Re: Please remove me from maillist!

2003-07-03 Thread Steven Noels
On 3/07/2003 3:32 steeven wrote:

Please remove me from maillist!

Can NOT unsubscribe the list :(
Here you go (hopefully). If not, please get back to us. Being a bit 
friendlier would be nice, though, since there's a good chance you've 
subscribed yourself.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: JXTemplate* and FOM moved to core

2003-07-08 Thread Steven Noels
On 8/07/2003 8:03 Christopher Oliver wrote:

I've moved the FOM implementation and JXTemplate* to the core. For now 
I've left the original flow implementation in place as a second 
interpreter, so Woody, Linotype, XMLForm, and the Flow samples will 
continue to work without change until we can migrate them. Petstore, 
JXForms, and Garbage are still in the scratchpad but have been updated 
to use FOM. For the moment, the new FOM interpreter is called 
javascript, and the original interpreter is still called JavaScript.

To me the most important next step is to update the documentation, so 
that's what I'll try to do when I have time.
Thanks, Chris!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-site/site/2.1/*

2003-07-08 Thread Steven Noels
On 9/07/2003 0:02 Joerg Heinicke wrote:

A complete website update would take hours ... and megabytes ...

This was only the root directory (for removing links to invalid 
mail-lists.html) and nearly 1 MB.

But it seems that I can not login on daedalus as written at daedalus. 
Whom should I ask? Can someone else do the update?
I'll try  give it a go 'tomorrow' afternoon. Are we using Forrest CVS 
HEAD now?

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Alternatives to XMLForm: what's the state of art?

2003-07-09 Thread Steven Noels
On 9/07/2003 15:32 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My question is: have you done this and incorporated this features
from into the JXForm?
I don't know whether Ivelin or anyone else had backported any of the changes into Cocoon CVS, be it in XMLForm or JXForms. I
don't even know whether can still be considered 'alive' - or
else maybe the implementation is considered to be finished. Either case,
I would strongly suggest to ask for a definitive statement about
merging/backporting or intentions to do this from the xmlform.or people,
since that code hasn't been developed inside the Cocoon community. I
understand this is a problem for current XMLForm users, but we cannot
support something which has no development community around it (that's a
neutral constatation).
With two other frameworks, JXForms  Woody, both supported by active
committers, even if a bit rough around the edges, I think we offer
decent diversity and choice for form handling in Cocoon.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: New lists at gmane

2003-07-10 Thread Steven Noels
On 10/07/2003 15:01 Andreas Hartmann wrote:
Hi Cocoon developers,

could anyone update the new list addresses at gmane?
I guess this needs an account, doesn't it?
I guess you just have to notify the gmane admin - there's an email addy 
on that website somewhere

will you take care of that?


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Discussion of Cocoon TLP Guidelines

2003-07-29 Thread Steven Noels
Dear all,

I've just checked in a verbatim copy of the Jakarta Guidelines (located 
at in the cocoon-site 
module, that could serve as a starter to base our own project guidelines 
upon. Before we became a TLP (top level project), we were supposed to 
follow the XML TLP guidelines (which are currently under debate, a 
decent RC can be found at, 
but after reading both, I believe the Jakarta guidelines might be a good 
foundation to start working from. The guidelines are supposed to 
regulate the day-to-day operations of the Cocoon TLP, which of course 
includes any existing and possible new subprojects.

So in an attempt to start the debate about the Cocoon TLP guidelines, I 
copy/paste/search/replaced through the Jakarta set of guidelines, and 
provide this as a starter for further discussions.

Our DRAFT version is located at 

Some topics which, IMHO, need further debate are:

 - PMC composition and rules for admitting new PMC members (currently, 
any committer can self.propose() to become a member of the PMC, and any 
committer is allowed on the PMC list - but we need to discuss, maybe 
change and at the very least formalize this)
 - rules and guidelines for incubating projects, w.r.t. PMC 
participation, cohabitation with Incubator guidelines
 - basically do a sanity check of the lenghty Jakarta original and see 
what might be eradicated from it (less is more)
 - check voting guidelines

I would suggest to start the discussion over here 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), we can move to the Wiki if discussing the 
document becomes too difficult, and in any case I'd like to use the 
formal CVS logs as a change tracking mechanism ASAP - hence putting a 
draft in CVS rather than in the Wiki. I will come up with some patches 
myself, but not directly in CVS, I'd like to run them through the list.

Please take your time reading through it, it ain't as bad as it looks 
like, and it concerns you: developers  contributors of the Cocoon 
project(s). And let's try and keep this as lightweight as feasible.

If it comes to (a) vote(s), anybody's opinion is appreciated, so please 
speak up. Binding votes about the Cocoon guidelines can be cast by 
Cocoon committers only - the original members of the 'founding' PMC that 
is. If that would need to be changed, it's the time to implement that, 
as well.

Thanks for your attention,

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-site/src/documentation/content/xdocs guidelines.xml

2003-07-29 Thread Steven Noels
On 29/07/2003 11:34 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
cziegeler2003/07/29 02:34:47
  Modified:src/documentation/content/xdocs guidelines.xml

  -allowing them to affect the future of the subproject./p
  +allowing them to affect the future of the project./p
Euh: it still must be subproject, I guess.

The Cocoon TLP project is structured as follows:

Cocoon TLP (has a PMC)
  - Cocoon (Sub) Project (has committers)
  - Lenya (Sub) Project (has committers) (under incubation)
Of course, since the Project groups the Subprojects, a committer, by 
changing a Subproject, is changing something within the Project

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [RT] Revisiting Woody's form definition

2003-07-29 Thread Steven Noels
On 29/07/2003 18:17 Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Marc Portier wrote

I do understand this might break some backwards compat stuff, but the 
block is labeled 'unstable' and 'alfa' precisely because we know this 
is bound to happen

nevertheless Bruno is doing an effort to notify the users list of 
important changes in the usage of Woody (making sure were not abusing 
our early adopters here)... I would like us to continue that effort
Can't we provide a compatibility mode by running an XSL transformation 
to the newer format triggered by an older namespace ?
Speaking against my own case: I would seriously loath to see _already_ 
compatibility layers being introduced into Woody at this early stage.

If Woody is to become a real value proposition for some serious form 
handling in Cocoon-space and the community is willing to refactor (and 
break compatibility) the hell out of it to arrive at this stage, I find 
the current rate of adoption of Woody isn't big enough to already warant 
compromises and compatibility stuff.

I find it much more important that as much people as possible 
intellectually 'own' Woody's design and code than having to explain 
early adopters (even if we (=OT) made them do so) that stuff will be 
breaking from here until Woody stabilizes. I'm pretty sure these early 
adopters will see the value of using code that is 'owned' by more than 
OT-peeps only.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Discussion of Cocoon TLP Guidelines

2003-07-30 Thread Steven Noels
On 30/07/2003 0:13 Michael Wechner wrote:

Steven Noels wrote:

If it comes to (a) vote(s), anybody's opinion is appreciated, so 
please speak up. Binding votes about the Cocoon guidelines can be cast 
by Cocoon committers only - the original members of the 'founding' PMC 
that is.

I guess that as long as Lenya is under incubation, Lenya committers 
won't be able to vote, right?

Which is fine with personally, but I think it's important to clarify 
what you mean by *original members of the 'founding' PMC*
the situation with is that all committers can vote for 
new subproject proposals (and it needs a majority vote), and that PMC 
peeps get to vote on chapter changes IIUC

of course, we are setting everything up as we go along, and it's a bit 
of a chicken/egg problem: *we* should decide whether committers of 
incubating projects can cast binding votes in this matter, and if I 
state that such 'incubating' committers are allowed to vote on such a 
decision, well... I think the outcome would be pretty obvious ;-)

aside type=pmc chair hat offThere's another thing about project 
incubation that kinda interests me: what happens upon incubation 
failure? To me, there's a difference between the people and the project 
involved. The subproject can fail, but committers of failed incubation 
projects can still stick around - even though committers are very much 
tied to (sub)projects. In this sense, I think any committer, even if 
this used to be for a now-failed incubating project, has been deemed 
worthy once to carry the Apache feathers, so he/she should be able to 
speak up on regulatory matters. Collaterally, since Lenya peeps are peeps with a particular interest in Cocoon, I wouldn't mind 
if they cast binding votes on the formation of the Cocoon charter./aside

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-30 Thread Steven Noels
On 30/07/2003 11:25 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

The Apache Cocoon team is proud to announce the new release
of Apache Cocoon.
... which was again a masterly execution of the 
CaRsTeN-3000-meepzoid-release-bot. Thanks!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-30 Thread Steven Noels
On 30/07/2003 11:25 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

The Apache Cocoon team is proud to announce the new release
of Apache Cocoon.
I went in afterwards and edited README.html, .htaccess and HEADER.html 
in order to downsize and rationalize the download area 
( - please crosscheck.

Carsten, I found some files (a symlink) which aren't chmod g+w - could 
you change these?

lrwxr-xr-x   1 cziegeler  cocoon32 Jul 29 02:16 cocoon-2.1rc1-src.tar.gz
lrwxr-xr-x   1 cziegeler  cocoon29 Jul 29 02:16
Also, the +x bit shouldn't be set on .sig files in the SOURCES directory.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

[less is more] interestiing blog from Michael Feathers

2003-07-30 Thread Steven Noels

Good morning, all.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 13:27 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I removed references to the publishing framework and added a CSS 
stylesheet to both the cocoon directory and lenya's using a 
headinsidebody hack (dirty, but it works on all the browsers I tried 
and it downgrades nicely).
looking very nice, thanks!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: J2EE+native http 1/3 performance of integrated server!

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 13:28 Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

On page 15 I read that from the tests, they found out that running a 
native webserver and a J2EE container on the same machine was *1/3* of 
the performance of the integrated solution.
Does this mean we should all go for Orion, Jetty, or (hm) Tomcat in 
standalone mode then?

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 13:35 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 18:48 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi  

did you guys ever programmed java with JavaStudio? it was a nice little  
app that sun released in the early java days. it was visual programming  
of java code thru LabView style drag-drop-link of javabeans.
Yep. Sugar candy appealing to lusers like myself. :-)

It was sooo cool when you saw a demo.

Horrible to work with it.

why? visual programming is bullshit.

It take half an hour to write a visual representation of something like

 if (blah) {
 } else {
Still, I found the demos pretty valuable with the process variables 
being explicitely being created in a separate pane. Makes one think more 
about what he is doing.

The nice thing of such a GUI is that it enforces people to make use of 
the exposed API, and makes hacks around it, reaching for areas where 
scripting authors shouldn't come, a bit more difficult.

- 0 -

I just had a discussion in the car with Bruno about where Apples is 
heading (basically he bringing me uptodate - thank you Bruno), and my 
layman's conclusion is that different schools of development style are 
emerging when building webapps with Cocoon.

1) glueing together ready-made available components using XSPs and the 
bag of available Actions
2) Actions and custom Avalon-Cocoon components, which tend to overload 
the sitemap with programmatic constructions in the long run
3) 'Webcontinuations flow with Javascript', where people depend on the 
availability of Javascript wrappers for common libraries (JDBC, OR 
frameworks, ...) - with the challenge of coming up with decent JS 
libraries to make sure one doesn't have to reach at too many Java stuff 
using 'Packages' - the really cool thing is of course the instant 
gratification of save/reload/test
4) 'Apples' which shifts the encapsulation of business and service 
components back to full-blown Java, with a simple Apple class calling 
upon them while exposing flow decisions in a very lighweight manner in 
order to call the correct pipelines
5) 'Dywel' which seems to be going after Struts practices with a nice 
dash of Avalonization to go with that

3) and 4) being heavily dependent on the JXTransformer approach (which 
is a Good Thing IMHO)

How we are going to manage and support these five schools of thought, I 
honestly don't know (not even if we need to be worried altogether), but 
I envision some some white-bearded guy is already chuckling in his 
corner (

interlude advise=don't take this too seriously

More stupidity being put forward, I would humbly suggest to explicitely 
name the methodologies:

1) 'Barbara', in kind remembrance of B. Post
2) 'Carsten, the Early Years'
3) 'SchemoVidiuChrismatron'
4) 'Species' - since Apples and Pears are way to generic already, and 
it's what Darwin was all about
5) 'Rag' - since Dywel really sounds like a mop in Dutch if slightly 

... in order to be able to ask a Cocoonie: what religion are you in? 
Oh, I used to be an early CultofBarbara groupie, but now I tend to 
worship the mighty SchemoVidiuChrismatron.


Kidding aside, is my categorization more or less correct? Might be cool 
to put on a slide once.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 14:23 Steven Noels wrote:

1) 'Barbara', in kind remembrance of B. Post
2) 'Carsten, the Early Years'
3) 'SchemoVidiuChrismatron'
4) 'Species' - since Apples and Pears are way to generic already, and 
it's what Darwin was all about
5) 'Rag' - since Dywel really sounds like a mop in Dutch if slightly 
and Bruno reminds me of Schools I forgot about:

- the who said I shouldn't use Tomcat filters to manage Hibernate 
sessions school, just be happy that I don't system.exec() a shell 
script to do the same
- the look at me calculating a CRC checksum of a creditcard number 
using XPath school of XMLForms

I'm signing off for this afternoon, so I'll stop nagging the list with 
frivolous mails - don't you worry. ;-)

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Moving Cocoon wiki to proper ASF equipment [was: Re: Releasing 2.1]

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 18:13 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Just one thing: what about moving the wiki on 
before release?
I was actually thinking of asking infrastructure@ to migrate the Wiki to 
the new  beefy minotaur. As a transition, we could check whether 
mod_proxy/proxy_pass would be possible, possibly with mod_cache - people 
knowledgeable in this would be helpful. But from what I read on the 
infrastructure@ list, it appears nagoya might still be the place to go 
for heavy use Java apps, yet I understand Pier hasn't got time yet to 
upgrade/reconfigure nagoya.

Infrastructure peeps: this is about the JSPWiki-based Cocoon wiki 
running on Having run  regularly upgraded this 
beasty for considerable time, I can attest it's a neat Wiki 
implementation and runs quite well. I'd be happy to further help 
maintaining it anywhere it is hosted.

Your comments are very much welcomed.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUIeditor]

2003-08-01 Thread Steven Noels
On 1/08/2003 11:15 Reinhard Pötz wrote:

For the actual code see bug.cgi?id=21900

Marc, why don't you put Apples it into scratchpad?
Karma request is in process, he isn't listed in the avail file yet.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Apache newsletter in progress

2003-08-01 Thread Steven Noels
On 1/08/2003 13:04 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

You could add a link to the GT page, so that people would know how to  
follow up on that (and maybe how to submit proposals for talks and  
stuff like that)
I'm busily preparing a real website for the GetTogether and hope to get 
ready to have that link included in the Newsletter by August 8th.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Promotion of [XPath]TraversableGenerators to main trunk

2003-08-01 Thread Steven Noels
On 1/08/2003 14:28 Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

I can spell hierarchy too when not too drunk, it just takes more 
mental resources ;-P

Is there anybody against CollectionGenerator?
Could we have that with one 'l' for alcoholics, since they tend to 
draw anyhow?

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Possible Wiki vandalism

2003-08-01 Thread Steven Noels
On 1/08/2003 13:26 J.Pietschmann wrote:
could someone have a look at
and perhaps clean up, just in case this wasn't intended...
That page is autogenerated from a list of non-linked pages  attachments 
- something I tend to clean out in my copious free time.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT]: Xerces-J 2.5.0 now available

2003-08-01 Thread Steven Noels
On 1/08/2003 15:29 Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

The Xerces-J team is very happy to announce that version 2.5.0 of
Xerces-J is now available. 
This release provides a partial partial implementation of the XML
Inclusions (XInclude) W3C Candidate Recommendation

Has anybody seen this / tried this with Cocoon?
Our own Transformer already does XPointer  XML Base.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Moving Cocoon wiki to proper ASF equipment [was: Re: Releasing2.1]

2003-08-01 Thread Steven Noels
On 1/08/2003 19:32 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

If you are willing to take the initiative and set it up and maintain it, 
we can figure out a solution that works.  But, the infrastructure@ group 
can't/won't baby-sit everything on its own.  So, at least two committers 
have to step up and be willing to maintain it.
Of course, and count me in on that.

As a starting point, I'd recommend setting up the server on a high port 
on minotaur and get everything working just right.  Once it's all 'up', 
infrastructure@ can figure out what to do next.  But, doing this first 
will ensure that all of the software can/does run on minotaur.  If it 
doesn't run on FreeBSD (or there are problems), then you'll have to run 
it on nagoya (which is a Solaris box).
The upgrade Pier was planning seems a bit over my capabilities to assist 
with, but if someone can point me out how a servlet container _should_ 
be installed on minotaur (where on the FS, what UID should be owning it, 
any related suggestions) I'd like to step up (together with Gianugo 
would be great) to start with a trial instance on a higher port. 
Integrating it with the httpd daemon in a sensible way might require 
access and assistance from root people anyhow, depending on the strategy 
we follow (mod_proxy, or mod_name_your_favourite_version_jk), so 
assistance in that perspective is welcomed as well.

If you do run into problems, please let infrastructure@ know and we can 
try to help you work through it.  But, it's unlikely we'll take 
initiative on our own.
I never meant to force work upon you guys, but if there's thoughts 
towards a shared servlet container setup where JSPWiki for Cocoon is one 
of many deployed webapps, it's better to discuss here before moving in, 

As an aside, have you considered using the SubWiki install?  ;-)  If 
you'd be willing to use that, I might be enticed to help you migrate to 
that away from JSPWiki.  See:

It's written in Python!  Oh no!  -- justin
For the record: I like Python - and I'm pretty much agnostic towards 
specific WikiEngine implementations. But I don't like migrating 533 
pages of Wiki content from one WikiEngine to another.

In terms of sizing, here's some rough stats on the current instance:

(per month, rough rounding)

Successful requests: ~400K
Average successful requests per day: ~15K
Successful requests for pages: ~120K
Average successful requests for pages per day: ~4K
Data transferred: ~2.5 GB
Average data transferred per day: ~85 MB
Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT]: Xerces-J 2.5.0 now available

2003-08-01 Thread Steven Noels
On 1/08/2003 17:06 Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

out implementation is partial and probably not going anywhere, theirs 
might be much more supported and vital.
That _might_ be just the case. ;-)

I wouldn't downplay what we are doing with low-level XML handling stuff, 
and also this often results in bugs being reported to the parser gurus. 
I've been doing some light XSLT development today, and I ended up being 
slightly annoyed with the quality of error handling in Xalan (let alone 
the way the eventual messages are being thrown forward in Cocoon).

I'd like to see a more unified approach however to the (n)Include stuff, 
it might be better to extend the standards syntax with specific 
constructs available as features in Cocoon's own Include transformer, 
rather than having two Include transformers side-by-side.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Questions/Suggestions for Woody

2003-08-02 Thread Steven Noels
On 2/08/2003 8:57 Marc Portier wrote:

but if they all do, then you'll have to make some decissions on smart 
management of stylesheets and the like to get most if not everything 
from one (at least a limited number of) source-file...
I think it will take some of us actually doing these things before we 
get a real feel to the matter (we plan on a smaller try-out with WML in 
the not too distant future)

Another issue I see however is the mismatch of number of widgets per 
screen for each of these targets... this might call for splitting up a 
lot more of these sources then the big XML dream was promising :-)

Still Woody could at least do a best effort to ensure that all these 
targets can be reached by applying the same competence mix somewhat.
... what Marc is trying to convey is that automagical multiple-device 
rendering and reuse of one form definition might be a dream, but very 
difficult to achieve.

A form of set of forms represents a use-case. We are quite convinced, 
even if Woody might support multiple renditions, that the use-case 
across devices might be totally different. You typically don't want a 
one-on-one translation from a complicated HTML form to the set of simple 
widgets provided in a WAP environment: you are going to provide your 
users with entirely different use-case.

Does that makes sense? As I said, this doesn't mean we think Woody would 
put something in the way of moving forward in the direction you 
mentioned. But a one-on-one, even a smart one auto-translation 
maintaining the same form model across media, might not be what your 
users are looking for.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Moving Cocoon wiki to proper ASF equipment [was: Re: Releasing2.1]

2003-08-02 Thread Steven Noels
On 2/08/2003 22:21 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

ProxyPass can't be in .htaccess.
That's what I was already afraid of.

 Redirect directives can.  But, they'll
see the 'real' URL in the browser.
Sure, and since we try and advocate cool URIs whenever we can, I really 
hope we can eventually make proper use of mod_proxy or mod_jk.

If I get a chance in the next few days, I'll try to run a simple load
test against it to see how the JDK fares.  -- justin
That would be great - I was thinking of doing the same but a bit 
reluctant to stress our new hardware yet. Besides, I'm no Java guru on 
the FreeBSD platform. I'll make sure logging is switched to WARN or 
ERROR only so that debug messages don't mess up performance.

Thanks for your help,

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Discussion of Cocoon TLP Guidelines

2003-08-04 Thread Steven Noels
On 4/08/2003 14:02 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 - rules and guidelines for incubating projects, w.r.t. PMC
participation, cohabitation with Incubator guidelines

I would say that we remove that paragraph and avoid dealing with it  

the part of new subprojects as well. if somebody asks, we send them to  
incubation right away.
If the concept and process of incubation is properly defined and offers 
more than bouncing off the ball to the incubating PMC, I would be 
perfectly happy with that. So far, I think it is reasonable to say that 
the Incubator is still FUD with the prospect of becoming something 
valuable. Also, I loath to see projects being incubated without a clear 
destination PMC in mind. While you are absolutely correct in theory, 
practice is teaching us something else, so I'd like to discuss this 
before moving either way. Off-loading work to a disfunctional project 
isn't a way to get the work done. Closely collaborating with the 
Incubator might be better, IMHO.

well, too much mentioning of vetos, IMHO, but I can live with that.
Exactly - I will try and wordsmith along that way. Vetos are community 
killers and a discourse of distrust.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: preparation of board report

2003-08-11 Thread Steven Noels
On 11/08/2003 14:42 Steven Noels wrote:

Hi all,

it's time to prepare our report for the ASF board meeting of August 
20th. I'm looking to collect noteworthy news about our community 
project, and so far these are the topics I'm planning to put in the 
report. Comment  add as you see fit:
fyi: here's the previous one:

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Discussion of Cocoon TLP Guidelines

2003-08-12 Thread Steven Noels
On 4/08/2003 14:02 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Two points in addition to Carsten's: It states that new features
need to be voted before committing. I believe that this is either
unpractical (and sure not happening ATM) or/and not precise
enough. Perhaps major new features would be better, but then, what's
major? OK, it's only a guideline

I would say that anything that changes the contracts has to be voted.  
New features that are added sideways, don't (say scratchpad or  
scratchpad blocks). But anything that enter the trunk should be voted.
Let's stick to contract or API changes of released versions requiring a 
formal vote. New stuff - I honestly don't think so.

the part that indicates what to do with patches is too much to place  
there.  I would remove it.
OK - will look into that.

the part of new subprojects as well. if somebody asks, we send them to  
incubation right away.
How does other people feel about this? Most commonly, an incubating 
project needs a destination PMC, so we would be involved some way anyhow.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1 README.txt CREDITS.txt announcement.xml

2003-08-14 Thread Steven Noels
On 5/08/2003 11:49 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  new marketing strategy and dealing with all the due credits and copyright restrictions
Thanks for the copyright stuff! Some remarks:

  +  Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concept
  +  of separation of concerns (that is: allowing people to do their job
  +  without having to step on each other toes) and component-oriented web 
  +  RAD.
The term RAD has a very (out)dated sound in my ears. Surely RAD is OK, 
but people will hear RAD and understand '4GL'. My rephrasing:

Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concepts 
of separation of concerns (making sure people can interact and 
collaborate on a project, without stepping on each other toes) and 
component-based web development.

  +  Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component
  +  pipelines' modelled after the 'process chain' concept where each 
  +  worker specializes on a particular operation. This makes it possible
  +  to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions where
  +  these components can be hooked together into pipelines without
  +  requiring further programming.
That first sentence is very 'jserv-like'. ;-) I would reduce verbiage into:

Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component 
pipelines', each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular 
operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in 
building web solutions, hooking together components into pipelines 
without any required programming.

  +  We like to think at Cocoon as web glue for your web application
  +  development needs. But most important, a glue that can keep 
  +  concerns separate and allow parallel evolution of the two sides, 
  +  improving development pace and reducing the chance of conflicts.
What two sides?... Also, maybe we should sound a little bit stronger:

Cocoon is web glue for your web application development needs. It is a 
glue that keeps concerns separate and

  +  Cocoon has been designed to interoperate side-by-side with your J2EE

coexist and interoperate? (introducing more verbiage ;-)

  +  existing solutions or give them new functionality without requiring 
  +  any change in the existing infrastructure.

  +This product includes software developed by the IronSmith Project 

  +Portions are Copyright (c) 2001 Tivano Software GmbH
  +( All Rights Reserved.

  +Portions are Copyright (c) 2001 Scott Robert Ladd. All rights reserved.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [QUICK-VOTE] Release Date for 2.1 final

2003-08-14 Thread Steven Noels
On 12/08/2003 10:22 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Reinhard Pötz wrote:

Shouldn't this text be part of the website and the documentation
Yes, can someone take care of it.

Note: I didn't start the release process yet, so there is enough time.
I'm CVS updating as we speak and will finish this before noon (Europe time).

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [QUICK-VOTE] Release Date for 2.1 final

2003-08-14 Thread Steven Noels
On 11/08/2003 15:16 Reinhard Pötz wrote:

Last week there were some mails about a new (and better) description of
Cocoon that reflects that it is a Web Application framework too. Is it
already included into the documentation (first page) and the site CVS?
I don't think so - but the discussion was on the list. I can't look into 
this before tomorrow, so if anyone would check the archives and change 
accordingly, that would be great.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [QUICK-VOTE] Release Date for 2.1 final

2003-08-14 Thread Steven Noels
On 12/08/2003 11:24 Steven Noels wrote:

I'm CVS updating as we speak and will finish this before noon (Europe 
Done - please cross-check.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Moving Cocoon wiki to proper ASF equipment [was: Re: Releasing2.1]

2003-08-14 Thread Steven Noels
On 2/08/2003 22:21 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 10:16:47PM +0200, Steven Noels wrote:

I tried mapping this under the final destination URI space by adding a .htaccess directive under the document root on daedalus which reads as follows:

Proxy *
 Order deny,allow
 Allow from all
ProxyPass /wiki/

ProxyPass can't be in .htaccess.  Redirect directives can.  But, they'll
see the 'real' URL in the browser.
If I get a chance in the next few days, I'll try to run a simple load
test against it to see how the JDK fares.  -- justin
The trial instance has been up on minotaur 
( for little more than a week - so I 
was wondering whether anyone already had been load-testing it. So far, 
it seems stable, even after has been hitting it with 
a lot of exploit URLs.

I'm able to do some load testing myself, but don't want to interfere 
with ongoing operations, and I'm sure people over here know better where 
to watch for.

Also, I would like your advise as to how to mount the new Wiki location 
in the namespace: using mod_proxy or mod_jk, and also 
what we should do with (Tomcat) access log files: disable them and let 
httpd take care of logging, or add some log rotation scripts.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Help for Release

2003-08-14 Thread Steven Noels
On 12/08/2003 13:47 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I'm just uploading the release to our dist directory. As I have to do some
work for the rest of the day :(, can someone please update our website
and the README.html and HEADER.html?
Done. Please cross-check.

I will give the mirrors one day time and send the release mail tomorrow.
Maybe wait until late evening so that the changed README.html and 
HEADER.html are mirrored as well. My nearby mirror 
(, which has a good reputation, hasn't 
sync'ed the new dists yet.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Flow + Hibernate sample offer

2003-08-15 Thread Steven Noels
Jeremy Quinn wrote:

But I suggest you create a Wiki page and add your example as a zip 
file to
this page. Instead of having links to your own CVS.

or cocoondev as Vadim suggested . who do I approach for cocoondev ?
Me. I'm a bit swamped ATM, but will try and follow up ASAP.

Hm. Maybe it doesn't warrant a full 'project' on its own, with separate 
mailing list and CVS module and all that. I might as well make a general 
purpose CVS module for license-incompatible Cocoon-related scratchpad 
thingies on, and give anyone who wants commit access.

Will think some more!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Flow + Hibernate sample offer

2003-08-15 Thread Steven Noels
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

I meant your code (if any) which has imports of hybernate packages. I'm 
not sure that it can have ASL/BSD license.
If it's stored in Apache CVS and redistributed with Cocoon, it can't.

Outside Apache, you can't add (c) ASF anyhow, since you're operating 
on your own, but you are perfectly free to copy the license verbatim, 
change it into (c) Jeremy and import/invoke LGPL'ed method signatures. 
You might however inform your users that the no-strings-attached 
redistribution clause of ASF/BSD-style licenses isn't necesseraly 
compatible with clause 6 of the LGPL license, and that the FSF goes at 
length in denying the existence of this problem.

If the Hibernate peeps change the license for their API, that's 
something entirely different.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

accessing sitemap parameters in a flow script

2003-08-15 Thread Steven Noels
Hi all,

I guess the title says about all. ;-)

I want to dynamically load a Woody form definition, its name being based 
on the URI invoking the flow function. What's the easiest way to do 
this? I saw some very similar questions pass by, but I fail to find out 
whether this is already implemented, and if so, whether one can access 
the parameter by name, instead of depending on the sequence of attributes.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: accessing sitemap parameters in a flow script

2003-08-15 Thread Steven Noels
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

map:call function=foo
 map:parameter name=bar value=baz/

function foo() {
 var x = cocoon.parameters[baz];
Easy, no ?
Ha. ;-)

Added to the Wiki. :-)

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

[ot] effective copywriting

2003-08-15 Thread Steven Noels

Thanks, Stefano, for the nagging about our lousy marketing. It was 
inspiring, and even if it costed me some sleep during a late night rush 
of wordsmithing, it's nice to read these words on :-)

This release marks the transition from being a publishing-oriented 
XML/XSLT server engine to a componentized XML-based web application 
development framework.

Let's go, and humbly, silently, kick some ass. :-D

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: HTMLGenerator

2003-08-16 Thread Steven Noels
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Switch to google *immediately*! Say, -- 
that's what we were pulling from yahoo
What about

Should be less static.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Config File Proposal (was... sort of...: [ANN] Apache Cocoon2.1 Released - binary??)

2003-08-16 Thread Steven Noels
Jay Freeman (saurik) wrote:

Are you recommending that I do all of my development as a patch to a sitemap
rather than as a sitemap,
It won't help you ATM, but for the xconf, that's the way we work with 
Cocoon on our projects... the project sitemap however is mounted as a 
subsitemap, and contains explicit definitions for all components 
relevant to that project.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: preparation of board report

2003-08-18 Thread Steven Noels
Steven Noels wrote:
Hi all,

it's time to prepare our report for the ASF board meeting of August 
20th. I'm looking to collect noteworthy news about our community 
project, and so far these are the topics I'm planning to put in the 
report. Comment  add as you see fit:

* ramping up towards a 2.1 release
* the noteworthy, tough but fruitful discussion about Flow  balcanization
* first (baby)steps towards form handling framework unification
* new committers
* Lenya's ongoing incubation + intention to participate with the GT
* (slowly) ongoing effort to migrate the Wiki - ASF equipment
* charter discussions (I hope to be able to attach a revised  
voted-upon charter for approval by the board, so stay tuned for more)
OK, here's the report I'll be sending out tomorrow noon 12:00 CET:

   - 0 -

Here's the report on Cocoon's state of affairs. We do hope this gives 
the board a feeling on how we are doing.

Let's first start with a brief run-through of the previous report 
and see how we proceed:

1), 2), 3): no further action required or taken
4) recursive Cocoon charter: still needs to be worked upon
5) use of Cocoon brand by and ditto
6) ditto - work is slowly progressing with the infrastructure team to 
migrate the Cocoon wiki to ASF infrastructure, together with Steven 
Noels and Gianugo Rabellino from the Cocoon team - we believe it is fair 
to indicate that an ASF-operated shared and managed Java hosting service 
might accelerate this, and do hope the eventual migration of our Wiki 
might serve as an example to move further along that road.
7) solved: the XMLForms effort is being actively deprecated in favor of 
other form handling frameworks (JXForms and Woody).
8) transfer of HSSF (Excel) serializer from Cocoon - POI: no further 
action has been taken yet.
9) Avalon Excalibur dependencies: Cocoon committers have now commit 
karma to an Avalon CVS module that hosts code in heavy use by the Cocoon 
project, making sure bugs can be fixed and patches applied in due time.
10) the Milestone release scheme has been applied successfully, and has 
resulted in a 2.1 release mid August.
11) Lenya incubation is still ongoing and monitored by the Cocoon PMC.
12), 13), 14): satisfactory ongoing.

New matter:

1) The Cocoon project has released a 2.1 version mid of August, and work 
is under its way to release a forthcoming 2.1.1 quickfix release.
2) Discussions are starting on the upcoming 2.2 development.
3) Most notable discussion was about the existence (and/or creation) of 
several overlapping ideas and frameworks for flow and form handling 
inside Cocoon, and even though the discussions were lenghty, at the 
verge of being flame-infested, the main discussion participants came to 
an agreement, showing off the maturity of the Cocoon community even when 
starting off from a discours of extreme technical dissonance.
4) As a result of all this, work is under its way to refactor and 
augment specific form handling code (Woody) into a truly community-owned 
artefact, and API changes have been allowed to make sure specific 
implementations (JS Flow with Continuations) leave room for 
alternatives, should the community see fit.
5) Several new committers since the previous report: Ugo Cei, Marc 
Portier, Guido Casper, Reinhard Pötz, Upayavira and Joerg Heinicke. 
There's a de facto policy that all committers can subscribe to the PMC 
list, but formalization of this, and whether this means they can cast a 
binding PMC vote still needs to be discussed. There's a certain tendency 
that there should be no distinction between active committership and PMC 
membership. Lenya hasn't signed up any new committers since it went into 
incubation, yet.
6) The Cocoon project guidelines and revised charter are under 
construction, being based on a de-formalized branch of the Jakarta ones.

Overall, the Cocoon project is a healthy and friendly community working 
along the Apache spirit, and we expect no sudden problems to emerge.

   - 0 -


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at


2003-08-20 Thread Steven Noels
Hi peeps,

I'm messing around with the GetTogether registration page, which gives 
me a chance to test all this new wonderful Woody  flow stuff, but I'm 
stuck on the usage of Database.js. I'm not planning to use any O/R 
mapping, since I'll have two tables at most.

In PetStoreImpl.js, there's a code fragment that reads:

PetStore.prototype.getConnection = function(id) {
if (true) {
// temporary hack to avoid requiring datasource config in 
var jdbc = 
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:hsqldb:., sa, )
var conn = new Database(jdbc);
if (this.hsql == null) {
// keep hsql in-memory database alive
this.hsql = 
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:hsqldb:., sa, );
return conn;
} else {
// lookup datasource in cocoon.xconf
return Database.getConnection(id);

but since I want to use my cocoon.xconf datasources config, I'm trying 
to set up a connection using:


Registration.prototype.getConnection = function(id) {
return Database.getConnection(id);

var conn = this.getConnection(id);


I'm greeted however with the interesting message: The undefined value 
has no properties. Has anyone already played with this? I'm looking for 
a snippet of sample code, without the weight that Petstore carries, to 
open a connection to a cocoon.xconf-defined pool.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Woody flow example do not work

2003-08-20 Thread Steven Noels
Leszek Gawron wrote:

I do not think it's a thing to be put into bugzilla so it goes here: 
while the standard woody form example is fully functional the flow version
does not allow you to add or remove a contact.
We've debugged this offline already (Marc and myself during a car ride 
this afternoon), and changing line 156-157 into:

if (validator != undefined) {
finished = validator(this)  finished;
will solve this as far as we can see now. But since Sylvain was quite 
specific about this in his commit changing the original version some 
days ago, we've not patched this before getting the word out to him.

Anyway, the reverting patch is attached if you can't wait.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at
Index: src/blocks/woody/java/org/apache/cocoon/woody/flow/javascript/woody.js
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 woody.js
--- src/blocks/woody/java/org/apache/cocoon/woody/flow/javascript/woody.js  16 Aug 
2003 13:22:28 -  1.8
+++ src/blocks/woody/java/org/apache/cocoon/woody/flow/javascript/woody.js  20 Aug 
2003 18:37:12 -
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
 } else {
 this.submitId = undefined;
-if (finished  validator != undefined) {
-finished = validator(this);
+if (validator != undefined) {
+finished = validator(this)  finished;
 if (finished) {

Re: Need help fixing a Woody flow sample

2003-08-21 Thread Steven Noels
Marc Portier wrote:

in terms of best practice I would probably be advocating the use of 
jxtemplate in combinaion with flow rather then xsp

JXTemplate is massive but works nice and dandy.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: can you reach sitemap params from JXTemplate?

2003-08-21 Thread Steven Noels
Jeremy Quinn wrote:

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 10:27 AM, Unico Hommes wrote:

What build are you using. This wasn't working a few weeks ago but has
been fixed.
2.1.1-dev, a couple of days old.
... and I'm running into the same problem, with HEAD from this afternoon.


 map:match pattern=foo/*/bar/*
   map:generate src=forms/{1}-baz.xml type=jx/
   map:transform src=style/site2html.xsl/

page xmlns:jx=;


  jx:when test=${parameters.getParameter('status') == 'success'}
pWe love you./p
pUnfortunately, the processing of your payment failed./p

I also tried any permutation of JEXL and JXPath, but no luck.

Some thoughts aside:

- The contract for exchanging (named) parameters between sitemap, 
flowscript and jxtransformer needs to be solidified (but we knew that)
- I'm slightly annoyed by the abundance of choice with JEXL and JXPath. 
Wouldn't it be better to stick with only one of them?

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: can you reach sitemap params from JXTemplate?

2003-08-22 Thread Steven Noels
Tony Collen wrote:


When I tried wrapping my head around this stuff, I was boggled at the 
choice of two different syntaxes.  IMO this is a weakness and we should 
choose one or the other, but having both makes everything a million 
times more complicated.
Sure. Another thing for the JXTransformer todo list: taking into account 
XML comments. When I'm debugging, I put sections of jxpage code inside a 
comment. They are still executed IIUC.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [WIKI-UPDATE] Main Eventos ExampleApps LeftMenu Fri Aug 22 17:00:052003

2003-08-22 Thread Steven Noels

Page: , version: 224 on Fri Aug 22 14:01:55 2003 by

- Welcome to the little Cocoon documentation Wiki. It is not large, it is not small, it is simply available to anyone actually feeling like adding some info to complement what's on the [main Cocoon web site|]. Type away! Explore the publicist in You! 
+ Welcome gay marcos to the little Cocoon documentation Wiki. It is not large, it is not small, it is simply available to anyone actually feeling like adding some info to complement what's on the [main Cocoon web site|]. Type away! Explore the publicist in You! 
OK, that was interesting.

deny from

If anyone else sees obvious trolls, please tell me.

Now, go away, idiot.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [RT] Improving Sitemap and Flowscript

2003-08-23 Thread Steven Noels
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On Tuesday, Aug 19, 2003, at 22:41 Europe/Rome, Christian Haul wrote:

I know, actions are not liked by everyone, but this is one of the best 
applications for them.

are you suggesting we don't think about adding interception in flow 
because otherwise this would kill the only place where actions have a 
reason to exist?

So, please provide a more convincing use case for the introduction of 
AOP in Cocoon ;-)
Yawn... ;-)

I still believe authentication code should be orthogonal to actual 
application logic, and rather be defined by the container. In this 
discussion, I think 'sitemap' == 'container'. Also, since 
authentication-requiring realms are a part of the overall URI namespace, 
when finding out which parts need authentication, I would check first 
with the container (web.xml) - sitemap.xmap - flowscript.

Not making authentication handling part of your application is one of 
the first things I learned over here, when greeting Giacomo at ApacheCon 
in London.

So, if you guys are talking about authentication with actions vs 
flowscript  interceptors, what are you talking about: doing the 
authentication, or checking authorization?

I'm curious and want to understand better.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [RT] Improving Sitemap and Flowscript

2003-08-24 Thread Steven Noels
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

If you talk to os kernel folks, they think authentication should happen 
right at TCP/IP stack level, if you talk to httpd, they will give you an 
apache module, if you talk to servlet engine folks, they will give you a 
web.xml descriptor or, if you are lucky, a servlet filter, if you talk 
to sitemap lovers, they will give you an action.
Out-of-the-blue-thought (and I had way too much wine last night): 
shouldn't this 'action-in-sitemap' thing be alleviated by an 
'orthogonal-to-the-matchers' thing in the sitemap? So that you end up 
with a section in the sitemap describing the content-generating 
artefacts, and another one listing the authentication realms, maybe 
using the same matcher-like constructs describing which portions of the 
URI space should be protected?

I'm having the slight feeling we are moving stuff into flowscript that 
can mess up good URI practices.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [RT] Improving Sitemap and Flowscript

2003-08-24 Thread Steven Noels
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

One day I hope the anti-flow/pro-action people will simply stop sneaking 
doubts and come up with real arguments on why we shouldn't heavily bet 
on the flow.
I thought we were done with this balkanization thing, didn't we? I for 
one have just finished my first tiny flow-based application, and while I 
still find the edge layer where Java  Javascript meet each other quite 
murky, I had good fun while hacking on it. It's not about just black  
white, Stefano.

What I would like to see, even if some of it might be nonsense, is a 
seriously integrated scripting environment to code the behaviour of a 
webapp, and flowscript is a nice way to start exploring that concept. 
With serious, I mean there should be a way to work with persistency, 
security, and back-end business logic without this stupid Packages 
thing, and, because of the continuous bouncing back  forward between 
Java and JS, not having to worry about the automagic typecasting that 
happens on the border between Java  Javascript.

Syntax-wise, I have about the same problem with JS as I have with Java, 
but that's because I find Python a tad more readible. There's people 
around here that would rather like to code flow in real Java, with 
dynamic recompilation and all that. There's room for diversity, and we 
should exploit that. Even Apples hooks in with the flow at some point. 
asideAnd Apples doesn't mean anything more to me than a personal 
adventure of a guy I like, on the same level of appreciation that Dywel 
has in my mind: nothing wrong with it, but where's the community?/aside

We should work on serious JS-wrapping of services typically used in 
webapps, and extensive Avalonization of existing Cocoon code can help 
with that. There should be formalization of the border area between Java 
 JS, or we will kill ourselves with recurring user questions about the 
lack of explicit semantics  casting.

Over time, I still hope that some Jython guru will pop up and make all 
this also possible using a language I've come to appreciate above JS, 
but that's entirely IMHO.

Of course, if we start from a discours of either you're with us, or 
you're against us, well, all this might take a long time to happen. As 
much as you repeatedly come back on this so-called split between pro and 
contra, I'm quite sure that you are currently misguiding yourself (and 
through such remarks, also this community) about this so-called 
polarization. For myself, I started hating overweight sitemaps a long 
time ago. I'm also pretty sure some of the old action-farts will be 
amongst the people who, eventually, will make sure flowscript reaches 
the same level of robustness, documentation and user support that the 
'old stuff' already has.

Oh, and I did read the rest of your mail, and you were right about AAA, 
interceptors and flow. I understand now. Thanks for your repeated 
efforts in educating the clueless. ;-D


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: 'Production' build for Cocoon?

2003-08-25 Thread Steven Noels
Antonio Gallardo wrote:

P.S: I dont want to fight with nobody here and I am not trying to attack
nobody. Please take my message in the most good sense. Really we need to
work together :)
... and your relentless efforts at such are very much appreciated, Antonio!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/html/lib .cvsignore jtidy-04aug2000r7-dev.jar

2003-08-25 Thread Steven Noels

cziegeler2003/08/25 00:41:18

   lib  jars.xml
  Added:   src/blocks/portal/java/org/apache/cocoon/portal/reading
   lib/optional jtidy-04aug2000r7-dev.jar
   src/blocks/html/lib .cvsignore
  Removed: src/blocks/html/lib jtidy-04aug2000r7-dev.jar
  Contributions to the portal from Friedrich Klenner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
  Gerald Kahrer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Gernot Koller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
I'm getting increasingly annoyed that, to the best of my knowledge, 
these contributions have been made off-list. ASF CVS is _not_ a 
corporate dumping ground.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/html/lib .cvsignore jtidy-04aug2000r7-dev.jar

2003-08-25 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Ui, Steven, hard words. I can understand your irritation, it's not the 
way I would like to see such stuff goes. But offending somebody in such 
an aggressive way on the public list ??
Well, it's the classical case of not paying enough attention before 
pressing the send button. I'm really good at this. :-|

So apologies for the tone, it was intended for the PMC list, and I was 
composing a follow-up message already. But I guess I'd better continue 
the discussion in public:

First, let's make this clear: it's good that people contribute to the 
new portal framework. So thanks, Friedrich, Gerald and Gernot, for 
donating this back to the community. Also, I fully trust Carsten in 
reviewing the code before committing.

OTOH, I'm still seriously concerned with this happening, especially 
since I've seen this before. We (= the Cocoon PMC) have the duty to 
provide legal oversight over the ASF Cocoon codebase. For anything else 
than bugfixes and minor patches, especially for new code, we must ensure 
copyright is correctly transferred, and that the ASF cannot be subject 
of patent infringement lawsuits, and all that. Hence the CLA all 
committers are supposed to sign and fax.

Of course, I'm very confident that Carsten has done this with the best 
possible intentions, but Contributions to the portal is hardly an 
intuitive commit message, and a quick search for the three people 
involved didn't bring up much prior discussion on the lists. If people 
show up off-list with anything but trivial contributions, they should be 
discussed or at the very least mentioned on the dev list before being 

I know I'm not making myself popular here and now, but given the 
increased number of commercial entities involved with Cocoon and its 
community, we're better safe than sorry.

Sorry again for the tone.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at access forbiden (fwd)

2003-08-27 Thread Steven Noels

There's a number of things going on:

 - the migration of all websites from daedalus - minotaur
 - subsequent change of IP addresses and DNS propagation
 - apparently, the ASF is also participating with the SW Patents protest 

I'm pretty sure infrastructure peeps are on the ball, even though a 403 
Forbidden is kinda strange... I'm pretty sure it's the DNS thing though.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 03:45:24 -0600 (CST)
From: Antonio Gallardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: access forbiden


please check the main site of cocoon. It seems like it is down.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

EU Software Patents protest action

2003-08-27 Thread Steven Noels
Hi peeps,

my colleagues are just back from the live demonstration in front of the EU
offices. Several hundreds of people where effectively there, and while we
will never know whether such actions have any effect, I was proud to be
able to tell them that all ASF sites were participating with the online

So whoever who made the necessary changes acting under the root account on 
minotaur: thanks!


Re: Vote for Cocoon on the O'Reilly Open source Directory.

2003-08-28 Thread Steven Noels
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Geoff Howard wrote:

 Robert Simmons wrote:
  Go vote
 Hmmm - the description is taken from the 2.0 site, and no wonder -- the 
 link is to --
 Who can fix that redirect now that 2.1 is released?  And anyone know if 
 we can fix the blurb at

IIRC, Matthew knows the guy behing quite well.


Re: Porting Cocoon Logging to Log4j - Proposal and Discussion

2003-08-28 Thread Steven Noels
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Robert Simmons wrote:

 It is .. Ive been wrong before and I admit Im no Avalon or cocoon source
 code expert. Im very direct in my style and I wish people wouldnt take it
 offensively. I merely abhor cheerleading. There are lots of things I love
 about cocoon but the logging irritates me. *shrug* =^)

From someone who learned this himself the hard way:

In an email conversation, don't expect your recipients to cope with 'your
style' just because you have explained them you mean no harm, and you
'just happen to be direct'.

I find it much more effective if you try and shape your style towards
optimal reception by your recipients: not by easy excuses for your
directness, but by showing _you_ are aware of this directness, and are
willing to tone down in respect for your recipients.

I'll now refrain from helping you in getting connected with this
community, and I do hope you are able to flex your directness into a more
positive style of communication.

Don't expect us to feel honoured just by your presence. The fact you are
coming back says all.

With the best intentions,



Re: Blocks Manual

2003-08-28 Thread Steven Noels
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Robert Simmons wrote:

 Like I said before, I tend to be direct in my language and if I offend, I
 certainly dont mean to and I appologize.

You don't seem to understand what I'm trying to explain, so pardon my

Except for the JMS logging thing, most of your remarks make some sense. 
Now, what if nobody cares enough to actually do the work for you? Will you 
do it yourself?



Re: [Proposal] Simple production build directions

2003-08-28 Thread Steven Noels
Roger I Martin PhD wrote:

Thanks Cocoon developers for thinking thru and working this out.  It is much
Your patience with us, poor human beings, is even more appreciated.



Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/woody/samples/xsl/html woody-default.xsl

2003-08-31 Thread Steven Noels
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Example :
wt:widget id=foo
 wi:styling type=textarea rows=10/
The type attribute defines the style type and all other attributes 
are dependent on this type (and here, copied as is).

What do you think ?
Including the style element directly rather than referring to it with a 
type attribute leaves for more future expansion room and won't mess up 
namespaces if you include direct output elements in the wi:styling/ 
element, IMHO.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/woody/samples/xsl/html woody-default.xsl

2003-08-31 Thread Steven Noels
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Furthermore, use of attributes ensures uniqueness of styling type, which 
is not guaranteed with nested elements.

E.g. what happens if we write :
wt:widget id=foo
   textarea rows=10/
   password size=20/
Will this widget be rendered as a textarea or as a password ? With 
textarea or password being defined by the unique type attribute, 
this problem cannot happen.
Well, it will be up to the stylesheet to define what will happen. And 
since we can't control how people will make use of that stylesheet (edit 
it, or better: import it), I was thinking to just give them an isolated 
zone where they can add any styling info they want, which most likely 
will be copied verbatim to the output form. Your suggestion hints at 
having some definitive list of style widgets, something which I doubt 
will happen. Or we are in a mutual misunderstanding, of course. ;-)

Or do we want wi:styling to be able to hold different styling 
directives and let the layout stylesheet decide which one is best ? 
Mmmh... too much magic...
Definitely. People should be prepared to do some XSL hacking, but we 
shouldn't provide them with anything but a very basic stylesheet.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: CommandManager issues [was Re: Releasing 2.1.1?]

2003-09-02 Thread Steven Noels
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

I'll have to start to play golf just to find a 
use for my tonsils)
Eeeck. Spare us the details! ;-)

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Blocks Manual

2003-08-27 Thread Steven Noels
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Robert Simmons wrote:

 Is there a manual that describes all of what each block in cocoon 2.1
 does ? Perhaps I missed it.

Nope, it isn't there. Don't forget to have a look at,, as well, and as a way to solve all 

It's good to have you back, Robert. While we ain't a bunch of academics,
we still primarily scratch our own itches. We hope our users do as well,
and this, together with some respect for the time all of us voluntarily
contribute to the Cocoon project, is essentially what community-based open
source development is all about. The 'strategy' behind shipping software
with rough edges is two-fold: (1) Cocoon won't be finished until its
community declares so, by no longer contributing to it, and (2) we like to
see every user as a possible future contributor. We don't employ a 
professional helpdesk, since our users happen to help each other, and 
several devs are keen to help with major issues. All this is done in the 
best possible spirit, and I hope you can respect that. Your enquiries are 
meaningful, and many of them would merit being implemented, but it's not 
by simply stating them that they effectively will be resolved. The leaky 
abstraction in software communities is human beings doing the actual work.



Re: dynamic flowscript

2003-09-03 Thread Steven Noels
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

I've seen this behaviour with static files : FlowScript doesn't seem to 
check changes on scripts loaded with cocoon.load().

This is a bug, and the current workaround is to touch the main script file.
I've been experiencing the same, even in the main script.

I have:

var properties = new Properties();
properties.put(, foobar.tld);
var mailSession = new Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
var mailMessage = new MimeMessage(mailSession);
when changing foobar.tld, saving and hitting reload, the mailSession 
instance still points to the old smtp server.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Vote] Releasing 2.1.1

2003-09-03 Thread Steven Noels
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

more seriously: How do we deal with bugfix releases in the future if we
don't have a branch or another repository?
Like we do with 2.0.x? It's just a matter of releasing, actually.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Bug?] Problems with proxy [was [Vote] Releasing 2.1.1 ]

2003-09-03 Thread Steven Noels
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

So, is this only a typo or really a bug?

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Vote] Releasing 2.1.1

2003-09-03 Thread Steven Noels
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

I understand your feelings ...

IMO we should be able to release 2.1.x version in the future. Mabe I'm a
bit afraid of the changes (blocks, fortress, virtual sitemap components)
and how long it takes us to release stable versions of Cocoon (not beta,
not milestone or something else) again if we don't branch or fork our
Look at what happened to 2.0.x: quite some stuff has been backported 
onto it even after 2.1 started achieving release quality. As long as 
anyone goes for it, starting another module or not doesn't mean we 
aren't able to bugfix, backport and release older versions.

Of course, having a separate module for major versions (2.x) makes 
shifting things around a lot easier.

I think so many people (of course including me) were waiting for 2.1 and
I really want to use it for some time in production without doing
alpha/beta testing of 2.2 and I like to have support of bugfix
releases of 2.1 (see the security holes Sylvain fixed recently, maybe we
can release a stable Cocoon Forms, ...).
Am I (and Carsten) alone with this opinions?
Not at all. Don't forget the silent majority.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Vote] Releasing 2.1.1

2003-09-03 Thread Steven Noels
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

I haven't got it: How are we able to release e.g. 2.1.2 without a
branch/new repository without using e.g. Fortress as container (nothing
against Fortress, I'm no specialist in these container things and maybe
this is the reason for my concerns)? I would like to give us some time
until we do a production ready release with all those new things. In
the meantime we should always be able to do a stable 2.1.x release?
Did I miss something?
Nope, you've got my 'hint'. ;-)

IMHO, it's simply unworkable to have major stuff going on in one module, 
over two branches, at the same time. We've been there before with the 
docs and Cocoon2. Now however, some people were quite vocal in 
explaining they still wanted to stick to one module  branch. If they do 
the actual work, they get to decide how things are done (tm). But 
vice-versa as well, of course, which seems to be what Carsten is 
pointing at.

See Sylvain's reply as well.

I'm +1 on a 2.2 module, and +1 on 2.1.1 on Friday. Fortress might be 
something for 2.2 rather than 2.1.1, but I'll leave that to the people 
doing the actual work to decide.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Vote] Releasing 2.1.1

2003-09-03 Thread Steven Noels
Steven Noels wrote:

I'm +1 on a 2.2 module, and +1 on 2.1.1 on Friday. Fortress might be 
something for 2.2 rather than 2.1.1, but I'll leave that to the people 

duh: 2.1.x, of course

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Supporting ApacheCon

2003-09-05 Thread Steven Noels
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

What do you think of putting the nice logo
which can be found at
announcing the ApacheCon on our website as well?
Peeps on the Apachecon list have asked to wait for another week IIRC. 
Otherwise: +1

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Cocoon GetTogether 2003 website opened

2003-09-04 Thread Steven Noels
Dear all,

we've been frantically preparing the information and registration 
website for the upcoming Cocoon GetTogether 2003 on October 7th in 
Ghent, Belgium, and we are very pleased to say that we are open for 
business now.

Please check out

On this site, you'll find the program, speakers and all necessary travel 
and lodging info, which will be updated as the event date approaches.

Last year, we had more than 100 people registering for this unique 
opportunity to meet and intermingle with fellow Cocoonies, and we hope 
to double that number this year.

Mind you that this is *not* a developers-only event, and that many 
sessions are really mini-tutorials which will give you a jumpstart while 
exploring the Cocoon framework.

On the Wiki, you'll also find some relevant pages:

- in case 
you want to know who's coming as well

- for developers 
that want to participate with the Hackathon on the 6th

We have been careful in making this event as low-cost as possible, while 
 moving to a larger and better accessible venue, and we are fully 
committed to provide you with many bangs for your bucks.

On behalf of Orixo, I'd like to cordially invite you to participate with 
this year's edition, and I really look forward to see you in Ghent on 
October 7th.


/Steven - GT 2003 co-organizing puppet
Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Future build

2003-09-09 Thread Steven Noels
Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Thanks for the reply. It is comfortable. :)
Even though cocooning requires comfortable couches and plush pillows, 
I'd rather say 'comforting' here, Antonio. ;-)

Cheers, and tnx of course,

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Problems integrating Cocoon build in our build system

2003-09-09 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

We have a global repository that now also stores the Cocoon 2.1.1 
sources. If one wants to use Cocoon in his project he has to build it 
after setting some properties (the normal local.*.properties). The 
Cocoon sources in the repository shall stay untouched of course. 
Therefore I set the properties ${build.root}, ${tools.tasks.dest}, 
${tools.loader.dest} and almost everything works ...
Joerg, off the top of my head: have you looked at

We use this approach for a large Woody-based project we are working on 
with a customer, and it works rather well.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Announcing 2.1.1

2003-09-09 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

We are helpless without Carsten :-)


Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Hi team,

The 2.1.1 should now have reached the mirrors. Does someone know how 
to update the web site and send the announcements ?
I'll update the main website tomorrow (just the news page on the I wouldn't update the complete right now, since the current content is still 
valid, and the reshuffling that Carsten started seems more aimed at an 
upcoming 2.2 release, and might need some more work. That leaves us with 
the security warning missing from the 2.1 site... maybe a partial update 
of the main page is enough.

I'll send out an announcement after that.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Announcing 2.1.1

2003-09-10 Thread Steven Noels
Christopher Oliver wrote:

Unfortunately I think 2.1.1 contains a Rhino regression I temporarily 
introduced while trying to fix bug 22513 which will cause any scripts 
with nested functions to fail. This includes some of the flow samples 
like PetStore and JXForms.
Duh. Showstopper?

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

on better release and version management

2003-09-10 Thread Steven Noels
Hi folks,

forgive me for putting on my BOFH hat, while making the following 

1) We suck at freezing and stabilizing the codebase prior to releases.

I would suggest that, from now on, the Release Manager puts forward a 
release date after discussion on the dev list, and that there's a 
two-day (!) freeze period where only glaring bugs can be fixed after a 
vote (!) on the list.

The Release Manager him/herself is also only allowed to commit obvious 
version number changes and all that during this two-day Sperr-zone.

During the past few releases, there was a flurry of quick fixes and 
commits happening just hours before Carsten made the tarball, and while 
I'm not immediately aware of any nasty side-effects caused by this, it 
sure doesn't look like there was time for any peer review on these late 
commits, neither did it look organized at all.

2) We need to break from the impasse of 2.1.1 vs 2.2

I suggested yesterday night that the reshuffling of docs that Carsten 
started really seems more apt for a 2.2 release. Also, the switch to 
Fortress and Real Blocks are destined towards that 2.2 release. I 
understand some Avalon peeps are glad to dive in and help us with that, 
which is great, but we should facilitate them.

Some people want to start with a 2.2 CVS module right away, others seem 
more relunctant and want the HEAD of 2.1 to evolve into 2.2. We need to 
decide on this, since it's blocking progress.

My personal opinion is that 2.2 might warrant its own module, but we 
need to discuss its structure and coexistence with old-style blocks code 
in more depth before we ask for its creation to the infrastructure peeps.

3) Given the breakage in the Rhino stuff, and the lack of serious 
testing on the 2.1.1 release, I would refrain from announcing 2.1.1 (not 
retracting it, though) and go for a new target release date for 2.1.2 on 
September 24th. That way, we can discuss at leisure what we are going to 
do with the docs-reshuffling, and people can spend more time on testing 
new stuff.

Please comment!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Cocoon's FOP hardcoded with JAI?

2003-09-10 Thread Steven Noels
Jeff Turner wrote:

I'd be interested to know if any other users experience this problem, and
also why Cocoon needs a recompiled FOP jar in the first place.
Me too, as I'm experiencing the exact same problem as you described, 
with jimi.jar on the classpath. Even worse, there isn't a supported 
version of JAI for Mac OSX.

With the latest binary release version of FOP, I have no problems at 
all, so unless someone objects, I'll revert to that one.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Using FOP's Batik in Cocoon (Re: Cocoon's FOP hardcoded with JAI?)

2003-09-10 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

I know FOP should be built with JAI and JIMI and I thought I have done 
it. Sorry for any inconvenience.
No problem - it brings a sense of reality about our user base and their 
upgrade frequency, when we discover these things ourselves only after a 
few weeks or so. ;-)

The remaining question: Is Fop 0.20.5 incompatible to Batik 1.5? Is 
building a fop.jar for Cocoon the correct way or must we downgrade the 
Batik version?
From what I see on forrest-dev, Jeff has switched back to 
batik-1.5b4-fop.jar which comes with FOP. Maybe we should do that as well.

I'm on JDK1.4.1 without need for SVG processing though, so I cannot 
easily test eventual 1.3.1 issues.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Removing usage of LogKitManager / LogKitManagable

2003-09-11 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Ok, with this change we should have satisfied Robert Simmons at the end.
A day worthy of remembrance.

Thanks, Peter!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: on better release and version management

2003-09-11 Thread Steven Noels
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

I expect this and that's the reason why I think that a stable 2.2
release will take some time (I think that's not a matter of a few months
but much more) and why I like Carsten's proposal.
Grmbl. Bruno and I were just trying to argumentize against each other 
about both scenarios, and I'm stuck with a few issues that I would like 
the repository reshuffling see resolve.

Here's some feelings (not facts) I want to share with this discussion:

1) There's a decent amount of (positive!) FUD about the new blocks. All 
in all, I don't think that the actual coding of the new classloading and 
block deployment architecture code is much more cumbersome that what 
Sylvain once did with the TreeProcessor, and Stefano did with the build 
system. Yes, it will take time, but it's just a matter of finding time, 
motivation and energy to do the job. We tend to discuss for a long time 
about such issues, possibly longer than the actual coding actually 
requires. In the end, it's about getting on with it, and someone (which 
we will be very grateful for) diving deep into it and resurfacing when 
it's done. Ditto with Fortress. I'm naively hoping that some F2F time 
during the GT will help in finding that energy, and getting some 
commitment from people who need to shift between for-pay and for-free 
work on a daily basis.

2) My main concern with all this restructuring is however release 
management, and the user-facing perspective of our community work. We 
need to arrive to a situation where blocks can be independently released 
from Cocoon core releases, so that people who feel a faster drive to 
work on specific features can get on with the job, without being 
demotivated by long periods of no releases due to one zillion 
dependencies. So maybe we should move all blocks code into a separate 
module, and establish an independent release schedule (at the whim of 
the actual block release manager) for them.

3) This brings us to the eternal discussion about the definition of core 
and non-core. Maybe, be splitting out block code from the main module, 
and actively trying to slim down the main one even more, we will end up 
with a better community sense of what can be considered 'core', and what 
should be consired a block. We could even consider the TraxTransformer a 
block on its own, if we restrict the core to the pipeline, caching, 
sitemap and flow machinery. We could envision a packaged stable build of 
Cocoon which includes the core and then some core blocks. The rest is 
developed and released on its own schedule, and can, given the 
dependency checking in the new blocks paradigm shift (yes, it's more 
about a shift of perception than actual rearchitecturing) be safely 
released outside the main release schedule.

This is just a quick braindump of my current feelings about all this. 
Hopefully it can contribute positively to this recurring discussion. 
Ending on a filosophical note: in the end, we should be driven by hope, 
not by fear. If we manage to come up with a stable 2.1.2 release within 
some weeks, I'm pretty sure our users have plenty of new, stable 
releases to play with while we get our act together.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: on better release and version management

2003-09-11 Thread Steven Noels
Geoff Howard wrote:

I am undecided but something occurred to me in the shower this AM which 
made me wonder whether Carsten's proposal will work.  As blocks evolve 
into real blocks, the changes will need to happen right in the 
src/blocks.  Can we guarantee (or will it be too painful to ensure) that 
all changes will be back-compatible with 2.1?  IOW, we will soon start 
having new configurations, etc. moving into the blocks source, possibly 
shuffling around of dir structure and probably deprecating some things 
currently necessary (like some of the configuration patching).  Just 
thinking out loud...
Exactly, and also one of my concerns with Carsten's proposal. We can't 
demand backwards-compatibility from block developers, and if blocks are 
shared between version from inside the 2.1 workspace, this would be the 

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

[OT] when is software finished [was: Re: on better release and version management]

2003-09-11 Thread Steven Noels
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

From: Bruno Dumon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


I expect Woody to also take another year or so before it can 
be considered stable (in terms of interfaces, not code).

... that long? I expected it to be stable sooner (end of this year).
What's open? (I already added this discussion point to
On a lighter note: we have a running joke over here about when is 
software considered 'finished'.

It can be because the community around it dies, or because the author 
considers it to be perfect, and not requiring any fixes, refactorings or 
feature additions anymore.

The funny thing is that an author sometimes declares its child finished 
because the community has died.

OTOH, 'ls', 'tar' or 'deltree' could well be considered finished 
software without any negative connotations.

Oh well, this is all geek humor (which is another running joke around 
here [1]), which we all be glad to share with all of you on the 7th of 
October (hint hint ;-))

[1] Geek humor being the kind of humor that erupts from male IT 
professionals if they've spent too much time behind their terminals, 
thinking what they have been doing will effectively change the 
rotational direction of our green globe. Geek humor can have two side 
effects: 1) you make a joke of yourself, being aware of the fact that 
many other things in life can have much more effect on that rotation 
than the lines of code and email you have been creating during the day, 
or 2) others make fun of you since you, taking yourself to serious, 
passionately start to explain how much fun it would be to change the 
earth's rotation, just because you can. Continuously swapping both 
perspectives while working in an open source community caters for longer 
periods between burn-outs. :-D

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Vote] Antonio Gallardo and Tony Collen as Cocoon committers

2003-09-11 Thread Steven Noels
David Crossley wrote:

I propose Antonio Gallardo and Tony Collen to be Cocoon committers.

A warm welcome to both of you.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [ANN] Apache Forrest 0.5 released

2003-09-14 Thread Steven Noels
Jeff Turner wrote:

The Forrest team is pleased to announce the release of
Apache Forrest 0.5.  The release is available at
Congrats, folks!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [shameless plug] Let's GetTogether

2003-09-15 Thread Steven Noels
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I'm writing this because the 
more we are, the more fun we get and the more cocoon will grow and the 
more fun we can get in the future.
Gee, thanks, Stefano. That was a pleasant surprise. :-)

As the person who organized this last year, and who, after careful 
consideration, decided to 'give the event away' to a larger 
organisation, and who is now frantically reloading the attendee counter 
page, please allow me to step forward and express some of my thoughts:

- people attract people, so for sure the lengthy registration period 
last year helped with attracting lots of attendees. Since the event is 
now carefully scheduled away from ApacheCon, the preparations had to be 
starting during the summer, which, as you all know, is a great period 
for planning (not).

- because it was free last year, we had 115 registrations, of which 
however 25 didn't show up. People who were there will remember the huge 
amount of leftover toasts and sandwiches near the end of the evening 

- this year however, things have changed. Due to the financial loss my 
company incurred after the first GT (you'll hear no complaints from me 
about that, since it was well worth it, exactly because of the things 
Stefano mentioned), I decided to 'give the event away' to a larger 
organization. There's two benefits to that: the GT can survive me and my 
company, and we can start travelling around Europe.

- the way Orixo cooperates on this, is through some sort of insurance 
service. Outerthought still pays the bills and all that, but when we 
incur losses, they will be split across the participating companies. We 
do not - repeat: do not - intend to make money over the GT, ever. Also, 
we carefully budgetted the registration fee to back that claim.

- given these thoughts, and the hope that the event would grow bigger 
during its second year, we went for a larger venue, which is also more 
easily accessible than last year. I paid them a visit this morning, and 
took some snapshots during that:

- surely you shouldn't come because it is held in a beautiful historical 
building (although I'm sure this will add to the GT atmosphere). You 
should come because you want to learn about Cocoon and its community.

- my personal pet-peeve-worry is that _users_ of Cocoon are afraid to 
register since they fear the GT is for hard-core-geeks- or 
committers-only. I urge you to take a look at the program, and change 
that perception (if it exists at all). As many people told me last year: 
they learned more about Cocoon during that one day, than by spending a 
year on the mailing lists.

I hope I didn't waste too much time with this plea, and I really hope 
that the GT becomes an annual tradition for us, Cocoonies.

If you have anything to say about this, please contact me, on- or off-list.

Warm regards,

/Steven - no hats, just being myself ;-)
Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: on better release and version management

2003-09-19 Thread Steven Noels
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

snip type=happy agreement/

I tried to address this issue several times in the last weeks, well, 
without much success.
One thing I want to stress again: *if* we would make a new repository
for 2.2 and duplicate all code, this would include the blocks as well.
So we would not only end up with the two versions to maintain for the core
but for each and every block as well! 
And this makes imho no sense. It's ok for the core, if we say 2.1 is only 
bug-fixing from now on. But it makes absolutely no sense for blocks. 
I think the development of blocks should be independent from the
development of the core. With duplicating the code we loose this.

So, whatever we decide, I'm -1 on duplicating the block code.
My problem with the blocks code is that reusing the 2.1 blocks code 
would force people to make blocks upwards-compatible, slowing down 
transitioning between old- and new-style blocks.

During the Hackathon on the 6th, I will be busy with GT preparations, so 
I won't be able to participate much with the discussions. :-( Anyway, 
please be assured that Bruno and I discussed the aspect of compatibility 
at length, and IIRC Bruno has been jotting down notes for this 
bound-to-be-happening IRL discussion. I don't think that we can 1) 
require 2.2 compatibility by all blocks, since some of them are only 
worked on by a few people, and 2) we should hinder progress on 2.2 
blocks by requiring them to be stuck in the 2.1 repository. I know that 
we will try and do our best to keep the 2.1 version of Woody in a sane 
state after 2.2 development starts, most probably also backporting new 
things that happen along the 2.2 'branch'. Still, we want a freeway for 
2.2 development, should the need arise.

Does that help? Or do I misunderstand your view on this matter?

(me being happy to at least being able to contribute _something_ this days)

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: on better release and version management

2003-09-19 Thread Steven Noels
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

A few points:

 1) there is no *block* code in cocoon 2.1, everything is done by the 
Hey, I knew that already! ;-)

 2) blocks in 2.1 and blocks in 2.2 are a single block.xml file away.
Given all this stuff of block-specific classloading and much more 
technical details that I'd love to understand all about, I'm seriously 
wondering whether a block.xml will be the only difference between a 2.1 
and a 2.2 block. Or am I completely misguided by my phantasy? (could 
well be, I have a vivid imagination)


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: on better release and version management

2003-09-19 Thread Steven Noels
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Yeah. That's one of my qualities/defaults (depending on the context) : I 
hear all opinions, make a synthesis and sometimes claim that it's my own 
idea ;-)
Ha. :-)

You couldn't get away with it this time! :-D

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Event handling in Woody

2003-09-19 Thread Steven Noels
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Marc Portier wrote:

in fact I thought about this from the start, but failed to explain to 
myself how it should look like (I also kept on mixing it up with 
client-side javascript) 

Well, if you fail to explain to yourself, I understand why we sometimes 
don't understand your posts ;-D
A ROFL from the peanut gallery. :-D

In the office, there's of course the benefit of a whiteboard and all 
visual clues of body language - maybe Marc should augment his posts with 
a video taping of himself. ;-)

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: on better release and version management

2003-09-21 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

IMO this is difficult to maintain. If someone wants to look on the code 
base of a block he has to search for its dependencies first or search 
for the code at different places. Can't we extract the blocks from 2.1 
as they are at the moment and move them to cocoon-blocks module, so 
that they are collected at one place.
I like this: +1

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [proposal] Keep the docs list for wiki updates only

2003-09-21 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

+1 I have no problems with the proposal. Even the wiki messages are 
sometimes not that useful, because only the last change in an hour is 
sent. If an unfriendly person knows that he can spoil a page and obscure 
his act by a simple re-save.
Yep. I'll have a look at that - dunnow if the individual page history is 
available across the XMLRPC interface though.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [Vote] Releasing next version

2003-09-24 Thread Steven Noels
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

With respect to the recent thread about release management, I propse
a release date of October, 1th which would include a freeze of the
cvs starting on monday, 29th.
+1 - let's do a serious freeze this time.

a) Make a 2.1.2 release on October, 1th

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

issues running forrest on cocoon-site module

2003-09-24 Thread Steven Noels
Hi all,

the idea behind the property in the in cocoon-site module must be that Forrest overwrites 
the site subdir in that module with updated html when one regenerates 
the main website.

My problem however is that existing files seem not to be overwritten by 
the CLI, outputted HTML files seem to be passed into the bitbucket. I've 
seen this behaviour both on W2K and MacOSX, and am now wondering how you 
guys regenerate that site section.

Bruno checked on his machine and this behaviour seems to be reproducible 
on Linux as well, so I guess it's a CLI bug, since the output directory 
seems to be passed nicely into the CLI invocation build.xml section.

Can anyone confirm this?


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: issues running forrest on cocoon-site module

2003-09-24 Thread Steven Noels
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

The pages are generated at cocoon-site/build/ context/ tmp/ site/ (don't 
know the exact path). I copied them by hand to cocoon-site/site. So the 
CLI works, but either the output directory is wrong (or interpreted in a 
wrong way) or the pages have to be copied.
Yep, that's what I've been doing so far. If you change 
to '.', the output gets written alongside the source documents. Logical, 
but weird.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [IMP] Code Freeze and Release [was: [Vote] Releasing next version]

2003-09-25 Thread Steven Noels
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

This implies - as discussed - a code freeze starting on
monday morning. From that point on, only changes to the
docs and bug fixes are allowed to be checked in.
... only AFTER discussion/notification on the dev list. (I'd add: 
,existing patches in Bugzilla notwithstanding., but I'm afraid some of 
them are a bit aged, and would warrant some public review and discussion 
before being applied during the freeze period. Something we'll all have 
to decide at our own discretion.)

Let's try and make this a decent freeze period.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: CVS + Tunneling + Commit Messages

2003-09-25 Thread Steven Noels
Tony Collen wrote:

I can checkout, update, commit things just fine, and it appears that the 
tunnel is working correctly.  However, when I commit something, the 
message does not seem to be hitting the list.  I suspect one of the 

1) I am not actually doing anything wrong, or
2) My strange setup is causing the mail to not go out,
3) The cvs list is lagged
Nope, we just had to moderate your first commits through, and have you 
put on the -allow list for future commits.

Should be OK now.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [GT] Ghent 2003 - Meeting on Sunday Evening?

2003-09-30 Thread Steven Noels
Christian Haul wrote:

As many arrive already on Sunday evening, I'd like to propose to meet
and share a some food or a beer (maybe two,...).
Steven suggested de Vooruit
It's a large Grand Cafe, used to be the bastion of the Socialist 
Workers Union. No real food, though, but there's stuff in the neighbourhood.

For the geographically inclined, it is situated near het Zuid, which 
used to be the quarter of many pleasures quite some time ago. It's about 
a 20 minute walk from the city center. Oh BTW: Ghent is a quite peaceful 
place at night. And yes, once you booked yourself into your room, you 
should be able to wander around by foot in Ghent, it's pretty compact if 
you know your way around. A map is required, though: the city has been 
build before geographical planning became a common practice.

So, I suggest those interested in meeting should turn up starting
2000h. Look out for some English talking Geeks with GetTogether 2002
T-shirts ;-)
I'll pop in for a drink around 21:00 is all goes well.

Spoiling Marc's fun of a first post, we switched plans for the Hackathon 
on Monday as well. The Hackathon will be held in Het Pand as well, 
which will reduce the transportation problem considerably. But he will 
put stuff up on the Wiki to inform those who attend.


Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [BUG] Building docs failed

2003-10-02 Thread Steven Noels
David Crossley wrote:

I see three solutions:
a) Revert the restructuring
b) Update the site
c) Do nothing
What do you think?

We have a dilemma, or is that a trilemma. Lets make it a quadrilemma ...

d) One of us rolls back just our site.xml, or whatever it is
that creates the menus, and commits just the generated changes.html
Yeah, still risky but it is another option.
e) forego the entire, increasingly clumsy CVS deployment mechanism and 
do an scp instead. The live copy of the website resides in 
/www/, the CVS repo of cocoon-site resides in 
/home/cvs/cocoon-site/, on the same physical server. The CVS deployment 
mechanism has been invented to give infrastructure@ people the 
possibility to easily rebuild the website(s) from the cvs modules upon a 
server crash. Given the fact that both resources reside on the same 
machine, I don't know how this would work.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source Java  XMLAn Orixo Member
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

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