Re: Disabling screen capture

2014-02-22 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Sent from my iPad

 On Feb 22, 2014, at 12:27 AM, Gary L. Wade 
 You did go to this page, right?
Yep, that's the one.

 I remembered one form on the site, not this one, that I had to submit by 
 deleting all the data and doing it again. Some freaky web page issue; I think 
 it was a phone number field that kept trying to be reformatted but in a way 
 the back end didn't like it, so I turned off JavaScript while filling it in 
 and then submitted it. If things still don't work, try emailing and explain this issue and your real issue.

Yeah, I have a strong suspicion that there is a bug in the web page, and I'd 
lay money that it is due to the apostrophe in my last name. I deal with this 
problem continually -- web developers who script with single quotes don't allow 
for last names with a single quote (apostrophe) in them, and thus their string 
processing is abruptly terminated early and appears as if data wasn't sent, 
when it actually was. The enter all required data points pretty strongly to 
that being the case here. I'd guess I encounter this problem about half the 
time on web sites, and often just going and altering my last name to remove the 
apostrophe solves the problem. Unfortunately, it appears the you can't change 
your name in your Dev account profile anymore -- that requires contacting Dev 
program support as well. So I filled out yet another form for Dev program 
support, which luckily allowed me to submit. Hopefully we can get the problem 
ironed out quickly.

 Gary L. Wade (Sent from my iPhone)
 On Feb 21, 2014, at 8:13 PM, Bradley O'Hearne 
 On Feb 21, 2014, at 3:02 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
 The best answer I’ve seen is that you’ll need to file a DTS support 
 incident and go through those official channels.
 I’ve spent the last hour trying to post an issue to DTS via the Apple Mac 
 Developer Program Member Center….no dice. Despite the fact I have all fields 
 filled out, I keep getting the error message: 
 “We are unable to process your request. Please enter all required data.”
 If anyone has any insight how to get past this, let me know.


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Re: Still can't get autolayout to work the way I want

2013-09-19 Thread Brad O'Hearne
On Sep 19, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Rick Mann wrote:

 I am never able to get this shit right 100% of the time, and I don't know if 
 it's because I'm doing something wrong, or iOS is broken and I need to do 
 something else.

As a second to Rick's request, auto-layout has given me fits on both iOS and OS 
X. I have not found the Auto-Layout Guide doc or various blog / other posts or 
WWDC sessions (unless I missed one that had this in it) on it to be a silver 
bullet. I find the pre-autolayout springs/struts approach to be easy to 
understand, but more importantly, it behaves consistently and the IB UI doesn't 
seem to get confused. With auto-layout, I've had no such success -- the IB UI 
seems to have a will of its own, and the UI seems to continually generate or 
change various things inexplicably in response to what are by all other 
indications proper constraints you create. 

If anyone out there has THE definitive guide on how to use auto-layout and 
accomplish various common use cases of relative resizing, you have money 
waiting in my wallet.  



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Re: Still can't get autolayout to work the way I want

2013-09-19 Thread Brad O'Hearne

On Sep 19, 2013, at 3:50 PM, Kevin Muldoon wrote:

 Yes, IB does automagically pop in constraints and for simple layouts, it 
 works. But, with more complicated layouts, moving a single element around 
 will rearrange one or more other constraints, generally breaking everything. 
 I'm not familiar with the clear 

I have yet to spend much time in Xcode 5 with auto-layout constraints, but what 
both Kevin and Rick are describing sounds similar to what I'm experiencing. I 
have no problem with a smart tool inserting constraints when a constraint I add 
necessitates the ones being auto-generated (if such a thing exists, though this 
would raise the logical issue of whether the UI ought to display those other 
constraints as a package-deal per se, rather than just inserting them, because 
in that case, you are really deciding on more than just the constraint you are 
adding, you are deciding on the others constraining the UI too). 

But that is not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing completely random, in some cases 
wholly unrelated, and in others conflicting constraints being added that 
completely change the layout visually to something unintended. It's like the 
Miss Cleo of development tools, trying to read my mind repeatedly but being 
completely wrong. (Sorry, I don't know why the ebaum's World Miss Cleo 
soundboard prank call popped into my head as an analogy for this). 

Anyway, you get the point. I have found myself actually devoting time to trying 
to reverse-think how some of these auto-generated constraints appear, because 
some of them are so wacky I find myself wondering that it must be something 
ridiculously simple I'm missing. 


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Re: Turning off screen shot ability

2013-03-07 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Thank you everyone for your responses and discussion. I'll take a look at all 
of the resources listed by responders, and pursue it further with DTS. In 
conclusion, I'll add what my opinion is of the knobs and switches on the 
machine here. 

Here's what I find interesting -- if I set the NSWindow sharingType to 
NSWindowSharingNone, then screen capture with another capture app (like 
ScreenFlow -- the only one I've directly tested) does not work. It still indeed 
does capture, but it captures my desktop as if my app was not running or 
visible. Everything else on my desktop is captured, but my app is nowhere to be 
found. In addition, if I attempt a Command-Shift-4-SpaceBar (to capture the 
window), then this does not work -- in fact, OS X presents a dialog saying that 
this operation cannot be done (see the link below -- note this is nothing that 
my app presents).

However, if I Command-Shift-4 and then mouse-drag, I can capture whatever is in 
the bounding box (including the entire contents of the window which was 
prevented in the other case), or if I Command-Shift-3 I can capture the entire 
screen (including the window in question).

Based on the inconsistency of the Command-Shift-... screen shot behavior, my 
conclusion is that this is a bug. Completely forgetting any philosophical or 
design opinions, this behavior doesn't make logical sense to me. To prevent 
someone from taking a screen shot of the specific window, to the point of the 
system intervene further with a dialog presented to the user, while allowing 
the entire contents of that same window to be captured by taking a screen shot 
of the full screen or a custom bounding box by mouse-drag -- I can't reconcile 
the logic behind that. 

So my conclusion is that this is a bug, probably with the enforcement of the 
NSWindow sharingType. Thanks again or the responses and discussion, both on 
this list, and offline.


On Mar 7, 2013, at 3:18 AM, Markus Spoettl wrote:

 On 3/7/13 10:47 AM, Richard Heard wrote:
 Seeing as this uses non public APIs, i would STRONGLY recommend not using it 
 in any shipping applications.
 However, for interests sake alone this is how DVD Player appears to do it.
 I can't imagine myself using it but it really is cool! Thanks for sharing!
 Markus Spoettl
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Re: Turning off screen shot ability

2013-03-06 Thread Brad O'Hearne
I appreciate the desire of a few here to communicate your perceived futility of 
turning off screen shots or window capture. I do not want to digress into a 
philosophical discussion here, I just want to stick to talk of the capabilities 
of machinery -- but given that the responses here pretty much scan with the 
discussions I found at various forums online, I want to just briefly address 
the futility issue. 

Because a security measure can be breached, either in common practice or in 
theory, does not mean that it is either futile, or that it is wise to just 
throw it away. I could give a very long list of examples of this, but for 
brevity, just a few: 

- Passwords can be breached, but yet we still actively use and recommend using 
- SSL can be breached, yet it is the protocol foundation for most secure 
communication on the Internet. 
- An ATM pin can be breached, yet all of us are no doubt happy that our banks 
didn't just issue us code-less cash cards which pull directly from our bank 
- Car and house locks can be quite easily breached, but yet we still continue 
to put them in cars and house doors. 

Finally, every security system on the planet can be breached by social 
engineering. Given that there may be no such thing as a 100% secure system, 
does that mean it is wise to throw off security measures? No. Eliminating 99% 
(or 90%, or 80%) of potential breaches is useful. Even slowing down a breach is 
useful on a number of levels. 

I would like to avoid everyone's personal editorial on the value of turning off 
screen capture is or not, as it is a foregone conclusion that we need this in 
place. My client is in the security business, and while the details of their 
product are not going to be discussed here, suffice to say, their use case is a 
completely legitimate pursuit of turning off screen capture -- and that is with 
full consideration of alternate means of capture, not ignoring them.

So that said, to retrench back to the original question, I am interested in the 
capabilities of the machine (OS X) and if so, how. I need to programmatically 
within an app (not by external system administration) turn off all screen 
capture capability, by hotkeys, or by grabbing the contents of the window. For 
those who have mentioned screen capture apps as a way to breach this, you might 
be interested to know that with one common screen capture app (I tested with 
ScreenFlow) that setting the NSWindow's sharingType to NSWindowSharingNone 
prevents it from capturing the active window. The primary hole appears to be OS 
X screen capture hotkeys, and in that regard, I'm really interested why setting 
the sharingType to none, which is supposed to prevent other processes from 
capturing the contents of the window (and does in some cases) allows OS X to 
still capture the screen. 

To distill it -- does OS X have the programmatic ability to turn off screen 
capture, and if so, how? It is just a question of whether the machine can do it 
or not. While I appreciate the other sentiments, I can assure you this use is 
completely legit. Either OS X has the ability or it doesn't -- that, and how it 
is turned off (if it can be) is all I need to determine. One other responder 
said that he's encountered other apps which *can* do this, so if someone in the 
know could pass on the 4-1-1, I would be very appreciative.

Thanks in advance, 


On Mar 6, 2013, at 12:51 AM, Izzy Fraimow 

 Would you be so kind as to elaborate on your statement, i.e. the 
 fundamental stupidity?
 I didn't make the original statement but perhaps I can shed some light. Even 
 if, hypothetically, you were able to disable the cmd-shift-3 keyboard 
 shortcut there many, many other ways for a person to capture screen contents. 
 There are 3rd party apps for screen capture, they could mirror the screen and 
 put a sniffer on the video cable, they could eavesdrop on the EM radiation 
 given off by the monitor and recreate the image inductively (yes, this has 
 been done), to say nothing of the most obvious issue: cameras, which are 
 bound to be almost every pocket you come across. There're also screen readers 
 and other assistive devices that expose the same information. Attempting 
 solve any of these problems, let alone all of them, is a losing battle and 
 would only serve to frustrate legitimate users.
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Re: Turning off screen shot ability

2013-03-06 Thread Brad O'Hearne

 Why would there be a simple way?

I can think of a few reasons: 

1. Using NSApplicationPresentationOptions, you can enforce the following 
programmatically: auto-hide the system dock, hide the system dock entirely, 
auto-hide the system menu bar, hide the system menu-bar entirely, completely 
disable the system Apple menu, disable process switching between apps, disable 
the ability to force-quit an app, disable app session termination, disable the 
ability to hide an application, disable menu bar transparency, present your app 
full screen, and auto-hide the toolbar. These are all clearly aimed at giving 
an app control of its presentation and environment. A very obvious reason an 
app would need to control its presentation is in order to control the content 
presented within. 

2. NSWindow allows you to specify the level of access other processes have to 
the window's content. Aside from the fact that is seems a bit bizarre that 
there's the ability to grant no access (NSWindowSharingNone, which doc states 
should prevent the window's contents to be read by another process), and a 
screen shot still works, the mere presence of this configurable parameter 
acknowledges the potential need of an app to secure its displayed content. 
Therefore, it doesn't seem such a stretch to imagine that if a window's 
contents were secured, that screen shots would follow right along as something 
desired to be turned off. 

 Screenshots and screen movies are how many apps are easily and quickly 
 documented by honest consultants and IT help desks; a vital tool. As a 
 developer, I know everyone else has full access to my UI and I theirs... no 

I get the sentiment, and I think it follows with most of discussions I've found 
elsewhere online about this that the general misperception about the need to 
turn off this ability stems from some draconian developer wanting unreasonable 
rigidity and control in an app like a game or something casual. I'm sure there 
are those folks out there who have such motivations. This is not one of them, 
and if interested in thinking this through, I would encourage a slight shift in 

Again, I am not at liberty to speak in detail about the specific use-case, but 
I can speak to the nature of the need. Ultimately, this is not an issue of 
needing to secure the app itself. The app is really just scaffolding if you 
willa pipeline. The app is just a delivery mechanism -- but the content it 
is delivering needs to be secured. A few others have accurately mentioned an 
example which demonstrates this -- DRM -- for securing music, movies, books, 
etc. This is a great example, there's no particular need for iTunes to be 
secured (for the app itself), but the content it is delivering, that's another 
matter -- DRM has certain requirements, as do the copyright holding entities 
have contractual requirements for securing such.

The specific use-case I am dealing with isn't a music or movie sharing app, and 
the specifics aren't really important anyway. But I'm sure everyone can draw a 
distinction between someone trying to prevent screen shots of their favorite 
first-person-shooter game, and trying to secure private research, government or 
military information, or confidential documents. My use-case is in the latter 
category -- and the target of screen-shot prevention isn't necessarily even the 
user or a user's nefarious intent -- it might be other agents on the machine, 
or it might be preventing an accidental or arbitrary screen shot which gets 
left on a machine or is accidentally sent to a printer. 

So in a nutshell, shift the perspective -- this isn't an enemy-of-the-user 
thing. It is a help and safeguard for both the content provider, and the 
content consumer (user). I hope that helps to paint the picture a little 

 In all seriousness though, you may want to approach Apple DTS directly and 
 present your business case to them.

That is good advice. Thanks for the tip. 



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Re: Turning off screen shot ability

2013-03-06 Thread Brad O'Hearne
On Mar 6, 2013, at 1:49 PM, M Pulis wrote:

 Good rehearsal, but we are not the folks you need support from.

I was unaware you spoke for the entire list. I had thought it wasn't too far of 
a stretch to think that someone somewhere (outside of Apple themselves) might 
be subscribed to this list that might have a similar need and/or have solved it 
already. If I truly am the only developer writing security-related apps, then I 
suppose I ought to be able to stay employed a while longer... ;-)

 If it was easy, Google would have it listed or someone here would have 
 quickly replied.

What Google returned in searching was a a number of similar conversations 
elsewhere in which a few vocal people didn't even attempt to answer the 
question, but instead tried to rake the question-asker over the coals merely 
for not recognize[ing] the fundamental stupidity of the requirement and drop 
it. Finding zero answers elsewhere, I posted here. 

I appreciate the opinions of those vocal few who essentially are saying that OS 
X has security holes which shouldn't be closed, and anyone needing such are not 
only inconsiderate to their users, but should go elsewhere and use other more 
secure operating systems. Now I personally don't believe any of that -- I 
believe that OS X is a great platform for security-related apps, and that there 
is a solution out there for this problem. (And there appears to be -- thank you 
for the couple of people who shall remain anonymous who contacted me offline 
while I was writing this response). 

 You have a special need, that's fine and what DTS is all about. Go for it.

Again, good advice. I'll will pursue this direction. 



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Re: Turning off screen shot ability

2013-03-06 Thread Brad O'Hearne
I'll take a stab at this one last time -- I appreciate the opinions here and 
under normal circumstances I would agree with the sentiments of user liberty 
and user control of their machine. However, this is a very specialized, 
security-oriented use-case. This app *never* runs in the background, it can't 
be put to the background, you cannot switch to another app while it is running, 
you cannot access any other system or app facilities whatsoever while this app 
runs. The content delivered by this app is intended to be completely secured, 
not able to be captured by a background app, not able to be captured with 
screen shots either. 

It is the user's choice whether they want to run the app or not, and at any 
time during the use of this app, the user may opt to exit the app. However, 
while the app runs, it is the only game in town. There are very legitimate use 
cases for this -- someone earlier replied mentioning kiosk mode. That's a 
pretty close analogy, but consider this to be kiosk mode plus confidential data 
which the user is not supposed to replicate or copy, either intentionally or 
accidentally. Put simply, the user is given full control over whether to run 
the app, or exit the app, but they do not get to call the shots or make the 
rules on how to use the content in the app. It is displayed while the app runs, 
and it is gone once the app is exited. 

Again -- I appreciate the sentiments about disabling screen shots not being a 
desirable approach for whatever reasons. If this were a game, or 
word-processing app, or music composition app, or something else, that might be 
a good argument. But this is something far different from those -- security is 
imperative. Furthermore, one more wrinkle I have not mentioned, this is a 
requirement of the content-owners. Someone earlier mentioned DRM, iTunes, and 
the requirements of media publishers to secure such data. Different data, but 
same principle -- it is an absolute, non-negotiable requirement that data be 
secured in this way. I have zero ability to change that requirement. The 
requirement does not originate from me, nor is it mine to change -- it is only 
mine to solve. But even if I was given authority to make the call, I'd agree 
with the pursuit of this end -- this particular use case is a legitimate 
use-case for disabling screen-shots. 

I'll refrain from any more attempts at explaining the scenario...I've said what 
I could, but if that still isn't enough, it shouldn't be too hard to imagine 
scenarios where this would be desirable. 


On Mar 6, 2013, at 9:39 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 On Mar 6, 2013, at 19:56:04, Charles Srstka wrote:
 Turning off the user's ability to do a screen capture in general is probably 
 the wrong approach — and even if you managed to sink your tendrils deep 
 enough to do this, there'd probably be plenty of ways to work around it. 
 Instead, I'd try to figure out what Apple's DVD player does; it allows you 
 to take screenshots all day long, but the copyrighted content gets replaced 
 by a solid color.
 And as a user, I would still expect my screenshot key to function if this 
 mystery app is running in the background, so it had better not remove/trap 
 the key just because it's running. And if you remove/trap it only when it's 
 the foreground app, than what's preventing it from being screenshotted when 
 it's in the background? Look for other ways around being secure - preventing 
 screenshots whole-hog is not a good idea at all.
 Steve Mills
 office: 952-818-3871
 home: 952-401-6255
 cell: 612-803-6157
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Re: Turning off screen shot ability

2013-03-06 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Lee Ann, 

Thanks for the reply. I took a look at the Son of Grab app -- if I've 
understood it correctly, it appears to be related to the setSharingType 
property of the window in question, which I already have set to none -- which 
means no other process should be able to capture it. It appears that isn't the 
case with Command-Shift-3 however, which seems to still create screen shots 


On Mar 6, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Lee Ann Rucker wrote:

 On Mar 6, 2013, at 9:02 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:
 On Mar 6, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
 I am interested in the capabilities of the machine (OS X) and if so, how. I 
 need to programmatically within an app (not by external system 
 administration) turn off all screen capture capability, by hotkeys, or by 
 grabbing the contents of the window.
 Apple’s DVD player app does this, for DRM purposes*. I don’t know how it 
 manages it, whether it’s some public system API or an internal-only thing … 
 but it might be a useful clue to track down.
 I'd start with the Son Of Grab sample app; it shows how to get the contents 
 of other app's windows, so that's where I'd look to figure out how to prevent 


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Turning off screen shot ability

2013-03-05 Thread Brad O'Hearne

I am working on a security-related Mac app and I need to know the way to turn 
off the ability to screen shot or capture the contents of the app's window. It 
would appear that setting the sharing type on the main window (which covers the 
entire screen) to none doesn't completely do it. It appears that Shift-Cmd-3 
still performs a screen shot. I've already tried capturing keystrokes and it 
appears these system-level hot-key combinations aren't able to be cleanly 
intercepted. More than that, I would think this is overkill -- I would think 
there would be a simple way to turn off the ability for outside sources to grab 
contents of an app. 

How can I turn this off?




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Convention for init with error

2013-02-27 Thread Brad O'Hearne

I have a need to construct an object with the possibility of an error taking 
place and needing to return that error. While it would be nice to have a clean 
init method that returned no errors, in this particular case, the error belongs 
with init. I've been pondering two ways of doing this: 

1. Just a modified init method, where it returns nil for the return value and 
sets an error pointer like so: 

- (id)init:(NSError **)error;
self = [super init];

if (self)
if ([self operationThatMightFail:error])
*error = nil;
return nil;

return self;


2. Using a static method to perform the dirty work, and then encouraging the 
caller only to use this method to init the class, like so: 

- (AThing *)athing:(NSError **)error;
AThing *a = [[AThing alloc] init];

if ([a operationThatMightFail:error])
*error = nil;
return nil;

return a;

What is the recognized convention or design pattern for addressing this in 
Objective C, or does it not really matter?



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Re: Convention for init with error

2013-02-27 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Quincey and John, 

Thank you both for the replies and opinions. I do like the factory method 
approach, however there is something about a mandatory process or workflow for 
using an object that seems like it should naturally be put in an init method. 
It sometimes strikes me a little weird when I think I just did an init, but 
the object in reality isn't initialized -- there's still these other steps that 
must be accomplished. I guess it is a semantic difference, but even one that 
I've wondered in Apple's API too...factories over here, but no factories over 
there; init leaves an object in the desired state over here, but over there you 
need to init and invoke methods 1-2 before the object is in a proper state to 
be freely used. 

Maybe it is just philosophy, but I try to be disciplined and consistent in my 
coding, so I thought this to be a good learning situation for me to see how 
others approached it. Thanks for the insight, guys.


On Feb 27, 2013, at 2:50 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

 P.S. I agree with John's statement that a factory method is better 
 (especially with ARC) for your class's public interface, but even within the 
 class implementation you might not be able to avoid the need to return an 
 error from a private 'init'.


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Conversion of QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput frame to YUV420p

2013-02-05 Thread Brad O'Hearne

I am trying to take a CVImageBufferRef received from the following video 
capture callback: 
- (void)outputVideoFrame:(CVImageBufferRef)videoFrame 
withSampleBuffer:(QTSampleBuffer *)sampleBuffer 
fromConnection:(QTCaptureConnection *)connection
...and feed to to an FFmpeg codec for further encoding. We can ignore the 
FFmpeg side of this except to say that the FFmpeg codec in use requires 
YUV420p, which for anyone familiar with FFmpeg is the pixel format 
AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P,described as follows: 

planar YUV 4:2:0, 12bpp, (1 Cr  Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples)

I am pretty sure that I have to set attributes on the 
QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput instance to use 
KCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8Planar pixel format type, given the definition 
below seems closest to the desired YUV 4:2:0 format, and that I need to be Snow 
Leopard compatible. 

Planar Component Y'CbCr 8-bit 4:2:0. baseAddr points to a big-endian 
CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrPlanar struct.
Available in OS X v10.5 and later.

The problem is that once this attribute is set, the capture is failing with the 
following in the console:

2013-02-05 17:48:21.050 Sentinel[998:13503] *** 
QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput warning: Output received the following error 
while decompressing video: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12906 The 
operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -12906.). Make sure that the 
pixel buffer attributes of all outputs are valid.

Question #1: why am I receiving this message, and how to I get past it.

Question #2 (and if you can answer this, forget #1): How can I get a 
decompressed frame formatted properly to the following format: 

planar YUV 4:2:0, 12bpp, (1 Cr  Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples)

Thanks in advance for your help. 



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Re: Get the current displayed NSAlert

2012-12-04 Thread Brad O'Hearne
In general -- any alert that requires user attention (especially ones with 
multiple button alternatives) can be left on the screen indefinitely by a user. 
If you are monitoring environmental conditions (such as network, server, or 
Internet reachability) that arise, it is always possible that such an event 
that would necessarily need to supersede the displayed alert, as the global 
event (environmental condition) might prevent the normal course of action which 
the first alert would provide. For example: 

1) Alert one displays:
This condition took place, would you like to proceed with option X or option 
Y. (Assume both X and Y require Internet connectivity). 

2) The app detects a loss of Internet connectivity. Neither X nor Y are now 
appropriate until the Internet reachability issue is resolved. So what we need 
to do is redirect the user's attention to resolving the more important problem 
at hand, fixing the network issue, a second alert condition. 

The thing compounding the issue is that 1) and 2) occur in somewhat unrelated 
parts of the app which necessarily do not know what each other is doing (other 
than existing). That is actually a very good thing -- and we want to somewhat 
keep it that way. They do have a relationship, however, in that the managing 
entity in 2 actually controls the entity in 1 (though agnostic to its 
function). So the problem was resolved by having the managing entity in 2 issue 
a lifecycle message to the entity in 1, so that it could behave accordingly.

Its working, but in any such architecture (an OS is a good example) there is 
the constant tension between managing resources globally vs. separating and 
hiding concerns within components.  

Thanks for the replies everyone, they are greatly appreciated. 



On Dec 4, 2012, at 12:54 AM, wrote:

 On 4 Dec 2012, at 06:26, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 I think you're thinking about the problem too generally.
 The workflow manager is probably going to need to understand that the
 plugins it's running can have encounter exceptional conditions.
 Therefore, there should be a mechanism by which your processing plugins
 can inform the workflow manager of these exceptional conditions.
 I would implement an alert controller that would accept prioritised alert 
 requests either from the app or a plug-in.
 I would also ask myself whether a simple alert sheet is the way to go.
 Alerts are asking for the user to attend. 
 If a plugin alert is displayed and then inexplicably replaced by another it 
 looks as if the software is conflicted.
 Perhaps the alert controller displays a single dismissible window that 
 contains a scrollable prioritised list of active alerts.
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Get the current displayed NSAlert

2012-12-03 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Hello all, 

Is there a way to get a reference to the currently displayed modal NSAlert, or 
to be able to globally determine if a modal alert is presently showing in a 
Cocoa app, though you have no knowledge of where in the app it originated from? 



Brad O'Hearne
Founder/Lead Developer
Big Hill Software LLC


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Re: Get the current displayed NSAlert

2012-12-03 Thread Brad O'Hearne

Thanks (I think). I asked the question as simply as I could without convoluting 
it with quite a bit of complexity, which would probably lead more to 
theoretical discussion rather than the specific issue. But since you want a 
more involved description of the problem, I've developed a processing framework 
that facilitates workflow by sequentially processing workflow plugins. All 
plugins are agnostic of one another, and the workflow framework is agnostic to 
the function of the plugins. This workflow framework dynamically becomes 
whatever app I want it to be, just by changing the plugin stack that the 
workflow framework processes. 

There are some interesting design questions that arise about responsibility of 
processing, whether the workflow manager merely provides certain state 
information to a plugin, and makes each plugin handle the condition, or whether 
the workflow manager imposes itself on the process. The particular 
manifestation that this question was addressing is if a plugin presented a 
modal alert which the user had not yet dismissed, when the workflow manager 
needed to present its own modal alert, what approaches existed to handle this. 

Very similar questions exist between OS and apps -- when does the OS merely 
provide info to an app (which passes responsibility for handling to the app) 
vs. when does the OS impose itself on the app and overrule its UI and 

That's the idea...pretty oversimplified here. But that is what was behind the 
question. If an app could easily request a reference to any NSAlert that was 
currently being displayed, it might  suggest an alternative to handling it. 
Presently, each plugin has to handle dismissing its own potentially displayed 
alerts when the workflow manager decides it needs to display its own alerts, 
and the workflow manager effectively messages the plugins by virtue of pause 
and resume lifecycle methods on plugins. 



Brad O'Hearne
Founder/Lead Developer
Big Hill Software LLC

On Dec 3, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 3, 2012, at 05:13 PM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
 Hello all, 
 Is there a way to get a reference to the currently displayed modal
 NSAlert, or to be able to globally determine if a modal alert is
 presently showing in a Cocoa app, though you have no knowledge of where
 in the app it originated from? 
 If you need to know this, your architecture is almost certainly screwed
 What are you actually trying to accomplish?
 --Kyle Sluder


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Suppressing variable hiding warning in Xcode

2009-04-05 Thread Brad O'Hearne

Hey there,

I had a few questions about selectively suppressing a certain warning  
in Xcode. I personally find the warning which pertains to local  
variables hiding instance variables a real nuisance. For example, if  
you have a message signature with a parameter name which matches an  
instance variable name, and the compiler produces the following message:

warning: local declaration of 'variable name' hides instance  

Two questions:

1. I get the gist of trying to prevent developers from accidentally  
hiding variables -- but is this really a major problem? Other than  
this, is there a compelling reason to keep this warning in tact, and  
change variable parameter variable names to make the warning go away?

2. How do you get Xcode to not produce this warning?



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Dynamic getting of a property of BOOL type

2009-03-06 Thread Brad O'Hearne
I am dynamically retrieving properties from an NSObject, in order to  
convert the types to string values and store them in XML. I am using  
the following line of code to send a message to the object to  
retrieve  the property's value:

id value = objc_msgSend(object, propSelector);
BOOL booleanValue = (BOOL)value;

The problem I am having is that I'm getting a warning on the second  
line. I've tried a number of variations, including:

BOOL booleanValue = value;

both of which give the following warning:

warning:  cast from pointer to integer of different size

How can I properly convert this id returned from the dynamic  
invocation of the property getter to the BOOL value that it actually is?



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Sublclassing NSThread

2008-12-16 Thread Brad O'Hearne


I am trying to create an NSThread subclass which completely wraps the  
desired behavior of the thread execution. Now typically when creating  
a new thread instance, it seems one will use the  
initWithTarget:selector:object initializer to properly direct the  
thread's execution. But what if I want the thread subclass to invoke a  
method within itself? This leaves you with a situation where you have  
to set the target to self within the initializer, but that seems  
problematic, as self is not yet defined, i.e.:

- (id)init {
self = [super initWithTarget:self @selector(myMethod) object:nil];
return self;

As you can see, the initWithTarget: param is set to self, but the  
purpose of that statement is to set self, and self isn't defined yet  
to my knowledge. I'd otherwise just use the NSThread's init method,  
but I do not see a way to  set the target as a property on the thread  
object once initialized.  So my question is, in Objective C, is the  
typical approach to wrapping behavior entirely within an NSThread  
subclass to override the start method, as such:

- (void) start {
[super start];
[self myMethod];

Is this the recommended approach, or is there another way to go about  




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OT: Uninstallers (Was: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1598)

2008-09-10 Thread Brad O'Hearne
This is starting to stray a bit from Cocoa code talk, but as a bit of  
feedback to all Cocoa developers out there who are developing  
applications to ship to end-users (in contrast to internal corp apps),  
the lack of uninstallers on Mac apps seems to be a notable omission,  
for an otherwise stellar platform. I recently ran into a problem with  
this with Final Cut Studio 2 on my MacBook Pro. For those unfamiliar  
with FCS2, it takes a huge chunk of disk space to install video /  
audio assets, which over time / other apps installed left me running  
out of disk space. Apps like AppZapper don't find all the assets, and  
when posts to Apple discussion forums net reinstall OS X as the best  
advice for removing FCS2, there's definitely an opportunity there for  
improvement. (FYI -- I did not reinstall OS X, I went on a Google /  
file system hunt and eventually got most of it off, to the best of my  

As a bit of user feedback to Cocoa app developers: if all things were  
equal between two like apps I was evaluating, if one had an  
uninstaller, it would tip the scales for me, and keep in mind, I'm a  
software developer. Non-technical users are going to be all the more  
-- if yours happens to be the app which results in them getting the  
reinstall OS X advice, that is what the user is going to remember.  
So in a nutshell,  big +1 for uninstallers.


On Sep 10, 2008, at 7:32 AM, Bill Royds wrote:

On 10-Sep-08, at 04:59 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyway, if Mac software starts heading back down the road to  
everything having an installer, the appeal of the Mac platform vs.  
Windows will be severely diminished in my eyes. Drag and drop puts  
the user in control - installers put the user at their mercy.  
Whenever I see an installer that does nothing but put an app in / 
Applications, I tend to think twice about using that app, because  
it's often a sign of a poorly thought out product. Often I will  
send an e-mail to the author complaining about this as well.

But you are not a typical user so your preferences are not the most  

Most users who want to install software only want to b able to click  
on the downloaded package and have it install.It might ask some  
questions like password or ask whether you want advanced control,  
but even the concept of moving to /Applications is more than most  
users want to know.
Windows installers are much easier for naive users to handle than  
anything that requires knowledge of the system structure such as  
drag and drop to /Applications.

Of course, it is still better to have a simple install logic and a  
bundled app that you could drag and drop to /Applications is better  
than one that requires many different steps. probably the double  
click on an app package should just invoke a shell script the\at does

sudo cp /Applications

with the sudo password prompt in a gui window.


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OT: Announcing Pi, the Phoenix iPhone Developer Group

2008-06-20 Thread Brad O'Hearne


Please pardon the fact that this is in regards to a new user group  
based in Phoenix, AZ. While most of you may not be local to Phoenix  
and be able to attend our meetings, please feel free to join anyway,  
to take part in iPhone development discussion. Perhaps your area does  
not have an iPhone user group yet, but if not, there's no reason you  
have to do without -- hook up with our group.

For the better part of the past year, I've been an iPhone user, and  
have kept a close eye on the developments of the iPhone, iPhone web  
development, and the iPhone SDK. I attended the Apple World Wide  
Development Conference (WWDC) last week, and as most of you probably  
know, Apple announced the 3G iPhone and the iPhone SDK 2.0. For those  
unable to attend, I can summarize last week by saying that the iPhone  
is not merely a mobile device; it is essentially a brand new OS  
platform, and the most advanced mobile technology in the world. Apple  
has created a huge opportunity for development, and rarely in a  
technical career does one get the opportunity to get in on the ground  

I am an independent software developer based in Gilbert, I am  
developing applications for the iPhone to be marketed soon when the  
iPhone Application Store opens. This is a major career direction I've  
been planning, and as such, I have had plans to launch an iPhone  
developer group following the WWDC. That day is here. I'm announcing  
the Phoenix iPhone Developer Group, otherwise known as Pi, due to a  
play on the letters of the group name, and the anticipation of this  
new, exciting direction going on, and on, and on (that's nerd  
humor for those following along...). You may join this group at the  
Google Group at the following URL:

Phoenix iPhone Developer Group:

These URLS also resolve to the same location presently:

I will be supporting this group through email posts, attempting to  
facilitate meetings (which will be spontaneous, as members are  
available, and at convenient locations), and my blog just opened at:

NeuroFire (blog entitled Burning Embers):

I welcome everyone to join. I look forward to collaborating with you,  
and growing the iPhone Developer Community in Phoenix. I would be very  
grateful if you could forward this email to any work associates, and  
other user groups you may be a part of -- spread the word!



Brad O'Hearne


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