Re: how to pass a malloc'd C string over to be managed by the GC

2019-02-27 Thread Sam Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 03:35:45 UTC, Sam Johnson wrote:
On Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 03:33:25 UTC, Sam Johnson 


Ignore the `.clone()` call -- that wasn't supposed to be here 
-- I thought maybe string.clone() might exist but it turns out 
it does not.

Update: it seems that all I need to do is GC.addRoot(output); and 
memory leak goes away. I think I have answered my own question.

Re: how to pass a malloc'd C string over to be managed by the GC

2019-02-27 Thread Sam Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 03:33:25 UTC, Sam Johnson wrote:

string snappyCompress(const string plaintext) {
	import deimos.snappy.snappy : snappy_compress, 
snappy_max_compressed_length, SNAPPY_OK;

import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
import std.string : fromStringz, toStringz;
char *input = cast(char *) toStringz(plaintext);
	size_t output_length = 

char *output = cast(char *) malloc(output_length);
	if(snappy_compress(input, plaintext.length, output, 
_length) == SNAPPY_OK) {

string ret = (cast(string) fromStringz(output)).clone();
// < do something magical here
return ret;


Ignore the `.clone()` call -- that wasn't supposed to be here -- 
I thought maybe string.clone() might exist but it turns out it 
does not.

how to pass a malloc'd C string over to be managed by the GC

2019-02-27 Thread Sam Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

string snappyCompress(const string plaintext) {
	import deimos.snappy.snappy : snappy_compress, 
snappy_max_compressed_length, SNAPPY_OK;

import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
import std.string : fromStringz, toStringz;
char *input = cast(char *) toStringz(plaintext);
	size_t output_length = 

char *output = cast(char *) malloc(output_length);
	if(snappy_compress(input, plaintext.length, output, 
_length) == SNAPPY_OK) {

string ret = (cast(string) fromStringz(output)).clone();
// < do something magical here
return ret;

How can I get the GC to automatically garbage collect the 
`output` malloc call by tracking the returned `ret` reference? Or 
is this already managed by the gc because I cast to a `string`?

Re: Symbols missing, unmangle!

2017-08-30 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 22:07:29 UTC, lobo wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 20:23:18 UTC, Johnson Jones 
It would be nice if, when symbols are missing, they are 

Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
_D12mMunchhousin12iMunchhousin11__T4GoTsZ4GoMFS12mMunchhousin18__T10MunchhousinTsZ10sMunchhousinfE12mMunchhousin9eGoffZv (void Munchhousin.Munchhousin.Go!(short).Go()

I know some like to read nonsense for fun, but I don't. Sure, 
I could learn, but it is a useless skill only good for 
interpreting link errors, writing compilers, and being the 
life of the party, none of which I want to do for a living.

Your error message already displays "void 

Is this not the missing symbol?

I don't read mangled names either and I've found ddemangle tool 
helps. It ships with dmd.


It might be the same. If that is the case then it would be nice 
if it didn't display the junk that gets in the way(e.g., add a 

I don't want to have to hunk and peck for stuff(even if it's 
nearly obvious in some cases). In VisualD, the mangled crap is on 
a long line that I have to scroll, which is time consuming. Even 
if wrap is on it still isn't pretty. I mean, if the logic is "It 
shows the information" then why not just display it directly in 
binary and let the end user convert it in their head. If they are 
too stupid to do so then create an online demangler site and a 
few college classes to teach them how. At some point it becomes 
ridiculous. Technology is suppose to make our lives easier, not 
harder. Usually these things are left the way they are until 
someone gets tired of it and fixes it, it's not that it can't be 
done, it's that no one seems to care(or it would have been done 
or the time is now).

Re: Symbols missing, unmangle!

2017-08-30 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 21:51:51 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner 
On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 20:23:18 UTC, Johnson Jones 
It would be nice if, when symbols are missing, they are 

Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
_D12mMunchhousin12iMunchhousin11__T4GoTsZ4GoMFS12mMunchhousin18__T10MunchhousinTsZ10sMunchhousinfE12mMunchhousin9eGoffZv (void Munchhousin.Munchhousin.Go!(short).Go()

Since that's a linker error and there are a multitude of 
linkers that a person could want to use after a D compiler this 
is a non-trivial issue in general.

Options to tackle this include:
1) Have a D compiler capture the linker output and demangle it
2) Try to get demangling of D symbols into upstream of the 
currently common linkers (GNU linker, gold, lld, etc.)
3) Integrate a (FLOSS) cross platform linker into dmd's backend 
at the source code level, with support for such demangling (and 
4) Fork a (FLOSS) cross platform linker for use with D, add 
such support, and distribute a binary of it with dmd's binary 
distribution (and drop OPTLINK)

I'm not proposing any of these are what should be done, I've 
listed them more as an example that something like this would 
require extensive discussion.


A simple wrapper around optilink could possible do this? Not 
well, but it might be enough?

Obviously optilink is the source of the problem.

How hard is it to take a string like the above and demangle it in 
to a readable format? If there is such a funciton in the D 
compiler, a simple wrapper could be used to parse the output, 
capture symbol errors, and demangle them.

My feeling is that optilink needs to be put to rest. Things die, 
let them... move on to greener pastures.

Re: ATTN: Andrej Mitrovic: Port Audio

2017-08-26 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 02:23:32 UTC, Johnson wrote:

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 02:00:22 UTC, Johnson wrote:
You wrote a thread a while back about your callbacks not being 
called and you had a fix.


After going through the code a bit, seems there are some bugs 
with  Only OpenStream seems to take a ** so the other 
functions are getting passed junk.

At least, I got sound! Scared the shit out of me too!

I should mention that the callback is still not being called, but 
I used the sawtooth to modify a buffer and used Pa_WriteStream. 
Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback is working.

PaStreamFlags.PrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback still causes 
an access violation.

Seems like the callback address is not being correctly 
transmitted to PA.

Re: ATTN: Andrej Mitrovic: Port Audio

2017-08-26 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 02:00:22 UTC, Johnson wrote:
You wrote a thread a while back about your callbacks not being 
called and you had a fix.


After going through the code a bit, seems there are some bugs 
with  Only OpenStream seems to take a ** so the other 
functions are getting passed junk.

At least, I got sound! Scared the shit out of me too!

ATTN: Andrej Mitrovic: Port Audio

2017-08-26 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
You wrote a thread a while back about your callbacks not being 
called and you had a fix.

I'm trying to get portAudio to work on my machine and it seems 
everything passes yet my callbacks are not being called.

I do not know if it is the same issue you had or what. Could you 
describe your fixes, if you remember? You said it was alias 
issues, my source uses alias, so maybe I have the updated one.

Also, using paPrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback causes an 
access violation ;/

Here are some dll's I'm using

I'm including the two files needed to compile what I have in case 
you(or anyone else) decide to help figure this out:

Make sure to change the dll location in the DLL_PortAudio struct 
and set the appropriate audio interface to use(I have it set to 
12, but have tried every value on my system with no luck).

module mPortAudio;
import std.stdio, std.conv;

enum PaError : int
NoError = 0,
NotInitialized = -1,
FormatIsSupported = 0,

enum PaSampleFormat : ulong
Float32  = 0x0001,
Int32= 0x0002,
Int24= 0x0004,
Int16= 0x0008,
Int8 = 0x0010,
UInt8= 0x0020,
CustomFormat = 0x0001,
NonInterleaved = 0x8000

enum PaHostApiTypeId : int

enum PaStreamCallbackResult : int
paContinue=0,   /**< Signal that the stream should continue 
invoking the callback and processing audio. */
paComplete=1,   /**< Signal that the stream should stop 
invoking the callback and finish once all output samples have 
played. */
paAbort=2   /**< Signal that the stream should stop 
invoking the callback and finish as soon as possible. */


enum PaStreamFlags : ulong
NoFlag = 0,
ClipOff = 0x0001,
DitherOff = 0x0002,
NeverDropInput = 0x0004,
PrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback = 0x0008,
PlatformSpecificFlags = 0x,

alias void PaStream;
enum paFramesPerBufferUnspecified = 0;
enum PaStreamCallbackFlags : ulong
InputUnderflow = 0x0001,
InputOverflow = 0x0002,
OutputUnderflow = 0x0004,
OutputOverflow = 0x0008,
PrimingOutput = 0x0010,

alias extern(C) int function(const(void) *input, void *output, 
ulong frameCount, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)* timeInfo, 
PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData ) 

alias void function( void *userData ) PaStreamFinishedCallback;

alias int PaDeviceIndex;
enum paNoDevice = cast(PaDeviceIndex)-1;
enum paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification =  

alias int PaHostApiIndex;
alias double PaTime;

struct PaHostApiInfo
int structVersion;
PaHostApiTypeId type;
const(char) *name;
int deviceCount;
PaDeviceIndex defaultInputDevice;
PaDeviceIndex defaultOutputDevice;

struct PaDeviceInfo
int structVersion;
const(char) *name;
PaHostApiIndex hostApi;
int maxInputChannels;
int maxOutputChannels;
PaTime defaultLowInputLatency;
PaTime defaultLowOutputLatency;
PaTime defaultHighInputLatency;
PaTime defaultHighOutputLatency;
double defaultSampleRate;

struct PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo
PaTime inputBufferAdcTime;
PaTime currentTime;
PaTime outputBufferDacTime;

struct PaStreamInfo
int structVersion;
PaTime inputLatency;
PaTime outputLatency;
double sampleRate;

struct PaHostErrorInfo
PaHostApiTypeId hostApiType;
long errorCode;
const(char) *errorText;

struct PaStreamParameters
PaDeviceIndex device;
int channelCount;
PaSampleFormat sampleFormat;
PaTime suggestedLatency;
void *hostApiSpecificStreamInfo;

struct DLL_PortAudio
@("DLLImport") public static 

in for testing

2017-08-26 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d

while(str[i] in [' ', '\r', ...])

rather than having to do each test individually.

OpenMAX bindings

2017-08-24 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn


Re: GStreamer issues.

2017-08-22 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 August 2017 at 15:15:41 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:

On 22-08-17 02:13, Johnson wrote:

I can't get the example to work(although slightly modified).

The installed version of GStreamer is 1.12.2
The file is: D:\temp\test.ogg
Setting to PLAYING.
XError: Could not demultiplex stream. dbug: 
gstoggdemux.c(4418): gst_ogg_demux_find_chains (): 

can't get first chain

Actually I was getting a much worse error before ;/ I can't 
remember it now.

The installed version of GStreamer is 1.12.2
The file is: D:\temp\test2.wav
Setting to PLAYING.
XError: Internal data stream error. dbug: 
gstwavparse.c(2249): gst_wavparse_loop (): 

streaming stopped, reason not-linked (-1)

Basically all I did was change the sink:

 sink = ElementFactory.make("autoaudiosink", 

So it I could get past the error about alsa. I think the last 
name doesn't matter?

I downloaded the gstreamer binaries from their site, had some 
issues with a few of the dll's complaining about gxx errors, I 
removed them(h264, soundtouch, tag).

For the wav I changed
 //parser = ElementFactory.make("oggdemux", 
 //decoder = ElementFactory.make("vorbisdec", 
 parser = ElementFactory.make("wavparse", 
 decoder = ElementFactory.make("audioconvert", 

which, is all i could find on line, I don't know if it's right 
at all.

Ultimately I want to be able to read somewhat arbitrary audio 
formats(most common at least), get the raw channel 
data(samples for each channel), play/pause/stop with good 
accuracy(no latency or low latency(<20ms), possibly do some 
pitch shifting and basic mixing(EQ, limiting, panning, etc), 
and eventually play some videos.

Is GstreamerD going to be useful for this or so I look in to 
using ffmpeg directly and do some of the stuff(e.g., eq) 


The Gstreamer demo should use an `playbin` instead of 
explicitly setting the pipeline, Like this:

This way gstreamer will detect the file type, i don't know if 
it helps with the errors.

Thanks, that works!

Could you address some of my concerns:

1. I need to be able to get the raw data, is this easily possible 
with gstreamer?

2. It's quite a big package 600mb+ total and about 150 for the 
bin and 150 for the lib. Eventually I want to support android, 
this seems quite excessive for it. I'm not familiar with 
Gstreamer though and maybe most of that space is "junk". It seems 
people use it already on android so I'm not too worried, I 
imagine it can be customized?

3. Does Gstreamer/D provide any type of EQ, pitch shifting, 
stretching, etc?

4. Do you have any idea why the original code would work? I ask 
because maybe in the future I'll need to use it for other 
purposes and don't wanna hit a brick wall.

Note that I'm completely new to gstreamer and only learned of it 
through gtkD... so some of these might be basic questions. I'm 
just trying to find something simple to use but is robust so I 
don't waste time learning an api that isn't going to really do 
what I need. I was plan on using portaudio and ffmpeg, but 
ffmpegD doesn't really seem to work(old bindings I guess). I also 
had trouble with portaudio not playing any sound, but haven't 
spent much time with it to why.

Gstreamer, with your updated example, works though. Just not sure 
how far of a leap I'll have to make to get it working the way I 
need in my app.

GStreamer issues.

2017-08-21 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I can't get the example to work(although slightly modified).

The installed version of GStreamer is 1.12.2
The file is: D:\temp\test.ogg
Setting to PLAYING.
XError: Could not demultiplex stream. dbug: gstoggdemux.c(4418): 
gst_ogg_demux_find_chains (): 

can't get first chain

Actually I was getting a much worse error before ;/ I can't 
remember it now.

The installed version of GStreamer is 1.12.2
The file is: D:\temp\test2.wav
Setting to PLAYING.
XError: Internal data stream error. dbug: gstwavparse.c(2249): 
gst_wavparse_loop (): 

streaming stopped, reason not-linked (-1)

Basically all I did was change the sink:

sink = ElementFactory.make("autoaudiosink", "auto-output");

So it I could get past the error about alsa. I think the last 
name doesn't matter?

I downloaded the gstreamer binaries from their site, had some 
issues with a few of the dll's complaining about gxx errors, I 
removed them(h264, soundtouch, tag).

For the wav I changed
//parser = ElementFactory.make("oggdemux", "ogg-parser");
//decoder = ElementFactory.make("vorbisdec", "vorbis-decoder");
parser = ElementFactory.make("wavparse", "wav-parser");
decoder = ElementFactory.make("audioconvert", "wav-decoder");

which, is all i could find on line, I don't know if it's right at 

Ultimately I want to be able to read somewhat arbitrary audio 
formats(most common at least), get the raw channel data(samples 
for each channel), play/pause/stop with good accuracy(no latency 
or low latency(<20ms), possibly do some pitch shifting and basic 
mixing(EQ, limiting, panning, etc), and eventually play some 

Is GstreamerD going to be useful for this or so I look in to 
using ffmpeg directly and do some of the stuff(e.g., eq) myself?


Re: GtkD: New widget

2017-08-21 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 August 2017 at 20:54:04 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:

On 21-08-17 03:45, Johnson Jones wrote:


If you want gtk to know about the functions you override you 
could use gtkd.Implement.ImplementCLass.


Thanks, I'll test it out when I get a chance. I was able to work 
around the issue for now but I imagine I'll need the ability to 
implement my own container in the future.

BTW, when I try to create a value I get an error about opCall

Value handleSize = new Value(0);


Value handleSize = Value(0);

I'd rather not create a value on the heap when I only need it 

Could you add a way to create the value with the right type to 

Even static constructors would work(probably could templatize it).

Although, I'm not sure how much it matters since value itself 
seems to allocate on the heap ;/

public this()
this(new GValue);

But it might help reduce some memory waste.

Re: Mixed up over mixins.

2017-08-21 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 August 2017 at 07:34:23 UTC, WhatMeForget wrote:

On Sunday, 20 August 2017 at 22:50:40 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:

On Sunday, 20 August 2017 at 19:27:43 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:


It's not difficult, it's just new. It's not that you are a 
poor programmer, but you simply have not learned how to think 
about mixins correctly. Stop whining about it and focus that 
energy on working with them.


Thank you.  You have rejuvenated my quest for mixin mastery :)

Just stick with it ;) Things will click. The more you trudge 
through them and just try to immerse yourself in it the faster it 
will happen. I use mixins all the time because they are a great 
way to simplify code... although actually writing them can be a 
pain because you can't debug them in any sane way.

Remember, that you will generally use string generation a ton 
because that is mainly what you are working.

Sometimes, for complex tasks I might have to write a function 
that I run at runtime like a normal program that takes in a 
string and outputs it. This lets me debug properly. As long as 
one doesn't use crazy io(even file IO is blocked ;/) the same 
function can be run at compile time(CTFE).

This means


will be ran at compile time, the reason is simply that the input 
is constant, there are no side effects, and so the output can be 
computed at compile time.

But the same function can be debugged if ran at runtime... and 
remember, the output is a string, so you can just print it out, 
no mixin is occuring at this point.

The idea is that you make sure the string output is going to be 
the correct D code you want to mixin. It should look like normal 
D code, because if you do a mixin on it, it has to be to compile. 
Any syntax errors will be picked up and you'll be hunting them 
down because D will give you an obtuse error rather than a 
specific line number in the mixin(this is a severe issue with D 
but no one seem to care). If you debugged at runtime, you will 
get a line number where the error occurred, which is why you go 
that route.

Once you've gotten your function written to do the code, you 
simply wrap a mixin() around it, you might have to change a bit 
of runtime to compile time stuff(file io to import) and then all 
that string stuff that you generated becomes D code!

mixin("int i = 3"); <- bug
mixin("int i = 3;"); <- ok

same as

int i = 3;

useless example but sometimes it's helpful. Sometimes to get the 
things working you have to use mixins of mixins:


or, take this example

auto alpha = "hello";

before the mixin we have


which, when simplified is


which, since alpha is a constant, we have


which, the mixin simply does


which is now D code.

A mixin, in a sense, just "unstringifies" it's argument and 
inserts it directly in to the source code... it better be valid 
code, which also means the string better be a valid string of D 

Re: cv2pdb: cannot add symbols to module, probably msobj140.dll missing

2017-08-21 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger

On Monday, 21 August 2017 at 06:16:49 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 21.08.2017 05:24, Johnson wrote:

On Monday, 21 August 2017 at 03:18:38 UTC, Johnson wrote:


This just started happening too and a few hours ago I upgraded 
VS, so maybe the msobj140.dll changed and broke cv2pdb?  I 
copied it to the cv2pdb dir so it should have no trouble 
finding it. I've also cleaned the dir. It seems it's doing it 
on about everything I change. Going to reboot to see if that 

Unfortunately, the VS2017 15.3.1 update seems to cause quite 
some trouble. Bad linker (breaks TLS), bad vcvars*.bat (change 
current directory), and this issue, too.

I guess they changed something about the (undocumented) 
interface to the respective DLLs.

;/ That sucks ;/

I guess I might just have to install VS2015, or does that have 
issues too?

Any idea what might be the best VS version that is most 
compatible with Visual D?

Re: cv2pdb: cannot add symbols to module, probably msobj140.dll missing

2017-08-20 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger

On Monday, 21 August 2017 at 03:18:38 UTC, Johnson wrote:
All of a sudden I'm getting this error. All I did was comment 
out a huge block of code so I could check something. The code 
compiles but the pdb conversion gives me that error ;/

Uncommenting out the code allows it to work again. I can't see 
why the code I'm commenting out would give that error ;/

Deleting the code also produces the same result.

It seems to be in use with GTK and event handlers. The handlers 
are completely isolated yet are somehow causing the problem.

You won't believe this, I'm sure, but

//Dialog.addOnDestroy((Widget w) {  });

causes the error! Must be some serious bug! Uncommenting allows 
the code to build fine.

I tried restarting visual D with no luck ;/

This just started happening too and a few hours ago I upgraded 
VS, so maybe the msobj140.dll changed and broke cv2pdb?  I copied 
it to the cv2pdb dir so it should have no trouble finding it. 
I've also cleaned the dir. It seems it's doing it on about 
everything I change. Going to reboot to see if that helps.

cv2pdb: cannot add symbols to module, probably msobj140.dll missing

2017-08-20 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger
All of a sudden I'm getting this error. All I did was comment out 
a huge block of code so I could check something. The code 
compiles but the pdb conversion gives me that error ;/

Uncommenting out the code allows it to work again. I can't see 
why the code I'm commenting out would give that error ;/

Deleting the code also produces the same result.

It seems to be in use with GTK and event handlers. The handlers 
are completely isolated yet are somehow causing the problem.

You won't believe this, I'm sure, but

//Dialog.addOnDestroy((Widget w) {  });

causes the error! Must be some serious bug! Uncommenting allows 
the code to build fine.

I tried restarting visual D with no luck ;/

GtkD on android

2017-08-18 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hey Mike, have you put in thought or effort in to getting GtkD 
working on android?


If I get around to it and no one has beating me before, I will 
try to compile something like the above and get the gtk libs 
required then use the new ldc to create an app for android.

Re: GtkD: How to respond to cell edit's?

2017-08-18 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 17:06:42 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:

On 18-08-17 02:30, Johnson Jones wrote:

On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 00:27:05 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:


Obvious it is easy when you have ID's, but this is meant for 
the original case where I'm not using ID's.

A far as i can tell using id's is the only option.

You can use a templated function as a delegate:

void cb(int column)(string index, string text, CellRendererText 

writeln(column, " - ", index, " - ", text);


Thanks! Hopefully that will help ease the pain and help avoid the 
large switch statement ;) It's strange one can't get the 
cellrenderers's from a column ;/

Re: Visual D 0.45 released - better VS2017 integration

2017-08-17 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 17 August 2017 at 07:49:53 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

On 03.08.2017 09:04, Rainer Schuetze wrote:


I have uploaded a new version 0.45.1 that should fix some 
anti-virus programs to reject the installation or execution of 
Visual D (by building against the MS runtime instead of the DM 

A few other changes crept in aswell, like improved tooltips and 
a number of bug fixes. See full list of changes here:

Cool! Thanks!

Re: Debugging Visual D using Visual D

2017-08-17 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger
On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 19:35:19 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

On 16.08.2017 21:18, Johnson Jones wrote:
What's strange is that with your changes, privateregistry 
seems to use them... but it still loads the old(I think) 
visualD because when I try the debug the BP's are not hit and 
the module shows the original visualD directory.

The Visual D installer adds the extension to the VS 
installation ("c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
Schuetze\VisualD") so it is immediately available for all users 
and suffixes.

You can move it to 
"%HOME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_\Extensions\Rainer Schuetze\VisualD" to load it only with the version without suffix. With both the system wide extension and the one in the "Exp" folder, the extension from the user folder took precedence for me, though.

If you run "devenv /RootSuffix Exp /Log" VS writes a log into 
"%APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_Exp\ActivityLog.xml" that also lists detected extensions.

I completely removed the `Extensions\Rainer Schuetze` directories 
in all visual studio folders that I know of:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 


Running visual studio still loads Visual D. It seems that it 
doesn't even use the visuald.pkgdef.

Obviously I have those entries in the registry. Which it seems it 
pulls from and either doesn't use the extensions folder at all on 
my system or is overridden by the registry entries? If that's the 
case, how can it be worked around? If not, what else might it be?

If visuald.pkgdef is suppose to be what visual studio uses to 
load visual D as an extension, does it import that in to the 
registry and then use the registry or does it always use the 
pkgdef file?(which doesn't seem to be the case, as, again, visual 
D is loading with visual studio without any of those pkgdef's)

What I'm afraid of is that deleting the registry keys will not do 
any good, they will just be re-imported by loading the pkgdef(or 
not, in which case Visual D won't be found at all) and then the 
main registry keys will be used for the Exp, like it is now.

Basically visual studio is not loading the pkgdef files either at 
all or only once, or every time but not allow them to overwrite 
the registry keys, or something else is going on that I can't 
seem to figure out.

Re: Debugging Visual D using Visual D

2017-08-16 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger
On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 06:58:49 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

On 16.08.2017 08:32, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 16.08.2017 04:49, Johnson wrote:
 VisualD.dllC:\Program Files 
(x86)\VisualD\Debug\VisualD.dll N/AYesSymbols loaded.
   C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualD\Debug\VisualD.pdb229
0.45.1-rc212/31/1969 7:00 PM13FB-143C*
[8972] devenv.exe
 VisualD.dllC:\Program Files 
(x86)\VisualD\VisualD.dllN/A YesCannot find or open 
the PDB file.2710.45.1-rc2 12/31/1969 7:00 PM
18D4-1904E000*[8972] devenv.exe

I was finally able to get it to work. Something is wonky. I 
think it's when I use a normal VS side by side with the 
experimental that the experimental can't find the symbols and 
somehow the registry changes I made got reset.

So far it is working(I can hit BP's) but it's still basically 
the same scenario in that I have to completely shut down VS 
in order to reload visualD. Before I could automate because 
the normal visual studio instance could stay open... but it 
seems like it screws up the debugging symbols and such.

I could try to use another, different exp instance(different 
registry) but I feel the same problem might occur.

But I guess it's better than nothing.

Good to hear it (kind of) works now. VS2015 also resets the 
configuration rather often, so it's good to automate the 

I don't have troubles with exchanging the debug DLL while 
having the normal VS instance running. Maybe you have 
experimented with registry changes that now cause the debug 
DLL to be loaded there, too? Reinstalling Visual D should help 
in that case (though that will trigger rebuilding the user 

I've tried to figure out why both DLLs are actually loaded (it 
has been bugging me before, too), but could not find the cause 

I managed to load the Debug DLL into the "experimental" VS 
without any (explicit) registry patching:

1. delete 
HOME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_Exp\privateregistry.bin to make sure to start from scratch

2. copy "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
Schuetze\VisualD" to 
"%HOME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_Exp\Extensions\Rainer Schuetze\VisualD"

3. replace paths in Extensions\Rainer 
Schuetze\VisualD\0.45\visuald.pkgdef to point to the debug DLL

4. start "devenv /RootSuffix Exp"

5. enable "Visual D" in the "Extensions and Updates..." dialog

6. restart VS

This even doesn't load the DLL twice for me.

This isn't working for me, even though it looks like it should. 
Those values in the pkgdef are exactly the ones I replaced in the 
privateregistry hive, but it seems that for some reason it is not 
being used ;/ (since my changes are not propagating to it)

This should work as this is really no different that what I was 
doing except it is more of the correct way.  I'm not sure what's 
going on but I'll try and figure it out. I probably need to use a 
clean instance of VS

It seems I have something weird going on. I have

15.0Exp which is empty except for a path containing 
VSTemplateStore.pkgdef and I don't believe this existed 
yesterday. I think I just created it with the util I used as I 
was trying to reset the exp instance(which I thought was the 3rd 

I'm not sure where the others came from but I'm going to create a 
new rootsuffix and try everything on that. I guess the 
15.0_4d0b469eExp is a _4d0b469eExp suffix and hence I'm not 
loading it ;/

Ok, I ran CreateExpInstance /create /VSInstance=15.0 
/RootSuffix=VisualDExp and it created a 15.0VisualDExp dir.

So, looks like the 15.0Exp was what I just created and it wasn't 
being used when I ran /RootSuffix=Exp.. which I guess, because it 
didn't exist, just used the original data.

I ran devenv.exe /RootStuffix VisualDExp

and it created


So, something is funky. I guess 15.0_4d0b469e is the version. It 
loads, though, Visual D, so it is picking up the extensions from 
the original.

This seems to be a problem with Visual Studio ;/

Yeah, so, tried with a fresh exp copied all the stuff you 
mentioned, checked the files and same thing. I'm using enterprise 
on windows 10 creators so there might be bugs. It's clearly not 
loading the package changes I made so either it's bugged or it's 
loading them from a different place.

I'll try again tomorrow and see if things change ;/

Re: Stefan Koch: New CTFE fix

2017-08-16 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 07:24:36 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 16:10:40 UTC, Johnson wrote:
I'm sorry, but you are obviously someone in *need* to prove 
something. No need to respond, ever.

You need to grow up.

When Moritz commented on your use of 'do' as a function name, 
that may have been unnecessary for a discussion of your 
problem. Your vitriolic and childish reaction to that though, 
was not just unnecessary, but has done you a massive disservice 
and is more than unlikely to garner goodwill from others on the 

Oh, your such a bad boy. How bout you grow up. If I'm childish, 
you are just a smaller child because you are doing the exact same 
thing... getting on the internet, pretending to be some bad boy 
with something to say... like anyone will listen to you. That 
goes for your buddy too. Probably all the same person that has 
nothing real to say.

But at least we agree on Mortimer.

You know, if you people actually focused on the real issues 
instead of trying to show how bit your (tiny)dick was then there 
would be less problems in the world.

Re: Stefan Koch: New CTFE fix

2017-08-16 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 10:03:56 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner 

On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 07:24:36 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

When Moritz commented on your use of 'do' as a function name, 
that may have been unnecessary for a discussion of your 

I would contend that when discussing semantics (that is the 
PL's syntax is not open for change as part of the discussion) 
it's common courtesy to use valid syntax.
You're right in that it was unnecessary to discuss the issue he 
was describing, but it was relevant to me as a matter of 

No, it wasn't. It was a matter of you ego... and I see your 
buddies have joined the game.

What if I did

void Do() { }

Would you bitch and complain about that?

Maybe the original was a syntax error then and not a "semantic" 
error as you like to call it?

The fact is, the name of the function is completely irrelevant to 
the discussion and you had to make a big deal out of it because 
of your ego.

What if it were pseudo code?

Again, instead proof that either you are an idiot(which I doubt) 
or that you have some need to prove something and will find 
anything to nitpick on. This is far more childish than those 
morons that say I'm childish, and they even agree with me that 
what you did was nonsense... completely irrelevant to the 

That is, until we have a functioning __ctfeWrite in druntime. 
The function is already in druntime's object.d, and is just 
awaiting an implementation[2]. That implementation will 
possibly have to wait for Stefan's CTFE makeover to complete.

Well, my implementation attempt I linked to earlier [1] passes 
the auto tester for the test in Stefan's original PR and so far 
it works as expected in all my personal cases. If you find 
something wrong with it, please comment on the PR's page :)


So, if the people already want what I want, and you already did 
your own pull, why the hell are you saying it can't be done? 
Again, because you are looking for something to prove, and 
calling you out on it is the right thing to do regardless what 
idiots think.

You can make the claim that pragma(msg, ...) happens before the 
ctfe is ran, but again, which pragma(msg, ...)? With CTFE there 
are two levels, the compiler is ran twice, once on the original 
code and once on the CTFE to actually compile it. Just because 
the compiler run's it the first time DOES not mean that should be 
the only way. You talk about semantics but you seem not to 
understand the term well.  A single symbolic name for something 
can have many interpretations. When one, someone like yourself or 
the D compiler, only interprets it one way, it leads to problems.

How out pragmaCTFE(msg, ...)? Is that good enough for you, or you 
will find something wrong with that too? Do you realize that 
there are two levels of compilation going in with ctfe? 
Essentially two DMD's? If there are two dmd's then there are two 
pragma's, is there not? So the arguments you make may be correct, 
you are missing half of the equation and fail to realize that 
because you are trying to prove something rather than enlighten 

Re: Named multi-imports

2017-08-16 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 09:54:41 UTC, aberba wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 21:12:24 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 20:33:18 UTC, Johnson wrote:

Or instead of a new language feature, the gtk-d guys could 
have package files ;)

But then that only helps with one specific instance. D is 
full of language features, I do not see why everyone is so 
against them. Without them, D would be empty, nothing, and no 
one would use it. Adding language features should be see as 
something good, cause without them, we wouldn't get anywhere.

In the past, I've thought it would be convenient to have 
something like

import io = std.stdio : writeln, write;

and allow someone to write


though I don't know if that causes any kinds of problems to 

This looks really clean for code modularity.

import io = std.stdio : {writeln, write}, ...

Yes, and also

import io = {std.stdio : {writeln, write}, ... }

which allows one to create their own "packages" inline. Group the 
best functionality they use often. Should be quick, efficient, 
and easy to implement. D should have this, where do I vote for it?

Re: Debugging Visual D using Visual D

2017-08-15 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger
	VisualD.dll	C:\Program Files 
(x86)\VisualD\Debug\VisualD.dll	N/A	Yes	Symbols 
loaded.	C:\Program Files 
(x86)\VisualD\Debug\VisualD.pdb	229	0.45.1-rc2	12/31/1969 7:00 
PM	13FB-143C*	[8972] devenv.exe		
	VisualD.dll	C:\Program Files 
(x86)\VisualD\VisualD.dll	N/A	Yes	Cannot find or open the PDB 
file.		271	0.45.1-rc2	12/31/1969 7:00 
PM	18D4-1904E000*	[8972] devenv.exe		

I was finally able to get it to work. Something is wonky. I think 
it's when I use a normal VS side by side with the experimental 
that the experimental can't find the symbols and somehow the 
registry changes I made got reset.

So far it is working(I can hit BP's) but it's still basically the 
same scenario in that I have to completely shut down VS in order 
to reload visualD. Before I could automate because the normal 
visual studio instance could stay open... but it seems like it 
screws up the debugging symbols and such.

I could try to use another, different exp instance(different 
registry) but I feel the same problem might occur.

But I guess it's better than nothing.

Re: Named multi-imports

2017-08-15 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 03:37:39 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 15/08/2017 2:59 AM, Johnson wrote:
Not only that, but it requires adding more files to the 
command line.

I currently have 3 import files to separate the gtk from gdk 
that and the only reason they exist is to combine them in to 
one named import ;/

Doesn't seem like much but that's 3 extra files that don't 
really need to exist.

Hopefully D already implements a way to do what I'm asking.

Or instead of a new language feature, the gtk-d guys could have 
package files ;)

But then that only helps with one specific instance. D is full of 
language features, I do not see why everyone is so against them. 
Without them, D would be empty, nothing, and no one would use it. 
Adding language features should be see as something good, cause 
without them, we wouldn't get anywhere.

Re: Stefan Koch: New CTFE fix

2017-08-15 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d
I'm sorry, but you are obviously someone in *need* to prove 
something. No need to respond, ever.

Re: Named multi-imports

2017-08-14 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d
Not only that, but it requires adding more files to the command 

I currently have 3 import files to separate the gtk from gdk that 
and the only reason they exist is to combine them in to one named 
import ;/

Doesn't seem like much but that's 3 extra files that don't really 
need to exist.

Hopefully D already implements a way to do what I'm asking.

Named multi-imports

2017-08-14 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d

Why can't we name multiple imports?

import x = a, b, c;

only a is part of x, b and c are not named!

this can cause some major problems(or the lack of a correctly 

For example,

gdk and gtk both have window. Both imports are needed and both 
define many public imports that create a huge spaghetti of mixed 
imports. In my code, even without gdk.Window imported, I am 
getting variables that are of that time, even though I import 
gtk.Window. I declare the variables as Window because it is 
automatically generated code and I do not know the actual 
import(well, unless I manually create a map from all the D 
imports to the glade types).

But I use gdk in just a few areas.

The only solution is to create a separate pulbic imports file 
that holds all the imports, but this creates extra files.

Why not something like

import x = {a,b,c};


It's a natural extension, makes sense, and should be easy to work 
out. Avoids having extra files for no other reason that to do the 
above and should easily solve the conflicts. What's nice about it 
is that we can even do

import x =

which is like






See what I mean:

public import gtk.AboutDialog;
public import gtk.AccelGroup;
public import gtk.AccelLabel;
public import gtk.AccelMap;
public import gtk.Accessible;
public import gtk.Action;
public import gtk.ActionableIF;
public import gtk.ActionableT;
public import gtk.ActionBar;
public import gtk.ActionGroup;
public import gtk.ActivatableIF;
public import gtk.ActivatableT;
public import gtk.Adjustment;
public import gtk.Alignment;
public import gtk.AppChooserButton;
public import gtk.AppChooserDialog;
public import gtk.AppChooserIF;
public import gtk.AppChooserT;
public import gtk.AppChooserWidget;
public import gtk.Application;
public import gtk.ApplicationWindow;
public import gtk.Arrow;
public import gtk.ArrowAccessible;
public import gtk.AspectFrame;
public import gtk.Assistant;
public import gtk.Bin;
public import gtk.BindingEntry;
public import gtk.BindingSet;
public import gtk.BooleanCellAccessible;
public import gtk.Border;
public import gtk.Box;
public import gtk.BuildableIF;
public import gtk.BuildableT;
public import gtk.Builder;
public import gtk.Button;
public import gtk.ButtonAccessible;
public import gtk.ButtonBox;
public import gtk.Calendar;
public import gtk.CellAccessible;
public import gtk.CellAccessibleParentIF;
public import gtk.CellAccessibleParentT;
public import gtk.CellArea;
public import gtk.CellAreaBox;
public import gtk.CellAreaClass;
public import gtk.CellAreaContext;
public import gtk.CellEditable;
public import gtk.CellEditableIF;
public import gtk.CellEditableT;
public import gtk.CellLayoutIF;
public import gtk.CellLayoutT;
public import gtk.CellRenderer;
public import gtk.CellRendererAccel;
public import gtk.CellRendererClass;
public import gtk.CellRendererCombo;
public import gtk.CellRendererPixbuf;
public import gtk.CellRendererProgress;
public import gtk.CellRendererSpin;
public import gtk.CellRendererSpinner;
public import gtk.CellRendererText;
public import gtk.CellRendererToggle;
public import gtk.CellView;
public import gtk.CheckButton;
public import gtk.CheckMenuItem;
public import gtk.CheckMenuItemAccessible;
public import gtk.Clipboard;
public import gtk.ColorButton;
public import gtk.ColorChooserDialog;
public import gtk.ColorChooserIF;
public import gtk.ColorChooserT;
public import gtk.ColorChooserWidget;
public import gtk.ColorSelection;
public import gtk.ColorSelectionDialog;
public import gtk.ComboBox;
public import gtk.ComboBoxAccessible;
public import gtk.ComboBoxText;
public import gtk.Container;
public import gtk.ContainerAccessible;
public import gtk.ContainerCellAccessible;
public import gtk.ContainerClass;
public import gtk.CssProvider;
public import gtk.CssSection;
public import gtk.Dialog;
public import gtk.DragAndDrop;
public import gtk.DrawingArea;
public import gtk.EditableIF;
public import gtk.EditableT;
public import gtk.Entry;
public import gtk.EntryAccessible;
public import gtk.EntryBuffer;
public import gtk.EntryCompletion;
public import gtk.EventBox;
public import gtk.EventController;
public import gtk.Expander;
public import gtk.ExpanderAccessible;
public import gtk.FileChooserButton;
public import gtk.FileChooserDialog;
public import gtk.FileChooserIF;
public import gtk.FileChooserNative;
public import gtk.FileChooserT;
public import gtk.FileChooserWidget;
public import gtk.FileFilter;
public import gtk.Fixed;
public import gtk.FlowBox;
public import gtk.FlowBoxAccessible;
public import gtk.FlowBoxChild;
public import gtk.FlowBoxChildAccessible;
public import gtk.FontButton;
public import gtk.FontChooserDialog;
public import gtk.FontChooserIF;
public import gtk.FontChooserT;
public import gtk.FontChooserWidget;
public import gtk.FontSelection;
public import gtk.FontSelectionDialog;
public import gtk.Frame;
public import gtk.FrameAccessible;
public import gtk.Gesture;
public import 

Re: Stefan Koch: New CTFE fix

2017-08-14 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 01:31:13 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 22:51:04 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:

string do()
   string x;
   x = "adsf";
   pragma(msg, x);
   return x;

"do" is a keyword in D, you can't use it as an identifier.

wow, way to fail to realize generalities.

fails because the compiler believes that x is not known at 
compile time.

There are multiple phases making up D's compile time, the wiki 
has an excellent page by H. S. Teoh on the subject [1]. Applied 
to your example: The pragma in the function body is handled 
before the function body is interpreted, so the compiler error 
is correct; whether or not the error message should be more 
explicit is another matter.

So, that is a generic answer for a generic post. It says nothing 
about what can be done, but what only can't be done. There is 
nothing stopping one's ability to output compile time information 
at compile time from compile time functions. Again, way to fail 
to realize generalities. Just because something is defined to be 
something doesn't mean that it can't be defined to be something 
different. It happens all the time. People create false 
constraints based on ignorance and then someone has to come along 
and clean up the mess. But some people like messes I suppose...

It obviously is when do is ran as a ctfe. This makes some 
types of programming difficult to debug because we have to 
duplicate any instance of "do" and cannot output intermediate 

But, how can we make this actually work?


I recommend reading up on the history of CTFE output in 
If you want to see CTFE output in D, you could pick up where 
Stefan left off in the latest attempt[6].



It seems like he's already done all the heavy lifting and who 
knows best rather than him to implement it in his own redesign of 
ctfe(to fix the mess that it was in precisely for the reasons I 
stated above)?

Re: wth!! ctfe cannot format floating point at compile time?

2017-08-13 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 03:52:40 UTC, HypperParrow wrote:

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 01:52:16 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
Error: uncaught CTFE exception 
std.format.FormatException("Cannot format floating point types 
at compile-time")

called from here: to(0.75)

pretty simply, trying to convert a floating point to a string 
in a ctfe function and it thinks that it is too complex to do 
in a ctfe, really?

There is this trick as workaround:

auto valueToString(alias v)(){return v.stringof;}
enum a = valueToString!(0.75);
static assert(a == "0.75");

The problem with to() and format() is that is requires external 
library calls that are not available at compile-time, just like 
when you try to use malloc() at CT.

Thanks! You'd think that to would do this internally 
automatically ;/

Re: wth!! ctfe cannot format floating point at compile time?

2017-08-13 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 03:44:27 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 01:52:16 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
pretty simply, trying to convert a floating point to a string 
in a ctfe function and it thinks that it is too complex to do 
in a ctfe, really?

It uses a C function to do the conversion, which is not 
available at compile time since CTFE can't run extern functions.

And it is a LOT harder to do than you might think which is why 
it still uses the C function - implementing one in D is legit 
pretty complex.

When I first saw this too, I figured it must be simple to slap 
something together, even if it is horribly inefficient and 
doesn't work everywhere... and I ended up giving up after 
spending a few hours on it too. If you search the web, you get 
academic papers describing it, eeek.

Of course, it might be reasonable to port one of the C 
implementations directly... but even that is a fairly big job 
(and you might as well just call the C function itself for all 
but CTFE cases) - the GNU one is 1,300 lines, for example. And 
that has an incompatible license with the rest of druntime!

I don't believe that! Just run dmd on it like ctfe does. Maybe 
the problem is that to should be a bit more intelligent and if it 
is ran at ctfe should try something else.

I don't see why it would be all that difficult maybe for complex 
floating point numbers it is but for most ordinary numbers used 
as most literals(e.g., terminating decimals), it is very very 
easy to convert. It is not much more difficult than storing it as 
a string.

After all 0.43425 is actually a string that will be converted to 
fp. I realize there are accuracy issues but I seriously think 
there should be something suitable rather than crapping out ;/ 
e.g., 0.43425 = 43425/10.

Remember, we are converting a literal string represented floating 
point value to a string. It should be a direct conversion. 
Basically a copy and paste. (at run time, it is different, 
obviously since the value is actually a fp, but at compile time 
it is simply a string.

There is this trick as workaround:

As HypperParrow says, it's easy as pi:

auto valueToString(alias v)(){return v.stringof;}
enum a = valueToString!(0.75);
static assert(a == "0.75");

to!string(float) should detect that and just do it. No need to 
try to do anything complex.

Re: task parallelize dirEntries

2017-08-11 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 11 August 2017 at 21:33:51 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 
I've modified the sample from to calculate the 
md5 digest of the files in a directory using std.parallelism.

When I run this on a dir with huge number of files, I get:

Memory allocation failed

Since dirEntries returns a range, I thought 
std.parallelism.parallel can make use of that without loading 
the entire file list into the memory.

What am I doing wrong here? Is there a way to achieve what I'm 

import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.file;
import std.algorithm;
import std.parallelism;

void printUsage()
writeln("Loops through a given directory and calculates the 
md5 digest of each file encountered.");

writeln("Usage: md ");

void safePrint(T...)(T args)
import std.stdio : writeln;

void main(string[] args)
if (args.length != 2)
return printUsage;

foreach (d; parallel(dirEntries(args[1], 
SpanMode.depth).filter!(f => f.isFile), 1))

auto md5 = new MD5Digest();
auto data = cast(const(ubyte)[]) read(;
auto hash = md5.finish();
import std.array;
string[] t = split(, '/');
safePrint(toHexString!(LetterCase.lower)(hash), "  ", 


Just a thought, maybe the GC isn't cleaning up quick enough? You 
are allocating and md5 digest each iteration.

Possibly, an opitimization is use use a collection of md5 hashes 
and reuse them. e.g., pre-allocate 100(you probably only need as 
many as the number of parallel loops going) and then attempt to 
resuse them. If all are in use, wait for a free one. Might 
require some synchronization.

Re: gtkD window centering message up and no app on taskbar

2017-08-09 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Also, could there be an easier way to import everything that is 
generally required?

I'm using an import script that does the work but I have to 
replace it upgrade time I upgrade gtkD(since I have to delete 
everything). I find that having a ton of imports is a big ugly.

What I use is, which was basically extracted from some gtkD 
[It also lets use generate json for it a bit easier and use with 
easier. Probably could be enhanced but just something I through 

module GtkD_All;

public import gtk.AboutDialog;
public import gtk.AccelGroup;
public import gtk.AccelLabel;
public import gtk.AccelMap;
public import gtk.Accessible;
public import gtk.Action;
public import gtk.ActionableIF;
public import gtk.ActionableT;
public import gtk.ActionBar;
public import gtk.ActionGroup;
public import gtk.ActivatableIF;
public import gtk.ActivatableT;
public import gtk.Adjustment;
public import gtk.Alignment;
public import gtk.AppChooserButton;
public import gtk.AppChooserDialog;
public import gtk.AppChooserIF;
public import gtk.AppChooserT;
public import gtk.AppChooserWidget;
public import gtk.Application;
public import gtk.ApplicationWindow;
public import gtk.Arrow;
public import gtk.ArrowAccessible;
public import gtk.AspectFrame;
public import gtk.Assistant;
public import gtk.Bin;
public import gtk.BindingEntry;
public import gtk.BindingSet;
public import gtk.BooleanCellAccessible;
public import gtk.Border;
public import gtk.Box;
public import gtk.BuildableIF;
public import gtk.BuildableT;
public import gtk.Builder;
public import gtk.Button;
public import gtk.ButtonAccessible;
public import gtk.ButtonBox;
public import gtk.Calendar;
public import gtk.CellAccessible;
public import gtk.CellAccessibleParentIF;
public import gtk.CellAccessibleParentT;
public import gtk.CellArea;
public import gtk.CellAreaBox;
public import gtk.CellAreaClass;
public import gtk.CellAreaContext;
public import gtk.CellEditable;
public import gtk.CellEditableIF;
public import gtk.CellEditableT;
public import gtk.CellLayoutIF;
public import gtk.CellLayoutT;
public import gtk.CellRenderer;
public import gtk.CellRendererAccel;
public import gtk.CellRendererClass;
public import gtk.CellRendererCombo;
public import gtk.CellRendererPixbuf;
public import gtk.CellRendererProgress;
public import gtk.CellRendererSpin;
public import gtk.CellRendererSpinner;
public import gtk.CellRendererText;
public import gtk.CellRendererToggle;
public import gtk.CellView;
public import gtk.CheckButton;
public import gtk.CheckMenuItem;
public import gtk.CheckMenuItemAccessible;
public import gtk.Clipboard;
public import gtk.ColorButton;
public import gtk.ColorChooserDialog;
public import gtk.ColorChooserIF;
public import gtk.ColorChooserT;
public import gtk.ColorChooserWidget;
public import gtk.ColorSelection;
public import gtk.ColorSelectionDialog;
public import gtk.ComboBox;
public import gtk.ComboBoxAccessible;
public import gtk.ComboBoxText;
public import gtk.Container;
public import gtk.ContainerAccessible;
public import gtk.ContainerCellAccessible;
public import gtk.ContainerClass;
public import gtk.CssProvider;
public import gtk.CssSection;
public import gtk.Dialog;
public import gtk.DragAndDrop;
public import gtk.DrawingArea;
public import gtk.EditableIF;
public import gtk.EditableT;
public import gtk.Entry;
public import gtk.EntryAccessible;
public import gtk.EntryBuffer;
public import gtk.EntryCompletion;
public import gtk.EventBox;
public import gtk.EventController;
public import gtk.Expander;
public import gtk.ExpanderAccessible;
public import gtk.FileChooserButton;
public import gtk.FileChooserDialog;
public import gtk.FileChooserIF;
public import gtk.FileChooserNative;
public import gtk.FileChooserT;
public import gtk.FileChooserWidget;
public import gtk.FileFilter;
public import gtk.Fixed;
public import gtk.FlowBox;
public import gtk.FlowBoxAccessible;
public import gtk.FlowBoxChild;
public import gtk.FlowBoxChildAccessible;
public import gtk.FontButton;
public import gtk.FontChooserDialog;
public import gtk.FontChooserIF;
public import gtk.FontChooserT;
public import gtk.FontChooserWidget;
public import gtk.FontSelection;
public import gtk.FontSelectionDialog;
public import gtk.Frame;
public import gtk.FrameAccessible;
public import gtk.Gesture;
public import gtk.GestureDrag;
public import gtk.GestureLongPress;
public import gtk.GestureMultiPress;
public import gtk.GesturePan;
public import gtk.GestureRotate;
public import gtk.GestureSingle;
public import gtk.GestureSwipe;
public import gtk.GestureZoom;
public import gtk.GLArea;
public import gtk.Gradient;
public import gtk.Grid;
public import gtk.HandleBox;
public import gtk.HBox;
public import gtk.HButtonBox;
public import gtk.HeaderBar;
public import gtk.HPaned;
public import gtk.HScale;
public import gtk.HScrollbar;
public import gtk.HSeparator;
public import gtk.HSV;
public import gtk.IconFactory;
public import gtk.IconInfo;
public import gtk.IconSet;
public import 

Re: gtkD window centering message up and no app on taskbar

2017-08-09 Thread Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 9 August 2017 at 15:10:46 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:

On 09-08-17 01:00, Johnson Jones wrote:

But, finally, this does seem to work:

// Fixup missing taskbar icon
void SetTaskBarIcon(gtk.ApplicationWindow window)

 import, gdk.Window;
 auto handle = 

 ShowWindow(handle, SW_HIDE);
//SetParent(handle, null);
 SetWindowLong(handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, 
GetWindowLong(handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_APPWINDOW);

 ShowWindow(handle, SW_SHOW);

Of course, along with this:

MainWindow.addOnShow((Widget widget) { 
MainWindow.SetTaskBarIcon(); });

`gdk_win32_window_get_handle` I spend way to much time looking 
for a function like this, before giving up and doing the 
pointer arithmetic.

This should do it for getting the function:
import gtkd.Loader;
import gdk.c.functions; //Still at gtkc.gdk for 3.6.

__gshared extern(C) HANDLE function(GdkWindow*) 
"gdk_win32_window_get_handle", LIBRARY_GDK);


I did find out that gdk set the Desktop window as the parent 
window and doesn't set `WS_EX_APPWINDOW` i should try if 
setting it for top level windows would fix this from within gdk.

ok, I guess I was still using 3.6 cause I couldn't find anything 
about gdk.c.functions and had to import it myself. Upgraded. 
Actually, searching the install for gdk.c.functions returns 
nothing ;/ Oops, I guess you meant the master on git hub. Could 
you add a link on the main gtkD page to the github site?

Anyways, looks like this problem is solved/nearly solved so I'll 
move on to the next ;)

Re: Visual D no bp's on x64

2017-06-19 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger

On Sunday, 18 June 2017 at 21:02:12 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 18.06.2017 20:25, Mike B Johnson wrote:

Didn't work ;/

All I get on the output wndow is

C:\Windows\System32\dbghelp.dll unloaded.
The thread 0x1ea4 has exited with code -1 (0x).
The thread 0x1390 has exited with code -1 (0x).
The thread 0x1ac has exited with code -1 (0x).
The program '[492] Async.exe' has exited with code -1 


It seems the debug engine is only attached to the process when 
it starts terminating. Nothing cut off at the top? Strange.

Please try switching to the Visual Studio debug engine on the 
project debugger configuration page. This still uses mago as 
the D expression evaluator, but has all the other features of 
the VS debugger. It's actually the new and preferred way to run 
the debugger since the last Visual D release, especially with 
mixed languages.

Doesn't work. Nothing is cut off. the x86 version is loading a 
bunch of symbols so maybe it is just a path issue? Is so then it 
should print a proper error message for it. I'll try to play 
around with the paths and see.

Re: D and Meson

2017-06-19 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 at 15:25:55 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Using Meson for D projects is so wonderful. If SCons is to 
catch up a lot of work is needed, and I am increasingly 
worrying it isn't worth it. So much so that I am wondering if 
adding Dub package getting support to Meson should be a higher 
priority that finishing adding it to SCons. Of course this is 
only worth doing if Meson gets "all source at once" builds or 
all D compilers spontaneously fix all versions so that 
unit-threaded can work with "file at a time" builds.

If the person running the D support for Meson is on this list 
please contact me privately to tell me what I can do to help 
progress that support further.

Funny: "The main design point of Meson is that every moment a 
developer spends writing or debugging build definitions is a 
second wasted. So is every second spent waiting for the build 
system to actually start compiling code."

Which is in direct contradiction to what Walter has said... and 
yet Walter is suppose to be all about fast cars and hot women.

Re: Visual D no bp's on x64

2017-06-18 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger

On Sunday, 18 June 2017 at 17:43:20 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 18.06.2017 16:50, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 18.06.2017 16:17, Mike B Johnson wrote:
So, there is some issue with x64 and visual d's debugging in 
visual studio. That is the only file in the project. If it 
works on your system, keep trying until it doesn't!

As you expected, its not simple to reproduce. I have not 
managed to do so.

Could you specify a few more details:

- Visual D version?
- VS version?
- Which Configuration selected?
- dmd version?
- ldc version (in case you switched to "LDC Debug")?
- selected debug engine?

Slightly unrelated, but one thing that often bothers me: if 
you open the project configuration dialog, VS doesn't always 
show the current configuration (but the last edited one), so 
you edit options that don't seem to have any effect.

I could produce an issue when starting the mago debugger for 
the first time after firing up VS2015: it showed an error, 
though, instead of not doing anything at all. Maybe it's a 
different effect of the same problem. I have added a work 
around that fixes it for me:

BTW: the output window should show whether symbols for your 
application have been loaded. If not, you get the behavior that 
you reported.

Didn't work ;/

All I get on the output wndow is

C:\Windows\System32\dbghelp.dll unloaded.
The thread 0x1ea4 has exited with code -1 (0x).
The thread 0x1390 has exited with code -1 (0x).
The thread 0x1ac has exited with code -1 (0x).
The program '[492] Async.exe' has exited with code -1 


Visual D no bp's on x64

2017-06-18 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-debugger

in the last 20mins I did the following

1. Create a new DMD/LDC project

2. Added the code

import std.stdio;
import std.array, std.conv;

int main(string[] argv)

wchar* pCmd = cast(wchar*)to!wstring(argv.join(" ")).ptr;

//ZeroMemory( , sizeof(si) );
si.cb = si.sizeof;
//ZeroMemory(, sizeof(pi));

// Start the child process.
BOOL result = CreateProcess
NULL, // No module name (use command line)
pCmd, // Command line
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable
FALSE, // Set bInheritHandles to FALSE
DETACHED_PROCESS, // Detach process
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
 // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure (returned)
if (result) return 0;

wchar[2048] msg;
msg.ptr, cast(uint)2048,


return -1;

3. Modified the command args in the options. Added cmd /c echo 

4. Then went to debug it by putting a bp on the first line so I 
could check and ran it. Guess what? The program opened and 
closed. I've ran in to this problem before.

5. I added a bunch of bp's thinking it was just a problem with 
the first one(as that is how I get around it before).

6. Ran the program. Same thing. Ran the program. Same thing. I 
noticed that the bp's were turning white the split second the 
program was active.

hmmm... I then noticed the program was being built for x64.

7. I then changed it to x86 and voilà!

So, there is some issue with x64 and visual d's debugging in 
visual studio. That is the only file in the project. If it works 
on your system, keep trying until it doesn't!

Re: Replacing Make for the DMD build

2017-06-18 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 19:20:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/15/2017 11:30 PM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

A direct question to Walter and Andrei really.

If someone, let us say Russel Winder, create a CMake/Ninja 
Meson/Ninja build for DMD, is there any chance of it being 
allowed to

replace the Make system?

If the answer is no, then Russel will obviously not waste his 

doing something that will not be accepted.

It's highly unlikely it would be accepted:

1. make is ubiquitous. It's not something we have to scrounge 
to find on platform X, it's already there. People already are 
familiar with it (even if they hate it).

2. we're in the D business, not the project build business. 
It's easier to get past that "first 5 minutes" if everything 
about D other than D itself is familiar and conventional.

3. to steal from Churchill, `make` is the worst form of build 
system except for all the others

4. much as I dislike make, the time spent wrestling with it is 
a vanishingly tiny slice of time compared to what spent on the 
rest of D. Getting that time slice to zero will have no effect 
on productivity, and I'm not convinced that a newer build 
system will even reduce that time slice at all (see point 5).

5. D has a more complex build process than it should. Using 
another build system won't make that complexity go away.

6. unlike the choice to use github, there is no clear winner in 
the `make` category of build tools. If the industry has moved 
on from make to X, then we should, too. But it has not.

7. the current makefiles for DMD suffer from over-engineering, 
i.e. making simple things complicated and excessively using 
obscure features of make. This isn't really the fault of make.

These reasons are terrible.

1. So! Just because something is "universal" doesn't mean it is 
good. Look at any major religion. Usually those that believe in 
it tend to use as proof that there are so many other believers.

2. If you are in the D business you are in the make business.

3. Which, you are saying the exact same as make is the best. Yet, 
those others are just make clones that are not any worse(as they 
make it better). It is a contradictory argument.

4. You are not taking in to account everyone elses time. Sure, 
you might only save a penny, but if 7B people saved a penny, that 
would be 70 million dollars. That is not an insignificant amount.

5. It might, how do you know, have you tried?

6. This is not logical, they haven't moved precisely because they 
are thinking like you are. "If X hasn't moved from Y then why 
should we" everyone exclaims.

7. Then come up with something better instead of making 
excuses... which is what it all boils down to. You could have 
simply said, in a more logical way: "I do not want to spent the 
time to create/switch to something new and better because it is 
not worth it to me"... as that is all you have said(obfuscating 
in to a 7 point bullet list of meaningless il-arguments doesn't 
change that).

My suggestion is, that, if someone else wants to "waste" their 
time creating something that is new and better then they should 
be "allowed" and "supported" in doing so with the only caveat 
that they must prove, at the end of the day, that it is better. 
If it is not, then they "wasted" their time. If it is, then 
everyone is happier and more productive. The question is, are we 
fighting over pennies or millions?

Re: D needs to get its shit together!

2017-06-18 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 15:01:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 14:01:38 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

You realize your mentality is like a dead rat? It just stinks. 
Your solutions are not solutions. They are patches. I wouldn't 
hire you to fix my plumbing because in a few months I'll have 
to fix it again. You are ok with that, because you get paid 
either way.  Keep kicking the can down the road... It may get 
you a bit of exercise but in the long run you are just wasting 
everyone's time. I also suggest you get out of the 1970's. 
Software and computers have come a long way. We shouldn't have 
to resort to the same mind set 40+ years ago. I shouldn't have 
to backup sc.ini, just because you think it is the way doesn't 
mean it is. That mindset for sc.ini pervades all your so 
called solutions. There are better ways, too bad you don't 
care or are too ignorant to see them.

That's fine. One more piece of advice I have for you. If you 
want anyone to take you seriously, check the attitude at the 
gate. Good luck!

Cool. Since we are friends now, I have some advice for you: I 
suggest that if you want anyone to take you seriously, I suggest 
you check your mediocrity mentality at the door.

See how that works?!?! Probably not. I suggest you get with the 
program and stop assuming it's ok to waste peoples time, 
including your own. The world would be a better place if people 
like you stopped playing your little games and grow up. Then 
people like me wouldn't have to constantly put you in your place.

Re: D needs to get its shit together!

2017-06-17 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 13:23:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 06:06:53 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:


This isn't as severe as you make it sound. If the latest 
version of VS doesn't work, the one before will. It's easy to 
prevent such issues in the future. Since we never know if a new 
version of VS will break things, this can be solved by one 
person who can monitor the beta releases of VS and submit PRs 
to the appropriate repositories if the paths change, or (as 
happened with VS 2015) the C runtime library changes, or some 
other breakage arises. Then DMD can get support for the new 
version before it's released. Could that person be you?


What I've done in the past is to keep the latest DMD on the 
system path, then set up Command Prompt shortcuts initialized 
with a different batch file to set override it with paths to 
different compilers/versions. If DVM could get support for LDC 
and GDC, then you'd have everything in one convenient app.


Backup the sc.ini file.


Like what?


So, what are you proposing here? Educate us. What are we 
supposed to take into account? I use my computer also for 
graphics, music, programming, document editing, all sorts of 
stuff. The only breakage I've ever had has usually been related 
to anti-virus software, though in the past there was an 
occasional issue with things like SecuRom. What exactly should 
the D community to in order to alleviate these major breakages 
you have on your system?


I would like to reiterate here what I mentioned earlier in this 
thread -- people in the D community are currently fixing flaws 
all the time. That we aren't fixing the flaws that particularly 
peeve you does not mean nothing is being done. I would also 
like to reiterate that if something is important enough to you, 
then you could do something about it besides coming to the 
forums and calling the rest of us ignorant. Write a DIP. File 
issues on Bugzilla. Submit pull requests. Take on 
responsibility for ensuring Visual Studio compatibility. Or do 
nothing, but please don't act as if we're all just sitting here 
twiddling our thumbs.

You realize your mentality is like a dead rat? It just stinks. 
Your solutions are not solutions. They are patches. I wouldn't 
hire you to fix my plumbing because in a few months I'll have to 
fix it again. You are ok with that, because you get paid either 
way.  Keep kicking the can down the road... It may get you a bit 
of exercise but in the long run you are just wasting everyone's 
time. I also suggest you get out of the 1970's. Software and 
computers have come a long way. We shouldn't have to resort to 
the same mind set 40+ years ago. I shouldn't have to backup 
sc.ini, just because you think it is the way doesn't mean it is. 
That mindset for sc.ini pervades all your so called solutions. 
There are better ways, too bad you don't care or are too ignorant 
to see them.

Re: D needs to get its shit together!

2017-06-17 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 08:27:33 UTC, Sebastien Alaiwan 

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 03:53:18 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
When a new user goes to start using D for the first time, D is 
a PITA to get working! Don't believe me?!?!

I'm running Debian GNU/Linux (testing). Here's the installation 
process for the 3 major D compilers.

$ apt install gdc
$ gdc my_first_program.d

GDC is too old for you? Fine, let's use ldc:

$ apt install ldc
$ ldc2 my_first_program.d

Or if you want the bleeding edge version of D:

(download dmd .deb package from
$ dpkg -i dmd_***.deb
$ rdmd my_first_program.d

Debian maintainers, one word: Thank you!

Sorry, doesn't help me or people in general. Also, simple 
examples are not proof that the solutions are general. It may be 
that easy on linux or it may not be, but it's definitely not that 
case on windows FOR almost ALL installations.

Official D Contributors

2017-06-17 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d
It would be nice to see all the hard workers who have helped D 
become what has become and are helping it become what it will be 
get noticed for there hard work(effectively they have given money 
to the D foundation through their time).

Is this being done? I think the regulars that have been around 
should get noticed and supported for their support. The D 
foundation should try to repay them at some point if possible(in 
the near or distant future)... but having official recognition is 
the start.

As far as I can tell, the core D team(which is basically Walter 
and Andrei?), while appreciating the time and money others have 
put in, kinda take it for granted, so to speak.

It isn't about stroking peoples ego's, but about compensating 
them for their somewhat selfless dedication. After all, it was a 
choice they made, and they sacrificed their time, money, family 
time, livelihood, etc to support one persons project or vision 
without any desires to be compensated. While the money may not be 
there, it's not much work to make something official. I am not 
proposing awards or any gimmicks like that but something more 
from the heart.

Re: D needs to get its shit together!

2017-06-17 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 17:10:41 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2017-06-16 09:53, Mike B Johnson wrote:

DVM [1] is doing some of this.

Cool, does it keep things well organized

It depends on what you definition of organized. DVM is a tool 
that allows you to easily install D compilers. It also allows 
to easily switch between multiple versions of the compiler. 
That is, you can have one window (terminal) with one version 
and another window with another version.

On Posix it installs everything ~/.dvm. Each compiler is placed 
in its own directory, it's mostly the zip archives available on unpacked. Here's an example of how the directory 
structure looks like on Posix:

$ tree -L 2 .dvm
├── archives
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── bin
│   ├── dmd-2.073.0
│   ├── dmd-2.074.0
│   ├── dmd-2.074.0-b1
│   ├── dvm
│   ├── dvm-current-dc
│   ├── dvm-default-dc
├── compilers
│   ├── dmd-2.073.0
│   ├── dmd-2.074.0
│   ├── dmd-2.074.0-b1
├── env
│   ├── default
│   ├── dmd-2.073.0
│   ├── dmd-2.074.0
│   ├── dmd-2.074.0-b1
└── scripts
└── dvm

and deals with windows issues(link.exe., dlls, etc) or just 
uses the "D way" which is a hairball?

I'm not that familiar with Windows (the Windows support was 
contributed by another developer) so I'm not sure which issues 
you refer to.

Thanks. At least D has something going on correctly here.

My feeling is, unless DVM works well with windows, that it 
probably currently doesn't offer much help. If it does manage the 
versioning well and can deal with the environmental issues well 
then it is close to what I am asking. If that's the case, it 
should be polished off and used as the main front end and hosted 
by D.

You didn't state if it works congruently with all the major 

The issues in windows are:

1. coff/omf. Requires use of windows and visual studio/C stuff 
who's locations and versions change over the years. This can be a 
major headache finding the right version. Mainly because the 
error messages, when using the wrong version, do not suggest that 
it is a versioning error.

dvm could have the option to search the entire system for the 
files it needs(e.g., link.exe, various dlls that are generally 
used, etc) and attempt get things to work.

2. Managing different compilers: Not too bad but if you end up 
with some problems here, then it gets multiplied by the factor of 
the number of issues with each compiler. if LDC has an issue with 
the x64 dlls and dmd with the x32 and they are always looking in 
the same place because the versions are different and wrong, then 
it becomes a issue with a "factor of 4" problem. This can become 
even worse when you try cross compiling and such.

3. Re-installation can be problematic. sci.ini is overwritten. If 
you hand coded the paths to get everything to work, guess what? 
Well, who cares? You have plenty of time to waste, right?

4. Reinstalling one thing can break something else. This depends 
on how fragile the setup was at the start.

5. People that don't have problems with their setup generally 
think everything "just works" and bitch at others for 
complaining.  Ignorance is bliss, but it's still ignorance. Life 
is more complicated and everything just doesn't work for everyone 
because everyone system is different. I don't use standard paths 
to install things and when an installer hard codes paths that 
don't exist, it breaks on my system. That is not my fault. The 
installer shouldn't be so ignorant and do it's job properly. 
Usually it was written by someone who thinks that when other 
people have problems on their system, it is due to their 
ignorance rather than the ignorance of the installer 
writer(Because they think: Hey, it worked on my system and my 
system is the same as everyone elses). Same goes for utilities.

I have over 1 billion files on my system, I use it for around 20 
different non-complementary subjects(graphics, music, 
programming, etc). When everything is "competing for space" and 
things are not set up to work together, one seemingly unrelated 
program and effect every other one. (e.g., simply by adding to 
the path variable and break things with error messages that are 
meaningless to the real problem)

Most ignorant people do not take those things in to account 
because they oversimplify... and that usually causes problems 
down the road for the rest of us.

As D becomes increasing popular, there are going to be more 
variation in the system and the flaws in it will become larger 
and larger.  It's best to start working on fixing those flaws 
before they become too large to manage and weaken the whole 
structure. We all know this to be true on some level, but it is 
actually fact. It is the way of life, everything breaks down. The 
more flaws it has at the start, the faster it will break down... 
unless they are fixed at the start. Fixing them near the end just 
results in a 

Re: repl like interface with D app

2017-06-16 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 18:13:33 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 07:57:46 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
I am developing a D app and I have a need to test things out. 
I do not want to have to recompile the app every time I want 
to test some functionality out.


There is drepl, it's not fancy, but works for basic use cases...

But that doesn't interface with ones own program? I'm not talking 
about a standalone repl but something what can use from their own 
program and then use that command line interface of it(or just 
send command through text) and interact with the original program:

string foo() { writeln("foo"); }
void main()
repl.OpenInterface(); // <- A new command window is open that 
lets us run code from it, code that has access to this programs 


Or whatever.

Re: repl like interface with D app

2017-06-16 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 18:43:24 UTC, Sameer Pradhan wrote:

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 07:57:46 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:


Please check out:

I haven't used it myself, but fits right in the Jupyter/IPython 


Thanks, not sure if this will work and I don't like python much, 
but I'll give a look at some point and see. Maybe it can be 
integrated back in to a D program and then work out well: 

repl like interface with D app

2017-06-16 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am developing a D app and I have a need to test things out. I 
do not want to have to recompile the app every time I want to 
test some functionality out.

Suppose I have an app with some functions like foo, bar, etc... 
in some module m.

I would like to be able to do basic stuff like



auto x = + 3;


This way I can write the functions, compile, then test them out 
without compiling.



which turns on the 34th light in the house, then


which turns it off. This should take about 1-2 seconds to test 
RATHER than about 1m to do the compilation, running, etc.

Having a history buffer would be nice too and even a debugger 
showing the basic state(nothing fancy).

Anything like this out there. Lua has things like this that are 
very nice to do because they allow for quick testing and 

Re: D needs to get its shit together!

2017-06-16 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

DVM [1] is doing some of this.

Cool, does it keep things well organized and deals with windows 
issues(link.exe., dlls, etc) or just uses the "D way" which is a 

D needs to get its shit together!

2017-06-15 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d
Seriously! D is starting to gain momentum and if things are not 
stabilized it's going to slow D down.

1 ==>> The VERY FIRST order of business is very simple:

When a new user goes to start using D for the first time, D is a 
PITA to get working! Don't believe me?!?!

Just try getting D installed on all 3 major systems for DMD, LDC, 
GDC, with an IDE, some utilities, possibly arm support(even 
though it's new and expected to have some issues), etc. The 
issues really start popping up when you are trying to use x86 + 
x64. Library issues that result in strange error messages instead 
of "This compiler is not compatible with the phobos v2.4324".

And guess what? This happens to regular users too! They either. 
A) know how to fix them from fixing them in the past or helping 
others(so it doesn't count because the problem still exists) or 
B) have a specific setup that happens to avoid the major 
issues(e.g., just use linux x86) then act like there isn't any 
problems with D.

But no one wants to work on the part of D that deals with these 
problems cause it's boring and most "experts" can deal with the 
problems in a few mins to a few hours... doesn't seem like a huge 
waste of time(even though it is, since it's a waste).

D needs to just work! Library errors, setup problems, IDE 
integration should just work! It seems the changes of it working 
are about 75-85%... that IS LOW! It should be 99%. (And I'm 
talking across the board)

DMD, LDC, GDC, Visual D, Coedit(or whatever the other main IDE's 
are), the utilities(Dustmite, DFormat, etc) should all just work 
seamlessly and without hassle with each other.

What is the main problem? It's very simple: The way the paths are 
stored and retrieved is ancient and prone to bugs and it seems 
there is no clear cut way on how to get everything to find 
everything else. Also, versioning is not always there so even if 
the paths are right, the files in them may not be!

Multiple versions should be able to exist side by side(since D is 
ever changing and sometimes new versions simply don't work like 
they should, then downgrading starts causing problems).

Solution Ideas:

This is a simple problem that needs to be fixed. The installer 
needs to be updated to act as more of a package manager(a 
graphical one for us on windows) that has versioning checks and 
such in it. It doesn't have to be fancy, but should do a bit more 
work than the current on which is basically more trouble then 
just compressing the zip and editing sc.ini by hand.

1. A unified path/directory layout that is unambiguous and every 
D app can rely on.


\Dlang\Compilers\DMD\v2\73.01  (the v2 stuff hence forth replaced 
\Dlang\Compilers\DMD\v2\main <- a junction/link to the current 
version, usually the latest

\Dlang\Compilers\DMD\Lib\Phobos\x64\omf (even though it 
doesn't exist, just empty, maybe a text file in it stating that 
it is not used for x64)



and so fourth. I'm not saying it has to be exactly like the one 
above, but the above is unambiguous. One could change compiler 
versions, even have a "master" compiler that simply chooses dmd, 
ldc, gdc, etc and could verify versions if necessary, etc.

Everything gets organized and has a place that is logical and 
hence easy to find, easy to use, and helps in diagnosing 
problems. Versioning and dependencies could be charted. (e.g., a 
change in one version of something doesn't necessarily break it's 
usage with everything else that hasn't been updated, so  we can 
have a table of things that work with each other based on 
versions. We can change, say, the version of DMD to use and the 
front end can consult the master version table to see what 
utilities that work with it and then update all the hard links.

External usages(like windows dlls, link.exe) are all handled. 
They are a) copied from their windows locations. b) noted the 
location they are copied from by adding a text file in the 
directory, etc) (and the installer\manager can refresh everything)

One can install on demand any aspect so everything isn't created 
at once.

As time evolves, this system of organization gets cleaner, 
clearer, and more optimal rather than the current system which 
seems to just be stagnant and relatively broke. It works, for the 
most part, but as time goes on it doesn't get any better at it's 
job. It's usually the same problems over and over and that is why 
you always get a steady stream of users having issues with D due 
to problems that are easily fixable with a little elbow grease 
and thought and a significant amount of desire to get the problem 
fixed[breath!]. Versioning gets better and better. If D1 had this 
type of system, we could 

Re: Implementing interfaces using alias this

2017-06-14 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 at 09:41:49 UTC, ketmar wrote:

Balagopal Komarath wrote:

Why doesn't this work? The Test!Duck type has a void quack() 
method but the compiler says it is not implemented.

'cause `alias this` is *not* a tool that can be used to emulate 
inheritance. no, `quack` is NOT impemented. `alias this` won't 
automagically paste the code.

I don't think it has to do with pasting code.

d.Quack() is well defined through the alias. Inheritance requires 
that a Quack() exists, and it does, through the alias.

The compiler could easily create an implementation wrapper that 
uses the alias this.

I believe it is simply because the logic is not implement in the 
compiler, not because there is some logic issue in it.

import std.stdio;

interface IDuck
void quack();

class Test(T) : IDuck
T data;
alias data this;
void quack() { data.quack(); }

struct Duck
void quack()

void main()
Test!Duck d;

which, unfortunately causes a segmentation fault ;)(from dpaste) 
(even if you remove IDuck)

The main issue is that the compiler would have to parse the alias 
and see if it has members that are to be used, not hard... but 
this is probably not standard behavior and might lead to other 
problems down the road(specially with multiple alias this). 
Basically, which quack to call? I think it's better to require it 
to be explicit(as I have tried to do).

Re: Isn't it about time for D3?

2017-06-11 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 11 June 2017 at 06:14:43 UTC, ketmar wrote:

Mike B Johnson wrote:

Yeah, sounds good, because to make progress, progress has to 
be made. Most people are very shortsighted and live in a fear 
based mentality. Mention any type of change and they nearly 
shit themselves and never actually think about the consequence 
of those changes. They just assume it means change and it's 
something they can't handle.

Having an "experimental" D allows those crazy and potentially 
"mind altering" advancements to be worked on, advanced, and 
polished. It takes time for ideas to grow(because, ultimately, 
it involves learning and learning takes time).

yeah. this is exactly the mentality i want to fight with. in my 
opition, having such forum "officially blessed" will encourage 
people to experiment. or at least i hope so. ;-)

It's an uphill battle. You are fighting human 
nature/evolution/ignorance ;/ The good news is that humans are 
good at mountain climbing when they want to be.

Re: Isn't it about time for D3?

2017-06-10 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 11 June 2017 at 00:37:09 UTC, ketmar wrote:

Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Sunday, 11 June 2017 at 00:06:13 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Dev resources are stretched thin as it is, I doubt the core 
team would go for it.

I think dev resources are thin because of mismanagement by the 
core team failing to attract and retain contributors. Part of 
this mismanagement is a really discouraging attitude toward 
positive yet breaking change; I propose that mere willingness 
to shake up the status quo would help to solve the resource 

actually, some time ago i proposed to create "experimental and 
breaking language changes" subforum, where people can go with 
their wild ideas, and other people can post patches/builds with 
those (or other) ideas imlemented/half-implemented.

this way we can gather some feedback from someone who is really 
using new feature, and have a better vision if it worth further 
time investments or not. 'cause having a live compiler with new 
feature to play with is not the same as simply dicussing the 
possible feature in NG. i maintain my private fork of 
dmd/druntime/phobos, and this is the way i evaluate features: 
just add what i can, and then see if i'll start using it in my 
code. if not, the feature is cutted, otherwise it is retained.

and ah, building dmd from sources is not something many people 
want/can to do. sure, downloading binaries from random people 
over the net is not the safest thing to do, but if there will 
be patch+binary combos, it may work.

i.e. i see that "experimental" subforum as a place for ideas 
*and* implementations. and implementors can provide built 
binaries for people to play, or other people can build binaries 
('cause if you built it for yourself, why don't share it with 

i know that this forum is actually a newsgroup, and it can't 
host files. but i believe that this problem can be solved -- 
either by using some simple js-free (for download; yeah, there 
are such things! ;-) service to host binaries, or by some other 

Yeah, sounds good, because to make progress, progress has to be 
made. Most people are very shortsighted and live in a fear based 
mentality. Mention any type of change and they nearly shit 
themselves and never actually think about the consequence of 
those changes. They just assume it means change and it's 
something they can't handle.

Having an "experimental" D allows those crazy and potentially 
"mind altering" advancements to be worked on, advanced, and 
polished. It takes time for ideas to grow(because, ultimately, it 
involves learning and learning takes time).

So, the good experimental changes will eventually be adopted. 
Without such a mechanism, they can't EVER be. The problem is that 
only the core people of D actually get to decide what is good and 
they tend to push through changes that haven't been well 
tested(regardless of what they think, D is a prime example by all 
the miscalculations as is C).

Most people fear growth because growth requires change and change 
ventures in to the unknown... The unknown is where all the good 
shit lies and the breakthrough is when someone brings the unknown 
in to the known.

Re: tanya 0.6.0, new containers

2017-06-10 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 9 June 2017 at 18:54:12 UTC, Eugene Wissner wrote:

Dear community,

there is a new release of my gc-free library, tanya. I don't 
announce each release, so I want to tell short about the latest 
development and plans for the next releases.


Thanks! I'll check it out.. we need this sort of stuff for D. Do 
you have any plans for a circular/ring buffer?

Re: .sort vs sort(): std.algorithm not up to the task?

2017-06-07 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 01:57:47 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
If I hand you a chihuahua for grooming, why am I getting back a 
pit bull? I simply want a groomed chihuahua. Why do I need to 
consult a wizard to get back a groomed chihuahua?

Because is like a poodle and unless you get your hair cut in a 
special way you won't be considered for the job! The wizard only 
exists to balance the symmetric arrangement of the interplanetary 
forces, don't fear him, he does his job in a very predictable way.

Re: better string

2017-06-07 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 00:59:06 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 at 23:57:44 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

Or will simply setting "alias string = wstring;" at the top of 
my program end up having the entire program, regardless of 
what it is, use wstring's instead of strings?

It doesn't work that way and it can't work that way: you'd 
never be able to link against anything if it did.

Not true, way to overgeneralize!

The reason I say this is because I converted my program to use 

Why? Why trade one variable-width encoding for another, 
especially a nasty one like UTF-16?

um, because I'm god and I get to wear the big boy pants.

Re: better string

2017-06-07 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 at 21:32:25 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 06/07/2017 12:58 PM, Mike B Johnson wrote:
Why not alias string so that one can easily switch from the 
old string or wstring, etc?

e.g., rename string internally to sstring or whatever.

then globally define

alias string = sstring;

Which can be over realiased to wstring to affect the whole 

alias string = wstring;

Or use a command line to set it or whatever makes you happy.

I'm not sure what exactly you're asking for, but `string` is an 
alias already (of `immutable(char)[]`). And you can define your 
own `string` as you like. `alias string = wstring;` works.

But that isn't program/compiler wide. e.g., stringof won't return 
a wstring if you do the alias, will it?

Or will simply setting "alias string = wstring;" at the top of my 
program end up having the entire program, regardless of what it 
is, use wstring's instead of strings?


when I do a string literal

"This is a string" but do your alias, is the literal a string or 

The reason I say this is because I converted my program to use 
wstrings but I got many errors because of string literals being 
interpreted as strings and no automatic conversion took place, I 
had to append w to turn then in to wstrings.

Re: better string

2017-06-07 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 at 10:58:06 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
Why not alias string so that one can easily switch from the old 
string or wstring, etc?

e.g., rename string internally to sstring or whatever.

then globally define

alias string = sstring;

Which can be over realiased to wstring to affect the whole 

alias string = wstring;

Or use a command line to set it or whatever makes you happy.

I'm in the progress of converting a large source code database 
to use the above technique so we can move to using wstring... 
it is not fun. Most code that works with a string should with 
any string encoding, so it shouldn't matter. Making D string 
agnostic(after all, the only main different in 99% of programs 
is the space they take up).

If you are worried about it causing subtle bugs, then don't... 
because those same bugs would occur if one manually had to 

By designing techniques to use strings that are agnostic of 
there internal representation should save a lot of headache. 
For those few cases that it matters, simple static analysis 
works fine.

I should mention, that with such a design, strings can default to 
the string type, whatever it would be.


"this is a string"

depends on the "alias". If it is sstring then it is an sstring, 
if it is wstring then it is a wstring.

Anything that returns a string will return it depend on the 
alias, even templated functions such as

foreach(name; AliasSeq!(X.tupleof.stringof))

in which, generally makes name a sstring. (I suppose due to 
stringof returning an sstring regardless).

better string

2017-06-07 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d
Why not alias string so that one can easily switch from the old 
string or wstring, etc?

e.g., rename string internally to sstring or whatever.

then globally define

alias string = sstring;

Which can be over realiased to wstring to affect the whole program

alias string = wstring;

Or use a command line to set it or whatever makes you happy.

I'm in the progress of converting a large source code database to 
use the above technique so we can move to using wstring... it is 
not fun. Most code that works with a string should with any 
string encoding, so it shouldn't matter. Making D string 
agnostic(after all, the only main different in 99% of programs is 
the space they take up).

If you are worried about it causing subtle bugs, then don't... 
because those same bugs would occur if one manually had to switch.

By designing techniques to use strings that are agnostic of there 
internal representation should save a lot of headache. For those 
few cases that it matters, simple static analysis works fine.

Why does phobos have collisions?

2017-06-07 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d
Error: template std.algorithm.mutation.strip cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(string), candidates are:
std.algorithm.mutation.strip(Range, E)(Range range, E element) if 
(isBidirectionalRange!Range && is(typeof(range.front == element) 
: bool))
std.algorithm.mutation.strip(alias pred, Range)(Range range) if 
(isBidirectionalRange!Range && is(typeof(pred(range.back)) : 

This is on a line of code that simply strips away a string...

and works fine when using standard strip(without importing 
std.algorithm)... but when importing std.algorithm too, those 
errors pop up... seems like a defect.

Re: Make enum auto castable

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 03:15:46 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 05, 2017 02:14:14 Mike B Johnson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 01:42:55 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Monday, June 05, 2017 01:30:47 Mike B Johnson via
> Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
>> [...]
> It's not a bug. The alias this conversion only goes one way. 
> It provides a way to convert _from_ the type that it's 
> declared on to another type, not from the other type to the 
> type that it's declared on. There is no way in D to declare 
> an implicit conversion in the direction you're trying. So, 
> if you have a struct that wraps an int like this, and you 
> want to assign it an int, you're going to need to explicitly 
> construct the struct - e.g. EnumX(1).

> - Jonathan M Davis

That's pretty crappy! Defeats the whole point!

Well, implicit conversions tend to cause a lot of bugs in C++ 
code, so Walter decided to restrict them quite a bit more in D 
than they are in C++. This therefore prevents a number of bugs 
in D, but it also prevents implicit conversions from being used 
in a number of situations where they're useful. Whether the end 
result is better or worse, I don't know and certainly YMMV. As 
it is, some of the implicit conversions that we still allow 
have a tendency to cause bugs (e.g. conversions between 
integral values and character types tend to be error-prone - 
especially when arrays are involved - and using implicit 
conversions with templated code is almost always a bad idea). 
So, at times, I tend to think that all implicit conversions 
should be banned. But at other times, it would be really nice 
to be able to have more than we do (e.g. it would be a lot more 
user-friendly if you could pass a T to a function that takes a 

In any case, I think that the reality of the matter with D is 
that you tend to have to use explicit conversions rather than 
implicit ones, and if you're looking to do much with implicit 
conversions, you're usually going to be frustrated, and 
obviously, that sucks, but at least you're less likely to have 
bugs related to implicit conversions.

- Jonathan M Davis

The problem is bugs are only a possibility. If you remove a 
feature from a language the feature does not exist, period.

So, throwing the baby out with the bath water because he pooped 
in it is not a solution.

Instead, if there is a problem with implicit autonomous 
conversion or construction, then the solution is not to remove 
all implicit conversions or constructions but to remove the 
autonomous part.

e.g., make the user specify the implicit conversion explicitly. 
This way, if bugs do creep in, it is due to the user. It is much 
easier to diagnose and fix then.

Re: Make enum auto castable

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 01:42:55 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 05, 2017 01:30:47 Mike B Johnson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


It's not a bug. The alias this conversion only goes one way. It 
provides a way to convert _from_ the type that it's declared on 
to another type, not from the other type to the type that it's 
declared on. There is no way in D to declare an implicit 
conversion in the direction you're trying. So, if you have a 
struct that wraps an int like this, and you want to assign it 
an int, you're going to need to explicitly construct the struct 
- e.g. EnumX(1).

- Jonathan M Davis

That's pretty crappy! Defeats the whole point!

Re: Make enum auto castable

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 00:51:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 05, 2017 00:16:15 Mike B Johnson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Sunday, 4 June 2017 at 23:39:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> [...]

I might be able to change the enum, I assume you mean 
something like

enum myenum : S { }

where S is the struct that implicitly converts?


However, be aware that you can currently only define one alias 
this per type. So, the rest of the code will then need to be 
able to deal with the fact that the enum is a struct that 
implicitly converts to VARIANT and does not implicitly convert 
to int. So, if you're just passing the enums around and 
comparing them, you're fine, but if you need to treat them as 
ints somewhere, then you'll need to provide an explicit 
conversion (via overloading opCast or by creating a specific 
function for it or just exposing a member with the int value or 
whatever), and that could get annoying in the same way that 
you're annoyed about the VARIANT issue right now.

But if you don't actually need to treat the enum as an int, and 
you can make it a struct that implicitly converts to VARIANT 
instead, then that will fix your VARIANT conversion problem.

- Jonathan M Davis

enum X : EnumX
   a = 1,

struct EnumX
int x;
alias x this;
void opAssign(int y)
x = y;
double opCall()
return x;

doesn't work because "1" is not castable to EnumX, even though 
EnumX is aliased to an int, and hence it should work fine.

Seems like a bug to me.

Re: Implicit casting of int enum members to int

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 09:21:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:


Is this bug ever going to be fixed?

I can't do

enum X : Y
   a = 1

because 1 is not implicitly convertible to Y, even though Y is 
aliased to an int so it should be.

Re: dmd casts but ldc doesn't, and doesn't work in template in dmdm

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 00:56:52 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 05, 2017 00:18:04 Mike B Johnson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


I assume that guid is a string or array of byte or somesuch? If 
it's an array of byte or char, then you can probably do

auto bytes = cast(byte[16])guid[0 .. 16];

I doubt that it will work with CTFE though, because this is 
basically a reinterpret cast, and CTFE gets picky about casts 
like that. If you need to do something like that in CTFE, 
you'll probably need to use if(__ctfe) to add a branch that 
does this it in a for loop or something without any casts.

Also, you probably want ubyte, not byte. byte is signed, so it 
really only makes sense to use it as an integral value that 
holds [-128, 128] rather than for an actual byte value.

- Jonathan M Davis

Guid is a struct and I am trying to get the "bytes" of the 
struct" to get the guid bytes. It is quicker than accessing all 
the elements one at a time.

Re: Make enum auto castable

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 00:51:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 05, 2017 00:16:15 Mike B Johnson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Sunday, 4 June 2017 at 23:39:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Sunday, June 04, 2017 22:52:55 Mike B Johnson via
> Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
>> [...]
> Aside from whatever implicit conversions are built into the 
> language, the only way to define an implicit conversion in D 
> is via alias this on a user-defined type, which then tells 
> that type that it can convert to whatever type the result of 
> the alias this is. e.g. if you have

> [...]

I might be able to change the enum, I assume you mean 
something like

enum myenum : S { }

where S is the struct that implicitly converts?


However, be aware that you can currently only define one alias 
this per type. So, the rest of the code will then need to be 
able to deal with the fact that the enum is a struct that 
implicitly converts to VARIANT and does not implicitly convert 
to int. So, if you're just passing the enums around and 
comparing them, you're fine, but if you need to treat them as 
ints somewhere, then you'll need to provide an explicit 
conversion (via overloading opCast or by creating a specific 
function for it or just exposing a member with the int value or 
whatever), and that could get annoying in the same way that 
you're annoyed about the VARIANT issue right now.

But if you don't actually need to treat the enum as an int, and 
you can make it a struct that implicitly converts to VARIANT 
instead, then that will fix your VARIANT conversion problem.

- Jonathan M Davis

Well, I do need to to treat it as an int at times and opCast only 
works with cast. While I could set it up to do a cast(VARIANT), 
which is better than nothing, I'd get same result as to!VARIANT, 
which is shorter and effectively the same.

When will we get multiple alias this? all I need is two?

Hell, why not make alias this an "overloadable" function similar 
to opCast and such?

Re: DIP66 - Multiple alias this

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 17:09:08 UTC, IgorStepanov wrote:

I've created DIP for my pull request.

Please, comment it.

Well, nearly 3 years later and nothing!

dmd casts but ldc doesn't, and doesn't work in template in dmdm

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

The following line is causing some problems.

auto bytes = cast(byte[16])guid;

compiles fine in dmd but ldc says it can't convert... also, it 
doens't work in ctfe/template either. (I'm not sure if ctfe is 
kicking in or not though, but definitely doesn't work in a 

Re: Make enum auto castable

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 4 June 2017 at 23:39:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, June 04, 2017 22:52:55 Mike B Johnson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


Aside from whatever implicit conversions are built into the 
language, the only way to define an implicit conversion in D is 
via alias this on a user-defined type, which then tells that 
type that it can convert to whatever type the result of the 
alias this is. e.g. if you have


I might be able to change the enum, I assume you mean something 

enum myenum : S { }

where S is the struct that implicitly converts?

Make enum auto castable

2017-06-04 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am dealing with some COM stuff and some functions use VARIANT, 
which can hold an enum.

Instead of having to manually convert the enum(and for that 
matter, other things) to VARIANT, is it possible to have them 
automatically converted?

This is because an enum is always convertible to a VARIANT but 
not the other way around. So, when a enum is passed to a function 
accepting a VARIANT, it should just work. Overloading is not an 

Re: string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 23:09:56 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:54:22 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

How to convert a string to wchar*?

C-style null-terminated wchar*?

This didn't work. More errors than the first. In any case, it 
conv should work.

string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

How to convert a string to wchar*?

string s;

gives phobo's deduction problems.

\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\conv.d(194): Error: 
template std.conv.toImpl cannot deduce function from argument 
types !(wchar*)(string), candidates are:
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) 
&& !isEnumStrToStr!(S, T) && !isNullToStr!(S, T))
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(ref S s) if (isStaticArray!S)
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, 
T) && is(typeof(S.init.opCast!T()) : T) && !isExactSomeString!T 
&& !is(typeof(T(value
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, 
T) && is(T == struct) && is(typeof(T(value
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, 
T) && is(T == class) && is(typeof(new T(value

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 00:02:54 UTC, Lewis wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 20:47:31 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:


For sure. I actually want to post the source code at some 
point, but the changes I made are very much set up specifically 
for this project. I'll sift through at some point and see if I 
can gather together something worth posting.


Thanks. Maybe some of this could be overcome by a design pattern 
that removes them from being an issue(e.g., script can not use 
GC... only to demonstrate that if that were the case, then you 
wouldn't have to worry about GC issues ;)?

I imagine that if "dll"'s were used that one would have all the 
power to debug and develop them as normal d code, which is nice 
and doesn't require a "script editor and debugger".

Re: Typecasting delegates

2017-06-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 21:42:57 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 21:14:29 UTC, Seiji Emery wrote:

[...] assume that they're implemented as a pair of pointers;

Ah, and uh... one last thing. What's the worst that could 
happen from calling a `ref Foo` signature through a void* 

Undefined behaviour.

His computer could expode! Or it could trigger a black hole near 
Alpha Centauri... You never know!

Re: Creating and loading D plugins in D app

2017-06-02 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 12:19:48 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 11:09:05 UTC, aberba wrote:
1. Get shared libs to work in D (the best approach for all D 

I have done very little with this myself but other people have 
so it is doable.

1. some kind of embeddable interpreter for a scripting 
language like (a mini js engine) which exposes callable native 
D APIs at runtime

My script.d does this kind of thing

it is slow though.

You should put a link on the help somewhere so one can get to the 
github page easily to view the source(or have the ability to go 
from the module to the github source easily(small icon next to 
module name in modules list).

This would help peruse the source to see how you came up with 
some of your stuff ;)

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-02 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 15:55:53 UTC, Lewis wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 02:06:27 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
I wonder if it is possible to somehow turn D in to a scripting 
language that can be run inside D?

On a game project I'm working on at home, I've done:

- Hot reloading via a DLL
- A build script that runs in the background, detects file 
changes, and automatically rebuilds
- A code structure that keeps build times to a minimum 
(currently 1.8s)

All these combined, and D feels pretty script-like. The setup 
is far from ideal, since it imposes some limitations on the 
language (only limited use of classes/finalizers, be careful 
with static data, some changes to the program state struct 
require a restart, etc). It also took a significant amount of 
work to get it up and running, requiring several changes to 

But writing an entire feature with the game still running, 
followed by testing and iterating, all without closing the 
game, is pretty great. Way nicer than at work, where I have 
1-15 minute rebuilds, with a restart for every change.

Would you mind, when you get some time, to write up a more 
detailed analysis of the problems you had to overcome to get it 
to work? Possibly we could get some type of library solution that 
just "works" with very little change and restriction?

After all, dll's effectively already solve the problem, in some 
sense... except they are generally not meant to be reloaded on 
demand. Solving the issues that reloading causes, I think, would 
be the bulk of the problem?

Re: Phobos 2

2017-06-02 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 June 2017 at 20:58:52 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Jun 01, 2017 at 06:40:05PM +, Brad Anderson via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
A (surely controversial) idea popped into my head while 
talking in #d on Freenode. The C++ guys are making an STL2 
(the highlight of it being that it is range based). What about 
taking all the lessons learned from Phobos and creating a 
Phobos 2? It wouldn't replace the current version. You could 
import either in one program. It also wouldn't be a radical 
redesign. Most of Phobos could be used as is. What it would do 
is allow fixing some hard or impossible problems without 
losing backward compatibility.

+1. I'm for this.  There's just too much code in the existing 
Phobos that certain (wrong, in hindsight) design decisions are 
essentially impossible to fix.

We could do away with auto-decoding.

+1000. ;-)

Design it around using Andrei's allocators throughout. Make 
the GC optional from the start.


Fix a few important naming conflicts and discrepancies.

As well as certain less-than-ideal names that we were forced to 
use because the good names have been taken up by not-so-nice 
implementations dating from before we had the hindsight to know 
what the best design was.

There are problems, of course. Rampant code duplication is 
probably the biggest (though maybe public imports of identical 
code would help a lot).

I don't really expect this to go anywhere but I am curious to 
hear what changes you'd all like to see made to Phobos that 
can't happen because of backward compatibility.

1) A big one, not necessarily caused by backward compatibility 
but more by the sheer amount of code that would need to be 
fixed / rewritten, is the nasty hairball of a dependency graph 
among the current Phobos modules.

One particularly egregious example is std.format.  Due to the 
way it was originally implemented, it depended on a lot of 
other code (IIRC including std.bigint), so even if all you ever 
did was writefln("%d"), for example, your program would end up 
depending on std.bigint, std.complex, and all sorts of other 
stuff that never actually gets used. This in itself is not 
necessarily *that* bad, but what really makes it hurt is that 
many other modules depend on std.format. So you could be 
importing a seemingly completely-unrelated module, and it would 
pull in std.format, which in turn pulls in other stuff, and by 
the end you've basically imported about half of Phobos, with 
the associated executable bloat, even though you really only 
needed to call 1 function.

And the icing on the cake is that some of these complicated 
dependencies are circular, which every now and then cause 
mysterious linker errors and/or surprising dependence on 
declaration order, that mysteriously vanish when you move 
seemingly-unrelated code around.

If we were to go the route of Phobos2, I'd like the principle 
of pay-as-you-go to be baked into its design from the very 
beginning. If all you need is to format an int, it shouldn't 
also pull in std.complex and std.bigint. This can be done by 
compile-time format strings (which we now have, though it's 
currently just a frontend to the existing hairball code).  If 
function X and function Y are essentially independent of each 
other, they really ought to go into their own (sub)modules, now 
that we have package.d support in the compiler.

Of course, certain things like std.range.primitives and 
std.allocator will be depended on by 90% of the other modules, 
which is unavoidable, but which also means that we need to 
think VERY carefully about what we put into these foundational 
modules. If at all possible they should not depend on anything 

2) A lesser item, perhaps would be to change the definitions of 
input / forward ranges, so that forward ranges are just 
by-value ranges, and input ranges are by-reference ranges, 
instead of forward ranges needing explicit calling of .save to 
save the iteration state. See:

3) An even lesser item, but now that we have a chance: clean up 
the mess
that is the current isSomeString, isNarrowString, etc.. Well, 
some of
them will be useless since we wouldn't have autodecoding, but 
still, we
need to sit down and properly design these traits so that they 
are (1)

useful, (2) orthogonal, and (3) have sensible names.

Also, how would you approach doing this? An on disk copy of 
Phobos with changes would not be an acceptable approach, I 

I'd say, start in a different namespace than std, so that the 
two can coexist until Phobos2 is ready to take over prime time. 
(And even then, Phobos1 should probably stick around for a 
while until people have migrated over.)  This new namespace can 
either be completely outside std, like std2 (bad name, I know), 
or it can be a dedicated sub-namespace, like

Preferably it should be something unique and easily greppable, 
so that 

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-01 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 03:33:37 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 02:32:43 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
But it would be nice if a D had a scripting language that used 
the same D syntax as this would make porting a piece of cake.

So my script.d has kinda similar syntax, but fairly different 
semantics than good D code (though my jsvar.d provides a type 
to D that is very similar to the type in the script)...

Which means copy/paste might even compile, but it would be 
liable to work differently.

I'm looking for something like this in D because D's features 
are much better. having meta capabilities in scripting would 
be cool.

Mine also doesn't do the meta stuff... yet. I could prolly add 
it easily enough but I never got around to it.

But I really think you can find a lot of use just using D 
itself. Make your application into some kind of library you can 
link to and you can be testing stuff in like a second from the 
time you write it.

I think that is more prone to errors and much harder to implement 
and maintain(assuming we had such a Dscript already).

If one could integrate it easily and well then possibly that 
could be Dscript...

1. Have ldc/dmd compile the "script"(D source) that exports, 
automatically, an entry point(main?). (easy)

2. Somehow allow different scripts to communicate(a real script 
doesn't have a problem with this, but a D app would need to 
"register" itself somehow). This could be easy or hard.

3. Link everything together(dll like stuff).

4. Passing of the hosting D app's context. this could be pretty 
hard to get right?

5. Allow for plug and play of the "dll's" generated... this could 
be tricky too.

Remember, we have to minimize all the junk code that won't be 
used in the D "equivalent" of the script. If one has to access 
all variables through some marshaling process and it slows down 
the code then we loose the ability to optimize by compiling to 
native code... which defeats the whole purpose.


anyway i g2g will talk more later

Ok, buddy! Thanks!

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-01 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 02:39:47 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 02:32:43 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

1. change test12.wav to test123.wav
2. save file
3. recompile.
4. run
5. Get back to same test point(could be a lot or a little 
amount of work).

If that is all you want; then compile your code into a dll/so 
and load the new version.

The D compiler is fast enough that it will not break your flow.

program-state management would be taken by the static part of 
your program.

I thought about that but the state management would not be 
trivial and would prevent recompilation in most cases(because the 
state would not exist in the same format in recompiled version).  
While it is possible, it doesn't seem like the way to go(and not 
only that, one doesn't get all the benefits a scripting language 
has(sandboxing, jit, etc).

We can come up with alternatives all day long but it will never 
fulfill the role...

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-01 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 02:15:27 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 02:06:27 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
I wonder if it is possible to somehow turn D in to a scripting 
language that can be run inside D?

Why not just use regular compiled D?

Because it requires one to recompile and relink the code for 
every change(and to possibly restart the app and redo all the 
work to get to some point to start testing the code). In a 
scripting engine one can simply call a function and execute 
commands immediately in an interactive way. This allows for much 
faster testing.

e.g., with a hypothetical app that has an interactive Dscript, 
one could do


instead of

1. change test12.wav to test123.wav
2. save file
3. recompile.
4. run
5. Get back to same test point(could be a lot or a little amount 
of work).

Regardless, that is not the point though. If that was the only 
reason, lua or some other scripting language would suffice.

The problem is that the grammars of all those languages do not 
translate directly in to D. Anglescript is a C++ like script that 
has a near 1-1 correspondence so "porting" code from it to C++ is 

But it would be nice if a D had a scripting language that used 
the same D syntax as this would make porting a piece of cake.

The point is, why should I develop, say, 100's of algorithms in 
the scripting language that can never easily be ported to native 
and be fast as possible simply because the of the amount of work 
to rewrite the code when, semantically, nothing changes?

Wouldn't it be much better to be able to confidently write the 
code in a scripting environment that allows for nearly instance 
response knowing that it can simply be recompiled to native 
without issue when the time comes for performance optimizations?

Anglescript effectively does this. Note only does it have a C++ 
like syntax, it has the ability to compile to native directly 
with an addon.

I'm looking for something like this in D because D's features are 
much better. having meta capabilities in scripting would be cool.

D scripting in D

2017-06-01 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I wonder if it is possible to somehow turn D in to a scripting 
language that can be run inside D?

The point? To have the same uniform syntax for quickly developing 
scripts that can then be easily transferred, if desired, in to a 
complete binary.

e.g., suppose I am working in some type of analysis software. Use 
a Dscript like feature to develop and test different analysis 
algorithms quickly(rather than using the compile and execute 
model)... then once everything is working, move the code to a D 
file and compile it directly.

Since the syntax would be identical(or nearly so) it would be 
quite easy to copy and paste... unlike, say, using lua or some 
other non-D like scripting language.

Re: Rosetta Commatizing numbers

2017-05-31 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
If you still insist you are doing the right thing and all 
others are wrong, let's agree to disagree on that, and please 
just leave the original solution there by introducing two 

Or we could just agree that the original was wrong and needs 
fixing? That is obviously the right thing to do, so why not agree 
that it should be done? At the very least...

Re: Any video editing folks n da house?

2017-05-27 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 27 May 2017 at 22:28:13 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:

On 05/27/2017 06:19 PM, Era Scarecrow wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 May 2017 at 10:04:03 UTC, Wulfklaue wrote:
Working on a compressed video to create another compressed 
video, simply result in lower quality video ( and less 
professional looking ).

  Only if you have to recompress it. Some tools like 
VirutalDub allow you to chop and copy without altering the 
data stream

Good point. Although, AIUI, that does leave you limited to 
cutting only on full frames, not on the delta frames. Sometimes 
that's an issue, sometimes it isn't.

Right, that's why we need 60kfps so these types of issues do not 
cause major life threatening problems.

Re: Out of memory error (even when using destroy())

2017-05-27 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 May 2017 at 18:19:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 06:06:42PM +, Mike B Johnson via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Friday, 26 May 2017 at 14:05:34 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
> On 05/26/2017 10:15 AM, realhet wrote:
> > But hey, the GC knows that is should not search for any 
> > pointers in those large blocks.  And the buffer is full of 
> > 0-s at the start, so there can't be any 'false pointers' 
> > in it. And I think the GC will not search in it either.
> The issue is not that the block contains a false pointer, 
> but that there's a false pointer elsewhere that points into 
> the block. The bigger the block, the more likely it is that 
> something (e.g. an int on the stack) is mistaken for a 
> pointer into it.

Wow, if that is the case then the GC has some real issues. The 
GC should be informed about all pointers and an int is not a 

Unfortunately, it can't, because (1) D interfaces with C code, 
and you don't have this kind of information from a C object 
file, and (2) you can turn a pointer into an int with a cast or 
a union in @system code, and since the GC cannot assume @safe 
for all code, it needs to be conservative and assume any 
int-like data could potentially be a pointer.

You could improve GC performance by giving it type info from 
@safe code so that it skips over blocks that *definitely* have 
no pointers (it already does this to some extent, e.g., data in 
an int[] will never be scanned for pointers because the GC 
knows it can't contain any). But you can't make the GC fully 
non-conservative because it may crash the program when it 
wrongly assumes a memory block is dead when it's actually still 
live. All it takes is one pointer on the stack that's wrongly 
assumed to be just int, and you're screwed.

And what if one isn't interfacing to C? All pointers should be 
known. You can't access memory by and int or any other 
non-pointer type! Hence, when pointers are created or ints are 
cast to pointers, the GC should be informed and then handle them 
appropriately(then, instead of scanning a 100MB block of memory 
for "pointers" it should scan the list of possible pointers(which 
will generally be much much lower).

Therefor, in a true D program(no outsourcing) with no pointers 
used, the GC should never have to scan anything.

It seems the GC can be smarter than it is instead of just making 
blanket assumptions about the entire program(which rarely hold), 
which is generally always a poor choice when it comes to 

In fact, When interfacing with C or other programs, memory could 
be partitioned and any memory that may escape D is treated 
differently than the memory used only by D code.

After all, if we truly want to be safe, why not scan the entire 
memory of the system? Who knows, some pointer externally might be 
peeping in on our hello world program.

Re: binding to C++

2017-05-26 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 May 2017 at 15:17:08 UTC, drug wrote:
Trying to bind to cpp code I stop at some moment having 
undefined reference to some cpp function. But objdump -Ct shows me that this cpp function exists in the 
library. linker message about cpp function is _identical_ to 
objdump message so I don't know where is the difference. For 
example linker says:
`undefined reference to 

And ojbdump called by command:
objdump -Ct | method_name
shows the following:
00026ed0  wF .text  0025 

That is two outputs are identical.
Could someone help what to do to investigate the problem?
Thanks in advance

Hi, Welcome to D!

Hi, Welcome to D!

Re: Out of memory error (even when using destroy())

2017-05-26 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 May 2017 at 14:05:34 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 05/26/2017 10:15 AM, realhet wrote:
But hey, the GC knows that is should not search for any 
pointers in those large blocks.
And the buffer is full of 0-s at the start, so there can't be 
any 'false pointers' in it. And I think the GC will not search 
in it either.

The issue is not that the block contains a false pointer, but 
that there's a false pointer elsewhere that points into the 
block. The bigger the block, the more likely it is that 
something (e.g. an int on the stack) is mistaken for a pointer 
into it.

Wow, if that is the case then the GC has some real issues. The GC 
should be informed about all pointers and an int is not a pointer.

Re: Weak Eco System?

2017-05-22 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 08:19:43 UTC, Benro wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 23:17:10 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

Grow up!

! is not yelling. It makes no sound, has no meaning, and only 
exists to insert in to tight anuses that have no life.

Thank you for your helpful comment.

I wonder if the inability for D community to grow is not more 
related to the fairly noticeable arrogant attitude of its 

You should ask yourself that question, seriously. You started 
with your condescending ego based remark about how ! is yelling, 
when it is not! THIS IS 

Which, in fact, it is not because no sound was made. But because 
of your need to be treated as an authority you pretend to know 
something and then run around trying to enforce some imaginary 
law that you have self appointed yourself the judge, jury, and 

Then, because you think you are intelligent you try to pretend 
further to hold some imaginary high ground because you are born 
from the loins of Jesus himself and the rest of us heathens are 
too stupid to get it.

My suggestion, go back to acting school. Whatever you are doing 
isn't working.

Re: Weak Eco System?

2017-05-16 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 21:08:34 UTC, Benro wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 17:14:49 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
For example the build.bat fix could have been made and merged 
in 10 min. if you would have took the time to report it!

First of all. ! is not appreciated. This is considered yelling.

Grow up!

! is not yelling. It makes no sound, has no meaning, and only 
exists to insert in to tight anuses that have no life.

Current LDC Android status

2017-05-15 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
So what is currently the state of affairs with LDC and android? 
Last time I remember, it *could* compile to android but barely.

Re: avoid extra variable during void pointer cast

2017-05-14 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 14 May 2017 at 20:18:24 UTC, Kevin Brogan wrote:

I have a piece of code that takes a callback function.

The callback has the signature void callback(void* state, void* 

There are several of these functions. All of them use state and 
data as differing types.

As an example, let's look at one that uses both of them as int*.

addInt(void* state, void* data)
*cast(int*)state += *cast(int*)data;

Is it not possible to specify the cast as an alias so that I 
can declare the cast once at the beginning of the function?

Something like this?

addInt(void* state, void* data)
alias _state = cast(int*)state; // Error: basic type 
expected, not cast
alias _data = cast(int*)data; // Error: basic type 
expected, not cast

*_state += *_data;

I can always do this:

addInt(void* state, void* data)
int* _state = cast(int*)state;
int* _data = cast(int*)data;

*_state += *_data;

But I don't want to create a new variable and assign it 
everytime I call the function. The examples I'm using are 
contrived, but in the c code I am porting this from, the 
callback gets called thousands of times a second, every 
optimization matters, and the variables are used many times per 
function. I don't want to riddle the code with casts if i can 
avoid it and I don't want to create and destroy useless proxy 
variables every time the function is called.

1. Use template, that is what they are for

addInt(A, B)(A* state, B* data)
static if(is(B == int))
   // B is an int if this block is called so no reason to 


2. Use overloads, basically same as templates.

addInt(int* state, int* data)


3. Don't worry about it, any extra temp variables will almost 
surely be optimized away.

Re: D is really cool

2017-05-12 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 12 May 2017 at 22:05:54 UTC, Faux Amis wrote:

On 2017-05-10 07:24, nkm1 wrote:
So I spent last week (or so) learning D, and it's a great 
Initially I was apprehensive about GC (non generational, 
conservative...), but now I realize that I can use D as an 
improved C (combining malloc and GC :). I always liked C 
better than C++ anyway.
I know that every bloody n00b here says something about GC :), 
so now it's my turn. I do hope that non-GC experience will get 
better in the future. D is cool, though. So, just saying.

Somehow totally missed your message, welcome!

After reading all the GC comments on reddit:
I wish more people could just try it out and experience why the 
D GC is a handy thing to have on hand.

For who? It is a nightmare(ok, not that bad) for some.

Re: How to avoid throwing an exceptions for a built-in function?

2017-05-12 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 11 May 2017 at 16:07:22 UTC, k-five wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 21:19:21 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 

On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 15:35:24 UTC, k-five wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 14:27:46 UTC, Stanislav Blinov

I don't understand. If you don't want to take care of 
exceptions, then you just don't do anything, simply call 

Well I did that, but when the string is a valid type like: "10" 
there is no problems. But when the string is not valid, like: 
"abc", then to! function throws an exception.

Why I do not want to take care of that? Because I just need the 
value, if the string is valid, otherwise no matter what the 
value of string is.

First I just wrote:
index = to!int( user_apply[ 4 ] );

And this code is a part of a command-line program and the user 
may enter anything. So, for a valid string:

./program '10'   // okey

but for:
./program 'non-numerical' // throws an exception an 10 lines of 
error appear on the screen( console )

I just want to silent this exception. Of course it is useful 
for handling when someone wants to. But in my code I no need to 
handle it. So I want to silent that, without using 
try{}catch(){} block. I just wondered about try-catch and I 
want to know may there would be a better way instead of a dummy 
try-catch block.

Thanks for replying and mentioning. And I am sorry, since I an 
new in English Writing, if you got confuse.

You are not making a lot of sense:

1. Exception do bubble up, so you don't need to "handle" 
exceptions at the call site if you don't want to. The whole point 
of exceptions is do effectively do what you want.

2. You say that you don't have to deal with it in your code but 
you are trying to deal with it now.

You are not clear on exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

Can you be more specific on why you do not want to add a 
try/catch/if-else/ifThrown/etc? Is it because you don't need to 
handle it in your own usage? If that is true, will others ever 
use it?

Basically all you have to do is ask yourself this:

"Do I need to EVER handle the case where the data is invalid?"

If you do(e.g., other users will use your code) then you better 
implement some type of exception handling. Else all you have to 
do is always put in the right data(not good because it might bite 
you in the ass one day).

If you just want less noise when the program crashes, just put a 
try/catch block in main and catch all generic exceptions and exit 
with a simple error message like "There was an ERROR, I do not 
know why...".

get vtable size

2017-05-06 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

how many elements(virtual functions) are in the __vptr?

How to get field default value at CT

2017-05-06 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'd like to get the value assign to a field at CT.

int x = 3434;


I'd like to get the assigned "value" 3434 for x at CT.

Re: COM Expertise needed: COM Callbacks

2017-05-05 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've modified the code and it seems to call GetTypeInfo but the 
values passed seem frivolous. The modified code I'm using is 
below. Maybe we can get this to work? I'm interested in a 
photoshop interop too. Seems like it should be rather trivial to 
get to work but things don't add up ;/

module main;
import std.stdio;


import Gen;

string Guid2Str(GUID guid)
import std.conv, std.string, std.algorithm;
auto bytes = cast(byte[16])guid;
	auto a = to!string(*(cast(DWORD*)(bytes[0..4])), 
16).rightJustify(8, '0');
	auto b = to!string(*(cast(WORD*)(bytes[4..6])), 
16).rightJustify(4, '0');
	auto c = to!string(*(cast(WORD*)(bytes[6..8])), 
16).rightJustify(4, '0');
	auto d = to!string(*(cast(BYTE*)(bytes[8..9])), 
16).rightJustify(1, '0');
	auto e = to!string(*(cast(BYTE*)(bytes[9..10])), 
16).rightJustify(1, '0');

auto q = bytes[10..16];
	auto f = to!string(*(cast(long*)(q)) & 0x, 
16).rightJustify(12, '0');

auto ret = a~"-"~b~"-"~c~"-"~d~e~"-"~f;
return ret;

// Creates a guid from a guid hex string. e.g., 
"B3C35001-B625-48D7-9D3B-C9D66D9CF5F1" -> {0xC09F153E, 0xDFF7, 
0x4EFF, [0xA5, 0x70, 0xAF, 0x82, 0xC1, 0xA5, 0xA2, 0xA8]}

GUID GuidN(string str)
// 3   2   15E5C5D5C5B5A4L4H
// 4dc0c1dbecc8691b 49af51c5f6655e85


import std.string;
GUID guid;
auto bytes = cast(byte*)(cast(void*));
if (str == "") return IID.init;
	auto parts = split(str, "-"); auto p3 = parts[3].rightJustify(4, 
'0'); auto p4 = parts[4].rightJustify(12, '0');

	*(cast(long*)(bytes[0..8])) = to!long(parts[2].rightJustify(4, 
'0')~parts[1].rightJustify(4, '0')~parts[0].rightJustify(8, '0'), 
	*(cast(long*)(bytes[8..16])) = 
to!long(p4[10..$]~p4[8..10]~p4[6..8]~p4[4..6]~p4[2..4]~p4[0..2]~p3[2..$]~p3[0..2], 16);

return guid;

int main(string[] argv)

	// Issue QueryInterface seems to have the issue(not the same 
behavior as what is returned by the PS COM Interface)

auto x = new cApplication();
auto x1 = x.Path();
auto x2 = x.Name(); 
auto x3 = x.SystemInformation();
auto x4 = x.Version();
auto e = x.RecentFiles();
auto g = x.DisplayDialogs();
auto x5 = x.Documents();
auto x6 = x5.Count();   

auto dd = x.ForegroundColor();
auto __red = dd.RGB().Red();
auto __green = dd.RGB().Green();
auto __blue = dd.RGB().Blue();

GUID clsID = Guid!("4549DC9D-8A15-46F0-A0ED-7DB9C02FCB18");
GUID iID = Guid!("45F1195F-3554-4B3F-A00A-E1D189C0DC3E");
auto rgb1 = dd.RGB();
auto clsids = Guid2Str(rgb1.clsID);
auto rgb2 = new icRGBColor();
rgb2.iDispatch = rgb2;
//auto rgb = cast(icRGBColor)

cSolidColor.RGBSet = 
auto rgb = new icRGBColor();
//auto rgb = cast(icRGBColor)(cast(void*)dd.RGB());
dd.RGB(rgb, rgb1);

return 0;

void RGB(icRGBColor ic, cRGBColor c, cSolidColor s)
GUID clsIDa = Guid!("AEADF007-9EE5-41D7-8CB1-AB5F353D1151");
GUID iIDa = Guid!("D2D1665E-C1B9-4CA0-8AC9-529F6A3D9002");
ic.iDispatch = s.iDispatch;
ic.rgb = c;

import main;
EXCEPINFO exception;
uint argErr = 0;
auto iidNULL = IID_NULL;
auto RT = new VARIANT();
VARIANT[1] paramVars;
	DISPPARAMS params = {rgvarg: paramVars.ptr, cArgs: 1, 
cNamedArgs: 0};

auto ID = s.COMMethodIDs[`RGB`];
	paramVars[0].punkVal = ic; paramVars[0].vt = 
VARENUM.VT_DISPATCH; scope(exit) VariantClear([0]);

params.rgdispidNamedArgs = 
params.cNamedArgs = 1;
	auto res = s.iDispatch.Invoke(cast(int)ID, , 0, 
	assert(res == S_OK, `Could not invoke COM Function 
cSolidColor.RGB. Error `~to!string(res, 16));


//version = wrap;

import std.conv,,,,,,;

public class icRGBColor : IDispatch

	import std.conv,,,,,,;

public IDispatch iDispatch = null;
int RefCount = 0;
cRGBColor rgb;

void printFunc(string S = __FUNCTION__)()

double Red()

Re: MAKELCID C++ translation

2017-05-05 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 May 2017 at 23:02:53 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 5 May 2017 at 22:57:50 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

D seems to be missing these macros and definitions


then they should work


MAKELCID C++ translation

2017-05-05 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

How to translate something like?


D seems to be missing these macros and definitions

Re: COM Expertise needed: COM Callbacks

2017-05-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 28 April 2017 at 09:25:31 UTC, John Chapman wrote:

On Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 20:20:23 UTC, Nierjerson wrote:

I think the main issue though, is that I really don't know 
what is going on when I invoke the PS function. It seems to 
call the server method that takes the interface and then the 
server does it's "magic"(which is calling my QueryInterface) 
but how the implemented QueryInterface is suppose to respond 
is beyond me... I've tried some based stuff but nothing seem 
to work. The good news is that it is doing something(calling 
QueryInterface) which means that the server is at work.

Any more ideas?  I think the issue currently is is the 
QueryInterface(it is simply not doing what it is suppose to). 
I'll probably have to look at some other implementations to 
see what is going on.

QueryInterface is COM's version of opCast. It asks if you 
support the interface represented by an IID (riid). If you 
don't, then you return E_NOINTERFACE. If you do, then you point 
the result (pvObject) to yourself and return S_OK. Here's a 
basic implementation:

HRESULT QueryInterface(IID* riid, void** pvObject) {
  if (pvObject is null) return E_POINTER;
  *pvObject = null;

  if (*riid == IID_IUnknown) *pvObject = 
  else if (*riid == IID_IDispatch) *pvObject = 

  // and so on for all interfaces we support

  if (*pvObject is null) return E_NOINTERFACE;
  return S_OK;

AddRef/Release perform the COM object's reference counting, so 
you should implement them too.

I wrapped the COM interface that is returned by PS and the 
queryInterface works and everything passes(as it should) but when 
I use your query interface it results in the COM error specified. 
Seems that the QueryInterface code is not 100% correct or 
something else is going on.

What I notices is that when PS's QueryInterface routine is used, 
it is called only 3 times(queries 3 interfaces like IUnknown, 
etc) while when I use your code about 10 interfaces are 
queried(including those 3 from PS).

PS's RGB QueryInterface

QueryInterface Called: 0003---C00-0046(GUID), 
QueryInterface Called: 
ECC8691B-C1DB-4DC0-855E-65F6C551AF49(GUID), 19F124(Object)
QueryInterface Called: 0003---C00-0046(GUID), 



QueryInterface Called: 0003---C00-0046(GUID), 
19F178(Object)Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
ECC8691B-C1DB-4DC0-855E-65F6C551AF49(GUID), 19F124(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 0003---C00-0046(GUID), 
19EFE8(Object)Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 001B---C00-0046(GUID), 
19F00C(Object)Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: ---C00-0046(GUID), 
19F040(Object)IUnknown Supported

QueryInterface Called: 0018---C00-0046(GUID), 
19EF1C(Object)Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 0040---C00-0046(GUID), 
19EF30(Object)Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
94EA2B94-E9CC-49E0-C0FF-EE64CA8F5B90(GUID), 19EF34(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
77DD1250-139C-2BC3-BD95-900ACED61BE5(GUID), 19EF2C(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
BFD60505-5A1F-4E41-88BA-A6FB07202DA9(GUID), 19EF28(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
03FB5C57-D534-45F5-A1F4-D39556983875(GUID), 19EF24(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
2C258AE7-50DC-49FF-9D1D-2ECB9A52CDD7(GUID), 19EF20(Object)   
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 0019---C00-0046(GUID), 
2B5A3C0(Object)   Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 
4C1E39E1-E3E3-4296-AA86-EC938D896E92(GUID), 19EF18(Object)   
Not Supported

QueryInterface Called: 00020400---C00-0046(GUID), 
19ED8C(Object)IDispatch Supported

QueryInterface Called: 
F37B4894-3ED2-48AF-AD38-BB1B27E93869(GUID), 2D3EAAC(Object)  
Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 0003---C00-0046(GUID), 

I don't know if things are passed off to another query method or 
what. The query interface I use is


Re: [OT] Algorithm question

2017-05-01 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 May 2017 at 04:15:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I'm been thinking about the following problem, and thought I'd 
pick the brains of the bright people around these parts...


Since most real world problems would require selecting elements 
more than once it may be far more efficient to sort by 
P(x)(filter) then simply select a random element.


a = A.filter(x->P(x))  // Creates a new set a where only the 
elements of A that satisfy P(x) are added


e = a.random;

this is O(1) if you only have to filter once(you can create a 
container that always "sorts" on P(x) so to speak.. like a sorted 

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