Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.1 available

2024-03-29 Thread Sidney Markowitz
CNAME record to make sa-update work with new version number 4.0.2 that 
is in svn trunk has been added.

sa-update for trunk should now work again.

I have updated the checklist for release managers to have the update of 
the CNAME record be requested at the start of the 72 hour vote period 
for a full release so that sa-update will continue to work when the 
version number gets bumped up after the vote passes.

Benny, re-reading your email, I see that is not the issue you are 
bringing up... The downloads directory includes the rules files snapshot 
as they were at the time of the release build, which can be used by 
people who don't want to or can't run sa-update after installation. Of 
course, people should be running sa-update or doing something equivalent 
to keep their rules up to date. The snapshot rules file is there for 
anyone who needs it at the time of installation if running sa-update 
then is not feasible.


Benny Pedersen wrote on 30/03/24 7:08 am:

Sidney Markowitz skrev den 2024-03-29 15:25:



replaced fine with sa-update no ?

is admins just using this one time and not ever croned update and after
upgrade major versions never issue a sa-update :(

now that gentoo have binhost, i see more problems to other distro that
release precompiled problems

anyway thanks for release finaly now

[ANNOUNCE] Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.1 available

2024-03-29 Thread Sidney Markowitz
  gpg --verify Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.0.tar.bz2.asc
  gpg --fingerprint FDE52F40F7D39814

Then confirm that the key description shown by --verify matches what
is shown by --fingerprint.

See for more information
on verifying Apache releases

About Apache SpamAssassin

Apache SpamAssassin is a mature, widely-deployed open source project
that provides filtering to classify email to block spam, malware, and

Apache SpamAssassin uses a variety of mechanisms including mail header
and text analysis, Bayesian filtering, DNS blocklists, collaborative
filtering databases, and meta concepts to lower incorrect

Apache SpamAssassin uses a highly modular architecture that allows
other technologies to be quickly incorporated as plugins to easily add
or replace existing methods.

Apache SpamAssassin typically runs on a server using either command
line utilities or an API to classify email so a mail system can use
the results before the message reaches mailboxes.

Most of the Apache SpamAssassin is written in Perl natively supporting
Unix, Linux, and macOS platforms and Microsoft Windows using
Strawberry Perl.

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation

Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides
organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 100
freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The
pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to
easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property
framework limits the legal exposure of its 2,500+ contributors.

For more information, visit

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

[RESULT] [VOTE] Release of 4.0.1

2024-03-29 Thread Sidney Markowitz

With four +1, no 0, and no -1 binding votes, the vote to release Apache
SpamAssassin 4.0.1 has PASSED.

I will now commence the remainder of the release process.

Thank you everyone who has helped with coding, testing, and bug
reporting for the 4.0.1 release.

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

[VOTE] Release of 4.0.1 - vote will close on Friday, March 29, 2024 06:30am UTC

2024-03-26 Thread Sidney Markowitz

[This email is bcc'd to the Apache PMC to ensure they notice it]

Hello everyone,

Calling for a vote on the release of Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.1

Only votes from members of the PMC will be binding, but everyone is
encouraged to thoroughly test that these files properly install and
pass the make test checks on your platform and any other tests that
you can perform.

Here are the files that will be released as Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.1
if there are at least three binding +1 votes and more +1 votes
than -1 binding votes at the end of the 72 hour voting period,
Friday, March 29, 2024 06:30am UTC.

Note that the policy on voting for releases is not the same as for
voting for code committing where a single binding -1 is a veto.

Files are in

There have been a few minor commits since the release of 4.0.1-rc1.
We think those changes are safe, but definitely test these release
files to be sure.

As per
please download and check the files on your platform(s) before voting
+1 if you approve the release, or -1 and state a technical reason why
these files are not ready for release.

The current draft of the release announcement can be seen at

I vote +1 for release after checking on Ubuntu 22.04, macOS 13, and Windows 10.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:



  Sidney Markowitz
  Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: New Release Candidate: 4.0.1-rc1 - Testers Needed

2024-03-19 Thread Sidney Markowitz
As several people have reported back to me that they have been running 
from trunk for a while and they see no problems with this build, I'm 
going to give this a week from the upload of rc1 (about 25 March) to 
move to full release, if nobody comes up with any problems for this 
release candidate.

Please try it out before then if you can.

At that point I'll create the release build and there will be a 72 
voting period before the public release process begins.

Sidney Markowitz wrote on 18/03/24 9:23 am:

Hello Everyone,

4.0.1 release candidate 1 of Apache SpamAssassin is now available at

This is a release candidate for the patch release 4.0.1

Please test and post success or failure as soon as possible!

New Release Candidate: 4.0.1-rc1 - Testers Needed

2024-03-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.1 release candidate 1 of Apache SpamAssassin is now available at

This is a release candidate for the patch release 4.0.1

Please test and post success or failure as soon as possible!

If these files don't show any problems I'll call for a vote on
moving to full release as the next step.

The draft release announcement can be found at
Please review it and suggest changes or additions.
Also take a look at the UPGRADE file in case anything should be added to it.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

New Pre-Release: 4.0.1-pre1 - Testers Needed

2023-11-24 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.1 pre-release 1 of Apache SpamAssassin is now available at

This is the pre-release for the patch release 4.0.1

Please test and post success or failure as soon as possible!

While I'm not calling this a "release candidate" because it is the first
build I'm making available for wider testing, this is just a relatively
small patch release and if we are lucky it is all ready to be released.
If these files don't show any problems I'll call for a vote on
moving to full release as the next step.

The draft release announcement can be found at
Please review it and suggest changes or additions.
Also take a look at the UPGRADE file in case anything should be added to it.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:





Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: Unsupported locale may crash interpreter warning

2023-11-22 Thread Sidney Markowitz

If it is just a test and you know where to remove it, please go ahead. wrote on 23/11/23 4:43 am:

On 11/22/23 12:34, Sidney Markowitz wrote:

Does this look like something that needs to be worried about?

I got the impression from some googling that the warning was introduced in perl 
5.38, but the behavior being warned about always existed.

cp936 encoding has never being supported by Perl, in Perl 5.38 they added the 
warning (see also
I think we should not test using those encodings.


Running make test from trunk

t/basic_lint.t  5/11 Locale 'zh_CN.GB2312' is unsupported, 
and may crash the interpreter.
t/basic_lint.t  6/11 Locale 'zh_CN.GBK' is unsupported, and 
may crash the interpreter.
t/basic_lint.t  7/11 Locale 'zh_CN.GB18030' is unsupported, 
and may crash the interpreter.

   -- sidney

Unsupported locale may crash interpreter warning

2023-11-22 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Does this look like something that needs to be worried about?

I got the impression from some googling that the warning was introduced 
in perl 5.38, but the behavior being warned about always existed.

Running make test from trunk

t/basic_lint.t  5/11 Locale 'zh_CN.GB2312' is 
unsupported, and may crash the interpreter.
t/basic_lint.t  6/11 Locale 'zh_CN.GBK' is 
unsupported, and may crash the interpreter.
t/basic_lint.t  7/11 Locale 'zh_CN.GB18030' is 
unsupported, and may crash the interpreter.

 -- sidney

Re: New dependency on Devel::Cycle???

2023-11-20 Thread Sidney Markowitz

The only place I see it is in t/memory_cycles.t which checks for

use constant HAVE_DEVEL_CYCLE => eval { require Devel::Cycle; };

plan skip_all => "Devel::Cycle module required for this test" unless 

But it is listed as a test dependency without qualification in 
Makefile.PL. That's not right, probably my mistake. I'll correct it.


Bill Cole wrote on 21/11/23 3:04 am:

Just tried a build on trunk, got this:

NOTE: settings for "make test" are now controlled using "t/config.dist".
See that file if you wish to customize what tests are run, and how.

checking module dependencies and their versions...
checking binary dependencies and their versions...
dependency check complete...

Warning: prerequisite Devel::Cycle 0 not found.

Looks like it is needed for a new test?
Not sure how to make that optional for tests only but we need to do
something, even if it is just documentation.

Preparing a 4.0.1 release

2023-08-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz
It's been proposed on the PMC mailing list that we put out a new 4.0.1 
release to incorporate bug fixes since 4.0.0

Since that is a public dev matter, and there were no objections raised, 
I'm moving further discussion here to the pubic dev mailing list.

I'm volunteering to manage the release. First step will be to go through 
open bugs that are targeted for 4.0.1 to determine if they can be closed 
or targeted for a future release.

If there are any open bugs that do not already have a 4.0.1 target that 
you think really should be fixed for this release, or even better that 
you can fix in a quick, simple, and safe enough manner to justify 
getting in to this release, please speak up.



Re: Spam from Google bypass filters due to USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL

2022-12-28 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Giovanni Bechis wrote on 28/12/22 11:43 pm:

recently I started receiving more spam from "drive-shares-noreply at", this spam bypasses filters because it matches USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL that 
gives the email -7.5 points.
Should we remove from default whitelists ?

Spample at:


I just generated one of those as a test by going to Google Slides, 
creating a slide presentation, then File | Email and sent the 
presentation to arbitrary email addresses with a message I typed in.

The email arrives from drive-shares-noreply just like your sample, with 
my Google account's email address as the Reply-To.

As Henrik pointed out, there are legitimate Google addresses in 
USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL, but email from drive-shares-noreply at 
can be generated by anybody from throwaway accounts and should not be 
automatically welcome listed.

Re: Question about branching svn

2022-12-18 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Henrik K wrote on 19/12/22 5:43 am:

Mass check runs from trunk, there are no ties to any specific version, aside
from testing built rules.tar.gz with all 3.4 and 4.0 releases.

It seems like

1. Branching svn would not impact mass check, which will continue to run 
from trunk

2. If we ever decide to move to git, we could if we wanted to stage the 
process by keeping the rules and rulesrc directories in svn at first 
with minimal change to build and mass-check scripts

3. We don't have a compelling reason to have to move to git, nor do we 
have committers clamoring to move to git, nor do we have a total 
consensus to move to git. We do have some committers who would like a 
move to git. That leaves it in the realm of something to keep in mind 
but not to go through the effort of implementing right now.

4. We don't need to branch until someone presents something big enough 
to justify having separate 4.0.x and 4.1.x development branches. More 
specifically, we would have to have something that we commit to trunk 
that is not ready for an immediate release, and we would have to have a 
reason to release a 4.0.x immediately without that partial code that was 
committed to trunk. As Henrik pointed out, we can adopt some of the git 
development philosophy of using a feature branch to develop a feature 
and only committing to trunk when it is finished. It isn't the "svn way" 
but it would work and would avoid problems like we had with large 
changes like welcome/blocklist renaming.

5. We don't currently have any big plans for changes in SpamAssassin 4.1 
now that the move to Unicode support is finally completed. If it turns 
out that the future of SpamAssassin is in ongoing work om rules, the 
masscheck process, and new plugins, I can see that there may never be a 
reason to create separate major/minor version development branches.

6. That said, I'm certainly open to hear from anyone who does have any 
proposal for future features and improvements.



Re: Question about branching svn

2022-12-18 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Henrik K wrote on 18/12/22 8:18 pm:

This is atleast third discussion of the same?  All the previous times it was
concluded that branching wasn't necessary.  Backporting is a pain and
usually something is forgotten.  It's not like we have any real developing
going on, does anyone even have a guess what a new big 4.1 feature would be?

I've been through the discussion about a million more times than that, 
essentially every time I've had a release on some project that used svn. 
The only thing that changes is the opinions of the developers at the 
time, and maybe what new work they already know is pending.

However, since those are different each time it is worth asking the 
question. I don't want to create a tedious discussion, just find out if 
there is a consensus and if there are any strong reasons for branching 
or for not branching right now.

Henrik, you do bring up something that I think is pretty relevant for 
the question of branching: Is there anything planned yet that we know 
would be for 4.1.0 and would not be for 4.0.1? Does anyone have anything 
in mind yet for future SpamAssassin, or have we all been too focused on 
the 4.0.0 marathon?

For any major changes that threaten stability (like our wl/bl or meta
change), a temporary branch could be used for publishing things for others
to test, especially if not committed to work on it actively.  Pushing normal
fixes or new plugins to trunk would fine.  Just please, do atleast a make
test before committing.

And this is what I like about working with git instead of svn. It took 
me a bit to get used to it, but it is so much easier to use git branches 
in that way. I never had to go through the team discussion on a project 
that used git about whether to branch or the right time to branch for 
developing a point release vs a major version branch, or have difficulty 
backporting the way it always happens with svn.

If migrating to git is "the Apache way"

I don't feel any pressure from anyone, inside or outside the PMC to 
switch from svn. Infra seems happy to keep running the svn servers for 
as long as we want to keep using them.

I do want to get a sense for how many of prefer git, how many are 
comfortable using git and wouldn't mind if we did switch, how many are 
not experienced with it or have never worked with it.


Re: Question about branching svn

2022-12-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 18/12/22 3:45 pm:

One con is that we do need to get masscheck and various tools on the
server to work with the new 4.0 release.  I'm not sure my eyesight is
good enough to do it anymore but I'm happy to help!


If I were to go ahead and branch, would that break masscheck and/or any 
other tools that are in use? If so, how do we coordinate doing the 
branching with whatever has to be changed in those scripts and processes?

Who besides you has the knowledge to make those changes? I've been 
assuming that it is everyone I see doing masscheck and rule update and 
ruleqa/sysdmin list stuff that I haven't involved myself with, but is 
there actually more of a bottleneck going on?

Re: Question about branching svn

2022-12-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Sidney Markowitz wrote on 18/12/22 9:42 am:
> Now that we have released 4.0.0, we can if we want create a 4.0 branch
> and have trunk be for a 4.1 branch.

Or an alternative that just came to mind:

Is this perhaps the time for us to switch from svn to git?

We already have the git mirror of svn that Infra set up. We would have 
to deal with all scripts that interact with the svn repo. Maybe finally 
split rules into a separate git repo. So it would be some work. But now 
that 4.0.0 is out perhaps it is the best time to do that work?


Question about branching svn

2022-12-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Now that we have released 4.0.0, we can if we want create a 4.0 branch 
and have trunk be for a 4.1 branch.

Pros: If we do it now, then if something comes up that is important 
enough to require a 4.0.1 patch release, we will not have commits 
already in svn that are not suitable for being 4.0.1, either because 
they are not yet finished, or not tested, or too extensive. We can only 
commit to the 4.0 branch things that are completed and tested and deemed 
safe enough that 4.0 branch will always be stable and available for a 
4.0.1 release if the need arises. Branching now means we don't have to 
worry that what we commit to trunk may end up unsuitable for a future 
4.0 branch.

Cons: Until someone actually works on something that we would want in 
4.1.0 and not in a hypothetical 4.0.1, we have to consider every commit 
to trunk and replicate it in the 4.0 branch. We could instead put off 
branching until there is something to commit to trunk that we might not 
want in 4.0.1 or that would have to be reverted as part of the process 
of creating a branch.

Thoughts on this? Branch now or branch later?


[ANNOUNCE] Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.0 available

2022-12-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz --recv-key FDE52F40F7D39814
  gpg --verify Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.0.tar.bz2.asc
  gpg --fingerprint FDE52F40F7D39814

Then confirm that the key description shown by --verify matches what
is shown by --fingerprint.

See for more information
on verifying Apache releases

About Apache SpamAssassin

Apache SpamAssassin is a mature, widely-deployed open source project
that provides filtering to classify email to block spam, malware, and

Apache SpamAssassin uses a variety of mechanisms including mail header
and text analysis, Bayesian filtering, DNS blocklists, collaborative
filtering databases, and meta concepts to lower incorrect

Apache SpamAssassin uses a highly modular architecture that allows
other technologies to be quickly incorporated as plugins to easily add
or replace existing methods.

Apache SpamAssassin typically runs on a server using either command
line utilities or an API to classify email so a mail system can use
the results before the message reaches mailboxes.

Most of the Apache SpamAssassin is written in Perl natively supporting
Unix, Linux, and macOS platforms and Microsoft Windows using
Strawberry Perl.

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation

Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides
organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 100
freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The
pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to
easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property
framework limits the legal exposure of its 2,500+ contributors.

For more information, visit

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

[RESULT] [VOTE] Release of 4.0.0 - vote will close on Saturday, December 17, 2022 09:00am UTC

2022-12-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz
With five +1, no 0, and no -1 binding votes, the vote to release Apache 
SpamAssassin 4.0.0 has PASSED.

I will now commence the remainder of the release process.

Thank you everyone who has helped with coding, testing, and bug 
reporting in the almost eight years since we split off the 3.4 branch in 
svn to start parallel work towards a 4.0 release.

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: [VOTE] Release of 4.0.0 - vote will close on Saturday, December 17, 2022 09:00am UTC

2022-12-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Michael Peddemors wrote on 15/12/22 6:28 am:

It is a time for rest and relaxation, so you MAY want to delay 4.0
release until after the holidays ;)

This way everyone can install the new version while all the mail servers 
are shut down for their annual solstice to New Year break :)

Re: Draft report to the Board for Dec 2022

2022-12-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz
My apologies for fat-fingering an email that was supposed to be sent to 
the private PMC mailing list.

At least it didn't contain anything confidential.

The link in there will not be publicly readable until after the Board 
meeting happens on 21 Dec, and now you all have a tiny glimpse of the 
exciting procedures the PMC engages in on our private mailing list, but 
I'm glad this slip was not too bad.



Draft report to the Board for Dec 2022

2022-12-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hi everyone,

I don't see the usual reminder for our quarterly report to the Board, 
but the usual schedule calls for it being due on the second Wednesday of 
the month (time zone never specified, and whether at the beginning or by 
the end of the Wednesday never specified either).

I've put together a draft on the wiki that mentions that were are 
holding a vote for a release of 4.0.0 on December 17.

The draft report is on the wiki with PMC having edit access. I'll go 
ahead and send it in some hours from now. If you have anything to add 
that the Board will probably be interested in, feel free to edit it.



[VOTE] Release of 4.0.0 - vote will close on Saturday, December 17, 2022 09:00am UTC

2022-12-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz

[This email is bcc'd to the Apache PMC to ensure they notice it]

Hello everyone,

Calling for a vote on the release of Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.0

I noticed that the official guidelines on the release process say that they
encourage the votes include the dev community. It also says that
making the release files available to readers of the developer
mailing list does not violate the rules against publishing them prior
to the release vote.

Only votes from members of the PMC will be binding, but everyone is
encouraged to thoroughly test that these files properly install and
pass the make test checks on your platform and any other tests that
you can perform.

Here are the files that will be released as Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.0
if there are at least three binding +1 votes and more +1 votes
than -1 binding votes at the end of the 72 hour voting period,
Saturday, December 17, 2022 09:00am UTC.

Note that the policy on voting for releases is not the same as for
voting for code committing where a single binding -1 is a veto.

Files are in

The only code change since the release of 4.0.0-rc4 has been the
commit in Bug 8087

As per
please download and check the files on your platform(s) before voting
+1 if you approve the release, or -1 and state a technical reason why
these files are not ready for release.

The current draft of the release announcement can be seen at

I vote +1 for the release after checking on Ubuntu 22.04, macOS 13,
macOS 12, and Windows 10.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:



Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Are we ready for the actual 4.0.0 release?

2022-12-12 Thread Sidney Markowitz
The only non-test code commits since rc4 were the tiny DMARC fix for bug 
8087. Nothing else important has been reported since the rc4 release.

Is this it? Are we ready?

If nobody posts any last minute reasons to hold off on releasing what we 
have now, I'll start the process of building and releasing 4.0.0.


Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

New Release Candidate 4.0.0-rc4 Testers Needed

2022-12-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.0 release candidate 4 is now available at

It can also be installed from CPAN using tools such as cpanm, e.g.

cpanm SIDNEY/Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.0-rc4-TRIAL.tar.gz

Very little has changed from the rc3 release, mostly fixes to tests
rather than code, and some work to make meta rule processing work
more sensibly. I am very hopeful that after a quick look at rc4 we
will be ok for a full 4.0.0 release.

Please test and post success or failures as soon as possible.

The current draft of the release announcement/notes that has been
prepared for the 4.0.0 release can be viewed at

That file also contains the instructions for how to verify the hashes
and GPG signatures of the downloaded files.

The extensive document on upgrading from 3.4.x and new features is at

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

In RTC mode for RC4 and hopefully for release

2022-12-05 Thread Sidney Markowitz

The remaining issues targeted for 4.0.0 have been closed.

I'm declaring us in R-T-C mode now while I get an RC4 building. If it 
looks good, we can go right on to the 4.0.0 release.

I'm not calling for a formal vote on R-T-C. Any committer can vote -1 to 
veto the R-T-C announcement if you present a reason, so we can be 
informal about it.

Please don't commit anything except tests, rules, comments, and 
documentation without an associated Bugzilla issue and review votes.

I have been working on Github Action scripts that facilitate running all 
the regression tests in multiple versions of perl on Github Action 
virtual machines. Because of resource availability we can't run those on 
our ASF Github account, but it should allow anyone to fork the Github 
mirror of our svn repo to their personal Github account and run a 
complete suite of regression tests that way on Ubuntu Linux, Windows, 
and macOS.

I haven't committed that stuff to trunk yet, but as all of it is in test 
files or in a directory used only for Github actions, it will not be 
subject to R-T-C rules. I'll only finish it before building RC4 if it 
doesn't hold me up past today.



Next steps for RC4

2022-12-02 Thread Sidney Markowitz

The remaining open bugs targeted for 4.0.0 are 8077 and 8078.

8077 has the votes, ready for Giovanni to commit and close the issue.

8078 is a blocker for 4.0.0 and is pending Henrik getting time to spend 
on investigation. So that is more open-ended.

I am ready to build an RC4 as soon as the open issues are cleared, and I 
would like to move very quickly from RC4 to full release with minimal 
further testing other than the full build and regression testing.

To that end I propose that we only target any new issues for 4.0.0 if 
they can be closed very safely and quickly, and if there is reason not 
to put them off to a future 4.0.1 release. The goal will be to really be 
finished with 4.0.0 after 8078 is finally done.

Of course, that's a goal. We should not ignore anything truly serious 
that shows up at the last minute.



New Release Candidate 4.0.0-rc3 Testers Needed

2022-09-22 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.0 release candidate 3 is now available at

It can also be installed from CPAN using tools such as cpanm, e.g.

   cpanm SIDNEY/Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.0-rc3-TRIAL.tar.gz

This rc fixes all previously open issues targeted for 4.0.0.
The issues found and fixed in rc2 were few and minor. We continue
to progress towards a full release.

Please test and post success or failures as soon as possible.

The current draft of the release announcement/notes that has been
prepared for the 4.0.0 release can be viewed at

That file also contains the instructions for how to verify the hashes
and GPG signatures of the downloaded files.

The extensive document on upgrading from 3.4.x and new features is at

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

New Release Candidate 4.0.0-rc2 Testers Needed

2022-09-10 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.0 release candidate 2 is now available at

It can also be installed from CPAN using tools such as cpanm, e.g.

  cpanm SIDNEY/Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.0-rc2-TRIAL.tar.gz

This rc fixes all previously open issues targeted for 4.0.0.
The issues found and fixed in rc1 were relatively minor,
making rc2 look promising for being ready for a full release.

Please test and post success or failures as soon as possible.

The current draft of the release announcement/notes that has been
prepared for the 4.0.0 release can be viewed at

That file also contains the instructions for how to verify the hashes
and GPG signatures of the downloaded files.

The extensive document on upgrading from 3.4.x and new features is at

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

New Release Candidate 4.0.0-rc1 Testers Needed

2022-08-24 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.0 release candidate 1 is now available at

It can also be installed from CPAN using tools such as cpanm, e.g.

 cpanm SIDNEY/Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.0-rc1-TRIAL.tar.gz

This rc fixes all previously open issues targeted for 4.0.0.

Please test and post success or failures as soon as possible.

The current draft of the release announcement/notes that has been
prepared for the 4.0.0 release can be viewed at

That file also contains the instructions for how to verify the hashes
and GPG signatures of the downloaded files.

The extensive document on upgrading from 3.4.x and new features is at

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Request for participation in the 2022 ASF Community Survey

2022-08-24 Thread Sidney Markowitz
The Apache Software Foundation PMCs have been asked to forward this 
request to their user and dev communities via their mailing lists:

Hello everyone,

The 2022 ASF Community Survey is looking to gather scientific data that 
allows us to understand our community better, both in its demographic 
composition, and also in collaboration styles and preferences. We want 
to find areas where we can continue to do great work, and others where 
we need to provide more support so that our projects can keep growing 
healthy and diverse.

If you have an email, you should have received an email with 
an invitation to take the 2022 ASF Community Survey. Please take 15 
minutes to complete it.

If you do not have an email address or you didn’t receive a 
link, please follow this link to the survey:

You can find information about privacy on the survey’s Confluence page. 
The last surveys of this kind were implemented in 2016 and 2020, which 
means we are finally in a position to see trends over time.

Your participation is paramount to the success of this project! Please 
consider filling out the survey, and share this news with your fellow 
Apache contributors. As individuals form the Apache community, your 
opinion matters: we want to hear your voice.

If you have any questions about the survey or otherwise, please reach 
out to us!


Katia Rojas

V.P. of Diversity and Inclusion

The Apache Software Foundation

In RTC mode, looks like we can go straight to a release candidate

2022-08-22 Thread Sidney Markowitz

With no votes against, we are now in RTC mode.

Committers, please post proposed commits as patches in a Bugzilla issue 
for review before committing. Hold off on anything that is potentially 

It looks like the only thing left before we can produce a release 
candidate is Kevin and Giovanni declaring that the edits to the UPGRADE 
file on Google Docs are complete so I can reformat it into a text file 
and commit it to svn. It looks like that is about ready, so I can just 
go straight to making an rc1 instead of a pre-release 3.

RTC rules do not have to apply to edits to documentation, comments, or 
tests, as long as you are careful to not kill the build with a typo.

Thanks everyone, we are almost there!


Re: Ready to move to RTC mode and produce a pre-3?

2022-08-20 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 20/08/22 6:00 pm:
Also, Giovanni and I did a pass on the announcement at 
and it's ready we believe.  The word wrapping will need work when it's 
brought back to ASCII, sorry.

announcements % svn ci -m "Announcement file rewritten for 4.0.0, word 
wrapped at 72 (Thunderbird's default for plain text), placeholder for 
file hashes" 4.0.0.txt

Transmitting file data .done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1903603.

Re: Ready to move to RTC mode and produce a pre-3?

2022-08-20 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 20/08/22 6:00 pm:
A pre-release doesn't require RTC so I'd suggest we either 1) use CTR and a 
pre-3 *or* 2) I'd be +1 for RTC and a rc1.

Also, Giovanni and I did a pass on the announcement at 
and it's ready we believe.  The word wrapping will need work when it's brought 
back to ASCII, sorry.

Ok, I'll do the wrap and ASCII conversion on the announcement now.

The upgrade file is much longer and Giovanni's done a great job with 19 
pages(!!) of upgrades.  I've only wordsmithed through the first few pages if 
anyone has some cycles to help make it better. Sorry, the conversion back to 
ASCII and word wrapping will be a pain here but best done when the editing is done.

My reasoning about RTC and pre3 went like this: It isn't a release candidate 
unless it has everything done for the release, including the UPGRADE and 
announcement files. However, I think we are done with everything we want to have 
in the code, so I am calling for a freeze now so nothing new and unexpected gets 
casually added while those two document files are finished.

If you are happy with the production testing you have been doing and the UPGRADE 
and announcement files are done, when code freeze starts I'll go straight to 
cutting rc1, skipping pre3. Otherwise, to make it convenient for testing I'll 
package the frozen code as pre3 and make rc1 as soon as those two files are 
ready. Either way, I think we are at a good point for a code freeze.

BTW, my concept of RTC is that it is a code freeze that doesn't apply for 
changes that are only to documentation or comments.

Ready to move to RTC mode and produce a pre-3?

2022-08-19 Thread Sidney Markowitz
We are down to no more open bugs and sufficient success on the CPAN test 
machines. My understanding is that testing of trunk in production environments 
has gone well.

If nobody has anything that they are working on that they intend to commit, or 
any other issues to bring up, I would like to go to RTC mode and I'll then cut a 
pre-release 3 that people can test with. If that passes a short time for testing 
I'll cut a release candidate in preparation for actual release.

I don't think we need a formal vote. Let's use lazy consensus over the next 72 
hours for anyone who has a reason not to switch to RTC to speak up. I'm going to 
call it 22:22:22 UTC Monday 22 Aug 2022 because that's close enough to 72 hours 
and it is kind of a cool time and date.

 -- Sidney

New Pre-Release: 4.0.0-pre2 - Testers Needed

2022-05-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.0 pre-release 2 is now available at

This one has a number of fixes and improvements over 4.0.0pre1.

This is the second pre-release for the major release 4.0.0

Please test and post success or failure as soon as possible!

The draft release announcement is not yet written. It will include a
summary of changes and information for upgrading from 3.4.x.
I'll post it here if it is completed before a new release candidate.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:





Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: Perlcritic for make test

2022-05-10 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Henrik K wrote on 10/05/22 4:21 pm:

A quick hack to run it without taint, created t/perlcritic.t which contains:

$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
-d "xt" && "$^X xt/60_perlcritic.t" =~ /(.*)/ ||
"$^X ../xt/60_perlcritic.t" =~ /(.*)/;

That happened to work with make disttest only because that runs in a 
subdirectory below trunk so ../xt found trunk/xt even though it isn't in 
MANIFEST. I committed a fix:

Author: sidney
Date: Tue May 10 23:23:31 2022
New Revision: 1900794

move percritic test code from xt directory which is not in MANIFEST

spamassassin/trunk/t/   (with props)

Modified: spamassassin/trunk/MANIFEST


Re: Perlcritic for make test

2022-05-10 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Henrik K wrote on 10/05/22 4:21 pm:

A quick hack to run it without taint, created t/perlcritic.t which contains:

$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
-d "xt" && "$^X xt/60_perlcritic.t" =~ /(.*)/ ||
"$^X ../xt/60_perlcritic.t" =~ /(.*)/;

I submitted a bug report and a PR to Perl-Critic, but I see that their 
last commit was in October and they have 33 PRs languishing, so I'm not 
holding my breath.

I was about to say that setting PATH would break it when I use plenv or 
perlbrew to try out different perl versions, but then I noticed the $^X 
which does the job nicely.

Since everything is passing the perlcritic test and it runs so quickly, 
I'm +1 about adding it to the tests in t/. If we do that, we could 
remove the explicit invocation of it in xt/ 
because it will be part of t/*.t. If perl-critic ever fixes the bug we 
can then put the original test in t/ and get rid of the kludge to strip -T.

Re: svn commit: r1900597 - /spamassassin/trunk/t/mkrules_else.t

2022-05-05 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Thanks, Henrik for this and the other little test things. They were 
bothering me every time I ran tests the past few days while working on 
the big test issues, but I had to put off fixing them.

Isn't nice when tests produce so little noise that you can finally see 
the cosmetic or little problems and fix them? wrote on 6/05/22 5:48 am:

Author: hege
Date: Thu May  5 17:48:29 2022
New Revision: 1900597

Fix spurious cannot open mkrules_else.0 warnings


New Pre-Release: 4.0.0-pre1 - Testers Needed

2022-05-04 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.0 pre-release 1 is now available at

It was brought to my attention that it was too early to call the
previous one a "release candidate" as we are pretty sure there are
still bugs that will show up when this is tried out in serious production.
So consider this a pre-release, and do try it out and report those bugs.

This one does have a number of fixes and improvements over 4.0.0rc1.

This is the first pre-release for the major release 4.0.0

Please test and post success or failure as soon as possible!

The draft release announcement is not yet written. It will include a
summary of changes and information for upgrading from 3.4.x.
I'll post it here if it is completed before a new release candidate.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:





Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Getting ready for a 4.0.0 pre-release

2022-05-04 Thread Sidney Markowitz
It was pointed out to me that we should be calling the builds 
"pre-release", we are not yet far enough along for something called a 
"release candidate". With the build now at the point that make test 
passes all tests without requiring it be in a checked out svn trunk 
directory, and no open bugs showing on the 4.0.0 milestone other than 
one to track the release process, I can build a pre-release 1 any time 
everyone writing and committing code is at a good pausing point.

Henrik, and Giovanni, that means you, as the ones who have been 
committing things. Can you please post a comment on bug 7981 saying what 
you want to finish up before I cut a pre-release 1? Once you have 
finished those things I'll build and (pre)release it.



Re: Back to CTR after all?

2022-05-01 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 1/05/22 6:58 pm:

I'd recommend the next build is a prerelease build instead of an RC
build until a few people report they are running it in production.  I'm
working hard to get it into production at PCCC.

+1, will do. It's just a name, and a more accurate one in this case.

Re: Back to CTR after all?

2022-05-01 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Ok, back to CTR we go!

Back to CTR after all?

2022-05-01 Thread Sidney Markowitz
I'm sorry to jump back and forth on this, but the reasons for being in 
R-T-C seem to have disappeared. That is something to do when there are 
no more open bugs before a release and we don't want to make any new bugs.

Now it seems that there are bugs for 4.0.0, we expect to find more, and 
it is likely that bug 7826 will be re-opened before we are done.

R-T-C now will just add bureaucracy to fixes that don't need it.

I do request that changes to bug 7826 be handled with proper discussion 
to avoid any potential commit war.

I haven't found any official process written for switching between R-T_C 
and C-T-R. Do I get to just declare that we are back since I declared 
the switch to R-T-C? Does anyone disagree?


Re: Problems in make test

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 1/05/22 3:47 pm:

A) When was that MANIFEST change because I do believe there are a couple
of items that should be included. I think it's used with ruleqa or

r1880742 | gbechis | 2020-08-11 02:29:41 +1200 (Tue, 11 Aug 2020) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /spamassassin/trunk/MANIFEST

remove rules from MANIFEST that should be downloaded using sa-update

B) do any rc's pass make test without a symlink to a trunk checkout to
get the rules rulessrc and t.rules?

The rest of my followup on this is now in comments in bug 7982, will 
continue there.

Re: Problems in make test

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz
The instructions in build/README say to only link when doing it in a 
branch. I did track the problem down to a commit that removed from MANIFEST along with another rules file, saying it 
should come from sa-update. Even if I put them back, there are still 
other tests breaking that seem to require one or more rules files that 
never were in MANIFEST. This seems to be a new problem in 4.0 that only 
shows up when running make test from a distribution tarball, not from a 
trunk svn checkout, and so wasn't noticed until now. We can continue 
this in the new bug comments.

Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 1/05/22 2:31 pm:

I don't know if you can run a make test on an rc release without doing
an ln -s to the rules dir in an svn checkout.  If you follow the steps
in the build/README file, and there are like three ln -s commands that
might help.

Re: Problems in make test

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Do you mean I did install SpamAssassin on the box and 
ran sa-update. The file is in


The file is not in the 4_0_0_rc_1 tar. If I run make test in the svn 
checkout, where the file is in the rules directory, that runs fine.

How is make test supposed to find when not run from a 
full svn checkout?

Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 1/05/22 1:39 pm:

Sidney, do you have SA rules installed on the box?  Might be a chicken/egg
issue but sounds like you don't have the 20 TLD files.  -KAM
Kevin A. McGrail
Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project - 703.798.0171

On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 9:38 PM Sidney Markowitz  wrote:

I messed up with make test during the release candidate process.

I hope that I just have my setup wrong, because I expect this would have
been mentioned before now if everyone gets it.

In trunk, or equivalently 4.0.0-rc1, with a clean environment,

perl Makefile.PL
make test

results in many tests failing after issuing warnings with

config: registryboundaries: no tlds defined, need to run sa-update

I don't see the same problem doing the same thing in the same
environment with the 3.4.6 distribution.

Is it just me or does a bug have to be opened?

   -- Sidney

Problems in make test

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz

I messed up with make test during the release candidate process.

I hope that I just have my setup wrong, because I expect this would have 
been mentioned before now if everyone gets it.

In trunk, or equivalently 4.0.0-rc1, with a clean environment,

perl Makefile.PL
make test

results in many tests failing after issuing warnings with

  config: registryboundaries: no tlds defined, need to run sa-update

I don't see the same problem doing the same thing in the same 
environment with the 3.4.6 distribution.

Is it just me or does a bug have to be opened?

 -- Sidney

Re: [Bug 7981] New: Remaining tasks for 4.0.0 release

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz
I've created a new issue marked as blocker for the 4.0 milestone as a 
place to concentrate discussion on remaining tasks for the release that 
don't fit into other open issues.


Re: Moving to R-T-C mode for 4.0.0 release - No commits without review

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz

This is wrong, from the point of view of proper process.

I'm glad you are accepting "fault", Kevin, "for not being more 
communicative", but the process is that we have issues that are opened 
in Bugzilla, work on them is coordinated in the comments of those 
issues, issues that we decide to include in the 4.0 release are marked 
with a "4.0" milestone, issues that we decide can be done after the 4.0 
release are assigned a "Future" milestone, and we know when we are ready 
to release when all issues with a 4.0 milestone have been closed.

I don't care about being or nor being "communicative". How can anyone on 
the team be working on an issue and allow the issue to be closed without 
ever making a comment in Bugzilla and especially without reopening the 
issue when they see it closed?

This is not even a discussion that should be ongoing in this mailing 
list, other than perhaps a single email saying "Whoops, too soon for a 
release candidate, I have (re-)opened bug(s) #X and #Y that need more 
work, look at them for details."

Please properly put whatever technical reasons we have to not proceed 
with the release in the correct Bugzilla issues.

This has only reinforced the decision to go R-T-C: I certainly don't 
want to see this turn into a commit war between everything that Henrik 
has done in the past days vs an entire independent set of patches 
completed in the dark in parallel. We can hash it out in Bugzilla 
comments where it belongs.


Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 1/05/22 4:39 am:

The switch to making sure that the patches were without any issues led to
significant delays.

To my knowledge there is nobody testing the code in any live production
systems. I expect we will find bugs because of that.

As I said the fault is mine for not being more communicative. But yes right
now we have patches doing the same things in different ways with different
issues and they need to be reconciled.

Appreciate all your help on them. We'll get it done and hopefully I'm wrong
with the bugs and gaps being minimal.

Regards,. KAM

On Sat, Apr 30, 2022, 12:16 Henrik K  wrote:

Why are you expecting massive issues?  I completed all the WLBL work in few
days in meticulous detail, there's extensive tests and many people tested
it.  I think there was about one alias that was missing which Giovanni
noticed (cheers).

I would have rather not participated, but as you went silent for year or
two, why would anyone expect there's some pending diffs.

On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 12:03:55PM -0400, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

Well it was out fault for working on diffs and not giving visibility.


then did work on some of the same bugs in a new branch.

We are reconciling it against the same work others did on the WLBL, for
example.  And I expect with RC1 to find some pretty massive issues there


I don't think anybody is using all the code there.

We also found some issues with sigonly in the original version and in


patches too.

So we're working on bugs and reconciliation between two different

people's code

fixing the same bugs. Not easy.

Hope that clears things up and why I don't think RTC is useful for RC1


I don't think it has any chance of becoming a full release.

Regards, KAM

On Sat, Apr 30, 2022, 10:58 Henrik K <[1]> wrote:

 Wtf?  If you or someone have "giant diffs" or work being done, then


 them on the appropriate bugs, reopening if necessary.  I don't


 why even waste time posting something vague like this.

 On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 09:50:15AM -0400, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
 > Should we delay RTC? I know there are some bugs being worked on in


 of the
 > bugs that have been closed. I also know there's some patches that
 > might or might not have gotten to for the WLBL. We had a giant

diff for

 > was collided.
 > On Sat, Apr 30, 2022, 05:55 Axb <[1][2]> wrote:
 > Doh! Henrik already did it.
 > Thanks!
 > On 4/30/22 11:52, Axb wrote:
 > > Should we update [2][3] for this relesase?
 > >
 > > I can't do it at the moment - any taker?
 > >
 > > On 4/30/22 11:27, Sidney Markowitz wrote:
 > >> It's time for a code freeze in preparation for the release


 > >> release candidates.
 > >>
 > >> Please do not commit anything to trunk other than the usual
 > >> rules stuff that finds its way into the rule update process.
 > >>
 > >> Any new bug fixes that need to be committed for 4.0.0

should be

 > >> associated with a bug opened with a 4.0 mileston

New Release Candidate: 4.0.0-rc1 - Testers Needed

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

4.0.0 release candidate 1 is now available at

This is the first release candidate for the major release 4.0.0

Please test and post success or failure as soon as possible! If these
files don't show any immediate problems I'll call for a vote on moving
to full release.

The draft release announcement is not yet written. It will include a
summary of changes and information for upgrading from 3.4.x.
I'll post it here if it is completed before a new release candidate.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Moving to R-T-C mode for 4.0.0 release - No commits without review

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz
It's time for a code freeze in preparation for the release of 4.0.0 
release candidates.

Please do not commit anything to trunk other than the usual ongoing 
rules stuff that finds its way into the rule update process.

Any new bug fixes that need to be committed for 4.0.0 should be 
associated with a bug opened with a 4.0 milestone and get reviewed 
before committed.

Please hold off on committing for any issue that is not marked as 4.0 



Re: Preparing a 4.0.0 release

2022-04-30 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Henrik K wrote on 30/04/22 6:13 pm:

Shall we start rolling rc's out, all bugs are closed?

That's fine with me. I'll start making one while checking whether an rc 
needs a vote to be official.

If anyone can think of anything else that should be done before there is 
a release candidate, speak up now.


Re: Preparing a 4.0.0 release

2022-04-23 Thread Sidney Markowitz

David Bürgin wrote on 23/04/22 5:32 am:

Have you considered migrating to Git before the next major release? It
has many advantages over Subversion, and would make development more
accessible and transparent for other developers.

I personally prefer working with git as compared to svn, but I agree 
with Henrik that it would not provide enough benefits in this case to 
switch right now. We are close to finally getting 4.0.0 out the door, a 
goal that has been delayed for too many years. If anything, even 
considering something major like switching our development processes 
from svn to git, and presumably changing from Bugzilla to using Github 
for tracking, PRs, testing, and release processes, would come after the 
big milestone of the 4.0.0 release, not just before.

Preparing a 4.0.0 release

2022-04-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz
We are down to six open issues on Bugzilla with a 4.0 milestone, none 
listed as blockers. Let's see if we can get a release out. I'll take 
care of the release manager duties. Henrik volunteered to spend some 
time wrapping up issues during the next few weeks. Of course anyone else 
can help too.

One possible loose end I noticed is that there are some open issues with 
milestone "Undefined", seven of which are Priority 2, Severity Major. 
That's a small enough number that it should be easy to scan and at least 
 verify that none of them are of interest for 4.0.0.



Re: Rule updates are too old - 2021-04-13 3.3.0:2021-04-12 3.3.1:2021-04-12 3.3.2:2021-04-12

2021-04-13 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Aside from anything else about this, we are overdue implementing the 
phase-out of sha1 hashes in rule updates and the freezing of pre-3.4.2 
rule update files to the last one published with sha1 hashes. wrote on 13/04/21 11:00 pm:

SpamAssassin version 3.3.0 has not had a rule update since 2021-04-12.
SpamAssassin version 3.3.1 has not had a rule update since 2021-04-12.
SpamAssassin version 3.3.2 has not had a rule update since 2021-04-12.

20210412:  Spam and ham are above threshold of 150,000:
20210412:  Spam: 636925, Ham: 273430

The spam and ham counts on which this script alerts are from
Click "(source details)" (it's tiny and low contrast).
It's from the second and third columns of the line that ends with
"(all messages)"

The source to this script is

It looks like both the weekly and nightly masschecks need to have sufficient
corpora in order for an update to be generated.

ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.6 available

2021-04-12 Thread Sidney Markowitz
t reaches your mailbox, while allowing other components of
a mail system to act on its results.

Most of the Apache SpamAssassin is written in Perl, with heavily
traversed code paths carefully optimized. Benefits are portability,
robustness and facilitated maintenance. It can run on a wide variety of
POSIX platforms.

The server and the Perl library feels at home on Unix and Linux platforms
and reportedly also works on MS Windows systems under ActivePerl.

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation

Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides
organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 100
freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The
pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to
easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property
framework limits the legal exposure of its 2,500+ contributors.

For more information, visit

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

New Release Candidate: 3.4.6-rc1 - Testers Needed

2021-04-08 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Everyone,

3.4.6 release candidate 1 is now available at

This fixes a small but an annoying bug that was introduced in 3.4.5, plus one 
more minor bug that was simple enough to include once we knew we needed a 
version 3.4.6.

Please test and post success or failure as soon as posible! If these files 
don't show any immediate problems I'll call for a vote on moving to full 

The draft release announcement has been committed to the 3.4 branch in 
Suggest changes to the summary of fixes if necessary.

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: Preparing 3.4.6 release - Branch now in RTC mode

2021-04-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Henrik K wrote on 8/04/21 4:46 pm:

Could we also add 7892 in, as it's 100% trivial and safe change?

Then the other one I marked, which is not as trivial.  It will rarely add an
extra wrong DNS query, which could by fixed by uridnsbl_skip_domain in case
of FPs.  I'd vote to just skip it.

Ok, I vote +1 to commit the 7892 fix to 3.4 branch. We need a third vote to do 

If you think 7891 should be skipped for 3.4.6, then I'll go along with 
skipping it.

Can one more committer jump in with a vote on 7892 after reviewing the patch? 
I'm ready for a build of rc1 other than that.


Re: Test failures in 3.4 branch

2021-04-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Bill Cole wrote on 8/04/21 3:33 pm:

The string T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 (apparently a rule name) does not occur
anywhere in the 3.4 branch or in trunk.

Theory: it's seeing a bogus rule file that isn't in the distribution.
Maybe a user_prefs file?

After carefully ensuring that trunk was a clean checkout, it all worked, so I 
guess I had some svn ignored files in rules and/or rulesrc that affected the 
testing without showing up in svn status.

All ok now, on with the release process.

Test failures in 3.4 branch

2021-04-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Here are failures I got running in the 3.4 branch with the rules, rulesrc, and 
t.rules symlinked to trunk.

 sudo make test TEST_FILES="xt/*.t"

in macOS 11.2.3

I'm not deep enough into the code to address the issue right now, just 
following release steps.

Can someone please look at this and comment?

xt/50_lang_lint.t ... Apr  8 12:24:46.964 [94600] warn: 
config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:47.821 [94600] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 1/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
Apr  8 12:24:48.646 [94602] warn: config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:49.292 [94602] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 2/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
Apr  8 12:24:50.076 [94604] warn: config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:50.710 [94604] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 3/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
Apr  8 12:24:51.497 [94606] warn: config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:52.141 [94606] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 4/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
Apr  8 12:24:52.946 [94608] warn: config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:53.591 [94608] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 5/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
Apr  8 12:24:54.369 [94610] warn: config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:55.014 [94610] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 6/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
Apr  8 12:24:55.814 [94612] warn: config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:56.466 [94612] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 7/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
Apr  8 12:24:57.255 [94614] warn: config: invalid meta T_KHOP_BOTNET_4 token: .8
Apr  8 12:24:57.918 [94614] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
debug enabled for more information

Not found: anything =at t/lang_lint.t line 19.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... 8/?
#   Failed test at t/ line 811.
# Looks like you failed 8 tests of 8.
exec failed at xt/50_lang_lint.t line 6.
xt/50_lang_lint.t ... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 
Failed 8/8 subtests



Preparing 3.4.6 release - Branch now in RTC mode

2021-04-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz
I already mentioned this in another thread, repeating it with a suitable 
Subject for clarity.

It looks like we will release version 3.4.6 to fix bug 7897 that is a 
regression introduced by the fix for bug 7822. The proposed fix will revert to 
the bug 7822 incorrect behavior, which is considered less important and can be 
addressed in trunk for the 4.0 series.

The 3.4 branch is now in code freeze, i.e. in RTC mode, other than the commits 
that are part of the release process by the release manager (me).

I'll proceed with building a 3.4.6-rc1 which we can vote on, rebuilding and 
releasing 3.4.6 as soon as we get a release candidate that passes the votes.


Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.5 available

2021-04-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Bill Cole wrote on 8/04/21 10:09 am:

I believe we should release a 3.4.6 in the near term (days not months)
to fix 7897 even if we have to do it with 7822 unfixed. I'd rather both
were fixed but I don't have the free cycles right now to get a good
enough understanding of the entanglements to fix it myself.

Ok, I'll start the release process, with me as release manager. We are now 
back to code freeze, RTC mode in the 3.4 branch. If anyone thinks that there 
is a safe fix for bug 7822 to go along with this, speak up. Otherwise we'll 
release 3.4.6 with the only changes being the patch to fix 7897 that reverts 7822.

As per our processes, I can proceed with preparing the release and we vote 
when there is a build to vote on.

Could one of you who does have the deeper understanding of the issues write 
the brief (one line?) descriptions of what is being fixed and what is being 
regressed as it should appear in the release notes for 3.4.6?



Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.5 available

2021-04-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Henrik K wrote on 7/04/21 1:31 am:

I think we should release 3.4.6 because of this bug:

Metas depending on uribl rules do not currently hit.. :-(

Though it seems there aren't any metas in stock ruleset that are affected.
I do have on my own rules.  So dunno, what is the timeline for a 4.0

Henrik, are you saying that this isn't enough reason to release 3.4.6 after 
all because it doesn't effect any metas in stock ruleset? I'm ok with doing 
the release manager work for 3.4.6 if there is consensus that it is necessary. 
Also, to be clear, is bug 7897 more important to fix than the bug 7822 that 
would be re-introduced by reverting its patch?


Can anyone help get a Windows build working?

2021-04-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz
SpamAssassin has not had working instruction for building under Windows since 
version 3.4.1 and ActivePerl's switch to using dmake.

It looks like an alternative should use Strawberry Perl but what we have now 
fails to build with it.

Does anyone here have the Windows experience and inclination to take a look at 
getting SpamAssassin to build under Windows, preferably using Strawberry?

The obsolete instructions using ActivePerl are on the wiki InstallingOnWindows 
page at

[CVE-2020-1946] Apache SpamAssassin malicious rule configuration (.cf) files can be configured to run system commands

2021-03-24 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.5 was recently released [1], and fixes an issue of 
security note where malicious rule configuration (.cf) files can be configured 
to run system commands.

In Apache SpamAssassin before 3.4.5, exploits can be injected in a number of 
scenarios. In addition to upgrading to SA 3.4.5, users should only use update 
channels or 3rd party .cf files from trusted places.

Apache SpamAssassin would like to thank Damian Lukowski at credativ for 
ethically reporting this issue.

This issue has been assigned CVE id CVE-2020-1946 [2]

To contact the Apache SpamAssassin security team, please e-mail
security at For more information about Apache
SpamAssassin, visit the web site.

Apache SpamAssassin Security Team



Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.5 available

2021-03-24 Thread Sidney Markowitz
r architecture that allows
other technologies to be quickly incorporated as an addition or as a
replacement for existing methods.

Apache SpamAssassin typically runs on a server, classifies and labels
spam before it reaches your mailbox, while allowing other components of
a mail system to act on its results.

Most of the Apache SpamAssassin is written in Perl, with heavily
traversed code paths carefully optimized. Benefits are portability,
robustness and facilitated maintenance. It can run on a wide variety of
POSIX platforms.

The server and the Perl library feels at home on Unix and Linux platforms
and reportedly also works on MS Windows systems under ActivePerl.

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation

Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides
organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 100
freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The
pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to
easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property
framework limits the legal exposure of its 2,500+ contributors.

For more information, visit

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: Rewrite of SecurityPolicy page on SpamAssassin wiki

2021-03-18 Thread Sidney Markowitz

John Hardin wrote on 18/03/21 1:48 pm:

Are there guidelines for how to (not) comment on the commit that fixes a
CVE? Blocking public access to a bug doesn't help obscure the fix if the
public comment on the fix commit is referencing a locked security bug...

What kind of comment would that be? Discussion about the bug would be in the 
comments of the Bugzilla issue and in the securty@ mailing list, both of which 
have restricted access (the Bugzilla issue being security restricted in this 
case). The only public comment is the commit log message, which is in public 
view and is sent to commits@. The policy is to not mention the CVE id in that 
commit message and to say something bland but true like "fixing rule parsing".

Oh, are you saying to be more explicit in the part of the policy about how to 
write those commit messages and what to say in public about the commit? Yes, 
that would be a good idea.

Rewrite of SecurityPolicy page on SpamAssassin wiki

2021-03-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz
I've completely rewritten the wiki page describing our project's process for 
handling reports and fixes of security vulnerabilities because it did not 
match what we actually do.

I have a point I would like to bring up for discussion.

"Also, unlike non-security issues which are closed in Bugzilla once the fix is 
committed, leave this issue in Open state until the SpamAssassin release 
containing the fix is prepared. That prevents people without full access to 
the issue from matching up the time of closing of the issue with time of svn 

That is something we have done, but I don't see the need given that for anyone 
without access to security bugs any search or notification of closed bugs will 
not show the issue. Even if someone knows the issue number, attempting to look 
at it will show that a closed-access issue with that number exists, but 
nothing about its contents or status or dates the status changed.

Given that the security purpose for that policy is not actually helped by it, 
and it is more convenient to close bugs when the fix has been tested and 
committed, I propose that we drop that policy.

After getting some responses to get a sense of things, I'll call for a vote to 
change the policy.

I also locked the page to allow it to be viewed by anyone, but edited only by 
members of the PMC. We might want to consider identifying other wiki pages 
that similarly describe PMC policies and lock write access to those too. While 
it is helpful that a wiki page can be improved by anyone who notices a typo or 
awkward phrasing, pages that purport to describe official policy should have a 
bit more assurance that they remain accurate. If anyone thinks that was a 
wrong decision, feel free to speak up and we can discuss and vote on it.


Next steps in the 3.4.5 release

2021-03-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hi everyone,

It's awfully quiet regarding the testing of 3.4.5-rc2. I'm making some 
assumptions in taking the next steps in the final release.

Please, speak up if any of these assumptions are wrong and we should not go on 
to a quick 3.4.5 build and vote.

I assume:

 1. There are people who have been running branch 3.4 in a production 
environment since at least when it was tagged as 3.4.5-rc1 last January (even 
though there was no announcement of 3.4.5-rc1 builds)

 2. The few commits to two minor issues that were committed since then have 
been sufficiently reviewed and are deemed safe.

 3. Enough committers do think that what we have in 3.4.5-rc2 is ready for 
release so nothing is left in the process except to build 3.4.5 and call for a 
release vote.

 4. Nobody has a -1 vote against proceeding with release that they can explai 
with a technical reason.

I'll give this another two days. If there are no negative responses to 
consider, I'll proceed with the next steps in the release by building what we 
currently have as 3.4.5.


 Sidney Markowitz
 Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

New Release Candidate: 3.4.5-rc2 - Testers Needed

2021-03-15 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Hello Assassins,

3.4.5 release candidate 2 is now available at

There is a CVE fixed in 3.4.5 that we will disclose more at release so you'll 
definitely want to look at upgrading.

Please test! This branch of the code has been tested enough that if these files 
don't show any immediate problems I'll call for a vote on moving to full 

sha256sum of archive files:


sha512sum of archive files:


Fingerprints of keys for gpg signatures in the .asc files:

Install files: D8099BC79E17D7E49BC21E31FDE52F40F7D39814
Rule files:5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: svn commit: r1887691 - /spamassassin/trunk/build/README

2021-03-15 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Benny Pedersen wrote on 16/03/21 5:46 pm:

On 2021-03-15 23:32, wrote:

+  pyzor
+  razor

why in build stage ? :(

we would love to see no plugins enabled pr default, and if wanted
enabled make guides on what to do for enable it imho would be more
helpfull, i say this as a gentoo repo maintainer

They are used for running the tests, which is part of our release build 
process, which that file documents. As a gentoo repo maintainer I would expect 
that you can figure out what to modify for your own packaging.

Now that you mention it, however, I can see that it could be a good idea to 
separate out the list of what is needed for the actual build steps that are 
described later in the file. The first part of the file describes how to make 
sure that we have everything in the repo ready to build, up to the point of 
tagging the repo with the release version number. The steps after that 
describe making a clean checkout of the tag into a new directory and building 
an install package from that. Since that could even be done on a different 
computer, it is reasonable to separate the dependencies of just that part, 
which as you point out should not require pyzor or razor.


Preparing for 3.4.5 release - 3.4.5-rc2 on its way

2021-03-15 Thread Sidney Markowitz
KAM has passed the mantle of release manager for 3.4.5 to me for the final 
steps, and I'm preparing a 3.4.5-rc2 now. When it is available, I would like 
everyone who can to give it a quick test so we can move on to a vote as soon 
as possible about approval to rebuild it as a release 3.4.5.

To that end, I have committed a draft of the announcement text and would 
appreciate it get reviewed ASAP:


I've noted in the announcement that we intend to have no more development, bug 
fixes, or releases in the 3.4 branch unless another sufficiently important 
security issue requires it.

Committers, since this is documentation, not code, and in any case not in the 
3.4 branch, that file is not subject to the RTC code freeze 3.4 is now under.


 Sidney Markowitz
 Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

Re: Freeze on 3.4 branch (RTC mode)

2021-03-10 Thread Sidney Markowitz

Benny Pedersen wrote on 10/03/21 6:41 pm:

is minimal version of Mail::DKIM raised ?

It still set in Makefile.PL to minimum version 0.31 recommended 0.37.

Is there a Bugzilla issue for the problem you have described? I'm afraid I 
don't know much about DKIM. Nothing new will be going into 3.4.5 unless there 
is an open bug that is voted as being a blocker for the release. There are no 
open blockers now, and I hope that the release can be out very soon.

It would help if you could describe your problem in a Bugzilla issue in clear 
enough terms and examples that it can be reproduced by someone who is more 
familiar with DKIM and perhaps amavisd or dkimpy or fuglu.


Freeze on 3.4 branch (RTC mode)

2021-03-09 Thread Sidney Markowitz

We have to release 3.4.5.

There have been three commits since the final preparation of 3.4.5-rc1, 
including the fix for the AskDNS bugs  and 7875. Those seem safe enough to 
include in a release.

Please don't commit to the 3.4 branch without a review and vote (RTC mode), 
which should only happen if something is found that would block the release.



Apache SpamAssassin Looking for Student Developers and Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2019

2019-03-13 Thread Sidney Markowitz
On behalf of the Apache SpamAssassin PMC, we are supporting the Google Summer 
of Code for 2019.

GSOC is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open 
source software development. Students work with an open source organization on 
a 3 month programming project during their break from school.

Please help spread the word, review bugzilla, and post about great project 
ideas that might be appropriate for a student developer with an Apache mentor 
guiding them.

As examples, here is one project that has already been picked up for this 
year, but gives an idea of what we are looking for
and a list of ideas that were suggested for GSOC-2018 that could still be done

We want to make sure nothing is missed this year. And maybe a student
developer wants to take the torch on one of these proposals!

PLEASE: If there are student developers posting on users@ or dev@, please take
extra care to guide them and be nice!

More info:

Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin Project Management Committee

Apache release policy

2018-08-07 Thread Sidney Markowitz
I opened and want to 
make sure it is noticed in time for our next release. We are required to use 
SHA-256 or SHA-512 checksums for our distribution downloads, and to not use 
SHA-1. I don't see any reason to use SHA-512 instead of or in addition to SHA-256.


Congrats to new ASF Member: Karsten Braeckelmann

2018-05-04 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Hi everyone,

This week's announcement of the new Members elected during the annual ASF
Members' Meeting includes one from our very own SpamAssassin PMC, Karsten

Please join us in congratulating Karsten on becoming an ASF member!


Sidney Markowitz
Chair, Apache SpamAssassin PMC

REMINDER - TAC Applications closes in 2 weeks for ACNA Montreal

2018-04-17 Thread Sidney Markowitz
[Forwarded by the PMC on request of the Travel Assistance Committee]

Reminder that travel assistance applications for ApacheCon NA 2018 are still
open but only for another 2 weeks!

Please get your applications in NOW.

We will be supporting ApacheCon NA Montréal, Canada on 24th - 29th September 

TAC exists to help those that would like to attend ApacheCon events, but are
unable to do so for financial reasons.

For more info on this years applications and qualifying criteria, please visit
the TAC website at < >. Applications are now
open and will close 1st May.

Important: Applications close on May 1st, 2018. Applicants have until the
closing date above to submit their applications (which should contain as much
supporting material as required to efficiently and accurately process their
request), this will enable TAC to announce successful awards shortly afterwards.

As usual, TAC expects to deal with a range of applications from a diverse
range of backgrounds. We therefore encourage (as always) anyone thinking about
sending in an application to do so ASAP.

We look forward to greeting many of you in Montreal

Kind Regards,

Gavin - (On behalf of the Travel Assistance Committee)

ApacheCon NA 2018 Travel Assistance Applications now open!

2018-02-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Hi everyone,

The Travel Assistance Committee has asked the various Apache Project
Management Committees to forward the following announcement to the user and
dev mailing lists:


The Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) are pleased to announce that travel
assistance applications for ApacheCon NA 2018 are now open!

We will be supporting ApacheCon NA Montreal, Canada on 24th - 29th September 

 TAC exists to help those that would like to attend ApacheCon events, but are
unable to do so for financial reasons.
For more info on this years applications and qualifying criteria, please visit
the TAC website at < >. Applications are now
open and will close 1st May.

Important: Applications close on May 1st, 2018. Applicants have until the
closing date above to submit their applications (which should contain as much
supporting material as required to efficiently and accurately process their
request), this will enable TAC to announce successful awards shortly afterwards.

As usual, TAC expects to deal with a range of applications from a diverse
range of backgrounds. We therefore encourage (as always) anyone thinking about
sending in an application to do so ASAP.
We look forward to greeting many of you in Montreal

Kind Regards,
Gavin - (On behalf of the Travel Assistance Committee)

Re: Wiki edit access please

2018-02-06 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Bill Cole wrote on 3/02/18 6:33 AM:
> username: BillCole
> Why: I keep finding wrongness/staleness that I want to fix.
> If there's a way for committers to enable this for ourselves, I'm too 
> clueless to find it...

I added you to the AdminGroup on the wiki, so now you can fill requests like
that too. It isn't automatic for committers. When you want to give someone
edit access to the wiki, add their name to the ContributorsGroup page, which
you can now see and edit.


Apache SpamAssassin Looking for Student Developers and Project ,Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2018

2018-01-19 Thread Sidney Markowitz
On behalf of the Apache SpamAssassin PMC, we are supporting the Google Summer
of Code for 2018.

GSOC is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open
source software development. Students work with an open source organization on
a 3 month programming project during their break from school.

Please help spread the word, review bugzilla, and post about great project
ideas that might be appropriate for a student developer with an Apache mentor
guiding them.

For example, due to a hiccup with missing a deadline, this proposal in 2015
wasn't able to be done (Sorry, Sarang!).
We want to make sure nothing is missed this year.  And maybe a student
developer wants to take the torch on that proposal!

PLEASE: If there are student developers posting on users@ or dev@, please take
extra care to guide them and be nice!

More info:

 Sidney Markowitz
 Chair, Apache SpamAssassin Project Management Committee

All ported

2017-04-16 Thread Sidney Markowitz
I'm done with the patches. I verified that I included all the patches you sent
(except the one for Bug 7215 that Kevin G sent, as it looks like we are not
including that in 3.4.2), and checked again that any files that are different
in branch and trunk that I did not port only have the unicode changes that we
are not releasing in 3.4.2.

I did not touch the following rules files even though there are differences
between what they contain in branches/3.4 and in trunk.


My error on Bugzilla bugs this weekend

2017-04-15 Thread Sidney Markowitz
My apologies to all - I just noticed that I have been using the Version field
in Bugzilla all this weekend when I should have been using Target Milestone.
Now I need to go back to whatever I changed and correct it.


Re: PROPOSAL: Be stricter about creating Bugzilla issue before committing

2017-04-15 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Kevin Golding wrote on 15/04/17 8:51 PM:
> Apologies if any overlap

This looks good. I can see from the names of the attachments that most if not
all will be ones I have yet to look at, so the timing is good. I'll grab the
attachments and continue from there for the rest of tonight.



rules/*.cf in syncing 3.4 and trunk

2017-04-15 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Are any of these relevant for syncing 3.4 with trunk, or are only the files in
trunk used for rule updates? These are the files in the rules directory that
have differences between trunk and the 3.4 branch:

Syncing 3.4 and trunk

2017-04-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Kevin, this question is probably for you.

Should I apply thge last four changes to rules/ that were made in
trunk to the 3.4 branch? Only the first of them mentions a bugzilla issue in
the commit message, bug 7282, but I think they are all part of it and that it
makes sense to port.

Also, I'm porting bug 7192 which looks like it was incorrectly labeled with a
3.4.1 version even though it was committed after the 3.4.1 release, and then
never ported to the branch. The commit for that in trunk created a file in
your sandbox sandbox/kmcgrail/

Do I put that in branch/3.4 also, or skip that file?


Re: PROPOSAL: Be stricter about creating Bugzilla issue before committing

2017-04-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 15/04/17 3:06 PM:
> Plus one here but will note Kevin Golding and I have already been syncing
> trunk and 3.4. I can email you the remaining work tomorrow so we can sync.

I noticed what you have done. So far I'm about to be done with all the non
*.pm files and there are only 22 *.pm files with differences left to look at.
If you and Kevin Golding have anything that you are in the middle of that you
have not yet committed you should let me know because I may be able to get
through all the rest by tonight (still afternoon here).


PROPOSAL: Be stricter about creating Bugzilla issue before committing

2017-04-14 Thread Sidney Markowitz
My task this weekend has been tracking down mismatches between trunk and
branch 3.4 to make sure that anything that has been committed to trunk and is
or should be targeted for the 3.4.2 release has been committed to the branch.

In doing that I'm encountering a number of commits to trunk that do not refer
back to a Bugzilla issue. Usually it is a simple and obvious patch for an
issue that clearly ought to be done, and probably didn't seem worth the extra
steps of creating an issue in Bugzilla for it. Maybe some of them were a
result of the committer not including the bug number in the commit message - I
would not be able to tell if that's the case without a search in Bugzilla in
which I guess the keywords to look for.

I propose that we make a practice of 1) Create a Bugzilla issue for anything
we commit to source files or to any other files that are part of the build
process; 2) Include the text "bug " somewhere in the commit message.

The benefits of doing this include 1) Makes it easier to track what has to be
ported from trunk to branch before a release; 2) Makes it possible to look up
the reasons and discussions related to a commit, and to find other commits
that are related to the same issue even when at the time of the first commit
it was not anticipated that there would be anything more to be committed.

We already have in our guidelines to include "bug " in the commit message

I would like to see if there is consensus on adding to our guidelines that we
always create a Bugzilla issue for something that will be committed into our
source or related files.

It also seems like a good idea to create a CommitterGuidelines page on the
wiki. I had some difficulty finding the guideline for svn commit messages
where it is hiding under UsingBugzilla.

Comments, votes?


Re: Need a Volunteer to help unifying trunk and 3.4 branch

2017-04-11 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 11/04/17 4:16 PM:
> Any chance you can look at bug 7181 and why sa_compile.t fails?


Re: Need a Volunteer to help unifying trunk and 3.4 branch

2017-04-10 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 11/04/17 4:16 PM:
> Any chance you can look at bug 7181 and why sa_compile.t fails?  You 
> need re2c installed on the machine.

I'll look at.

> Also a pass through bugs and blockers in bugzilla would be cool to make 
> a list of bugs we want to close in the next 2 weeks or that you think 
> are a must fix for 3.4.2.

I'll do a pass, but we really should have it looked at by people here who are
more actively working with mail servers every day and would have a good feel
for how important or not a bug is.

You know who you are :) Can you jump in and do at least a quick pass over the
open bugs for some triage?



Re: Need a Volunteer to help unifying trunk and 3.4 branch

2017-04-10 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 10/04/17 1:51 PM:
> Hi,
> I'm working on the 3.4.2 RC and I was wondering can step forward and get 
> trunk and 3.4 into better sync?

I've got a pretty long weekend coming up, I'll see how much of it I can get 


Mass check and rule updates - Down for machine migration

2017-03-15 Thread Sidney Markowitz
We are in the process of migrating off old machines to a new one for the
masschecks and rule update processing.

Unfortunately the required shutdown of the old machines has happened before
everything was complete on the replacement.

The existing data is safe and is being migrated. However submission of new
masscheck data and generation and download of rule updates are not running
until the new machine is brought up.

I don't have a specific ETA for the new machine right now, just the assurance
that the work is in progress.

I'll post more details when I get them.



Re: Secondary DNS Changes - update needed on your end.

2016-08-12 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Benny Pedersen wrote on 13/08/16 6:21 AM:
> not all eggs in one basket for me :=)

If ASF Infra has properly set everything up they would not have all their eggs
in one basket. To stretch the metaphor way more than it should be... Right now
we have the eggs in a couple of baskets ( and If ASF
Infra provides DNS services for projects then we can ask them to carry our
eggs for us in whatever multiple baskets they have set up.


Re: Secondary DNS Changes - update needed on your end.

2016-08-12 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Axb wrote on 13/08/16 1:30 AM:
> This dates post-McAfee, pre-Apache days so it goes way back.

Oh, pre-Apache! Now it finally makes sense to me why it is set up like it is.
In any case I have asked Infra for an opinion on whether it is worth
switching. Pro switching - Everything would be in house; no dependence on
donations; Con - If it ain't broke, don't fix it; is helpfully
willing to donate the service to us and they aren't about to go away.

The ticket I created with Infra:


Re: Secondary DNS Changes - update needed on your end.

2016-08-12 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Axb wrote on 13/08/16 12:26 AM:
> Sidney,
> As we don't have the need of donated DNS services anymore I suggest we 
> move to Apache infra (and change @registrar)
> Does that make sense?
> Axb

Good point. I don't know the historical background of the current
configuration, but after so many years it is probably a good idea to check
with infra to see if it makes more sense to bring it in house and not rely on
donated services. I'll follow up with them.


Re: Secondary DNS Changes - update needed on your end.

2016-08-12 Thread Sidney Markowitz
[This email is Bcc'd to earlier recipients as I am now moving the discussion
to the public dev@ mailing list]

This thread got started on the private SpamAssassin PMC mailing list when we
were notified there of a required infrastucture update for our DNS. In keeping
with Apache Software Foundation policy that all project business  that does
not require confidentiality be on a public mailing list, I am posting this
here on dev@.

On looking into it I have found that committers have the ability to do the
required update to our DNS configuration by following the procedures in the

I'll take care of it, and will also update the information that is on
to include a section on maintaining our DNS configuration.


> Dear Sonic Customer, You are receiving this notice because you have been
> using Sonic's Secondary DN
> Dear Sonic Customer,
> You are receiving this notice because you have been using Sonic's Secondary
> DNS Service for your domain or domains:
> Sonic is in the process of updating our DNS server infrastructure. To
> continue using Sonic Secondary DNS Service, you will need to update your
> DNS master server as follows:
> * Remove references to the retired secondary master server at
> and notify server at
> * Add the new secondary master and notify server IP address with the new
> address
> You will need to complete your changes by no later than midnight, August 15,
> 2016.
> For more information including an example BIND zone configuration, please
> view the following page:
> Sonic Wiki: Secondary DNS Service
> Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions by replying to this
> email or by telephone at (707) 237-6211 during normal business hours.
> Regards,
> Sonic Operations Department

Re: Secondary DNS Changes - update needed on your end.

2016-08-12 Thread Sidney Markowitz
[This email is Bcc'd to earlier recipients as I am now moving the discussion
to the public dev@ mailing list]

This thread got started on the private SpamAssassin PMC mailing list when we
were notified there of a required infrastucture update for our DNS. In keeping
with Apache Software Foundation policy that all project business  that does
not require confidentiality be on a public mailing list, I am posting this
here on dev@.

On looking into it I have found that committers have the ability to do the
required update to our DNS configuration by following the procedures in the

I'll take care of it, and will also update the information that is on
to include a section on maintaining our DNS configuration.


> Dear Sonic Customer, You are receiving this notice because you have been
> using Sonic's Secondary DN
> Dear Sonic Customer,
> You are receiving this notice because you have been using Sonic's Secondary
> DNS Service for your domain or domains:
> Sonic is in the process of updating our DNS server infrastructure. To
> continue using Sonic Secondary DNS Service, you will need to update your
> DNS master server as follows:
> * Remove references to the retired secondary master server at
> and notify server at
> * Add the new secondary master and notify server IP address with the new
> address
> You will need to complete your changes by no later than midnight, August 15,
> 2016.
> For more information including an example BIND zone configuration, please
> view the following page:
> Sonic Wiki: Secondary DNS Service
> Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions by replying to this
> email or by telephone at (707) 237-6211 during normal business hours.
> Regards,
> Sonic Operations Department

Re: New Apache SpamAssassin Project Chair

2016-06-16 Thread Sidney Markowitz
John Hardin wrote on 16/06/16 11:50 PM:
> Anyone who wants to contribute to masscheck should drop Sidney a fresh 
> note now, I don't think we should rely on him being forwarded that 
> information from KAM.

Oh, definitely send a fresh note, as usual to private@ as described on

I'm just coming up to speed on how to set up the accounts, so it may take a
while yet before I get to them. I saw the requests coming through but assumed
that they were being processed.



New Apache SpamAssassin Project Chair

2016-06-16 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Hi everyone,

There has been a change in the role of Chair for the Apache SpamAssassin
Project Management Committee. Kevin A. McGrail cannot at this time continue
the great work he has been doing as Chair for the past four years. We wish him
the best and stand ready to welcome him back if and when that becomes possible.

The Apache SpamAssassin PMC nominated me to serve as the new project chair.
The Board of Directors for the Apache Software Foundation voted at their June
meeting to accept the nomination and appoint me to the position.

My priorities at the moment are for us to get a 3.4.2 release as soon as
possible, and to make sure that the infrastructure for mass-check and rule
updates has all the capacity and redundancy it needs to ensure that it can
continue to run smoothly.

Anyone who has any other suggestions about what needs doing, please speak up.
Of course as always, patches welcome.


 Sidney Markowitz

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