Re: tcpclient and cfhttp -- how to post data?

2001-12-13 Thread lsellers

At 12:39 PM 12/13/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>OK, I'm learning about some of the pain referenced below ;-)
>I'm trying to perform an HTTP post operation, but I can't figure out how to
>do it with TCPClient.  I know I need to change the method from GET to POST:
>But I don't know how to set the form data.  Also, is it possible to use
>multiple encoding types, like:

Hmm... You would have to ask THAT question, eh?

Fortunately, unless you're uploading binary data the payload/body of the 
http message is basically just standard url encoded data. Ie,:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Name=Osama&Action=Submit

etc. Otherwise you have to use MIME.


Um, yes, if you use MIME you can pretty much use any mix of formats you 
like. But it can be a challenge to do it by hand. (3.x has some mime + 
s/mime handling routines to take care of care of the bulk of this. It has 
to to be able to handle s/mime.)

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RE: Stupid cfexecute

2001-12-06 Thread lsellers

At 01:55 PM 12/6/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I just tried it without a timeout value and it goes through but the program
>doesn't work. I have tried calling it through cmd.exe and it does not return
>more than 2000 characters. It just doesn't seem to work with CF 5. Rmtcmd
>sends a remote command to the AS/400 for processing.

It may or may not may any difference... but I did make a c++ clone of 
cfexecute called CFX_Execute several months back. I've never specifically 
tested it for string length limits, but I did once tell it to DIR *.* /s a 
40gb drive and it was a bloody long browser listing, so :)

Whether or not it will help with your other problems I can't say, but you 
can give it try if all else fails.

Oh. almost forgot:

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Re: OT: autorun program at logon?

2001-12-05 Thread lsellers

At 09:00 PM 12/5/2001 +, you wrote:
>Hey all,


>I've just been asked to create some sort of script/program/webpage/whatever
>that will automatically pop up on the user's screen when they log in to our
>network (NT, migrating to W2K soon). It is very simple--just a countdown to
>the end of this fiscal year. They don't care if it is a real-time countdown
>or if it is just a display of the number of days to the end of the FY, but
>they want to make sure that EVERY employee sees it EVERY day, first thing.


Well... not that I've really ever used it for much, but NT/W2K does have a 
logon script parameter for users that is run when they log into an NT 
account. (That is, it runs bat/cmd file every time they log in.)

See Especially CFX_Users (W2K) or 
CFX_UserManager (NT4). Look at the "console" example to see current 
settings for everyone.

This an NT thing but ihtk (or any other account management software like 
it) will allow you to set the logonscript for ... everyone in batch all at 
the same time.

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new viri, was RE: Hi

2001-12-04 Thread lsellers

At 01:19 PM 12/4/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >How are you ?
> >When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you
> >I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!
>Hi, Lon!
>How are you ?
>When I saw your post, I immediately thought about your lack of
>virus protection.

"Goner" apparently. New outbreak. Anyone using outlook/icq should probably 
make sure they've updated their anti-virals today. fyi.

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Re: New CF Whois tag?

2001-11-29 Thread lsellers

At 03:04 PM 11/29/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>look for a CFX tag that does everything at a lower level - those cf_whois
>tags just grab the info from NSI's website and parse the output - messy, and
>potentially a legal issue - instead, use something like cfx_nicname:

Even slightly better, if they're not scared of COM's they can use tcpclient 
and talk directly to the whois server (there is an WHOIS protocol just as 
there is HTTP and FTP protocols etc.) If you talked directly to it there's 
a whole lot of [censored] you don't have to worry about then.

You do unfortunately still have to parse through it but the plus of doing 
it in CFM instead of C or C++ (or java) is you don't have to bug me if 
there's some radical change to the text format. /-)

This example looks up and printed out the returned text




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RE: "Why aren't there more CF programmers out there?"

2001-11-28 Thread lsellers

At 08:06 AM 11/28/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>now it makes sense. 1k of memory. I can almost do the math in my head.
>someone should build a web based IBM 650 computer emulator so that we can
>program in octal absolute... or early versions of assembler.
>you know just so when we go to parties with the 60 to 70 (20 somethings in
>the 50's) techie types we can talk about our experience with octal absolute.
>(you know start programming on bar napkins... and these days, you might be
>able to load and test your app on your WAP phone.)


It's a true story that when I got my first computer (which had a fat 4k) at 
13 I couldn't afford to buy an assembler for it to program with so... I HAD 
to learn straight machine language and how to compute hexadecimal 
branchings in my head. So I'm already there dude, I'm already there. /-)

(And one of the first things I did was write my own dot-matrix graphics 
printer driver (in machine) so I could print the pictures I made with the 
graphics editor I wrote. Hee.)

More seriously though, I think any serious programmer should take a spin 
with assembly or machine. It definitely allows you a better understanding 
of just exactly what your code (even something so high-level as cf) is 
actually doing and why some programming styles or methodologies actually 
work better than others.

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RE: "Why aren't there more CF programmers out there?"

2001-11-27 Thread lsellers

At 10:19 PM 11/27/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>huh. I had to check.
>"OCTAL ABSOLUTE: A numbering system using eight as a base instead of two, as
>in binary, or ten, as in decimal."

It used to be all the rage in the 70's. Back when men were real men and 
programmed in direct machine language. Not that nancy assembly language.


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hosting recommendations

2001-11-26 Thread lsellers


Was looking around for a new host for (My current 
host's new management software is really ticking me off.)

<2gb traffic a month avg. 8 email accounts. cf & asp required. 1 or more 
odbc. relatively low stress website. cc gateway soft and cfx/com allowance 
usage required (though I'm not using any cfx's or com's on it at the 
moment). Some place reliable (2+ years up) but laid back.

Cheap's good too. ;-)

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RE: cfhttp error

2001-11-15 Thread lsellers

At 11:39 AM 11/15/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>You ran out of memory.  You have 49k available and you need 53,798k.  CFHTTP
>wasn't intended to read anything that big...

I've never tried to cfhttp a 50mb file so I don't know if or how it breaks 
myself, but...

fyi, I retooled the tcpclient com many, many months back to be able to 
handle multi-mb transfers. There's a 30MB transfer test in the examples. 
Mind you, the way the com is set up it accumulates the entire transfer in 
memory before allowing you to save it as a file so I hope your server 
has at least 256mb of ram.

Additionally, refer to the "blocksize" property. For efficiency you'd 
probably want to set it to 1mb at minimum. Maybe even 54mb if you know 
beforehand what the file size is.

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RE: CF and Authentication

2001-11-15 Thread lsellers

>Said it was expired.  And since I'm not a C-guru, I thought it wise for
>me not to mess with recompiling it.  Any chance you can recompile it and
>post us a new version? ;)

I believe I fixed that issue when I did a repackaging/recompile... on sept 
9th. If not, I'll see about it over the weekend.



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RE: CF and Authentication

2001-11-14 Thread lsellers

At 04:24 PM 11/14/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I would be interested in looking at it..although I am a novice C++
>programmer.. And graduating in May, it might be a nice project to undertake
>before I graduate.  :-)

Feel free. Part of the reason it's 3.5MB download is that it includes the 
*complete* source code to the project. You'll have to visit to 
get a copy of pkzip25.exe to run the batch files that zips up everything 
(leaving out all the compiler temp files) though.

The threading issues are caused by the query name and error string buffer 
being global. Scarf the tcpclient com's similiar thread-safe error handling 
code and then make the other variables in the class you make private. 
Pretty much all that needs to be done.

(Would be nice to retrofit it to a COM of course so it can be used on mixed 
asp/cf systems, but that would require a lot of rewriting to handle string 
array returns.)

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RE: CF and Authentication

2001-11-14 Thread lsellers

At 12:58 PM 11/14/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Wow!  Didn't know you were here Lewis.  Nice to hear from you!

I'm a lurker. I use Agent to cache everything off of fuseware but generally 
only poke out my head when an interesting subject line catches my 
attention. /-)

>And yes.. It would be great to have someone pick this up.  It's a
>helluva toolkit, and works great.  (Just wish I could con you into
>fixing the secdirectory thing tho! )

So, what's wrong with secDirectory? (I basically hacked it and all the 
other "sec" tags together one long weekend almost year ago. I remember 
secPost wasn't fully complete but I thought the others were working.)

>Hope a C++ programmer wants to work on it.
> Lee


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RE: CF and Authentication

2001-11-14 Thread lsellers

At 10:57 AM 11/14/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Some of the tools are not complete.. But it is a great start!  The
>author isn't too interested  (it would seem) to fixup what's there.  But
>if you're a C programmer, you can fix the stuff yourself.
>Just my .02.. Still love the tools tho!

Quite true.

I'd agreed to a company's exclusivity clause earlier in the year so I 
basically had to dump the entire project. Not that I wasn't way beyond sick 
of looking at it anyway. /-)

I really have no plans to ever work on it again, s... if a c programmer 
actually wants to finish the project I have no problems with anyone dumping 
the thing over at and having a go at it. Open source and all.

Wait... yes I do have problems with c programmers. They should be c++ 
programmers. Reason? Some folks at NASA's primary contractor were having 
problems with the way it worked in a new deployment strategy a few weeks 
back. I tracked the issue down to the (now obvious) fact that most of the 
project was written in c and the global error reporting wasn't thread-safe. 
Easy to fix... if we weren't talking about something like 100,000 lines of 

As pro-space as I am I was almost tempted to go in and fix the bloody thing 
just for them. Or hire some freshman CS.

If anyone seriously is interested in taking it over, just email me. I'll 
tell you everything you need to know to retrofit it into a set of nice 
thread-safe c++ COM's.

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Re: Entire Dynamic sites in Flash

2001-11-10 Thread lsellers

At 04:13 PM 11/9/2001 -0800, you wrote:
> > Theoretically true, but the way most people implement Flash I do
> > literally have a chance to go have a smoke while they load up when
> > at home on a modem.
>That's true, I hate a site that makes you wait, regardless of reason.

You know, that gives me an idea for a nice little Flash movie I think I'll 
make. /-)

(Well, after I download a current demo copy of Flash5. My old flash3, 
director, etc copies had an unfortunate and tragic end while I was doing 
spring cleaning earlier this year.)

>btw, if you're in New York City or Washington DC, then there are still
>seats open in next week's free "Dynamic Flash Application Workshop"
>described here:

Wasn't planning on it, but that's an idea for later.

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Re: Entire Dynamic sites in Flash

2001-11-08 Thread lsellers

At 01:55 PM 11/8/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>On-topic relevance: Full computers with HTML renderers are one possible
>renderer for ColdFusion developers, but the action is increasing towards
>both high levels of complementary clientside interactivity, and portability
>and access away from the desktop.

I had to reread that three times, but I do agree. :)

>Hmm. But broadband isn't necessary to SWF at all. You'd want big pipes only
>if you're sending big media down.

Theoretically true, but the way most people implement Flash I do literally 
have a chance to go have a smoke while they load up when at home on a 
modem. Point in fact, I went to a flash site mentioned in this very thread 
and did that very thing. (Yes, I've started smoking again. No, it's not 
(entirely) related to Flash.)

>Good vector design can be considerably smaller than good pixel design,
>after all.

Amen. How I wish SVG was part of the current DHTML spec. Most flash sites 
don't take enough advantage of this fact however.

>You're also dealing with a single streamable file, rather than with a
>variety of HTTP negotiations starting and stopping.

I'm not currently up on how streamable swf internal contents are. If 
HTTP2.x would throw in some 2-way sat friendly sub-protocols (ie, multiple 
gets/posts, etc per connection) this wouldn't be as much of an issue with http.

>If you send two megabytes of MP3-compressed audio, then it will for sure be
>two megabytes of data regardless. But just as you don't have to put that in
>an HTML page to go out and fetch, you don't have to put that within that
>single streaming SWF file.
>Summary: Media costs are independent of delivery format.

I think the bottom line of all of this is there are a lot of bad Flash 
designers out there that have jaded a lot of folks, including myself, to 
Flash. I could give you a long list of names of friends and relatives 
(non-technical folk) who curse at the sight of Flash (unless it involves 
Osma bin Lauden and Cruise Missiles). Now I don't believe that's the 
reaction Macromedia intended /-) but thats' just how it is, not because of 
the technology itself, but how's it's usually implemented.

(If it means anything I did used to watch the Flash ads in gamespy before I 
registered it without too much agitation. Most of those are <60 or 70k 
however and produced by the military, hardware companies and/or Gamespy 


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RE: Managing DNS via a browser

2001-11-01 Thread lsellers

At 05:06 PM 11/1/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>i'm actually going to be writing something very similar pretty soon.

I wrote code to manage BIND many, many years ago. It's very easy to 
physically do *IF* you read through the BIND documents enough times that 
you've essentially memorized it. :-)

It's a very rigid, very picky format. I'd strongly suggest not doing your 
alpha/beta code on anything important, because the mistakes could be cached 
out in the wild for several days. A very bad situation for a live 
commercial site.

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allaire forums & tag gallery

2001-11-01 Thread lsellers

Sometimes I just want to strangle whoever "maintains" these. Grrr..

Anyway, while I'm grring at them for deleting my account account... again

A) I monitor cf-talk through the nntp mirror at fusetalk. It would be nice 
if there was an option to sign up to cf-talk but NOT receive any email. 
This way I could read nntp posts and then have a registered email that 
would let me reply from there without the message bouncing.

Just a thought. I know mikey probably doesn't have the time, but someone 
local might.

B) There are lots and lots of small cf web sites out there that want to be 
the MAIN community portal. I know this because I've got most of them in my 
bookmark program ( Most all of them 
with only about 3 exceptions start out wanting to conquer the CF world then 
fizzle out within 2 or 3 months and gather dust afterward. It would be nice 
if these energies could merged and a viable option to the almost useless cf 
tag gallery could be founded. Just a seed thought.


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Re: User Login

2001-10-26 Thread lsellers

>   Sounds like a good goal.  Reading the two books is probably a good
>start.  I do think that you can learn from books.  Although, not everyone
>learns the same way.  If the boss-man won't spit up the cash, you can
>probably discount the training unless you pay for it yourself.

I would very strongly suggest that anyone who's just starting out in CF in 
college also obtain at least one book dedicated solely to SQL. "SQL for 
Dummies" would be a good start. When I suggest it some people seem to be 
scared to death other professionals might think less of them for buying 
"baby" books. Truth of the matter is the introductory books usually go over 
things the more advanced ones will completely gloss over -- leaving you 
more confused than ever.

You might want to pick up a good advanced SQL book at the time as well 
though... something covering the range, but focusing mainly on Oracle or MS 
SQL Server.

Not knowing raw SQL is basically like not knowing HTML. Not a good idea if 
you plan on making a career of it.

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RE: CFHTTP Replacement

2001-10-26 Thread lsellers

At 03:57 PM 10/26/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Yer cheers, already got that far form your examples in the tcpclient2
>archive (in about 30 secs)
>Those RFC's are a real pain however. All I want to do is a HTTP form POST of
>s single prenamed form field.

It'd look something like this (snipped directly from some c++ code of 
my that grabs RAW posts from browsers /-). Basically we're talking the 
bloody annoying MIME format here for encoding variable fields:

POST /myform.cfm HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, 
application/, application/, 
application/msword, application/x-gsarcade-launch, 
application/x-rocketpipe, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Content-Length: 243
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cookie: CFID=1; CFTOKEN=32125070;

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myName"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit"

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RE: CFHTTP Replacement

2001-10-26 Thread lsellers

At 09:28 AM 10/26/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Anyone got any resources on building up HTTP requests ?

There are a couple RFC's that describe http 1.0 and http 1.1.

http 1.0 is the easiest. There are three "verbs" used: GET, POST and HEAD. 
Can you guess what they do from simply from using html forms? :) Well, you 
probably can. The POST format is a rather tangled businesses to decode, but 
no more than raw mime. The HEAD verb returns only the header information 
about a page but doesn't send the page itself.

If you wanted to grab the contact page from HOF using http 1.0 you'd send 
the command sequence:


.. after you've opened a connection to of course. And 
you'd get back the complete page just as the server sends it with all the 
headers at the top, then the page contents after a cr/lf blank line.

That's the basics.

If it's a virtual host (many web sites using only one ip) you'd have to use 
http 1.1 to tell it which website you're interested in:


That should be enough to get you started.

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RE: CFHTTP Replacement

2001-10-25 Thread lsellers

At 06:00 PM 10/25/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>made those changes but its still no go.
>The only reason i know the servers working is that when i use cfx_soap its
>returning an error message due to an incorrectly formatted message.  I
>really want to steer away from editing the java source if possible which
>would allow me to send the message format i need.
>Would the fact that its on tomcat make any difference to the tag working?
>any more ideas?

Include the cfml...

It shows all the informational/debugging stats the COM produces. You can 
use the output to debug the issue.

In particular #obj.error# is important. Is it 
reporting any error?

If not, the obj.socket, obj.thread and obj.remote may help resolve the 
issue. obj.remote tells you the ip of the remote that it connected to, if 
it connected at all.

ALSO: Try connecting to a known working HTTP server first to verify there 
are not firewall issues. If you have to go through a firewall... well, it's 
actually fairly easy to do (you connect to the firewall http ip and do a 
GET on the full URL) but it's best to determine first before we'd get into 
that. /-)

To be honest, I don't know if tomcat would make a difference or not. We've 
written our web servers with our own XML/SOAP-ish/LISP-SCHEMA-ish variant 
and pretty much abandoned everything else that was legacy. So.. i'm a bit 
rusty on java issues. Sorry.

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RE: CFHTTP Replacement

2001-10-25 Thread lsellers

You know... since this got me thinking about it... I just noticed that 2.13 
of TCPClient is still on the website. It's actually been at 2.14 for a 
while now.

I *might* get around to gutting some other software I've written and add 
SSL support to it this weekend. If I have the time. (Don't hold your 
breath).  And if I have the chance to catch up on the current issues with 
publicly releasing domestic/international-grade crypto code.


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RE: CFHTTP Replacement

2001-10-25 Thread lsellers

At 05:05 PM 10/25/2001 +0100, you wrote:

>With that in mind should the following work without sending a message??
>  action="create"
> name="obj"
> class="Intrafoundation.TCPClient">
> connected
> Not Connected

Assuming the address exists, yes that will open a TCP connection to the 
server. Don't forget to close it afterward though:  
(HTTP will remotely close a connection after it sends any data -- annoying 
for sat connections but that's the way it is -- but the Close also does 
some garbage handling on the local client end that you really shouldn't 
rely on the object going out of scope to handle because the tag was 
originally designed to be persistent across pages.).

Additionally I believe the default time-out is something like 200ms. If 
you've developing you'll probably want to toss in a higher timeout than 
normal, say  (3 seconds) at first unless you want 
to bother with putting in all the error handling cfml right off the bat.

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Intrafoundation.UDPClient COM 1.4

2001-09-03 Thread lsellers

Well, I believe all the testing is over but if anyone runs into any 
problems etc PLEASE don't hesitate to email me about them. :-)

In the last version (1.4) I included actual working cf scripts for... Quake 
2/3, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament and... some other things that escape my 
mind. Half-life is a little twitchy though. Hrm. Not sure yet if it's 
half-life or something in the c++ code.

Anyway, have fun with it. My gamespy nick is "Tommy Raven" btw... fyi, if 
anyone is using the scripts to scan all the game servers. :)

Now where the [censored] do I go to unsubscribe /->


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Re: UDPClient COM object

2001-08-30 Thread lsellers

At 05:01 PM 8/30/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>can we clone you? :) always the best stuff from you.

/-) send in the clones



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RE: Throttling CFMAIL

2001-08-30 Thread lsellers

At 04:27 PM 8/30/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>The link below doesn't work for me, and a search of
>CF_ResendUndeliverableMail3 in the Developer Gallery turns up nothing.
>Is this a joke? The tag sounds too good to be true. Any ideas?

No, the theory definitely works. Or used pre-5. I don't know about 5.

Used to do the same thing for a mailing list script I wrote.


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UDPClient COM object

2001-08-30 Thread lsellers

Been awhile...

Anyway, there's a new COM object at It allows one to send and 
receive UDP packets from CF, ASP, etc.

What good is that you ask? Not much granted, unless you into gaming, want 
to directly interface with ICQ to chat with udp-based routers.

There are couple working CF scripts that list game stats and players 
(frags, ping, name, etc) for quake 2/3, etc.

I literally wrote the thing late last night so none of the documents are 
correct and it's still an alpha, but if anyone would like to check it out 
and look for obvious bugs that would be nice. /-)


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RE: Killing Commas

2001-03-27 Thread lsellers


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RE: Database Images

2001-03-26 Thread lsellers

> >When you store an image in the database, how do you go about
> displaying it
> >on the HTML page? Right now, I am simply storing the URL in the DB to the
> >image file on the hard drive, but looking to storing them in the
> actual SQL
> >Server dataabase as another solution. I just wanted to find out how one
> >would go about doing this and get any feedback from those who have used
> >this
> >technique.

The current design of most HTTP servers that seperates it from a database
makes this inefficient. If a database server were to construct a http
service/daemon that directly interfaces with it this would be more feasible.

At the moment there are few situations that warrant such an overhead
(keeping security badge ids, etc being among the few, for example.)


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RE: Re. image sizes

2001-03-25 Thread lsellers

> Re. image sizes
> Thats a fair point Kay - we only use it for gifs. Think I'll try your tag
> out for jpgs.
> Are you sure CFX_Image came after CFX_GIFGD?

It did. Around '97 was the last time cfx_gifgd was worked on. About the time
unisys started cracking down on gif programmers.

The last version of cfx_image of Jukka's I know of was just a few months

btw, cfx_imageinfo or cfx_imageinfose will work as well if all you need are
the width/height, etc.


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RE: retrieve remote images using cfhttp?

2001-03-22 Thread lsellers

> i have been trying for the better part of the morning to figure
> out where i
> am going wrong with the CFHTTP tag.
> i get a list of about 200 cars two times a week and the majority
> have photos
> (with full url to other sites) but cant seem to figure out how to
> get CFHTTP
> to download an image off of a remote site and save it locally to my hard
> drive.

You're grabbing raw binary data here (the contents of the jpeg), not text.
Try using notepad to open an image on your local machine. You'll probably
see the same thing.

You could try saving the variable as a file to your hard drive. That might
work. Probably not though. I haven't tried that in ages but as I recall CF
had issues with the NULLs (the 0's) in such variables and wouldn't properly
address the entire contents.

That may have been fixed in cf4.5. Not sure as I generally use a COM I wrote
called TCPClient to do all my CFHTTP-like work. I specifically make the COM
so it could grab and save binary data like images. :)


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RE: custom app running as an NT service

2001-03-22 Thread lsellers

> This is highly OT, so ignore if you don't like that stuff.
> Suppose you write a custom app and compile it as a .exe file.  What is the
> best way to have it run when the server is rebooted on Windows2000 (like a
> service)?  I have a few ideas but I think they are amateurish and
> would like
> a more informative view point.
> Thanks,
> Jason

How about simply making it an NT service? It's not terribly complicated. If
you're using c/c++ there's (crusty, uncompleted, embarassing) source code
with the secPOSTService in the IHTK.

CFX_secPOST and secPOSTService were some code I make that allows you to read
the raw data of a form post and perform operations on it. It does this by
using secPOSTService which pretends to be a HTTP/1.0 server as far as any
browser is concerned.

If I ask it what it's been up to the copy on this machine says the following
(which basically mean I haven't used it in over a week). While you're at
it -- fix the byte cut off thing, eh? Never got around to that now that I
think of it. :)

Intrafoundation secPOSTService-0.4

Thu, 22 Mar 2001 09:45:01 GMT

Uptime: 07:22:30:01
CPUTime: 00:00:00:00
Computer: SASHA
Username: SYSTEM
MemoryLoad: 88
Process: 1060
Thread: 4888
Highest Threads: 1
Current Threads: 1
Connects: 2
URL: /
Content-Length: 0

This is the Intrafoundation secPOSTService web server. It is an intermediary
proxy providing file upload control for Macromedia/Allaire Cold Fusion

For information see

Refresh in 30 seconds.

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RE: Tag for NTFS file permissions

2001-03-21 Thread lsellers

> > Min's here's basically left the cf community...
> Not good news. So what's it take to get you back?

Um. Lots of money? /-)

Actually I'm serious. My primary motivator in what programming work I do is
the money. If that wasn't an issue... I'd most likely be sitting somewhere
working on a couple novels.

Also I just don't much care for cf or web design anymore. It's all dull,
unending repetition. "monkeywork" as I've been known to call it.

If the vc funding doesn't dry up, maybe I'll have a chance to just wipe it
all away. :)


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Tag for NTFS file permissions

2001-03-20 Thread lsellers

> > Also check out  in the IHKT at
> > It is basically a cfx wrapper for cacls
> > anyway.
> To clarify, it uses low-level NT 3.51 system calls to manipulate
> permissions. (None of the annoying, sloth-like ADSI stuff.) So it
> works on anything above NT 3.51. And probably as low as CF versions 3.x.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention I added code to it a few months back (and
to everything in the IHTK) to allow it to be used on shared computers. Or
not to be used, as the case may be.

It's also freeware and open-sourced now. Min's here's basically left the cf
community and pushed everything out on the web-lawn. :)

Someone was talking to me about starting an IHTK support mailing list. If
anyone wants to grab the source to IHTK and start and open-source project to
enhance it, etc, go for it. You have my blessings.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Tag for NTFS file permissions

2001-03-20 Thread lsellers

> Also check out  in the IHKT at
> It is basically a cfx wrapper for cacls
> anyway.

To clarify, it uses low-level NT 3.51 system calls to manipulate
permissions. (None of the annoying, sloth-like ADSI stuff.) So it works on
anything above NT 3.51. And probably as low as CF versions 3.x.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFHTTP and creating csv recordset problems...

2001-03-16 Thread lsellers

> > Note: CFX_secFile (basically same thing) has no limit beyond
> your current
> > virtual memory.
> Thanks!
> But it doesn't help if you're on a shared server and the ISP allow you to
> use CFX_File though!
> Paul

Well, the entire point of cfx_secfile and cfx_file was to have a cffile that
can be used on shared machines. So :)

If they're paranoid,  well, I started to say the source to cfx_secfile
is included and they could compile it themselves. I guess it's not. I
suppose I could rebundle it one of the days when I have the time.


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RE: CFHTTP and creating csv recordset problems...

2001-03-13 Thread lsellers

There is a documented feature of CFHTTP that allows you to load up a
comma-delimited file into memory via CFHTTP.  This is useful if (and this is
the case) you can't use CFFile to load up a comma-delimited file (CFX_File
has a max size of 64KB for a read) and you can't set up a csv datasource in

Note: CFX_secFile (basically same thing) has no limit beyond your current
virtual memory.


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2001-03-08 Thread lsellers

> "Until ColdFusion 5.0, ColdFusion used only a line-feed character in
> creating response headers returned to clients (browsers). To comply with
> HTTP 1.1, ColdFusion now returns both line feed and carriage return
> characters in response headers. "

Can we say "duh"? It won't win me any friends at Allaire, but sometimes...
just sometimes I really wonder about their programmers. :)

Perhaps then this means it is sending proper headers, but 98% of the web
servers on the planet are looking for the (mandatory) crlf delimiters and
aren't seeing them.

Sec. Min looks it up:

>From http/1.0...

" bare CR or LF should not be substituted for CRLF within any of the HTTP
control structures (such as header fields and multipart boundaries). "

>From http/1.1...

"  HTTP/1.1 defines the sequence CR LF as the end-of-line marker for all
   protocol elements except the entity-body (see appendix 19.3 for
   tolerant applications)."


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2001-03-08 Thread lsellers

> A partner we are working with uses name based hosting and needs incoming
> request to use HTTP 1.1.  When I send them a request using CFHTTP
> they come
> through using HTTP 1.0.
> Is there a configuration setting on the IIS machine to change this,  or is
> this just the way CFHTTP works?

I don't use cf much anymore but it seems like a lot of the complaints about
it I've seen over the last few months involve exactly what you're talking
about it. The host http server is a multi-homed ip and CFHTTP isn't sending
the appropriate "host: x" message.

I've verified this through my tcpclient com everytime anyone mentioned a
public website they were having trouble with through CFHTTP. CFHTTP says it
is having connection problems, but tcpclient works fine.

(For the most part this would be a rather easy thing to fix, btw.)


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IHTK 3.12

2001-03-02 Thread lsellers

Just a note: The Intranet/Hosting Toolkit as of 3.12 is now freeware.

(Got tired of fooling with it. :)


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RE: Manager of Support

2001-02-28 Thread lsellers

I was, btw, kidding. No idea what his/her name is. But, it was all too
tempting... ;->


> Where do we find him? :)
> > > Anyone know who the Manager of Support is at Allaire.
> >
> > Waldo.
> > --min

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RE: Server-to-Server FTP

2001-02-28 Thread lsellers

> Is there a COM object that will allow Server-to-Server FTP?

Well, assuming the ftp servers are set up to allow this (through the SITE
command I think... been a long time) you might be able to set it up with the
COM tcpclient 2.x.


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RE: Manager of Support

2001-02-27 Thread lsellers

> Anyone know who the Manager of Support is at Allaire.



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2001-02-24 Thread lsellers

Another toy. :)

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RE: CFX problem: Debug or Release build

2001-02-23 Thread lsellers

> The CFX tag works fine if the DLL is from the "win32
> debug" build. However if I take a 'Win32 Release"
> build, I get an error if the number of rows in the
> query are greater than 999. For 999 rows or less it
> works fine.
> Does anyone know which build we should be using.
> Release or Debug.. I would beleive it to be the
> 'Release' build... but that one throws an error for
> row count > 999

Release... unless you're debugging. :)

Never ran in to this problem. I wrote a clone of CFDIRECTORY that emulates
the SORT parm directly against the pQuery data. I don't recall any issues
coming up with large folder listings. And that did considerable
manipulations of them.

So... it's probably in your code I would hazard a guess. The debug version
is probably insolating you from the problem (stack or buffer overrun most

Min hestitates to suggest mailing him of a copy of the code to look at. :)

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RE: Email server/CF integration?

2001-02-23 Thread lsellers

> Thanks for the sales pitch   ;)
> I'm really looking for a cheaper solution.  Additionally, I really only
> need the mail server itself; I will be writing the front end.
> If all else fails, I guess I'll just have to write it (the mail server)
> myself.

Unless Howie's price has changed to first born male children :) it'd almost
certainly be cheaper than writing the service yourself, timewise. I've
written tcp-based protocol services. They're not exactly trival to develop
(unless you've do so several times before).


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RE: Interesting Java/CF Article

2001-02-23 Thread lsellers

> They claim they have CF functionality available without the need
> for CF Server. I'm not sure I get this. Did they rewrite all of
> the CF tags in Java? And if so, a small development shop has done
> this, what's the hold up on Allaire getting it done?

I could rewrite most of CF4 in c++ myself in a month or three. So I ask
myself that question as well some times. But to be fair, they do have to
support multiple platforms and the various editions. There is also a lot of
overhead involved in creating an refining a product that doesn't exist when
making a straight clone.

(Also, from what I've read of it... if you equate Allaire's CF to Oracle
then tagfusion would be a bit like mysql. If you get my point.)


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2001-02-22 Thread lsellers

> before it started crapping out. It looks as though whenever CF would parse
> the mail to the email server it somehow made a blank cfmail page that is
> exactly the same size as the email it should have made. Now this blank one
> had only a a line of big rectangular boxes and once CF went to move it, it

Sounds a lot like the coder forgot to make sure the buffers they're using
are cleared in all conditions (including ones where 'new' memory allocation
fails). The jiberish sounds like a non-null terminated block of memory was
copied after a new failure or a tcp buffer failure.

Probably fixable by one line of code if you had the c++ source.


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RE: how can we execute command lines from coldfusion

2001-02-21 Thread lsellers

> do you know where the developer's exchange is on
> there are
> tags to do that. now, there's also CFEXECUTE which ships with CF.

In fact I think there are literally more cfx to do this than I have fingers
and toes (and I'm somewhat of a genetic mutant mind you.)

I've written... (min counts) ... five different tags myself to do this. :)


> how can we execute command lines from coldfusion.
> Thanks & regards
> ramesh

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RE: CFDIRECTORY replacement

2001-02-21 Thread lsellers

> has anyone used a cfx tag replacement for cfdirectory. All I want to do is
> list directories and files and the cfdirectory tag is too processor
> intensive. I downloaded cfx_dirlister but cf complains the library for the
> tag can not be found, I assume It didn't get compiled with the appropriate
> library files.

Well, yea... I do have a clone of it, but I doubt it's much less intensive
(unless Allaire just did a pathetic job of coding it). The functions you're
talking about don't really go much lower-level in c++. Unless.. do you use
SORT much? If they use a poor sorting routine now that chew on the cpu.

Don't use SORT. Don't use ATTRIBUTES. Should be as fast as it goes then.

Remind me and I might see about putting it up over the weekend.


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RE: deleting cookie

2001-02-21 Thread lsellers

> Hi All:
> Does anybody know how to delete a cookie without closing the browser?

Eat cookie? Yu

> The method mentioned in ColdFusion manual( value="..." expires="now">) doesn't do the work; it deletes the cookie
> only when the user closes the browser, but I want to delete it without
> closing it.  Any idea?  Thanks.

How this works depends on the browser. The best you can do is set it to NOW
and make the value blank. That should work on anything.


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RE: AOL Cache servers bringing down server?

2001-02-21 Thread lsellers

> 3) So why are these connections hanging around?
> Well this part of my knowledge is a bit shaky.  Basically clients enter
> the TIME_WAIT state after and active connection closes.  I guess it is
> time to stand on the shoulders of others ... MS knowledge base article
> Q137984 has the following paragraph about this condition:
> NOTE: It is normal to have a socket in the TIME_WAIT state for a long
> period of time. The time is specified in RFC793 as twice the Maximum
> Segment Lifetime (MSL). MSL is specified to be 2 minutes. So, a socket
> could be in a TIME_WAIT state for as long as 4 minutes. Some systems
> implement different values (less than 2 minutes) for the MSL.

The proper (soft) closing of a socket generally involves initiating a
shutdown sequence where the connection lingers around for a while to make
sure everything that was meant to be sent actually gets there. A lot of
people (myself included) have a tendacy to do an immediate hard closure of
the socket though. Less hassle.

That they linger around means the some coder somewhere probably has read a
few tcp books and knows what they're doing. :)

> 4) Why is your web server not serving up some images ?
> I have no idea.  But having these 200 connections from AOL doesn't sound
> like a cause for alarm if your site gets some good traffic.  These
> connections most likely aren't killing your server.

Hrm. Sounds a bit like the server is getting hammered. It's socket queue is
being exhausted. It's timing out in the middle of transfers. etc. That's
just a guess though.


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RE: advanced list

2001-02-19 Thread lsellers

> Difference between design and implementation. It was designed and intended
> as a true FAQ where you could just hit the CFMAIL section to know
> something
> about it. Problem was in putting info in.
> I wanted to hire someone to read the posts and write FAQs for it but the
> problem was cash. Didn't think the subscribers would pay for a summery
> digest and it never got moving. If we could get people to write
> up summaries
> and post them, then we could have a true FAQ rather than the sparsely
> populated one we have now.

Once upon a time I started to make a dynaimc wddx-base cf portal. You could
probably implement something similiar here

That is, anyone who has answered a frequently-asked-question can place them
in an xml or wddx file on their own site. Along with a wddx file acting as a
simple directory of these single faqs.

You write code on your site that allows anyone to add the url to their
directory wddx to your database. Your code then routinely grabs their
directory and promptly updates your faq. Within further interaction from
you... beyond initial approving any directory urls. In other words a
distributed faq.

Somewhere on my freeware page there is some old initial code for something

A thought.


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RE: ColdFusion File Handling

2001-02-18 Thread lsellers

> sry, just re-read the post.. nvrmind
> > min can ya check your links, im not getting a thing...  404

:-) I suppose I should have said "for example".


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RE: ColdFusion File Handling

2001-02-18 Thread lsellers

> I think the problem here is that, by the time CF could read the
> Content-Length HTTP request header, it's too late - the browser
> has sent the
> file within the HTTP request body, and the web server has already received
> it.
> Before the CF engine receives an HTTP request to process, that request has
> already been received in its entirety by the web server. The web server
> deals with issues like malformed requests, so it stands to reason that the
> file has to be written in full to the web server before CF gets to look at
> it.

I was working on a solution to that issue for some folks last night/today
(among other things, meant to get to it last weekend). Basically I've built
an NT service that acts like a http server as far as http posts go. You can
specify a byte cutoff limit for file uploads. When that's exceeded it simply
breaks tcp connection after sending some http headers explaining what just

A bit rude but... :)

It operates on a seperate port. When done it does a 304 location to the
standard port of the url you just used. Ie, you post to and you end up at There's a seperate cfx tag to
retrieve the posted data as raw, fields and/or files. (It files the posts by
cftoken/cfid, etc to keep it all seperate.)

That's about the only bloody way to overcome this issue that I know of.

(If I have the time I may eventually add a version of this to ihtk. As well
as some other fun stuff that's collecting dust.)


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RE: ParseDog

2001-02-16 Thread lsellers

> Seriously, it's what the Developer's Exchange is for... if you 
> can't look on
> DevEx for something, then you're not serious about finding it - it's not
> that difficult...

Well, if the exchange actually WORKED properly that might be true.  :)


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RE: CFPOP unknown error

2001-02-14 Thread lsellers

> What is the COM solution you found? How is it speed-wise?

Hmm. You could always use the tcpclient com. :) I rewrote the base64 mime
and uu routines a while back. Someone else is apparently working on some cf
connection pooling code with it which might be useful for smtp code to go
along with.

The last rewrite increased it's speed by 30x in some tests moving around
very large attachments etc.


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RE: [Deleting Directories, Subdirectories, and files]

2001-02-13 Thread lsellers

> What's your address?!  ;^/

I have custom secure c++ clones of CFEXECUTE, CFDIRECTORY and CFFILE, etc.
They're probably never be listed on my website though because selling stuff
is too much of a hassle for me. I hate haggling for money and dealing with
customer support issues.

If you seriously want them... make an offer, and I'll either ignore you or
send you a copy. ;-)

--min, the burned-out

> Chris
> > Urm... Send me a small brown bag full of ones and I'll send you
> a copy of
> > CFX_secExecute (a secure version of CFExecute). ;->
> >
> > --min
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RE: [Deleting Directories, Subdirectories, and files]

2001-02-12 Thread lsellers

> Alex,
> Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, the app will be hosted on a
> shared server and cfexecute isn't available for security reasons.

Urm... Send me a small brown bag full of ones and I'll send you a copy of
CFX_secExecute (a secure version of CFExecute). ;->


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RE: Backup Place

2001-02-11 Thread lsellers

> > Is there an alternate location that people go to when the list
> is burping?
> > It seems like everytime I have a "code crisis" the list is on hiatus. :)

I think the question is is there anything better than the 3.5.3
that's being used. It seems very flaky.

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2001-02-08 Thread lsellers

> Funny, i just looked at that site and it does say that CF run on IIS

Methinks we have a *mole* amongst us then. I looked, it DOES now say it runs
on IIS. That was not the way it was yesterday though.

Still says it doesn't run on netscape servers. Haven't run on them in a year
or so, but I definately know it did for a long time. Oh well... not very
relevant in the scheme of things. :)


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2001-02-07 Thread lsellers

>I'm suspicious of any product that does not adhere to
> standards.  It seems counterproductive to create a custom
> database, that does not use SQL.  I wonder how they keep track of
> users who leave and come back, since it claims it
> is fully state persistent, yet doesn't use cookies.

By ip no doubt. ;->

(As, unless you use a custom browser, that's not really any other dependable
way for state persistance than cookies.)


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2001-02-07 Thread lsellers

> this all sounds really hokey to me.  you can't download a trial,
> you either
> view a demo or purchase.  then it's all web based, what does that mean?  i
> like how on the comparison page they say Cold Fusion won't run on IIS:

Having written CFX_IIS for CF, the phrase that first comes to mind is "what
utter bullshit". :)


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RE: Datasources question

2001-02-06 Thread lsellers

> ColdFusion has to be configured to login as a user with rights to
> the access
> table on the other server.  By default, ColdFusion logs in as the System
> account which does not have rights to other server resources.

You know, for CF5 it'd be nice to have an option during the install to set
up a proper "cf" account for you automatically.


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RE: ?

2001-02-02 Thread lsellers

> I don't know about an Allaire SNMP tag, they've traditionally
> been very weak
> in leveraging system/network management technologies. There are,
> however, a
> number of very nice COM objects, developed by various companies, that will
> accomplish the task. You may even be able to make use of
> CFX_TCPClient, it's
> free, check the Allaire tag gallery.

Actually, fyi, the cfx version is very outdated and buggy. The COM version
(at v2.10 as of yesterday) is... more stable.

I would upload it to the Allaire Exchange but... the [ sentence heavily
censored ] doesn't work. Can't upload. Can't even log in these days. So I
don't bother with it anymore. :)


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RE: Hacked server - iindex.cfm, CFX_SpawnL and ipsvcs.exe

2001-02-01 Thread lsellers

> So you're trying to deny you're responsible! Nah, just j/k.


I have done keyword searches for "intrafoundation" on yahoo from time to
time and found where people were testing out cfx_spawnl or
cfx_consolecommand and just leave the thing there. Documentation and all. On
their production servers. You can run the examples and eek... it lists
all kinds of things about their routing info, etc you definately don't want
anyone else to know.

So it could have been more embarassing.

> Methinks uploading wasn't necessary   ;-)
> But the zombie slaves part was spot on... until we cured them with new
> network passwords all-round.

Didn't notice a large collection of porn or warez sitting on the drives
anywhere did you? :) If not... who knows what they were using it as a
platform for. Oh well.


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RE: Hacked server - iindex.cfm, CFX_SpawnL and ipsvcs.exe

2001-02-01 Thread lsellers

> Scenario:
> It looks as though one or two of our servers have been hacked at
> some point
> (anytime between now and last August). Someone has just sent us an e-mail
> saying that there was a file in the CFIDE directory called iindex.cfm,
> written by Kevin Klinsky. Calling it appears to display a browsable folder
> view, allowing people to delete files.
> I did a search for the same file on the other servers and found a copy in
> another CFIDE directory. Along with it was reg.cfm which used CFREGISTRY
> (enabled on that server) to disable the Admin and Studio
> passwords. A third
> file called spawn.cfm ran CFX_Spawnl, passing it the attribute
> ARG0="C:\winnt\ipsvcs.exe", presumably executing the file. The
> template then
> displayed Spawnl and SpawnlError.
> The .exe was in the WINNT directory on that server. Does anyone know what
> happens when it's run?
> The CFX doesn't appear in the CF Administrator on that box and
> searching the
> registry for "spawnl" didn't find anything.

SpawnL is a cfx I wrote ages ago. It simply allows you to spawn off a
process (an exe or a bat) and run it like you would at the command prompt.
Sort of like CFEXECUTE.

Also, ages ago, I wrote a script called cf_autoaddcfx which show how to add
or delete cfx tags on any machine that have CFREGISTRY turned on.

They're both at I assume
anyone that downloaded cfx_spawnl also knows all about cf_autoaddcfx.

These are all things that are... well... forces for good in the right hands,
but in others they're stepping stones useful to hack a machine if you know
what you're doing.

My guess is is someone uploaded these files to a web-reachable part of the
site, and used them to ultimately make your machines zombie slaves.


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RE: Reading/Writing HTTP Headers

2001-01-31 Thread lsellers

> Is there a workaround to read this data with v 4.5?
> TIA,
> Duane

I have a COM called TCPClient. A little hardcore maybe, but the following cf
is from one of the examples. It grabs the header info from the default page
and breaks it apart for display



Breaks the headers up into name/value pairs.



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RE: Windows NT Error Number 109

2001-01-30 Thread lsellers

> What exactly does "Windows NT Error Number 109" mean?  I can't find a list
> of error numbers/codes on Microsoft's web site.

109 is "The pipe has been ended. " if that helps any.


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cfobject get properties

2001-01-30 Thread lsellers

When using cfobject with a COM that has both get and put properties of the
same name, cf seems to always assume I'm talking about the get property.
Thus I can't set the property. Anyone know how to convince it otherwise? :)

I have no problems at all with this under asp, etc.


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RE: How do I put the little image in the address bar in IE?

2001-01-29 Thread lsellers

> create an icon called favicon.ico and IE will automatically look for it at
> the root of the web site.

Neat trick. Just did it for :)


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RE: Releasing COM Objects from Memory

2001-01-29 Thread lsellers

This bat works very well. ;-)


net stop "Cold Fusion Executive"
net stop "Cold Fusion Application Server"
net stop "Cold Fusion RDS"
net start "Cold Fusion Executive"
net start "Cold Fusion Application Server"
net start "Cold Fusion RDS"

net stop iisadmin /y
net start iisadmin
net start w3svc
net start msftpsvc
net start smtpsvc

> Unfortunately, it doesn't.
> We are finding that if we need to replace the COM object with a newer one,
> that CF is holding onto it.
> will nothing just like that work?

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tcpclient 2 COM

2001-01-29 Thread lsellers


I released 2.9 of the tcpclient COM object yesterday. It has a complete
rewrite of the RecvRN function (for talking to command-line based protocols
such as pop3, smtp, etc).

I mention this simply because I was wanting some independant feedback as to
whether the new code is working fine now. It was a complete rewrite and I'm
a bit nervous about it.



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RE: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge

2001-01-27 Thread lsellers

> a side note to this is that the proposed java based CF App Server
> is not an
> applet machine... it is a servlet engine at heart.  Just a technicallity,
> but I thought it was worth mentioning that applets have nothing to do with
> most of allaire's future plans for java based technologies.

Yes, true. I suppose I didn't phrase that properly -- sometimes I'm too
terse. I just meant since CF will be Java-based there  will be course
increased activity all across the Java front in regards to such things.
Today it's rare to find Java CFX or a Java applet for CF.


> ~Simon

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RE: COM Objects

2001-01-26 Thread lsellers

> Has anyone heard of Microsoft restricting COM objects so they only run on
> ASP?

Yes. There are ASP-only COM objects. Never written any as it would be rather
pointless to me, but as I recall you can tie the com object into asp
actions/error handling, etc.

> Error trying to create object specified in the tag.
> COM error 0x80040112. No additional error description available
> I have found out that the hex code means - Class not licensed for use.
> Has anyone got any ideas or had this before?
> Regards,
> Martin,

My best quess is this means your cf user account doesn't have full
permissions to the registry (since it works with ASP, not CF). It refers to
an ADODB license. But that's only guess.


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RE: CF based bookmarks

2001-01-24 Thread lsellers

> hi,
> I was wondering if anyone here has developed or run across a cf based
> bookmark manager app? I am sending this message on behalf of someone else.
> Evidently he has some 5,000+ bookmarks and he's having trouble
> managing them
> all (omg!) I told him I would run it buy this list of CF gurus...

> Mike Wilson

Occasionally I dump a copy of a cf-based bookmarking/project management
software I use made with cf. At The last one
on there is a few months old and probably buggy. But it does do all that.
Except scanning ie bookmarks.

It use it to auto-build all the links on the links.html pages and the
links.xml file, etc on the web site.


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RE: Question: Using CFHTTP to Masquerade

2001-01-22 Thread lsellers

> Because of my environment, I am only allowed one port for my webserver,
> which is port 80, and I would like to include a search interface
> on my site,
> running on port 90.  Can I use CFHTTP to masquerade?


CFHTTP has nothing to do with setting up what ports the http server answers


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RE: CFPOP - murphy's law

2001-01-21 Thread lsellers

> That was about as far as we got in our investigation.  And of course
> we're checking into an update for Sendmail.  The question is, if it's
> optional, how do you get CFPOP to not send the command?

Good question, but I don't know the answer.

> And where's the documentation for this feature anyway?  It sounds like a
> fantastic improvement to CFPOP--The ability to download only those
> messages which haven't yet been read.  But it sounds like Allaire's
> sneaking it in without letting us know how to make use of it.  Or am I
> missing something?

It's in the official internet RFC's. Forget the numbers offhand. UIDL is
actually a very old optional command that has been around since (I believe)
before the internet was opened up to commerical business. Many, many years.

Without UIDL when you open a pop3 session to read some email it locks the
account and simply numbers all the mail 1 through whatever. If you log out
of the pop3 account and back in the numbers will always refer to different
pieces of mail if you've deleted (DELE) any.

UIDL assigns each mail a unique sequence of alphanumerics (such as:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) that never changes.

Usually I'd bitch about CFPOP and how it doesn't work :) but in this one
case UIDL, optional though it may technically still be, is so widely used I
tend to blame your mail server more. Adding UIDL wouldn't be THAT much
harder to do afterall, even if it isn't required.


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RE: CFPOP - murphy's law

2001-01-20 Thread lsellers

> The upgrade didn't make things better for us.  As soon as we upgraded
> (from CF 4.5 Pro to 4.5.1 SP2) we started having problems with CFPOP
> accessing mail on a machine running SCO-UNIX and Sendmail.  It's very
> weird--intermittent for some users and consistent with others.
> This is the message we're getting:  "Unknown command: 'uidl'"
> I've posted this on the Allaire forum, and have had a couple of
> responses from Allaire reps, but no explanations or solutions offered.
> I'd be interested if anyone else is having this problem.

It's an "optional" pop3 command to get unique id numbers for all the
messages currently on the mail server (to make it easier to keep track of
what's what). At least, last I heard it was still optional.

Your mail server apparently doesn't support it, but the latest version of
cfpop is using it. You'll either have to upgrade your pop3/smtp software to
something that does, or use a workaround cfpop tag.

(As far as intermittant -- depending on how CFPOP is written I'd guess it
may not show it's head unless there's more than one message in the user's
queue. But that's just a complete guess.)


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RE: [merger] Where to next?

2001-01-18 Thread lsellers

> I am sold on Macromedia/Allaire, but that damn -min keeps saying
> stuff that
> makes me think I gotta learn more before diving in. And this might mean
> fundamental changes to how I develop, and the tools I use.

I'm jonsing for a smoke, so perhaps you shouldn't listen too closely to me
these days. Min the Grumpy. But... short term (ie, the next year) I'd say
it's pretty much business as usual. No significant changes. Don't panic.

A year or so out though things get interesting

I'm not saying the New Macromedia is bad thing. I mainly pointed out Flash
is semi-doomed medium-term as more advanced browser technology becomes
available. If the New Macromedia integrates Flash too tightly with CF (which
will be a temptation) we may have a problem down the road. As long as it can
be ignored, no real problem.

Speaking of problems, the real one with Alliare is they can't seem to
concentrate on the product at hand. First Spectra drains off resources. Then
their new Java-based CF. How about focusing on the CF we're all using NOW?

Not to denigrate Allaire's programmers, I'm sure they work hard, but HELL...
I don't consider my a great programmer by any means, but most of the "bugs"
and other issues that have been plaguing CF for years (especially the tcp/ip
related ones) are things I could probably take care of myself over a long
sleepless weekend with access to the source code. You have to wonder what
their focus is at times. That's what's killing them them. Mismanagement of
resources and priorities.

(Though it does nicely bring about a decent crop of third-party suppliers of
work-arounds. Although it may not be obvious at first, this does help to
further the market base of a product as all these middleman will also push
CF because it's in thier economic interest to do so.)

> Watch competitive tools. For application servers in order of preference.
> 1.) Zope 2.) ASP 3.) PHP

Zope & php. Not irrevelant, but... never will be mainstream. PHP probably
will take the place of Perl in most geek hearts though. Worth a weekend to
become "familiar" with. You'll probably have to deal with it occasionally.

ASP & ASP.NET. Going to be there and relevant as long as MS says it will be.
You should be able to read ASP+ even if you never use it. I can almost
assure you that at some point you'll either have to convert ASP code to CF
or integrate a CF site with one written in an ASP. Frankly, any serious web
developer should know both CF & ASP.

--that damn min :)

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macromedia forums

2001-01-17 Thread lsellers

Does Macromedia (the old pre-Allaire Macromedia that is) have an offical


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RE: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge

2001-01-16 Thread lsellers

As much as I dislike Java, in a year or two the new Java-based CF will
propel programmers to create an infusion of new Java-based applet's. And all
that entails.

Then of course there is the multi-platform SVG spec that is beginning to be
integrated into modern browsers. The new SVG/XML/DOM/CSS browsers coming
online can do very powerful things.

These are all powerful, free multi-platform technologies. I can't see how
flash will really be able to compete with them in the long run So I have
major issues with Cold Fusion being saddled with these old, fat, dying


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RE: Web Based SQL Manager

2001-01-13 Thread lsellers

So as to clarify this little ot a bit more...

The internet runs several network protocols including: tcp, udp, icmp, etc
(which sit on the very low-level ip protocol). The higher-level application
protocols such as http, ftp, pop3, smtp, gopher, etc sit on top of them.

There are a few though, like SSL, which actually lives inbetween the two (on
top of tcp, below http).

tcp is probably the most used of all network protocols because it allows you
to open up a data stream that has build in error correction. The others,
including udp, generally are only used behind the scenes at the low network
and router levels.


>   Well, TCP/IP is the protocol for how one computer can find
> another computer
> by 'hopping' off of all the computers in between.
>Web protocols (http, for example) are built on top of TCP/IP,
> so the web is
> based off of the Internet, yes.
>But, the web and the internet are not the same thing.  FTP,
> gopher, and e-mail
> are some examples of non web uses of TCP/IP.

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2001-01-11 Thread lsellers

> there are specific problems with all ColdFusion POP tags and
> tools i've seen
> with the way certain attachments are encoded or MIME encoded. if
> i knew the
> exact problems, beleive me, i would write a tag that fixes them. some
> friends and i built and run a CF-based mail
> service. we
> have about 50,000 users and do just under 1M pages a month so
> we've seen all
> kinds of mail issues over the past 2 years.

Well, the tcpclient2 com object should be able to be used to write a cf_pop
custom tag that overcomes all these problems. If you were trying to do a
cf_smtp there would be performance issues since it wouldn't do an automatic
cache/retry, but as far as POP3, there's not much different.

If you ever get a fully functionally, bug-free cf_pop3 tag working I could
probably even be convinced to rework it into a COM or a CFX for speed -- but
I think it best to keep it a custom tag. Easier for everyone to customize
and tweak.


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RE: list problems

2001-01-11 Thread lsellers

> Excuse me, folks, but has anyone else had trouble getting
> messages from the
> list? I didn't receive anything for several hours and now am getting
> messages, but no backlog. Is it the list or my system?

The list server fell asleep again. That or everyone woke up at midnight
after a nice nap and started posting to it.

I favour the first explaination.

(ie, same here.)


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RE: DELPHI - where does it fit in the scheme of things?

2001-01-08 Thread lsellers

> What is Delphi?  Is it a peer to ASP and ColdFusion or is it more a peer
> to VisualBasic and used for making COM Objects?
> Is it any good?
> Would you other webmasters live with ASP, ColdFusion AND Delphi in your
> sites?

Never used it, but I keep bumping into Delphi shops that also use CF.
There's at least a couple of those folks on the mailing list somewhere.

Delphi is basically the child of Pascal, like C++ was to C. Think of it as
Pascal++. Somewhere between Java and C++ in power/complexity. You can make
COM's with it. You can also make CFX's with it. Yes, it's roughly in the
same league as VisualBasic, Java and C++.


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RE: Can this be done with CF

2001-01-07 Thread lsellers

> The trouble is it only runs in IE5 because it uses vml (a proprietary MS
> thing which I hadn't heard of apparently).

You're in a bit of bind here. vml is MS's run at svg. You could just recode
into svg, but... support of svg is still spotty at the moment as it's still
rather new. Although that should change as the months go on.

I suppose you could also do it in flash, but I rather despise anything in
flash and most other people I do as well. Quite annoying. But it would work
in the meantime.


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RE: CGI.Remote_Addr and client identification...

2001-01-06 Thread lsellers

> Turns out her connection ranges from .15 - .18 IP randomly from request to
> request and I assumed she wasn't the only one. So now, the client
> verification is only done on the first two IP classes(?):
> 205.111.444.222 is
> stored as 205.111 for verification.

There are technically five ip classes, though only three are of any
relevance: A, B and C. By using only the first two octets (that's what each
of those four number groups are actually called), you're cutting off the id
of the small class c's. That could get very confusing as class's are very
popular even among largish isp's.

I don't really feel like going into right now (I'm sure someone else will)
but you can immediately tell what class an ip is in from the first octet.
And figure out the actually possible range/drift that way.


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RE: - try a Fuselet

2001-01-05 Thread lsellers

> What the heck is a fuselet.
> Bob Everland

Min smirks as he walks off the stage and hits the flood light. He fumbles in
his pocket for a smoke, waiting for a speaker to run up the isle to the


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RE: call program on client via CF?

2001-01-05 Thread lsellers

> Is there a way to activate a program on a client machine using CF in an
> extranet environment? I know this can't be done with VBScript or
> JavaScript
> due to security concerns. Can it be done with CF if the person using the
> client machine is willing?

This wanders into the real of activex and java. Or a program they download
and install first than monitors for tcp/udp messages/command like ICQ, (or
any number of zombie progs :) etc.


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RE: line breaks in cfmail

2001-01-04 Thread lsellers

> Also, Some mail servers like qmail have a nasty habit of strip CR/LF pairs
> into bare LFs. At which point, the client you are using may not be savvy

Evil, considering that's illegal under every RFC I've read. :)


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RE: A cure for CFDecrypt (don't get excited - it's humorous)

2001-01-02 Thread lsellers


Eeh. That's how I write me codelfish anyway. :)


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RE: Can only send 2046 characters through CFMAIL?

2001-01-02 Thread lsellers

It *sounds* to me like like somewhere along the line there's a "char
line[2048]" or "char line[2048+1]". That is, someone is assuming lines won't
be more than about 2048 characters long (remember the crlf and the null).
Which isn't a bad assumpttoin, considering I believe the official RFC's
dicate that lines above 1024 characters are not allowed and SHOULD be
truncated. Or something to that effect.

Try breaking up the text into more lines.

I'm fairly certain your problem is your smtp server is simply following the
RFC guidelines. :)

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RE: Creating Datasources Using CF

2001-01-02 Thread lsellers

> Check the CF Developer Gallery for creating datasources.
> Hi All
> Can i write CF codes to create datasources instead of using cold fusion
> admin?

Specifically, aeons ago I wrote cf_autoaddmdb. I believe there are others
now. Requires CFREGISTRY.


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RE: tcp ports

2001-01-01 Thread lsellers

> Use the tcpclient from
> It is a very nice COM object with tons of cold fusion examples.
> I do not know of a way to do this via CF alone though...
> > I want to send plain text to a tcp port from a
> > CF page.  Is it possible to do this using CF rather
> > than using a COM object or something similar.  Can
> > anyone point me in the direction of the CF command
> > that might do this?

To my knowledge there is no built-in capability to do so in CF. Which is why
I wrote both versions of the tcpclient (the CFX and the COM).


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RE: Platform/server info

2001-01-01 Thread lsellers

> Damn those HTTP 1.1 name-based software virtual servers! Damn them all to
> hell!


> It doesn't matter, though; David Shadovitz wanted to know the web server
> software, which will be the same for all the software virtual servers
> running on that IP address. I'm pretty sure that all of them will honor an
> HTTP 1.0 request, even if they don't know which virtual host
> should get the
> request.

Yea, they _should_. Of course the content could be anything. But if he
doesn't care about the content -- it don't matter. :)

Oh, btw, if all he wants is the headers, do a HEAD instead. It's the same as
a GET but doesn't return any content body. Usually mostly for spidering. ie,
"HEAD / HTTP/1.0".

That'd be (much) faster.


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RE: Platform/server info

2001-01-01 Thread lsellers

> As Howie mentioned, you can get this from Netcraft
> ( You can also get this yourself, with your
> handy-dandy telnet client. Open telnet, connect to the target
> server on port
> 80, type "GET / HTTP/1.0" followed by two carriage returns, and it'll be
> right there.


Unless it's a pesky multi-homed site. Then you'll need:
GET / HTTP/1.1



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RE: Slow tonight

2000-12-30 Thread lsellers

> I hear you!!!
> With a Webhosting company to run, no time to party...  Only work...
> Hope everyone has a great New Year.  Lets see some activity on the list, I
> am bored...

Could always build a portal-based 6dof fps with cf. That would keep everyone
busy for a while. ;-)


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RE: [RE: SNMP Tag?]

2000-12-29 Thread lsellers

> My limited knowledge of SNMP is that it's most commonly run over UDP,
> although it can also use TCP.  Probably depends on the particular
> device as
> to whether it listens for SNMP over TCP.

Well, I do have a UDP version, but it's never been released. Internal suff.
No docs, etc. Only for the brave. :)

I suppose I could clean it up and put her up as well.


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RE: [RE: SNMP Tag?]

2000-12-29 Thread lsellers

> I am interested in Lewis Sellers' CFX_TCPClient. I wonder if one couldn't
> write an SNMP wrapper in the form of a CFML tag. Of course, a fairly good
> working knowledge of SNMP would still be required.

That is pretty much the entire point of the tag. :)
That is, to allow someone to write custom tags that interface with tcp/ip

ie, Allaire's CFPOP3 or CFSMTP being a pain in the ass as usual? Roll your

The only thing tcpclient2 can't handle at the moment is SSL. One of these
days when I have the time I'll add in that in though as well... munitions
export laws not-withstanding. I can pretty much side-step the entire wierd
CFHTTP issue with it, aside from https.

If you do write a CFCISCO or CFSNMP tag though, feel free to share. :)


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