Re: [OSM-dev] Automatic generation of short_name / alt_name where missing and obvious

2020-11-21 Thread Roland Olbricht via dev

Is there some existing code/library/tool for generating obvious
short_name / alt_name from other tagged data?

Specifically for shortened names, this list of common abbreviations
could help:

Thank you for the pointer. At least for German (and for French as far as
I can judge) please take it with a grain of salt:
- The by far fast common practices to shorten names are to resort to
KFZ-Kennzeichen (district codes), i.e. "K-Süd" is the short_name for
- In 95% of Germany (everywhere except Berlin), the abbreviaton of
"Bahnhof" is "Bf"
- the suffix "straße" resp. "Straße" is shortened to "str." resp.
"Str.", everything else is uncommon
- French street names are shortened by entirely removing the generic
parts, i.e. "Place Victor Hugo" has short_name "Victor Hugo"

I would not be surprised if the other languages have regional or
personal biases, too.


dev mailing list

Re: A functioning Public Transport plugin

2020-11-13 Thread Roland Olbricht via josm-dev

Hi all,

thank you for the feedback.

Furthermore, this plugin is closed-source (as far as I know), so it cannot be 

The plugin is open source, see

The problem is that maintaining the plugin is a lot of work. I abandoned
the development long ago because public transport v2 would have meant
too much work, because the scheme has inherent flaws. Any such flaw does
fall on the developer multiple times, for implementation, for developing
test cases for all the undefined corner cases, for a UI that explains
what the software actually does.

By contrast, updating to a single different set of tags for stop poles
is not a substantial problem.

This would mean you could immediately add all the stops in the click of a 
button, and sort broken relations in a click of a button.

Since writing this plugin, the relation editor has superseded most of
the way sorting features. Thus, it no longer makes sense to duplicate
the sorting capabilities in a distinct plugin.

I would nowadays add buttons to the relation editor rather than a
separate relation editor.

There is also an unfinished routing algorithm in the plugin. I never had
found a reasonable UI to exhibit that to the end user.

Best regards,


Re: JOSM development in the last year

2020-01-02 Thread Roland Olbricht

>> - 54% Windows, 37% Linux, 9% MacOS (Linux numbers are going up...)

I'm surprised by the Windows/Linux ratio.
I always noticed a quite stable ratio around 70% Windows, 20% Linux, 10%
Mac (+/- 5% margin).
Isn't just that more Linux people used JOSM during the holidays than
Windows people? Such an increase looks strange otherwise.

It might be Oracle's license conditions. In the corporate environment,
using the Oracle JRE requires a commercial license. Installing the JRE
of OpenJDK is possible and JOSM runs with it, but counter-intuitive in
multiple steps.

I myself have written instructions for my collegues how to install the

Given that Windows is in particular popular amongst companies and users
with limited tech competence, that new threshold might have scared off

Best regards,

[OSM-dev] Overpass v0.7.55.7 fixes vulnerability

2019-05-03 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hello everybody,

a new update of Overpass API is available. As this fixes a security
issue, I strongly encourage you to install the fix right now.
The release is as usual available via
The public servers have already been updated.

The issue is XSS, i.e. you can place arbitrary HTML such that it appears
to originate from the Overpass server by sending a crafted request to
the server. No personal data has been leaked because Overpass servers do
not process any. No attack in the wild is known so far. Details will
follow in a couple of days.

I would like to thank the people that have reported the vulnerability.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [Talk-GB] OSM augmented reality project - affordable hosting recommendations or Overpass?

2019-02-05 Thread Roland Olbricht


As an alternative, I was wondering how acceptable it would be to use the 
Overpass API to obtain the data? Downloaded data would be cached on the 
device so for a given area, data would only need to be downloaded once.

I'm fine with such a usage. The fine print is about other issues:

- Overpass API does support GeoJSON indirectly, but GeoJSON does not 
support EPSG:3857, see

To get GeoJSON I suggest

convert link ::=::,::geom=geom();
out geom;

where (south,west,north,east) is the bounding box.

As an act of courtesy I suggest to set the "Accept-Encoding: deflate, 
gzip" header and use

if (count(ways) < 2)
  convert link ::=::,::geom=geom();
  out geom;
  make error what="Too many ways in this bounding box";

This compresses the data and bails out if there are more than 2 ways 
in the bounding box, corresponding to between 1 MB and 2 MB of data. 
Overpass would happily deliver about 1 GB per user and day, but the 
users may have data plans with rather 1 GB per month.


dev mailing list

Re: josm Keyboard input stops working

2019-01-07 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hi all,

Look at

For me its dead simple to reproduce ... Still exists in current josm
with openjdk 8 and 11. I am on Linux but others have reported the
Problem on Windows.

I had the issue both on Windows and Linux (Windows 7 64Bit, Ubuntu 
14.04, and Ubuntu 16.04). It did never materialize in any reproducible 
way, sometimes after barely a minute, sometimes not on session over 
multiple hours.

At the moment, everything is fine (on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 16.04). This 
includes the setting that you have described.

Given that the JOSM core developers might face the same situation, I 
suggest to collect as much information as possible, in particular the 
Java environment, the active plugins, all their version and so on.

Could you check whether the problem persists even on a JOSM without any 

Best regards,

Re: [OSM-dev] How to find the way with the most relation memberships

2018-08-27 Thread Roland Olbricht

shows that this has happended already 2015 and in changeset 33711981. It 
is notable that

- the user made otherwise many useful contributions
- there are two version fo that relation within the changeset, only 6 
minutes apart
This makes it most probable that the editor (an old Potlatch version) 
had a bug, and that the bug most likely had been fixed long ago.

The other affected relation 5328067 (replace twice in the query) is from 
the same changeset and has the same number of duplicate members, which 
also is well in line with an editor bug.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Roland Olbricht


brief and frank: The suggested way that users of Overpass API have to 
sign up as OSM users would cause a downtime of some months and a 
development backlog of more than a year, or kill the project entirely.

Because this sounds harsh, I will explain that further down.

The key point is: please do not bind information intended for data 
processors to OSM user accounts.

The only alternatives I can see would be:

1. Stop distributing who-did-what-when information
[...] it would create a privileged class inside OSM
[...] 2. Take the view that distributing the data is what we do and tough
luck, you've signed up to it.

As Simon has pointed out there is another alternative. And I have 
understood so far the OSMF that way wanted to follow that way:

as has been outlined before, 3rd parties using OSM data with user data
will be acting as independent data controllers and will not be
processing data on behalf of the OSMF (which would require a DPA and all
the associated complications). They will have to make their own
determinations on how to deal with the situation. We will  provide some
support to such entities to help them fulfil their legal obligations
(for example a list of deleted users), but that's it.

In particular, data processors do a much better job if they do not deal 
with OSM accounts at all, avoiding having and triggering extra 
who-viewed-what data.

Most important, privacy relevance varies heavily with context. Hence I 
will and should inform users about different risks than the OSMF, and 
HDYC may again decide to stress other aspects. A central ToU cannot do 
that. Also, for that reason the GDPR is a law and not a suggestion for a 
contract, and the OSMF decided to handle it as such.

To give an analogy, think of blades. It is forbidden by law to injure or 
kill someone, and blades of any kind do pose a risk. Kitchen knives can 
be used to stubb someone, but nobody every got stubbed with a kitchen 
blender. By contrast, user may harm themselves when using a kitchen 
blender. For that reason, you should be informed about the blades in the 
kitchen blender's manual, but no knife salesman in the world would 
require you to sign a contract not to stubb someone else with the knife. 
Conversely, giving too detailed information what approaches of stubbing 
are physologically risky and which are harmless could be abused as 
how-to-stub instructions.

Taking GDPR serious means every data processor must decide which use 
cases they make simple, which use cases they make hard, and tailor the 
documentation according to that. For example, for that reason Overpass 
API has no feature to track all actions of a single user. I have 
proposed a declaration tailored to Overpass API on the FOSSGIS list (the 
FOSSGIS is sponsoring the server operations), and I would prefer to go 
forward with that one. A central ToU does not help, hence having it 
ticked or not is of no interest to the data processor.

Then there is the problem that regardless whether you expect that OSM 
users will read or just tick the box, you have downsides:
- If you expect that users do read the ToU then we will scare away users 
that just signed up to fix a POI and find themselves scrolling through 
pages of legalese on a mobile phone
- If you do not expect that users read the ToU then the bad guys in 
particular won't do, and no judge ever would count that as an 
appropriate technical protection of data

In addition, this is stealing users' attention from more important 
matter. Our contributor terms have quite some content and that so for a 

On the technical side, things are even worse. The elephant in the room 
is OAuth. OAuth is built on in particular the assumptions that

- the consumer ("the website") acts stateful
- sessions are relatively long-lived, i.e. some seconds to some hours
- the identity provider has the cross-origin assets
All three are not true for Overpass API which means that I have to work 
around OAuth or significantly mess with it.

For example, implementing to have sessions on Overpass API will require 
to develop a full-fledged security system to deal with the hundres of 
potential modes of attacks on session based systms. Even if that works, 
the median runtime for a request on Overpass API is well below a second, 
and just the roundtrip times for the OAuth threesome communication sum 
up to more. We have not even started to talk about the plethora of error 
messages that need to be formulated, explained, and implemented.

On top of that, the OAuth idea means that each and every sequence of 
user data access will trigger an event on the central OSM OAuth server. 
This is quite Orwellian. Even if you do not store that information, your 
friendly agency of choice will do so on the line that connects the server.

Additionally, if you monitor "independend processors" so closely, it is 
questionable whether they are not seen as disguised contractors by a judge.

I can live with the 

[OSM-dev] Changes on

2018-05-23 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hello everybody,

given that the GDPR is going into effect tomorrow and there have been 
plans announced to restrict the minute diffs:

Whet is the state of this? Is it sufficient to send HTTP basic auth (via 
HTTPS) with a dedicated user from tomorrow on to continue consuming the 
diffs (with metadata)? Or are there specific requirements, like using 
OAuth? Or is there simply no change tomorrow, and the restriction will 
be announced separately?

What I would like to avoid is to poison the client side database with 
fake user data.

Best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Working with OSM data with less or no metadata

2018-02-14 Thread Roland Olbricht


- timestamps however cannot only potentially be used in lieu of 
changeset ids to group contributions, the information itself is 
problematic because it allows to profile contributions over time

Timestamps are necessary to correctly figure out which nodes have 
belonged to a certain version of a way, and similarly for ways and nodes 
belonging to relations.

More generally:

- What is planned with regard to minute diffs? Stripping extra 
information will inevitably break tools like Achavi

- Tools will need substantial time (I would estimate 3-6 months for 
Overpass API) to adapt in a meaningful way. What is the schedule of the 
LWG to take decisions?

- How about simply asking the users for consent? We could then
-- make a clear-cut last complete history dump before the date
-- start with a planet dump without history before that date afterwards 
that then accumulates history only from users that have given consent

Personally, I would prefer a solution as easy as dropping usernames and 
uids but retaining changeset ids, timestamps and the geometry/tag data.
That way we display goodwill, but do not cripple the tools that have 
proven useful or crucial to run the project.

Please note that in the context of an API without user interface, it is 
a substantial challenge in itself to have any form of (OAuth or so) 


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] overpass query question

2018-01-02 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hi Jason,

In addition to mmd's answer, you can let the intersection take place in 
the element queries:

query = """[timeout:25];
area[admin_level=8][boundary=administrative][name="{0}"] INTERSECTS

out body

can be realised as

out body;

An example with Worcester:

Best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Querying for non-native characters in name field

2017-01-31 Thread Roland Olbricht

I want to be able to do an overpass query for Iceland where name= field
contains non-Icelandic characters. These could be for example Chinese,
Cyrillic or even other European characters (such as âà for example). I'm
guessing it could be difficult for the latin characters but hopeful it
would be easier for non-latin alphabets.

Is there a magic formula for achieving this?

I suggest, as a refinement of Ilya's query, this one:

As it may help for other languages, I explain how I got to this:

1. Start with

out count;

This is basically an all-nodes-in-Iceland-with a name. The important 
part is the "out count". This assures that you are not flooded with 
results. For the same reason it is enough to start with nodes: We do not 
want a final result now. But we want to create a senstive search term. 
For this reason, we will even get down to just a subset of all nodes in 
a second.

2. Clamp down to

out count;

These are all nodes that contain at least one character different from a 
latin letter. These are still many. Therefore:

3. Get examples with

out 100;

This prints some random 100 results (in fact: the 100 matches with 
lowest node id). Now we can look at the name fields and get an idea what 
we would like to exclude in addition.

4. Start to narrow down with

node(area)[name~"[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]"];
out 100;

Spaces and digits are OK even before we start to accept all the special 
characters from Icelandic.

This process is now repeated until the sample contains no more false 
positives. Finally, we expand this to all three types of OSM elements, 
in the expectation that not much false positives appear.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass-API 0.7.52 : HTTP 429 error even after kill_my_queries

2016-06-16 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hi all,

It seems that GET kill_my_queries request won't prevent oAPI to give
HTTP 429 error.

thank you for reporting the issue. I've made an extra API call to 
improve the situation.

To faciliate documentation, I've written the details at the overpass 
developers mailing list:

Best regards,


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Minute replication hiccup

2016-02-12 Thread Roland Olbricht

Dear all,

something strange has happened to

The (and probably other servers) have received a version 
with 3322 bytes on 2016-02-12 02:25 UTC, but the current version is much 
bigger. Subsequent diffs will miss OSM nodes and ways if you try to work 
based on the older version.

To get out of the problem, I have stopped the minute update process 
right now. I'll replay the clone from
and re-apply the updates again, with the newly downloaded

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Output relations from Overpass API geo analysis

2015-09-02 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hi all,

Example : 2 nodes inside 1 way (total : 6 nodes).
Output : A relation without any OSM id with 3 members : the way
(role=enclosing) and 2 nodes (role=inside).

I'm sorry, there is no such feature at the moment. I'll put it on the 
list of requested features.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Acceptable use of Overpass API?

2015-04-19 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hi Nick,

However I don't want users to have to download a huge OSM or GraphHopper
file covering the whole of England and Wales: I would prefer users to
download small tiles of OSM data (say 10km x 10km) of their local area,
which could then be cached on their device. The conversion to
GraphHopper format could be done on the device.

It is perfectly well within the usage policy. The quota, by the way, 
doesn't apply here because it is per IP address, not per appplication.

Such a tile is (gzip compressed) usually between 100 KB and 1 MB each. 
Thus, a user trying to download 1 tiles would anyway exceed his 
mobile plan for the month.

furthermore I could route requests through a
proxy on my own server which ensures that no more than 5000 (to be safe)
requests to Overpass per day are made.

While I appreciate that offer, the direct access is not a problem and an 
advantage in terms of quotas per IP. What I would rather want to ask you 
is to include a user agent.

I addition, both your users and I would be grateful if you can send the 

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

That will save bandwidth in particular on the mobile plans (and also 
speed up handling on the server side).



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] New overpass development mailing list

2015-02-24 Thread Roland Olbricht


is there any English interface to subscribe or read the archive of
this list?

Yes, look at the lower left corner and select English (or even German).

Or this there any other reason why you did not let the list being
created at

Please see

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass ql problem using around/radius

2014-11-18 Thread Roland Olbricht


thank you for the feedback. This is a perfectly valid enhancement of the 
software. Could you please open an issue at

With a bounding box, this works:

out body;
out skel qt;

But if If substitute the first line for around: [around:15000,51.38138,
it throws an error: *Error*: line 1: parse error: ']' expected - ',' found.

Is this expected behaviour?


There is no global around feature so far. This is for a couple of 
reasons. The most important is that around is currently painfully 
slow, in particular a lot slower than bbox. I would like to improve 
the performance first to make this hypothetical feature run within an 
acceptable time for the user.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Mapnik-Glitch Schwarzwald

2014-11-16 Thread Roland Olbricht


Although the rendering stack in general works excellent, there is a 
strange glitch near Stuttgart in Germany:
contains the string Schwarzwald (which doesn't belong there)
but there is no element with a tag of any key with value Schwarzwald 
anywhere near, c.f.

The phenomenon has sustained a re-rendering, with rendering times from
Sat Nov 15 19:03:44 2014
Sun Nov 16 01:45:21 2014

Can somebody please explain where this Schwarzwald comes from? Or give 
a hint where to look next to understand the glitch?

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] JOSM plugin public transport update (Google Summer of Code program)

2014-03-18 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello Markus,

I'm sorry for the delayed answer. I'm currently preparing my talks on the 
FOSSGIS conference (German version of SotM) and this took much more time than 

 I thought about algorithm guessing connection type based on:
 - common tags on ways that contain selected nodes

This is really smart. It would avoid most of the time bothering the user.

 - what type was previously selected (i.e. if a user had selected a type X
   in the past, then this selection will be assumed as more likely the next

Also a good idea although I would see this rather as choosing which item to 

 Some types would be predefined. There would be possibility to edit existing
 and add more.
 A connection type would have:
 - name
 - icon (not sure, requires testing whether it would be helpful)
 - set of data about tags that would identify ways that can be included
 - tags that must appear
 - tags that indicate this route type
 - tags that should not appear and indicate that it is not this type
 - tags that must not appear

Additionally, features with certain tags could and should block routing even 
if they just cross the path without sharing a nnode. Think of a gate 
(barrier=gate or a military no-go area).
 I like this idea, but is it big enough to qualify as entire project?
 Maybe yes, especially after considering that things often are harder than
 expected and take far more time than it seemed at start.

Yes, it is big enough. It is more more meritful to arrive at a useful piece of 
code first and then do one or more exciting features on top than a monolithic 
goal that could (and then, by Murphy's law, will) fail completely.

 In this project I see following parts
 - creation of ticket on JOSM bugtracker (I am not expecting this, but in
   case that JOSM developers reject the entire idea I would instead create
   plugin with this functionality).
 - collecting use cases (two nodes + what ways would be expected to be
   found by algorithm)
 - setting up development environment, with ability to build JOSM
 - interface (new position in tool menu, icon, fetching data about what is
   selected, error messages)
 - algorithm that will find suitable connection (probably A* with cost

- Deal with various tagging variants.
- Deal with features intersecting without nodes when they should block 
- Make a proper handling of implicit way splitting (may require user action, 
but the less the better. Users wouldn't accept to click through hard-to-
understand and possibly multiple modal windows).
- Make a proper Undo (This one being particular important)
- Maybe cope with runtime and/or space constraints

 Subsequently I would add handling of connection types
 - fixing bugs reported by user, encountered in released version
 - modification of algorithm (multiple A* searches? Maybe something
   smarter and faster would be needed.)
 - interface (selecting connection type)
 - loading user-defined connection types in reasonable and editable format
 - definitions of some obvious types

- Making a user interface to handle user-defined connection types, might be a 
quite large sub-editor).
- Fitting that into the various JOSM storage ideas (File format, storage in 
the central JOSM wiki repository, store in local user preferences).

- Probably i18n for the interface parts.

- Find sensitive testing case and defend the whole thing on various community 
mailing lists (I will assist you, but it is inevitable to meet the real needs 
of various local comunities, and inevitable to make the software really 

 At this point it should be already useful for many tasks and faster than
 configuring filters to select linear feature consisting of multiple ways.
 It would depend on how JOSM developers would see it, but it could be
 at this stage merged into JOSM trunk (in case of backup plan I would
 release a plugin).

I think it would be helpful to first have it as a plugin and see it in action. 
This allows to proof it has proper encapsulation for the other code parts. 
That has proven in the past very useful for code maintenance and is therefore 
common for new and significant improvements).

 Is there anything that I missed here? Is my plan realistic (GSoC coding
 starts on 19 May and finishes on 11 August)?

Yes, I'm confident that this will work. I'll have a closer look at your 
proposal in the train tomorrow and then comment as soon as I found my Wifi on 
the conference venue :)



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Problem with XAPI and ref based search

2013-11-30 Thread Roland Olbricht
hello everybody,

 I start by asking XAPI to give me the France admin_level 2 object like so:[boundary=administrative][admin_
 this returns me the object, which contains among other things:
 member type=relation ref=79981 role=outer/member
 member type=relation ref=2202120 role=outer/member
 member type=relation ref=2627308 role=outer/member
 member type=relation ref=2177258 role=outer/member

Please try recurse down:


The XAPI syntax is restricted to very simple use cases, and even the question 
for all members of a certain relation cannot be formulated. So the solution 
is to use the more comprehensive Overpass QL language.
The line


searches for the relation (the same way as before) and


adds all members, members of members and so on of the last result. This gives 
the full pyramidal boundary construction. If this is too much data (these are 
more than 110 MB), you can resolve on step with


Here, rel(r) resolves only one level of relation members.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass API around query with lat/lon not possible in QL?

2013-07-22 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Note that the lat/lon values are missing, so this query does not work.
 Is this a bug in the converter or does around in QL really not allow
 to specify a location?

No, this was a bug in the converter. I have just fixed it, and the code will 
become live with the soon upcoming version 0.7.4 during this week.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Expiring Tiled OSM Data

2013-06-24 Thread Roland Olbricht
 I'm looking at the augmented diffs stuff but the documentation [0]
 appears to be stale.

Thank you for pointing me at this. The documentation was totally out-of-date.
I've rewritten it to reflect the current and stable state of affairs.

 Can you describe what the waymember and indirectmember attributes
 are describing in the XML? They're not mentioned on the wiki.
Thre flag waymember=yes is added to the action tag of a node if the
node is a member of a way that appears in the diff.

Similarly, the flag indirectmember=yes is added to the action tag of
a node if the node is a member of a way that is in turn member of a
relation that appears in the diff.

In both cases: If the node itself has changed somehow, all ways and
relations it belongs to are listed. If the node is unchanged but
present because it is member of a changed way or relation, the respective
way or relation is present.

The only downside are relations that have relation members. These relation
memberships are assumed not to contribute to the geometry and therefore
do not appear if only their members have changed.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Expiring Tiled OSM Data

2013-06-20 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Indeed. Although there's probably a much clever approach than the one
 I'm suggesting.

Basically, the Augmented Diffs comprise exactly that information.

They carry for each changed object the geometry information, either directly 
or by referencing the also in the file contained nodes. From that it should 
not be too hard to mark affected tiles as dirty.

I'd suggest the id-sorted variant with info=yes. It is bigger, but the nodes 
are required to get the geometry for relations right.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The Overpass Augmented Changesets API

2013-04-20 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi all,

Cool! I could get addicted to sit down and watch every time again. A great 
thank you to Ian.
 So: questions.

Thank you for the hint. I have added at least some documentation at
that answers the questions below:
 What does `info=yes` and `info=no` mean?

Boundary relations tend to bloat the Augmented Diffs: whenever a change 
somewhere on the boundary happens, even a minor one, the nodes and ways of the 
entire boundary are transmitted. This makes in turn the file one or two orders 
of magnitude bigger, without high profile information gain. The biggest one I 
have observed so far had more than 50 MB. With info=no, you can boil down file 
sizes but keep the geometry information for ways and nodes always intact.

 Does the BBOX argument work, and what argument order does it accept?

The OpenLayers order (lon,lat,lon,lat).

 Are there any other querystring
 arguments that might be useful - for instance, a limit argument would be
 wonderful, since right now the API returns 'all items', which is around
 3.5MB gzipped per user per minute.

No, not yet. But I'm open to ideas although it may take some time until I can 
implement them.

In the long run, I would like to offer full history information on Overpass 
API, and the then-developed Diff format would be the format for the diff 
between the same query at two arbitrary moments of time. But this may take 
half a year or longer until I arrive there. This is the reason why I'm keen in 
getting the format and API as useful as possible.

For the limit argument: What should be the order to determine what to cut?



dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] function to find nodes next to a way

2013-02-20 Thread Roland Olbricht

 I would like to be able to find nodes with certain tags next to a way,
 within a few meters (configurable).

Please have a look at the public transport plugin, in class 
RoutePatternAction, at lines 1806-1819.

This does exactly the desired. I agree it would bencessary to refactor the 
code. I'll be happy to answer questions for it.



josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Is there any API to get data from OSM as geoJson?

2013-02-10 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello Stefan,

 That's what I conclude from [1] i.e. osm-script output=json  ...

The format option JSON meets the format described here:

This has exactly the same semantics like OSM XML and only different syntax. 
However, JSON makes some JavaScript applications a lot easier than XML, so I 
followed the suggestion to add it.

What makes me hesitate about GeoJSON is essentially that there is no clear 
rule whether an elements becomes a linestring or a polygon. Solving this will 
require both a test for validness (e.g. self intersections, but also some 
other corner cases. Most are listed on
) as well as a semantic interpretation of tags.

The most likely mid-term solution is to convert ways always to linestrings, 
but the area type to polygons. This has the advantage that both the code to 
validate polygons and the choice of tags is done by code that does this anyway 
for area creation.

I will code this proper together with a area output implementation conforming 
to Jochen's outline
so it will take some time until it gets available. I expect it is complete 
some weeks before the FOSSGIS conference, together with a couple of other 
larger changes.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Reverts from the woodpeck_repair account

2013-01-02 Thread Roland Olbricht

 The second problem is the automated editing. Perhaps now as OSM becomes
 more and more popular it is time to start looking at some more general
 solutions to these kind of problems with data and bots.

The solution is simple and straightforward: A database design must be able to 
cope with the the edits that are uploaded. If you don't consider all edits 
valuable, you are free to drop data in the target database.

By contrast, any additional decision logic in the main API does really clutter 
OSM because the main database as sigle point of failure gets more prone to 
errors. More important, it may shy away mappers if they found that their 
particular situation on the ground cannot be mapped properly.

SomeoneElse got his work damaged by other mappers, for no important reason. A 
less self-confident mapper may have been lost at that point.

That's the reason why we have freedom of expression in tagging and mostly in 
producing changesets. Data consumers still have all freedoms to process the 
data to any rules they may find suitable, but no harm is done to the community 
or the core database.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: OSM item tracking

2012-11-16 Thread Roland Olbricht

I think you will need several tools, because the posed questions aren't solved 
all by the same tool.
 My use case is:
 a school district has a list of 15 schools.  They have all the updated
 information.  They keep this information in a website to show to people, an
 they want to share it in ISM and keep it updated in OSM.
 How can they be notified of a change?

This requires somebody who regularly looks after the reports about potential 
changes. A tool that can watch for changes is for example
Ypu can be bold and select all schools in a quite big bounding box around your 
district - these will still be less than one change per day on average.

 How would they make a change on their website and then sync that data back
 over to OSM?

The best way to make a change in OSM is really to use an editor and do the 
change. All automatic solutions have problems.

The Permanent ID tool for example, is deliberately designed only to link to 
objects in OSM, not to feed data there.

Best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] route handling (was: Find bus stops along a way)

2012-11-08 Thread Roland Olbricht

 I have been looking at that and I'll have to look again as it seemed quite 
 complicated :-)

Yes, it is. Unfortunately it needs a lot of refactoring. It is even not the 
most efficient approach, but I simply went short of time.

 I did see that you only use highway=bus_stop for bus routes, but I'm
 slowly but surely in the process of converting all of them to

That's a good idea. I think at current state of affairs it should take into 
account both highway=bus_stop and public_transport=platform. Feel free to 
update the code.

 I have created a Python script which does quality control on numbered node
 cycle and walking routes, which I'd like to extend to PT now. As a first
 step I'd like to do what your plugin does; detect stops and propose to add
 them to the route. Later on, I'd like to actually create a route relation
 based on stops that need to be served. (Which will, of course, need to be
 checked manually for correctness before it is uploaded)

There is even code prepared for this in the plugin. A call to
new PublicTransportAStar(Node start, Node end).shortestPath()
will return a data structure that contains the shortest path found by an 
A*-algorithm, written as partial ways (because it may use ways only partial). 
What is missing here is an appropriate filter (don't route over stairs or other 
non-streets), which would go where the comment
// Further tests whether the way is eligible.
is. And the projection from off-road bus stops to starting nodes. And then to 
make sense of the result. In particular, the plugin has no code to split ways 
automatically, and JOSM won't mark partly ways AFAIK.

Once again: feel free to work with the code. Given my OSM agenda, I won't work 
on the public_transport plugin code before the end of the year, but I will give 
any help to make it useful (or recycle the useful parts in a new plugin).



josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Find bus stops along a way

2012-11-07 Thread Roland Olbricht
 I want to find all bus stops along a side of the road.

There is a function doing this in the plugin public_transport. Feel free to 
copy it.



josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Downloading data via the Export tab

2012-10-29 Thread Roland Olbricht

 What would it take for Overpass API export to be listed in the export tab?
 Is it about service reliability?

No, Overpass API is reliable and stable since some years, and the service is 
funded until mid-2015 by FOSSGIS.

The EWG has recently discussed the matter.
The common sense would more towards a all-in-one change of the design of the 
export tab, and it is not yet decided what to include in what way. The 
Geofabrik extracts are also a very good candidate to be somehow integrated, and 
maybe other services.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OWL + OSM Activity Server

2012-10-19 Thread Roland Olbricht
 I think it could be based on OWL however I'm a bit put off by the C++ 
 part to be honest - I don't think the XML parsing and database 
 operations part really needs to be in C++ since it is certainly not a 
 bottleneck. I will try to speak with Matt and find out if he would 
 accept changing the C++ part into Osmosis plugin (which is something he 
 mentioned to me I think on IRC but said there were no hooks in Osmosis).

If you are C++ averse, the good news is that you may resolve the real 
bottleneck independent of the programming language. I've written down some 
notes about the Overpass API implementation with similar scalability problems:

However, XML parsing (and gzip compression) are heavily CPU intensive. Thus, it 
might be a good idea to retain these in C++ or getting done in carefully chosen 
external libraries.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] What is the main API? (was Re: OWL + OSM Activity Server)

2012-10-19 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Not sure I buy into this dichotomy. Application level integration != user
 facing integration. Or in other words: it's thinkable to have features on that appear seamlessly integrated to the user but are
 powered from a separate tier - separate application or separate application on
 separate server. No?

I'm sorry for the caused confusion. I was talking about the backend. In 
general, almost all clearly stated wishes are for new backend services.

What I wanted to clarify: for scalability, realiability and maintainabilty it 
is much more desirable to have a specialized database, specialized API and one 
or more enthusiastic maintainers of that for each purose than to have a big 
multi-purpose main database.

This applies even to services that look like they could be easily done 
on-the-fly by the main database, but in fact would create significant load, in 
particular changeset queries by coordinate.

The user experience is a completely different story. A good user interface can 
and should integrate all APIs that are useful for its purpose. Yet again, the 
strength of OSM is that different user interfaces for the same API can exist.



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] What is the main API? (was Re: OWL + OSM Activity Server)

2012-10-18 Thread Roland Olbricht
 This specific functionality seems like something we'd want directly
 supported in the railsport, no? Or is it so expensive that it has to be
 tiered out into its separate application?

It is expensive. To do bboxing properly you have to look at each element in 
the changeset whether it is inside or outside the provided bounding box. This 
has roughly the same effort than downloading all elements in that bounding 

This export feature is so expensive that it is limited to small bounding 
boxes, delegating people to third party services for larger bounding boxes.

On the other hand, you can implement it trivially on a third party service: 
just take the Augmented Diffs (which have full geometry), split it into small 
bounding box buckets (a tool for filtering bounding boxes, 
process_augmented_diffs, is at the Overpass API, another is in the osmconvert 
toolbox) and deliver the relevant stream to the user.

I think the core problem is that there are two different concepts of main 
API around:

There is the lean approach, or technical point of view, geared towards 
scalability: Obviously, we need a central instance for managing the id space, 
and that place can also seralize all edits to the database. This has good 
chances to scale, but means that anything beyond immediate editing support has 
to go off the main API sooner or later when it turns out to be the roadblocker 
at that time of scalability.

And there is some kind of approval point of view, or marketing point of 
view, seeing tools with a domain in some sense 
approved/superior/preferred or whatever. This comes from our usual experience 
with brands or large companies that differentiate the inside from the 
outside. It doesn't match neither the common sense nor the factual situation 
around the project, think of JOSM (which is not on or the Geofabrik 
and CloudMade extracts and several others, but it is very straightforward.

I tend to prefer the first point of view, but I accept that the second point 
of view is fairly often unchallenged told. From the first point of view, it is 
pretty clear that a history stream belongs to a third party tool.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] how to make way and relation history less expensive

2012-10-17 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Currently if you try to look at the history of a bigger way or
 relation (and/or one with many versions) it is most probable that you
 run into a timeout. A solution to this would be

The solution to an API overload is always: use an appropriate third party tool. 
In this case for example:

If you want to make a good service to the community then please make the 
splitted files publicly accessible on some server.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Notes - OSM improvements BoF at SOTM PDX

2012-10-16 Thread Roland Olbricht
 As to other sites, the problems are several fold - how do we decide to
 bless one particular site over another?

Please be honest. You, I, and everbody else also set preferences on at best 
educated guesses, often more trust in what or whom we know or don't know. We 
use OpenLayers and not Leaflet on the main page, we don't have routing on the 
main page although several services are realiable. We have certain tile 
sources and others not. Some services have an address redirect off, 
others not, for no particular reason.

1. The simplest way would be a public voting. Ask
- whether somebody does volunteer to do the administration even longterm
- let the community give comments on the project and site and person

2. A more elaborate way would be to design a benchmark for the task and test 
how the service in question performs. Then publish and discuss the test 

3. An even more elabortae way would to have a test installation, announce the 
service as beta, observe how usage develops and give a report after some 

I encounter 1. easily possible, and 2. with some enthusiasm. I don't think 3. 
is necessary, but it may be worth considering. In any case, the produced 
material and documents suffice for a diligent decision.

 not to mention the fact that we
 might end up driving more traffic to such sites than they could handle.

Could you give figures what amount of traffic you expect?
1 GB per day, 1 GB per hour, 1 GB per minute, or even more?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Notes - OSM improvements BoF at SOTM PDX

2012-10-16 Thread Roland Olbricht
 This would mean folding into a future data tab, no?
 How do the planet osm maintainers see this? is the interface from the main DB to all kind 
of data consuming services, including the renderers, Nominatim, Overpass API 
and several others.

It has roughly the same importance than the main API and it is the place where 
minute and other replication streams are distributed in an efficient way along 
with the Planet.osm.

As this is the data hub with appropriate user interface for the technical 
folks, I suggest rather not to bend it into something of minor importance like 
an Export tab on a website, even if that one easily visible to newbies.

On the other hand, for somebody who is not yet familiar with the OSM data 
format (XML, PBF or both), the is unlikely to be useful, so 
both are services with quite distinct audiences.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Notes - OSM improvements BoF at SOTM PDX

2012-10-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everyone -

 ## Getting data out of
 - Export tab on is one of the most popular
 locations, but needs a lot of improvement. E.g. it does not explain how the
 downloaded data can be used. How can export be more actionable?
 - if an export fails due to its size, it's not
 clear where to go to get a larger dump.

We could let various services let plug-in into the export dialogue and 
completely remove the raw data export (the rest works on some random tests).

Implement some registration process on the server such that the UI makes a 
callback on the chosen service with the selected bounding box.

Overpass API (and jXAPI if there is a running instance) can deliver much 
bigger areas and just takeover the given bouding box.

 - How can third party services like geofabrik's shapefile exports (or jXAPI)
 be tied in better?

See above.

Such services could also do conversions (e.g. to Garmin data, another map 
style, open it in JOSM or whatever) and thus offer more ideas what to do with 
the exported data.

Best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM Wishlist

2012-10-13 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Imagine there is list of schools in a city.
 This list is maintained by a school district office with updated website,
 phone numbers, and office opening times.
 They maintain this list through a simple PHP form on their website that
 allows them to make updates to each listing (node).
 If any node on their list is changed by anyone but them or the people
 listed as able to edit that form on their own website (with their OSM Ids)
 then they are notified and can correct or confirm acceptance of the change.
  They do not need to be the last editors of the node to know that the
 information contained therein is approved by them.

Nobody can block somebody else from editing something. If you mean approve 
in this direction, it would pretty never happen.

However, the school district can fork the Planet into an own database and move 
newer edits as act of approvement to its database. This is a typical use 
case of the idea of federated databases. No work has been done so far, but the 

* Tools to move, merge, and diff objects between different OSM databases

is surely a good point for the tools list. The federated databases will also 
solve most issues around imports, including patching an updated import without 
damaging exisiting data.

The second approach is to get a concise report of all updates that happened. 
It is then up to the stuff of the school district to rollback or accept the 
edits. Concering tools to watch updates, a lot of things have happened very 
recently. However, none of these tools work perfectly for the school district 
case yet, but this will significatly improve in the next weeks.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] (no subject)

2012-10-12 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Toby,

  The way was added to the relation in version 51 at
  2010-06-20T19:29:34Z and then the way was deleted one second later at
  2010-06-20T19:29:35Z. In theory this should not be possible. However
  this edit was done in Potlatch 1 in live edit mode and according to
  RichardF on IRC, there were some race conditions between Potlatch 1
  and the API that could be to blame. It seems like this is the most
  likely explanation for this data.

 After running a query oh my local database I think there are a total
 of 208 relations which contain ways that are deleted. I may go through
 and clean them up after I get back from SOTM-US. Hopefully since P1 is
 declining in usage, there won't be any more created.

Thank you very much for both informations. This explains all questions, how it 
happened, and whether it may happen again.

I would be very grateful if you could clean these relations up.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] (no subject)

2012-10-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all,

could somebody please explain why
member type=way ref=62318915 role=/
looks deleted?

Best regards,


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Overpass API: Augmented Diffs

2012-10-01 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear diff users,

The good news is that the Augmented Diffs now also resolve relations, i.e. 
they contain for every mentioned relation all their members.

However, I also fund some bugs during the implementation such that I anyway 
had to restart the Augmented Diff generation an hour ago.

Now the Augmented Diffs should be stable for a longer period since there are 
no known bugs and open feature requests.

If you have yet another feature request for Augmented Diffs, feel free to add 
it to


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Minute Diffs

2012-09-12 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all,

the final step of the ODbL transistion has apparently started. The minute diffs 
are suspended.

For that reason, of course, also the minute updates of Overpass API have been 
suspended. Overpass API will reflect the last CC-BY-SA data state of 2012-09-12 
07:00 UTC until about Saturday.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] XML planets (was Re: New proposed directory layout for

2012-09-08 Thread Roland Olbricht
 If overall duration is an issue, is it worth patching a planet using
 hourly/minutely diffs before importing the planet itself?

Ideas are welcome, but I'm quite sure this won't help. The primary issue is 
developing time, not overall duration for this step.

For the patching itself: Reading 25 GB from disk and then writing it back 
alone will take about 800 seconds, which equals 13 minutes, for a minute diff. 
Thus, it will take for the assumed 2-16 days delay between a month and 8 
month, even if Osmosis takes no computation time at all.

Of course, you can use daily diffs instead for complete days and hour/minute 
diffs for the rest, but so you can do with Overpass API. It is just not worth 
the hassle.

Ths is what the whole story is about:

There are projects whose main concern is to process a planet file. In such a 
project, a lot of developing effort and increased system requirements are 
justified a 25% speedup.

But there are also projects where a Planet file just needs to be read, in the 
simplest possible way, because it has little impact on the project's 
performance. For those, having a fancy compression which needs some extra 
software to decompress it that may or may not work on the target platform, is 
rather a nuisance than a developers welcome sign.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] XML planets (was Re: New proposed directory layout for

2012-09-07 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Overpass is an amazing resource, but I can't believe it relies on a
 XML dump of the database being released every two weeks?  How does
 that work?

The planet file is necessary for the first startup. Afterwards, it can work 
forever solely on minute diffs. And new instances can be cloned from the 
exisiting instance over a public interface, without a planet file.

This initial startup has usually the following timing:

2 hours to download planet.osm.bz2

12-24 hours to import planet.osm.bz2 into the database. This contains various 
optimizations that are fine tuned on the properties of the XML planet structure 
and maybe gets worse with a differently organised file format.

4-30 hours to catch up by applying the minute diffs. This depends on how many 
days the planet file is old (always at least two days, one for the planet file 
itself, a second because we have done the above import procedure).

Altogether, there is not much point in just improving the download time, 
because it has a diminishing share of the total time needed. It would be by far 
more important to get the import step again fast.

I doubt that converting the PBF into a XML is done in the saved half an hour on 
the download, so the simplest solution to convert after download is surely a 

 Yes, about 25 GB. Every two weeks.

Ok, we come closer to the problem. I agree that probably very few people need 
old planet files. I deem the following useful to have

- the last CC-BY-SA Planet
- a CC-BY-SA full history planet up to that date

- an ODbL full history planet from time to time (lets say four times a year or 
- the latest two planet files

These are altogether less than 300 GB compressed XML, so I assume this 
manageable unless the server administrators tell otherwise. Then I would rather 
offer to host the above mentioned files than to drop them.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Augmented Diffs - Compatibility?

2012-09-07 Thread Roland Olbricht
 1. Tagging
 Why did you not use solely the existing XML tags create, modify and

Because they don't properly describe what's happening. The core idea of the 
augmented diffs is to include some unchanged but related elements. This 
doesn't happen in diffs. Thus, the new category keep is used. On the other 
hand, modify doesn't apply to augmented diffs, because it brings the new 
version only. Thus, the augmented diffs use a pair of delete/insert for 
each modified element, with delete containing the old version.

Of course you can argue that either delete should also be renamed or 
insert should be called create. This was accidental.

Altogether, please note: the augmented diffs aren't an extension of the normal 
diffs and even less a replacement for normal diff. They are two distinct diff 
formats, for distinct purposes.
 2. Sequence
 A lot of software depends on getting _sorted_ input data, usually ascending
 by object type, then by ID. Why did you break this order?

The order by type is maintained. And all the tools I've seen so far don't need 
the second order criterion by id.


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Reliability (was Re: New proposed directory layout for

2012-09-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear Martijn,

There are much more tools around reading OSM files, in particular the XML 
format, than just Osmosis.

And even more important: It is easy to write a piece of software that reads 
XML, and that is _because_ XML is human readable. So you really shy off 
potential developers. It may be 20% or 80% of all potential developers; both 
are numbers to get frightened.

So I strongly oppose to remove any established format, in particular the OSM 
XML. I'm fine with the proposed directory structure.

On the other hand, what do you gain by not having XML planet files? 25 GB of 
disk space?

 Agreed, but most of what you would want to do with grep is possible
 with other tools like osmosis, osmconvert and osmfilter that work much
 faster on pbf and o5m files.

I think you miss the point. The argumentation Don't continue an established 
toolchain when a fancy new one exists is exactly what killed the Gnome 
project. Look for Linus Torwalds' reply in
The money quote is:

  One of the core kernel rules has always been that we never ever break any
  external interfaces.

Transferred to our situation this means: we shall carry on the XML format 
forever because there are already a plenty of tools that rely on the XML 
format and they are worth protection, and because this is a clear signal to 
developers that we are a reliable partner.

To make it even clearer: being cut off the XML planet means that Overpass API 
will starve for some month until I have implemented the quite complex file 
format PBF, and with it some hundred frustrated users, just to mention one 

Do you seriously want to loose a huge part of the OSM community to save 25 GB 
of disk space?

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Overpass API v0.6.99

2012-08-31 Thread Roland Olbricht

Dear all,

a new version of Overpass API, v.0.6.99, is now available. It includes the
augmented diffs in their current form and some other improvements.

Please see

The next version is almost for sure version 0.7 because there are no 

numbers left  In fact this version already freezes the features of version
0.7. The only thing that will change is maybe the format of the Augmented



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Augmented Diffs

2012-08-30 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all,

 One complete different thing that would also been very interesting to
 have in even more augmented diffs is the previous version of an
 This would allow to do analysis on edits without the need of a
 database... and also apply diff backwards.
 Of course, the side effect will be larger files, but is that a real problem

This is not a real problem. In fact, the diffs already contain the previous 
version of all changed objects.

 Last question (for the moment)... have you looked at .o5c file format
 to produce near pbf compact diffs ?

Not really. I spent a weekend in January to understand PBF and how to generate 
it but I didn't understand the documentation and put it aside.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] nominatim-like wildcard search

2012-08-29 Thread Roland Olbricht
 For exempel Bre* would return Bremen, Brenner etc. I will limit my
 queries by bbox,

You can use Overpass API:
gives all elements that have a name tag starting with Bre.

The result is not sorted, but this should be no problem on the client side, 
given that these queries don't produce too much data.

The bounding box order is (south,west,north,east). The term ^Bre is the 
regular expression matching all strings beginning with Bre.

Of course, you can also search without a bounding box, but in that case you 
should give further restrictions:[name~^Bre][place=city];way[name~^Bre][place=city];node[name~^Bre][place=city];);out;

If you are interested, feel free to ask for more details.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Augmented Diffs

2012-08-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
 A few questions...
 When the change on a node or way is just a tag change and does not
 involve geometry change, are the diff still providing all linked
 nodes/ways ?

Yes, they do.

Thank you for pointing this out.

I think it would be resonable to not include a way when the only change is a 
tag change of the connected node. However, the opposite is may or may not 

Imagine somebody runs a database of all italian restaurants in Paris. He 
stores for each way that is the outline of an italian restaurant the center 

Now somebody reclassifies a restaurant from whatever to italian, or corrects a 
typo like cuisine=italien to cuisine=italian. Then the database maintainer 
cannot derive the coordinates of the way because the underlying nodes are not 
contained in the augmented diffs.

Of course you could argument that the same applies to relations, and that the 
database maintainer could ask for all nodes once he knows that a relevant 
restaurant appeared.

So a general question to all: should we keep off the nodes of ways that have 
not changed their geometry?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Augmented Diffs

2012-08-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
 The docs you list are a bit confusing, so I went to the XML itself,
 and that has some issues, mainly name/document related.
 1. The osm tag name is already used for a format, so I suggest not using
 Similarly osmChange or osc files are already maybe you should call
 this something else?

Thank you for pointing me at this. I think of
osmAugmented or
and subsequently a file name extension .osa.
 2. The sections are a bit confusing in that the order is very
 important. That makes parsing a bit more difficult than it might need
 to be if you just renamed sections? Eg keep means two different
 things in two different contexts, but by using the same name, it means
 your parser must keep a lot of state.

What do you mean exactly? The purpose of the elements in keep is always the 
same: this is data that is unchanged but related to changed data.

Of course there are different reasons why an element arrives in keep. However, 
this will make things difficult: an element could be present for more than one 
reason, for example a node because it is referred by more than one element.

What do you think of the hierarchy
for nodes:
- coords changed
- tags changed
- part of a changed geometry
for ways:
- members changed
- geometry of members changed
- tags changed
and for relations the same, maybe with a separate set of events for nested 
relations, in the sense that a element is listed only once at the event of 
highest precedence.


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Augmented Diffs

2012-08-27 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all,

Overpass API now offers Augmented Minute Diffs. The idea goes back to a talk 
of Matt Amos at SOTM 2010. These diffs allow e.g. to keep a geographically 
limited database extract up to date.

The details are documented in the wiki

However, these diffs address developer, not end users, because there is no 
software yet that can process these diffs. Therefore, I would be happy for 
comments and suggestions on this matter that arise when writing such a 
software. If there are good reasons to change the format, I'll try to do it 
only once, at the same time like the database reimport after the license 

Happy updating,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Augmented Diffs

2012-08-27 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Paweł,
 This looks really good and may be useful for a project that I'm working
 Quick question - have you considered adding relation members data to
 these diffs?

Yes, I have considered it. The reason not to do this so far are the really 
huge relations. Examples for these are national borders (relations 51477, 
111 and several other), trans European routes (e.g. relation 2148361) and 
potentially similar relations.

If we do the simplest approach to handle relations exactly like ways, we get 
3.5 MB of minute diff in all minutes when a single node in these relations is 
moved (and much more if several relations are involved). Also, this would 
really produce heavy load on the server.

So what I need towards relations is an approach that is simple to understand, 
reasonable concerning the leverage of processed data, and that fulfills the 
need of potential consumers.

Things I have considered but not deemed easy enough to understand are to make 
it dependand on a certain tag in the relation, on the number of the relations' 
elements or not do deliver nodes when delivering unchanged ways because they 
are members of changed relations. It is all unsatisfactory, so good ideas are 

Best regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Server-side data validation

2012-07-13 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Pawel,

 Hi Peter,
 Thanks for the response.
 So for now I'm trying to discuss this at a more abstract level -
 that the contract would be we can't have X in the database but how it
 is implemented (at changeset close maybe?) - I cannot say (yet) as I am
 no expert in OSM. For now more important is whether this kind of
 thinking even makes sense for you.

I would not make much sense. There are a lot of ideas what could be done on 
the API, please see

The more import thing is that OpenStreetMap is about a community, not about 
data. Business logic in the API will sooner or later include controversial 
topics and this will end with losing valuable contributers.

For example: if you want the API to reject nodes at the same location, you may 
demotivate indoor mappers who model structural identical building levels with 
different shops per level.

Or even simpler: every change in the API breaks temporarily or permanently 
tools. And the mapper who finds that his or her tool doesn't work any more is 
lost forever.

On the other hand, duplicate or wrong data is not really a problem. There are 
a lot of applications (renderers, routers etc.) that do succesfully manage the 
existing data.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql failing with low cache size

2012-06-20 Thread Roland Olbricht

  Reading in file: ./data/latest.xml
  StartElement: Unknown element name: note
  Unknown node type 3
  EndElement: Unknown element name: note
  StartElement: Unknown element name: meta
  EndElement: Unknown element name: meta
  Segmentation fault (core dumped)
 Can you sanitize your XML by running it through Osmosis (--read-xml 
 latest.xml --write-xml foo.xml) and then try osm2psql again on the 
 resulting file? Just to be safe that there's nothing strange in there 
 that breaks it.

The note element contains a license remark, the meta element a timestamp. 
Both are in the beginning of the file. You could simply remove them with a text 

It is a little bit surprising to me because the osm2pgsql version I tried had 
happily ignored the extra elements.

The rationale behind these two elements (and a third element error appearing 
only in case of an error) is to provide useful information in additional tags. 
This allows any tool to safely just ignore tags which it doesn't know. The 
license remark is a matter of good style - nobody should say he didn't know 
about the license of the excerpt. And the timestamp can enable editors like 
JOSM with the mirrored_download plugin to decide whether a given set of data is 
outdated or not.



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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Extended diffs

2012-05-04 Thread Roland Olbricht

 I had a brief conversation with Roland Olbricht about this who suggested 
 that maybe his Overpass API could be fashioned into producing such diffs 
 but I don't think anybody had really implemented anything.

That the good thing about the dev, talk and talk-de mailing lists: I put this 
on priority nice to have after the FOSSGIS conference, but given the fact 
that it is actively requested here, I'll include it in the next version, to be 
released during June.

I think it would be best done on the next Karlsruhe Hack Weekend in June, but 
at the moment it looks like I can't participate due to another appointment that 


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass API questions

2012-04-27 Thread Roland Olbricht

 Ignoring the relations:
 out meta;
 Now, the problem is how do I add standalone nodes (points of interest,
 etc.), since I only have ways?

You can just add another line with a bounding box for the nodes:

out meta;

The query within the parentheses are connected by or. Thus, every additional 
request is just added to the result. In the same way

out meta;

will add even the relations with the ways and nodes that they refer to.

 Another problem appears to be that [key!=value] filters out any way that
 does not have a key tag at all, in addition to those that have key=value,
 which is not what I need.

Yes, this has been the behaviour expected by design. The rationale behind this 
is to filter for oneway but not oneway=no.

 *The point of this is to be able to eliminate ways and their nodes that
 account for up to 90% of the data being downloaded (i.e. inflating the data
 by 1000%) when they are unnecessary for a particular editing session.

However, this is a convincing argument. For this reason, and because the 
negation has not found widespread usage so far, I will change the semantics of 
!= in the very next version 0.6.98. Version 0.6.98 is scheduled to be 
released on Monday, 30 April.

This means, from 30 April on, you can get with the above query what you 
intended to get.
 2. The example given at the top almost implements the normal API map call.
 However, the API map call returns the entire extent of ways that intersect
 the bbox, not just the nodes that fall within the bbox.

Yes, that's right. Both variants are used. It appears to depend on the client 
what behaviour is expected. Nonetheless, the above mentioned call does include 
the nodes for the entire way, even if the particular node is outside the 
bounding box.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass-API error codes

2012-04-09 Thread Roland Olbricht

Am Freitag, 30. März 2012 11:15:26 schrieb Peter Wendorff:
 In a software I'm going to use the Overpass-API to fetch OSM-Data, and I
 think about handling error codes.
 As far as I see, Overpass prints errors in a remark-Tag in human
 readable text, but nowwhere as machine-readable text, while most error
 codes I guess could be mapped on HTTP-response states.

Well, I'm not sure whether HTTP-response codes are here the best way to encode 
error states. The by far most important error situations are
1. A timeout on the server
   The client shouldn't use the result, as it may be incomplete. It can retry
   with a longer timeout.
2. Connection refused
   This would happen in case of overload, does happen rarely at the moment,
   but it should be addressed by a client. The client should retry after a
   timespan of 1 to 5 seconds again.
3. A malformed request
   It would be unusual if this happens when the request is generated
   programmatically. If a human user has entered the query, the client should
   pass the HTML document to the human user.

The more simpler approach would be to process the result if it is OSM XML and 
to pass it to the end user if it is HTML.

Specifically the first one cannot be handled by a HTTP status code. The status 
code is always the first thing to be written. Thus, to send a different HTTP 
status code in case of a timeout, the servers needs to held back the payload 
until the request has been completed. That impedes a couple of use cases where 
the client could take advantage of early arriving responses. Thus, a response 
started with HTTP 200 may still fail later with a timeout.

Thus, in the end a client (think of a JavaScript framework would need to 
handle both some kind of errors coming from HTTP status codes and timeouts 
which cannot appear anyway else than as tags in the already started document.
 Is it planned (or a good idea that's planned now ;) ) to add a machine
 readable error state somehow?
 this could be done e.g. by adding a error-code attribute to the

What do you think about a switch to enforce XML as output format and
error what=timeout/
error what=overload/
error what=bad_request/
as error indication?

This would allow to ignore all remark/ tags in case you want to reliably 
respond to fatal errors and to ignore the rather diagnostic information. If 
somebody needs error details, he or she can read the messages in the remark-
tags or resend the query to get a HTML explaining the error.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass Question

2012-03-27 Thread Roland Olbricht

lets go through the questions one by one.

   - which query-language is suited for what?

I suggest using the Overpass QL syntax. This and the XML language both offer 
the same semantics, but Overpass QL is more concise. Overpass QL has been 
created because the XML language looks cumbersome to most people.

   - what's this .-x or .-_ about?

Overpass has an imperative execution model. In particular, the staements are 
executed one after another, and each statement is terminated by a semicolon. 
Each statement puts its results into a container in its memory named by default 
_. If a statement needs input, it reads its input from _. For example, the 
print statement reads from _.

Sometimes it is useful to use more than one container during a more complex 
query. In this case, the output can be redirected to another container, e.g. 
with name x. This is what the above syntax controls.

   - will a print-command print all results of all unions or only the last

It prints the content of the container _ at execution time. This comes very 
close to the last one.

   - are two queries in a union get ANDed or ORed?

They are ORed.

 I tried to fiddle an overpass-query together that would give me:
   - all relations tagged with type=boundary or type=multipolygon
   - their way-members
   - nodes used by thode way-members

The query
( rel[type=boundary];
( ._;
does that.

 but I was unable to get this result.

 I'd love to see a walktrgough or a tutorial that explains the building
 blocks and how they interact in a chronological order without adding stuff
 that isn't explained.

Lets walk through the example:

[timeout:86400]; is necessary in this case because we expect a really large 
result. The 86400 is an amount of time in seconds and means that we expect a 
runtime up to a whole day. The default value is 180 seconds, which fits well to 
the usual timeouts of browsers or other HTTP clients.

rel[type=boundary]; collects all relations from the database that have a tag 
with key type and value boundary. The result is stored in the memory of the 
query server, in the container _, because this is the default behaviour.

If you want to see what has happened so far, you can print the content of the 
container at this point:[type=boundary];out;

Similarly, rel[type=multipolygon]; collects all relations from the database 
that have a tag with key type and value multipolygon. Check the results with[type=multipolygon];out;
This is already quite a lot of data.

Now, the union statement comes into effect. It takes a copy of each output and 
produces as result the union of each output.
( rel[type=boundary];
This means that here, first the output of rel[type=boundary]; is collected, 
then the output of rel[type=multipolygon]; is collected. The union of both is 
stored at the end of the statement into the container _ and replaced the 
content of container _ after the last substatement, rel[type=multipolygon]. 
To see the conent of the container _ at this point, run[type=boundary];rel[type=multipolygon];);out;

On a semantic level, we now have in the container _ all relations that are of 
type boundary or of type multipolygon. We now get to the second union block:
( ._;

The first substatement, ._, is only useful in a union block: It has as output 
in the container _ the input from container _. While this doesn't change 
container _, it lets union copy the current content of container _ to its 
own output.

Thus, we have now all relations of the interesting type in both the container 
_ and the union's internal container.

The next substatement, way(r); reads its input from the container _ and 
writes its output again to the container _, replacing the input data. Thus, 
on a semantic level, way(r); puts all ways that are members of a relation of 
interesting type into the container _. Because it is a substatement of union, 
this unoin block adds this output to its internal storage.

The next statement, node(w); again reads its input from the container _ and 
writes its output to the container _. It finds all nodes that are members of 
the ways in its input. Because container _ contains at this point of time all 
ways that are members of a relation of interesting type into the container _, 
we now have exactly the nodes that we want in the container _. And because we 
are still in the union block, the internal union storage now contains the 
relations (from ._), the ways (from way(r);), and the nodes (from 
node(w);) that we want. At the end of the union statement, in the source code 
at );, the statement puts this into the cotainer _.

In a final step, we only need to print this, adding an out; statement. If you 
want meta information, you may 

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass API areas

2012-02-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Thank you for asking. I particular, listing the IDs of all elements helped a 
lot to find the bug. I'm sorry that Overpass API doesn't work correctly.

 I have been using for
 testing the queries

Please try instead at the moment.

The area creation on has got out of sync (it is some 
days old for now) and will be back on place on Tuesday after I have installed 
a software update there. I'm pretty sure it has missed the latest edits on 
relation 1875866. As I encountered the area feature as infrequently used so 
far, I handled it with lower priority than the core OSM and meta data. For 
that reason it is always good to ask, because areas get higher priority now.

After trouble with the last software update, I update 
always with some days delay, because in case of serious faults I could keep 
the old software there instead avoiding a total blackout. This means the 
inconvenience that the area bug fix arrives on with 
some days delay.

The relations themselves look correct so far.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] New version of API

2011-12-22 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Hi there,
 what about new version of API (0.7)? Since 2009 demands on OSM changed
  drastically so new API is really needed... I can not really find any
  activity in this arey is going on...

There is a lot of stuff. But I frankly say that it would be insane to do any 
API change before the license change, because all OSM tool writers are more or 
less busy at the moment with the license change.



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Overpass API: new big server, IPv6

2011-11-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

there are two new amazing news around Overpass API:

I'm happy to announce a much more powerful (8-core, 64 GB RAM) machine, hosted 
voluntarily by Rambler. It offers the full interface of currently Overpass API 
0.6.94, including meta data. Please have a try at
More information is on the wiki

Second, the server at now supports IPv6. Because I'm a 
complete newbie on IPv6 and I don't have IPv6 on my personal internet access, 
I've set up a second address
pointing to the same server .
If it doesn't work, please contact me at my personal mail address.

Happy access,


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Bug Fixed (was: Re: Overpass API delivers randomly invalid data)

2011-11-07 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

 I expect that it would take several days to determine the cause. I'll
 publish any results here and on

Ok, now Overpass API should again deliver all meta data correctly. A now fixed 
bug in the transaction management interacted strangely with some residuals 
from a dirty restart at 23rd October.

Thank you to everybody for the patience and in particular to Ruediger for 
reporting this and finding a way to reproduce the bug.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Minute Diffs broken?

2011-11-06 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

It looks like the minute replicate diffs have stopped at 1071883.
Could someone please check?



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass API delivers randomly invalid data

2011-10-31 Thread Roland Olbricht
 I wrote a small test script to give you more help.
 The following results are reproducible:
 'way id=39990889' looks wrong at query

Thank you, that helps a lot.

I've also found way #4732211 that shows no history information at all. 
Altogether, about 250 ways of 140 million ways and probably also a small 
fraction of all nodes are affected, without any obvious pattern. The ways show 
the same behaviour on a independent database instance. I expect that it would 
take several days to determine the cause. I'll publish any results here and on

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass API delivers randomly invalid data

2011-10-26 Thread Roland Olbricht

 We are querying data for a bounding box and randomly entries are delivered
   way id=30134048
   node id=31881194 lat=47.5137295 lon=11.3250178/
 The entries are cut before the version attribute. If we query the entries
  with the id all attributes are delivered. 

I've tried to reproduce this. But all changesets I have receieved have 
complete meta data.

So could you please give more detailed information, in particular

- At what time as exactly as possible have you tried to download? There have 
been an outage on Sunday including a backlog for meta data until Monday 
evening, and I would need to figure out whether it is related to this or not.

- Which query exactly failed?
- Does is fail sometimes or reproducably?
- Are in a damaged response no meta data at all or is it partly missing?

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OverpassAPI down?

2011-10-24 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Now that it is back up, I am not getting any metadata on nodes that I
 have created since then, but the [@meta] predicate works OK on older nodes.

Ok, this should have been solved now. The update routine has got a 

I have also added a server status page on .
I hope, it is easier to track the status there than distributed on several 



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OverpassAPI down?

2011-10-23 Thread Roland Olbricht

 I'm not sure whether I'm addressing the right people. Please point me
 into the right direction if not.
 Who is maintaining this API? Would be nice if this could be fixed.

It's me who is maintaining the API. Thank you for reporting the problem. The 
problem should be fixed now.

The server did a hard reset for an unknown reason (it is hosted at a service 
provider) and did not come up properly again. Another sudden restart would 
cause a similar failure at the moment, but this is the first hard restart after 
more than a year, so I won't expect any other sudden restarts.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Error in overpass api

2011-10-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
 i've found an error in the result of overpass queries. E.g.
 relation id=1645727 version=2 timestamp=2011-07-05T19:58:33Z
  changeset=8642384 uid=244422 user=Sonny76 member type=way
  ref=119868575 role=different/
 the role value contains  '' and '' which must be 'lt' and 'gt'

Thank you for reporting this. I've just fixed it on the instance on

For those who want to fix their instance:
change line 297 of src/overpass_api/statements/ to
\ role=\escape_xml(roles[skel.members[i].role])\/\n;

Otherwise, the fix will be included in the next regular update.

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM XML declaration, JOSM, Osmosis et al.

2011-09-26 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Is Overpass so geared for tools that don't care about
 uid/date/version/visible etc?

Actually, yes. Note that these tools include map rendering, routing, location 
based search and probably every other tool that consumes the data. The data 
model is: the state of the Planet database (or an excerpt) at a fixed point in 
time, which makes perfectly sense.

Even keeping a database up to date would be possible without meta data: It 
suffices to know the timestamp of the patches as a whole, not of every 
individual element, despite the behaviour of possibly picky tools.

The old XAPI had mainly been suffering from a permanent shortage of hardware 
ressources. You now get a switch to download data three times faster if you 
omit data that you discard anyway later  - if you render a map, do routing, or 
a lot of other useful things. This would even lower the burden on the still 
hardware-constrained Overpass API server. A lot of users encounter that useful 
but some can't make sense of the error messages somewhere later in the 
toolchain. I can't and I won't rewrite every tool, but I can happly write in 
the header whatever the tools expect. I simply asking for a consensus for the 
things to write in the header.

Discussing the usefulness of the current history model is a different question. 
As I got never an answer to an earlier post on that topic
(it's [osm-talk], I'm sorry), I assume that history is only a minor concern to 
most users.



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OSM XML declaration, JOSM, Osmosis et al.

2011-09-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

A question to all maintainers of OSM XML processing software: What 
combinations of root tag attributes do you expect for XML with and without 
meta data?

If I deliver from Overpass API to JOSM the XML data with meta data and with a 
plain osm tag, JOSM crashes with a NullPointerException on the first version 

If I deliver, as suggested from a JOSM developer, with a
osm version=0.6 generator=Overpass API root tag, JOSM and Osmosis both 
complain about the absence of version attributes on the individual OSM 
elements for data without meta data.

Having OSM data with or without meta data is really a useful feature. The same 
data with meta data is three times bigger than without, in a context, where 
data size matters, and the meta data is usually only needed when one wants to 
re-upload the data to the main database.

So what attributes would you, as a toolmaker, expect on the root tag for OSM 
data with or without meta data?



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM XML declaration, JOSM, Osmosis et al.

2011-09-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Is Overpass so geared for tools that don't care about
 uid/date/version/visible etc?

Actually, yes. Note that these tools include map rendering, routing, location 
based search and probably every other tool that consumes the data. The data 
model is: the state of the Planet database (or an excerpt) at a fixed point in 
time, which makes perfectly sense.

Even keeping a database up to date would be possible without meta data: It 
suffices to know the timestamp of the patches as a whole, not of every 
individual element, despite the behaviour of possibly picky tools.

The old XAPI had mainly been suffering from a permanent shortage of hardware 
resources. You now get a switch to download data three times faster if you 
omit data that you discard anyway later  - if you render a map, do routing, or 
a lot of other useful things. This would even lower the burden on the still 
hardware-constrained Overpass API server. A lot of users encounter that useful 
but some can't make sense of the error messages somewhere later in the tool 
chain. I can't and I won't rewrite every tool, but I can happily write in the 
header whatever the tools expect. I simply asking for a consensus for the 
things to write in the header.

Discussing the usefulness of the current history model is a different 
question. As I got never an answer to an earlier post on that topic,
I assume that history is only a minor concern to most users.



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Minute-Diff

2011-07-11 Thread Roland Olbricht

does anybody know what has happened to ?
It apparently stopped half an hour ago.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Fastest way to extract a bounding box

2011-06-02 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello Benjamin,

 I'm looking for the fastest way to extract a bounding box from osm-data.
 The intention is to get a section (a square of about 5km * 5km)
 around a user's current position in a few seconds.
 I extracted such a bounding-box from germany.osm.pbf with osmosis in
  about 110 seconds.[...] in about 53 seconds.

You may want to try OSM3S as a server. I got the 5km x 5km around my home in 
about 2 seconds from the planet size database.

Please have a look at
Feel free to ask what you don't understand. As the server developer and 
maintainer I'm happy to use feedback to improve the manual and/or user 

Best regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI and using a home server

2011-03-06 Thread Roland Olbricht
 The only thing is that it ends with:
 runtime error: open64: 2 ./db/area_tags_local.bin File_Blocks:1
 and does not provide the closing /osm-derived tag.

 Do you have any suggestions on what might cause that?

Yes, it's a bug in the software. Thank you for reporting it. First, for a 
feasible workaround please place empty files with names
in the database directory. The probably fastest way is
touch area_tags_local.bin
touch area_tags_local.idx

The cause is a little bit intricate. OSM3S should allow for the usage of 
derived data structures, and as a showcase the handling of areas is included. 
This feature is not mature enough to offer it as part of the regular 
interface, but areas if present, can be printed with the print statement. 
Unfortunately, the print statement throws an error if a corresponding file of 
the database doesn't exist. While useful in general to find errors, its 
unhelpful for this optional data structure, which may be absent for good 

However, the workaround above should do it for the moment. I'll fix the 
behaviour, by making areas truly optional also in the print statement, with 
the next bugfix version.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI and using a home server

2011-02-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
 I have compiled osm3s and imported the latest planet file.

Thank you for this. I'm sorry that there are still holes in the instructions.

 I think this
  was successful - no errors anyway and took about 24 hours as you suggested
  and ended with
  max_written_role_id 4458
  R 1298757941 r 1298757941
 This looks a bit abrupt, but I tried a small osm file and got a similar
 result, so I think this is a good sign?

Yes, it is. It looks fine so far. Well, the next version will have a more 
informative final message.
 How do I use it?

 And although it lets me type things at the terminal (like your example
 queries), it does not respond - is it really listening on standard input?

Yes, it does. It waits until the input stream is finished. So, please finish 
the input stream by Ctrl+D when you type at the console (works in general on 
all UNIX consoles).

A more convenient way (especially when invoking it in a tool chain) might be 
to pass a file with the content to it. For example

echo 'query type=nodebbox-query n=51.0 s=50.9 w=6.9 e=7.0/has-
kv k=amenity v=pub//queryprint/' | bin/osm3s_query --no-mime --db-

 Your instructions on the wiki say put a query on the standard input, but
 when I start osm3s_query it prints out:
  encoding remark: No input found from GET method. Trying to retrieve input
  by POST method.

You can safely ignore the message if you call osm3s_query on the command line. 
It's a leftover from the purpose of using it via the CGI interface of a web 

 Sorry if this is obvious - I haven't tried to look at your code to see what
 it is doing!

Questions are always welcome. Even if it were obvious (it is not), it is still 
a good hint for me how to improve the instructions.
 The other question is whether anyone has written a php script (or similar)
 to make this emulate xapi queries to use as a direct replacement for xapi?

AFAIK no yet. I think it would be feasible for

(gets 'bbox-query n= s= w= e=/print/')

/node[..] (with or without bbox)
(like the first query in the instructions, maybe without bbox)

(gets 'query type=wayhas-kv k= v=//queryprint/'
 or maybe 'query type=wayhas-kv k=//queryprint/'

(gets 'query type=relationhas-kv k= v=//queryprint/')

/*  (all three without bbox)
query type=nodehas-kv k= v=//query
query type=wayhas-kv k= v=//query
query type=relationhas-kv k= v=//query

but the other queries may get more difficult.



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Something wrong with API

2010-07-09 Thread Roland Olbricht

I'm unable since about an hour to open a new changeset, i.e. the request
hangs with no response.

I've initially tried to upload by JOSM with my username, but the server just hangs on any response, with or 
without a user name, from different IP adresses and with different tools 
(JOSM, wget, curl and firefox). I don't get any error message, just no 

Could anybody please explain what's going wrong?



dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Another 66 relations bite the dust

2010-05-10 Thread Roland Olbricht

You can get an approximate solution:
This points to the OSM3S server and returns the desired relation-ids for the 
given relation id.

It's compressed XML at the moment, but I can change that to are more 
appropriate format if the format is the problem. The second drawback is that 
the server is some hours behind the main database, but most of the relations 
mentioned here are days old or even older and would have been found by this 
API call.

But still this would be a great step from deleting relations accidentally.

Incidentally, the server is down this evening from 22h15 to 12h00 tomorrow 
because the server provider (Hetzner) is moving inside Germany.



josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Opening hours

2010-05-06 Thread Roland Olbricht
 The rough plan is that my site become essentially a validation layer
 for producing the opening_hours tag and a service for getting the
 current state of a element. I'd use the OSM oauth for authentication.
 Let me know if you're interested in helping or have any advice.

 I've had a good read of this wiki page and discussion, it seems very
 sensible to me.
The syntax for opening hours still has its difficulties: try to express that a 
service is open from October to March only at the weekend and all days during 
the summer. Or a service that is open on the evenings _before_ public 
holidays. It's just not possible.

On the other hand, a line like Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00; Tu 14:00-17:00 may read
- on Tuesdays also in the afternoon  or
- on Tuesdays only in the afternoon.
While the former is far more common, the latter is what the current syntax 

Even worse, what about Mo-We 09:00-12:00; Tu-Fr 14:00-17:00 or
Mo-Sa 09:00-12:00; We-Fr 14:00-17:00?

I'd rather suggest a syntax like

Month Day_of_Week Modificator From-To[,From-To]* ;]*

- Month is in (Jan, .., Dec) or a range or empty
- Day_of_Week is in (Mo, .., Su) or a range or empty
- Modificator is one of WD (working day), SD (school day), SH (school 
holiday), PH (public holiday), PH- (day before PH) or empty
- From, To are times HH:MM
and intersections between days (e.g. Mo-Fr ..; Tu ..) are considered as 
syntax error.

This would be much more concise yet were more versatile. And 90% of all 
existing opening hour data remain valid.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Using relations to save data

2010-05-06 Thread Roland Olbricht
Am Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010 22:12:02 schrieb Andreas Kalsch:
 I am still reading some old mailing list posts ...
 What about a relation with type=data, which is a relation that can
 include tags and other relations recusively?

It is a really good idea to store definitions of tags directly into the 
database, but relations leave some drawbacks open:

- A description might easily surpass 255 characters. Or you might want to use 
markup (e.g. for a link or for emphasizing things).

- Often tags apply only to a part of the world. Or, even worse, do have 
different meanings in different part of the worlds. Think of different 
maxspeed restrictions on motorways in different parts of the world.

I'd encourage you to start using those relations now but we should have a more 
versatile solution with the next API. See


Looks interesting. But I thin it is largely outdated because it does not 
consider relations. And, of course, a couple of new problems have arisen in 
the meantime.

How about starting an updated version of that paper somewhere in the wiki or 



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Query-Formats

2010-03-23 Thread Roland Olbricht

 I'm currently thinking about the interface on how to query this resource
 and i'd like to be able to ask queries like all highway=trunk and
 highway=primary with a name what is not possible with the current

This would look like

osm-script timeout=180

  query type=way
has-kv k=highway v=trunk/
has-kv k=name/
  query type=way
has-kv k=highway v=primary/
has-kv k=name/
print mode=body/


in OSM3S. Bboxes for ways are possible but I haven't implemented them yet -
things that happen if a lonely guy develops a full blown multi-purpose server. 
This specific query is quite slow, because it returns data from across the 
entire planet.

 what do you think about supplying a raw SQL-Where via URL?
 query.php?(tags ? 'name') AND (tags ? 'highway') AND ((tags-'highway' =
'primary') OR (tags-'highway' = secondary'))

I have thought about that when designing the interface, but I think it will be 
close to impossible to avoid
- extremely long running a resource intensive queries
- malicious queries (simple example ...'; drop table *')
because SQL is simply not designed for to be offered over the web.

The second observation was that at least MySQL was way too slow to be useful - 
MySQL delivered about 10'000 nodes per minute, while OSM3S delivers roughly 
1'000'000 to 2'000'000 nodes per minute (for a query with is spatially local, 
like downloading all data from a city or county). From that starting point it 
looks unlikely that another general purpose DB engine would have a 
satisfactory performance.

Thus, I have preferred a query language with good predictability properties.  
The server is productive and used for some services with the current language, 
but comment and also a deep refactoring of the language are welcome.



dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Where to put documentation for a plugin?

2010-02-19 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

where shall I put the documentation for my JOSM plugin? I've written a html 
file containing all the information about the public transport plugin into the 
svn, but it is delivered as text/plain:

I suspect that this is intentional. But where is the designated place for the 
documentation? Where should the more info in the plugin download list point 



josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Java 1.5 versus 1.6 for plugins

2010-02-12 Thread Roland Olbricht

I've just developed a plugin (Public Transport) for JOSM which should be as 
portable as possible. Now I've received a request of a Mac OS user using Java 
1.5 that the plugin doesn't work.

I've set
property value=1.5/

and I don't use any special features of Java 1.6. So has anybody an idea why 
the plugin doesn't work with Java 1.5?



josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tag-key with ? in planet but not in API

2009-09-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
 in the planet file there are some tags containing a ? in the key,
 eg. in line 725579517

   node id=187690242 lat=49.2199004 lon=12.6700505
 timestamp=2009-08-24T13:30:09Z version=5 changeset=2243654
 user=klausis uid=85761 tag k=amenity v=parking /
 tag k=name?? v=Parkdeck? /
 tag k=poi v=vehicle.parking.garage /

These aren't question marks. These are white space. A hexdump shows
6e 61 6d 65 09 0d
for the k-value, meaning name, then a tab, followed by a CR. The second 
question mark is just a CR.

The characters are legal in both XML and the OSM format and do appear in the 
planet as well as in
But with the planet, your viewer seems to convert them for whatever reason to 
question marks. In case of the API, the whitespace characters in the HTML 
source code are ignored by your browser. This is intended by the specification 
of HTML.

Anyway, you can edit away the characters with Potlatch or just upload a 
corrected version with any other application (e.g. JOSM) via the API.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Best way to select from a region

2009-09-09 Thread Roland Olbricht
  This one is 224495 - nine-five at the end instead of five-nine -
  though.  224459 has both a name and admin_level, it's returned by:
 Thank you for pointing me to that. In fact it missing relation revealed a
 larger bug in the system: no relation beyond 187000 is considered as a
 potential area. I'm at the moment trying to fix it.

Ok, the problem should now be fixed. Please try it again.



dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] (no subject)

2009-09-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

way 15581339 contains node 448856251 but this node is deleted. Both elements 
date from 27th July, so they are edited (and the node also created) after the 
change to API 0.6.

How can this happen? Is this intended?


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Re: [OSM-dev] Best way to select from a region

2009-09-03 Thread Roland Olbricht
 That's an interesting number. Which definition of correct do you use?

The mathematically most general: take all way members of the relation as 
borders. This forms an area if and only if every node if references by an odd 
number of way segments.

The system takes into account any relation that has an admin_level-key or is 
of type multipolygon.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Best way to select from a region

2009-09-03 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Off topic, but what might be a reason for a boundary relation (such as
 224459) not appearing in any coords-query, for locations inside and
 outside it alike, and returning no data for an area-query, but also no
 error?  I don't suppose node number limit?

relation id=224495
  member type=way ref=39907923 role=outer/
  member type=way ref=39907925 role=inner/
  tag k=type v=multipolygon/

It doesn't have a name. The possibly applying rule

osm-script name=Area::Create_from_multipolygon version=2

query type=relation
  has-kv k=type v=multipolygon/
  has-kv k=name/ !-- * --


requires a name (see the line with the *). The reason is that an area without 
a name would not be very informative. But if you want those relations also 
appear, I'll change the rule.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Best way to select from a region

2009-09-02 Thread Roland Olbricht

 that sounds cool. Did not know it before. It's not advertised a lot ;)
 What are the limits? Frederik mentioned a query against a polygon might
 be slow. Which area could be returned? Only a city? Bavaria? France?

The query against a polygon is in general not very expensive. Retrieving a 
single polygon takes a single hard disk hit, and the computational effort can 
be neglected against that.

The limiting factor is the RAM size of the server (4 GB). To avoid 
congestions, I've set a weighted limit of 10'000'000 elements so far (this 
takes about 500 MB of RAM to process the data, so four queries and the update 
process could safely run in parallel) - think of roughly 5'000'000 nodes. The 
amount of RAM is needed to sort the nodes, ways and relations in ascending 
order of their ids.

Bavaria would be a corner case and is worth a try ... It doesn't work, it has 
already over 10 million nodes.

 Or maybe only query the nodes near the border against the expensive

Whatever system you use, it will probably automatically use less a expensive 
query deep inside a polygon.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Best way to select from a region

2009-09-01 Thread Roland Olbricht
 In 95% of cases you will find that the borders in the database are
 unsuitable because they do not form a proper closed polygon. Plus,
 PostGIS definitely sucks at point-in-polygon performance, especially if
 your polygon has 30k points.

There are currently at least 51090 correct boundary polygons (as of 2009-09-01 
03h00 UTC) in the database. I doubt that these are only 5% of all boundaries 
(would the be more than 1'000'000) in the OSM database - there aren't even a 
million relations at all.

Have you considered just downloading the list? If you don't want to have all 
the trouble with running a GIS database, you may directly use XAPI or OSM3S 
to obtain specific data in XML format from a region, see



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Problem retrieving wiki pages

2009-08-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Of course, but the server (or more likely the proxy) is still mis-behaving:
 if the client does not send an 'Accept-Encoding' header, the server must
 return plain text, not gzipped or deflated text.

No. Have a look at the HTTP 1.1 specification

If no Accept-Encoding field is present in a request, the server MAY
   assume that the client will accept any content coding.

If you think of a highly frequented server like the wiki, it's a good decision 
to compress the data whenever possible.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Spatial queries in Mysql

2009-07-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Does anyone have experience with Mysql and 2d-range-queries?

 I am looking for the optimal way of:
 a) selecting all nodes in a given bounding-box  and
 b) selecting all ways intersecting a given bounding-box.

 I am not bound to any existing schema.

 What works best?

I've started OSM3S with mySQL (and myIsam tables), but it had very poor 
performance for spatial queries with all the nodes from the planet.

For mySQL, I used an extra index containing the latitude rounded to an 
integer, then the longitude. Thus, a spatial query like the one below was 
aligned or nearly aligned with the index. This had the same performance than a 
quadtile index with latitude and longitude interleaved as binary numbers. The 
legacy system to which I compare uses a quadtile index.
I don't have exact test results, but for retrieving a bbox like 51.0lat52.0, 
7.0lon8.0 the legacy system takes 2 seconds while mySQL took more than two 
hours. Similar results have appeared for the ways table. The tests were 
performed on a Intel T9500 with 4 GB RAM, operated by Hardy Heron 32-bit.

Monitoring the process showed that mySQL was busy with the  disk all the time. 
So must probably, mySQL organises the data on the disk in a way that is 
inappropriate for retrieving large amounts of data. Unfortunately, there is no 
documentation how the data is arranged on the disk and no switch how to let it 
be organised in a more useful way.

So if you are intending to do spatial queries on a planet file sized amount of 
data, you should probably pass to a more performant system. PostgreSQL does 
not document its disk storage strategy either, so the same problem might or 
might not appear. Somebody has suggested the Cern database Root, but I have 
not tried this one. The source code of the mentioned legacy system is also 


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] broken utf8 in minute changeset 200907140650

2009-07-14 Thread Roland Olbricht
 1. Go to
 2. Type some non-ASCII characters into the top box (letters with accents,
 the sort of thing you might want to enter as an OSM tag value)
 3. For each one, tell me what it returns in the next two boxes

Entering äöüÄÖÜß yields
- in the first box äöüÄÖÜß
- in the second box c3 a4 c3 b6 c3 bc c3 201e c3 2013 c3 153 c3 178
- in the third box C3 83 C2 A4 C3 83 C2 B6 C3 83 C2 BC C3 83 E2 80 9E C3 83 E2 
80 93 C3 83 C5 93 C3 83 C5 B8

Doing the same via copypaste yields
- in the first box äöüÄÖÜß
- in the second box e4 f6 fc c4 d6 dc df
- in the third box C3 A4 C3 B6 C3 BC C3 84 C3 96 C3 9C C3 9F


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] how many api calls/time for an app allowed?

2009-07-03 Thread Roland Olbricht

 i am playing with the idea of providing real time error checking on
 osm data. usually one would use the XAPI. but since it is unreliable and
 obviously misses data and it seems no one really cares (no ansers to
 questions about that matters on the mailing list - at least not
 satisfying ones) one would use the API instead.

Well, one of the design goals of OSM3S was to provide an almost real time 
error checking. Pleas have a look at
to see how to find bugs in the borders of areas with OSM3S. This is just a 

The big idea to project is after is to divide between the code to query the 
database (currently C++) and the code that describes the error checks 
themselves (a scripting language specifially crafted to support advanced OSM 
data queries and error checking rules). Thus the former can be ugly but 
performant. The latter should be human readable and so safe that it can be 
directly submitted from users through the internet (as opposed to arbitrary 
SQL queries). Due to the complexity of the computations (anyway some hours 
for the entire planet), I'm aiming to be perpetually 4 to 6 hours behind the 
main API. The concept can be developed to be only 60 to 90 minutes behind  
the main API, but this needs a lot more effort. The project is still in an 
early stage, e.g. the documentation of the OSM3S API is not yet complete.

I would be glad to share efforts. This includes developing the scripting 
language towards the features it really needs, as well as improvements to the 
database source code (by the way: what is an appropriate way to publish the 
source?). I don't insist on C++ or the scripting language syntax or 
semantics; I have chosen it because the tools for it are at hands. I would 
also like to discuss the entire concept as it is a test case for a larger 


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] (no subject)

2009-06-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

Wolfgang has written
 and why (an area is a closed way with some tag attached
 simply doesn't cut it).

 Or, in case that was still not concrete enough: in Austria alone, there
 currently on the order of 750 geometries that are perfectly valid in osm
 not digestible by quite a few GIS-enabled databases

Well, just take it from a mathematical point of view. One can define any area 
by providing its border. A point is inside if and only if it is separated by 
the south pole by an odd number of borders. I you need a mathematical proof, 
I'll put one on the wiki.

So there is no need to bother the mappers with any outer, inner tag, order 
on relation members or whatever. The only thing needed would be a tag to 
reverse the area to make areas possible that cover the south pole. The last 
thing I would think about is to bully the community with another bot that 
changes what a poorly designed application fails to read.

There are at the moment more than 44,000 valid areas in the planet data 
(multipoygons and administrative units). There are a lot of tools that can 
digest this data. The interpretation of this data would need neither a relevant 
amout of code nor computation time. Feel free to ask for sample code. So if a 
certain database or tool fails on mathematical facts, I would have doubts about 
that database resp. tool, not about OSM.


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dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Way 33187566

2009-06-02 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody,

a query by the api for way 33187566
returns only one node. On the contrary, a query for its history
returns quite a long list of nodes. So does the latest planet file. But all 
the nodes seem to have gone. Can somebody please explain what has happened? 
Which is the definitive source for that way?

Something similar seem to have happened to the ways


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] country boundary polygons

2009-03-27 Thread Roland Olbricht
  I am looking for a simple answer to the question 'what country is
  lat+long in?',
   Has there been any progress
  made with this?

Yes, I'm working on a server side scripting host for OSM data. This includes a 
reverse gazetteer as a sample application. The gazetteer works fine, but the 
more down-to-earth-things like updating the database without a complete data 
reload aren't yet working stable. So I think, the system will be available 
about mid-May.

 echo select osm_id,name,admin_level from planet_osm_polygon where way 
 transform('SRID=4030;POINT(6.0333 45.7666)',900913) and
 _ST_Contains(way,transform('SRID=4030;POINT(6.0333 45.7666)',900913)); |
 psql gis

If you have an instance of PostGIS running anyway, this is a good solution.

 and for this I need the country borders as polygons.

You may want to have a look at

I abandoned to simply produce the country polygons that way because, as Sly 
has mentioned, the country borders still are of rather poor quality. There 
are roughly 17 countries out of 200 for which the boundaries will constitute 
complete polygons. That's the reason why we should have a more advanced 
system for error detection (the script server will contribute to this).

By contrast, the local borders from imported data (Kreisgrenzen in Germany 
and similar import in France and Italy) are quite complete and consistent.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] auto-generating landuse=residential polygon around highway=residential -streets

2009-02-27 Thread Roland Olbricht

 Where they are missing, I would like to generated landuse=residential
 automatically in these places by evaluating the strongly connected
 graphs of residential-streets.
 Where such polygons have been created by mappers they will be used
 instead but there are too few of them to rely on them to be present.

 Dies anyone have a good idea for an algorithm that could do this?

What is the particular situation, i.e. what accuracy is necessary? A good 
starting point might be a scanline approach as for the 12-nm-brim, which is a 
matter of minutes for the entire planet but not very precise:
- We assume that every point which is less than a given distance (e.g. 100 m) 
from a residental road is residental and draw a line around that area.
- Imagine the planet (or a smaller area) covered with equidistant scanlines 
along the latitudes (the distance between two scanlines e.g. 0.0001 degrees 
of latitude ~= 11,1 m). Now you add for every segment of every residental way 
all the intervals of points on each scanline that are less than 100m from any 
point of that way (simplified: take into account only the endpoints of the 
segment and the intersections with the scanlines - the inaccuracies won't 
matter compared to the scanline gaps or the projection correction). After the 
tool has taken the union of all those intervals, it spans a way from interval 
border to interval border - that's the desired polygon around the residental 
- the algorithm is n log n in the number n of intersection points, which in 
turn are linear in the number of scanlines or the total length of all 
residental roads.


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