Re: OT: cpu spiking

2022-05-29 Thread Bart Botta
It sounds like you are running without vsync on one of the drivers,
which means you are displaying frames as fast as you can. "As fast as
you can" usually means either "100% CPU" or "100% GPU" (sometimes
"100% RAM or bus bandwidth").

Check the settings for the driver to see if vsync has been forced to
off, or defaulting to off.

I don't think there is an easy way to control vsync from glut (and
drivers can ignore what programs say anyway), but for a test you can
try something like:

  (let ((p (glut:get-proc-address "glxSwapIntervalEXT")))
(unless (cffi:null-pointer-p p)
  (cffi:foreign-funcall-pointer p () :int 1 :int))) ;; 0 to
disable vsync, 2 to run at half monitor frame rate, etc

in glut:display-window :before

Note that just checking for a null pointer like that is wrong, and you
should be checking for the presence of the extension first, which
would require some more work with CFFI to get and parse the glx
extension string.

For the case where you aren't drawing anything, I think 100% CPU is
expected. Per freeglut docs, the idle callback is "called continuously
from freeglut while no events are received", which sounds like it
would use 100% CPU. You might try using glut:tick instead (with
:tick-interval argument to window instance creation), as in the
shader-vao example, which runs on a timer instead of constantly.

On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 1:46 PM Orm Finnendahl
> Hi,
>  I might have been a bit unprecise and I just found out it might be
> off topic for this list (see below): This is all related to my laptop
> running an AMD ryzen 7 integrated cpu/gpu on a linux arch system with
> latest sbcl/slime/emacs.
> Running (cl-glut-examples:gears) using the open source radeon driver,
> everything works as expected and the REPL reports a framerate of 60
> fps.
> Using the closed source pro driver of amd, the framerate goes up to
> ca. 1000 fps and the cpu maxes out. Putting a timer in the display
> function (calling #'glut:post-redisplay), the framerate goes down, but
> the cpu is still above 100%.
> I just found out that this is also true for the glxgears program:
> running it with the open source driver give 60 fps, using it with the
> pro driver gives 12000 fps and the cpu maxes out.
> Even as this therefore seems to be more realted to the graphics driver
> than cl I'd still appreciate if anyone has an idea, how to deal with
> this...
> --
> Orm

Re: Blending

2013-11-11 Thread Bart Botta
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Greg Bennett wrote:
 glClearColor(1.0, 10., 1.0, 0.0);
 glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);

(gl:clear-color 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0) ;; assuming 10. was a typo
(gl:blend-func :one :one)
(gl:enable :blend)

Re: Confused as to how generate-gl-function works

2013-10-30 Thread Bart Botta
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Chris Bagley chris.bag...@gmail.comwrote:

 We use runtime compiling to create our wrappers in case functionality is
 not present.

Runtime compilation is more of an optimization, we could store the function
pointers in a closure or global array or something instead (and in fact
probably should store them differently to be handle multiple drivers on
windows correctly, but making that correct/efficient would probably be
harder even though not many people would need it.)

That is great, but how do more static languages that don’t have this kind
 of control handle multiple versions of opengl?

 In C/C++ you can call a function pointer exactly the same way as a normal
function, so they usually just define a bunch of function pointers for the
extension functions and initialize them all at once. Most people probably
use a library like GLEW or GLEE for that.

Re: Confused as to how generate-gl-function works

2013-10-30 Thread Bart Botta
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Caelan Burris wrote:
 IIRC, GLEW basically loads as many functions as possible from a static list
 of names, and provides an error thunk for any names it can't load. So the
 short version for GLEW is basically, They don't.

As far as I know, GLEW generates its static list of names from the
specifications, so GLEW handles it pretty much exactly as much as
cl-opengl does (I think it uses the text of the specifications rather
than the data files cl-opengl uses, but should produce approximately
the same results).

Re: Confused as to how generate-gl-function works

2013-10-16 Thread Bart Botta
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Chris Bagley wrote:
 Cheers, good to know. OK going back and reading the code again, this all
 seems to boil down to the fact that some implementations of opengl are
 missing functions

It is mainly intended for OpenGL extensions, but Windows in particular
only supports gl 1.1 or 1.4 or so in the system libraries, so
everything beyond that has to be loaded the same way. Other systems
might be able to link more functions directly, but I'm not sure it
would be worth the effort to try to figure out which ones,
particularly since it might depend on drivers or hardware so needs to
be checked at runtime anyway.

 Does the resulting lisp program take a performance hit from having such a
 late compile?

I think the runtime compilation was intended to improve performance,
by compiling a specific function containing the function pointer
directly rather than precompiling a function that would have to look
it up somewhere for every call. That way the first call is a bit
expensive, but every call after that can be as fast as possible. No
idea how much difference it actually makes, or if it depends on lisp
implementation or platform though.

 It's a heck of an interesting problem, I hadn't really thought about how
 cl-opengl handled versions before. It's a pretty cool solution! Are there
 any features around this area that that need implementing or improvements to
 code that are needed? My main part time project totally relies on cl-opengl
 so it would be nice to give a little back!

Can't think of anything in that specific area that needs work, but
there is lots of room for improvement in the high-level api (the GL:
package) part of cl-opengl, particularly with more modern style of
OpenGL programming (shaders, vbos, etc).

Re: glClearColor not found on some machine, some CL system

2013-10-04 Thread Bart Botta
Sounds like which is fixed
in the git repo at and should be in
next quicklisp update.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 4:39 AM, Rujia Liu wrote:
 I've tested on 3 other machines. 2 with OpenGL 2.1 and 2 with OpenGL 4.3

 It seems that OpenGL 2.1 machines can run SBCL executable while OpenGL 4.3
 cannot. But on all machines ccl executable cannot run.

 I don't think glClearColor has changed between OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGL 4.3,
 from the latest reference:

 So I'm confused. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!

 - Rujia

 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Rujia Liu wrote:


 I'm new to cl-opengl and was reading this tutorial:

 I've downloaded tut02.lisp, but have trouble running it.

 On my machine, ccl 1.6 (windows XP, 32 bit, OpenGL 1.5) gives:

 ; Warning: Don't know how to setup a hook before saving cores on this
 ; While executing: #Anonymous Function #xCE06D0E, in process
  Error: Couldn't find function glClearColor
  While executing: CL-OPENGL-BINDINGS::GENERATE-GL-FUNCTION, in process
  Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort, :R for a list of available
  If continued: Skip loading tut02.lisp
  Type :? for other options.

 But SBCL 1.1.4 (win32-thread fork) runs perfectly.

 On another machine (windows 7, 64 bit, OpenGL 4.3), both ccl 1.6 and SBCL
 (both 32-bit) gave the error message before.

 Could anyone give me some suggestions? Thanks in advance

 - Rujia

Re: cl-opengl and current Clozure Lisp 1.9 (32 and 64-bit) on Windows 7

2013-09-10 Thread Bart Botta
Should be fixed in git ( see also, which should be in next
quicklisp, or you can clone that repo into quicklisp local-projects
directory until then.

More testing (particularly on windows and mac) before then would be good though.

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] CL-OpenGL ES?

2011-06-29 Thread Bart Botta
On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Luís Oliveira wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 2:56 PM, Simon Ortiz wrote:
 For our first approach, I'll do a cl-opengl-es-1.1 system which will
 depend on cl-opengl as is. I'll write the CFFI definitions for the
 egl* functions by hand. I guess I'll define the fixed-point data type
 by hand too.

 Yes, that's my suggestion.

If I understand correctly, EGL is something like glx/wgl/etc, and
isn't actually part of OpenGL ES itself, so I'd probably lean towards
a separate cl-egl system containing just the EGL parts. If ES 1.x only
adds data types, I'd probably include them in the main cl-opengl for
now. If there are conflicting function signatures or enums things
would be more complicated... not sure what the best solution for that
would be.


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] CL-OpenGL ES?

2011-06-27 Thread Bart Botta
I don't really know much about OpenGL ES, beyond what has been
inherited by WebGL...

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Luís Oliveira wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Simon Ortiz wrote:
 I got carried away with OpenGL ES, which lamentably isn't.
 Specifically, ES 2.0 is not compatible with ES 1.1 :(

I think cl-opengl supports, so it
should at least be close to ES 2.0. Don't know if the functions are
exact matches or just something similar though.

 My understanding is that, API-wise, OpenGL ES is a subset of GL plus
 set of egl* functions. Is that correct? The former can be carved out
 of the existing code. To generate bindings for egl* functions, the way
 to go would be to throw the OpenGL ES spec at the current spec-parsing
 code and see what happens.

The spec that cl-opengl parses is a more-or-less machine readable
file available at, not the actual
specification.  I'm not aware of anything similar for ES, so if the
functions are not included in the main .spec files some other strategy
would be required.  I'd probably just parse the .h files to get a
rough translation then edit it by hand from there, if the versions
don't overlap as much as desktop GL.


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] Unkown option: CONVENTION

2010-08-24 Thread Bart Botta
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:
 Anyone know why I am getting this warning now ?
 ; loading system definition from
 ; /Users/kevinsmith/sbcl-lisp/cl-opengl/cl-glu.asd into #PACKAGE ASDF0
 ; registering #SYSTEM CL-GLU {1002C81C61} as CL-GLU

Try upgrading cffi.


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

[cl-opengl-devel] no longer calling glut:init at load time

2010-08-10 Thread Bart Botta
I disabled the call to glut:init when cl-glut is loaded, since it was
breaking things that just want to load the code (to verify it
compiles, check dependencies, build a binary, or whatever) but don't
have a display available, and I'm guessing it wasn't helping with the
threading problems on OSX either.

If anyone runs into problems because of that, please file a bug or
send a message to the list, so we can try to work out a better
compromise between use-cases that need it initialized and those that
need it not initialized.


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] [Openmcl-devel] Trace/BPT trap with cl-opengl loading

2010-08-02 Thread Bart Botta
On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
 ; Warning: Don't know how to setup a hook before saving cores on this Lisp.

That warning just means you can't reliably save a core if you have
called any OpenGL functions, it shouldn't affect anything for normal


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] OpenGL 3.3/4.0 bindings

2010-03-14 Thread Bart Botta
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Luís Oliveira wrote:
 Any reason why we shouldn't make this the official branch and adjust
 the webpage links? (And should we point to the issue tracker as well?)

OK with me, though if people actually started using the issue tracker
very much, I'd probably want to move it somewhere better.

I think the only major regression from the darcs tree is that the auto
error checking breaks rather badly when used with multiple contexts,
but at least that isn't too hard to disable, and seems useful


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

[cl-opengl-devel] OpenGL 3.3/4.0 bindings

2010-03-13 Thread Bart Botta
I've updated the low level bindings (%gl package) in my cl-opengl fork
at to version 60 of the .spec files,
including gl 3.3 and gl 4.0.
Only minimally tested, but shouldn't have any effect on existing code
aside from a few extension functions whose names changed
(named-make-buffer-resident-nv and named-make-buffer-non-resident-nv
are make-named-* now), an OpenGLES-only enum name change
(:writeonly-rendering-amd to :writeonly-rendering-qcom), and the
disappearance of framebuffer-texture-face, but that doesn't seem to be
in the specification either.

see for a list of known issues,
feel free to add more if you run into any problems with it.


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

[cl-opengl-devel] gl 3.2

2009-09-18 Thread Bart Botta
I've updated my fork to gl 3.2 and latest extensions as of 2009-09-11
(GL_EXT_VERSION 55), and merged it with the current darcs tree :

In addition to updating to current GL version, this tree has automatic
GL error checking, which can be disabled at by pushing
:cl-opengl-no-check-error onto *features* before compiling cl-opengl
(calling code must be recompiled too, since the functions are
declaimed inline.)

Due to duplicated names in %gl:enum, gl:get-error,
gl:check-framebuffer-status, and gl:check-framebuffer-status-ext (and
a few other functions that i don't think existed in the main tree
anyway) return :unsigned-int instead of %gl:enum now, so some existing
code might break with this tree. There is currently gl::enum= for
comparing %gl:enum values to the numerical values, and to each other
by value. Not sure if that is the final API or not yet, so feedback on
whether that is enough for actual usage or not would be good.

other features/changes:

gl:get* - for known queries, determines number and type of value(s) to
return automatically. Should know about everything through gl 3.0 or
so, but may not be completely current. Needs a better name, so that
might change...

uses cffi:bitfields for various arguments, so the short names (without
the -bit suffix) don't conflict with other enums, probably not visible
to most user code that wasn't running into the conflicts, but anything
dealing with the values directly might need modified.

various bugfixes, export more %gl: functions from gl:, etc.

Unlike my previous gl3 fork, this one doesn't try to split out the
core/non-deprecated parts of the GL spec, so it should be easier to
keep up to date with newer GL versions/extensions. It also doesn't
close glut windows on errors, since that broke the
glut:*run-main-loop-after-display* feature used by
cl-glut-examples:run-examples, not sure what the correct way to handle
that is.

This tree hasn't been tested much beyond sbcl/linux/x86_64, so more
testing would be welcome.


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] GLenum return values

2009-09-12 Thread Bart Botta
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Luís wrote:
 What about splitting gl:enum back into multiple ones like it used to
 be? Perhaps keeping the big enum, since it makes sense for some of the
 functions, I suppose. Could we generate this automatically from the

Doesn't help, since there are cases where a particular value has
multiple names, even when returned by the same function. For example
when an extension adds a value, with -foo on the name, then it gets
added to the core without the -foo, but the same value. So code using
the extension should check for the -foo name, while code using the
newer GL version should check for the name without -foo, even though
both are actually looking for the same numerical value.

(and it would probably be hard to generate automatically from what I
remember of trying to do so last time)


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] edge-flag-array and tex-coord-array fix

2009-04-10 Thread Bart Botta
(just realized that this appears to have never reached the list,
responding so people with commit access can see it too...)

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Brad Beer wrote:

 I have a (possible) fix for my edge-flag and tex-coord arrays.  Please let
 me know if I am submitting this correctly.

would be better to have one of the formats that shows which file it
is, try diff -Nau or darcs diff

    (tex-coord-pointer ,size ,gl-type ,stride ,address-expr
   (,func-name ,size ,gl-type ,stride ,address-expr
   `(edge-flag-pointer ,stride ,address-expr))
  `(,func-name ,stride ,address-expr))    (vertex-attrib

looks right (aside from apparently losing a newline), probably should
do the same thing for vertex-attrib-pointer a few lines down

given the choice, i'd probably pull that whole API out into a contrib
until it stabilized though (and add a contrib/extension setup of some
sort to cl-opengl in the process...)


cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] problem with vertex arrays

2008-09-10 Thread Bart Botta
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 6:55 AM, Sebastian Berchtold
 This leads me to the following questions:
 Whats the difference between the %gl: und the gl package?   it spent some 
 time on it but didnt get it

%gl: is for the C level bindings, which take exactly the arguments the
C functions take, so you need to pass C pointers where expected
instead of lisp data structures, and uses specific data types, etc.
%gl is mostly autogenerated, so has everything C has.

gl: is the lisp side of the API, which uses lisp data structures, and
handles (some) data type translations for you, etc. but is hand
written, so less complete.

%gl is mainly for implementing the gl package, but is also available
for implementing higher level abstractions when going through gl would
be inefficient.

 Does anybody know how to fix that?^^
implement gl:vertex-pointer, or allocate a C array using cffi, store
the vertices in it, and pass that to %gl:vertex-pointer (make sure to
deal with memory management, etc. properly by hand in that case, since
GC can't deal with it for you)

 Does this example run on somebody elses machine?
Probably not, which is probably why it isn't loaded by default :)
Those APIs are sort of hard to wrap nicely, since they may need to
keep pointers around, and that sort of thing, so they aren't quite
done yet.
I think there is an example of the current code for that in

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] OpenGL 3.0

2008-09-02 Thread Bart Botta
After looking at it a bit more, I think trying to split out the enums
is going to be too much work to block gl3 support for (and possibly
too much work in general). The .spec files have lots of parameters
mapped to enum directly, many of the enums that do exist are
incomplete or need split into multiple enums, etc. so it would pretty
much require just going through the spec/extensions and building the
list by hand anyway.

So for the problem of clashes with the aliases for enums with -BIT
names, I'll try splitting those out by hand, and the rest can stay in
the big enum for now.

Any objection to removing the aliases that were auto-generated for the
names that end with _BITS but aren't bitfields? (usually queries for #
of bits in something)

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] OpenGL 3.0

2008-08-30 Thread Bart Botta
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Bart Botta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Luís Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing the per-function enums come back.
 Having compile-time warnings when we passed a bogus keyword was nice.

 Sounds like a reasonable thing to have, if we can generate it easily
 (which we can't for GL3 at the moment, since there are not complete
 .spec files available yet).

OK, after looking at the full gl3 .spec files, it looks like we can't
generate all of the function specific enums automatically.  It looks
like it has some of the older enums split out, but not sure if they
include all the newer extensions or not.

Probably could build up a full set of enums, if we don't mind giving
up on being able to completely regenerate the enums automatically.

I've been thinking that might be a good idea in general though (the
not fully automatic bindings part), since GL naming isn't consistent
enough to rely on the automatic stuff for new function names anyway,
so currently adding new extensions requires a few passes of
proofreading the generated bindings and editing the generator.

Does it sound reasonable to split the binding generation into 3 steps,
only 2 automatic:
First would parse the .spec files, tracking any enum groups defined in
the file, approximately splitting up function names, etc. and write
the results to some lispy format (reusing output of step 2 if
Second step would be editing the generated data by hand, adding
missing enum groups, fixing word breaks that the automatic code got
wrong, etc.
Third would be parsing the hand edited code to generate the actual bindings.

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] OpenGL 3.0

2008-08-30 Thread Bart Botta
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Luís Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds good to me. It'd be great if this process could somehow
 highlight changes in the spec so that step 2 can be focused on what
 changed instead of having to review everything.

Yeah, that was the idea, though I'm leaning towards just letting the
version control deal with highlighting the changes.

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

[cl-opengl-devel] OpenGL 3.0

2008-08-11 Thread Bart Botta
OpenGL 3 spec has been released:

Instead of the originally planned rewrite, it ended up being just more
stuff piled onto the old API, but they did add a mechanism for
deprecating old features, and a way to create contexts which cannot
use deprecated features.

Any opinions on adding a cleaned up, gl3+ only version of cl-opengl
which doesn't support the deprecated features or most of the older
extensions, either as a fork, a separate mode for the main codebase
(alternate .asd or with compile time checks), or some other way?

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] division-by-zero error

2008-03-05 Thread Bart Botta
On 3/5/08, James Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ok well, using (sb-int:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid
   :divide-by-zero)) as suggested by Luís allows me to load
   cl-glut-examples, but the issue still occurs if i try to run an
   example (i.e. rb-hello)

well, you could try adding the with-float-traps-masked when you call
rb-hello as well, but seems like it would be better to try to figure
out what is breaking first...

   backtrace from there is =

'from there' = from calling rb-hello? Do you get the same backtrace
when loading cl-glut-examples without the with-float-traps-masked?

   7: (foreign function: interrupt_handle_now)

hmm, not much useful there. It didn't go any farther than that?

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] textures

2007-09-08 Thread Bart Botta
On 9/8/07, Tudor Achim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm following nehe's tutorials at, and I'm having a lot of
 trouble with loading and binding textures.

Which one(s) are you looking at?

 I opened a stream to the bmp file with
 (setf test (open /home/tudor/email.bmp :element-type
 '(cl-user::unsigned-byte 8)))
 Then, I made an 1d array of 5000 elements (just so it was 'big enough') and
 stored the rgb values in it with
 (read-sequence test-array test)

You'll probably need something more complicated than that (to deal
with the BMP file format, etc), but it should at least give you
something that would show up if you uploaded it correctly... (though
are you sure that is actually 'big enough' for your file? that would
only be  around 40x40 pixels if I'm counting right.)

 However, when I do (gl:bind-texture gl:tex-image-2d test-array),
 it says that cl-opengl:tex-image-2d is unbound.

There are a few things wrong here:
First, you probably want :tex-image-2d instead of gl:tex-image-2d,
cl-opengl converts most OpenGL enums ( things like GL_FOO_BAR in C
source) to keywords in lisp (so :foo-bar for GL_FOO_BAR).
Next, bind-texture should be taking a GL texture name (an int) as the
second parameter, not the actual texture data.

You need to allocate a texture name with gl:gen-textures and store
that somewhere (and remember to deallocate it later).

Then you need to set up the texture, first make it the current texture
with bind-texture, then you will probably want some tex-parameter
calls to set filtering, and finally upload the image data with

The tex-image-2d call is where you would pass the test-array parameter
you loaded above.

If you are only using 1 texture, then you should be able to go from
there, otherwise repeat that for each texture, and call bind-texture
during rendering to activate the particular you need for a batch of

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

Re: [cl-opengl-devel] Installing cl-opengl

2007-07-24 Thread Bart Botta

On 7/24/07, Gatewood, Walter P.  CIV NAVAIR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

...  Are there are step-by-step instructions somewhere on the web that would be
helpful in getting it to work again?

Not tested since I'm stuck in windows at the moment, but should at
least be close...

cd ~/.sbcl/site
darcs get
darcs get
cd ~/.sbcl/systems
ln -s ../site/cl-opengl-thomas/*asd .
ln -s ../site/cffi/*asd .

then in sbcl,
(require 'asdf)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'cl-opengl)
should work.

cl-opengl-devel mailing list

[cl-opengl-devel] generating function bindings, extension loading

2006-11-12 Thread Bart Botta

I've been working on generating bindings from the .spec files on, and it seems to be to the point where it could be turned
into a patch...

Before that though, I wanted to get some feedback about changing the
naming for the bindings:

First suggestion is moving the function bindings to a separate
package, and giving them lisp style names, so people like me who want
to use them directly have supported access to them.

Second is changing the GLenums from cffi:defcenums to defconstants.
Advantages I can think of from doing that:
 *Easier for users to add enums from a new extension without
modifying library code (unless cffi allows adding to an enum after it
is defined, not sure about that)

 *Easier to add offsets to them, for example a loop to disable all
lights could use (+ index gl:+light0+) instead of having to convert
from enum and back, or store a list of the light enums or whatever.

 *being able to add offsets also solves the problem of some values
(light in particular) potentially having more valid values than are
enums. (The .spec files name 8 lights, but leaves room for 4096, I'm
pretty sure there has been hardware supporting at least 32.)

 *compatibility with other bindings (glx and cl-sdl both use +foo+
style for enums if I remember correctly)

 *possibly speed. If cffi can remap values at compile time it
probably isn't too bad, but it probably wouldn't be too hard to find
code with a lot of enums specified at runtime.

(Alternately, is it possible to tell cffi to allow using either the
constants or the keywords?)

Also, a small patch: someone in #lisp was having problems with OpenMCL
objecting to compute-applicable-methods being called with extra
arguments in glut/interface.lisp, which was fixed by the following
patch to define-glut-event:

diff -rN old-pct/glut/interface.lisp new-pct/glut/interface.lisp
  :func ',event-func :arg-count ,(length args))

 :func ',event-func :arg-count ,(length arg-names))

cl-opengl-devel mailing list