[Hornlist] Re: Konzertst?ck in Washington DC

2009-05-07 Thread phirsch
Very exciting. I am planning on being in the Washington, D.C. area a week or so too late to hear either of these performances. I find it interesting, though I'm not sure what it means, that the NSO doesn't think that the horn players deserve mention by name anywhere on their website. Reminds me of

[Hornlist] Re: Beethoven 4, B-flat alto or basso?

2009-04-17 Thread phirsch
message: 9 date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 23:20:59 -0700 from: ba...@fenwickparva.com subject: [Hornlist] Beethoven 4, B-flat alto or basso? Yes. ___ post: horn@music.memphis.edu unsubscribe or set options at http://music2.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/arch

[Hornlist] Paul Mansur

2009-04-14 Thread phirsch
Bill, I'm sorry that I missed this announcement, too. Paul and I corresponded sporadically over the years and I knew that he was aging and in less than perfect health. Still, it comes as sad news. Dan Canarutto says it was announced on the list, but I wonder if he read it on another horn list. For

[Hornlist] Clevenger's horn

2009-03-12 Thread phirsch
Anyone on the list know what make and model Dale's current orchestral instrument is? All of his section appear to be playing the standard Steve Lewis horn, but his has some interesting looking straight slides and extra tubing on it. Even with binoculars, I wasn't able to get a good enough look to

[Hornlist] Re: NBC horn player under Toscanini 1948

2009-03-02 Thread phirsch
Hans, Arthur Berv is definitely the first player. Clearly, the second is one of his brothers, Jack or Harry, most likely Harry, though I don't have the documentation of who played what part in front of me at the moment. The video I just pulled up on Youtube actually had the date of December 1948,

Re: [Hornlist] Schoenberg/Coleman/Philadelphia

2009-02-25 Thread phirsch
Oh God, I've done it again. I know it was 1955, not 95. I should have copy/pasted the info from WorldCat (or done some proofreading). I also need to send out props to Steve O. for reminding me of his John Barrows CD, which I have in my collection and totally blanked out on (yet another senior mome

[Hornlist] Schoenberg/Coleman/Philadelphia

2009-02-24 Thread phirsch
I checked OCLC WorldCat and the Ornette Coleman "Forms and sounds" album was on RCA Victor LSC/LM 2982 and later reissued on CD as Bluebird 6561. The Schoenberg is available through Naxos Classical Library by subscription (or through an institution that subscribes) and was on Columbia ML 5217 (Bil

[Hornlist] Puppenfee on the Net - oops, make that ROSENfee

2009-02-03 Thread phirsch
I must have had Josef Bayer on the brain for some reason. In a former job, Bayer's ballet, which translates as something like "Puppet Fairy", was the source of much amusement for no better reason than we just liked the way it sounded when we said it. Apparently it takes more than a couple of decad

[Hornlist] Puppenfee on the Net

2009-02-02 Thread phirsch
Eric James didn't give any citation, so I don't know if he used the same source, but I see that there is an on-line, searchable version of the (Friedrich) Hofmeister Monatsberichte for the years 1829-1900. If you look at: http://www.hofmeister.rhul.ac.uk/2007/content/monatshefte/1850_11.html you

[Hornlist] RIP: Arthur Goldstein

2009-01-13 Thread phirsch
I also felt a great loss when I received the news of Art's death a few days ago. He was my first real horn teacher and I studied with him from 6th grade through most of high school, first in the basement of his house in Massapequa (67 Bell Place; I can still remember it even without digging out my

[Hornlist] email from Donato Inglese

2009-01-07 Thread phirsch
Has anyone on this list recently gotten a "message" from Donato Inglese? I just received something from that name using gmail and it is close to a random sequence of words, but seems to be responding to some of the comments I made on this list about his youtube performances afew weeks back. I can

[Hornlist] Re: A Practicing dilemma

2008-12-12 Thread phirsch
AHA! Well, if Carmine Caruso can be assumed to be who you refer to as "Carouseau" (and not some mutant midget merry-go-round ), that might be one of the first areas I would look into adjusting when you resume practice after a layoff or cutting back on practicing. What I am trying to say is that Ca

[Hornlist] Freischuetz Overture

2008-12-01 Thread phirsch
Hans, Is this the same arrangement that was also once published by Lorenzo Sansone? I have a copy of that one and I do remember that is was more effective than you might expect (and it keeps the horn plenty busy). I don't recall that the arranger's name was on the music, but I will look at my cop

[Hornlist] The whinnes sall prick thee to the bare bane.

2008-11-26 Thread phirsch
Recently, the process of trying to dub a recording of the Britten Serenade caused me to listen to several of the movements repeatedly and I was struck that I have never fully registered what the words in the tenor's lyrics were nor had I completely understood the meaning of some of the more antiqu

[Hornlist] Brahms' father

2008-11-20 Thread phirsch
I searched this out from Oxford Music on-line (and I believe it brief enough to quote without fear): A resourceful musician of modest talent, Johann Jakob learnt to play several instruments, including the flute, horn, violin and double bass, and in 1826 moved to the free Hanseatic port of Hamburg,

[Hornlist] Re: 100 year old recording

2008-11-17 Thread phirsch
Leonard, There is also a cylinder recording of this piece. I have done some research on it and wrote the following about it as part of the project: Die Post or The Post in the Forest. This is unquestionably the oldest item with significant horn content that I have ever run across. It was recorded

[Hornlist] Donato Inglese

2008-11-13 Thread phirsch
Well, playing the devil's advocate for a bit, I have to say that I got a good laugh (actually, copious chuckles, one guffaw, generous groans, a gaggle of gasps of stunned shock, plus a few "doh"s of disbelief) when I stumbled on Donato's videos a month or two ago. I find that there is room in my un

[Hornlist] Bayreuth Horn players 1930/31

2008-10-28 Thread phirsch
I'm now looking at a couple of booklet/handbooks (way too hefty to be simply called programs) from the Bayreuth Festival seasons of 1930 and 1931. Each has a quadruple fold-out list of the cast and orchestra (conductors - Furtwaengler, Muck, Toscanini, Elmendorff, S. Wagner). With 2 complete Rings

[Hornlist] Effects in Debussy Afternoon of a Fawn Fawn of a Fawn Afternoon of a Fawn

2008-10-08 Thread phirsch
We are talking a satyr-like creature and not Bambi here (Cabbage, can you help me out on this). No disrespect intended, but this sort of thing (like saxaphone or Phil Farcus) tends to spread on the list if unchecked. And now, back to your regularly scheduled horn related matters. Peter Hirsch _

[Hornlist] Re: David Matthews:Capriccio

2008-09-24 Thread phirsch
Jaakko, In addition, another note from the score: "Conceived more as large chamber music than for orchestra"--Pref. This somewhat begs the original question. I will try to look at the score tomorrow and give an opinion on how suitable it would be to treat it as a chamber piece and solistic the h

[Hornlist] Photos of Dennis Brain

2008-09-17 Thread phirsch
I just stumbled on this using the Facesaerch engine. This image search engine filters so that only portrait-type images come up in the results. Whenever I am testing out a new search tool, I need some terms to search for and, for some reason, Dennis Brain seems to be o

[Hornlist] Re: NY Times horn feature

2008-08-29 Thread phirsch
Glad to say, I was on vacation for nearly a month and did not go near a computer or other email-equipped device during that span, so I did not have to experience this discussion in real time. I did, however read the article on the day it was published (believe it or not, you can get the NY Times at

[Hornlist] Alun Hoddinott

2008-05-27 Thread phirsch
To assist with on-line searching, try the correct spelling "Hoddinott". Not sure if Hoddinut will dredge up anything, though Mr. Dalley has kindly given you most everything you need for locating and purchasing purposes. Of course if you are looking for a library copy to borrow, the proper spelling

[Hornlist] Iggy Leutgeb goes pop

2008-05-08 Thread phirsch
Hans, I see that Grove puts Ignaz in brackets after Joseph, but I guess that I spent too much time in my youth (and not so youth) reading "Krazy Kat" (or having it read to me by my dad), George Herrimann's masterwork. You may not get the reference, but middle-aged Americans on the list ought to.

[Hornlist] Dennis Brain/Bob Sharples

2008-05-07 Thread phirsch
I just discovered that the two "jazz specialties" that Brain recorded with the Bob Sharples orchestra are available on CD from the Vocalion website (type in Sharples in the search box and this should show up on the first page of results): Dutton/Vocalion: CDLK41

[Hornlist] Re: Mozart & Leutgeb

2008-05-07 Thread phirsch
Dave, Try getting a copy of Jasper Rees' "I found my horn". This book has more information on Leutgeb, Punto and other historical horn players than just about any other source, though the book is not intended as a reference work, but rather, a personal memoir. It doesn't hurt that the author is a

[Hornlist] NHR - Rexburg question

2008-04-25 Thread phirsch
Having spent a couple of weeks in Rexburg in 1983 (or 84 - my reasons for being there totally and utterly NHR) I am surprised to be reminded of my little sojourn by recent postings. One question: the main focus of Rexburg's existence seemed to be the local institution, Ricks College. Does anyone ha

[Hornlist] re: Lucien Thevet

2008-04-18 Thread phirsch
FYI - For anyone going to the trouble of ordering, I believe that there are actually 2 volumes of Thevet material available from Arpeges. I can check on this later and will supply information then. For anyone who has not heard the recording of the Bach fugue arrangement for quartet (I believe that

[Hornlist] Jean Devemy

2008-04-17 Thread phirsch
Though I think something might have been missing from Lawrences' or Hans' post, seeing Devemy drawn into the discussion reminded me of his recording of the Brahms Trio. I will attempt to make a fair-use sized clip available in the near future (if I can locate the damned 10-inch disc somewhere on my

[Hornlist] Link to DeIntinis obituary

2008-04-15 Thread phirsch
I think this may work (or you can just Google "horn deintinis" and the link should appear) http://www.legacy.com/nytimes/DeathNotices.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonID=107654016 ___ post: horn@music.memphis.edu unsubscribe or set options at http://music2.me

[Hornlist] Rainier DeIntinis

2008-04-15 Thread phirsch
I saw that today's NY Times has a small paid obituary for "Dinny" who died last Friday posted by the Philharmonic. I did not know him personally, but it seemed that everyone that I knew when I was in school, that went to Juilliard, studied with him. He had many fine students; it would be pointless

Re: [Hornlist] Wagner Tuba

2008-04-11 Thread phirsch
Robson, Though it is primarily an historical study and not a guide to playing, William Melton's series of articles in the Horn Call (published in various issues ca. 2002 - 2004) are must reading for getting the facts on the Wagner tuba. I am surprised that Bill hasn't chimed in on this thread. I d

RE: [Hornlist] Conducting & Fitness

2008-04-04 Thread phirsch
This thread brings up three recollections from the dim past. Playing during my student days at MSM in a production of Gianni Schicchi under Tony Coppola (of course, he was Anton to all us kiddies and he seemed ancient and forbidding even then - about 40 years back) and hearing his sing

[Hornlist] Re: NYPO horns in Korea

2008-02-27 Thread phirsch
Jeremy, For the record, neither concert transmission was "live". I think the actual performance was streamed on the net at 4AM EST yesterday. Now, I'm sure you are right about the logistics of plugging in a few notes without the benefit of a second take or performance, but at least there was half-

[Hornlist] NYPO horns in Korea

2008-02-27 Thread phirsch
This whole thread is amusing in what it reveals of the poster's attitudes and I won't attempt to compound or rebut any specific post other than to echo Debbie by saying we've all "been there, done that" on some level when things just did not come together the way they were supposed to for whatever

[Hornlist] Possibly horn related - I can't tell

2008-02-27 Thread phirsch
Any elk hunters out there? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/27/us/27elk.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=elk&st=nyt&oref=slogin ___ post: horn@music.memphis.edu unsubscribe or set options at http://music2.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Bumpers

2008-02-13 Thread phirsch
Larry Jellison states: I quit playing Kopprasch several years ago because I thought the sounds coming out of my horn were annoying, too. Never thought of blaming the bumpers. More somberly, has there ever been a discussion on this list of bumpers? Bumpers need to allow quiet valve action, not ca

RE: [Hornlist] Right handed horn player

2008-02-01 Thread phirsch
For what it is worth, in my school days of yore, I played the Brahms trio with a violinist who held the fiddle "backwards", with his hands reversed, fingering with his right hand. He is still quite active on the free-lance scene in the city here and it seems not to have too seriously hampered his o

[Hornlist] Arrangements of beloved music

2008-01-11 Thread phirsch
Hans P. schreibt: > If it is Wagner, R.Strauss (be careful, still protected !) > or Mahler, - keep things going. But I still wait for > "Isoldes Liebestod" played by a 120 head wind orchestra > ... Rolling on the floor. "Holy Friday" from Parsifal, > Ride of the Valkyries, Flying Dutchman Ouve

[Hornlist] Julius Watkins - was: anyone ever heard this?

2007-12-21 Thread phirsch
As does every few months or so, the topic of Julius Watkins has surfaced on the list. Someone (actually my junior HS band teacher from back in 1962) recently brought the dissertation" JULIUS WATKINS AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE JAZZ FRENCH HORN GENRE" to

[Hornlist] French Horns for my Lady

2007-12-20 Thread phirsch
Tom, Buy it. Not a rarity and not the most interesting example of Julius Watkin's ability in the stratospheric range as a jazz player, but unquestionably a must have. Don't pay more than around $20, though. There are plenty of copies around and I purchased one not too long ago for around $15. Nic

[Hornlist] Minneapolis Symphony in 1940

2007-11-21 Thread phirsch
Anyone on the list have memories or other knowledge of who was leading the horn section in 1940 (specifically, November 4) for the Dimitri Mitropoulos Mahler 1st recording? Weldon Wilber is the only name that I can associate with that orchestra from way-back (and I my have my Midwestern cities mix

[Hornlist] Ralph Hermann horn concerto

2007-11-15 Thread phirsch
Ellen, For what it's worth, the manuscript of the concerto (with band, as it was written) is at the Vandercook College of Music in Chicago: http://www.vandercook.edu/archives/collections/h_m.htm If all else fails, you could try contacting them. Biographical info is at: http://www.windband.org/fo

Re: [Hornlist] Re: Pictures/Bernst/NYPhil

2007-10-17 Thread phirsch
Pete, I personally have no memory of this and I would think that an exhaustive Chambers discography including all orchestral (NY and Philly) recordings (in addition to his recital LP and some NY Phil brass quintet ones that I am aware of, not to mention the various free-lance work he did) would ha

[Hornlist] Re: Pictures/Bernst/NYPhil

2007-10-17 Thread phirsch
Aleks, As I mentioned, previously, the recording session for Pictures took place on October 14, 1958. The NY Phil played the following program at Carnegie Hall on October 9, 10, 11 & 12: Leonard Bernstein conducting Gilbert: Comedy Overture on Negro Themes MacDowell: Indian Suite no. 2 in e min

[Hornlist] re: Pictures/Bernstein

2007-10-16 Thread phirsch
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Horn digest..." Please edit replies to include only relevant text. Please DO NOT include the entire digest in your reply. For more netiquette information, see: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.ht

[Hornlist] Doug Yeo's Listserv/Internet "dissertation" - most definitely ON topic

2007-09-24 Thread phirsch
I want to publicly thank those, including John Dutton, for pointing me in the direction of Doug's article. It is long (though its length is appropriate to its scope), thoughtful and I find that I don't feel completely in sync with all that he brings into the discussion (religion, in particular). Fo

[Hornlist] Loud orchestras

2007-09-21 Thread phirsch
Some of the loudest playing that I ever heard, in Avery Fisher Hall - home of the NY Phil, mind you, was the Kirov Orchestra under Gergiev, The same forces also upped the wattage at the Met when they did the Ring last summer (and I have heard many performances of these operas there under the incred

[Hornlist] Re: Berlin Hornists

2007-09-14 Thread phirsch
To clarify the exchange a bit, I was able to contact Eric Borninkhof, the proprietor of Rimskys-Horns, through the contact form on the site and he has agreed to sell me a copy, payable by PayPal. If you want to write to him directly about this CD, you can do it at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] He may have mo

[Hornlist] Re: Berlin Hornists

2007-09-12 Thread phirsch
Bill, This information is incredibly helpful. After my posting, I spent (way too much) time looking for a location that offered the CD or any information about it and came up with zilch. Berliner Philharmoniker, Gebr. Alexander and all of my usual horn/import CD sources (Ulrich Koebl, TAP, Paxman,

[Hornlist] Kudos to Dan, etc. - an apology

2007-09-10 Thread phirsch
Upon receiving the digest today, I read the following paragraph that I sent to the list last night: First, I must wholeheartedly second Ellen and raise her a Franklin. Dan has let me know, off-list, the error of my ways many times, sparing me the embarrassment of further revealing my ignorance of

[Hornlist] Berlin - Vienna Horns"Opera" review in NY "The Sun" online

2007-09-10 Thread phirsch
http://www.nysun.com/article/62262 You'll have to search the CD out yourself. It is produced by Gebr. Alexander (you've heard of them?) and I can't recall how I obtained my copy. You can try (http://www.gebr-alexander.com doesn't seem to acknowledge its existence) Paxman, jpc.de, TAP Music, Osmun

[Hornlist] Clarification - What the heck?

2007-09-05 Thread phirsch
I may not have made myself clear. I can verify that I certainly am a crabby old guy who has been known to bitch and moan about the level of discourse on this list over the years, but that was not what I was doing (at least it was not my primary aim) in my post. It seemed to me that I had been read

[Hornlist] What the heck?

2007-09-04 Thread phirsch
Is it just me or are the list digests just repeating themselves? Literally. I was away for a month and am now going through about 28 digests and most of them are the same lists of movie soundtracks with "awesome" horn parts (it might be harder to list the movie scores with lousy horn parts, in my

[Hornlist] looking for lost contact = JR Cranshaw

2007-07-04 Thread phirsch
Sorry to bother the list at large, but my mail system has started archiving all saved messages over a year old, thus making them functionally inaccessible most of the time, so I can't just dig the one I need out of the pile when I need an old address. Anyhow, if Jimmy Ray is on the list or anyone

[Hornlist] "The serenade" and - another book

2007-06-29 Thread phirsch
David, Carlberg and list, David, thanks for remembering this more clearly than I was able to. And also, thanks to Carlberg who sent me the text the first time around a number of years ago. "An equal music" by Vikram Seth has been recommended to me by a former colleague at the music library that e

[Hornlist] more horn-related summer reading

2007-06-29 Thread phirsch
I just received a request from my friend and list-member Eva Heater, who is unable to post directly to the list for some unknown technical reasons, that I convey this addition: "the 'Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano', an autobiography of a former slave and horn player. The fac

Re: [Hornlist] horn/music related novels?

2007-06-28 Thread phirsch
I have read the Schisgal and it is amusing, with actual horn-related content. You can get it pretty easily second hand. I also have a post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel called Davy by Edgar Pangborn whose protagonist totes around a horn as a sort of symbol of authority (I can't recall if he actually pla

[Hornlist] Albert Dietrich horn concerto

2007-06-24 Thread phirsch
I just have been listening to a recording of 19th century German cello concerti (Gernsheim, Volkmann, Dietrich and Schumann) and read in the notes that Dietrich composed a horn concerto. I checked Grove and see that he has an opus 27 Concertpiece (Konzertstueck) for horn and an opus 29 Horn concert

[Hornlist] Re: Horn Digest, Vol 54, Issue 14

2007-06-14 Thread phirsch
My guess is that Hans is correct (in part) and it was this Sony CD that I found listed as having been broadcast on KBPS on March 7, 2006 that you heard recently: Der Ring des Nibelungen: Fantasy for Horn and Piano - Roland Horvath (after Richard Wagner) Gunter Hogner, horn/Stefan Vladar, piano (La

[Hornlist] Re: Levy Suite

2007-06-05 Thread phirsch
Melvin, I am nearly 100% certain that his piece has never been recorded (if it has, it must be on some privately produce production that has eluded me). Naxos has released at least one CD of his music, but nothing horn related. Back when I started to take private lessons, ca. 1960, I studied with

[Hornlist] Trying to contact list members

2007-06-04 Thread phirsch
I am attempting to resume an off-list correspondence thread that lapsed about 2 1/2 years ago, so I could use current email addresses for the following list members (or a "ping" from them directly): Mike Atkinson John Baumgart Pieter de Jonghe Joe Duke "Neuro" Hwang Sonja Reynolds Steve Slaff I

[Hornlist] Haendel solos at the Metropolitan opera

2007-05-30 Thread phirsch
Thanks to some connections I have I was able to purchase house seats for a performance of Giulio Cesare a few days before the broadcast that is mentioned and got to sit in the second row with a clear view of the horn section. The playing was exactly as cited (though my wife went to a performance la

[Hornlist] Correction on Sprogis (Latvian sthread)

2007-05-22 Thread phirsch
Further looking on the subject of my last post reveals that Sprogis is not the arranger, conductor (at least I assume not) but the tenor soloist on this and other CDs. Just to set the record straight, Peter Hirsch ___ post: horn@music.memphis.edu unsu

[Hornlist] Any Latvian experts out there?

2007-05-22 Thread phirsch
I stumbled across the following CD listed in a catalog: http://www.balticshop.com/cgi-bin/item.cgi?item=1178&cat=507&title=Search_Result and am wondering just what we have here. I can see that the Freischuetz Hunters chorus and Mendelssohn Hunter's farewell are on the disc (Medniek apparently is

Re: [Hornlist] work(s) for organ/piano and chorus with horn obligato?

2007-05-07 Thread phirsch
How about: Norman Dello Joio "The mystic trumpeter" (Whitman) SATB, horn, 1943 (sorry, no keyboard part) There are some others, but it might take some further digging. I was convinced that Doug Hill had something that he wrote and recorded like this but I can't find it (I did turn up his "Thought

[Hornlist] Natural LIgeti

2007-05-02 Thread phirsch
In answer to Richard's question about the Ligeti, the writing in the trio is essentially all written to be played on various partials changing fingerings only to go to a different harmonic series (I'm sure no one understands this unless they have seen the score, but I am unable to express it any ot

[Hornlist] Bjork's band (OT rant)

2007-05-01 Thread phirsch
In re: http://music2.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Bjork's Earth Intruders include 3 horns as backup

2007-04-23 Thread phirsch
Don't exactly know how much interest there might be in this, but there is definite horn content once you get about 2:45 into it. I got home late from a gig last Saturday and this on SNL about 12:30 AM when I switched it on. I only caught the last few moments, so I tracked this down to see what it

[Hornlist] Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)

2007-03-22 Thread phirsch
One of the towering individualists, whether you care for his methods and moods or not. http://oliviermessiaen.net/ I'm not commenting on the jewish thing, though it is an interesting enough topic. Peter Hirsch p.s. On a more horn related topic, I just picked up a heavily discounted copy (like a

[Hornlist] Mahler 5 by Leipzig - Big Apple alert

2007-03-06 Thread phirsch
Dave M. breathlessly reports: http://music2.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Moderation?

2007-03-05 Thread phirsch
I just sent a post and received a note from horn-bounces saying that the message was being reviewed by the moderator because of a potentially suspicious subject line (Mahler 5 by Leipzig - Big Apple alert). I kind of understand why there might be spam catching software in use, but I was distinctly

[Hornlist] More Telemann Works for Horn

2006-11-01 Thread phirsch
Unless I have missed it, no one has mentioned the Concerto in Eb for 2 horns and strings from Tafelmusik, part III. Telemann wrote many more works (concerti, suites, overture-suites) with two or more horns. Follow the links below to see some recordings of a number of them (but definitely not all

[Hornlist] Re: Things Straussian

2006-10-11 Thread phirsch
Bill, Always pleased when I can draw you out of the woodwork and get a posting from you on the list. Suttner was on my short list of likely suspects, not because I actually know much of anything about him, but because I was given a copy of the horn and piano version of his Horn Concerto by an ext

[Hornlist] Re: Air travel with your axe redux

2006-10-11 Thread phirsch
Hans, I thought the same about the luggage belt. My guess is that it was just sloppy newspaper writing and they were talking about the small conveyor belt for the x-ray. If he had carried it with him on the previous leg of his flight, as he claimed, the case would never have been anywhere near a "

[Hornlist] Air travel with your axe redux

2006-10-10 Thread phirsch
Well, this topic hasn't been hashed over on this list for at least a day or two, so I guess it's time to revisit once again by inviting you to follow the link to today's NY Times online: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/10/nyregion/10musician.html I can't say that I totally sympathize with one sid

[Hornlist] Re: recording of Franz Strauss Theme and Variations

2006-10-10 Thread phirsch
Yesterday, I wrote: < I'm just saying that you oughtn't fret over whether or not you have a "good" http://music2.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Neuling biographical info

2006-10-08 Thread phirsch
The following came up on the music librarian's list and I thought that Hans, Bill M., Dave T. or one of our other Euro-based members might have more on Neuling than the wackykpedia one that seems cribbed from some unnamed source. I have my doubts that there really is much else to say about him (

[Hornlist] Polekh Britten

2006-09-26 Thread phirsch
The recording was only released on Melodiya LP, which is to say "good luck finding a copy". This was true even when it was in print back in the old USSR days. If you want, I can look up the discographic info for you. Peter Hirsch ___ post: horn@music.

[Hornlist] and a little correction to my apologia

2006-09-14 Thread phirsch
Well, I meant to get it right, but it was not the Brandenburg message that I screwed up on. It was the Guildhall Horn CD. Now I'll shut up and get back to work. Peter Hirsch ___ post: horn@music.memphis.edu unsubscribe or set options at http://music2.

[Hornlist] Small apology to the list

2006-09-14 Thread phirsch
I notice that my posting regarding the Brandenburgs on YouTube has the generic "Horn Digest, Vol 45, Issue 13" subject since I carelessly responded to the digest without replacing the subject with something more appropriate. I am somewhat aggravated when others do this, since I rely on the subject

[Hornlist] Re: List related

2006-09-14 Thread phirsch
Hans, Thanks for the posting below that focuses totally on clarification and the maintenance of coherence and integrity in one's written expressions in a listserv (not just this list)forum. I hope that all the members read is closely and truly understand it. My thoughts on it, addressed to the li

[Hornlist] Brandenburg w/ natural horns

2006-09-14 Thread phirsch
Steve, I enjoyed this very much. The sound is so unforced that you can really believe that the pieces isn't hard to play at all. I agree with Hans that the few stopped F's were probably uncalled for but didn't find them too distracting overall. I also don't really know historically when horn playe

[Hornlist] Re: Horn Digest, Vol 45, Issue 16

2006-09-14 Thread phirsch
Stephen, Just wondering your source for this recording and whether there is a label name or if it is just privately issued (I assume). I see that Ulrich Kobl carries this, but I was wondering if you had a domestic (or less pricey Euro) source. I haven't checked Paxman, Osmun or TAP, et al yet; may

[Hornlist] Suessmayr horn concerto?

2006-07-31 Thread phirsch
In reading liner notes to a recording by the Consortium Classicum, I see a reference to Suessmayr having composed a horn concerto. Now, Grove lists no such work. I know that S. was responsible for a completion of the K. 518 rondo in D (known widely, though not particularly accurately, as the secon

[Hornlist] RE: Recording

2006-07-20 Thread phirsch
Despite living and breathing sound recordings (collector in my spare time, audiovisual materials archivist and cataloger for pay) I know next to nothing about recording techniques and certainly am not in the same league as my friend Howard S., but I can say that I agree totally about flash memory (

[Hornlist] Re: A few slide questions

2006-05-31 Thread phirsch
Steve, I know that it is probably a drag to set your slides painstakingly each time you take the horn out of the case, but I have always (well, for at lest twenty or thirty years) shoved them all the way back in before returning the horn to the case. Two reasons: 1. Gunk, dust and whatever else

[Hornlist] horn advice

2006-05-13 Thread phirsch
Dear (? - a name of some sort at the bottom is a nice touch that seems to have passed from fashion along with the ability to capitalize, punctuate and the sense not to quote and entire digest issue when posting. These are gentle requests and reminders, not a personal flame; just a way to promote a

[Hornlist] Re: Works for Horn and Flute - flames

2006-05-12 Thread phirsch
Perhaps some of this reaction may simply depend on one's tolerance of the sound of the flute. I happen to be one of those (whose numbers happen to have included Mozart - not that I'm comparing myself to him, mind you) who just cringe when asked to listen to flute music being played, even if the mus

[Hornlist] Strauss Alphorn recordings (2)

2006-05-04 Thread phirsch
Add: Jeurissen on MDG, Joulain on Arion ___ post: horn@music.memphis.edu unsubscribe or set options at http://music2.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] Strauss Alphorn recording

2006-05-04 Thread phirsch
Hands down, the most beatiful (hornistically speaking) recording of the Strauss song "Alphorn" is Jamie Sommervilles on the Boston label. It is not widely available, but I see that TAP Music claims to have it. Try: http://asp2.secure-shopping.com/tapmusic/details.asp?ProdID=HNSJ03&cat=CHN&path=

[Hornlist] Flattened horn and L & H

2006-03-16 Thread phirsch
Hans, I think that you are remembering "You're Darn Tootin'" (1928) IMDB lists it I found couple of stills from this movie years ago. One apparently shows them being evicted by their "mean old lady" character actor landlady and the other shows them looking

[Hornlist] More NHR Australian true facts!

2006-03-14 Thread phirsch
I went and forwarded the snippet Bill Gross (without seeking permission; I'll admit it) posted to this list to the music librarian's list and one of the members sent me this pointer towards the full FAQ http://www.amazingaustralia.com.au/faq.htm Yes, amazing is the word for much of this, indeed.

[Hornlist] Mozart and horn with band

2006-03-10 Thread phirsch
To those interested (Steve Friedes, et al); Koebl online - http://www.koebl.de/ Has a large section for Horn und Blasorchester oder Brass Band I have only purchased CDs from this source and the process has been somewhat involved and expensive (not entirely due to Koebl and obviously varies a lot

[Hornlist] Was Tovey trio, now Hindemith

2006-03-09 Thread phirsch
Just realized that this thread ought to continue, if it does continue at all, as "Hindemith Trio" and not linger on attributed to good old Don Tovey. Just doing a little house cleaning, Peter Hirsch ___ post: horn@music.memphis.edu unsubscribe or set

[Hornlist] re: Tovey Trio

2006-03-09 Thread phirsch
Eric, Thanks for reminding me of that. The listing that I first saw in Grove decades ago has always tantalized and frustrated me. I believe that someone, possibly you, pointed out the fact that there is no way to prove its existence without a pilgrimage to Schott (and probably not even then). I w

[Hornlist] Richard Strauss horn etudes

2006-02-17 Thread phirsch
This has exploration all been very interesting and I have to say that I am not that surprised that the heirs of Herr Strauss may be reluctant to have his extreme juvenilia released, though I do feel that it is an overly protective stance. I would like to apologize for speaking off the top of my he

[Hornlist] Strauss Horn etudes

2006-02-17 Thread phirsch
"LT" (it would be nice to know who I'm addressing, but that is another issue, entirely), I think that you may have misread my posting(s) about Strauss' Etudes. It is not that they are unknown to me and others, they just don't seem to have gone beyond the pencil copies residing in the Richard Stra

[Hornlist] Strauss Horn etudes

2006-02-16 Thread phirsch
As I promised yesterday, I did check the Trenner thematic index for Strauss' works and the etudes do not appear to have aver been published. There is a pencil copy (or original - my grasp of German understands the "bleistift" part of the description but not what follows. I will try to take a second

re: [Hornlist] Richard Strauss Etudes

2006-02-15 Thread phirsch
Grove lists: Zwei Etuden, no.1 for E(Embedded image moved to file: pic16541.gif) hn, no.2 for E hn, ?1873 and assigns the TrV number 15 to them. This number refer to the catalog compiled by Franz Trenner: Richard Strauss: Werkverzeichnis (Munich, 1993, 3/1999) If you find a way to consult this v

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