Re: Game suggestions for windows or Mac

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game suggestions for windows or Mac

Zarvox, the first paragraph of the STw description literally mentions hunting for survival. I can't begin to imagine how a bit of research or even common sense might have allowed you to pass that one up. Unless you're simply trolling in which case I'd call it unnecessarily childish since OP is trusting the community with worthwhile suggestions. Not cool man.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game suggestions for windows or Mac

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game suggestions for windows or Mac

Zarvox, the first paragraph of the STw description literally mentions hunting for survival. I can't begin to imagine how a bit of research or even common sense might have allowed you to pass that one up. Unless you're simply trolling in which case I'd call it unnecessarily childish since OP is trusting the community to give him/her worthwhile suggestions. Come on.


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Re: problem with pcsx2

2019-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with pcsx2

Moderation:Gonna go ahead and move this into general game discussion since this fits the category.


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Re: My New Outlook on Constant Battle.

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My New Outlook on Constant Battle.

moderation:Before continuing, I'd like to let everyone know that there is a topic in general game discussion making official note of the killer's blanket ban, that way there will be no future excuses whatsoever. Thanks Jayde.I took this to list, and it seems as if a consensus was reached.I will be invoking the community failure clause, no ban this time but a red alert of sorts. Now at this moment, there aren't any active warnings to speak of as they have all expired. However, seeing as urh2006 has been caught in blatant rule violation more than three times in the past couple months, including distribution of a project utilizing unauthorized code, we believe it fair to let this serve as a last warning. Were this July, with warnings still instated, it would have most likely been a ban. The fact that he wasn't directly providing a link to the game is proof within itself. Any further infraction will result in a ban, no questions asked no further considerations.Urh2006, starting now, you are being given a shiny new signature. Change it if you like whenever you like though I kinda like it myself...Please, use common sense before you post guys.


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Re: The newest problem to plague sbyw

2019-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The newest problem to plague sbyw

There's only one instance where I might consider such actions admissible. And this doesn't qualify in the slightest. I really can't believe I'm having to site the golden rule here but well.I believe giving small trivial tests here and there to be a sign of good faith. I've done it before. At the end of the day, your developer is the one who calls the shots and makes sure everything runs smoothly especially in an online setting. But there are rather obvious boundaries that you don't, under any circumstances, cross at the cost of your own reputability. This is undeniably one.As a general rule of thumb, developers are respected for their time, dedication, and management of a project. Players will naturally look at you as a role model and shining example of standards. If you act like a decent human being, so will most of your players. If you act like a 5 year old your players will stop taking you seriously.If you have a reason to test admins, make sure to do it on an account other than your own. Approach it in a professional manner so they have no possible way of knowing that it's you. A, it'll give better results. B, players should never never never see you acting out of line for fear of situations exactly like these.Keep the test isolated. Gameplay should never be effected. If players are having to mute chats or press anything out of the ordinary, you've probably gone too far. Stick to fighting unfairly, spamming PM's, personally harassing them and only them. I'm sure I'm failing to consider a couple remote scenarios, but figured I'd throw it here since we're by no means seeing this sort of thing for the first time.You say:masonian wrote:It was harmless fun. And besides, it was a sort of test if you will for the current admins, to see if they'd stop or at least try to stop an attack like that. I'll say, I was happy and impressed.Some people don't know a little harmless fun when they see it. Obviously if something like that was a normal occurrence, I can see how it would be a problem. But yeah.In the event someone notices, be ready to provide logical reasoning for how you only meant to make sure of decent etiquette on the part of admins. No part about good fun. You should not enjoy breaking the very rules you should be trying to enforce. That's immature. That's damaging to your credibility. Can we please find one person other than the developer who enjoys being spammed with an endless barrage of pointless messages?Instead of an apology, or small lesson learned here, what's done is just done. Implying if the same situation were to present itself tomorrow you would act no differently.I personally won't be coming back since I just might possibly be banned by ruffling the wrong feathers on a bad day, seeing as OP is just the latest member in a set of unresolved cases that saw unfair treatment. Keep having your, "pointless fun", and don't be surprised if it comes at the cost of those who support the game..


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The newest problem to plague sbyw

2019-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The newest problem to plague sbyw

There's only one instance where I might consider such actions admissible. And this doesn't qualify in the slightest. I really can't believe I'm having to site the golden rule here but well.I believe giving small trivial tests here and there to be a sign of good faith. I've done it before. At the end of the day, your developer is the one who calls the shots and makes sure everything runs smoothly especially in an online setting. But there are rather obvious boundaries that you don't, under any circumstances, cross at the cost of your own reputability. This is undeniably one.As a general rule of thumb, developers are respected for their time, dedication, and management of a project. Players will naturally look at you as a role model and shining example of standards. If you act like a decent human being, so will most of your players. If you act like a 5 year old your players will stop taking you seriously.If you have a reason to test admins, make sure to do it on an account other than your own. Approach it in a professional manner so they have no possible way of knowing that it's you. A, it'll give better results. B, players should never never never see you acting out of line for fear of situations exactly like these.Keep the test isolated. Gameplay should never be effected. If players are having to mute chats or press anything out of the ordinary, you've probably gone too far. Stick to fighting unfairly, spamming PM's, personally harassing them and only them. I'm sure I'm failing to consider a couple remote scenarios, but figured I'd throw it here since we're by no means seeing this sort of thing for the first time.You say:masonian wrote:It was harmless fun. And besides, it was a sort of test if you will for the current admins, to see if they'd stop or at least try to stop an attack like that. I'll say, I was happy and impressed.Some people don't know a little harmless fun when they see it. Obviously if something like that was a normal occurrence, I can see how it would be a problem. But yeah.In the event someone notices, be ready to provide logical reasoning for how you only meant to make sure of decent etiquette on the part of admins. Nothing about good fun. You should not enjoy breaking the very rules you should be trying to enforce. That's immature. That's damaging to your credibility. Can we please find one person other than the developer who enjoys being spammed with an endless barrage of pointless messages?Instead of an apology, or small lesson learned here, what's done is just done. Implying if the same situation were to present itself tomorrow you would act no differently.I personally won't be coming back since I just might possibly be banned by ruffling the wrong feathers on a bad day, seeing as OP is just the latest member in a set of unresolved cases that saw unfair treatment. Keep having your, "pointless fun", and don't be surprised if it comes at the cost of those who support the game..


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Re: Screaming contest! Just scream and post to be struck!

2019-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Screaming contest! Just scream and post to be struck!

You should compile all of these, every single one, into a massive database of screams. With a little JS, anyone could include a 

Re: crazy party scoring system

2019-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crazy party scoring system

First guys, can we seriously stop throwing unnecessary blame at BGT here? There's already enough bad blood as it is, BGT was mentioned a grand total of 5 times. there is literally zero problem with the pseudorandom RNG aside from the fact that you aren't able to generate a 64 bit integer, but that's unnecessary and I digress.I'm fine with the scoring system as it is. I can't tell you how many frickin times I've found myself wrapped up in childish outbursts over games like simon. Unlocking every last Crazy Party game required blood swet tears and dedication. I really do like that. Remove the potential for complete and utter failure and you remove a great amount of fun in my opinion. Negative points are all well and good for nearly every game. The only issue that immediately comes to mind is desert express, where death means instant -20 no matter where you happen to be.The latest update doesn't necessarily feature any new minigames or worlds, but we're working pretty hard to flatten out bugs. Thanks for reminding me of the maddening house thing, I'll see if I can fix it. If you can think of any other minigame bugs, feel free to throw them out here. I'm bored and wanna code.


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Re: crazy party scoring system

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crazy party scoring system

@jaydeI see where your going here, but I really don't think it's necessary. Each world starts out with a game that's extremely easy to complete, giving 15 points or above every time. Never once are you forced to start out with walking bombs, or desert express, or anything that isn't simple points. Assuming you get 15 or above on the first one, which is little more than mindless keypressing in comparison, your running free with the possibility for one failure. In fact, most beginning games aren't difficult so as you build up points for those that are.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: crazy party scoring system

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crazy party scoring system

@jaydeI see where your going here, but I really don't think it's necessary. Each world starts out with a game that's extremely easy to complete, giving 15 points or above every time. Never once are you forced to start out with walking bombs, or desert express, or anything that isn't simple points. Assuming you get 15 or above on the first one, which is little more than mindless keypressing in comparison, your running free with the possibility for one failure. In fact, most beginning games aren't difficult to help build up points for those that are.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: crazy party scoring system

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crazy party scoring system

@zuckussI love how when a game seems too difficult for you it must be too difficult for everyone and thus should be modified accordingly. Jumping penguins is fine and not at all impossible. If it were to be impossible, I'd agree with you. But until then, many people including myself are able to win in competition. I'd recommend you practice, there's a definite rhythm to be figured out.Jayde: The game is Dangerous Frisbees, and the first one found in the factory world. I suppose I could be in the minority, but I really don't find any of the starting games too difficult. It's not like the frisbees are moving quickly, in fact you get about 500MS at worst to dodge. The terrain is as streight forward as possible, and you've gotta be in a pretty loud environment not to notice the fatal ones.The translations, while containing a multitude of grammatical errors, don't actually mislead the player. I don't think I've ever misunderstood how to play due to translation alone. I'm actually working on tidying up those couple errors not due to false information, but the fact that I'm both a native speaker and highly OCD.


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Re: SBYW is being discontinued this Friday.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SBYW is being discontinued this Friday.

@20Redfox, your post was the only one here I can see that would loosely qualify as a personal attack.Here's the difference.redfox wrote:Mason. Grow the fuck up! Stop being a little bitch wen someone, like me, points out one of your flaws! It's called self improvement! Ironcross told you, you can fix this! All you need to do is try, and stop being a little bitch!Calling someone a, "little bitch", is not only directly targeting an individual but also doing so in a derogatory manner. For lack of a more sophisticated explanation, it's directly name calling without any room for any other interpretation. Statements like this only serve to turn up the heat. Instead, you could have been like:redfox wrote:I'm seriously just, sick of this. The way he acts is just... I was banned unnecessarily, and if I didn't know any better I'd categorize his actions as that of a bitchy 14 year-old. Sorry but it's completely true. Last week when I was online my friend Joe was x and y and then z happened! I'm no longer supporting his titles.Regardless I'm in agreement with a lot said here. I would have replied earlier, but truth be told I had literally nothing to say that was worth saying.Liam, I totally agree with your point here. The repetition is getting somewhat old. But by that same token, I can more than understand why people here are all up in arms over the situation. Indeed, clicking on the topic from a couple days back, link is in 25, we get a variety of comments from displeased players, with Mason even understanding where he went wrong and wishing to improve. People generally absolutely hate to see well thought out advice just disregarded without a second thought. Posting incriminating logs tends to bring out such an effect. But I believe everyone has more than made their points, and it's clear no amount of good wishes and sad faces will make him change his mind this second. thus I'd say further bashing is tantamount to pointless complaining. As a community I feel we have done all we can, and Mason will simply have to live with a steadily decreasing playerbase. Personally I had decided I wasn't looking back, in the SBYW ban topic, but I've also seen the unrelenting pattern for a matter of years so have grown used to it all.Mason, if your reading this, allow me to speak for myself in saying I don't mean to target you personally. I regret the way the community steered you wrong, because they certainly did and combating that is futile. I've apologized for my part to play a number of times and wish to do so yet again. With that said, it was almost four years ago, and I no longer see any connection between your choices. You took a small break, and as many have said before me, I don't know if moderating games is your thing. I happen to know you possess quite a few other talents. I'd recommend  highlighting on those, specifically the ones that don't depend on direct involvement with the community. You'll be saving yourself much time and player indignation. The way you keep acting is not only immature, but far from what any mature individual would expect. I wrote a post just last week saying something similar, but would rather not reiterate because I might have better luck convincing my refrigerator to brew me a nice cup of morning coffee.I think the best way of helping him learn is simply not playing his online games. You will have no ties to whatever he next introduces, so the I bought the game or have many maps or whatever reasons don't apply in the slightest. When you are unrightfully punished as the result of playtime by Mason and friends, all we can do is suggest other games and say I told you so. So I wish this would all die down, as it's been proven time and time again Mason won't learn anything with public ridicule.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SBYW is being discontinued this Friday.

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SBYW is being discontinued this Friday.

I like that idea. Sad how we have 35 posts already. I wonder if our point could be made more clearly if we were to simply ignore his content? Maybe when everyone leaves, maybe then, he'll come to realize what we've been going around and around in circles saying. For now, good riddance. I recently got wind of more from him, but I like to think I have enough self control to stop right here and now.


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Re: remnant secrets

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: remnant secrets

moderation:For future reference, this belongs in general game discussion. Make sure to read the room descriptions so you know what goes where. I'll go ahead and move the topic


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Re: what happen'd to tk?

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what happen'd to tk?

@10Yes, full permission was given and there was an authorized transaction. From a legal standpoint, there isn't anything wrong with the killer


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Re: I need some help with tk

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need some help with tk

moderation:It has come to my attention on multiple occasions that the killer's source code was never meant to be publicly released. This comes from ivan_soto, the developer himself. Thus, I'm hereby closing this topic. Discussion revolving around usage of stolen code will not be tolerated, and I'd honestly wish you guys would simply put it to rest once and for all. Hopefully we'll eventually be able to move on from this rather destructive stage, but as of right now the best I can do is attempt to put a halt to the conversation. Please, guys. We have plenty of decent, fun, time-wasters other than the killer/redspot/ultrapower/whatever. Might I suggest you give them a try? In addition, I've just now sent off a pretty quick message to the list outlining recurring issues of this nature, also pertaining to the what happened to DM topic. It is my hope that we will finally be able to exact a more firm stance on these matters, as right now I feel amount of action taken is entirely dependent on who first stumbles across a given post.


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Re: Mason does it again!

2019-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mason does it again!

moderation:Audiogame, consider this a warning. You've more than made your point crystal clear, and at this point each and every post of yours only serves to further fan the flames. It's pretty plane that you find yourself displeased. But there's a fine line between calm/constructive discussion and borderline personal attacking, which is what I see here. In fact, multiple posts of yours could be categorized as character assassination. There is a calm and professional way to express displeasure, but this isn't it.That won't be tolerated here. Mason received a warning as well, in the other and equally pointless topic. Might I ask everyone to calm down, smoke a bowl or have a drink if that's your thing, and play some games that won't make you want to kill everyone here?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mason does it again!

2019-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mason does it again!

moderation:Audiogame, consider this a warning. You've more than made your point crystal clear, and at this point each and every post of yours only serves to further fan the flames. It's pretty plane that you find yourself displeased. But there's a fine line between calm/constructive discussion and borderline personal attacking, which is what I see here. In fact, multiple posts of yours could be categorized as character assassination. There is a calm and professional way to express displeasure, but this isn't it.Won't be tolerated here. Mason received a warning as well, in the other and equally pointless topic. Might I ask everyone to calm down, smoke a bowl or have a drink if that's your thing, and play some games that won't make you want to kill everyone here?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mason does it again!

2019-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mason does it again!

moderation (yet again):This topic has more than spiraled out of control. I honestly can't say I remember seeing anything of this nature in all my time being here, excluding spambots. The constant bickering is entirely destructive. Nothing will be resolved in such a way. Furthermore, I'm closing the topic.Americranian, you've got yourself a warning as well on the same lines as Brandon above.Mason, telling Brandon and everyone to, shut the fuck up, in no way helps the situation. In fact, you actually make it worse on yourself. I won't draw any hard conclusions, but the nature of your replies spell out entertainment. As if you were enjoying this for some reason. Reading between the lines, your posts seem to say hey, come and get me fuckers! Consider yourself warned yet again, since the other one clearly hasn't had any effect.I hate throwing these out so rapidly, but the conversation here has more than served it's time. If you'd like to show Mason how you feel, I personally recommend just simply... don't play. Disregard releases. Allow actions to speak louder than words.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mason does it again!

2019-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mason does it again!

moderation:Americranian, you've got yourself a warning as well on the same lines as Brandon above.I hate throwing these out so rapidly, but the conversation here has more than served it's time. If you'd like to show Mason how you feel, I personally recommend just simply... don't play. Disregard releases. Allow actions to speak louder than words.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it safe to play Constant batles?

2020-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it safe to play Constant batles?

moderation:Safe to play? Probably, I wouldn't know.However, the project was derived from a stolen codebase, Ultrapower. As such, we don't condone discussion of it here. Thanks for the understanding.I'm closing this topic assuming that OP genuinely didn't know any better.


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Re: I need a key for Airik the cleric, please

2020-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a key for Airik the cleric, please

moderation:Jayde beat me to the post by a couple seconds, but I'd simply like to add that my first course of action after logging in, without question, is to click on reports. As far as I know the same rings true for everyone else. They really do help, thanks for doing your part.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need a key for Airik the cleric, please

2020-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a key for Airik the cleric, please

moderation:Jayde beat me to the post by a couple seconds but I'd simply like to add that my first course of action after logging in, without question, is to click on reports. As far as I know the same rings true for everyone else. They really do help, thanks for doing your part.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcement: All Unauthorized Forks banned by Default

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcement: All Unauthorized Forks banned by Default

Hi all,The purpose of this post is to act as a reminder, which will be made sticky and placed here for all to see.The following projects are not to be encouraged, discussed or shared here.These games and their leaked source code have generated far more drama than is reasonable. Rather than continuing to invite this level of confusion and heated debate, we as a team have elected to simply outlaw these games entirely until such time that the situation is no longer so controversial.The KillerUltra Power, and all forks (including Constant Battle, etc)The Cosmos database and all muds utelizing it, e.g. PrometheusPlease note that this also extends to any other future forks using unauthorized source code.If you are caught trying to distribute an unauthorized fork that is not listed here, or encouraging others to play such a game, there will be consequences.We do not do this lightly, and we do not enjoy this sort of censorship. Please don't get the idea that we're going to start removing references to everything we don't like, or that we're cherry-picking on a personal level. We feel that at this point, our choice represents the best step for the forum and community.This decision was made some time ago, and has been gradually updated from an original ban on The Killer to now include all unauthorized forks, but especially those using the aforementioned source code.Breach of this blanket ban can and will be punished under the rules, but we will bear intent in mind when doing so. A casual offhand mention of one of these games is not grounds for a warning or ban, but solicitation, offers or requests to share its source code, or anything of the like is frowned upon and will be dealt with. Please do not stand in the way of the staff team doing its job.Thank you.


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Re: a new fersion of a cm releaset

2019-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a new fersion of a cm releaset

Sorry I'm just now getting to this. Educational life has been pretty demanding lately.The name Mahdi was in the forefront of my mind when I first came across this topic yesterday. As a result, I did everything in my administrative power to collect facts about our friend Webber, stopping short of going on a full-blown NSA level investigation. The usual fool-proof methods proved innocuous. Three choices presented themselves. Do nothing, ban, or warn.Let's pretend option one isn't even there. Banning on insufficient evidence would be crude of judgement, but a simple warning may not send the full message. I thus elected to take option three.I'm all in favor of stringent policy, but an outright ban may be far too draconian. There's no reason to allow ourselves to succumb to hostility on the pretense of justice. If Webber is of the mind that repeating his actions would be a good investment of his time here, he's more than welcome to fall victim to the community failure clause and a ban that may surpass our default length.


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Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

mongoo_4044... Requests the game on seven occasions (yes I counted) despite being told one would do the job quite nicely. Also says he's getting out of control after not getting chosen. This, folks, is how to not get selected.


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Re: can someone give me working version of tk game?

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can someone give me working version of tk game?

moderation:I'm simply quoting a message from Liam, in the identical topic you created a while ago. Same applies, though I'd like to make a quick addition. Ask one more time and it's a ban. No questions asked. If you can't abide by our rules, you aren't welcome. Full stop. This topic is being closed.Liam wrote:Moderation:Hi there aryamansingh.We do not allow discussions of the Killer on this forum as the game has had unauthorized copies being passed around.


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Re: I Have a Favor to Ask of the Community

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Have a Favor to Ask of the Community

Would just like to mention that1. This topic is in the wrong room and has been moved.2. Most importantly... The couple people who had the audacity to perform such a ghastly action are most likely able to handle a kind  pointer in another direction. You're making a tempest in a teapot man.Dan_Gero wrote:I had one person send me an email asking for help with one of the BK games, but I was very busy and didn't have time to explain it. When I didn't respond to the email, they looked for me on Skype, and when I didn't respond there, they looked me up on Facebook. My Facebook is private and it's mainly reserved for close friends, so please don't add me or message me on there. It felt very harassing to have someone look me up everywhere to ask me for help over and over.Oh god cry me a river you poor thing. Sure, attempting to relentlessly contact someone via many different mediums is over the top... But sounds to me like a one-time deal. If I send you an email asking a question, and you don't respond within a reasonable timeframe, I may move on in the case that you no longer use that account. For decent folks all it takes is a simple "I got it, but no." Done deal.Dan_Gero wrote:I also recently had someone message me on Skype at about 5:00 AM to ask for a game key after I made that post in the game purchase request topic specifically asking people to post their requests in that topic.Hate to break it to ya, but this is the internet and that was a skype chat. The internet doesn't have a universally accepted quiet time. I'm sorry if I don't check your profile before shooting off a quick message in the attempt to preserve your beauty sleep. You want uninterrupted sleep, turn off your damned devices. Common sense anyone?Dan_Gero wrote:now I reserve my Skype for people I trust as well. I'm not trying to be harsh, but I need my privacy.I've got an outlandish idea. Ready? Here it comes. If you don't want to be contacted through Skype, you should... ... ... Remove the ID from your profile.Quit blaming everyone else.This is what people mean when we say your posts come across as entitled, childish and for lack of a better term whiny. God am I glad the community and greater world doesn't have this mindset.


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Re: Opinion: How would you feel about the following?

2019-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinion: How would you feel about the following?

moderation:Sediment is receiving a warning for personal attacks. As for the fait of this topic, we're discussing it on list. I'm in favor of it being closed. Nothing has resulted but flaming so far, and I find it hard to believe anything ever will. Possibly a blanket ban, as much as I hate those. Suggestions appreciated.**end moderationenter personal comments and ramblish discourse**I certainly didn't plan on seeing this one today. Indeed I thought the majority of us were long past the age of unauthorized ultrapower cloning.The game's original developer, after rights were transferred, ever so suddenly deciding to sprint to the rescue and stop this "cloning madness" that hasn't really gone on here in the last six months.Back in November, 11-20 to be precise, a topic entitled "Important! UP code" was created. The original post, in verbatimMasonian wrote:Hi guys,So after consulting, rights to the UP code are transferred to Sam Tupy. Anything to do with UP, decisions, etc, go to him.Thanks!Post 3:Sam_Tupy wrote:I want to provide some background here. Mason originally posted a topic saying that the source code could no longer be used, which, though I never got to see it, created a lot of flaming at mason apparently. But the reason that topic was created is because there is some code in ultrapower that I had worked on, and mason's original decision to share it was ill advised. Of course everyone is asking why, why now after many years. The reason is because people were using that code that wasn't mason's, and they are to this day. So me and mason eventually just made a deal, because mason quite clearly no longer supports the game. Because there is code in the game that is mine, in fact the base engine ultrapower was using is mine, we worked out that mason would just transfer the game to me to avoid any confusion. To be clear. I don't want anyone raining on mason's parade for bringing this up, he did it because I asked and we worked out a deal. If you have a problem with it, talk to me about it, as I am now responsible for the game, not mason. I want to make sure that is clear before anyone posts. I know this is probably opening up old wounds, but the truth is that those wounds were only covered up with cheap duct tape, they were never really sealed. Again, don't blame mason for that either. Mason no longer wants anything to do with the game, and with the transference of rights comes the transference of responsibility and thus the transference of most of the blame. You may blame him for agreeing to this, but I would have brought it up anyway. No one would have listened to me because mason was the developer of the game. But because mason no longer wishes to continue with the responsibility of the game, he has transferred it. As such, I here by revoke the previous statement mason made saying that people could use that code. This topic hardly even needs to continue, it just needs to be here so that the announcement is crystal clear. That the maintainer of the game, again abandonware or not has been changed, and with it all rights to use the source code in any way, shape or form have been removed. And I will say again, if you have a problem, bring it up with me, not mason.Mason was in full agreement and made a grand total of zero attempts to in any way revise the above.cmerry wrote:I'd say do it. And seriously, what Sam does or doesn't want doesn't really matter here. It's still your game, and since money wasn't involved you could quite easily recall it.Whether financial transactions were undertaken here is entirely irrelevant. If Mason wished for compensation, he would have been in his right to request it. He didn't, his loss. I would love to see just where you got that one. You can't simply break an agreement just because you didn't pay a dime. Why would anyone ever make an agreement, knowing full well the other party could back out at any point and time without authorization?Assuming anybody cares, I most certainly do not, but here it is anyway. This was *not* a legal contract. Even if it were, as far as law is concerned, a minor is able to enter into a legally binding contract. It can however only be enforced by court under limited circumstances. The minor is allowed to void said contract whenever they like, apparently out of the idea that they might not fully understand the weight of their agreement. The other party is not allowed to terminate the contract.sediment wrote:it's mason's game. he developed it, he did the work on it. regardless of who claims it, the way I see it is, the person who actually did the coding, debugging, what hav you. it is theres to do with as they wish.Onto the next. Let's attempt to unravel the stream of utter nonsense you just spewed, shall we?Ultrapower was Mason's intellectual property up to the point where he transferred those rights.In 2011, Microsoft acquired Skype Comunications S.a r.l for $8.5 billion. However, Mi

Re: Opinion: How would you feel about the following?

2019-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinion: How would you feel about the following?

moderation:I'm gonna go ahead and close this topic, enacting a blanket ban on ultrapower in the process.end moderationThe fact that we're still having to deal with this is honestly quite absurd and, as much as I  hate the phrase, why we can't have nice things.I admit, it takes quite a bit of self control to refrain from targeting post 47. We have someone entirely fed up with the community, someone who has given us game after game, hour after hour of enjoyment, thing after thing to criticize because that's just part and parcel of it all. Someone who has been a major contributor to other games as well as his own. Someone who has decided to open up with his feelings and reasons as to why he will no longer be a contributor to this forum, even mentioning suicide. It's not as if he has a history of arbitrarily up and leaving communities or creating topics for the attention offered by a public pity party.And you have the audacity to call it a "wining topic"? I hope you feel good about yourself. What a disgrace!I'll leave it at that.Have a nice day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: redspot

2019-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot

First, there is no group as Sediment claims. If there is, I'm not in it.Second, redspot is not back. The only existing code is a simple framework test. It allows you to walk around, and jump, and send chats, and hear each other walking!Third, probably gonna be a while. School, life, other projects, lack of interest and determination right now. Don't hold your breath.Fourth: I find it sad how RS, a good game at it's core, has the ability to spawn this. A high price to pay really. I'm quite content without it right now thank you very much.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Harsher action for copy paste

2019-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Harsher action for copy paste

I'd like to weigh in with my opinions here. Kinda wish I would've came across this before now but sooner is better than later I suppose.@nuno69 and others with the opinion that these copypaste mashups we all love so much are purely limited to the audiogaming community. I wish I knew another way of telling you just how wrong you happen to be. If you had done your research beforehand, you would have noticedthemanysuchleakseverywhereyoulook.Sam Ivan Mason and myself were at the forefront for some time, but that's purely a result of our playerbase in addition to the undeniable spirts of immaturity to accompany growing up. Plus I fail to see how your point even matters. So what, security wasn't as enforced as it should have been, duh. And? Is that enough to be condemned not only by those for which this topic has been written but others as well? No, no I don't believe it does. the subset of the community, your metaphorical triangle, isn't of much consequence in the grand scheme of things. I wish we could actually discuss the issue in question without unnecessarily continuing to overstate the unfortunate reality.Even in larger companies, where you'd think enforcement of security protocols would be of upmost importance, there's always an untrustworthy and well-informed insider ready to get the ball rolling. For cash or anon publicity or simple shits and giggles, it happens. Needless to say, the number of clones/unauthorized copypasted snippets is pretty insane even to this day. Take the old case of halflife back in 2003. I'd be willing to bet at the number of scenarios. The mainstream community filters it, though, due to the amazing number of legitimate hits that completely rival anything anyone could cook up in their basement with little compensation hacking away at a codebase that probably isn't worth touching. for the few young teens who decide to venture down the rabbit hole, they're rewarded with a couple close friends as players, bragging rights and just maybe some quick show and tell.Sadly, as many are quick to point out, we're a minority. The number of really really good games to our name isn't much to write home about. So of course the loud ones get most of the attention be it by sneer or flame.I digress, however. While a license can't necessarily prohibit copying from a codebase by someone already dead set on illegality, this isn't the only use. It acts as an assertion of your rights in strict detail. when you post to this forum, you do so under strict EU copyright law. The meaning behind no license is rather iffy, in most cases forbidding use altogether. Meaning, technically speaking anyway, none of Masons open source projects are actually able to be employed in any context. They've been allowed for the most part though, I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a tweat of some sort where he said he basically had no care in the world. But aside from that? I feel like the term open-source is thrown around incorrectly all too often.If someone makes a game, releasing with a license that states in every way that nobody is allowed to use content anywhere else, we here on the forum have no choice but to respect such a decision. Open source or not. There's only so much you can do obviously, but thankfully very few have gotten clever enough to remove all traces. I am of the opinion that a more hands on approach is necessary, at least at this time. As Defender said an apology would most certainly be warranted. I don't believe it would be too terribly hard to spot the dev who worked tirelessly to create something vs the dev who opened up notepad, changed a couple variables, and released to the masses.


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Re: Selling my STW inventory

2020-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my STW inventory

amerikranian wrote:@49 / 51.Yeh, hang on. Let me take 1 hour or so and do something like this, assuming that the forum window is open:alt tab until stw.down arrowCopy text to NVDA clipboard.alt tab to the forumpaste textrepeatI know this only pertains to a small part of the discussion many posts back, but people always seem to forget about NVDA's speech viewer. In the future, it's a simple matter of NVDA menu, T, S, alt+tab and arrow through your inventory.


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Re: Manamon Can you give?

2019-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon Can you give?

Liam wrote:Damn. he got us. nuff said


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Re: I am done with clones

2019-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am done with clones

Agreed with @11 and @7, @9 thanks for blamelessly perpetuating the issue. I've spoken out on the subject many times before and see no reason to do so yet again.I do have a question though, and it's quite important.Still planning on hosting your road to rage server?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I am done with clones

2019-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am done with clones

Agreed with @11 and @7, @9 thanks for blamelessly perpetuating the issue. I've spoken out on the subject many times before and see no reason to do so yet again.I do have a question though, and it's quite important. I'd like you to think long and hard.Still planning on hosting your road to rage server?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a new fersion of a cm releaset

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a new fersion of a cm releaset

moderation:Link removed.Webber, consider this a warning and the last one you're gonna get for the next three months (90 days). As a newly registered user, I would assume you'd have a pretty good handle on the rules after taking the time to thoroughly read and understand them... Right, right?This is a pretty big no no in case you haven't got the memo.Rules wrote:If you wish to antagonize fellow users, or attempt to distribute unauthorized forks or other material through this platform to which you do not have legal rights, you will likely find that your stay is very short and unproductive.end moderation1. It's version, not fersion.2. It's released, not releaset.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

First, thanks a bunch for doing this. What a great service to our community!I've gone ahead and taken you up on the offer. Let's see what we can do shall we?I have a couple requests to make though.Seeing the shear number of posts our here asking, and two posts giving, I wonder if you may consider excluding certain situations, and/or potentially adding a bit of criteria since who doesn't jump at giveaways. I feel as if many under a certain age, we were all here at one point or another, could ask for the game as a christmas or birthday gift. There's also allowance or cash. Some parents are strict so this wouldn't work but others may not mind. If in doubt ask guys.How about waiting to draw until mid, late November or so? This would give those who haven't a time to play through the demo a chance at deciding how much they *actually* still want the game. If you've polished off what you have right now and you're digging it, then by all means. Given Aaron's hesitance to resend/recover lost keys I doubt it would be practical to ask him to implement a key exchange system though. Here's what I'm getting at. Once someone buys your copy, transfering keys, at least publicly, may be difficult. In truth, it's easy to type out a line or two, day after game release / in the midst of hype, requesting someone fork over four extra large dominos pizzas on your behalf. A little waiting around can't hurt right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

First, thanks a bunch for doing this. What a great service to our community!I've gone ahead and taken you up on the offer. Let's see what we can do shall we?I have a couple requests to make though.Seeing the shear number of posts our here asking, and two posts giving, I wonder if you may consider excluding certain situations, and/or potentially adding a bit of criteria since who doesn't jump at giveaways. I feel as if many under a certain age, we were all here at one point or another, could ask for the game as a christmas or birthday gift. There's also allowance or cash. Some parents are strict so this wouldn't work but others may not mind. If in doubt ask guys.How about waiting to draw until mid, late November or so? This would give those who haven't a time to play through the demo a chance at deciding how much they *actually* still want the game. If you've polished off what you have right now and you're digging it, then by all means. Given Aaron's hesitance to resend/recover lost keys I doubt it would be practical to ask him to implement a key exchange system though. Here's what I'm getting at. Once someone buys your copy, transfering keys, at least publicly, may be difficult. In truth, it's easy to type out a line or two, day after game release / in the midst of hype, requesting someone fork over four extra large dominos pizzas on your behalf. A little waiting around can't hurt right? Please guys simmer down a couple notches.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon II, how about a $5 gifting train?

@1Doesn't look as if the payment went through. Are you able to provide an email address so I'm able to send without incurring the additional fee? Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bgt pack estractor?

2018-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bgt pack estractor?

for those that didn't get it originally, they're on my github in a more permanent location.You can either get the entire repository at get the pack extractor directly … racter.bgt


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bgt pack estractor?

2018-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bgt pack estractor?

for those that didn't get it originally, they're on my github in a more permanent location.You can either get the entire repository at the pack extractor directly … racter.bgt


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ultimate Destruction Online is coming soon!

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ultimate Destruction Online is coming soon!

Hey man, thanks for asking if you can use code which you had no prior authorization to in the first place, not. I believe I can speak for the entire administration panel when I say your game will not be allowed here under any circumstances. Please, find it in yourself not to illegally leach off the work of any developers here. The fact that you have the audacity to make such an admission, maybe believing it would somehow gain you any brownie points or sympathy, astounds me to no end. Congrats, you've essentially marked yourself and not in a good way either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ultimate Destruction Online is coming soon!

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ultimate Destruction Online is coming soon!

Hey man, thanks for asking if you can use code which you had no prior authorization to in the first place, not. I believe I can speak for the entire administration panel when I say your game will not be allowed here under any circumstances. Please, find it in yourself not to illegally leach off the work of any developers here. The fact that you have the audacity to make such an admission, maybe believing it would somehow gain you any brownie points or sympathy, astounds me to no end. Congrats, you've essentially branded yourself and not in a good way either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: end of the kloned games and dromma about blind kids

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: end of the kloned games and dromma about blind kids

Yeah man. I was gonna give you a thumbs up until I realized you do exactly what you're telling others, not to do. As a developer of Redspot, someone who spent hours upon days upon months attempting to make the game better for everyone and flatten out the many balance issues, I can't help feeling an intense revulsion to both you and your kind. Talk about upmost hypocrisy. It's analogous to saying let's make peace. Everyone, throw them guns down. Accept each others differences. Live in perfect harmony with one another. Halt all production of weaponry. Then promptly going in and attacking anyway. You wanna see change, be the change. And no, I couldn't give a care in the world for how you only want to have fun. Congrats for the undeserved +4 karma by the way. Next time, play with all cards face up or don't play at  all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: end of the kloned games and dromma about blind kids

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: end of the kloned games and dromma about blind kids

Yeah man. I was gonna give you a thumbs up until I realized you do exactly what you're telling others, not to do. As a developer of Redspot, someone who spent hours upon days upon months attempting to make the game better for everyone and flatten out the many balance issues, I can't help feeling an intense revulsion to both you and your kind. Talk about upmost hypocrisy. It's analogous to saying let's make peace. Everyone, throw them guns down. Accept each others differences. Live in perfect harmony with one another. Halt all production of weaponry. Then promptly going in and attacking anyway. You wanna see change, be the change. And no, I couldn't give a care in the world for how you only want to have fun. Congrats for the undeserved +4 karma by the way. Next time, play with all cards face up or don't play at  all.I actually clicked thumbs up and then cancel again, transferring  to those more meritorious. I hope others do the same.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sudden attack is not a clone

2019-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sudden attack is not a clone

Thanks post 12 for saying exactly what I had on my mind.The mindset shown in #3 disgusts me to no end. I'd like to say I hope your final product, after months and months of development and overall back breaking work, gets stolen with no original credit, not even the smallest semblance of recognition and thanks. I'd like to wish such a fate on you, if you only (a) had such a project and (b) could be counted on to put in that sort of dedication. But nah. I was in your place for a time, a short time but a time no less. That was before I really understood and foresaw the crippling effect such actions could have on a tight-knit community such as our own. Sure enough, three and a half years down the rode, sudden death or sudden attack or whatever is released in all it's glory.The fact that these guys are attempting to say sudden attack was made, by hand, without use of any unauthorized code, is highly laughable and most of all disrespectful. Anyone with resourceful tendencies and a bit of info about tk can pretty much tell without even opening the game. So not only are we dealing with those who couldn't care less about abiding by policy, but those who have no problem telling bold faced lies in order to see that their halfassed and hastily cobbled together excuse for a game receives a bit more light of day. Either one of these reasons alone should keep most folks away, but wishful thinking. Right now, we don't have an FPS. Right now, people want an FPS. As a result, we again see the fact that many here have no problem taking shit on a stick for a lack of anything better.So Urh. I am truly curious what might have lead you to create this pointless topic.Was it out of wanting to prove, beyond the shadow of the doubt, that this wonderful new game is all it's supposed to be?Urh wrote:Hi, I have tried sudden attack and it is not a clone. I am totaly sure about that.Nah, doesn't look like it.In fact, you being "totally sure"... Doesn't say much. See the multi extra topic. You were all too ready to blindly defend the project, even after basically everyone, minus maybe one other, had given reasons why one might not want to support or use products created by this developer. You were sure, even after concrete evidence in the form of code had been presented, all because a someone, baby I think, did a Youtube demo and his computer hadn't blown itself into oblivion. Just so happens I'm having a slight bit of trouble hearing your comprehensive assurance over...Urh wrote:Allright, maybe is really a clone, but it is the best clone that I ever hered of.I'm harshly beating this one to the ground for one reason. When you use the word "total", you elude to complete knowledge of the subject. You elude to the fact that you're able to dispute, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that what you say is true. You obviously haven't done that. In fact you've done nothing to bring us any closer to the truth of your claim. So as a result, not only are you spreading false information, but your credibility slides down a couple more notches which isn't good for anyone. A better solution would have been to create a topic with a title like:Why do we think sudden attack isn't a clone?orI believe sudden attack might not be a clone.Either way, if you hold and voice such a firm statement, you had better be ready to defend it with evidence.@17I disagree. Python is literally nothing in comparison with C/C++ and even most other high level languages. All it takes is a bit of searching. A simple, python environment setup, could do the trick. Many programs, even at a middle/high school level, have classes that help with this. Sure, idle isn't accessible, but that's where you phone a friend or check the  forum. People are lazy, made even lazier when they started with a CHM to deliver everything they'll ever need to get started.amerikranian wrote:Also, a strong factor that encourages the use of the blastbay game toolkit is the number of open source projects it has. Other, more mainstream languages, do not have so many examples floating around.I'm struggling to figure out what you mean. Github has millions of python projects from which to hit the ground running. Sure, they might not all be games. But that's where you find libraries that provide what you'd like. Windowing and sound for example. Besides, as Sam stated in 19, there currently isn't an authorized open source online boilerplate. Even if there was, you better believe nobody would use it since they want something simple, quick, hot and ready.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sudden attack is not a clone

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sudden attack is not a clone

A couple things.@34Oh my fucking god. Just, GTFU. Please. I am literally unable to comprehend how one can, honestly, hold those opinions. For your own sake, I hope to god you're trolling. Let me spell it out for you in the simplest way I can.Urh wrote:Hi, all!So this will be a long post but whatever!Nah man, not a long post. You wanna see a longer post? Look at 21 and the question you simply shrug off, still would like a response by the way.Urh wrote:@Ivan: I know that you did spend hours, days, weeks and even months in makin TK. And I really loved TK. But I don't understand you people, why we shouldn't have clones. They are just similar games like the original versions, with some different code and soem stollen code and also with some of the same sound as in the original game.So here's where I pose questions you'll, in all likelihood, simply shrug off, but I've gotta ask anyway. If you reply to my post, I'd like to see you acknowledge every last one. Copy them, answer on the next line.1. Are you okay with stealing?2. Do you find it right to go up and steal just because you have the chance?3. If someone stole your game, would you hold these same opinions? It might be difficult for you to get out of your little delusional bubble, but stay with me for a second. As Ivan said, you spend hours days and months hammering out code for something. Something you're truly proud of. As in you put your heart and soul into this thing simply so the community could have a game to play.Urh wrote:And also post 21: I'll probably delete this topic because of so much hate for this game.Don't delete the topic. That's cowardly and stupid. Face up to the inevitable backlash or just ignore it entirely. But don't delete every post from here. People take time to write them. Deleting topics is a cheap way of running away from what you yourself created.Urh wrote:But I just want to tell something: I've posted this topic because I want your answers, what do you think about it and if you are playing it.No, you obviously didn't. The title of this topic, "sudden attack is not a clone". Your first post loudly states that you're "totally sure". That doesn't offer any room for discussion, the only thing you'll get is people telling you that you're entirely wrong which has already happened. You didn't want to hear our thoughts, you wanted to get more people into the game by attempting to prove our far better judgement and investigations invalid.Urh wrote:Also when I sed that I am totaly sure that it's not a clone and then in other post that maybe is a clone, that's because I've seen the recording on anyaudio with Mahdi and Bilal.Watch what you say. Words are fucking powerful.totally: Adverb: to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly'I understand that english isn't your first language, but I don't think that matters here. I'm pinning it all on a closed-minded perspective, nothing more.@52Please, do know that source code leaks are not only because you pick untrustworthy people. That actually only happened once, if you had done your research you would have known that. These are matters of illegality and in some cases even hacks.Besides, unauthorized code is unauthorized code. Saying we should pick trustworthy people and all our problems will be solved is plain naive foolishness. It's certainly a step, and common sense goes a long way here, but it's far from the crux of the issue at hand. Fun fact, did you know redspot was only given to trustworthy developers? The only way it was ever released publicly was literally forced entry. You could take the route of saying oh, well just fix your security and this won't happen, idiot. But that's a mute point. If you're having a night on the town, strolling down main drag not minding anyone's business but your own and someone walks behind you, stealthily grabbing your wallet and everything contained within, is it your fault for being in the crowd or wearing the clothes or not setting up additional safety measures so this could be prevented? Hell no, the pickpocket is at fault. In this case, the ones who stole the code are at fault. The ones who decide to use your savings on hookers and booze, use stolen code to create shitty games in this instance, are the ones at fault.What's demotivating about all this is the fact that you work extremely hard just to have ungrateful bastards take it all away, using it for their own ends. If you can manage to throw all that on the original developer, go you. I can't and will never be able to... Because I know what it's like. If you think new developers would get anything but negative vibes when they figure out that stolen code runs rampant here, again go you and there's not much else I can say aside from the fact that I think you've got an extremely twisted set of ideals.


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Re: some ideas for an online game that yall would be interested in?

2020-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some ideas for an online game that yall would be interested in?

moderation:Rory, please send me a private message regarding your preferred email address and I'll help you with your old account.Multiple accounts aren't permitted, and this is the last time admins are willing to change info and help you get back in after you deliberately change your contact info.end moderationI actually think I prefer him refraining from posting an apology topic, since most of those end up devolving into petty inflammatory penile member waving contests, followed by moderation posts, which end up resulting in further raging, followed by more moderation posts... ... ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: some ideas for an online game that yall would be interested in?

2020-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some ideas for an online game that yall would be interested in?

I've changed the email associated with rory-games. You should now be able to reset your password and login again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A long time coming --- Manamon copyright infringement report

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A long time coming --- Manamon copyright infringement report

There isn't a rule expressly forbidding anyone anywhere from reporting a game discussed on this site, nor will there ever be. We also aren't in the habit of sifting through guidelines in hope of an easily overlooked clause on which to throw somebody out.Based on OP's post history I'm more apt to suggest a troll. Either way, to my limited knowledge, Aaron didn't lift assets, so Manamon should be fine and everyone can stay happy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A long time coming --- Manamon copyright infringement report

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A long time coming --- Manamon copyright infringement report

There isn't a rule expressly forbidding anyone anywhere from reporting a game discussed on this site, nor will there ever be. We also aren't in the habit of sifting through guidelines in hope of an easily overlooked clause on which to throw somebody out.Based on OP's post history I'm more apt to suggest a troll. Either way, to my limited knowledge, Aaron didn't lift assets so Manamon should be fine and everyone can stay happy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A long time coming --- Manamon copyright infringement report

2020-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A long time coming --- Manamon copyright infringement report

moderation:I'm going to go ahead and close this topic, as it has far since (80 some posts ago) surpassed any distant hope of productivity.As I mentioned in post 4, reporting games is isn't against the rules. You can do it if you are so inclined. At best an exercise in futility, at worse a veritable detriment to the community. Either way your choice.LordLundin, going to go ahead and invoke the community failure clause for the next four or so months. For now, let this serve as a caution. Not a set warning, yet, but you have quite the history of toxic behavior here. We've cut you more than your fair share of breaks, and you seem to be under the impression that stirring the pot for the sake of your own amusement is an acceptable pastime on this forum.For the record, Trolling is all cool. I get it. I do it. Continually using the forum as your metaphorical stomping ground is not.end moderationMay I humbly suggest having a look through our DB and grabbing one of the many therapeutic games instead?Possible candidates are screaming strike, the road to rage and the randomness of sound assuming you can manage to find a good pack. If none of those suit you, pick one of the countless offline shoot 'em up types we have floating around.If you're still looking, I hear Manamon is good too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can open and listen sounds from STW game?

2020-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can open and listen sounds from STW game?

moderation:@Emanuel_Ion_21As Ivan pointed out, the license explicitly forbids this.You seem to have a serious interest in cheating, which is generally frowned upon here. Ripping sounds or assets is not only frowned upon, but warning worthy. Consider this an official warning. Please read the rules (specifically #3).You've also earned a spot on the, people we watch just in case, list. Congratulations.This topic is also being closed, as it serves no purpose.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

Sighs.@16So he gives out different versions to others... Good for him, Precisely why is this an issue? What crime is being commited that is in direct harm to you, and in which way are you being offended. Please explain@ethinIf your gonna go around calling people idiots, please don't do so baselessly. If you'd like to call someone's ideas stupid, how about actually presenting better ones or at least showing where they went wrong? Lucas has provided technical explanations, to which you've done nothing but shrug off. So I'm apt to go with his assumptions.Here I will do likewise in showing you that manamon is in fact using a different version of BGT, one not released publicly. If your still able to come to a conclusion as to how this proves nothing, and can back it up, I'll gladly listen.1. Get BGT2. Write a simple script, I'll call it game.bgt for simplicities sakevoid main(){alert("test","this is a test");}3. Compile it.4. Grab the stub, the following python script will do it assuming you have pefile installed.import pefileimport syswith open("game.exe", "rb") as s:    r = = pefile.PE("game.exe")offset = pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset()with open("stub.out", "wb") as t:    t.write(r.replace(r[offset:], b""))5. Run the same script on games such as manamon and make sure to examine the output in detail, specifically exposed functions and constants in the executible. I'd personally use strings.You'll notice that there are, in fact, functions not present in the original stub. Hell, if your lazy, run a diff on both stubs to see what we're talking about.You're even looking at a newer version of angelscript.I might add, the only way one could improve upon the original version of BGT would involve intense reverse engineering and manipulation to such a point where it might be easier to just write your game in another language, or attempt but probably fail to mirror all BGT's functions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

Sighs.@16So he gives out different versions to others... Good for him, Precisely why is this an issue? What crime is being commited that is in direct harm to you, and in which way are you being offended. Please explain@ethinIf your gonna go around calling people idiots, please don't do so baselessly. If you'd like to call someone's ideas stupid, how about actually presenting better ones or at least showing where they went wrong? Lucas has provided technical explanations, to which you've done nothing but shrug off. So I'm apt to go with his assumptions.Here I will do likewise in showing you that manamon is in fact using a different version of BGT, one not released publicly. If your still able to come to a conclusion as to how this proves nothing, and can back it up, I'll gladly listen.1. Get BGT2. Write a simple script, I'll call it game.bgt for simplicities sakevoid main(){alert("test","this is a test");}3. Compile it.4. Grab the stub, the following python script will do it assuming you have pefile installed.import pefileimport syswith open("game.exe", "rb") as s:    r = = pefile.PE("game.exe")offset = pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset()with open("stub.out", "wb") as t:    t.write(r.replace(r[offset:], b""))5. Run the same script on games such as manamon and make sure to examine the output in detail, specifically exposed functions and constants in the executible. I'd personally use strings.You'll notice that there are, in fact, functions not present in the original stub. Hell, if your lazy, run a diff on both stubs to see what we're talking about.You're even looking at a newer version of angelscript.I might add, the only way one could improve upon the original version of BGT would involve intense reverse engineering and manipulation to such a point where it might be easier to just write your game in another language, or attempt but probably fail to mirror all BGT's functions.Oh yeah, debug and release builds don't have a reason to modify anything but the appended and encrypted angelscript bytecode


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

Sighs.@16So he gives out different versions to others... Good for him, Precisely why is this an issue? What crime is being commited that is in direct harm to you, and in which way are you being offended. Please explain@ethinIf your gonna go around calling people idiots, please don't do so baselessly. If you'd like to call someone's ideas stupid, how about actually presenting better ones or at least showing where they went wrong? Lucas has provided technical explanations, to which you've done nothing but shrug off. So I'm apt to go with his assumptions.Here I will do likewise in showing you that manamon is in fact using a different version of BGT, one not released publicly. If your still able to come to a conclusion as to how this proves nothing, and can back it up, I'll gladly listen.1. Get BGT2. Write a simple script, I'll call it game.bgt for simplicities sakevoid main(){alert("test","this is a test");}3. Compile it.4. Grab the stub, the following python script will do it assuming you have pefile installed.import pefileimport syswith open("game.exe", "rb") as s:    r = = pefile.PE("game.exe")offset = pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset()with open("stub.out", "wb") as t:    t.write(r.replace(r[offset:], b""))5. Run the same script on games such as manamon and make sure to examine the output in detail, specifically exposed functions and constants in the executible. I'd personally use strings.You'll notice that there are, in fact, functions not present in the original stub. Hell, if your lazy, run a diff on both stubs to see what we're talking about.You're even looking at a newer version of angelscript.I might add, the only way one could improve upon the original version of BGT would involve intense reverse engineering and manipulation to such a point where it might be easier to just write your game in another language, or attempt but probably fail to mirror all BGT's functions.edit: So you actually replied between the time I began writing this and clicked the post button. Interestingly enough, all the above applies and there's actually no reason to delete or modify anything above.Oh yeah, debug and release builds don't have a reason to modify anything but the appended and encrypted angelscript bytecode


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

Sighs.@16So he gives out different versions to others... Good for him, Precisely why is this an issue? What crime is being commited that is in direct harm to you, and in which way are you being offended. Please explain@ethinIf your gonna go around calling people idiots, please don't do so baselessly. If you'd like to call someone's ideas stupid, how about actually presenting better ones or at least showing where they went wrong? Lucas has provided technical explanations, to which you've done nothing but shrug off. So I'm apt to go with his assumptions.Here I will do likewise in showing you that manamon is in fact using a different version of BGT, one not released publicly. If your still able to come to a conclusion as to how this proves nothing, and can back it up, I'll gladly listen.1. Get BGT2. Write a simple script, I'll call it game.bgt for simplicities sakevoid main(){alert("test","this is a test");}3. Compile it.4. Grab the stub, the following python script will do it assuming you have pefile installed.import pefileimport syswith open("game.exe", "rb") as s:    r = = pefile.PE("game.exe")offset = pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset()with open("stub.out", "wb") as t:    t.write(r.replace(r[offset:], b""))5. Run the same script on games such as manamon and make sure to examine the output in detail, specifically exposed functions and constants in the executible. I'd personally use strings.You'll notice that there are, in fact, functions not present in the original stub. Hell, if your lazy, run a diff on both stubs to see what we're talking about.You're even looking at a newer version of angelscript.I might add, the only way one could improve upon the original version of BGT would involve intense reverse engineering and manipulation to such a point where it might be easier to just write your game in another language, or attempt but probably fail to mirror all BGT's functions.edit: So you actually replied between the time I began writing this and clicked the post button. Interestingly enough, all the above applies and there's actually no reason to delete or modify.Oh yeah, debug and release builds don't have any reason whatsoever to modify anything but the appended and encrypted angelscript bytecode


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

Sighs.@16So he gives out different versions to others... Good for him, Precisely why is this an issue? What crime is being commited that is in direct harm to you, and in which way are you being offended. Please explain@ethinIf your gonna go around calling people idiots, please don't do so baselessly. If you'd like to call someone's ideas stupid, how about actually presenting better ones or at least showing where they went wrong? Lucas has provided technical explanations, to which you've done nothing but shrug off. So I'm apt to go with his assumptions.Here I will do likewise in showing you that manamon is in fact using a different version of BGT, one not released publicly. If your still able to come to a conclusion as to how this proves nothing, and can back it up, I'll gladly listen.1. Get BGT2. Write a simple script, I'll call it game.bgt for simplicities sakevoid main(){alert("test","this is a test");}3. Compile it.4. Grab the stub, the following python script will do it assuming you have pefile installed.import pefileimport syswith open("game.exe", "rb") as s:    r = = pefile.PE("game.exe")offset = pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset()with open("stub.out", "wb") as t:    t.write(r.replace(r[offset:], b""))5. Run the same script on games such as manamon and make sure to examine the output in detail, specifically exposed functions and constants in the executible. I'd personally use strings.You'll notice that there are, in fact, functions not present in the original stub. Hell, if your lazy, run a diff on both stubs to see what we're talking about.You're even looking at a newer version of angelscript.I might add, the only way one could improve upon the original version of BGT would involve intense reverse engineering and manipulation to such a point where it might be easier to just write your game in another language, or attempt but probably fail to mirror all BGT's functions.edit: So you actually replied between the time I began writing this and clicked the post button. Interestingly enough, all the above applies and there's actually no reason to delete or modify anything.Oh yeah, debug and release builds don't have any reason whatsoever to modify anything but the appended and encrypted angelscript bytecode


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

The size alterations are as I said purely commited to bytecode as far as I know, the stub already has everything it needs to. In debug, quite a bit of additional information is exposed such as variable names, file names, line numbers, and code to enhance the profiler.You can test this by slightly modifying the last line of my python code abovet.write(r.replace(r[:offset], b""))You're now given the encrypted bytecode, or data appended to our executable. Try compiling as both debug and release.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Future of The Killer?

2019-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of The Killer?

moderation:Redfox, just a caution although I will NOT hesitate to take punitive measures if this sort of thing persists. While I can't stop you from making local modifications to source code you shouldn't rightfully have in the first place, I can stop you from posting about it here. As Ivan said, it is or was (waters are rather murky here) his game. Because there was no formal announcement otherwise, in my eyes the rights are his by right unless I'm given plausible proof to the contrary. What you're doing is showing blatant respect to developers on this forum, which will in no way be tolerated. Please consider what you're wanting to do.I have a keen eye on this topic, hopefully the mod hat won't need to be worn again. Please think before you post guys.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dice app for android?

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dice app for android?

@michaelhoffman1976I'm assuming it was an accident, but please refrain from creating multiple topics with the same content in the future. One is quite enough, and those that do see it will see one just as good as two.On another note I really do need to get into the android ecosystem. Until then though no idea, sorry.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is there any interest in an sbp re write?

2019-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there any interest in an sbp re write?

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the determination and interest here.However, I think the SBP concept has been repeated and rewritten six and a half ways from Sunday and that's an understatement. If you're willing to write a game from scratch, might you get more fun, better luck and a greater reward out of creating something different (entirely new)? The name "scrolling battles pro" is somewhat off-putting too, given the unstable history. If you've got the urge, I recommend putting it somewhere reputable. I don't want another scrolling battles game. I've had my fun playing derivatives over the last 5 or 6 years.Either way, good luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

@sorresseanAfter this update, I plan to use a version control system. As of right now, trying to maintain compatibility or merge beta and current branches would truly be a test from hell I simply don't wanna deal with.@keithwipf1I personally think being forced into the middle of the battlefield with 5K health far outweighs the alternative of being forced into a map with a bunch of people with 30K health. When in the killing ground, you can type /battlefield to get sent their, this will probably be the preferred way of leaving. 5K health is just a cap to prevent OP players from roaming around killing everyone over and over. While the code is pretty much done, some aspects still remain undecided.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

@sorresseanAfter this update, I plan to use a version control system. As of right now, trying to maintain compatibility or merge beta and current branches would truly be a test from hell I simply don't wanna deal with.@keithwipf1I personally think being forced into the middle of the battlefield with 5K health far outweighs the alternative of being forced into a map with a bunch of people with 30K health. Just, don't use health items if you want to continue gearing. When in the killing ground, you can type /battlefield to get sent their, this will probably be the preferred way of leaving. 5K health is just a cap to prevent OP players from roaming around killing everyone over and over. While the code is pretty much done, some aspects still remain undecided.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

@AlirezaNosratiSorry, but I don't exactly understand what you mean. People do this on a daily basis, and complain when players can't be killed because of the newbie flag. Getting to 5k isn't that hard.@DarfVaderRedspot does and doesn't have caps. It does in the sense that after using a certain number of health items/shields, they will diminish, meaning start effecting you less and less. There is a cap, in that eventually each item will give you such a little amount that it's just not worth getting any higher.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

community collectively growing up? What a delusion.Also, admins are now able to force players AFK, in the event they're not responding to inquiry as well as send serverwide notifications, warnings, e.g. when the servers about to restart


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: redspot, a complete guide on how to destroy an audiogame.

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot, a complete guide on how to destroy an audiogame.

The newbie flag is probably gonna be removed. While problems such as you described have been made harder to happen, the system is by no means flawless, for example newbies can send projectiles and probably other bombs, as well as setting up baricades, just to name a couple from the top of my head.Can you give me a specific scenario of the admins taking action with no prior warning in a fight? Other than 6 months ago that is. If so, the situation needs to be strongly looked into. Banning players from your game is forcefully telling them they can't play, and a very serious defense.Sandbags now show the player who put them there in the item tracking menu. While I'm still under the personal opinion players should simply be disallowed to place them in certain locations, Sam has stated multiple times how he wishes to know the person. Because of this, I've given a couple warnings, and my policy is one warning. Do it again you get kicked, again ban hammer. As a temporary solution, let one of us know and we'll take care of it.Also, another topic of this nature was created today, so can we stick to one?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: redspot, a complete guide on how to destroy an audiogame.

2017-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot, a complete guide on how to destroy an audiogame.

lol. I don't exactly get what we're trying to prove here.@6This is quite intentional, and fixing would be very difficult. You could prevent the player from killing him/herself, but they can always have a friend do it, then go grab the corpse again. Like I said, the shield is most likely gonna be removed.About the admins. I personally try to investigate the situation thoroughly and consider possibilities before taking action. And yes, I do happen to know in the past admins were quick to use the ban hammer. However, for this update the banlist has been massively decreased. Instead of complaining, how about giving some examples like I requested in my initial post, then we can analyze the situation and go from there. These apparent recordings you have? If its not some 8 month old incident where we're seeing the chat of he said his brothers friend said his cousin was banned unfairly, I'll be more than happy to take a listen and address it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

74The reason we don't see many client updates is because most aspects, timers included, are completely serverside. Sam has this thing about releasing bulk client updates that I admit I don't fully understand.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: list of rs combos and achievments, and a guide about sky island

2017-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: list of rs combos and achievments, and a guide about sky island

You can get to battle city by going to 750, 750, 51 or so. Go until you hit the no mans trench zone, then climb down. Keep walking straight and you'll run into a wall. There are several breaks in this wall, the only one I can remember off the top of my head is 501, 800 and some others I'm forgetting, all on 01, 800.Information on finding the store is in the readme and I think this was meant to be more of a spoilers list.Another one is located at:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot and STW, between the innocence and injustince

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot and STW, between the innocence and injustince

@roryThere's actually a quite reasonable explanation, or at least so I've convinced myself. As a person with a visual impairment, many of the ways we interact with your every-day environment are different. Very commonly, we're not treated the same. The moment you get behind a computer, this can change. Hell, I've talked to many people who never had the slightest idea I couldn't see. Why then, are many blind people good at using computers? Because its an environment where we can focus on our talents and being people instead of the fact our eyes don't work like everyone elses.I'm not saying its healthy to spend your entire life on a computer and never get out of the house, statistics can back that up.Their is absolutely no correlation, at least in my case and I'm pretty sure in Sams, with safety concerns or various other reasons. And I haven't found anything to point me to the conclusion people who do this have no life outside. Many parents choose to allow this not because they're not aware, but because they understand the above.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot and STW, between the innocence and injustince

2017-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot and STW, between the innocence and injustince

Let me ask you this then. How apparent is it that I'm using a screen reader, other than the fact this is being posted to an audiogame discussion forum? Slight adaptation is inevitable. I don't recall stating there's a reason you shouldn't, "do what you do in the outside world." Merely that normally we're not treated the same way. Granted I'm sure many of us have those people who forget this fact, and personal experience plays a big role. Also being in high-school can't help any.When your skiing, others can clearly see you require assistance. Is this a reason not to do it? Hell no! However, people might be hesitant to get engaged in a conversation or get over how, amazing you are because of the things your doing. Of course, this reaction is totally normal and expected, and some want that element out of the picture.When on a forum, I can participate in a conversation about how in python, using from module import * isn't a good idea. What are the chances Joe, who's just casually reading, is gonna wonder if I'm using a screen reader?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RedPots: the worst piece of garbage I've ever played.

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RedPots: the worst piece of garbage I've ever played.

And right now there's one team who has more red pots than anyone else. And the developer is helping them get these pots. How is this fair?Only the developers friends and beta members should know about gold pots and how to obtain them. What is this madness? Its all part of a feeling of power, I hope you understand. I'll be forced to smack you in the face with this purple pot here, and possibly break a few, again, power.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RedPots: the worst piece of garbage I've ever played.

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RedPots: the worst piece of garbage I've ever played.

that reminds me. Can anyone provide instructions on obtaining the famous pot of gold? No, quite literally. Or maybe that's just a pot of pot17: I think you mean Tiptoe?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2018-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

hey all,I've decided to use the main topic again, since that's a more permanent one. IMO this has served it's purpose, along with the 20 others like it.Anyway, the killingground map is now in the game,check it out here


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem with crazy party

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with crazy party

if the steps outlined in post 5 don't work, you might have to manually port forward, a simple google search of portforward router, replacing router with your router type, should help. Select 2500 for UDP, then give your friend your public IP address, obtainable at


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

I'd like to play and give an educated guess... but that's kind of difficult when upon launch, the game plays a door sound and exits. Ideas?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

Ramblings from me about the game.Upon launching the game for the first time, I heard a door closing and nothing else. I tried some debugging with no avail. This lead me to the conclusion I had somehow been banned from the game, which was strange. After contacting a developer, I hear that the game automatically exits on discovery of the existence of an installed cheat engine. This is perhaps the dumbest method of prevention I've seen. I use cheat engine for more than just cheating games thank you very much. also I'll have you know a simple renaming operation is all that's needed. Have fun with your uncheatable game, oh and maybe add some sort of message warning users of your pathetic system. Maybe while your at it check for a debugger on the users system because you know, malicious!The translation seriously needs some work. We, as end users, shouldn't have to use translation software just to figure out how to do basic things. It's more than happy to tell you to read the rules, but nothing about /rules what so ever?Now for the stolen code aspect. I'm gonna be very, very blunt here. On the one and only positive note, I can see the developers and administrators have put quite a bit of hard work and dedication into creating maps, which can be fun to explore. Or at least as fun as you can get with a sidescroller.I've played a lot of ultrapower, and unfortunately took time I'll never get back to know the codebase. When playing this game, I don't know or care what anyone's told, I see up written all over it. Many might want factual evidence to back this up, however without code proof is usually impossible, unless I can come up with some old bug. But still, that's not guaranteed. IMO all the proof you need is in the countless recordings of UP itself, BTB, CM, and the countless others like it.Many people seem to be blinded by the existance of new features. If you don't know what I mean, read posts 15 and the like. Ultrapower and everything aside, I'm glad there's a revolutionary new FPS that allows me to actually, wait for it, take a piss!I also don't want to see replies saying, "this shit again?", "moving on", "don't these complaints ever end?", "just don't play!". Your replies are nothing but an influx in the exact noise you think your preventing. I know many people play games, just because their games with no regard in the slightest because you know, what does it matter to them? I'm just hear to play. by reading this topic, post, you've been warned. The smartest people on the planet are often the ones who ask the most questions. The people who play this game and know about the possibility of cloning and stolen code are indirectly saying they don't care. Don't care about the hard work toward an original product, and comparatively small amount of work put forth by the one claiming to start something new. Don't care about anything other than playing a game because, they, find it a source of entertainment.In summary, it's a disappointment to see that time does in fact repeat itself. We'll most likely always see games like this popping up that follow the same principal of those before it. I won't be returning other than to check the status. the fact that someone can rip off another persons work and get away with it for this long is absolutely absurd, as the bold faced lie made by the developer in denying use of ultrapowers code. Truly sad is how the playerbase is pretty big, and growing by the day. I wish I could expect this post to be taken seriously, maybe I'm writing this only to here myself talk. But I do hope at least one person will learn a little something and actually make considerations.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Urgent actions required! We have a virus in Bloodshet!

2017-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Urgent actions required! We have a virus in Bloodshet!

@JackAbout your so called TT recordings. If there's anywhere that Sam says there's a virus in any of his games, I would be highly interested to here them. I know what your talking about with the other thing, and redspot was in no way involved. It seems you were fed some misinformation.I recommend re-reading my post, as I try showing that TK also shows these virustotal reports, so there's no point in pointing Sam out directly with the amount of proof we have right now. Also, here's this which was posted earlier.


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Re: Looking for Mudder for Mac

2017-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Mudder for Mac

@3Mud ability, on top of being over priced has no world save support, or so I've heard. Guess I'll stick to good old telnet


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Re: Redspot Crashing Issues

2017-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot Crashing Issues

For the name being logged in, that was actually a feature designed so that people couldn't go offline during a fight then come back online 2 seconds later ready to kill.


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Re: Must read for all twitter users

2017-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Must read for all twitter users

In the process of deciding what to set for a picture. Hmmm, maybe this CAPCHA I kept for some strange reason? I honestly think this entire idea is stupidly ridiculous. What's to say people can't simply add a profile picture?


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

Again, the only real knowledge you need is of this and the old version. I happen to remember many admins loved the old version, so recordings aren't really required. Knowledge of Ultrapower would be helpful to boot, which very few people lack these days. So what do you suggest? Just wait around allowing a developer to get full credit, not to mention money, for cloning a game, oh oh yeah. And adding the ability to piss


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Re: trying to find a game called City Master

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: trying to find a game called City Master

Actually, there is,  The last post in the ultrapower topic. This is freely and easily accessible to anyone who may wish to look. … 07#p248707Armed with this information now I ask the mods, I know this is totally in vane for a second but stick with me, to take a closer look at DM. But based off the time it took to deal with this one...Aaron, I know your not the only one here, and don't remember you dealing with this in the past. However their are administrators who're aware of the situation and seem to be giving this a Cursory glance. Just because their, tired, of something doesn't mean it can be overlooked.


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

47I'm somewhat confused here. What else do you need? Play the game for a couple minutes, then if your not mostly convinced, might I  hazard the guess we're dealing with some fans, in the admin team out of all places? *shutters*There's recordings of old versions which were confirmed to be using up, if that, along with the questional nature of this developers reputation isn't enough then I don't really know what more to say


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

not to mention, cheat engine is one out of a bunch of programs that do this. All you have to do is grab another from the pile. I think the question should be what do you take to come up with such a horribly half engineered solution? Maybe the same thing that makes the user decide stolen code is actually good. More over, is drug use allowed on the forum?


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

yep. You guessed it. Unlike you guys I'll stand by those who work hard, not those who paste a game together with no credit to the original author.Also, cheat engine is open source... If you so wish make a version for yourself. Or better yet and with no coding knowledge required, I'd imagine renaming everything would work just as well. So yes, I've done my research, especially when it comes to games that I play


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

yep. You guessed it. Unlike you guys I'll stand by those who work hard, not those who paste a game together with no credit to the original author.Cheatomatic is accessible, or was the last time I tried. Also, cheat engine is open source... If you so wish make a version for yourself. Or better yet and with no coding knowledge required, I'd imagine renaming everything would work just as well. So yes, I've done my research, especially when it comes to games that I play


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

@75While I totally see where your coming from, I've had frequent discussions about it ever since this topic was created, 3 weeks or so ago? and all I here from moderation is we'll look into it, we'll look into it... silence. They don't want to close the thread because many people seem to like the game and apparently there's no definitive proof, but if you look at it things are just blatantly obvious, partially masked by new features.Of course the game will exist either way, I'm not trying to change that, but it doesn't have to be advertised on such a large forum, thereby allowing it to gain players who don't understand or care to understand the ultrapower situation.Everyone seems to want to unwind and relax, but what will that do? Give into code theft and allow this developer to gain money he didn't rightfully earn? This forum has been quite a large source of income, both in players and cash.@76lmao. Where do you get me trying to prove anything? Actually, that's not my aim at all. I bring it up all the time, because if I don't, it's completely forgotten. Nobody is attempting to look at it from that point of view, just that we can't prove anything, closed case.


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Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Firefight needs your opinians!

A couple things. Most, but not all, being based off my time both as a tester and developer of redspot and administration, since enforcement is where we ultimately lost many players.1. Those asking to be administrators, most likely won't make good administrators. By this I mean pick them yourself, there's no ballot or democratic system. Asking for advice is okay, but the majority should never throw names around.2. Have good communication with admins. We have a skype group, right now general policy is to notify the others if you've done anything that required the admin flag.3. Be able, and totally okay with, revoking rights and saying sorry, but no. I've seen way too many people give 48th chances to their friends. there's a find line between administration and friendship, it's all about breaching that gap.4. If something happens in game, you as a developer are forever held accountable. If I were to release a massive bug in redspot that would allow for instantly killing a player for example, Sam would get most if not all the blame. Treat failure as a lesson, since you've never get it 100% on your first try.5. Find something and excel in that area. You can never achieve perfection in all areas, so don't even try. Give your players a reason to play your game rather than any of the other FPs's out their.6. Test your admins. Maybe occasionally login, changing all forms of identification, fight one of the admins, and abuse something. Play cheaply. Kill/piss them off. See how they adhere to the set precautions. do they respond in a helpful and professional manor? Furthermore, they won't ever know if it's a legitimate case or test from the developer and would rather not risk it.7. Professionalism can be key. whenever you reveal your identity, as an administrator, developer, beta tester, whatever, your presenting yourself as a representative of the game. How do you want that to look?8. Stick by your word. Don't let the players down. If you discuss a massive feature that's coming, it better be massive. Let them feel as they got what they expected, if not more.9. While large and feature packed updates are okay, don't forget about minor bugfixes. Debugging is often the most dreaded part of development. Spend time on it. Most everyone loves creating, fixing is another matter entirely. Spend a lot of time trying to break the feature. Just because it most likely won't happen, doesn't mean it never will.I'm sure there's more I'm not thinking of right now. This probably sounds like common sense to a lot of people, and that's easy until you have the weight of a game's success on your shoulders. Good luck


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Re: desafio mortal

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desafio mortal

I've discussed it with some people who seem to have my exact same opinion.But when you login and play, you play and have a good time, right? The stolen code situation usually stays in the back of your head, at least that's how it works for most people. It definitely seems forgotten, or at least put on the backburner for the time. That's what I've seen from this topic. New feature released guys, have fun! How long is that time? The original coder doesn't matter in frequency or my opinion.I'm probably done here, since I never really saw this going anywhere from the get-go. The previous post has quite a few examples though.


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Re: Important! UP code

2018-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Important! UP code

As far as I'm aware, x0 worked on it, then the project was handed back over to Mason. So even though part of the project is rightfully his, Mason is (was) regarded as the owner, thus the one responsible for making decisions.Regardless, I highly doubt anyone, save the ones who still want a quick name for themselves, much less developers really care about the status of that codebase anymore.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Desafio mortal is operational.

2017-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Desafio mortal is operational.

@30I'm pretty sure the quake engine is open sourced and licensed under the GPL, and half life has references to being a heavily modified version of the Quake Engine. In post 19, I wasn't referring to modding, but more taking credit for something that isn't completely mine.@20Oh, OK. I confess its been quite a while since I've played DM, so I'll have to check. Thanks for the correction.


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Re: Where Can I Find Death match

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Where Can I Find Death match

Here ya go: … 0setup.exeAlso, the Death Match entry in the game database contains an invalid link


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Re: Blinded Guide the newest Game from LWorks Coming Very Soon

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blinded Guide the newest Game from LWorks Coming Very Soon

looks like its available for download. Poor blind Bob


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@22We don't allow anyone to play fairly?We do have a shit ton of base health, however our experience with some cheaters and even some good determined players has taken down our item count considerably. And the reason we have a lot of health in the first place?You say:"its just impossible to maintain a base with you uka pricks comstently destroying any other teams who come into existence, its impossible to get one going."Have you ever heard of CAT? Maybe FBI? There's plenty more. Going after our base? Great strategy, especially when there's team members there to keep killing you when you do it. If only you could use those resources to attack us. Hmm, or if that's not the stile, wait till we're item grabbing and have fun with item carying projectiles.I feel like this topic has gone down to slinging personal insults, those which in some cases aren't necessary in getting the point across. It doesn't seem 
 to me that was the original posters intent, but what can you expect?


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I bet you are one of those who say: "Oh my god, stolen Code! better not Play it at all!".Even if TK is based on RS's Code (because that is what Sam stated on the Forum in the topice from braile (the Name Braille is followed by some numbers, don't remember them) called TK, how to make it one of the worst or something), I don't really care because A: It doesn't feel like RS at all and B: Ivan made a game that is worth playing out of this Code, while RS is just crap. You should really Play GAmes before stating an opinion like this.I don't know weather to laugh or cry at this awing, utter, complete stupidity. I'm gonna mostly keep comments to myself on this one, however I will say this.I bet your one of those who don't care about common courtesy, just playing a game no matter what. To use your logic.I have respect for those who refuse to support projects if they
  were stolen(take (another person's property) without permission or legal right). If theft happened to you, I'm sure it'd be easy to keep going on with your day and smiling, especially when said individual was making money off your work. When this happens, please let me know how wrong I am on this one.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@39agreed with the first part. However, its just as sorressean says. I keep trying to point this out. The key word here is stolen, stolen, stolen. I need a drink, lol.Almost sure the main reason there's vastly different opinions is because this wasn't really a public matter, thus public knowledge is lacking. I'm sure I can speak for Sam, Sorressean, and others by saying yes, the matter has been dealt with, however none of us condemns stolen code in any way, shape, or form. Neither will I support such a developer. In the long run, you make your own choices. You decide if this matters to you, or isn't a factor what so ever.For those who're still reading the topic, and I've got a strange feeling that's a relatively high number, I'll have you know that we've taken a special point of talking about the major issues presented here. All I'll say is the possibility of being inpersonated, while always their no matter the 
 game, has gotten much more difficult lately, same with balance.


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Re: redspot questions

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot questions

A general piece of advice is to keep pressing the W or O key to know where the player is when in close combat. You have to repeatedly press it to get the sound


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