subscribers for eachlist?

2007-08-29 Thread Larry Stone
On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Dragon wrote:

> Lots of us have done just that. I run my lists on a server owned by a
> friend and have pretty much free reign to do whatever I want.

> If you can justify the costs of doing so, it is a good solution. For
> people like me who do this both as a hobby and for a non-profit
> organization, the trick is finding a place to host that server that
> won't cost an arm and a leg.

Other than my time of installing it and configuring it, I have no costs. I
run it on my iMac that sits at home. My DSL provider has no problems with
servers. Volume is low enough that my 384Kbps upstream is adequate. Until
a few months ago, that iMac was also my main desktop machine. While it's
now a dedicated server, there's nothing about Mailman and whatever MTA you
use that requires them to be on a dedicated server - they'll be quite
happy to chug along in the background.

-- Larry Stone
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Limit to the Number of Subscribers for each list?

2007-08-29 Thread Larry Stone
On 8/29/07 2:52 AM, wittygal at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I have my account hosted on bluehost. I have 5 new email lists that have
> been transferred to me from other mailman lists on a closing isp.
> The problem is there are delays from when a message is receive until it is
> sent out.  Blue host support tells me that mailman only supports up to 150
> subscribers per list.  Is this true?

No. There are people running mailman with thousands of people on a list. I
think there is some information on this in FAQ.

> What other reason could there be for such a problem.  They tell me that
> phplist doesn't have the problems mailman does.

Other reasons? Misconfiguration by them; resource limits they've applied.
Who knows other than them.

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] AOL's "Client TOS Notification"

2007-07-14 Thread Larry Stone
On 7/14/07 8:26 PM, Brad Knowles at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 7/14/07, Larry Stone wrote:
>>  # [EMAIL PROTECTED] banned for AOL TOS notice - 10/20/05
>>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   554 You have previously reported requested
>>  mail from here as SPAM - you are banned from this server (see
>> - 10/20/05)
> That's cool too, but is not scalable -- larger lists simply can't
> afford to put in that kind of separately work maintaining the list of
> users who are rejected for reasons like this.

No disagreement there, Brad. I've only had four or five over the last couple
of years. That's why I said at a certain point, you just say "no" to AOL

Larry Stone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] AOL's "Client TOS Notification"

2007-07-14 Thread Larry Stone
On 7/14/07 3:53 PM, Dave Dewey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Quoting Ralf Hildebrandt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> * Rick Pasotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I have recently been getting some of these from one of my mailing lists.
>> Welcome to the wonderful world of AOL retards.
>>> There is nothing in it (that I've been able to see) that would tell me
>>> who the user is that is rejecting the email. There are several AOL
>>> addresses subscribed but only one rejection each time a mailing goes out.
>> Do you use VERP to send out the mails? If you do that you can see who
>> the culprit is.
> VERP doesn't work any longer for these, as of a couple months ago.
> They now redact ALL information that can be used to identify the
> user, including verp'd addresses.

That's unfortunate. At this point, what's the point of getting them if they
won't give you any useful information as to who doesn't want the list mail
they requested.

But it's always been clear that AOL assumes everyone outside is a spammer.
They probably can't get their minds around the idea that some of their own
customers subscribe to lists and then mark them as spam when they no longer
want them rather than properly unsubscribing. And that we, as responsible
list owners, want to get them off our lists.

I know some will disagree but if it comes to it, then I just make it clear
that I don't accept AOL users as subscribers. If they want to subscribe,
they will have to do so from a "real" ISP.

> Messageid still works, for whatever reason it's the one piece of
> header info that isn't redacted at this point.

Larry Stone

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