Re: [slim] Renaming album titles

2008-12-27 Thread Lesu

I've had exactly the same problem when gardening. Why should I have to
give up precious seconds reaching for a garden fork after using a
spade? I think that manufacturers of garden equipment should have been
able to combine the two functions in one handy implement by now. OK it
would weigh a ton and do neither digging or forking very well, but just
think of those seconds it would save me.


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Re: [slim] Deezer - Certain SC version required?

2008-12-05 Thread Lesu

Did anybody, when they signed up, actually read the conditions of use?
Or as Deezer puts it 'conditions d'utilisation'. I'm clicking on the
link at the bottom of the registration form and all I get is a long
essay in French to translate. Beats putting things in small print!


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Lesu

pippin;364244 Wrote: 
 Yes. I hate it, too. Looks like I'm pretty uncapable as a designer.
 I found the single penguin avatar as too removed from the subject thus
 the change.
 I will start an icon design contest on in a few

Surely a penguin looking into the horn of a phonograph is the only


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-26 Thread Lesu

pippin;363683 Wrote: 
 OK, those artwork issues will be fixed on the first upgrade release.
 I don't fully understand what's happening, though. I DO request 75x75
 images from the server and, yes, after that I assume I got that format
 (in album view). I've never seen the server returning something else.
 Could you do me the favor and go to search view and check if
 everything is fine there (e.g. by searching for one of the problematic
 albums). Search scales so it should be fine...

I have done some more research into the album art display fault. It
narrows down to embedded art which is .bmp.
Squeezecenter also exhibits a problem with this artwork, but slightly
differently. When I go into album list for the offending track, I
notice that, momentarily, the art of that track shows large, it then
shrinks back to the right size. However, if the track is selected and
is displayed in the Now playing screen, it is again too big and
overlays the track details.
I shall probably work through my collection and weed out .bmp art and
replace it with .jpg.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-26 Thread Lesu

panos_k75;363717 Wrote: 
 my comments:
 Very good first attempt. It needs to be polished a little though:
 1. Browsing Genres[genre]All Albums makes iPeng complain that it
 can't connect to my server.

I have been finding exactly the same thing. I choose a Genre, say
Blues, the Blues list is displayed with 'All Albums' at the top of the
list. Select 'All Albums' (  is the symbol displayed at the top right)
and it always comes back with the message 'Cannot connect to
serverPlease enable internet connection'


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-26 Thread Lesu

Originally Posted by Lesu View Post
I have been finding exactly the same thing. I choose a Genre, say
Blues, the Blues list is displayed with 'All Albums' at the top of the
list. Select 'All Albums' (  is the symbol displayed at the top right)
and it always comes back with the message 'Cannot connect to
serverPlease enable internet connection'

Actually, to me that looks like a bug in the server

Well if it is, iPeng 5.3 seems to get round it. The same operation in
iPeng 5.3 works perfectly every time.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-25 Thread Lesu

First looks, very nice, very fast and worked straight out of the box.
One thing I don't seem to be able to find. Is Random Play included in
this release? I don't seem to be able to find it.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-25 Thread Lesu

pippin;363650 Wrote: 
 No Random Play.
 You mean the artwork is bigger than the 75 pixels the other tracks
 Which server version is that?

Yes the wrongly displayed album art is usually 4 times bigger than the
rest of the images. It therefore overwrites the next album picture and
half of the words next to it.
I'm running 7.2.1 - 23630 on a Windows Vista machine.
I'm also finding a high sensitivity to connection when selecting say
Blues Genre and then pressing All songs. A lot of the time the message
comes back as ' Cannot find server enable internet connection etc'. The
iPod is right next to the server at the time and is communicating OK to
show albums etc.
I must say I'm missing an indication of connection or working. There
is nothing to tell me if signal is low or a process is happening.
Just a few minor moans, otherwise I'm very impressed! Shame about
Random Play, I'll just have to fall back on iPeng skin to use that


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Re: [slim] Report on powerline ethernet (five weeks later)

2008-11-24 Thread Lesu

DeVerm;362891 Wrote: 
 Well... I am confident you have it but it's invisible, you have just the
 regular UK 1-phase outlets in the house. But the cable coming into the
 house will most probably be 3-phase and enter a box that has 3 busbars,
 one for each phase. You will probably have multiple 16A breakers and if
 you have more than a couple, they will be spread over the 3 phases. So
 yes, you could make a true 3-phase power by running extension cords
 from different outlets in the house and just using the hot-wires from
 each. I shouldn't have told this... don't play with it if you're not
 sure what you are doing.
 Also, many homes in the UK will have electric stoves, ovens or
 waterheaters that use 3-phase power. When you call the electrician for
 making an outlet for them, he will open the box to the three busbars
 and pull the wiring from it, no need to dig up the cable...
 The reason they do the 3-phase is that the neighborhood-transformers
 are 3-phase and they want to balance the load not just over the
 neighborhood but within each house. 

No I'm sorry but that isn't the case. You would be hard pushed to find
a 3 phase stove, oven or anything else for the home in the UK. The
incoming supply is normally single phase, I watched 2 guys rewiring my
entire home 6 months ago and it's not 3 phase, even on the supply side.
The local transformers probably are, but that's normally where it
In fact the electricians were telling me about a rich guy's home they
had just wired, which had so many downlights installed that the power
required was close to overloading the normal domestic supply. In that
particular case they were seriously considering going to 3 phase, but
that would have involved a new incoming cable from the supply company.


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Re: [slim] Report on powerline ethernet (five weeks later)

2008-11-23 Thread Lesu

DeVerm;362784 Wrote: 
 The multiple phase thing is for most homes in the developed countries
 and for sure in western Europe (up to 3 phases in most houses). I still
 don't understand why they don't market a device that'll bridge across
 them all but I think it's because of safety and regulations (like
 you're not supposed to open the box with the 3-phase busbars).
 The home-made antenna-reflectors work very good but the best start
 would be a good n type router (has MIMO technology) which works for
 g clients too.

Well, the last time I looked, the UK was in western Europe and I think
we qualify as developed, but I don't know of a normal household with 3
phase supply. 3 phase is normally restricted to factories and


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-11-23 Thread Lesu

I took my iPod controller on holiday, watched a couple of films on the
plane, listened to my song collection on the rented house's music
centre, hooked onto a free WiFi connection at a local coffee bar and
then listened to some more songs on the flight back. Got home and sat
down, selected one of my play lists and turned on some relaxing music,
all courtesy of the one device.
I guess if you have the cash then you can splash out on 2 devices, but
I'll stick to one with the widest possible use.


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Re: [slim] New hardware without the Logitech logo ?

2008-09-30 Thread Lesu

There is some truth in the associations that product and manufacturer's
names give to things.
People don't just buy products because they are the most functional or
sensible to purchase. 
Advertisers and marketing people know this.

After all, you don't see a Ford badge on a Volvo or a Jaguar ( OK, it
should now say Tata of India!).
The vehicle would still be of the same quality, but the badge would
downgrade it. 
In fact, even the slightest association with Ford in the US knocked the
sales of some Jaguar cars.


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Re: [slim] Powerline Ethernet

2008-09-07 Thread Lesu

I am using mine on separate rings in the house. The router is upstairs
and other connections are around the house downstairs. We had the house
rewired last year to the latest standards, so the distribution box is
equipped with the latest breakers, RCD's etc. The system works
perfectly, no dropouts and a high data speed.


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Re: [slim] The Microwave effect

2008-09-06 Thread Lesu

To sum up after reading all of the posts on this thread. 
It seems there is something special about Panasonic microwaves that
makes them interfere with SBs, so there probably isn't a fault on the

Wired connection appears to be out because no holes are wanted in the

IMO this leaves mains dataplug connection as the most likely solution.
I use the Homeplug system and it worked straight out of the box, no
dropouts and good data transmission rates. Just plug in at the router
and SB ends and connect up.
It also means that if you want to move the SB, you just unplug the
dataplug and plug in at the new location.


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[slim] Audioengine 5 installation

2008-07-29 Thread Lesu

So I am now the proud owner of a pair of Audioengine 5 speakers. I'm
currently running them in using an SB3 on random play. The next step is
to install them in the room intended for them. I have searched the web
but I can't find a definitive answer on how to mount them, especially
because they need to be mounted at least 6-12 from the wall. 
The manual recommends the use of speaker stands. However, the speakers
don't appear to have any means of fixing them to a stand. Most of the
stands I have come across appear to just rely on gravity to keep the
speakers in place.
I have visions of one stray nudge of a stand or speaker sending the
speaker to an early grave on my solid tiled floor.
Also, how do you guys out there with powered speakers on stands connect
and position the SB3? I have thought of securing it to the top of the LH
speaker with velcro or similar.


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Re: [slim] feature request: file vs track calculator

2008-07-17 Thread Lesu

Well, I can see where MrSinatra is coming from. So you have 3 bad tags
in 1 titles. If you are vigilant and run the file status and drop
into DOS (DOS!!) and type some DOS commands you can find out you have a
problem. You can then start trawling through your folders until you are
lucky enough to find the offending files.
Meanwhile there is a smug piece of software sitting inside of
Squeezecenter, saying 'Well I know which ones they are, but I'm not
telling you!'

All I would like to see is, after a scan, a report appears on screen
saying something like '3 File Tag read errors, please view Error log
file'. In the error file would be the file path names. It would then be
down to the user to sort them out. 
If this is such a bad idea, why is it planned to be included in a
future release?


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Re: [slim] feature request: file vs track calculator

2008-07-17 Thread Lesu

kdf;320503 Wrote: 
 Lesu wrote:
  Meanwhile there is a smug piece of software sitting inside of
  Squeezecenter, saying 'Well I know which ones they are, but I'm not
  telling you!'

 It's simply waiting for you to ask. It's called a log file.  
 specificaly, scanner.log and it can tell you a great many things. You 
 just have to tell it what to report.
I'm confused. All the way through this thread no-one has suggested just
looking at the scanner.log file for the files to be identified. In fact,
in several of the replies, it is implied that this would be an
enhancement to the present program.
How do you tailor the scanner.log report? Additionally, is there a
beginners guide to understanding what is in the report file? I can't
find any documentation about it.


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Re: [slim] Audioengine A2 or A5?

2008-06-28 Thread Lesu

Thanks for all of the advice. I'm pretty much convinced to go down the
SB3+A5 approach. 
Just one more question. How do you A5 owners mount the speakers? Is it
going to have to be stands to get the rear space or can they be wall
mounted on long brackets? I considered putting them on a shelf, but the
appropriate shelf looks like it will have to be very deep to get them
away from the wall.


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Re: [slim] Enabling Wake On Lan

2008-06-26 Thread Lesu

Have you tried a factory level reset on the SB3? It retains the last
MAC address it was using in memory and doesn't reset it to the new
system automatically. There have been some previous threads regarding
this problem. One would think that if a new IP address has been
detected then the MAC address would be read from it, but it isn't. Only
a factory level reset will get it to re-read the MAC address.


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[slim] Audioengine A2 or A5?

2008-06-26 Thread Lesu

I am intending to equip a new conservatory with an SB3 with powered
speakers. It seems that Audioengine produces what I'm looking for. The
room is 5m x 3.5m and 3m tall. Probably will contain a lot of hard
surfaces, tiled floor, glass sides etc.
I'm uncertain whether to go for A5's, which I understand need to be
brought away from the walls, because of their rear venting, or go with
A2's. Do A2's have the same back wall restriction and would they fill
the room adequately with sound?
I'd hate to get the wrong item and then have to upgrade later.


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Re: [slim] FYI be aware of Mac adress when using Wol

2008-05-16 Thread Lesu

I have just spent an hour of very interesting network eavesdropping
using Netshark and WoL magic packet generating software, before
understanding what was going on. I have just switched over to a new PC
with WoL capability. Having done a factory reset, the 2 SB3's are now
functioning correctly with WoL.

I think the confusing thing about it all, is that once the SB3 has
detected a new network address and been told to use that as the server,
you would think that the MAC address would be included.
What you end up with is a perfectly functioning SB3 / server
combination, playing from the server to the SB3 without a hint of a
problem, but lurking inside the SB3 is an old MAC address from the
previous server. So WoL just doesn't work (unless your old server has
WoL and is still connected).

Shame I didn't find this thread first, but there is a lot of
correspondence buried in the forums.
Now I need to find out how to get the PC to shut down, it appears to
ignore the power shutdown settings at the moment.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox connection through Homeplugs

2008-05-12 Thread Lesu

Devers;301165 Wrote: 
 I have been successfully using SB3 through wireless connection, but now
 need to connect through a homeplug setup.
 However, SB will now not connect to the router when using the Homeplugs
 i.e cannot obtain ip address message appears.
 Homeplug network connects fine with a laptop pc, just not with the
 Squeezebox.  I have tried a crossover cable between SB and Homeplug, as
 suggested in previous threads, but get the same error message.
 Modem=Homeplug=Homeplug=Router=Squeezebox (connects to
 Doesn't work..
 Modem=Router=Homeplug=Homeplug=Squeezebox (with x-over cable)
 Any ideas anyone?
 Is the only solution to have another hub between the SB and homeplug?
 Windows XP running Slimserver
 SMC Barricade Wireless Router
 MSI homeplugs

Do you have security on your router set to restrict devices to only
those specifically named on a list?  I know I have that setting on my
Netgear router.
Also, are we talking about a separate Router and Modem? I noticed that
one of the connections, that you say works, has the Modem and Router in
different parts of the chain.


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Re: [slim] Suitability of Network Powerline Adapters?

2008-04-14 Thread Lesu

I too, have been using the 85Mb Homeplugs from Maplin very successfully.
After deciding to go over to using iPeng on an iPod Touch, I needed a
good wireless signal again, so I added a mains Homeplug connected
wireless extender + 4 port switch (Maplins £29) and effectively have
moved my WiFi access to a point lower down and nearer the middle of the
house. This has been useful not only for SB3 control, but allows me to
use my laptop in a less restricted area.


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Re: [slim] Wireless - yes, Homeplug - No

2008-04-10 Thread Lesu

The SB3 gets the IP adress automatically, no problem. It then says
192.etc.etc 'Simon1' (my music folder) then 'Conecting to Slimserver'
then nothing. SB3 screen just goes blank.

If you are getting that IP address message then the home plugs must be
working. The router has received the request for an IP address and has
allocated one and replied with the new address back to the SB3.
Therefore the network is working all the way from the SB3 to the router
and back again.
The problem lies in the server to router to SB3 path. Have you ever
tried connecting the SB3 wired direct to the router? This is
effectively what you have done using the homeplugs.
I've been using homeplugs very successfully, even using them on
different ring circuits in the house.


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[slim] Typical range of Duet in ad-hoc (Bridged) mode?

2008-03-26 Thread Lesu

What is the likely range I can expect if I use the controller in ad-hoc,
so called Bridged Network mode? The manual hints that it will be much
less than using Wifi. I need to know because if it is too short a
distance then I'll have to factor the cost of a range extender into the
Duet total price. I want to use the Duet controller in the back yard to
play music on exterior speakers. Range around 20m maximum with glass or
glass+ 1 wall blockage depending on where the Duet receiver goes in the


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Re: [slim] Typical range of Duet in ad-hoc (Bridged) mode?

2008-03-26 Thread Lesu

I don't intend to operate in adhoc mode if I go for a range extender
solution. I have a Wifi router that can be used for direct access, but
only if I add some form of wireless extension to boost the signal from
one side of the house out into the garden. If I can operate in adhoc
mode direct to the Duet receiver placed just inside the house and wired
back to the router, I won't need to buy a wireless network extender.


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Re: [slim] Connecting via Duet to a wired system

2008-03-19 Thread Lesu

Thanks for the confirmation.
Reading the Duet manual I notice it states that ad-hoc connections
using 802.11 will have a much reduced range. Has anybody had any
experience of the likely distance limit operating in this mode?


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[slim] Connecting via Duet to a wired system

2008-03-18 Thread Lesu

I'm trying to clear up some uncertainties I have about the capability of
the new Duet system.
I have 2 SB3's both running wired back to the router, which has its
wireless transmission switched off. It is switched off for security and
because it wasn't capable of transmitting to an SB3 positioned in the
far reaches of the house.
My idea is to buy a Duet system. Connect the Duet receiver wired back
to the router. Leave the router wireless transmission off and
communicate with the Duet in ad hoc mode using the new controller.
If I use this setup will I have control of both of my SB3's through the
Duet link?
As long as I position the Duet player centrally, I should always get a
signal between the controller and the Duet.
Is this a feasible system or have I got it wrong?


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[slim] Squeezebox Sonos link

2008-03-13 Thread Lesu

Using Google UK today searching for 'squeezebox', the sponsored link
that appeared at the top of the list was for Sonos! I don't know how
much it costs to get that association done, but it's nice to know who
Sonos consider their rival to be.
Maybe Logitech should get a Squeezebox link to appear over the Sonos
search list!


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[slim] How robust is the new Squeezebox controller?

2008-03-06 Thread Lesu

Having just watched my Squeezebox controller's battery cover fly off in
two pieces after dropping some 2 feet onto a wooden floor, I wonder how
the new controller would have fared. Sticky tape is now holding the
cover in place and on a cheap remote that's OK.
When the controller is nearly as expensive as the player, then you
really want a bounce, not a break! How robust is the new controller and
has anyone thought about how they are going to protect their precious
new acquisition from that inevitable fall?


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Re: [slim] Server upgrade - sound now dropping out

2008-02-07 Thread Lesu

I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 with Squeezecenter 7.0 - 17225 on a
Fujitsu-Siemens laptop 1.7GHz Centrino 500Mb memory.
It runs two SB3's (Firmware 86) perfectly at the same time while
playing FLAC files. I'm running the default skin with Firefox with no
extra plug-ins.
The SB3's are connected wired through Homeplugs to a router, so no
wireless connection.


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Re: [slim] Logitech Losing an Opportunity

2008-02-07 Thread Lesu

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I understand where you are coming from even if most other people don't.
You recognise that this format of central server and remote players is
going to need to be brought out of the hobbyist realm and into the
consumer device arena.
I have been going through this trial by fire of getting the whole
system running and it has been great fun getting a Linux machine up and
running, installing plug-ins, changing to a new release etc etc. It's
far more interesting than buying an adventure game.
However, I am retired, with days to spend on gleaning the required
knowledge to operate all this equipment.
I have used a cheap laptop to do all of this, but I'm not happy doing
it. It seems a waste of electricity and resources. I'm convinced, as an
ex-engineer, that there is a more energy efficient and effective way to
achieve the same thing.
I think that Logitech should be leading the way with, at the very
least, a recommendation, and possibly a tie-up with manufacturers who
can fill this gap.


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Re: [slim] Duet release date?

2008-02-05 Thread Lesu

One of the deciding factors must be when Squeezecenter 7 comes out of
beta. I can't believe they'd release the hardware with pre-release


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Re: [slim] Duet release date?

2008-02-05 Thread Lesu

Advancedmp3players (sellers in the UK) have revised their 'available by'
date from 1st Feb. to the 22nd Feb.
I hope that's true, I'm hoping to purchase a Duet in the duty-free shop
while on holiday.


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